VALLEY RECORD. Examine our premium offer».>e» -hoes »1.23 pair at Hunsaker* l»eer are very plentiful up on Rogue river this tail. Ja>ne* Xorrt* *ell* lumber. Leave your onler* at IgK-key'«. A «laughter wan liorn unto C. P. Book an«l wife on the 2nth. Have you »een th«-»e line blanket» at the 4»blat«o Woolen Mill»? RECORD. VALLEY rilESMED BltK'KK. vol . in. WALIMFS rich copper mines ASHLAND. THE INDIAN DEPARTMENT. JACKSON VALLEY RECORD. Published every Thursday by the VALLEY’ RECORD PUBLISHING GO E. J. KAISER, Editor. COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 30. 1890. AN INDIAN'S IDEA OF A COMET NO. 25. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year....................................................$2 60 Six months ............................. .......... 1 50 Three months......................................... 75 Advertising rates given on application. Local notices 15c i>er line for first inser tion and 8c for each subsequent insertion. Obituary lines, memorial resolutions, cards of thanks, etc., at half rates. KDBOUCZEOLD SHOULD BE WITHOUT J UTHER L. BURTENSHAW.' Tltey have I «een offering .”7** cent» for A party of prominent mining men vis- i A Eeuer by Gen. Applegate that The Vie Theory of the Sun and the Iwifsi in Mai ion county. Moon and Their Numerous Progeny. ite.d the rv<p;*r mines near Waldo re- ’ Circa a Faint Idea of the Contempt I ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY Mi*» I«ia Lane ha* been visiting Mrs. cently. They were Thomas Couch, pres- i in Which lie Hold* Harriaon'N Puri During the year the comet was stream PUBLIC. ’ ¡«lent of the Boston and Montana cop;ier ; tanical Government. Jas. I’orter at Granta Fats. ing in the sky I was camping one night mine, of Butte City, Montana, (the •**- -( Will practice in all the Courts of the State in a canyon near the foot of Cook ’ s Peak. Mr. ami Mrs. Fred Shultz bare re- on«l largest copper mine in the world);! The U:.c<>ur> is in jiossession of a copy N. M. Business in the V. 8. Land Office will re • * turne»i from the Fortland exposition. M ceive prompt attention. Office tirst door Angus McQueen, chief manager; D. M. of the following letter written by Gen. •' è . In the party was an old and—for an north of Bank of Ashland. Ashland, Or, John Cantrall, an early pioneer, died Evans, chief chemist and assaver of the E. L. Applegate» recently removed by »S i Proprietor. ut Uniontown on the 22d, aged 54 years. Anaconda copper company; E. W. Rob President Harrison from the Indian agen Indian—a fairly intelligent Ute named s J N. PHILLIPS, the mining ex|«ert of the Southern i cy at the instigation of Bishop Newman's Sam. Sam had been attached to some G. W. (5»»per, of Me<lfor«l, has been erts, —Manufacturers of the Celebrated— Methodist conference, liecanse of his cavalry troop at Fort Cummings as a Pacific railroad company an«l A. C. Caia-1, i one of the Lite visitors to the I'ortlami a well known mining luan of Montana, i non-ortl»o<lox opinions: The letter was scout, but his day of leaving the service ! fair. ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR AT LAW Them- men are the owners of the property written to his son : being reached he attached himself to E. I' i’i< kens has aol«l tmlf of hin farm ■ in that ’¡« inity. The Grants Pass four-! A few days ago I received the follow - me—for a consideration. Pointing to ASHLAND. - OlCKliOX. on Roo» river to W. R. Dickenson for I ier interviewed these men, an«! reports:. ing letter from Washington : the comet 1 asked Sam what he could I The returns from the two < arlo-i Is of orc I $$N0. I O ffice —Room 2. Masonic Temple Block. Dept, of the Interior, Census Office,) say in its defense from the standpoint away am! tested has been so sat- j Washington, D. C., Sept. 17, 1890J of a Ute Sam was, unlike most In C. Cunningham of Ft. Klamath left shippeii isfactorv that thev will not ship the 100 My Dear Sir:—I received this day your Ashland Fri'iay via the sonth for a trip tons as first intended for a test. The census return of the Klamath agency. I dians. a good single handed talker and O J. H. HALL, to Kansar. question now is the capacity of the mine, want to thank you for your most excel could speak English very welL He was ambitious to perfect hims elf B F. Dowell's squeaky voice was hear«! an«! to »Mpit :n this, further develop lent work. Your compensation will lie O in Walla W ilia the other «lay, gathering ment will to be made, consequently forwirded you in a few «lavs PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Very In the language and readily seized on every chance for a “ talk." Indeedl dis Indian war claim». thev liave oRiereii a tunnel 400 feet in truly, T homas D onaldson , (N ine Y ears in H ospital P kacticr .) run at the base of the moun covered him on one or two occasions all Spe. ial Agt. in charge 22d Division. The good IrtMinesa man ami shrewd length to to be bi« under tl»e supervision of the E. L. Arri.roATE, U. 8. Indian Agent, alone and talking vigorously at a mark, Office in Brick Block on Oak street, Sec barer don't »kip the advertisements in tain, well known mineralogist,Col. J. A. Strait, R estless ?: ess - ■ ?r-- ond door from Main Street. like a savage Demosthenes sans the peb Klamath county, Oregon the leading pa(>er». i whoffias been in charge of th«* mine sin«*e Five Double Strands Galvanized Bessemer Steel Wire A shland - - - - - - - - O regon . A STRICTLY VtQZTABLB bles. Now he wants to thank tne for in y FAULTLESS FLM1LT MEDICINE. Col. J. N. T. Miller went out to hia its first discovery. This tunnel and the “Tell about that?” said Sam, point ■ Klamath « «»Uiity ranch a few «lay» ago,on various cross < uts, will thoroughly pros most excellent work. The best work I di<l was in amending the oath furnished ing toward the comet. “ Sam do it Q a short liuaiiivm trip. pect the five claims now owned by the ROBERT A. MILLER. CONTINUOUS TWIST of the WIRE. me, by curing it of its theoretical impos heap easy, you l>et. The sun is the man Ferry Frater of upper Rogue river Oregon A California companv, and the sibilities ami bringing it within the range and he have moon for squaw. The stars Ï ANY" KIND AND SIZE PICKETS. *hlp|>e«i hi» fall clip, over 800 It ». of wool, five claims owned by the Boston A Mon-1 of human possibilities. I reduced the. —big stars and little stars—all ore their ATTORNEY’-AND-COUNS ELOR-AT- tana coui[<any. The Anaconda Copper i PHILADELPHIA. from Mulford »tatiou. oath, before I took it, to common sense, j 4W “ Cheaper than a Rai! Fence, More Durable than Boards, and Stronger than children. The sun don’t like ’em and company also have five claims which i Price, ONE Uolhr ¡S§g LAW, so that the work muld be done in a com- , California prunes are now leading the they intend to prospect. arb Wire Fence. Handsome LAWN FENCES to Order, chases ’em. If he catch one he eats it. w .««ML» - »Z’.-W—EM French article in the New York market In answer to the qustion, “how long mon-sense way—ami lie wants to thank J acksonville - - - - O regon . “This makes the stars heap ’fraid, and W ■» i ks ko N orth S ipe of R. R. C rossing . H elman S treet . by from 2 to 21* cents. will it require to run this tunnel and ; me! and pay me! I feel as though I when the sun has his sleep over and ought to allow him to do sc: for it is cer The majority of the ills of the human Will practice in all the courts of the Geo. R. Haimuersly, of Paisley, is a crosscuts?” Col. Straight said it depend-' tainly the tirst symptom of sense that I comes out the stars run and hide. When body arise from a di1--', used Liver* iSini- State. Office with W. 11. Parker, opposite resident oi Jacksonville with his family. ed altogether as to what they woubi find have yet seen manifested by this Ad tl»e sun comes stars go—creep into holes Court House. xnons Liver Regulator ! been the means —he though it would require about three! ministration. surveyor Hi* ol<iest eon is studying law. and hide. But the moon is good. of restoring people t j health and . XX. i Vuxi V, and 6 0vernmen f |_ an( j Locator. months; but it may take longer. happiness by '’ring t. cm a healthy “She loves her children, the stars, and Toni Miles an<! family are in from Kla They made observations and found an I It appears that when the Oregon Del C. CALDWELL, Liver than any < ■’ ; y on earth. math county. The latter will remain all I easy route for a railroad to tap the O. A I egation closely pressed the Department when the sun sleeps she comes out in the for the charges against me, the Acting JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. winter with Mrs. M.’s parents. BE£ THAT 1OL CE1 »UE GENLJLNIL sky, and the stars are glad, and they C.’s and will build a 40-mile branch to Commissioner gave the business away. MECHANICAL AND OPERATIVE AVING gained a complete knowledge of the lay of the land in this country by ac Henry II. Gilfrv, reading clerk of the their mines the first thing if they fiml a It was this, inv appointment “ was a come out of the places they hide in and DENTIST. tual experience, I am thereby enabled to give strangers seeking information* the U 8. senate, with wife und daughters is large body of ore. Huge smelting works staggering blow to the confidence of many forget to be 'fraid and play. best of satisfaction. Locating on government lands a specialty. 3-7 Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the will then lie started. The out-put of “ But when the sun wakes again they •|>en<ling his vacation in Oregon. ” painless extraction of teeth. Southern Oregon’s mines will then be republicans. run. He is always after them, and he These staggering republicans could not Lew Palm, who has been the guest of counted by the millions w here it is count Office over the Bank. have been in Oregon, because after I was i catches them sometime. This one,” con his brotlier C. W. Palm, the Medford ed now the thousands of dollars. appointed we had an election here and tinued Sam. again pointing at the comet, lan«l holder, went to Salem last week. TITZE JLSHLJLTTHD republicans carried the state by a “the sun catch one time. He got away, J T. BOWDITCH, Willis F Griffin aud Miss Mary E. JACKSON CO. AND ITS DISPLAY j the large majority—I believe, bv an increas Solias were married ut the resilience of Praised bjr.a Correspondent—Ben. F. I ed majority. No, it was not in Oregon . though, but the sun bite him and hurt ATTORNEY’ AT LAW. him. That's why he bleed so. Now he’s the bride in Jacksonville on the 15th. Miller's Good Work The Western republican does not stagger heap scared, and so bo keeps Ins face al A shland ,.................................. O regon td E iutob V alley R ecord :— John B. Wrisley and Mart Armstrong at trifles. They were undoubtedly East ways toward the place where the sun is Will practice iu all courts of tLe state. ’HEBEST 24lN-SAFETYEVERMA0t According to agreement I shall en ern republicans. were chasing the wild beasts of tbe for Collections promptly made. deavor to give you notice of some things est in the Elk creek section last week. This complaint was put in by Brother I sleeping.”—Cor. Kansas City Star. ADJUSTABLE 114EVERY BEARING Rivetted overall* 65 cent* at Hunsakers. going on here. I arrived here about 3 Millikins Dorchester, and 1 atn of the AGENTS WANTED P. M., Oct. 13th.. and after lunch, took i opinion, that with him and his class it is Bees Sting a Team to Death. Known as the Youle & Gilroy mill, is now CATALOGUE DESCRIBING OUR FULL LINE The lactorv at Grants Pass is filling an cable car for N. P. Industrial Fair. a species of “blind staggers,” and the OF WHEELS SENTON APPLICATION. While William Harris and his son order of 75,(MM orange ami citrus fruit When I first entered the building I was condition is in the mind and inherited, James were at the McKim farm, Steuben loxes. This will undoubtedly lead to struck with amazement—the splendor I j You know, that notwithstanding bis ville. on the West Virginia side of the ■T V?‘L£0O,OMi0. M/ j li I more. will not attempt to describe; it seemed great pretence of saintl}’ pietv we are able river, two horses, hitched at the side of Miss Minnie Rockfellow left for San as if I had traveled miles in enchahted > to prove this Brother Millikins to be a the bam, slipped their bridles and start In charge of- Diego last week to attend school and re regions. In mv wandering I loomed up i liar and a sneak. And why should he ed to run away. Harris, seeing the run ----- o----- in Horticulture Hall ; here I witnessed , not lie? The Constitution of the United main all winter with E. F. llockfellow’s away. tried to head the horses, causing the finest display of fruits, vegetables States forbids the government from prop ! EAST SIDE OF MAIN STREET, family. and grain that 1 ever saw on this coast or agating any religion, and these oflicer»of them to turn and go through a fence in (South of the grocery store.) The opening of the state fair in Ala I in the East. On the west side of the hall , the Indian service are sworn to carry out to a yard where there were thirty bee ----- o----- bama was begun by Mrs. Cleveland start I noticed a streamer branded Jackson tl(at Constitution ; and, therefore, when hives. Tlireo hives were knocked over AU Orders for SASH. DOORS. BLINDS. MOULDINGS, Etc., Etc. ing the nuu’hinery by pressing the elec County. I approached the tables and we find them meddling and practically by the horses. ashionable dressmaking and tric button. repairing done in a neat and satisfac was cordially invited to examine the ‘ propagating religion, by their official au Thousands of bees swarmed over the tory manner. or for FINISHING LUMBER, or MILL-WORK of ANY’ KIND, C. L. Syilenstricker, the Sams valley products of Rogue River Valley by the thority and at the expense of the govern horses, which lay down in the harness farmer anil orcliardist, raised a large sur j gentleman who has the exhibit in charge ment, and enforcing religious tests, we moaning piteously. As young Harris Promptly attended to. Address, Ashland, Or. 5d] plus of fine apples this vear which he is I—Mr. B. F. Miller, of Gold Hill—and see that thev are not only capable of could not 6ee the horses suffer he cut ( right here I must say that Southern Ore- I iving but are, in reality, not only traitors marketing at Gold Hill. j gon has the right man in the right place, to the cause of civil liberty, but also per the traces with a butcher knife, while Mrs D. J. Lumsden, wife of the Med 1 and it is acknowledged by the leaders of jured knaves. the bee3 attacked him. He started the ford capitalist, who was called to the the exhibit that he is the best qualified Their only defense is, their lack of horses off. When loose from the cattle death-bed of her father in Kansas re and most entertaining exhibitor in the sense. That their lunacy is inherited. crate the horses ran in all directions in A full supply of octfll Ashland, Oregon. cently, arrived home last week hall. He has arranged in an entirely That it descends front the fabricators of the fields, uttering unnatural squeals, at ». C offins , C askets , R obes of all S izes Ben Tabor is superintending the con different plan to the others, which makes the Blue Laws, and th* prosecutors of times rolling in the grass, moaning ter G loves , C repes , E tc . struction of a handsome resilience for it so interesting. Those very large and heretics and witches. ribly. l'rof. T. E Cai ley, on the latter's prop delicious fruits, so temptingly displayed, Finding that I belonged to no religious ASHLAND, - - OREGON. One horse lay down in a creek, where never fail to draw a continual crowd who order, that I was a person whose mind erty in ths Flsaaant creek section. I it rolled and shrieked till death ended —VIA— Twenty-five years experience in Ashland. gazcJn WQUlgr at the. various products ’W. C. Lewis has sold the balance of of that wonderful valley. Mr. Miller is wiM,aM»aanreabi.v free from the bias oi the its sufferings. The other horse was Embalming with the aid of a skilled, physi- old suiierstitions, and in some degree ca his band of imported Galloways to F. C. busy from morning till 11 o’clock P. M., cian. of the enjoyment of mental liberty ; caught and hay burned under it, but the Homes, the enterprising Illinois farmer and does more work than any three men pable horse died in a short time. Both were Office and ware-room on Main street, at and was, therefore, in perfect accord with who purchased the Judge Tolman place. here. I noticed while here that he was the principles of the Constitution; and fine animals. Young Harris was stung foot of Granite. Dr. Clinton Cooke, formerly of Salem, often called upon bv the horticulturist to I that, therefore,"i would not be likely to badly, but he was bathed in a tub of in this state, and who lately mysteriously ’ identify certain varieties of fruits His | prostitute a government office to the en- soda water, counteracting the poison.— Shasta Line. of corn alone will attract bun- forceiuent of any religion—that I would Cincinnati Enquirer. disappeared from Chicago, has been | display I ***** IM ZWt *«>**—a ****1» ** F-CJ • immediately, *■» .w. .4 « <. S x. 1«- .. and .. -J .» _ 1 __ 1 let » religion IT •_ 1 be _ so _ merely __ 1 _ _ a per ..... of *>*> home-seekers found in Philadelphia. He is thought to i » dreda simply if Rogue River dor.’t get a boom I miss sonal right us the Constitution places it— be deranged. .ny guess B. B. then, per-consequence, these fanatical Suicide of Portuguese Author*. Express Trains Leave Portland Daily The Mail says, anent the branch rail- ■ Portland, Or., Oct. 17, 1890. cranks were staggered—my appointment road, that Medford and Jacksonville will' A German contemporary, The Voss- ¿’»¿YZYwill buy the ODELL TY’PE South I I North I was a staggering blow ! be the St. Paul and Minneapolis oi South-1 ischo Zcitung. draws attention to the f ' O^V/ WRITER with 78 characters, MR. CLEVELAND. 6:00p m Lv Portland Ar 9:35 a m Is this what has become of the great and $15 for the Single Case Odell, war- — j AT THE > — ern Oregon. Where will the Chicago number of suicides which have lately ' rante 1 to do better work than any machine 9:00 a m ' Ar Ashland Lv 6:10 p m Cliuuneey llcix-w Kerens to Him as i republican party? and New York get off at? 9:30 a m Lv Ashland Ar 5:40 p in taken place among Portuguese authors. made. ---------- Are these blind staggerers to set the t lie Tj pli ai American. 7:45 a m Ar SanFranciscoLv 7:00j> m It combines simplicity with durability , PARIS EXPOSITION, 1S8». The Salem Statesn an, alter sweep- j test of who may be rewarded or honored Last June the aged poet Castello Bran ing around the political horizon with its I It is evident that Depew does not count by this party? co, the best liked novel writer of the speed , ease of operation , wears longer Above trains stop only at following sta without cost of repairs than any other ma tions north of Roseburg: East Portland, weather eye, concludes that “it don’t j on the nomination for president by the I am of the opinion that if the repub country, shot himself. He was well off chine Has no ink ribbon to bother the op Oregon City, Woodburn, Salem, Albany, look like there's going to be much fun in , republican convention in 1892. At the lican party allows itself to lie rode ami ■ and had a numerous family, but had erator. It is nf . at , substantial , nickel Call and examine them, Tangent, Shedds, Halsey.Harrisburg, Junc in 11 New-York,last the senatorial tight this winter.” f banquet i I* to Gen. Pryor, ” j r UIUVU drove by UV these VliCDC blind UJ1I1U «LilkillCI staggerers, C!1 B, iXUU and i lately suffered from a malady of the plated, perfect and adapted to all kinds of tion City, Irving, Eugene. week Mr. Depew was called upon for a , niake8 ¡j8 nppeal to thp American people type writing. Like a printing press, it pro ' eyes. Shortly before his death he had A nionunient is about to be placed | ■ speech, and alter speaking about the dis- 1 • ■ ■ ■ Roseburg Mail Daily. tne <iis- j ¡ n tjjjg handicapped si«,d„uoi., it will lie NOW ON EXHIBITION AT duces sharp, clean, legible manuscripts. over the grave of Col. I»awrencc 8. Helm, I tinguished acts of various men i......... L around i p, receive some staggering blows I written a novel in which voluntary Two or ten copies can be made at one writ leavk : arrive : father of Mrs. Judge Neil of Jacksonville, I i the beard, be said: "If 1 were asked - death was praised as the most beautiful ing Any intelligent person can liecome an to Portland .8:00 am Roseburg.. .5:40 p ni at that place. Mr. Helm was born in t ' name the most successful character in that will send it to grass; for, I an sat close to an active life. His funeral was operator in two days. We offer $1,000 to Roseburg .6:20 a m Portland .4:00 pm Virginia on April 4th, 1814, ami die«l in i ' American life, the unswerving determi- isfied that the American people are not I celebrated like that of Victor Hugo in any operator who can equal the work of the yet so far degenerated as to quietly allow Oregon, November 9th, 1889. Double Case Odell i nation and the courage of the true Amer- a few religious cranks to convert the na ' France. Albany Local, Daily,(Except Sunday.) Reliable Agents and Salesmen wanted. Chaa. Hughes, of Waldo, one of the i ■ ican, the man who knows duty and it tional government into an hierarchy. A few weeks later the author Silva Special inducements to Dealers. leave : arrive : most progressive citizens in Southern ' alone when public service commands it, MAIN STREET, BETWEEN CHURCH For Pamphlet giving Indorsements, Ac., It snowed vesterdav and I was out late, de Braga took bis own life after writ- Portland . .5:00 pm Albany........9:00p m Oregon will commence work at the cop- | the man who wars in war and is for giving directions how a guard should be ' ing many realistic novels in which the Address Albany . 5:00a iu Portland.. i 9;00a m AND GRANITE __ ____ _ ' jteace in peace, I would name General maintained all night on a large coal pit ODELL TYPE WRITER CO., tier mines in which he and Ex-Gov. hero always committed suicide. On the 8587- Sth Ave. Chicago, Ill. T. Mierman. Chadwick are interested, The death of; A shland , - O rbgo *. we are burning. As I came home there I “But if I am to name the typieaLAmer- was quite a blizzard blowing. I was 23<1 of July a school director and secre the other partner, Supt. J. Brandt, has tary of the municipality of Almada, PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. I ican, the man who loves aud believes iu retarded their work somewhat. alone and everywhere was dark and Pacifie Coa't Main office, 1368 Majket St. JLS2ETLJLTTID bis country beyond everything else, the shut up; all, except the guard fire and Professor Arthur Mattos e Lemos, took John H. Bentley, formerly of Medford, i «.fi0> determining once in what di- TOURIST SLEEPING CARS San Francisco, Cal. upper bay window of the agent’s his life in a hotel in Lisbon vrith a re who skipped out of Ualia Walla some I rection his duty leads,cannot be swerved the volver. In a letter to his wife he de house The sidewalk was covered with For accommodation of Second Class Pas months ugo with »10,000 in his pocket i froni hjg path, the man who is doggedly sengers, attached to Express Trains. and the dark and obscure scenes, clared that the earthly life offered him and that much indebted to creditors, is I persistent in what he believes to be right, snow in the real estate business at Galveston, | t|,e 1Ilan wj)0 thinks not of sell, but of his outlined by streaks and decks of snow, no more room for the development of ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OR, WEST SIDE DIVISION. reminded me of last winter and the awful his mind. On the 25th of the same Texas, *Hh hi* brother. Bentley s fath- j country and its needB, I would name life IS A NEW VEHICLE, WHICH SUPPLIES A LONG FELT WANT. and death struggle we had here. Between Portland and Corvallis. month Professor Frederick Augustus ...|32. gcholarship. one year ....... er is a millionaire. | Grover Cleveland. What he has accorn- Many and vivid were the recollections MAILTRAIN DAILY (EXCEPT SUNDAY.) ....... »25. The man who cheats the editor out of plisbed is the very highest tribute to awakened in my mind. It actually seem Oom, director of the Royal observato Commercial Course............ ....... »15. a single cent, will never reach that heav-; American citizenship. A country lawyer ed to me that 1 could hear the voices of ry nt Ajada, also shot himself. He was Traming School. per year. LEAVES ABKIVlai enlv land,where Elijah went! But when m the city of Buffalo, he shed lustre upon my children and friends in the sighings only 45. Portland....7:30am i Corvallis. (orvaliis. 12'lOpm 12:10 pm at last the race is run—his life of toil and the high profession which be had chosen, mtijp wind in the limbs of the trees. Corvallis. 12:,'>5 p m | Portland... .5:30 p iu The Girl* Stood by Him. woe, he’ll straightway go to the fiery ! As the mayor oi his native city he pre- ¡ Then j keeniv missed vou, and the rest At Albany and Corvallis connect with Robert Smythe, the waiter who was land, where they never shovel snow. ..... 1 - a elean — - . • and -- ! (.odl<ln’t help« reflect- ■ eented as his record and 1----------- econom-1 1 of the folks trains of Oregon Pacific Railroad. placed in the St. Andrew's jail for an .„.i ¡cal administration. Coming into the ' ror a uulu tonic, gentle laxative and in-, . . . ... . ,, , ■ ... i ing on the partiality, injustice and mean Express Train Daily (Except Sunday.) vigorator, take Simmons Liver Regulator. ! highest position in the land without pre- ¡ ness of the inner priesthood of the im assault on Manager Carter, of the Al THE ONLY TRUE LEAVE Altai VF. i vious experience and witn scarcely a I mortal Indian ring. How that preacher gonquin hotel, had his trial last week, Some very rich ore has been taken | precedent to guide him in the conditions agents here had been allowned to have a and was sentenced to pay a fine of $4 Portland . 4:40 p m j M’Minnville 7:25 pin from the Braden ledge. Gold Hill, dur- which surrounded him, he won the afiec- number oi the members of their own with costs, $4.75—in all $8.75—or to be M’Minnville.5:45am | Portland ,8:20a m ing the last week. The company now tions of his party and commanded the re- families employed here in the public ser imprisoned forty days. The female wait T I R • U C 11 TICKETS Is ill piati pronoee to let two contracts, one to sink a spect and admiration of his opponents, vice—as many as three or four of them at ers in the hotel on hearing the result shaft and one to drift a tunnel, the ob- 1 find myself in ene of the proudest posi-1 a time; and, how that I could not l>e al- i raised the amount, and in a body went EUT lib K • LT 11. ject being to ascertain whether the rock ; tions of my life in being permitted to i lowed one, and how that every stupid to the jail and paid it over to the jailer, will all pay to crush or if it is only a pock-1 present to you Grover Cleveland as the I technicality was immovably placed across ' For tickets and full information regarding thus securing Smythe's release. They et ledge.—[Mail. i typical American.’’ rates, maps, etc., call on company’s agent my path to prevent, and di<l prevent it. took Smythe up in their arms and car at Ashland. Will tlM BM» ranilaUth« The question ha* been asked. “In what I It is needless to say that the warmth of These cranks, these fanatics, these inher- ; i. Llwr and KMavys and lUatara th« R. KOEHLER, E P. ROGERS. respect are St. Patrick's Pills letter than I this eulogy coming from the man who itors and perpetuators of tiie barbarisms, ! ried him from the jail to the street, and I Health and VlgarafYaalh. ------- Manager. Asst. G. F & I'ass. Agt Want of I - * any other?” Try them. Y’ou will find that has been so frequently suggested as the superstitions, injustice and meanness of gave him three hearty cheers. They then a«h of ■■ ■ -w-—w—— ■! — Tt fi ' -t. Ktronjr, -ssy riiiin«». aiv. * - -1! made, having three elliptic Rp>-inge underneath the they produce a pleasanter cathartic effect, i republican candidate for the presidency ; escorted him to the railway station, and ealing absolaUlycurad.Bonas, body (tiiese ■: n-.-s are n-n ' . s. .;iy : r ti- < x-tva n and will carry 500 Il>«. with ease), doable aaac _ I a and nerve* receive are more certain in their action, and that caused admiring amazement, and bis | the dark ages recognized that I did not j before he stepped on board the car was I collar. bteelKv!*«. th» b-:C e-ei t.:—. eat »;■ ash. tuid a solid beaded bottom. It lias a box new force. Enlivens the mind belong to the hierarchy that has already 1 they not only physic but cleanse the whole und -¡hr.-.: rs- .-! ■ a i n —-re guard around the back tor holding larger uacluMtea. ___ nd supplies Brain Power. system and regulate the liver and Iniwels. ! words sent a thrill through the gather I seized upon the Indian department. It i embraced and kissed by some' of his fe Iu; catalogue and pinaM. 2la.1t-iaef.nvd by ii i ■■________________ Suffering from complaints 1 L JL a IT to their sex will find For sale at 25 cents per box by Chitwood ing which found its vent in long con ' seemed to me that I bore the same rela- male admirers, and as the traip moved G.YIlIJINilill CltOKM, AUI ELO peculiar in DR. HARTEK'8 I ROM tinued applause. Bros., druggist*. ‘ tion to them that the loyal offi< er in the ’ off they saluted their protege with TONIC a safe and speedy cure. Gives a dear, heal» l-oiiix-vllla-, K y. tKy aomplexion. Frequent attempts at counterfeit» army bore to the seceding confederates— I cheers, just the same as men would do. There are only two states producing , inf only add to the popularityof'theoriginal. Do not experiment—get tbe ORIGINAL aad BIST. quicksilver, viz: California and Oregon. 1 Fruit I at nds in the Willamette Valley. I could surrender, be struck down, or fly ! i —Bangor Commercial There are six mines, three in California • The Oregon Land Company of Salem, Is these dismal thoUL’hts passed through ’ ■ Headache. Sample Dose and Dream Book! iind three in Douglas county, Or. There I Oregon, is offering some choice bargains my mind the wind swept over the ad- : on receipt of two cent« in postage. f Dr. HARTER MEDICINE CO., Stloui», Kt, are seven furnaces, three oi which are in in fruit lands. This land is situated from jacent pine forest with a yet louder roar, ; Exact. Douglas eountv. The yield of cinnabar ¡ 3l2 to 5 miles from the State Capitol,with and for the moment I imagined that I i Mother—Grace, I am astonished at was in 1889 92.964 short tons, or 16,464 its excellent shipping facilities, cannery, was a Siberiau exile. you. I heard George kiss you six or tiasks. The amount of wages paúl was etc., an«l is especially adapted to fruit Oregon Developement Co.’s “Is this the best?” is a question often seven times in succession last evening. »626,289. The number of men employe«! raising. i asked, when medicine is wanted. The fol- dear. Grace — It was ten, mamma, was 961.—Ex. Five acre tracts from »55.00 to »75.00 I lowing are a few of the medicines of known STEAMERS. Epoch. Criminal carelessness to allow the bron per acre all cultivated and ready to set to reliability, sold by Chitwood Bros., <lrug- chial tubes and lungs to become perman-1 trait. ; gists of this place. They have many other It Would Seem So. Carpenter and Builder I Ten-acre tracts partially cultivated for excellent medicines, but these are worthy ently injured by a hacking cough when SHORT LINE TO CALIFORNIA. Mr. Goslin—I was at a feast of lan- Wright's Red Cross Cough Svrup is an in »50.00 per acre I of esj>ecial mention: A shland O regon fallible cure. Sold by T. K. Bolton. C hamberlain ’ s C ocgh R emedy , famous terns last night. Miss Amy. Twenty acres light timber land with for its cures of severe colds, and as a pre- . Miss Amy—Indeed! Rather a light FREIGHT AND FARES the LOWEST An adventuress at Jacksonville. Mad- i 1 good spring branch, »35.00 per acre for croup. Price 50 ets per bottle. | repast, wasn’t it?—Munsey's Weekly. Twenty-five acres, fifteen acres in cul ventative ame Joubet, made notorious by the East C hamberlain ’ s P ain B alm , a general Repairing will Receive Prompt ern and California press as the woman tivation, spring branch running on the family liniment and especially valuable for i Steamer Sailing Dates: Could Not Tell a Lie. who has ruined so many ho nes by intro place, for »35.00 per acre. rheumatism. Price 50 cts per bottle. Forty acies of choice land all cultivat- i C h AMiiERLAix's C olic C holera and D i - . Attention. ducing a book called ‘’Are Women Schovlma’am (severely)—Johnny, now FROM YAQUINA : Slave®?” was at Jacksonville, in this ¡ . ed, small house.some young fruit already akkhifa R kmfpy . the most reliable known • tell me! What have you in your hand? Steamer Willamette Valley— Oct 4th, medicine for Isovel complaints. It is es set out, »70.00 per acre. State, recently, and at last accnqnts was 18th and 27 th Johnny — A sliver, mann. — Lowell Forty acres of land all cultivate!, in pecially prised by persons subject to colic. headed northward. She is a very stout, wheat EROM SAN FRANCISCO t It bos cured many case« of chronic diar- Citizen. this year, for »65.00. max uiine looking woman, and it is said Forty-three acres, twenty-five acres culti-: rhera Price 25 and 50 cts ner bottle. Steamer Willamette Valley — Oct. 13Ui, she baa a faculty of working herself into valed. The New Discovery 8r. P atrick ’ s P ills , for disorders of the L og ,L umberyard T rucks tine spring branch, place all fenced 22nd and 31st. the irood graces of mast any lady with in for »40 iO per acre. liver and ls>wels. A vigorous but gentle i Y’ou have heard your friends and neigh-' SPRING WRGOIt.y.ALLSTYLES. The company reserves the right to whom site comes in contact, and exerts Fruit rai-ers profit from »IuO 60 to »130 00 phvsic that cleaii'es and renovates the bors talking about it. You may yourself change sailing dates without notice. whole system. 1'rice 25 cts per box. an influen-e over her which is not cal per acre after the trees are 4 years old | be one of the many who know from person Trains connect with O. A C. R. »od Riv CH IMBEBLAIN’S E ye AND SKIN OINTMENT, al ex|>erience just how good a thing it is. HOGGINS patent culated to make her any the better sat Au industrious man can make a good er Boats at Corvallis and Albany. for tetter, salt rheum, sraldhead. eczema and living for hi- family while his orchard is I If you have ever tried it, you are oue of its Freight and ticket office, Salmon street isfied with her lot in life; but on the con _____ JL ap * ï 5 C haise . into bearing b\ raising vegetables chronic sore eyes. Price 25 cts per box. staunch frieirls, because the wonderful wharf, Portland. trary, succeeds in convincing her that coining ami various crops for the cannery. Let us 1 thing about it is, that when once given* a C. H. HASWELL, J b ., Genl F. A P. Agt. “marriage is a failure,” and that she is know «bat amount vou have toinve-t and PAYENT CHAISE BRAISF trial. Dr. King's New Discovery ever after Buck len s Arnica Salve 34 Montgomery St., San Francisco. only a slave to her lord and master. It we will advise as to location. holds a place in the house. If you have C. C HOGUE, Ac’tG.F. A P. A.O. P.R.. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts. is doubtful if there is another person in Send for maps, pamphlets and price lists never used it and should l>e afflicted with a (jorvallis. Oregon. Bruises Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever cough, the United States that has been the cause to THKOREGON LAND COMPANY. cold or any throat, lung or chest i i Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Salem. Oregon secure a bottle at once and give it To of as many divorcee.—[Portland Wel -Ji* -U «i Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi ; a trouble, fair trial It is guaranteed every lime, or come. As a strengthener * the digestive organs. tively cures Illes, or no pay required. It is money refunded Trial bottles free at Ashland Fence Works! H. h g g fc. 0 s EMERY, D“ S1Wi8Wff’ H f N A VOTTKTCr A. H LhziERöWßlCYÄJ H. S. EMERY RUNNING IN FULL BLAST, JAMES S. ROGERS DRESSMAKING ESTABLISHMENT Manager. F Prices Reasonable. Funeral Director. MRS. M. L. STANLEY, WAS AWARDED EÀST AND SOUTH THE ONLY THE ODELL TYPEWRITER M artin a H arris ’ OHLY PERFECT State Normal School SEV/lNG MECHANISM .F amily U8Ê. •IRON - TONIC rt m THE YAQUINA ROUTE O. R. Buckman TOWN LOTS! a GnV R. R. ADDITION H Men'* and boys’ clothing, loot*, shoes, j U right's Iron Tonic has no equal. Tones guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or Chitwood Bros.’ drugstore. ate., etc., of latest stylaa, finest quality and the entire nervous system and renews ebb- money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. ' Oxford ties, »1.25 pair at Hunsakers. L or sale by Chitwood Bros. at prices that defy competition, at McCall's I ing strength. Sold by T. K. Bolton. Inquire at the R kord office. - jìne vjis . Read the “Records' Premiums.