Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1890)
VALLEY RECORD Dits. HARKIN' COMING. STRICTURE! Why the reach Crop Failed. FOR SALE! Examine the VALLEY REC ORD’S Premium Offers. It will A shland M arble Pay Y ou to Invest. I will 6ell on long time or exchange for j Henry A. Elbert, a veteran peach They Will Have Their office« in thia grower of Delaware, says that the real City at The Oregon, and will Re A* H LA ND O» . TltiMit Oct. ¿i LsUO cause of the peach failure is that in Permanently Cure.-i without Cutting Burn main From Oct »tier 26th to Delaware, as well as in most of the other ing or Dilating. A perfectly painless treat November l«t. Kubt. *ny« limit of a trotter’« «peed. »ill be the These far-famed physicians, who have achieved a great reputation throughout the Northwest, have been prevailed upon Ttie yearling colt record wa» lowered by parties in this vicinity to visit Ash at Napa to 2 while the «tailion re land. One of the doctors will open of fices at The Oregon, for one week only, cord wm «.ut down to 2:11>* by Stam- from Octotier 2tith to N'ovemlier 1st, aiid boul, Siam bo ul'« last quarter being a the opportunity should not be lost to con He comes 2:07 gait. On the 9th, at Terre Haute, sult this famous physician. the fastest mile in bar nets was made by highly recommended and laden with 1 testimoniáis from throughout the state Pointer, 2109%. ami the authenticated reports of the cures seem nothing short el miraculous. The ravage« of phylloxera are causing His office consultation is free, so that cooaternatioa in the champagne district should there 1« any cases that are incur of France. Extensive preparations have able he will immediately discover them, been made to give the ground a thorough thus saving their patrons any further ex penditure of money and time,which they drenching with a «olution of carbonate might otherwise squander. of aulphor and the government will ten Unlike other physicians who have be come eminent in their profession, the der aaaiaUnce in the work. doctors’ charges are extremely moderate, You can always find who are the live and they will not undertake any cases I business men of any city, and who are that they cannot cure or benefit. Drs. Darrin make a specialty of diseas doing the buaineM, by looking through es of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and the leading papera. Thia is true in New all nervous, chronic and private diseases, York, in Chicago, in Seattle, in Portland such as Loss of Manhood, Blood Taints, and in Salem. Few men do a big busi Syphillis, Gleet, Gonorrhea, Stricture, ness and get rich on the aly.—[States Spermattorrboea, Seminal Weakness, or Ix>es of Sexual Power in man or woman. man, All peculiar Female Troubles, Irregu lar Menstruation, Lucorrhira, displace In «heat Washington state has the lar ments, etc , are confidentially and suc gest average yield, 23 bushels to the acre; cessfully treated, and will under no cir in Montana the average was 22.3; in Ore cumstances undertake a case they can gon. 15; in Minnesota, 12: in the Dako not cure or benefit. Their office hours arc from 10 to 5 tas, 9. The average was, Oregon, 14.3; daily. Evenings 7 to 8. Washington, 14.2; Minnesota, 14; the Cures of private diseases guaranteed Dakotas, 11.7 bushels per acre. The av and never published in the papers | erage yield of oats was, Washington, 33.5; Most cases can receive home treatment Montana. 31; Oregon, 30; Minnesota, after visit to the doctors’ office. Inquiries answered and circulars sent free. C6.6; the Dakotas, 21 bushels per acre. Read the following testimonials of re The average for barley was, Washington markable cures: and Oregon, 25; Montana, 24; Minne sota, 22.5; the Dakotas, 19.5 bushels per acre.—[Secretary Rusk’s report. The Klamath county pilgrims are mak ing their annual fall trading trip to Rogue river valley, and our merchants are doing an increased business in con sequence. The time is also drawing near for another sitting of our wagon road legislature. This makes us shudder. This rotten body are liable at this meet ing to impose a fine and imprisonment on every Southeastern Oregon man that dares to trade in bis own state, in the face of the fact that Oregon has expend ed »15,000 in making a nice smooth road for that big Infant, the state of California. J. P. Gallagher, one of the proprietors of Ran Francisco's fine big new hotel the new Western, was in town last night and was shown the sights by his old friend Robert Leonard, the gentleman who works the trains for the Merchants' Hotel, Portland. Mr. Gallagher is an old-time hotel man and his name Is a synonym of popularity with the traveling public. Real Katate Transient. Jno E Harvey to Jno W Shepard—lots 13 and 14, block 10, Central Point; »900. Jas H Gsy to Jas M Hurley—4 acres in tp 37 s, r2 w;»5u0. J W Lawton to J Kellogg—lots 10,11 and 12, also lot 11, in block 13, Medford ; »1.500. D T Lawton to J W Lawton—40 feet ot! of south end of lots 11, 12 and 13, block 2, 40x75 feet, Medford; »175. D T Lawton to J W Lawton—lot 11, block 13; also lot 13. block 13; also lots 10,11 anti 12. block 12; fl. Max P Jacoby and Wm P Jacobv to Mrs Hophte Jacoby—all of lot 2, block Î5, Gold HUI; $900. Max P Jacoby and Wm P Jacoby to Mrs 8<>phie Jacoby—lot 11, block 25, Gold HUI; Mary J Ragsdale et al to Scott Griffin—30 acres in tp 36 ». r 2 w, w. Tolu Toto ; »500. Jno Rice to W F Holbert—10,58 acres in tp 30, Ashland Ashland ; »600. Wm Kincade to M Purdin—assignee deed. Mrs Nellie Brandenburg to B R Free land— 30 acres in tp 39, sec 5 5 ; $50. »50. A L and Kristina Kristins Reuter to Sarah E J C«>k^-tot 14, Holman B°lw,n add ®dd to JacksunyUle; Jacksonville; Mary M Rice to Rebecca ____ 22 M 2_ Rice — — ______ 5 acres in tp uv, •u 39. Ashiana. Ashland. C W Palm et al to Emma Bloon—lots 4, 5 and •, », block 46, Medford. Nora Johnston et al to W P Benn—quit claim to 1 34 acres in Ashland; »1. Robt Hobt C Dwigans Uwigans et al—same to same; tame; $1 »1 Elisabeth A Scott et etal al—same to same same; ; $1. »1. Margaret Benn-same. “ “ ‘ Dwigansto W 2 1* ‘ 2 ---- -same. Elizabeth A Scott to W P Benn—guar guar- dians deed; »30. Better Than Goverment Bonds. The ordinary living expenses of a family of 11 ve persons, living In the customary man ner of the American people, amounts to not less than »1,500 per year. It would require nearly »40,000 in government bonds to pro duce this income. Ten acres of land in the Willamette valley planted to prunes with an ordinary crop at ordinary prices will net more than »1,500 after paying for all labor placed thereon. You can buy this land of The Oregon Land Company, of balem, Ore gon, in tracts of ten acres or more at from »55 to »75 per acre. Address, The Oregon Land Company, Salean, Or Woodville Items. D. N. Birdsey has sold his fine crop of spples to Jones & Otten. Frank Parker has rented Eugene Trum ble’s place, on Wards creek. li. M. Scott’s team took a spin on their own account a abort time since, com pletely demolishing the back. E. Stevens has leased S. M. Miles’s place, and Mr. Miles will remove to vatuas valley in a abort time. Gid and Will Willcox have returned home from the railroad work at Cow creek, wheie they have been for ■orne time. Several strangers have been here late- ly, looking at the country, They were wn,- well pleased with the prospects here, and may return and locate. J. R. Satterfield, of Rock Point, has been quite sick but we are pleasol to learn he is improving under the skillful treatment of Dr. De Bar, of Jacksonville. C. E. Wilcox has taken charge of John Wood’s place, and has opened the Wood ville House for the accommodation of the traveling public. Ho will also run a blacksmith shop. The literary society of this place is get ting along finely. The question for last week wss: Resolved, that ait is more beautiful than nature. But old dame nature got away with the contest. WlGODt8. A Bl< Inducement fbr Money. All newspapers worth having require money to ran them. The R ecord is no exception in thia respect. We must have it, and in the advertiaing columns of this issue throw out inducements that will do the work. Just think of the Mam moth Cyclopaedia and the R ecord one year for »3.00. And Dickeus’ complete works and the R ecord for onlv »3.10. If you aren’t satisfied with the whole earth, we will throw in 25 novels free. Resolutions of Respect. At a regular meeting of the Ashland Baptist church held Oct. 18. 1890, the following resolutions were adopted: Whereas, Rev. F. K. Van Tassel has tendered his resignation as pastor of this church; therefore Resolved, That we accept his resigna tion as pastor, with sorrow and regret that anv necesaity for it exista. Resolved, That we part with our pas tor with kind and loving expression of esteem and confidence, for his labors among us for eighteen months, during which numbers have been added to tlie church and the cause prospered Resolved. That our best wishes and prayers will follow him to any field of la bor* to which, in the providence of God, be may be called, and that he may find a loving and appreciative people and op portunities for winning souls for the Mas- County ConimissionerH' Court. Continued.] Hospital report of J M Loffland for the month of September examined and •P- proved. Ordered that a monthly allowance of $12 be granted Mrs Wiu Randies, an indigent person, until further order of this court. Max Muller, county clerk, presents semi annual report of tina'nees of this county, which is examined and approved. J G Birdsey, sheriff.presents semi-annual report, which is examined and approved. Geo E Bloomer tiles his semi-annual re port; approved. In matter of insurance of the county court house. Insured for $16,000 in the fol lowing companies: The Marine, Travelers’, Home Mutual, and German-American. In Probate Court. In matter of the estate of Dennis Moore : inventory and appraisement tiled and ap proved. In matter of estate of Wm Stewart ; order of final settlement, and administrator dis charged I In the matter of the estate of John Orth; I order admitting will to probate. I In matter of estate of Wendolen Nus; or der to show cause why realty should not be sold. In matter of estate and guardianship of Richard B Vincent, Geo A Vincent. James Vincent, Mary Vincent, Gibson Vincent. Malinda Vincent and Daisy Vincent; or der for sale of personal propertv. In matter of estate of H W Hoagland; second semi annual statement filed and ap proved, and administrât, r’s bill allowed. In matter of estate of J F Rag-dale; or der of postponement until Oct I3th, at 10 o'clock a. m. In matter of estate of Hugh Johnston ; order of final settlement set for Dec 2. 1890. at 10 o’clock s tu. In matter of estate ot Thos P Boyd; or- ■ der of final settlement made for Dec 2, at 10 I o’clock a.m. ---——————— «f the luitoiiest Besièenue» in the State öüi ' ment and a guaranteed cure in every case, no matter bow lung -tanding. This treat f«r Salt ar Exchange for Farm Property. ment. tor Stricture, of Dr. Boxell\, is the greatest discovery known to Medicine. It dis solves and completely removes the Stricture without annoyance or pain to the patient. farm, my residence in . tshland with a ! peach growing states, the soil has abso lutely exhausted itself for peach pro duction. That is really the secret, and the reason why the peach crop, especially of Delaware. has been growing less and less in proportion to the amount of work expended upon it during the last ten years. Peach growers as a general thing in America have made considerable money, and have made it easily. The care of their trees, once they reach the bearing stages, costs but little, and the conservative old fellows sat down in their farm houses quietly and just let the price of the rich fruit drop into their laps. They starved the 6oil. and they are now reaping the consequences. They are beginning to find out that the soil of a peach orchard requires fertilizers just as much as the wheat farm does, and until such aids to fruit growing have been properly used the peach crop can not be expected to be as generous a one as it has been for several years past.— New York Star. frontage of 160 feet on Main st., and 150 i on .ilida tve. The grounds are nicely! lain out with choice fruit and shrubbery, artificial stone walk, good stable and out, buildings. This cottage was built in the | Fall of lSxS of the choicest material and 1 by nrst-class workmen, Newson Bros., 8. 1-. architects. Will sell or exchange : any part of 1 to 4 acres all in choice fruit; adjoiniug said residence. This is! the most modern in style and best con structed cottage in Southern Oregon, choice location and can be had at a bar gain. Inquire of E. E. Miner, owner, or W. N. Luckey. Real Estate .4gt. .Ishland Oregon Diseases of Men Peculiar to their Sex. and not proper to name here, including all of those delicate Infirmities and Weidtnesses. which they would «brink from dtsclo’ing to their fam ily physician, («nuanently cured in less time than was ever known to Medicine Ite- fore, or Dr. Boxeli’s “New System of Treat ment.’"’ It rejuvenate« the genito-urinary organs an<i makes weak men strong When pos-ible. it is always best to cal! for personal consultation and special examina tioo. Bui tho.-e who cannot possibly call should write, stating their case fully. Med icine sent by mail or express, sealed, free from exposure, to all parts of the Pacific Coast. Address. If ni. A. RojreU, M. D., 1 • V if Mi School And will be sold at our well known LOW PRICES Stationery, PROPRIETOR. Jewelry. Kinds cf Fresh Meats R oots ( and ) S hoes ) Main Street Comer, Ashland, Or. Fair living! Full Assortment always on hand, direct from the East, and tS- Prescriptions carefully put up by com petent hands We will make it to your interest to deal with us, so give the new meat mar ket a trial I j S Fresh pork on hand every day. OREGON. ASHLAND Books, Clocks, Watches, and Kept constantly on hand. prices is all that we ask. JLELE DAILY JTELFLIVIZtSTG- DRUGGISTS. (Successor to 8. Stacy,) All Staple and Fancy Dry Goods CHITWOOD BEOS. F.E.ZOELLNER, R. P. NEIL, *» ' ■■ NEW GOODS! HAM» A 1 ILL Ashland, Or. East Side of Main Stridei. A shland . Hop Raisin" Is a Gamble. )Q OX LINE OF (HOICK Marble. All Orders in Stone Work Promptly Filled. Marble Works < n MAIN STREET, Market. Independent Consulting Physician, S t . P avl DisrEssARv. P ortland , O g ’ k “Hop raising is the height of gambling in the agricultural line,” remarked Mr. j J. D. Iler, the well known brewer. “I have seen hops sell for 8 cents a pound, and I have seen them sell for $1.50 per pound. Some hop raisers have made ' $2,000 and $3,000 per acre; others have lost about as much. It is about as risky i as horse racing, and hop raising hasn’t half the elements of fun that can be found in popular sports. This year hops are bringing about 35 cents per pound, and are still going up. Drought, frost and damp weather are some of the causes of the failure of the crops. If some satisfactory way could be invented NAMES THAT CAN BE REFERRED TO. of keeping hops from year to year the Henrv Sbmgh. Marleay. Oregon, deaf range of prices would not be so great, ness, fifteen years, restored. but until this can be accomplished the Win Hunter, Eugene City, Or., catarrh growing of hops will continue to make twenty years, restored. men poor, others rich.”—Kansas Volna Webster. Weston, Umatilla coun some City Ti res. ty, Or, catarrh, cured. B H Rice. 32 B St Portland, heart dis ease cured, three months since. George II Hamilton, 22 Stark St Port land, stoppage of the tear-duct cured. Jos Moore, St Charles hotel, Portland, polypds in the nose fifteen years, cured. Wm Kahler, aged 72 years. Jacksonville, Or. deaf in one ear 36 years, cured. Miss Lucy Moran, Monmouth, Or, cross- eye straightened in one minute. Ed Hynes, Albina, catarrhal deafness, re stored. P C McFarlane,Vancouver, sciatica rheu matism cured. Geo C Scotten, Albina, Or, ringing noises in the ear and deafness cured. Mrs 8 A Wooden’s girl, 91 Columbia St, Portland, nervous debility and malarial fever and discharging ear, cured. Wm Altnow, Drewsey, Grant county. Or, catarrhal deafness and ringing in the ears for twenty years perfectly cured. Mrs S W Metzger, Gresham, Oregon,dys pepsia, liver complaint and pain in the stomach twenty-three years, restored. Mrs C Magenson, Merchant hotel, Port land, rheumatism, neuralgia, and female troubles, cured permanently one year ago. C Hiese. seven miles west of Fulton, Or egon, liver and kidney trouble, dizziness und pain.s over the whole system restored to health. Chas Brugger, Reedville, Oregon, almost total blindness from etlects of measles, re stored after ill other doctors said be was past cure. Mrs L Mattoon, East Portland, Oregon, catarrh, bronchitis, nervousness and sleep less nights and loss of flesh, cured and gained twelve pounds. J R Cunningham, Walpinitia, Wasco county, Oregon, total deafness two years in one ear and partially so in the other, cured. Mrs J E 81111th, Prineville, Oregon, ner vous debility and general weakness, almost bordering on insanity, cured. Henson McCoy, Dufur. Wasco county, Or. deafness and terrible pain in the car and head for six months, until he wa« near ly crazy, restlessness and insomnia. Re stored to health by electricity after all other treatments bad failed. I) I Graham’s child, Springfield, Oregon, painfully afflicted with granulated conjunc- tivitus, complicated with ulcers of the eye balls for nine months, enred. J A Lindsay, news agent on the O R & N company, residence 312 O street, Portland, consumption, bronchitis and catarrh cured, and gained 15 pounds. David Ross’ son. Woodland, W. T.. pain ful bip disease, bad to be carried to the doc tor’s office, cured. Mr. Ross has a daught er residing at the Merchants’ hotel, Port land, and can be referred to. Levi Bartmes, Stayton, Oregon, heart dis ease, dyspepsia, pain through the heart uud lungs and general nervous debility, many times he would fall as though dead, when everything seemed to turn black be fore his eyes—successfully treated. D Campbell, Fulton. Oregon, says that he would not take »lO.OOO for the cure he received by Dr. Darrin. His trouble orig inated by 'three small lumps or tumors coming on the arm, which rendered his arm and hand perfectly helpless for one year. Wm. Parrott, Middleton, Or —Deafness many years; cured. E Anderson, Salem, Or.—Catarrh seven years; cured. D. W. Emmett, Salem, Or.—Deafness ten years; restored. Many thousand of other cases could l>e published, did not the want of space here turbid. N. B.— Drs. Darrin head office in Port land, Oregon, at the corner of Fourth and Washington Sts, will be running as usual, where they are permanently located. J. H. Russell at Prices that Defy Competition. GREGORY & HICKS —CITY- Has just received the biggest and best stock of goods ever brought to Ashland. I A tine stock of imported goods. I also car ry all classes of goods, hence you cannot fail to be suited. Call and examine the stock for yourself. Nothing but first-class work, a good tit and satisfaction guaranteed. Also line of a Conductor’s Cloth. - B. F. Reeser’s -- TIN STORE TRANSFER. Is the place to buy Hardware, Tin, F. E. ZOELLXER. Passenger Coach to Every Train. Freight moved aliout town at rates LO ER TUAN ANY ONE ELSE. Sheet-Iron and The Growing South. The Railroad Record has made a com Fire wood of all kinds delivered any pilation of new industries established in where n town at lowest prices. the south for the first six months of 1390. which shows 108 new cotton and woolen mills, 90 iron foundries and machine Particular Attention to shops, 35 blast furnaces, 78 mining com panies, 15 potteries, 05 cottonseed oil mills, 10 rolling mills, 75 wood working Opened at the old Ashland market stand on We call special attention to C. M. HENDERSON & CO.’s (Chicago) Red factories, 50 ico factories, 53 electric i Main street, facing the bridge. ! School House Shoes, and CHURCH, BROWN & CO.’S (Boston) $3 00 calf B J light works and a number of other in dustries. Which will be done in a workmanlike Shoes, the be6t made. Every pair guaranteed. Copperware. HARRIS &. MURPHY BROS., OREGON ASHLAND, Ashland Market JOB WORK, fitted. Faber’s Golden Female Pills, Full stock always on hand and made to order. :o: PAINTS, OILS, PAINTERS’ TOOLS, Don’t be httmbugjred. ASHLA ND, : : : : : : WALL PAPER, GLASS, ETC., —OR— Olì EG ON. Save Time, Health, and money ;tukc no oth FAMILY Building Papers, Wrapping Papers and T .vines. Sent to any address, \ secure by mall on re- \ ceipt of price, $2.00. Address, Patronise the------- All kinds of THE APHRu MEDICINE COMPANY, Western Branch, Box 27, PORTLAND, OR" ONLY WAGON ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. CONTRACTS For sale by all druggists. —DEALER IN— '-’OR P ainting , P apering , E tc . M AYER. HARDWARE, Connects with Every Train, STOVES & TINWARE. RAIN or SHINE TUAT- Cor. M ain and G ranite streets, Ashland, Oregon. I10WGRÄPHS. MERCHANT TAILOR. Has Moved into the building adjoining R. I’. Neil’s meat mar ket on the north, and invites the public to inspect his samples Mrs. hl. E. Tyler, ! Artist. Peterman Bros. LINEVILLE. Corner Main and Granite Streets. PICTURES COPIED AND ENLARGED Brom idea made in all sizes. examine our work And carries the U. S. Mails and Wells Fargo’s express. OREGON SIT 1 SFA € T 141 «I IK ASTE ED. JOHN DYER, E. WORMAN, Medford Livery b tables, Prop. Driver Exchange Saloon, MANUFACTURERS. I W. BURRISS, Proprietor. This favorite iesort is gaining in popu larity every day. H. JUDGE Harness & Saddle Of Sash and Doors and all kinds and styles of Window and Door Frames. Mold ing and Brackets of all styles. Boats built to order. The whole or one half ottered for sale. 14 Manufacturer STAR FOSTER & ALE. Barber Shop, Fine Billiard Table, OREGON. R. F. HIGH, Proprietor is hereby ’ given TO _ N otice the people of Ashland and surround ing country that I at am the old stand on Main street, opposite the old Flag stall I where any one wishing work done in my When no man pursues. Not so with I line will always find me ready to serve those who trade at the C. O. D. Empori i them. “Aad men may come and men may um. They are comforted with Bargains. | go,” but I am a stayer’forever. They get Notions, Tinware, Whips, Per Shaving, 25c; hair cutting, 25c: shampoo- {ing, 25c; sea foam, 25c. fumery, and Bargain Counter goods. GRANT’S PASS, OR. 200.000TREESFORSALE I i i WILSON WALSWORTH. Proprietors. —CONSISTING OF— Apple, Pear. Poach, Plum, Prune. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. Cherry, Apricot, Nectarine, Almond Walnut, CJJestnut, Shade and Orna United States Land Office. Roseburg, Or.) mental trees. June 3.1890. i N otice is hereby given that Strawberry in compliance with the provisions Plants, B Blackberry Plants of tjie act of Congress of June 3, and Grapevines. 18T8, entitled “ An act for the sale Red Hill Land, Noted Coast Highwaymen Captured. I Chicago, Oct. 15.—Two of the most des perate criminals known to the Pacific 61ope were captured in Chicago to-night bv James B. llume, chief special officer of Wells, Fargo & Co. The captive des peradoes are Charles H. Thorne, alias Dorsey, and George H. Shinn. Their last exploit in California was a daring es cape from the state's prison at San Quen tin. Thorne was serving a life sentence ai/Lli GlffPff for murder and robbery, and Shinn was in tor holdihg up an entire railway train, special Officer Hume’s clues led him to believe the pair had drifted to Chicago, This Remedy and with the assistance of local officers is a pleasant, safe, and sure cure for coughs, ter. , . colds and all throat and lung affections. Resolved, That these resolutions be the two were located here. To-night at the opportune moment Hume quickly MANVFACTUBKD BY published in the Pacific Baptist, \ alley nabbt^i the astonished fugitives, taking R ecord and Tid ngs. them separately . Thev will be conveyed I. D. HOLDEN. Stockton, Cal. J. S. W alter , Moderator. back to their old quarters in San Quen Sold all by druggists. B cnj . F ox , Clerk pro tarn. tin prisen at once. ------ TO------- J c K s o XX- ville I WILL FIND P lymales R cach Every Train at Medford. Ask for The Best Coach—i PLYMALE’S TIMBER LAND NOTICE. Practical Gunsmith, MEDFORD, OREGON, HOME OFFICE AT SALEM, OREGON I n And We Will Not be Undersold ■ Cail and see us betöre purchasing eisg where, fcr we can suit you in price and quality. l:i J. C. SHERIDAN. tue S tate I nsi rance B uilding . Branch Offices at Portland, Astoria and Albany. lb# City and Subuihan Frspcrty. SEND : FOR : PAMPHLET, : MAP : AND : PRICE : LISTS. 25 COiPLETE KSftLS FilEE TO EVERY HEADER OF THIS PAPER! ..’’T® wS.nt 10 ,ncr“®® our circulation very largely (luring the neat nix mouth»—!.. <i„>ii,i.. ■> .. •Ible. Io this we need the cooperation ot our present nil .. •> i. ir un.t , i..rH 'it. one ot our present readers would secure lor m one neu> inlmeriber. o tr cir............................ i.„ a ' ?®1* of course. But we know that It will tike an extraordinary Indù •< n>....t to i.n. ,• „ut 11.2 .. ,?i efforts of every one ot our present nubscrlt»era-w<> «hall ¡.are to n..,k; I, .;, i .” i ambitious and anxious to double our circulation, and. by special arr»ngemcul wit....... .o/th.iJH Ing publishing bouses we aro enabled to malto you 1 L*a' An Offer Remarkable for its Libera Hty. No. 7HS. Iter Mail Ite* t Pvxtlny. By I makds IL Dorai so. No. 28?. OJyiuplM. By M. T. C aldob . No. 2M. Dolores. Hy Nr». J ane <J. A ustin . No. 280. A Brave C'ownrd. By K. L. S tkvcnion . No. 27». A Troiiblenome Girl. By “ Tuie D uchmì .” No. 278. Gullty ornai Guilly. By A manda M. D odsi . ar ./HM No. 177. B nlaely Accimetl. By M ia . A nm H. N tkfmens . Jll'd. No. 278. A FalseHccnt. By Mrs. A lexander . No. 273. TltePenrlof tbeOrienL By làYLVAwpaCnBn. Jr. Ko. 271. Simon lierrick’a l>uurhter. By M. T. C aluob . No. 272. TiieLladcnFnnn Bride. By MaRaARKTBLOVMT. No. 274. A llunrerous Womun. By Jlrs. ànn B. S tkfrkns . No. 250. Bhtekblrd Hill- Hy E stiik * S krlk K ennkth . No. 24». Tlse Perii of lUclinrd Pardon. Bv B. I.. F aiuron No 243._________ «;*• old vi* tho iUUrnoHe*. By E mii . n G abohiau . No. 24T. From “ * Enrtli to thè Moon. Ry J i - lkr T kbnm . Ilio No. 2H. The Gnurdinn*« Plot. By Dr. J. il. R obinson . No. 242. The Burou’n Wiii. By R ylvanus C obb , Jr. No. 241. The <àray Falcen. B.r AJ. T. C aldoii . No. 14«. The __________________ Norrow of n Secret. By ______ M ary C _ kctl T! ay . No. 23». Percy and lb« Prophet. >het. Br By W ilkik ilki « C olunb ollix «. . No. 237. The Mary »r nW eddiuc Hlu \ tba auibor __ 1 Ing. By of “ Dora Thorne." No. 23«. Martyn Ware'« Temptation. By Mr«, n. W ood No. 235. A Modern «luderclla. Cinderella By author “Dor.. Dors Thorn«." No. 234. The island Ihme. By M. ----- T. C aldob . No. 283. TheEnlnl (sieve- By C lai . a A uousta . No. T.'«. The Mill Olrl of Tynel. by N.T. C aldo «. No. 225. M u I wm ' m Itovciiffe. By H. H idf . r H aogabo . No. 223. Huth ilerrlvk. liy W illiam H. BossbfgLL. No. 21« Kuth ven’s Ward. By F i . oukncm M abbyat . No. 214. Two Klooes. By the Author of“ Dora Thorne." No. 713- Clnudn end Nunohlne. By C uablbo R kade . No. 212. A lu<ubond Heroine. By Mrs. a . E d vr aro a. Ko. 211. ThornyeroR Grunge. By B itt W in wood . Ko. 210. Garumel Cott «re. By Mrs. H knry W ood . No. ?W. The »ream Woman. By W ii . kim O ollix «. TheTreMureor Fraaehitrd. ByB. L. in»- « • HXtGX. srwa,' fit. Wr. Th* Ml«adventare« of Job« NkhoUon. By BOBERT I.UDIS BTiCrEHBON. No. 20?. Bread Loon the Water«, By Mitt M vlock , JU'd. No. 205. A Tale ef Three Lions. By M. R ideu H aobard . Piifge MnetT.tno. By N ad ? C ecil H ay . The Umpire Gold and Silver Mining and I Ko. 204. 2*0. Mnry Hardwlek*« Ulval. By Mrs. H. W ood . Milling Company. Location of principal No. No. 202. W nil Flower«. By M abion H abland . fil'd. place of business. San Francisco, Cal. Lo- Ko. W1. The Merchant'«Crime. By H oratio A louii , Jr. No. 200. Georae CnulOtld*« Journey. By Miss B baddom . cation of works, Wagner Creek Mining Dis No. IM. M j ' Mater Kate. By author “ Dors Thorne.“ JU d. No. W. Hesperia. By M T. O ai . dob . trict, Jackson county. Oregon. IM. Ivan the Serf. By S vlvanus C obb . Jr. Notice is hereby given that at a meeting I Ko Ko. 195. — A Bark Inheritance. By M auv C kcil IT at . of the Hoard of Directors, held on Friday. No. 184. T hat Winter Night By R obert B vcmanax . 183. The Ked Cro«*. By 11. T. C aldob . the 15th day of August. 1890, an assessment No. For Leve «r lllcues. by author “ A Great (No. 1.), one and one-halt (1 1-2) cents per i No. 183. Mistake.'* ¡81. The Wizard of Granada. Ry M. T. C aldob . snare was levied upon the capital stock of No 180. A W »man*« HeereG By C laba Ar oust a . the corporation, payable immediately, in No. No. 158. The Gulltv III ver. By W h . kje C olmn «. Florence lvlngton'« Oath. By Mrs. M aby A. United States goia coin, to the Secretary, at No. 155. D enison . Illmtiatel. the office of the Company, No 105 Stockton No«A54. LaneMAler*« Cabin. By Mrs. M. V. V ictbb . Ill'd. Ko. 153. Meat Grange- liy Mrs. H enhv W ood . street, room 77. San Francisco, California. KI2. Th® Polsmn of A ftps. By F i - obkkcx M abbyat . Any stock upon which this assessment No. No. >51. Forcing th<} Fetters. By Mrs. A lexandem . shall remain unpaid on the 8th day of Nov- Mo. ISO. A Play a right's Daughter. By Mrs. A xnib dwards . JUuatrated. ember, 1890, will be deli-.quent and adver Ko. K 149- Hollow Ash Hall. By M abaabbt R loumt . IU'd. tised for sale at public action, and unless T»o. J48. A Bartered Life. By M anion H arland . 147. Kir Noel's Heir. By Mrs. M ay A owns E lenins . Payment is made before, wili be sold on No. 146. Dori«'« Fortune. By E’ lomnnck W arden . uesdav, the 2d day December, 1890, to pay No. Wo. MS. The Nine of Heart*. Bv B. L. F arjeox . the delinquent assessment, together with No. 144. Lady Vulworth'« Diamonds. By "Tas Assessment Notice costs of advertising and expenses of sale. of Directors. V alley R ecord , Ashland, Or., has the By order of the Board F. A. D avis , Secretary. most news, is the best pai>er and the best Office — No. 105 Stockton street, room 77. medium of Advertising. San Francisco, California. oct 9 '3A axisA 'sxdVHoxax aaoi ¿s airs aoa agía x . hto aoa di nV issa pnv sraaqw kshi •£uudg |>a;adtn«x no WM "»3 ‘suoq qnauviva Xpaapaj -rauv ws >nag noq •sanx pav safxy pats •XioxatH qi-eojp puosa« nv •paunoniM vsva-wiij /pojns •j»piO WM tirtO Xiovrti IB 00 91$ R. STRAIT, ---- WITH ITS----- “An act for tire sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,’’ George A. Blood, of Ashland, county of Jackson, state of UB^L adies ’ H air ccttinu a S pecialty . j Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement for the purchase of the 8 \ W % ot sec No. 8, in tp No. 40, 8 R No 4 and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land Ire- fore the Register and Receiver of this office j at Roseburg, Oregon, on Friday, the 28th ; day of November, 1890. fie niinies as witeesses: Thomas E. Will be open May 1st, Stanley of Klamath Cjty, Siskiyou county, Cal., Edward Campbell of Klamath City, For the accommodation of a limited num Siskiyou countv, Cal., Edward A. Hildreth ber of guests. of Ashland, Jackson county. Or., Frank Board and lodging per week... . $10 00 gfcCracken of White Point, Jackson county, “ “ •* “ day.... .... 1 <50 Or. Anv and all persons claiming adversely .*• per day.......................... .... 1 00 Single Leals .'... ...................... 50 the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before Camping privileges will b« tfigte per weejc stud 28th day of November. 1890. J ohn H. S hcpic , Register. for each individual. (50) BYRON COLE. P roprietor . HARDWARE TRADE PEOPLE GOING Oregon Land Company, T.cad it : To any one mho tnill send us O riG Subscriber t - 1‘ is herebz given that i at the regular subscription price, irewill gire Absolutely Free « ' < N otice in compliance with the provisions of ! paid. Twenty-five Complete Novels-« ./i-c .o,. the act of Congress of June 3. 1878. entitled ipg Utt : of timber lands in tjie States of Califor nia, Oregon. Nevada and Wasliington Territory," Edward Campbell ¿1 Klamath City, county of Siskiyou, state of California, i has this day tiled in this office his sworn I» GROWN ON statement for the purchase of the 8 W X of sec No. 30, in tp No. 39, South Range No 4 East, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, Without Irrigation and to establish his claim to said land be fore the Register and Receiver of this office To the Farmers of Jackson Co. i at Roechyrg, Oregon, on Friday, the 28th WE do not handle, cultivate, or attempt to PROPAGATE any varieties day of No Vetolie r. 1890. The undersigned have opened a j fie names as witnesses: George A. Blood, or kinds of FRL’IT, until satisfied that ' thev are well ADAPTED to the soil and and Edward A Hildreth, of Ashland. Jack- climate peculiar TO SOUTHERN ORE son county. Or.. Thomas E. rlianiey, pf Klamath City, Siskiyou county. Cal., Frank GON. Write for terms to McCracken, of White Point, Jackson coun T AT —A-t* ' A. H. CARSON & SON, Grant’s Pass,Or. ty. Oregon. Anv an« cJI per.sons claiming adver-ely ■ OR CENTRAL POINT. , the above-de'Crttxid lands are requested to W. B. C olton . Agent. Ashland. Or. tile their claims in this office on or before ' And will keep con«tantly on hand a full aid 28th day of November, 1890. assortment of Hardware, Stoves and tin J ohn H. S hvfe , Register.; ware. sery I United States Land Office, Roseburg Or . ,1 June 3.1890. j — TIIE WICKED FLEES— SIX MILES SOUTH OF I The very best of WINES, BRANDIES, BEER and CIGARS, kept con stantly on hand. Repairing neatly and promptly done, and at Low Rates. AWARDED FIRST PRIZES AT SOUTHERN OREGON STATE FAIR Has for sale a large list of Grain, Stoch und Fruit 1'a ring. The very best beerot Anaheim, wine and Hennessy brandy, which will be sold by the quart or gallon. Our tables ae supplied with the latest pa pers. Come and see us and we will treat you as well as we know how. All work ordered will be mode to give entire . SATISFACTION- Finished in Style Equal to OREGON. CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS & Call and LOGAN’S GALLERY, I f ASHLAND ASHDAND, PICTURES of YOURSELF Cured Meats Constantly on Hand. Terms, Cash. Pass-book accounts pay able Monthly. ^■^■None but the best material used. In REESER’S BLOCK, HEALERS IN SURE!SAFE! CERTAIN! M. J. M. McCALL. Wholesale and lietail Dealer in — DEFY COMPETITION. EVANS & BRUNK er. Successor to HOSLEY it PELTON, manner and at prices that The choicest of Fresh Meats—Beef. Mut~ • ton, Veal, Pork, Sausages, etc. For Female Irresmlar • ties: uotliiuclUtetiiem cn tbs market. Acrer fait. Successitdly tiipd Dy prominent ladies monthly. Guaranteed to relieve suppressed menstruation. I Shop thoroughly renovated and re John E. Pelton. ’U 'ON Qna Veer I,,/ in/iil. pern/, eirl l.-oHi t'.eJa’t„w I No. 145. 13* * Î.15 Ko. J t A I X" »U •rr J .... f.r m i/oM» t " «.rikv «... J M„. C n ucii y r, . iu $. No. ¡«S ' a t t , ’fV Mi O ;.vti f I <-,t. HrKrinMi,c(,M Jr K®. I3Î, TJ,. Ko. I3|. — Ko. 123. No. UN. ímrv Ko. iJ». Ko. IM. Ko. 111. No. ITO. No. H... III. R.8* Or«.«., », Sí: C i". Ti: rih<pflu(e,l. ollimi . [th.»GmG-.i -»jelery. By W ilkib Br til«« C ok «,. PctMT. ” to A rJu“:'»I "r No. w « Jr “lì •* lï “ri H’’’1»« No M »7. M A r ort tu lu H« —1— «•- - — »«ri “«® H », *««n: T hom .. tne No. No. No. No. E o’.‘“íl2T í <•" ■ THKl>l e«K.l.- Ko. V M|" Ï,B*R* Wool,. No. boia Thnrt.» - No. E No. S Á Q. . t!? Amft¿üí?eir y W,M Por. Bjibe.u.bor.f 5:; «: s», m . dmtu «»«’. ein. “,lUr ‘l'“" *’•“* "/«uitororoDv,. Sí' íí' * Br V><«>« Coi.,.,»« *,' b ?T^8.ÄST,“‘,A4’•' * ’• Ä '* Itera TEtrú. ? -1* Ky ffvoH C onvay . 75. rtbiidor.n on Ikp *¡nou. Brìi r. r.m»/.. 71 Cnllrd P ‘»Hd’a Urrs r. By F lowmc » K*«’« ytsillT^J reí’1, B‘.HiC abwat . Mlldrrd TrcvHHlnn. Bv “ T hi D i i hkh “ 72. jitiCÄ’vC • ’ ■) “ Dora TlmrD». * . M -. j 71. TBeífrey W mm 10. Iho Mj.tery.r Ih. -r.—, " J ..m,.,.« is... ts Í m .- n,* ,*v- *4<» IL« t* u 5*Jr,îJ’* Ml‘.rri««^ , Wli fLBirf’on |kt w WH.. vw JÍ«. Hjr Bitas Ni iulk lit N«. ?■ 47. 4 . ,b“ taf r M r: Bas, I V« Na. M ] f ’Â Dr M ’ *»- ““ "'•'•out'd. Na «. •ïiSjT'îîiîÿ. 1__________________ •* Itera That««." Htmti alad. “ --------- —— w No. 44. *“ •“ “ No. 41. Na. 42. M X a’"*RKLMâ,‘*CK‘'' ,,â* Na. I ’/ ¿2 r. u"*1 Ny Mrs H k * my M ogi . lu Na: M. ’ Na. 4». TheCr ------- |«krf.Mt|.TB«.„ U». 45 TheCi — — „»r.n ,,, ÀOkll..UM N«. >. K». K.. N» NÒ. N®. S». _ Brc«.«iwPie««».. /n«Kr.nn tí u Tb« Ki; Vellaw Mut “■ -• •i.'Gri-oori.».. «n.iu»*» w.«,. “J Sl'i1* Coin««. •»•‘»''iurrThMn..-- /a. w «»•te'-.« * *■ D i 'CMUSS." No. 143. Fair but False. By author of “Dors Thon»«." fil’d. No. 142. The Womnu Hater. By Dr. J. H. R obixbom . ril'd. xi n t Î- m IÎÎÏ* »"Z.’*"-*” H •«»««« Mr». Hum« Woor No. 141. Bet wee m T wo bias. By the author of “ Dora Thorns." Illustrated. È î; "J •»«••lbw .1 •• D ot . TS otm •• No. 140. The Lawyer*« Secret. By Miss M. E. B baddox . ”• l? .TbJ ft», .r 6r. 3«kjll Mi Mr. s«’ t' V*-r,_Arkrfl. »»llr.. •IttnKlxIWM. Hyde. By IL L. B tevkssgm . Harten. By G kobae E liot No. 138. An Old Mmi's Sacrifice. By Mr«. A nn 8. B». L fil hTErHENB. Ko. 137. Luder Ike Llluee. By sutbor of“ Dors Thorne.** ». "r M TCne.« Juatthink of It! We will CR. you twenty flve ebarmln« complete*. noveie H, fr" M.rrCuiLM.f, if ™ in ’ tire. only <, m yearly subscriber The novels are splendid onee and they are rnihb’.nls“ 1 Y8 nest pamphlet form. Note the namee of the authors—they are the Ln ? » ,n of America and Europe. Note also the Ion« and atirsotive Hrt ¿rm writers, both to select No matter which of the novels you c“o£ey’u wH) be iert Jii a Most of tbs novels in this list sell for 26 cents each 1» tie v*'h Ule’n; twmiy «re of them- any twenty-five you may choose- free for cet tin« I c8,‘ Can you doubt thst this U a wonder/«/ «w^uni/y-s’KXl 0^^y?u hLI SI? 8o‘*crIber- Now let every reader of this paper o inetler this offer Is n*d before » nally. Make up yonr mind that you win bate twenty-live of toe« f °r ber8elf lnillT,d' And bow eastly you cun do it! What Is it to get onTyenrly ra^rl^r u?Te18; one single one of our present subscribers and reader» but can do It If the» Thereto not you aro not asked to cet up a club or to do anv canvasatne tatm. i*? W 11 tr^ Bern ember. Induce one of your neighbors or friends to take’onr pt^'r 7 A>?t^<’Ur ,nno"n®*te Among rour neighbors and friends there is certainly on/wbo win snhLri»* Jb°dy C8n do thto solicitation. D„ not put It off, or stop to think Ito? T butVo ri« t t0F °"F p8p*r “ T’ur scriber tYon yonreelf will l«eurI rtoed to find how < ;«\^thlnl HMol .TA"? ,OUr your twenty Are eomp'ete loves and commence rc-adlnr them ?on »ma ’’2?, rec*’ve took advantage of onr great and very liber-' 1 offer & ’ ^°U w delighted to think you not fall to get at least one, uud secure for y If twemy’sve Sb tro,,,b.l£'.bu‘do will nose a grand chance-» great ..nnortunltv-lf ■I™7.J'charming complete novel, free. You novels by the number» as given. Aidless <dl letters UU oBet by Order you» I