Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1890)
VALLEY RECORD. FREMED BUICKS. VALLEY RECORD. VALLE Y RECORD V| Published every Thursday by the VALLEY RECORD PVBLISHING CO Examine our premium offer» E. J. KAISER. Editor. Tl»e gra[>e crop of Jacksonville is being SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year.............................................. »2 50 stoved. Six mouths .......................................... 1 50 Mrs. I. O. Miller returned Fri<iay from Three months...................................... 7i her Portlami trip. Advertising rates given on application. Local notices 15c per line for first inser James Norris «ells lumber. Leave your tion and Sc for each subsequent insertion. «»Tier» at Luckey ». VOL. III. ASHLAND. JACKSON COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 23. 1890. Obituaiv lines, memorial resolutions, NO. 24. The quail has be.-tin to respond to the) cards of thanks, etc., at half rates. toast of the season. The Medford-1 sckaonvi lie rail toad is to Jwi ktonville A Meilf .rd Railroad. L'nccn-tituti< nality of Wagon Road : What You Can't Du in YamhllL be completed Dec. 31st. A ppropriations. I T UTHER L. BURTENSHAW. Yamhill has long been noted for its re- i From the Medford Mail.' Even the an>'<*<-aaful feminine effort to markable people and institutions. Now The railroad is now doubly assured,hut Albany Democrat.) I ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY be Beautiful is a vain attempt. there are some so skeptical that they will Judge Boise rendered a decision the I a town is lieiug formed which will make PUBLIC. Evsn K. K'-atnes has forme«! a copart not yet believe it, nor will thev until other <!av in the Yamhill >ountv conrt the most model community in the world they see the cars rushing a Ion / lietween if the rules governing it are carried out Will practice in all the Courts of the State. involving the con»titutionalitv of the act ; nership with Geo. T. Baldwin at Link- Business in the U. S. Land Office will re here and Jacksonville, and then they will of the last legislature appropriating state 1 The laws which every member will have ville. ceive prompt attention. Office first door E M E R Y, pinch themselves to see if they are not funds to build a wagon road over in the to subscribe to are substantially: No When the otlwe seeks the man it is not dreaming. north of Bank of Ashland. Ashland, Or, coast section of the country. We have quarreling. No improper language. No necessary to shout loud. He will hear Is the Oriental salutation, Proprietor. On Wednesday, Mr. Hull receive«! a not seen tlie decision nor have we been N. PHILLIPS, the call. telegram from Corvallis which instrwted informed aa to the grounds upon which taking the name of God in vain. No knov.: that good health —Manufacturers of the Celebrated— Frank M. Mingus, the Me<lford impls-i him to let the contract for the ties im he bases it, but any one at all conversant b wearing. No evil speaking, lying or c-t: t exist without a inent man, mi»le a Imsinena trip to Port- mediately, ami it was not an hour after with th“ constitution of the state need I slandering. That they regularly attend ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR AT LAW heJ'.av Liver. When the divine worship in Hope chnrch and keep that until Messrs. Klippel A Skeel were not b- uncertain as to what part of that I lam! last seek. Liver is torpid the Bow award«-«! the contract and parties starte«! instrument was violated in the passage • holy the whole cf the Lord’s day. That A shland . - O regon . Bowel» irregti’ar and conktipated. result els are sluggish and con ing in Pile«, avoided by taking bimmons for Klippel’s mill on Gall's creek to pres- of tl le act in question Sub-di vision 7,01 j they abstain from tlie use of opium e< uta their work. O ffici —Room 2. Masonic Temple Block. section -3, article 4, of the constitution ' in « V(‘ry shape and form. No theft l.ivrr Regulator. stipated, the food lies In addition to this, the bon Is are on provides that the legislative assembly j No trespassing on First oi>l i»ai<! (excitedly)-—-There's a their return from Corvallis to Medford to shall not pass special or local laws “for ( of any kind. in the stomach undi man under the l>e<l' Hecoud old maid : 1« properly signed, the rails have been laving, oiiening or working on highways, the property of others. No dancing gested, poisoning the ! JJ)K J. H. HALL, parties. No theatrical representations. (calmly)— lock tlie door. ptirehase«l, and it will lie but a few «lavs aud for the election am! appointment of J No serenading of newly married per Blood; frequent headache until the material will begin to arrive on snjiervisors.” The lust legislature passed sons. No bathing in the river on Sun A very notheahle hu-t is the large ensues ; a feeling of lassi some ten or a dozen “special acts” for • PHYSICIAN a » d SURGEON. numlier of shooting stars that can be the 'round. There are a number ot men waitin ’ for the laying out, opening and working as day uor at any time without having tude, despondency and seen in the evenings of late. (N ine Y ears in H ospital P ractice .) first put on. in private, a decent bathing ; employment on the road, and when many rea ls, and appropriated nearly nervousness indicate how E. W. Hammon is preparing for the . work starts up it will be pushed to com $13'),000 of the people’s money to build, suit. No opium, intoxicating drinks or I Office in Brick Block on Oak street, Sec shipment of 6,0)0 loxes of (all apples to pletion as rapidly as poMible. Hurrah these roads. The acts were all «dearly I tobacco to be sold or bartered, or kept or ! the whole system is de ond door from Main Street. Mmitana and >an Fram iaeo. forth»- railroad between here and Jack uneonstitnti' nal and we feel sure the su exposed for sale. No horses, cattle, ■ ranged. Simmons Liver Five Double Strands Galvanized Bessemer Steel Wire A shland O regon . Mrs. W. M. Tnrner, one of Jai kson sonville. We predict that it will not be preme court will affirm Judge Boise's «le- j swine, goats or poultry to run at large. ' Regulator has been the county’s Mrlv pioneers, will soon move long until it will be piishe»! through to eision if the ease shall lie taken to tuat Pigeons to lie confined within wire net-1 means of restoring more the coast, and then Medford will have no tribunal of last resort. to Seattle, where her sous reside. J^OBERT A. MILLER. ting.—Albany Democrat. CONTINUOUS TWIST of the WIRE. people to health and rival city in Rogue river valley. John Friese of lank vllle purchase«! 114 AN AGED INDIAN CHIEF DIES. happiness by giving them About Thuuder Cloud«. ANY KIND AND SIZE PICKETS. hca«l of Logs in the vicinity of 'Medford, i The Name Oregon. ATT0RNEY-AND-C0UNSEL0R-AT- Among the earliest symptoms of the a Healthy Liver than any H ■ Saw the First Miip that Entered l last week, for the Klamath country. heaper than a Rail Fence, More Durable than Boards, and Stronger than The name of Oregon is of uncertain approach of a thunder storm is the ap L-A.W, the Coluinliin River. agency known on earth. G. W. Edwards expects to ship some meaning and origin. Bancroft reviews arb Wire Fence Handsome LAWN FENCES to Order. pearance on the western horizon of a 27.000 loxes of apples to M«'Donoch A .■11 the theories of the name and «-o-t- Salem Statesman.] J acksonville .... O regon . It acts with extraor W■> res no N orth S ide of R. II. C rossing . H elman S treet . Johnson, Han Francisco, this winter. The last chief of the Tillamook tribe of j line of cumulus (“wool pack") clouds, eludes that it whs invented from certain dinary power and efficacy. Will practice in all the courts of the exhibiting a peculiar turreted structure. t Mrs. J. Brown of the Bav city is the Indian words (or [««siblv b«iard) hv Indians has gone to the country where [ 1 say <>u the western horizon, for most State. Office with W. H. Parker, opposite NEVER BEEN DISAPPOINTED. Court House. gm-st of her sister, Mrs. I. J. Phipps of Jonathan Carver while in Minnesota in clams grow on the bushes ami w here As a general family remedy for Dyspepsia, 17*14», as belonging to the unknown river iialmon disport themselves in open air. of our changes of weather come from Torpid Liver, Constipation, etc.. I hardly STTIEÒVIEYOIR, Medford, and will remain all winter. ever use anything else, and have never • x u and Government Land Locator, of the West. The word Oregon w.ut Adam ¡ b dead. He died a few days that quarter, and it has been proved that been dlaappointen in the effect produced: Willie, non of I)r. Robinaon, died - at I printed for the first time in “Carver’s Old C. CALDWELL, thunder storms, like wind storms, ad it seems to lie aim «st a perfect, cure for all aeo at bis cabin on the Miami river be Jacksonville lust week from heart failure, ' Travels’’in 1778, made_fainous hv Bry- - in‘bl Bowels. vance over the country generally from die« ai es of tl; low Bay Citv on Tillamook bay, and his JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. caused by the after effects of diphtheria. ant in his poem of “Tiianatopsis,” in remains were carried to the Indian bury > «'. M.mou. Ga, MECHANICAL AND OPERATIVE westerly point This bank of clouds AVING gained a complete knowledge of the lay of the land in this country by ac R«‘v. Mr. Goodwin bun arrive«! in Med I 1819, and fastened upon the Northwest ing ground at “Jawbone” aliove Bay City moves ou, and over it appear first stream DENTIST. tual experience, I am thereby enabled to give strangers seeking information the ion! with hia family, and taken the Bap territory by Hall J. Kelley, a Boston :in«l there deposit«*<l by his sorrowing ers ami then sheets of lighter upper best of satisfaction. Locating on government lands a specialty. 3-7 Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the tist pastorship, vice Rev. H. A. Barden. I School master and Western emigrant relatives ««nd members of his tribe Be clopds (cirrus, or “mare’s tail”) which painless extraction of teeth. I the year 1830. Prof. J. D. Whit fore the “Boston” man introduced the i John B. Elam, one of President Harri about Office over the Bank. spr< ad over the sky with extreme rapid ney maintains that the name was given curses of civilization amongst the Tilla son’s law partners, |>aase<i through Ash ity. The heavy cloud mass comes up land last week, being on s tonr of the by the Spaniards, Oregon being an old mook tribe of Indians, their numbers. under this film, and it is a general ob THE AS TÏL JL USTZD Spanish word J. H. Trumbull thinks were many, but now only about twenty T. BOWDITCH. coast. that Oregon comes from the Algonquin full-bloods remain to hand down the tra servation that no electric explosion or ATTORNEY’ AT LAW. Mr. ami Mrs. Ab. Gitldiars and their wodr “wauregan,” meaning “good” or ditions of their fathers, and now that downfall of rain ever takes place from a non Henrv were the guests of Mrs. Wal “fair”aml applied to the Columbia river. they are without a chief and leader, they cloud unless streamers of ciiTns emanat A shland ,..................................... O regon . ls«*« BaMwin (Mrs. G.’s sister) at Link- Another theory derives it from the Span will no doubt scatter and vanish from ing from its upper surface are visible Will practice in all courts of the state. ville recently. ish form of “origanum vulgare,” the the face of the earth. Old Adam was a when the cloud is looked at sideways Collections promptly made. • ADJUSTABLE IN EVERY BEARING Chaa. Wolters ami Francis Fitch, were Latin name of wild majoram, which very old Indian His age is variously from a distance.—Now Orleans Picayune. the delegates from the Medfor«! lodge, K. grows in abundance “in the continuous estimated bv those who knew him well at AGENTS WANTED War Against Doctors tn Spain. of P.', who attended the grand lodge meet woods where rolls the Oregon, and hears front 100 to 140 years, hut the writer Known as the Youle & Gilroy mill, is now CATALOGUE DESCRIBING OUS FULL LINE no sound save its own dashing«. ” I thinks the first figure is high enough at I OF WHEELS SENT Uhl APPLICATION. ing at The Dalles. The Spaniards have a strange method least. He was a good Indian. He never | [ f!Z5F.R&YGST6lCYCUT of showing their gratitude to the medi Electric Bitters. The aix-vear-obl aon of Edward Cox of drank whisky or used tobacco, and he V2>'¡! Rogue river broke ilia arm.about a month ' This remedy is liecoming so well known always stood as a moral example for his cal men who are risking their lives in ’J >■ O hio » _ -iso, and the other day fell again and re amt so popular as to need no special men tribe (which was not imitated by them j the present cholera crisis. In Valencia In charge of- tion All who have use«I Electric Bitters to any great extent) and a friend to the | a physician 1ms been killed by a stiletto peated the former break. ----- o----- sing the same song of praise A purer O i » t cuxtouierx all »|>eak highly in prnhe I medicine doe« not exist and it is guaran white man. It is said that Adam saw | stab in the back. At Mogente another H. S. EMERY of Mt. Patrick's Pills. They are the iie-t.— teed to do all that is claime«! Electric the first ship that entered the Columbia ’ doctor had his head split in two by a EAST SIDE OF MAIN STREET, (South of the grocery store.) Berry Bros., ( scroll. Nebraska. For sale Bitters will cure all disease» of the liver river, and his description of his sensa-, hatchet wielded by a woman, while in by Uhitwoo«! Bros., Druggists. I and kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, tions was unique and interesting. Bish- i another district near Lcrdo a third was ----- o---- The Oregonian aavs the U. S. census of salt rheum and other affections caused by , op Gross calle«! on the aged Indian chief set upon and killed by an infuriated All Orders for SASH. DOORS. BLINDS. MOULDINGS, Etc., Etc. ashionable dressmaking and 1890 ia utterly worthless, ami the $6,000,- ] impure blood.—Will drive malaria from the on his tecent visit to Tillamook countv, ’ mob. No d.x'tor can move about with and prevent as well as cure all ma ! ami also during a former visit, and talk- j repairing done in a neat and satisfac j 000 it cost the government might just as system tory manner. larial fevers.—For cure of headnehe consti | ed to him about his spiritual welfare. out a military escort, and even then or for FINISHING LUMBER, or MILL-WORK of ANY ’ KIND, well have been thrown into the sea. pation an«l indigestion try Electric Bitters. The Tillamook Indians were great boat cases ot' assault are of daily occurrence. Marshal Mayfiebl, who has been look Entire satisfaction guaranteed or money men. In the early days thev used to put The reason assigned is that the peasants Promptly attended to. Address, Ashland, Or. 5d] refunded. Price 50c and $1.00 per bottle at ing up hia interests in a Portland shoot Chitwood ; out to sea in their canoes, and enter the are opposed to precautionary regulations. Bros, drugstore. ing gallery, returned borne Friday, ac j Columbia river and the I mivs along the Strange people, the Spaniards!—Table. companied by Detective G. W. Smith. The Mouth of R«>gue River ; coast. Their continued sitting posture Crab. Foretell a Uanl Winter. in their hosts made them low of stature Horace Greeley’s daughter say«: Ellensburg Gazette. | “When a man is so stingy na to borrow a Ice men and others will be glad to A full supply of The late high winds which have been and squatty, and A«lam was no excep oct9] Ashland, Oregon. newapaper when he ia able to buy, he raging off the Oregon, Washington and tion to the rule, although he was of pow learn that the coining winter will be an C offins , C askets , R obes of all S izes will talk through his nose to save his California coast caused the sea to be so erful frame. He always wore very long old fashioned one, with plenty of snow G loves , C repes , E tc . teeth." rough at the mouth of Rogue river that hair, and in his favorite occupation of and ice. Capt. Isaac Houghtaling, of liivetted overalls 65 cents at Hunsakers. for several days boats could not cross tlie i «figging clams, he went Larcloote«! and Poughkeepsie, is authority for this state ASHLAND, - - OREGON. 1 let the mud squash up through his cop bar to Ellensburg. —VIA— ment. He says that the lower Hudson Twenty-five years experience in Ashland. The Klatnath Indian reservation bill in per colore«! toes. It always pained the The divers who are engaged in lower De) Norte county, Cal., has finally pass Rogue river wear shoes that weigh 28 old fellow to see members of his tribe or is full of crabs, and ho never yet in all Embalming with the aid of a skilled physi ed the house, and will probably go | pounds each. These divers are assisting white men get drunk and carouse and his boating experience knew it to fail cian. through the senate and to the president tn clearing the river of snags so that the quarrel, and his hind heart and good that when crabs were abundant in the Office and ware-room oh Main street, at st next Bitting. steamer Katie Cook can run from the offices generally made him many friends river an old fashioned winter did not foot of Granite. Criminal carelessne»» to ullow the bron mouth up to Painted Rock, a distance of who w ill be sorry to learn that he will follow.—Albany Journal. chial tube» and lungs to become perman 24 miles, or about 18 toiles below the henceforth forever leave the fest ve clam Shasta Line. ently injured bv a hacking cough when mouth of the Illinois river. i in his lair undisturbed. A Georgia editor who is building a Wright's Red Cross Cough rivrup is an in railroad says he will soon be able to fur the M c K inley tariff . fallible cure. Mold by T. K. liolton. Th«* Pious ParHon at Manta Cruz. nish his brethren with free passes. But Rev. I>. C. Kelly, prohibition candi Express Trains Leave Portland Daily. Pious John Wanainakcr “Gives It as the road will only cover a distance of I 'm a very pions parson date for governor of Tennessee, was sus- ’ And I just came <lown from Carson Away.” ten miles, and it is far removed from (¿Ji)/A win buy ‘he ODELL TYPE South I I North nemie«l for six months hv the Tennessee To rusticate a bit and get the news, WRITER with 78 characters, many of them, it will take them six 6 :00 p in Lv Portland Ar 9:35 a rn At Pacific Grove I tented. M. E Conference for leaving his jioet and $15 for the Single Case Odell, war- Postmaster-General Wanamaker is a months' ste.idv walkin» to tret toit. — { AT THE J- — 9:00 a m Ar Ashland Lv 6:10 p m On a bit of ground I rented. without permission from the conference. rante 1 to do better work than any machine great merchant anti a great advertiser. 9:30 a m Lv Ashland _____ __ Ar 5:40 p in And somehow drifted round to Santa Cruz. made. ---------- Love's Young Dream. Just before the McKinley bill went into The worst attacks of indigestion Bimmons 7:45 a in Ar SanFranciscoLv 7:00p m It combines simplicity with durability , PARIS EXPOSITION, IJ4H». Liver Kegulatur never fail.» to relieve. ojieration he enterprisinu’ly gave this Deep ia < woodland glade, « here blueliclla fair Oh, te-he, but it was funny. speed , ease of operation , wears longer Above trains stop only at following sta How I squandered godly money notice in his advertisement of his great Carpet the sward and faintly scent the air. without cost of repairs than any other ma tions north of Roseburg: East Portland, Mrs. Sarah Fordyce, relict of Asa For- 1 On lemonade Midst feathery fern they sat close side by side. and other kindred booze; store in Philadelphia: chine. Has no ink ribbon to bother the op Oregon City, Woodburn, Salem, Albany, dyre, died at the home of her grand- ! While lover like the tongue of each seemed tied And got a little smitten Tangent, Shedds, Halsey.Harrisburg, Junc Tinware is advanced in cost, and very She—with her graceful foria and soft brown eye. erator. It is neat , substantial , nickel Call and examine them, «laughter, Mrs. Wm. A«idiaon,on the 12th With a dainty little kitten plated, perfect and adapted to all kinds of tion City, Irving, Eugene the manufacturers will have their Telling a passion that coul 1 never die— inst. She was 74 years old, and an es I Who was bathing in the surf at Santa Cruz. soon way. and you and me will have to pay very Toyed with the waving grass which round them type writing. Like a printing press, it pro Roseburg Mail Daily. timable pioneer of Oregon. I duces sharp, clean, legible manuscripts. much more. In view of this state of things NOW ON EXHIBITION AT grew. We men of God arc ru»hv Two or ten copies can be made at one writ we made some time since a large purchase Then coyly moved . ? a pace or two. LEAVK arrive : Unfailing in effects, al wave reliable, pure In heart and kind of gushy, ing Any intelligent person can become an and harm lees, is Situuions Liver Regulator. ' But of course that isn't strange ami start- of kitchen tinware at what was a low price He—with a:i air of meditation staid— Portland... ,8:00ain I Roseburg.. 5:40 p tu operator in two days. We oiler $1,000 to then, and would be far lower in the face of Seemed also lost for words, as though afraid news. Roseburg .6:20 a ni | Portland 4:00 pm <». M. Irwin, superintendent of the ' ling two advances in maker’s price lists. any operator who can equal the work of the To press his suit, and shyly stood apart. And every time she’d pass me Double Case Odell . J ohn W anamakf . r . Cheuiawa training school for Indians, 1 Trying in vain to still his throbbing heart. She’d have to stop ami gas me Albany Lsxal, Dailv,(Except Sunday.) Reliable Agents and Salesmen wanted, has just returned to that pla«'e from a 1 tn her |>olka-dotte<l suit at Santa Cruz. Mr. Wanamaker is in the cabinet of Special inducements to Dealers. Air Love ’ s young dream. ” of which ths poet LEAVE arrive : I three weeks' tour in Southern Oregon i Presiilent Harrison, who says that Amer- For Pamphlet giving Indorsements, &c., MAIN STREET, BETWEEN CHURCH i Portland.. 5:00 pm I Albany.... 9:00 p m Sings, When I saiii the grace at table after scholars to increase the roll at that i ican consumers don't pay the tariff, but How sweet Address it is Whitt joy toali it brings I was seldom ever Able I Albany. . H :<X) a m I Portland . 9;00a m institution. He succeeded in bringing ' it is paid by the foreign producer for the When in the vernal sunshine tightly turn AND GRANITE ODELL TYPE WRITER CO., tell ths difference 't^rixt the roast and i fifteen children of the forest with him, Jo stews. i privilege of selling in our markets, But ‘The thoughts of youth to love, which aye shall KISS"- 5th Ave. Chicago, III. A shland , • O regon . and the total number there now is 133. j Mr. Wanamaker as a merchant and Mr. burn For my heart would keep a Hipping PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. As round his sweetheart's waist young Strephon Those brought by hint were from Coos i Wanamaker as postmaster-general are For a maiden who was dipping steals Pacific Coast Main office, 1368 Maaket St. and Curry counties. Likp a mermaid in the surf at Santa Cruz different Mr. VVanamakers entirely, As arm. and fondly to her love appeals; IO LILI ST SLEEPING CABS a politician, Mr. Wanamaker blandly as His Picture frames matte to order at H. 8. San Francisco, Cal. What joy' what rapture! can compare with this With the polka-dotted jacket serts that the foreigner pays the tariff on Emery’s. Tlie moment when she gives him kiss for kiss! For accommodation of Second Class Pas I had many a jolly racket— tin. But as a merchant, lie gives adver sengers, attached to Express Trains. C- H. Mead, W. B. Curtis. I. H. Kellv, Of her speckled ho»e' I liad some lovely tisement that tin is about to rise, and the Twere sacrilege most wanton to intrude views ; A. H. Faile. Daniel Me Leo« 1 ami David ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OR, On scenes like this. And yet it seemed quite rude manufacturers will have their way. The ■z .¿ZZEa CZaTlÆ.A.ZXI WEST SIDE DIVISION. And mentory fondly reaches Tobie, of Superior, pouglas county, Wis For the polka-dotte«i breeches . rise was caused by the McKinley bill ad- Upon our hero's part, without adieu Between Portland and CorvaHta. ¡S A NEW VEHICuE, WHICH SUPPLIES A LONG FELT WANT. consin, have faru.'.rded articles to Ore That glimmered in the surf at Santa Cruz. ! ding 120 per cent to the tin tariff, and Or fond farewell to vanish from i or view $32. Scholarship, one year............ And leave her lonely gon's secretary of state incorporating the MAIL TRAIN DAILY (EXCEPT SUNDAY.) ■ good Wanamaker piously deplores this Still, they're queer, the habits, Commercial Course................ Of course it’s quite a pity Wisconsin Land association. The pur 1 and claims credit and cnstom because he If close you watch ’ em. of a pair of — rabbits. Training School, per vear. ... LJCAVEK ARRIVE« For my wife in Carson City. pose ot the association is to bnv and sell —Vanity Fair. * laid in a stock of tin for his trade at the Portland.... 7:30 a m I Corvallis. 12:10pm timlier lands in Oregon and Washington, That 1 her tender love should "thus abuse; ante-McKinlev price. It proves that the Amt the same she'd stoutly buck on Corvallis. .12:55 p m | Portland... 5 JO p m An Imprisoned Fish. an«| in other states. One hundred thou- If she knew that I was stuck on i laws of trade everlastingly expose the lies At Albany and Corvallis connect' *UK saml dollars is the amount of capital The polka-dotted suit at Santa Cruz. The writer of the following — a corre | told in polities trains of Oregon Pacific Railroad. ■to. k, divided into two hundred ahares. spondent of The Chattanooga News— , Men's and boys’ clothing, boots, shoes,; A AVonder Worker. Express Train Daily (Except Sunday.) evidently wanted to fittingly wind up Ladtss shoes. $1.35 pair at Hunsakers ate., etc., of latest styles, finest quality and leave : Mr Frank Huffman, a young man of arrive : the fish story season: My cousin owns a If a aian wants bis past life vividly at prices that defy competition, at McCall’s : Burlington, Ohio, states thiit he had been watermill, and in removing some ob Portland 4:40p in | M'Minnville 7:25pm brought before him, let him run for of under the care of two prominent physicians Ashland F’lnit In Ala»ka. M’Minnville.5:45 ant | Portland ..8:20 am fice. Col. Markham, of California, and and used their treatmeut until he was not structions found an immense log im The Alaskan acknowledges with thanks able to get around They pronounced liis bedded in the stream, which must have some parti era in a mining claim “fired” TnolAU TICKETS to all points a lot of white men and hired Chinamen. the receipt of some excellent apple« i case to lie consumption and incurable He been submerged for a number of years. EAST AID SUITI. The affairs of the company were venti- ! known as “Twenty-ounce Pippins,” the was persuaded to try Dr. King’s New Dis The log had to lie cut in two to remove late«l in court and Markham's letters ! gift of Collector Max Praclit, which wen* covery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds it, and much to our surprise we found it at that time was not able to walk across For tickets and full information regarding from Wisconsin read he was glad they grown iu the donor's orchard at Ash and the «ueet without resting He found, be hollow, although it had every appear rates, maps, etc , call on company's agent were rid of “that Irish crowd" for the land, Oregon. The high reputation ! fore he had used half of a dollar bottle.that ance of being solid. One of the negroes at Ashland. DO NOT CRIPE, SICKEN OB Chinese, and exprvase«l the hope that he ‘ which Oregon has gained for apples is he was much better; he continued to use it R. KOEHLER, E P. ROGERS, would “make something out of those dam . based upon the first-class flavor and and is today enjoying good health if you while examining the log looked into the CONSTIPATE. Manager. Asst. G. F. & Pass. Agt mines yet.” He is running on the re quality of the fruit raised in the Rogue i have any throat, lung or chest trouble try hollow, and thought he saw something - '«vi.-. having three elliptic springs underneath the S ure C uk foi S ik R eadachf , river valley. None of that grade, how i it We guarantee satisfaction Trial bot moving. Ho began using his ax, and publican ticket for governor and all troubles arising front rt h wa.-on and will carry Itm. with ea.«?-). doubl* tle free at Chitwood Bro»’, drugstore. : <■:’>« .- <i .»'i. nn l a solid beaded Imltoin. It lias a Indigestion or Constipation. scon uad the log cut in another place. ever, is sliipjaal to Alaska — San Francis Have you seen those tine blanket- at the Im prove« the Oomplexioa 1 I w p- guard around the back for bolding larger liai kujes. co, Chicago, Denver and Helena con Imagine our amazement when we dis . lured by -a’— A»hlan«f Woolen Mills? • by Purif jing tbe Blood.« A. H. Carson's Prune Industry. -justed to suitcthecas«( as suming the bulk of the crop each year. covered a live catfish of enormous size U A.15 1>1 XlCIt <fc C!i()SH, - largo a dooe. Easy to taka Al Carter took out about $l,iMX) worth The people of Alaska relish goo«l fruit as Grants Pass Courier.] as so much sugar. pills put up in a strong rial so completely wedged in the hollow as which i.<»ll 1 h v HI«»» li.y. of gol«l «lust from a mnall quartz ledge he much as anyone, btjt it is rare, indeei, can ba Carried in voet pocket. A Gr»at Convea- Col. James A. Varney, of the state ¿toea ta TravaWra aed BaniweM goaa Genata« wlth- h.«s recently discovered in the Siskiyous 1 that they have an. oppotfanitv to see board of horticulture, visited the Red to be unable to move, except to open its •et “Craaaeat” Trade lark. Said Kvarywbera, 2&e. a bettia Baatple Baae aad Dream Beok for Sa. ia atauapa. near Jacksonville. Plumbago, in im such fine apples as those donated by the I land nursery last week, and was well mouth and wiggle its tail. The fish was dr . HAirrifrs ikon tonio . . mense quantities has also just been ! ;collector.—Sitka Alaskan. PUBIFTTS the BLOOD; BF.OULATT» tb« LIYIR pleased with what, he saw. He exam very lively and apparently in the enjoy aad KIDXKYSaad RKBTORJ» the DEBILITATED found in the uanie section. - This tnineral ment of excellent health. The question ta HEALTH aad VIGOROUS STRENGTH ofYotrra ined Mr. Carson's evaporating machine 1S 6f the finest quality ami quite valua- > , Fruit l.and- iu the Willamette Valley. and pronounced it a complete success. is how did the fish get into the log, as THE OS. HARTES MEDICINE CO. ST. LOUIS, MO. ble. Spoil a« the Jacksonvill e A Mcd- The Oregon Laud Company of Salem, After carefully «"X ttaining a lot of prunes the only means of ingress and egress we tpnl railroad is completed stupendous ex- Oregon, is offering some choice bargnins which had been dried on it, he deliber could discover was a small round hole, Oregon Developement Co.’s grtions will be made to work these mines in fruit iands. This land ia situated irotn ately pronounced them the finest lot of not more than two inches in diameter. ami briug their undeveloped richness in dried prunes be had ever seen, This STEAMERS. to the notice of the outside world.—(Med Sk. toó miles from the State Capitol,with means a great deal, for the colonel is a We surmised that he must have entered the little opening when no larger than a its excellent shipping facilities, cannery, ford Mail. ► ♦ etc., and is especially adapted to fruit close observer, and an enthusiastic fruit minnow, and grown great in his solitary Carpenter and Builder Wright’s Mv-rh Tooth Soap preserves raising. man, having studio«! fruit in all its stag- confinement. SHORT EINE TO CALIFORNIA. the enamel,an«) prevents decay of th« teeth. Five acre tracts from |5ó.00 to $75.00. es from the bu 1 to fruitace, and from A sh las « - O regon Gives beautiful lustre and whiteness, and fruitage to market in all its forms, green Very Liberal. «■ools ami refreshes the mouth. Try it. per acre all cultivated aud ready to set to canned, dried and jellied, Mr. Carson FREIGHT AND FAKES the LOWIMT fruit. Hold by T. K Bolton. Ten-acre tracts partially cultivated for had no trouble in selling 6,000 pounds, ’ “What do you think of say poem?” The hungry wolf is itarking at the $50.00 per acre • Repairing will Receive Prompt _ 1 three tons, of these praneB at 12‘? cents 1 “Which oner' i doors of tnanv farmers in Kansas. Aid Steamer Sailing Dates: Twenty acres light timlier land with j»er pound. In fa«-t the only trouble a’as | “The ‘Ode to Besant?’ ” ia being solicite«! in (’«dorado for altout a good spring branch, $.15.011 per acre i to make a choice betwg^t, purchasers, I “It’s fine. The way you rhyme Besant Attention, FROM yaquina : hundred nee«iv families along the Kan Twenty-five acres, fifteen acres in cul Sonte tiaiu ago be forwarded specimens I with ‘pleasant’ and ‘decent’ and ‘decant11 Steamer Willamette Valley — Oct 4th, sas line In Hmith and oilier counties in tivation, spring branch running cn the ■ >i his prune product to fruit dealers in shows that your muse is a very liberal 18th and 27th the northwest«*™ part ot Kansas there is place for $:>5¡0.> per ae»e. San Frinicisco and in Eastern cities. minded young person.”—Life. EROM SAN FRANCISCO: im esodSa it» progress. The poorer «-lass Fonv of choice land all cultivat Every package so forward«?«! was resjiond Steamer Willamette Valley —Get. 13th, A Ripe Okl A^e. es bffve ’itorta«aiied ttteir prvwviisiona, afid ed; small botise.sonie young fruit alreiuly oil to by an offer to purchase. This de 22nd and 31st. •>s (he cptn «‘rap 1« a hulure'amf there is set out. $70.00 per acre. monstrates that a good article well pre- ‘ J. H. Holcomb and wife, of Belcherville, The company reserves the right to itb «vork of any lu'ml to be had they are Tesa», bave celebrateti their fifty-fifth wed Forty acres of land all cultivated, in pare«! for market sells its$l(. change sailing dates without notice. Compelled (o leave. Some co to Louisi- : wheat this year, for $65.00. ding anniversary, and are »till hale and Trains connect with O. A C. R. and Riv Mr. John lieown, th« worthy i«o.»t>ua.»ter hearty. The secret of their long life and Atta, and others are heading for Oregon ; Fortv-three acres, twenty-five acres culti -—FOB SALE IN---- er Boats at Corvallis and Albany. au«l Washington, laborers, mechanics vated. fine spring branch p^cy £,11 fenced at Keown. Allegfienv county, Penn , says: jjoo«l health L that they correct any slight Freight and ticket office, Salmon street t "Cliam!«ertom''s < oush Reotody »ell» better ailment promptly, and in that way avoid in for $10 OGltr ^cre au«l farmers are include«! in the rush. wharf, Portland. Fruit raisers profit from $liio <l> to $1.0 00 , than any other.” The rea»on of this is be- I serious sickness. ’ Like most everyone else, C. H. HASWELL, Ja.. Genl F. & P. Agt. cau-e it can always be depended upon. Let they are more frequently troubled with con- per acre alter the tree» are 4 years old 34 Montgwuery St., San Francisco. ^uvAteu« Arnie* Sa tv. i Au industrious man can make a gtxal any one troublol with a severe cold give it Ì stipation than any other physical disorder. C. C HOGUE, Ac’tG.F. A P. A.O. P.K., The Best Salve in the world for Outs. living for his family while orchard is a trial and thev will find that the first dose To correct this they take St. Patrick’s Pills Corvallis, Oregon. Braise-. Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum. Fever Í coming into bearing b} raising vegetables will relieve the lungs an«i make breathing j in preference to any other, because, as Mr. Sore.«, Tetter, Ulisp]<ed Hands. Chilblains, 1 and various crops for the cannery, l^t us easier, and that its continued use will free ! Holcomb says. “They are a nnld pill, and, Read the “Record’s” Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and dum - know what amount vou have to invest and the system of all symptoms of the cold. ■ besides, keep the whole system in order. The promptness and certainty of this rem- 1 We prize them very highly.” For sale at uvelv cures Piles, or no pay required. It is ' we will advise as to !■ cation. Iedy tn the relief and cure of colds, has won (Chitwood Bros ’ . Drugstore. Send for maps, pamphlets and price lists guaranteed to give j>erfeet satisfaction, or for it many sincere friends and made it very Inquire at the R ecord office. Premiums. money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. to THE OREGON LAND COMPANY. Oxford ties, $1.25 pair at Hunsakers. Salem, Oregon popular. For sale by Chitwood Bros. For sale by Chitwood Bros. Ashland Fence Works! Your Liver? H s. J N A YOUNG H J RUNNING IN FULL BLAST, JAMES S. ROGERS DRESSMAKING ESTABLISHMENT Manager. F Prices Reasonable. Funeral Director MRS. M. L. STANLEY WAS AWARDED THE ONLY THE ODELL TYPEWRITER M ahtin & H arris ’ OHLY PERFECT State Normal School LIVER PILLS I O. R. Buckman | TOWN LOTS’ R. R. ADDITION JA mily USÊ EAST AND SOUTH Southern Pacific Route