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About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1890)
VALLEY RECORD rilUSriED BP ft K-. I VALLEY RECORD I Published every Thursday bv tbq VALLEY RHCORD PÜBLISMtN» CO Fiaaon haa reiuar.f to im-orpriate by a vote al 1W to 88. John Alwel), of Central Point, is at tending Mt. Angel college. Tl»e Redding markrA quotation for beef i ■J»~ ----------------------- on foot i* 4 end cent*. VOL. III. 11. G. I*'*» h*d bi" Galloway sto< k on ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9. 1890. NO. 22. exhibition at the Yaek t isir. P> rt Whitman will «Lin cir foa l of THE GENTLER SEX. to tlic northern market. WAGON ROAD APPROPRIATIONS WE’RE IN A RAILROD “TRUST." Rose Coghlan has delicate omelettes Geo. F. Merriman l»ns leased I’urdin & I* ’»r'M I'«consti’’>ttonal by .Imlge Huntington Pot ms a Big Deal With Ulri'-k's blacksmith shot at Medford. Botae. th“ Union, At:-!ii< .->»» and Missouri for her breakfast made of the game fowl, eggs that she raises on her farm. Pacilk-. By the death <>f an uncle in the east From the Eugene Guard.] A decision has been rendered by Judge j _ ____ _ — Sarah Bernhardt is the owner of 120 rrcetUlv Ed., of Applegate, is Boise in the circuit court of Yamhill The news that the Union Paeifi, South birds, and has for other pets a large left $.’l.«kJO. coonty that will effectually dispose of fu ern Pacific, Atchison and Missouri Mias Cora Linn, of Jacksonville, i» nt ture jobs in the legislature for appropria fic may consolidate, putting aoout 30.5U0 black cat and half a dozen dogs. If you wake up in the Mrs. Ada Bittenbender, of Osceola, Eugene to spend the «inter with her tions for wagon roads and bridges miles of road under a single management morning with a bitter or Proprietor. Neb., has tried many cases before the brothers throughout the state. The Salem Journal and destroying all hope of effective eom- bad taste in your mouth, zivee the following information «•oncern- ¡«etition between the Missouri river and supreme court of Nebraska and has not —Manufacturers of the Celebrated— C. C. M -Clendon is now owner of Lewr- j ing the decision : __ ______ ___________ the Pacific _____ ocean, _ _ is _ not conducive to lost one. Languor, Dull Headache, is P. one of the finest bre ! stallions in R. I’. Roise. circuit judge of this i cheerful reflections in the minds of those Despondency, Constipa Mns. A. J. Seeley has 10,000 silk thi« counter jti ii.iial district rendered adet ision in who have been looking forward to the worms in her house at Benton Harbor, I tion, take Simmons Liver Yamhill •■otinty this week which had it speedy entrance of the Athison into San John Howard and Mis* E1e< tra Scrib Mich., busy at work spinning their' Regulator. It corrects ner were married at Medford last Thurs been rendered eighteen months ago and ' Fancisco us means of relief from the ex cocoons. het-n sustained by the supreme court, I :u'tioiisof the Southern Pacific. Of course, the bilious stomach, day evening. would have left over $130,090 in the state ' if the consolidation be carried out the ex Miss Juliet Corson is obliged to sit in sweetens the breath and J. C. Whipp, the Jacksonville marble treasury for purposes recognized by law. i tension will not be built. It may be that an invalid chair while she directs and cleanses the furred tongue. works man, ha* made an assignment in As will be remembered, several appro- ’ the activity of the Santa Fe surveyors illustrates her methods of cooking be favor of John F. White. priations were made by the last leielu- ¡during the past few months has been in- fore her classes. Children as well as adults ture, aggregating the amount above men-1 tended to convince the Southern Pacific sometimes eat something Potatoes are being bought up in large tioned for the building of wagon roads in people of the necessity for entering into Miss Grace King, the Louisiana novel quantities in New Jersey at fifty cent* mountait ons districts af the state in Lake : some arrangement. that does not digest well, ist, is ■ a woman of stately figure and per bushel and shipped west. and Klamath counties, in the Co« bav Colonel Crocker, in an interview says striking features. Her hair and eyes are producing Sour Stomach, Izaiis Gay. of Central Point, is employ country, in Tillamook and other points, that tendency now is all in the direction brown and she is 27 years old. Heartburn, Restlessness, ed with Well* Fargo A Co., aMffortlane. They money in all cases has been drawn consolidation. “The big companies are Mrs. T. De Witt Talmage is said to be or Sleeplessness—a good from the state treasury and presumably ! buying up the small roods. Four big Five Double Strands Galvanized Bessemer Steel Wire T. G. Burrows is aleo in that < f!y. spent as coiftemptafed, but Representa- ; systems—She Atchison, Union Pacific, her husband's financier. It is she who ‘dosa of Regulator will fl. C. Turpin, of Medford, has gone to tive Maxwell, of Tillamook, who had j Missouri Pacific and Southern Pacific— does the preacher's banking business give relief. So perfectly CONTINUOUS TWIST of the WIRE. Albina where he has a contract to clenr a charge of that work and appropriation i are practically the masters of traffic and makes all his engagements. harmless is this remedy large tract of A. H. Maeglev’s land. became involved in difficulty with his I throughout the wist, save in the North Mrs. Marie Antoinette Nathalie Pol that it can be taken by constituency and the county court refused 1 ern Pacific’s territory.” ANY KIND AND SIZE PICKETS. lard, widow of the late E. A. Pollard, a Id* I*r, the female horse trainer has to pay the claim for sufierintendent the The “Northern Pacific’s territory” it southern historian of some note, is/tun the youngest infant or married again and settled in the state of work. He brought a suit against the may lie advisable to explain, is that por- ^^U’t.heaper than a Rail Fence, More Durable than Boards, and Stronger thau --A — taking ___ a change ..1_____ of C venue A- _ 1 lion of the United States U -drt ” as the ning a broker's office for ladies in New the most delicate person Washington. Her name is Baker now. - county, arb Wire Fence Handsome LAWN FENCES to Order. to Yarn “served without injury, no matter bill where tne case has been thrown out satirical expression is, by the Northern York city. W orks no N orth S ide of R. R. C rossing . II E lman S treet . Mr. French I’i<-kel, an old Tenneeaean, of Mrs. Edison, the great electrician’s court, upon motion, for want of juris Pacific railroad. The National govern what the condition of the aged over 80 year*, died recently in Med diction, Judge Boise holding that the act ment has ceased to hold any territori«» wife, is a woman of 24, whose graceful system may be. It can ford. He was the father of Dr. E. B, of the legislature appropriating the money in that region. So far the Federal power figure is a trifle above the average height. Pfckel do no harm if it does no was nnconst tutional. It is probable Mr. is concerned, Washington, Idaho. Mon She has brown hair, hazel eyes, a clear SURVEYOR, and Government Land Locator. good, but its reputation Cholera ba* gathered 14.000 people to Maxwell will carry the case to the su tano and the Dakotas are sovereign states. olive complexion and is an unusually their lather* in China and Japan. San preme court and the result there, while But from a railroad point of view thev pretty woman. tor 40 Franciaco is guarding against it* intro it cannot effect the treasury so far as the are simply the Northern Pacific’s terri JACKSONVILLE, OTREG t OH n T. never lai Mrs. Phil Kearny ’ s granddaughter, acts in question are concerned, may have tory, ruled by a president and board of duction. AVING gained a complete knowledge of the lay. of the land in this country by ac Mlle. Bessie de Kermet, is one of the a marked influence on future legislation directors in New York, and not even dis tual experience, I am thereby enabled to give strangers seeking information the H. R. Brown, Fred Barnebnrg and in that line. Those special appropriation tinguisbed by local boundary lines. The belles of Cape May. She is an attractive best of satisfaction. Locating on government lands a specialty. Hon. W. K. l*rice, each purchased a short schemes, covering comparatively small people who are governed by this corpo blonde of 18 whose manners are charm horn Durham bull from Robt Clow, of sums here and there are great levers ration were placed under its control by ing. She speaks English fluently, but Forest Grove. whereby vicious legislation in the inter virtue of a gift to it of the of the land on with a marked French accent. est of monopolies is carried through SUC- which they live, to the extent of 45,000,- The teacher* institute for the first ju ceaafuily Mrs. Burke-Roche, who is one of the THE JASHZLJAIISTID 000 acres. dicial district will be held in Ashlsnd, piettiest matrons in New York, is slender Undoubtedly by Colonel Crockea ’ s diag commencing Monday, Nov. 21st, snd Hpecimen Cases. nosis of present tendencies is correct. and delicate in form and feature. She has continuing four days. 8 H Clifford, New Cassel, Wis , was Everything is moving towards consolida soft, light blue eyes, light hair and a troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, Frederick Billings, who die«! in Ver his stomach was disordered, his liver was tion, and that at an accelerated speed. clear pale complexion. Her figure is mont the other day, was in the lawr busi affected U> an alarming degree, appetite fell When all the transcontinental roads south slender, but gracefully rounded. M ist ZilHSMETYEvERMAiE ness with General Halleck, Trenor W. away and he was terribly reduced in flesh of the Northern Pacific have combined, ADJUSTABLE IN EVERY BEARING Miss Philippa Fawcett, the Lady Sen Parke and othera in San Franciaco in the and strength Three bottles of Electric what object will that road have in stay ior Wrangler at Newnham college, AGENTS WANTED ing out of the trust? It will ioin, and Bitters cured him Known as the Youle & Gilroy mill, is now '50’a. CATALOGUE DESCRIBING OUR FULL LINE Edward Shepherd. Harrisburg, 111 . had then the Canadian Pacific will follow suit, Cambridge, is a quiet girl, with a hatred OF WHEELS SENT ON APPLICATION. The Mail aaya that while John Galla a running sore on his leg of eight years’ after which the industries of half of the of all formality and show. When she Used three Lotties of Electric North American continent will be under was younger she wore her thick brpwn her wsa coming to Medford toanmmon a standing Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklen’s Arnica the physician for sick patient he was thrown Halve, ami his leg is .sonnd and well John tion. absolute control of a single corpora hair down on her shoulders and dressed from a horse and had his colslr bone . Speaker, Catawba, O . liad five large fever testhetically. In charge of- broken. sores on his leg, doctors said he was incur The economic advantage of such a com Archdiu^iess Stephanie went recently able tine bottle Electric Bitters and one bination are not to be denied. Adminis for th«; first time to Meyerling to see the It i« atmured to «utter from Dyonepria box Bucklen’s Arnica Salve cured him en- trative expenses could be immensely cur when Simmon« IJver Regulator will cure I tirely Sold by Chitwood Bros tailed, needless constructions avoided, place where her husband, Archduke Ru you. rate wars abolished and the service ex dolph, died so tragically. She prayed A CLERICAL ERROR. actly adapted to the wants of every part for a long time in the chapel at the foot J*s. Herrington, a shyster hwy er of All Orders for SASH. DOORS. BLINDS. MOULDINGS, Etc., Etc. Bakersfield, Cal., who has fleeced an«i Th* Barber*« Pen Slipped as He W m of the country. With all this, rates could of the altar erected on the spot formerly be reduced and regulated. These are the occupied by the bed of the archduke. victimized settlers by the score, was taken Making a Record. or for FINISHING LUMBER, or MILL-WORK of ANY KIND, from the tail, stripped and tar and feath Mrs. Bernard Beere, the accomplished Some years ago a barber was arrested advantages of a benevolent monopoly, but what assurance have that such a ered on tne first. English actress, lives in London in a In Paris for badly cutting a customer. monopoly as is said to be in sight would Promptly attended to. Address, Ashland, Or. 5d] pretty, old fashioned cottage in Maryle- Our customer" all »peak highly in praise There was no question about the gash be benevolent? of St. Patrick’« I’ll)«. They are the best.— and what made it seein worse the razor bone road, not many paces from St. Government regulation of railroads in Berrv Bros..' (’«rroll. Nebra»ka. For xale wielder said, in a way, he had done it this part of the country is a failuse. Rail Marylebone church. The famous Rctress’ by Chitwood Bros., Druggists. purposely. road commissioners are the property of favorite room is known as the red room, The gate receipt* of the recent fair were Alter the testimony was in the judge the corporations. The day on which and to this only friends and visitors of A full supply of • $2,'»70, of which the Jackson county as asked the barber had he anything to say. competition in the western half of the distinction are admitted. C offins , C askets , R obes of all S izes socistion get* ten per cent in addition to “Yes, monsieur, I have. I justify the cantinent ceases the people will be the $250 given by the district association cutting on the ground that it was merely brought face to face with one vital neces THEATRICAL CHAT. G loves , C bepes , E tc . for improvement*. sity—public ownership. The absolute a clerical error, a slip of the pen.” ASHLAND, - - OREGON. Dion Boucicault’s new play contains a of the means of transportation of “What?’ cried the judge, gasping with control It never failed to cure D.vspep»ia nnd Liv Twenty-five years experience in Ashland. a community is too imjtortant a power to sensational scene, in which a child be er Complaint. Take Simmons Liver Regu astonishment. Embalming with the aid of a skilled physi be trusted in any hands hilt those of the comes entangled in machinery. lator. cian. “Permit me," continued the lather community itself. We all admit the The stage censor at Prague lias for Office and ware-room oh Main street, at Barnev O’Neil, of Medford, the other slapper. “For months the plaintiff has economic benefits of monopoly—the only dnv was carrying a mattock on his should been getting shaved on trust at my es question is whether they shall be absorb bidden the performance of ‘’Macbeth” foot of Granite. er, ami pail of water in his hand. The tablishment. I have no very conyan- ed by a few millionaires or by the pqbMc. with .the soldiers clothed in the Austrian uniform. mattoch slipped ami struck bi« foot such lent means of keeping accounts, so every A Ripe Old Aj,e. a hard blow that tho fleeh was laid open time I shaved the gentleman I ent i*. lit Beverly Sitgreaves pluckily played to the depth of an inch and the blood I ■ tle nick in his cheek in order to g j J. H. Holcomb and wife, of Be!cherville, through a performance of “Beau Bram- spurted out with such force that it was me In my charges when the long defer .1 Texas, have celebrated their fifty-fifth wed mel” recently while suffering great pain ding anniveibarv, and are still hale and thrown in hi’» face day of payment came. So many ni is hearty. The secret of their long life and from a sprained ankle, which she injur good health is that they correct any slight ed in going to the theatre. Picture frames made to order at H. 8. of course so many Bhaves.” promptly, ami in that wav avoid Emery's. 11 buy the ODELL TYPE The barber paused a moment, and the ailment In Clay Greene's new “Uncle Tom’s serious sickness. Like most everyone else, RITER with 78 characters, —{ AT THE J--- whole court was on the tiptoe of expecta The men who are making th” asses** they are more frequently troubled with con Cabin” there will be not only the cus and $15 fur the Single Case Odell, war stipation than any other physical disorder. tomary bloodhounds. Eva, jackasses, rant« 1 to do better work than any machine nients in the countie« of Eastern Oregon tion. PARIS EXPOSITION, 188». --------- are slmwine bv their figures how great was “But how about the clerical error', To correct this they take St. Patrick’s Pills Marks and so on, but a voodoo scene made. in preference to any other, because, as Mr. and a number of living alligators. It combines simplicity with durability , the <lama>’e done east of the mountains asked the judge. Holcomb says, “They are a mild pill, and, speed , ease of operation , wears longer by the heavy storm* nn i snows of las* “I am coming to that, sir. It so hap liesides, keep the whole system in order. When Josie Wilcox, of the London without cost of repairs than any other ma winter. In Lake countv, for instance, pened that the ncconnt had already ar We prize them very highly.” For sale at Call an<! examine them, Gaiety company, was buried in San chine . Has no ink ribbon to bother the op the valuation of horses, cattle, sheep and rived at the one hundredth nick, on.l my Chitwood Bros'. Drugstore. It is neat , substantial , nickel Francisco tho music was furnished by erator. swine this vear is a half les*—$406,464— hand being somewhat unused to making plated, perfect and adapted to all kinds of Recent Discoveries In Alaska. her stage companions, one of whom pre type writing. Like a printing press, it pro NOW ON EXHIBITION AT than last year. ciphers the razor turned when I at sided at the organ. They put a marble duces sharp, clean, legible manuscripts. E. J. Glave, one of the party of scien- Prejudice and ienorsnee have given away tempted them, with the result known.” test and writers sent out last spring by cross over her grave. Two or ten copies can be made at one writ to Simmons Liver Regulator, (t has stood ing Any intelligent person can become an The entire honesty and candor of the Frank Leslie ’ s with instructions to visit the teat. The latest play on the tapis is one operator in two days. We offer $1,000 to barber was so plain he w . lh let off with a and see all that was to be seen in that any operator who can equal the work of the Geo 8. lVitherill, of Yreka, has a cur light fine.—Philadelphia Press. section of unknown land lying between called “The Oath.” A horse appears in Double Case Odell. iosity. He owns a female of the «ninine the Alaskan coasts and the Yukon, has the play and throws his rider in a tank Reliable Agents and Salesmen wanted, MAIN STREET, BETWEEN CHURCH family «nd also a feline of the feminine returned with a budget of wonderful of water. A large dog appears, bites the Special inducements to Dealers. Tried to Follow the Directions. horse, which disappears, and then the dog, For Pamphlet giving Indorsements, &c., gender. Rome weeks ago the cat gave stories and a book of sketches. Jones had been quite ill. Ono d,:y the AND GRANITE births to kittens, and in about ten days After leaving Victoria the party made not the horse, plunges into the tank and Address ODELL TYPE WRITER CO., A shland , - O regon . thereafter an increase was announced in doctor called and found him in a bath a direct run to Chilcat, whence they rescues the man. 8587- Sth Ave. Chicago, Ill. the canine family. On finding this out tub. struck into the wilderness. They ascend “ A Straight Tip ” is the title of a new “Why, man, uro you crazy? You must ed the mighty Yukon, to which they have the e-«t, in a very nnmotherly manner, Pacific Coast Main office, 1368 Market St. musical farce comedy by John J. Mc killed her own “baby cata," and began to be anxious to die!" located a shorter route than the one gen Nally, of Boston. James T. Powers, a San Francisco, Cal. lav claims on the canine family, which, "No, 1 ain't," protested poor Jones; erally taken, and that its source is in a ut> to this time, she has su«'kled and fon “but didn't you say that your last medi mightv glacier at least fifty miles wide. favorite comedian at the Casino for sev dled with anti affection which is truly cine was to be taken in water?”—Judge. From this stupendous field of ice the river eral seasons, is to be the chief merry maker in the piece, which treats princi strange.—Telegram. flows north along the Chilcat range. pally of the humors of race course bet Taken only a guide with him, Glover Tils Favorites. There nnv be person» in this community ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OR, THE RnKABOUT crossed the great glacier and discovered ting. who are at times troubled with colic, or •*0h, Mr. nayseed, do not birds and IS A NEW VEHICLE. WHICH SUPPLIES A LONG FELT WANT. subject to attack’ of Isiwel complaint. If plants call for a husbandman's constant that another large river issued from the Scholarship, one year............................$32. other side. This river, called the Altsekn ODDS AND ENDS IN JEWELS. so, thev should trv Chamberlain’“ Colic. Commercial Course................................ $25. by natives, is probably the same discov Cholera and IHarrhoea Remedy. It will I i adoration?' afford almost immediate relief, and when “Wai, yaas, miss.’’ Boat hooks are aspirants for favor in Training School, per year..................... $15. ered bv Seton Karr in his recent letters. reduced with water is pleasant to take. If "Do tell me which are your favorites?’ For some distance and between the two the pencil case field. taken «» coon «' the first indication of the “Wai, I can't say exactly, but I’m rivers the country abounds in fertile and Salad bowls of faience are being shown di*ea-e is felt it will ward off the attack Manv people me it in this way. and find mighty partial to roast goose and cab and well timbered valleys, undulating in a variety of styles. plains ami grassy slopes, on which the that it never fail’them. A 25 or 50 cent bage.”—Yankee Blade. A newcomer in ¡>encil cases is the stub game has not yet learned to fear man bottle insv be obtained from ('hitwood Bros. This beautiful country, a paradise of the of a candle in oxidized silver. Drugstore. La,Ing in a Stock. north, is inhabited by friendly Indians, Recent importations include a silver Nort A Hawkins inspected the Ashlard Young Man—I want half a dozen en in no way resembling the coast tribes, peacock whose outspread plumes are per woolen mills last week with a view .»f en gagement rings, assorted sizes. either in characteristics or speech, and gaging in a simitar enterprise at Yrekn. W hite S ulphur S prings Jeweler—Ono is usaaHy enough at a remarkably chiefly for attempting to till forated to receive toothpicks. providing the Ashland girls will consent time, sir. A lizard skin card case is offered, or the land in a rude primitive fashion, pe to leave their situations an<i work for hint. namented with a border of small pearls GREENHOUSES! Young Man—I know it, but I'm going culiarly original. Arnone other thin«.«* Nort had to do when down to the seashore for two weeks.— Friendly Indians were met with all the which terminates in a heart outlined in he went to Ashland to make arrange way down the river, but none so higlilv the center of the case. ments for the appearance of the N. C. Munsey’s Weekly. civilized as those referred to. Glove left G eraniums , R oses , F uchsias , P ansies , Worthy of mention is a knife stand of I V erbenas Dramatic Company, was to rent a piano. , P etunias , and a good variety of others of the partv to pursue their Makins It Real. silver produced in the shape of a large So wrapped up was he in the science of A nnual and P erennial plants, for out searches further. He will return to One secret of graphic description is horseshoe, which is divided off into nar door bedding and edging, ready May 1st. weaving, that he absentmindedly sent Alaska in the spring. It Is l’-ht, strong, easy riding, and well made, having three elliptic springs underneath the the piano around to the woolen mills. the introduction of slight details which row slits to hold the knives. body (these springs are made especially for this wagon and will carry 500 lbs. with ease), double VEGETABLE PLANTS. When the company arrive«! he also or sound m If they were drawn directly collar, steel axle.«, the best steel tire, leather dash, and a solid beaded bottom. It has a box Mr. John Keown, the worthy postmaster A quaint idea for the dining table is a T omato , C abbage ,C elery , C auliflower , under the scat for sma.l packag-s, ami a wire guard around the back for holding larger packages. dered the baggage sent up to the factory, I from life. This was understood by a at Keown, Allegheny county, Penn , says: silver pineapple springing from a branch, P epper . E go P lant , etc., cheaper than you Send tor catalogue and prices. Manufactured by Imt the mistake was discovered in time I colored preacher who sought to bring “Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy sells lietter GA.ICOINJEK. A CKOHH, to enable the «jompanv to appear at the before Me audience the scene at the than any other.” The reason of this is lie which forms the base, the luscious fruit i can get them from the east. cause it can always l>e depended upon. Let being perforated to hold toothpicks. Ofc. {Orders from abroad promptly filled. X-oulMvllle, Ky. Ojiera House,—Montagne Herald. erooafaffof the Red sea, any one troubled'with a severe cold give it [3-6] C. R. HI IELSTH, Prop. An odd specimen in salad bowls rests “Stoose yon’s de children of Israel and a trial and thev will find that the first dose I A Fnnn, In'crricw, That. Tse Moees; Jersey is de wilderness and will relieve the lungs and make breathing on three eggs, the fork and spoon having and that its continued use will free handles colored to represent radishes, Brides burg de promised land. Well, I easier, Dunsmuir News the system of all symptoms of the cold. While the Redding Indians were stand brings you down to de ribber and waves The promptness and certainty of this rem while on the bowl lettuce leaves stand ing in front of the Western hotel in San my hand up toward Tacony, and de edy in the relief and cure of colds, has won out in bold relief. Frsneiaco one d«v during the recent cele waters roll backward toward Philadel- for it many sincere friends and made it very An exceedingly attractive ice pail is Carpenter and Builder bration General Crook came up and bad phy, and we all goes over vridout gittin’ popular. For sale by Chitwood Bros. made in the shape of a jagged lump of a long chat with the spokesman of the I wet ice painted a sea blue as If the waves A Big Inducement for Money. A shland O regon band. He spoke of the Modoc and I “When de las’ pickaninny gits over I All newspapers worth having require that washed it had left their mark. This Rouge river wars and told them a num waves my hand toward Philadelphy, and is mounted in silver. — Jewelers ’ Review. I nionev to run thorn. The R ecord is no ber of things that made them open their eves in wonder that he should know so I waves my hand toward Tacony, and i exception in this respect. We must have Repairing will Reeeire l’rompl A German named Lilienth; ‘ter ex de water r-o-l-l-s back from toward Ta 1 it, and in the advertising columns of this much.—F-ee Press. throw out inducements that will perimenting for twenty-three y -is with The Press failed testate whether it was cony—and dey was flshin’ for shad dere I • issue Attention. Inst think of the Mam artificial wings, lias succeeded in rais General Crook's ghost or no». Wonder de nex’ mornin’!”—Youth's Companion. !<> the w rk moth Cyeloptvd'a an<l the R ecord one ing himself, weighing 160 poinds, with if the Press ever heard about General ; vear for $."..00. And Dickens’ complete the aid of a counter weight lifting From the Heart. Crook dying last winter or did it do like Little Miss Lily was paring her first works and the R corp for only $3.10. If eighty pounds. How to raise the other gome other paper? go to sleep during the visit to the country, {feeing some birds you aren’t satisfied with the whole earth, eighty pounds is still beyond him. told season. in a meadow she exclaimed. "Poor little we will throw in 25 novels fret*. Men’s fine striped shirts n -••xxl quality birdies of the field! They haven't even The Pulpit and «he Siasro. NOTICE Cut this out. and when vou visit Portland percale, just received at Blount's. Rev F M Shrout. pastor United Breth » cage to sleep in.”—Judge. ’ during the exposition, call on Towne, the ren church. Rlue Mound. Kun., snvs: -I James Salla brought down from Iron I Photographer, and receive the following mountain yesterday eighteen liars of bul feel it inv dutv to tell what wonders Or The Cause of It. lil>eral oiler. Kini's New Discovery has done for me Horse Dealer—That's a rattling good AU presenting these slips will be given lion—a little over 31,000 ounces—which Mv lunes were hadlv diseases! and mt par- ' one dozen of my best style cabinet photos he shipped to the refiner. This is the ishioners thought I could live only a few ___ horse, mister. one extra for framing, for $3.50. My vield of the Lost Confidence mine for week» I took five hotties of Dr King's Would-be Pure baser—Yes, so I hear. ' and regular price for the same work to those not September.—Redding Democrat. New Discovery and am sound and well, Is it all bone«?—Burlington Free Press. holding these slips is $6.00 ]*r dozen and gaining 26 lbs in weight ” $3.00 for extra picture. This is an extraor Arthur lx»ve. manager Ix»ve's Funny Bucklen’s Arnica Salve dinary offer and the probability of doing Folks Combination, writes: “After a thor Predestination. enough extra work to make it pay prompts The Best Salve in the world for Cuts. ough trial and convincing evidence. I am Naughty Willie—I won't! 1 shan't! I I the inducement. Every Train at Medford. Ask for Bruises. Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum. Fever confident Dr King's New Discovery for don ’ t wanter to be a nangel. Call and see our work, it speaks for itself. Sores. Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Consumption beat« 'em all. and cures when Coms, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi- Firm Mother—You must.—New York This holds good until November 1st. everything else fails The greatest kind Very trulv yours, ■ tivelv cures Files, or no pay required. It is ness I can do my many thousand fr ■ nds is Sun. ■B ’ C TOWNE. i guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or to urge them to trv it ” Free tral bot lee „ - ----- —-—------------ Studio cor First and Morrison Sts. i money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. at Chitwood Bro s drag store Regular „,New i°‘ ol ust °I*ned at Take vour babies to Towne. I For sale by Chitwood Bros. site! 50c aud 11.00. 'Blounts. Ashland Fence Works! s. EMER Y, N A YOUNG H RUNNING IN FULL BLAST, H. S. EMERY FALLES WEAD. JAMES S. ROGERS Manager Funeral Director. WAS E. j. KAISER. Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One year.......................................... $2 50 Six months ........................................ 1 SO Three months............................ 75 Advertising rates given on application. Local notices 15c per line for first inser tion and 8c for each subsequent insertion. Obituaiv lines, memorial resolutions, cards pf thanks, etc., at half rates. J UTHER L. BI KTENSHAML ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Will practice in all the Courts of the State. Business in the Ü. S. Land Office will re ceive prompt attention. Office first door north of Bank of Ashland, Ashland, Or, J N. PHILLIPS, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR AT LAW A shland . - - O bkuox . Ornes—Room 2, Masonic Temple Block. DK PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. (N inb Y babh in H ohmtal P hactics .) Office in Brick Block on Oak street. Sec ond door from Main Street. A shland - -- - ____ Ossoox. J^OBEliT A. MILLER- ATTOBNEY-ANLtaCOUNSELOR-AT- X j JVW, J acksonville - TYPEWRITER S2O M artin & H arris ’ OHLY PERFECT 5E-WIHÛ MECHANISM family USB. . O regon *. - A. C. CALDWELL, MECHANICAL AND OPERATIVE DENTIST. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the painless extraction of teeth. Office over the Bank. J T. BOWDITCH. ATTORNEY AT LAW. A shland ,.............................. O begon , Will practice in all courts of the state. Collections promptly made. GEO. W. COOPER, Contractor & Builder, Wishes to notify the public that he Is prepared to TAKE CONTRACTS for DWELLINGS, BARNS, BRIDGES, <tc.. anywhere in the country between Red lllirff and Portland. Having a large crew of good men with me all the time, 1 can put up buildings in good shape and on short notice. Reference given. Address G eo . W. GOO PER, Yreka (Ml. EAST AND SOUTH —VIA— Southern Pacific Route Shasta Line. Express Trains Leave Portland Daily. South f 1 -Rorth 6:00 p m 1 Lv Portland Arj 9:35 a m 9:00 a m [Ar Ashland Lv| 0:10 p m 9:30 a m 1 Lv Ashland Ar 1 5:40 p m 7:45 a m 1 Ar SanFranciscoLv 1 7:00 p ni Above trains stop only at following sta tions north of Roseburg: East Portland, Oregon City, Woodburn, Salem, Albany, Tangent, bnedds, Halsey.Harrisburg, Junc tion City, Irving, Eugene. Roseburg Mail Daily. _____ leave : _ akuivk : Portland... .8:U0a m I Roseburg 6:00 p lu Roseburg JPOO a m | Portland... 4.00 p m Albany Local, Daily.(Except Sunday.) _____ mtAVE:____ __ akbive I Portland... ,5:(W pm Albany. ... 9:00p m Albany . 5:00 am Portland ,9;00am PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. 10URIHT HLEEPfNG CARS For accommodation of Second Class Pas sengers, attached to Express Trains. WEST SIDE DIVISION. Between Portland and Corvallis. MA(L TRAIN DAILY (EXCEPT SUNDAY.) State Normal School _____ leaves :______ Aiuuvss:_____ Portland...... :30 a tu I Corvallis.. .12:10 p tu Corvallis. .12:55 p ni | Portland... 5:30 p tn At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains o( Oregon Pacific Railroad. Express Train Daily (Except 8unday.) leave : arrive ' ' Portland . 4:40p m | M’Minnville 7:25 pm M’Minnville.5:45am | Portland . .8:20 a m QUANTS plant S TllEOlliH TICKETS to all peints EAST ARD SDl'TH. O. R. Buckman PEOPLE GOING I - WH1 practice in afi the courts of the State. Office with W. H. Parker, opposite Court House. AWARDED THE ONLY HALI«, J. H. The Best Coach PLYMALE’S For tickets and full information regarding rates, maps, etc., call on company’s agent at Ashland. R. KOEHLER, E P. R0QER8, Manager. Asst. G. F. & Paas Agt THE YAQUINA ROUTE Oregon Developement Co.’s STEAMERS. SHORT LINE TO CALIFORNIA. - -y— FREIGHT AND FAKES the LOWEST Steamer Sailing Dates: FROM YAQUINA: Steamer Willamette Valley — Julj^26th, August <ith, August 16th. August 2<ith EROM SAN FRANCISCO i Steamer Willamette Valley— August 1st, Augnst 11, August 21st, August 31st. The companv reserves the right to change sailing dates without notice. Trains connect with O. A C. R. and Riv er Boats at Corvallis and Albany. R emember the Oregon Pacific popular Summer excubbion *—Low Rate Tickets are now on sale from all Valley points to Ya- quina and return. Freight and ticket office, Salmon street wharf, Portland. C. H. HASWELL, J b .. Genl F. A P. Agt. 34 Montgomery St., San Francisco. C. C HOGUE, Ac’t G. F. <t P. A. O. P. K.. Corvallis, Oregon. GOOD CHANCE A job printing office and newspaper plant in Medford, Oregon, for sale at a low price and on easy terms, if applied for at once. F B. TICKNOR, Medford, Or.