\ A la la A* A ASHLAND. O* Tbur-dav. Mpt. 11. IX« Tba Men erv wen*« th/- census enumer­ ator to count the political editor of the Oregonian twice—once for proteclion ami once for free traile. A Yreka hotel man a« I vert i*«-« “Youb find the drummer» there.” That aaigh do to draw in Yreka, l«t over here it would cause ’a »ta npede to the other hotel. Voltaire, in a newer: ng * request to «it for a statue, wrote: “I am no longer th« [gtearsaor of what might he call«! * f***- 1 look like a baked apple on the top of * craoe'* neck.” Tbe humoriat.Geo. W. Perk,of “Peck’» Bad Bov” lame, ha» been nominated bt the democrat* at Wisconsin for governor, bat the republican* of that state will find nothing funny in auch candidacy- Tim hop lonae it ia Mid h** appear» I ia Lan* coontv. A »pray of »trong cau*- tic water will kill them, or a «troug *olu- tioa of *oap-*od* and tobacco water. Potaab or cauatic water, though, i* the The recent ceuana »how* quite a heal­ thy increaae in the population of the Booth in th* l*»t ten year*. Fourteen Bouthern Mate* ahow an increaae of 4,- 000,000. Texaa lea«ia with an increaw of 600.000, and Miaaoari come* next with 400, a». __________ In I. D. Driver’» lecture on “Social Purity” at Han Franciaco, he remarked: “If yon want to make a great man begin with the body. If you build a fine »hip you must have a good hull. If a man want» to be reapected and eateetned be muat look to hia action» and keep men­ tally and morally clean.” In conclusion th* speaker said: “The devil buys souls with gold and lust, but there is not enough gobi or lust to buy a soul for the devil withoat the owner’s consent.” Parties who have been searching for the wreck of th« Brother Johnathan MFP certain that they have located the rest­ ing place of the obi ship; but the wreck lies in deep water, and with the divin.’ apparatus in use on this coast it will be impossible to raise her. A diver went down, and after some search, found, por­ tions of the old ship. Moot of the hull is gone to decay or is buried in the drifts oi sand. It is therefore probable that all is now known that will ever be known oi tbecld ill-fated steamer that cost So many their lines on that Sunday in July of 1865, until the time comes a hen the sea shall give up its dead. It is supposed that a large amount of treasure went down with the ship which, if true, will forever be eliminated from the wealth oi the world —C. C. News. Congressman Wilson of Washington, who recently made a personal assault on old man Beckwith in the houae, ia a peevish, offensive, insulting and bellig­ erent citizen, always rradv to fight. The Washington correspondent of the Chica­ go Herald has this: A few weeks ago Wilson became angry at Congressman Hermann, of Oregon, because that gen­ tleman, a* a member of the committee on rivers and harbors, had failed io put into the bill as large an appropriation as Wilson wanted for the Columbia river Hermann is about twice the size of Wil eon, but when the pair met in the corri­ dor Wilson shook his fist under Her­ mann’s nose and backed him into a corner and applied to him a largo num­ ber of epithets. Hermann tried to get away, but the pugnacious little gentle­ man from Washington pinned hie victim to the wall and vented his spleen to his heart’s content, greatly to the amuse­ ment of a large crowd of onlookers. Duncan B. Harrison,author of the play that John L. Sullivan, the ex bruiser, is starring in, ia not entirely unknown in Ashland. One Sunday afternoon about a year ago, when the depot platform was filled with town people to see the train, Harriaon, who w.<* to j>lav in Portland the night following waa exercising hint self with twootlier uientliere of the troupe and a pet dog they had on a long thin chain. Harrison whs recovering iron: a broken leg. They were encouraging the dog to run up and snap at the boss at the depot. One of the kids didn’t like it and as the dog rushed up mildly kicked him off. Harrison, who is a powerful man, made two leaf« at the boy and slapped him. Everybody conaidererl it a brutal outrage anil Col. Board t h qni k- ly diagnosed the feelin s of the crowd anil whistle« I for the police, uj>on whose arrival he made a verbal complaint against the theatrical John Doe for as- auult and hottunr. Harrison's two com­ panions were delicately urging him to keep hia tongue and get into the car. Au exritiag scene ensued, the main feature»« of which were a crying kid, a show ex­ pecting to be pulled, a policeman trying to make peace, with humble Christian methois, a i-olonel ehajuentlv demand­ ing an eye for an eye and the powerful actor with a broken leg but an immense amount of moral courage vilelv abusinz the complaining witness and endeavor­ ing by every means to provoke him into a breach of the peace, and treating the officer with silent contempt. The train commenced moving and he got on utb’r- ing a String of abuse. Few men in the land are j>oMieiM»ed with the nerve to have aucceasfullv stood off this crowd under the circumstances. It was a plain <-. s- of assault from a le al stand p-’int ami morally he should have been punislie-l bv all means. No one in the < row-1 knew what or who he was. Mrs. J. G. Shock got a fall a few davs __ z_ «go, bruising her limb aud ai-le very b*dly. Peter Simon, who has been on a trip to Germany, is expected home to-«Iay, Mondav. A. J. Florev ha* 'our men at work on ■. os new tmibiin.'. and it w>U be quite an aidition to our town. Mr. Mosier ia sick, so that he had to nave a ear A al operation performed by Dr. Geai y of Medford. The posUiffice inspector was over look- nz after the interest of the postoifice «le- .«artment one «lay last week. Emanuel Clark, son os the l«te Mrs fohn Felling has lieen in from Burns, Harney countv, looking after his moth­ er’s «-state and visiting relatives. Mis* Nada Inlow has gone to Ashlan«] to attend the state normal s< bool, as she :s determined to succeci in making ber- **|f a firat-cLas teacher. We wish her abundant Mieceas. Miss Ella Brown,our new tem-her from Riweburg, commenced school Gat M >n- iav and her traveling m|>anion, Mias FrancesBailev, has secured the » bool in John Obenchsin’a neighlxjrhood on Big Butte (a new district, 1 have forgotten the name.) We are pained to be under the neces­ sity of chronicling the tieath of Frank, son of David and Mollie Kincade, who leparted this life Sept. 8, ISA). Deceas­ ed was born in Mono county, Cal., Jail. i>, liW), being Id years, 7 months and 13 lays old. Since my last this neighborhood came very near having a d«-stru-tive fire. About midnight a burning sawdust pile at H. C. Lewis’ sawmill branched out and ignited a pile of stove woo«l near the nt-off saw ami from thence to the main building. A young man named Bern ifiscovered it almost reaching to the root, zsve the alarm ami raised the mill hands and the family in a big hurry by breaking in the door of Mr. Lewis’ bedroom. The excitement came cear a- arinz Miss Millie Howlelt, who was there visiting, out of her wits. D ick . Eagle Point, Sept. 8, 1890. Jacksonville JoitiniiH. J. B. Hollner »pent Sunday at C-olestein. C. C. Ragsdale uf Tolu was in town Tues­ day. The county jail is empty, tbe first time in a lung whi.e. .Mr». L. E. Payne of A«bland ha« lieen visiting at the county seat. Dr. J. W. Kobin-on and family bare re­ turned from Crescent Citv. Mrs. R. 11 Moore will leave Friday even­ ing for Eugene, to join her busband. Miss Mamie Judge wa« visiting the friends of her native city the nrst of the week. Claiborn Neil and Johnnie Murphy, of Ashland, were in tuwn Buiurday oi la»t week. County commissioner'« court was in ses­ sion last wee« and iian ac.ed considerable busiMM. Judge White, of Oregon City, was visit­ ing old nme trieniis in Jacksunvi.ie uuriog the week. Jas. Elliott has returned from a three month s »tuy at < Tencent city, lie ia much improved in health. H. A. Pre«t< n. who has been in the em- ha« Nickell fur some lime past. to Taco ua. Hon. H. K. Hanna and wife will leave in a few days for Crescent City, where they will »peiid some time. Evan Reame«, K Kubli, Jr., and George l.inn will have .»aturday lor Eugene to re­ sume their studies in the university. The Jacksonville school will re-ume stud­ ies Monday Sept. 15th. with C. 8. Price a- principal and Ous and Hatae Newbury a- assistant«. Luther Long wa« sentenced to one year in the penitentiary by Jud»,e Webnier Mon day .and was ta»en to Salem the »ame even­ ing by bheria Birdsey. B. B. Beekman. E«q., came out Sunday from Portland iu rusticate and w ll proli- ably view the entrancing iwenery ab u the ocean at bmi.h river before returning. Miss Agnes .«ulliian of St. Louis who ha« been visiting her uncle J. D. Buckiey for the last two mouth«, staried home on Wednesday. Her coUstn, Miss Ro«ie Buck lev, accompanies her. The contract for keeping the eounty Ims- ital the euming year wa« le. by the enmi­ ty court l<> Emil De Koboam tor >4.50 p> i week .or eac.i inma.e. Marr’a.e licen-es issued: Sept 4. to J K. Beaver ami Elizaneui i ri-w»on; »epi. 6. ,o i laitiorne Neil and Amanda Haymond; Sept. 8, to Joun Wiley aud Ro.-a simp kin«. The jury in the ca«e of the State vs Cha» Knighton disagreed, and wa< discharg­ ed hi Judge Webster alter being > ut ai night ant relet. Juugc Biro,*r»>ert). All lho«e having unsettled accounts with the undersigned, will plea«e eat I im mediate­ I will sell on long time or exchange for ly ami settle the same, ei;her bv cash or I .rm, my residence in .ishlaiui with a note. J. M. McCALL. Jan. 15. 1890. fronta.-e of 161) feet on Main st., and 150 HANY A LÛ IlCLD’HS ETHtr; For Cough». ColJs aud lau«; utfecriouí, •b<-« kn »'vo. |< if |»ley p minmit in Te* lonthlv. Gmnriied io relic*-© r .ppr csed men»tTGa.ion. fURDSAFZ! CEITA’U! Dnn’t be Save Time. Health, auu moLe, ;Uke uo oth er. Sent tn anv nddre « r , secure by ! a l 04 re- <“'price, <1CJ. could be j rc-veu el b. « II » > ________I I : ] ’ ! » fi j ------- WILL BE HELD AT—— on Alida rive. The grounds are nicely lain out with choice fruit and shrubbery, ..rti'n ial atone walk, good stable anil out buildings. This cottage was LraiIt in the Fall of 1484 of the choicest material and by first-class workmen, Newson Bros., S. F. architects. Will sell or exchange any part of 1 to 4 acres all in choice fruit and adjoining said ¡csi>uve desciiued lauds a. e >eque».ed iu «eparitelv, 1-t, for building stone abut- ti Tinware, iiient.«: 2d. for building tbe woo I work i.f C. unt. r Goods of All Kinds ule Uieir Claims iu >m» umce ui« ur beiuie -a.nl bridge. Bills will aiso lie received and said 2o h uay uf No.eiuuer. 1890. considered which are accompanied by plans WILSON A WALS WORTH. J ohn u . O u C. e , Register. and speciucations made by the bidder. The Count.' Court reserve« the light to reject Proprietors. TIMBER LAND NOTICE MAX MULLER, any and a l bids. County Clerk. United States Land Uftice. Roseburg, Or..i June 3, lo9Q. f B. F. Reeser s - TIMBER LAND NOTICE. UT1CE is hereby given turn lu couiptl- Xv auee with the provisions ol the act u> United States Land Office, Roseburg, Or.,! congres» ot J uue 3, 187o, enutleu ’•Au act June 3 1890. ( I lui tue sale ol limber lauds m the states u> N otice is hereby given that Uuhtorula, Oregon. AeVuUa, ami Washing in eoinplia ice with the provisions ot ; Is the place to buy tun lerntury, ' Thuiuas E. Blarney, ul h. act of Congress of June 3. 187\ emit ed Ki,.iu«.ii City, coumy o. ciszijuu, ata e ui "in act fot tli«.«ale of timber auds in the! Laiiiurma, has lui» uaj uled tn tuis office .»la e« oi Caliiorui«, Oregon, Nevada, and . ins swuiu s.a emem lur the purchase of the Washington Territory,” Edward A. Hild-! o B % ot sec No. 30, in >p Nu. 39, o K No. 4 reth. of A«h and, county of Jackson, »late E, and will uit<.r pruoi tu suow tiiai me of Oregon, has tiii» day tiled in this office | laud suugui is muie valuable lor its muter hi« sworn siatemeni for llie ¡-uri-lia-e of the . or « uue «hau lur agncUiluia. pur>iuse-. and N W 14 of sec No. 30, in tp No. 39, 8 R No. | lu estsbiteh his clauu tu .«aiu .a.id tenure »he I E. and will o crpr .of to show that the i Register and Receiver u. this oune a. Rose­ land soughi is mor« valuable for it« timla r burg, vregun, vn Frtuay llie 2bth day ul •r stone than tor agri.ultural purposes, November, i.-UO. nd to establish hi* c aim to sard rami lie- lie name- as witnesses: Eduard Camp­ Particular Attention to ore ihe Register and Receiver of thi- offi.-e bell, ui Aiuma.h City, oiskR u euunty, at Roseburg. Or., on I-rid ay, the 28th day Lai., oeuige A Biuud and Eduard t. r before Spited States Laud Office, Roseburg, Or.,I •aid 28th day of November, 1800. J ohn H. 8> i V pe . Register. Full stock always on hand and made C* June 3. 1.-190. j to order. XTOT1CE 18 HEREBY UlVr..\ Til Al Man and Melon tn Collision. L n m compliance with the provisions ui :o:- A prominent lawyer in thia city had • Lc act u< «o igress ui J une 3, l87o, eniilieu ‘| ah act tui luc sale ut timber lanus in ih< client the other day who related a story ZM^Noi e but the best material u ed. stales ul Caiiluruia, Uiegou. Nevada, aim which shows that th* watermelon may In REESER’S BLOCK, Wasiiiugton Terriuny,” Frans McCracken, accomplish great damage when used m a of Whim luin,, coumy ul aavksun, s'.am ui f>//LJAD, OREGON. weapon under certain circuuiAtauces. | Oregon, has this day med in an.« office nis ■ovum -la.emem lur tbe purchase oi the N The lawyer’s client is a conductor on a W *4 ut N W to k oi N W J4 and N W Central railroad freight train. A few X ot B \V J4 ul sec Nu. 24, in ip 39, S K Nu. days ago. m the train was going up the 4 E, and will o..er prom tu show that die road at a speed of twenty miles an hour, land sought is mure valuable lor its dmuer ur sroue .ban tur agricultural purposes, and East Side of Main Street, A shland . the conductor waa standing in the top of io establish his ciaim t b*iu land tenure his caboose looking ahead out of the tne Kegt-ier and Receiver ui this ou ce ai window, with hia head resting on his | Roaenurg, Uieg« ii, on 1 nday tn« 28.U day ui November, 1890. arm. The train rushed by a small station He names as witnesses: Al. Hopkins, (Successor to 8. Stacy,) where a lot of watermelons were being ol ¡shake, Jucason cuun.y, Or., Wiliiain loaded into some cars. Nelson and George A. Biuud, oi Ashland. PROPRIETOR. As the freight train passed one of the Jacssun coumy, Or., Edward Campbell, oi Kiamam Lny, oiskiyou county, Cal. hands engaged in loading, in a spirit of Any and ad person» ciaituing adversely fun, pitched one of the melons at the All Kinds of Fresh Meats the above-described lands are iequested iu conductor's head in the window in the ca- Kept «-onstantly on hand. Fair living ute their claim» in tuis u.uce uii ur tenure booee. His aiui was well taken, and the prices is all that we ask . »aid 2sih >iay ui Noieuiuer, 1890. Ju.«a ri. S.iUrt:. Register consequences were disastrous. The melon Branch Offices at Portland, lias for sale a large list of Gr'ii>h Stoc/,- and Fruit Farntn. I r K* OREGON •• ----------------------------. Staple and Fancy Dry Goods PPPQ R — THIS M.4X- atn ready io take < rders for any kind of gun«4Rtli wotk, repairing sewing machines, t.iinr sawt>, sharpening knives and scissors etc., etc. Office . n F t nt stre.et. in building wit! J- hn B. Wrisley, the .eal e-ta.e agent. 2-4 I CEM. BMTEIU ilUFTIttU MiSTttiEB I I The Greatest Medicine in the World. Ti e mo-t aggravated di.«ea«es (even lep­ rosy) and case« pronounced incurable, yield to I:« magic i> u h. It is a new reve’.ati-.n to mankind: a bright oasis in a hopeless -le«ert expanse, and threatens to revolution­ ize medical practice. All orders will be promptly fillet! by send­ ing to John Van GOOD CHANCE at Prices that Defy Competition. JLIYE. GRAINING and PAPER ’ HANGING. We call special attention to C. JI. HENDERSON & CO.’» (Chicago) Red (TW Leave orders at S mite A D odge ’ s School House Shoes, and CHURCH, BROWN & CO.'S (Boston) >3 00 calf B J ■•Lire. Shoes, the best made. Every pair guaranteed. J. M. McCALL. ------- Patronize the-------- J. L. DOWNING, ONLY WAGON ■THAT---------- Connects with Every Train, RAIN or SHINE And carries the U. S. Mails and Wells Fargo's express SATISFKTIH Ashland Market. John E. Pelton CHITWOOD BUGS. I U ndertaker Director. Has opened rooms with a full line of Funeral Supplies in Wilson &. Walaworth'a store on Main street. Bodies embalmed and satisfaction guaranteed. Furnish new hearse and ghe pers-nal attention to funerals. Orders solicited for scroll wood-shaping, screen doors and windows and general repairs. Organs cleaned paired. Prices reasonable. tnv own sawing and re! tjui’ « V A K A X T E E D. United States Lund Uiiice, Roseburg Or,.I JOHN DYER, I E WORM AN, Medford Driver i Livery »tables. Prop. June 3, 1890. f N otice is hereby wtvrN tuai in cump.iance wuli ibe provisions u. i u«e act oi Congress ui June 3,18"8, endued "An act lor the sale oi umber land« in ti.e Mates oi L'auiurnta, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory.' At. Hupktns, tn Shake, count,, ot Jacv* n, state m Oregon, Las this day uled in this oitice his sworn statement tor the pu.chase oi the 8 % oi N W J4 and E oi a W % of sec No. 0, in tp 40, b.R No. 4 E, and wilt o..er prooi to snow Successor to 1IOSLEY & PELTON, that the .and sou0ut is uiure m.ua.jie lor its timber or »«one tnan «or agrw.UuU.a. — Wholesale and Retail Dealer in - fmrp.se», and to esiabHsti his oaiui to saiu and beio.e the Register and Receiver ui mis t.thce at ituseourg. ur., on rnday, me 28th day oi November. 1 90. lie names as witnesses: William A. Nelson u. Atffi.and, Jackson county. Or., 1-rauK McCrackenoi \v nite Bonn, Jack»oii Cured Meats Constantly on Hand. county. Or., 1 botua« E ¡Stanley oi Klamath City, oisKiyou county, Cai., Edward A. Terms. Cash. Pass-book accounts pay Hildreth oi Ashland, .>acK-on cuun.y, Or. able Monthly. Any and ail persons claiming adversely the auove described lands are requested to toe «heir c amis ia this office ou or be.ore sa d -’8 h day oi November. 1890. Jous it, buurk. Register. PICTURES of YOURSELF —OR— FAMILY ■ BE 2EEÆID AT LOGAN’S GALLERY, Finished in Style Equal to AWARDED FIRST PRIZES AT SOUTHERN OREGON STATE FAIR. PARRY MFG. CO.. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. IDBÒTTG-C3-ISTS. United States Land Office, Rose’ urg. Or.l Books, Stationery, J une 3,1890. f School VOTIC .IS 11ERERY GIVEN 1HAT Tv in compliance with the provisions oi Clocks, Watches, and die act of C'ungre-s of June 3, la.‘8, entitled "An Act fur the «ai- ot timber land.» tn the Stute.« of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Jewelry, Washingt n let'ri.oiy,’ Umiuiu Nelson, of A «bland, county o; Jucksun, state o. Or­ Main Street Corner, Ashland. Or. egon, ha- this day med iu Uu« office ili» .«worn statemeli ìor ine purchase ut die N % of N E %, .he b E % oi N E and N E Prescriptions carefully put up by com­ y, oi N W >4 msec Nu. 24, in tp No. 39, 8 K petent hands Au. 4 £>, and wi.l o»er prom tu »liuw dial tm laud ».ugui is mure valuable for its aiuoer ui .«lune diati lor ag.icuttural pur puses, -nd io establish his claim tu »aid i .and ue.uie die Register and Receiver o. I GREGORY & HICKS imi» uluce at Ruseuurg, Oregon, on Fri­ day tiietfadiday ui November, l»90. -CITY- lie name» a witnesses: Frank Mc- L'racaeu. oi Wuite cotut, Jack «un cuumy, Ui., «il. ‘i- pam«, ot ehake, Jack on coun­ ty , or., oeoige A. Blood, oi A. hlaad, Jacs- suti county, Ur., Edward Cauipue.l, ui i KlulualU cuv, biskiyou county. Cal. TZEÒJLUSTFSFEIEÒ. Any aim ad persons claiming adversely toe auuve-descrioea land» are teque-led hie their cudiu» in this uiiice on or bet- re ■ Passenger Coacli to Every Train. said 28di day oi November, 1599. I*. Freight moved about town at rate Jous u. bhupe , Register. LO ER THAN ANY ONE ELSE, Mrs. M. E. Tyler. Full Assortment always on hand, direct frem the East, and Special Attention given to TIMBER LAND NOTICE Horn, d-gent, Ashland, Or. Must la? paid ( cm ia advance, by money order, postal order or <-a«n. I'/L-’e, $3 50 per gallon jug, delivered at tbe”A'«hiwu^ depot. Orders from abroad prom-' tilled. Kept at the Post-otiice. in sonic block. fj & AND House, Sign, Carriage, and Decorative Painting. R. P. NEIL, An itmu irimis m.le and va iou crop -for the t anuerv. Let u din:, lam quarry near Fort Dodge there kn -w nh.n am unt v< u have toinve t a i< was discovered July 13 the print* of a we will advise a- to 1 ea.ton. Kcal Flaiat«* Transfer»«. bend tor map«, primpbli t- an I price list ' gigantic foot on a shelf of rock, which Jasti Rirtisev, sheriff. to I-rael Hansen had b^en covered with earth and vegeta- to THKOliEGoX L.iND t OMPANY undivided 2-3 of lots ti tnd 7. sec 4. ami the Salem. Oregon j Bon. but which was displaced by the 8 E ti and lot 1, «ec 5. tp 37 S, R 2 W, 71 explosion. The foot is apparently that 3-10 acre«; TIMBER LAND NOTICE. of a human being, though provided with N and W H Barr to H I’ Luni-den lot 3 block 1. Barr's add to Medford; >515. j nails of great length and curved slightly C Magruder,trustee, to D L Newton—lot« United State- Land Office, Roseburg. <>r.« at the end, as can be seen by the deeper 5,6. 7, 8, block Bl. Centra P..int; >275. June 3.1 »90 i indentations at the ends of the marks. Magruder Bros, to E R Owtn-deed of N otice is hereby given tha assignment; >1. The prints are seven in number, vary­ in compliance with the provi-ion- Jn<> Celling to E Clark lots 5 and B.nlock uf the ac» ot Congress of June 3, ing considerably in distinctness, each 3, Fryer's add to Eagle Point; >1 1878. entitled " An act for the «ale E B ami C L Hun«aker to M I. Alfor>l— oi timber lands in the State- <>f Califor­ measuring a fraction loss than two feet all of lots 2. 3. 35. 26. 27, 33. 31. Hunsaker’.« nia. Oregon Nevada and Washington in length and broad in proportion. Tha add to Ashland: >2200. Territory." Edward Canip'>ell of Klaniu , toe* are shorter than is usual in the hu­ E S Smith to J E emith—undivided half City . coumy ot Niskiyou. -ta e of t 'alirorni . man foot and spread much wider apart, of quartz mining claim. Steamlioat milling hi».hi-dm tiled in this office hi« sworii but the heel is narrow and rounding. I statement toi th- p rcb >«e of th- 8 W district. Jackson countv; >1. 00 «• The prints all point in the same direc­ M A Nichols to ti W Heckatborn—S E -e> No. ;>i. in tp No. St, .-xut h Kung- N M sec «ec 25. 25, tp 15 35 si, R 1 W. inn acre-; >1. East, and w ill o. er proo: tu >ik>a riia th« tion and are from four to four and a I blu II), L 11 and • O - C - Appi - lepne—S E land > ugbr i« m re va u >l>le tor it« .un' < half feet apart, the most clearly defined ----- ,------- ere*. M Of »ec 28. tp 38 8. --------- R 1 E , ; It» _ ac or »tone than for agricuiiural purpo e>. s i nking about two inches into the rock. r ■ - 1 : ____ _ _____ _ ■ • — P and F Loring to < > & C R K w« < o a — — 1 w« • - » * S U U of and to esta ili~h hi» claiiu t<> -aid land tie- There is tn addition to the foot marks 8 W M of wc 5. «nd N it i; of N W J «ec -- - **** -- » WV N W» E . M*^( . a ‘ n n _ tn 40 tore the Reci-ter amt Receiver of this offic« 29?and E >* of sic ». at K- »eburg, Oregon, on Fr.day, the 28 h indication of scute heavy object having 8. R Ï K; >1. ” H; dav of November, lsflO. been dragged over the rocks after the J H Wris'ev to U Buhlmever—land in tp lieuntue»as witnesses: George A. Blood, creature wliose tracks are there. Thia 37 8. R 2 W. 90 acre« : >2500. •nd Edward A Hildreth, of A«iiiatid, Jack- Elmira and Ed Pining to E Clark—lots 5 son county. Or. Th<-nias E. Stanley, o. 1 object was probably a club, to judge and 6. block 3. in Fryer’« add to Eagle Klamath City, riiskiyi.u county.Cal.. Fran» from the marks it made. I Point. >20. McCracken, of WMte Point, Jackson coun­ The iedge of rock on which this valua­ Isaac Wi liam« to Ja.» Gain.« and John B ty. Oregon. ble record of a prehistoric age is to be Williams— 8 E >4 of N W L and 8 W ‘i of Am and all pcr-ons claiming adver-elv NEW and K Vj of 8 W Vj »nd 8 E Vi of sec the alrove ed lands .ire requested to seen was detached with the greatest 13. and W 5» <>f N E and N of N W *-« trie their claim.« in this office on or before care, but an unfortunate fall brolfe the and 8 E t« of N W X ami lot 1. amt N E W «aui 2>ih day of Noyemher, ISftO. piece right across the footprint mo6t of 8 W U and E H of 8 E ‘ and NW' ,,f J ohn H. S hvfk , Register. clearly defined. The breakage will be 8 E q of sec 24. and 8 U of N E 1, ami N E repaired as skillfully as possible with V» of N E of «ec 25. all in tn 36 8. K 1 W ; Men’s and b> ys’ clothing, boots, shoes, cement and the rock forwarded to the lot 1, tp 37; al«o 10 acre« benginning at »tc., etc.. ■ f late«t style«, finest qnalitv and north line of .«aid donation claim : >10,500. Museum of Geology and Paleontology ax R Chsvner to Mary Ann, Michael and M at prices that defy competition, at McCall’s' Dubuque, Mr. Mardingltain, who ow:u J Chavner—«lower right to all intere-t in the estate of Tha« Chavner deed ; >3.00. Stanley and also Mrs. Frank Leslie the quarry, presenting it to that institiv turn.—Philadelphia Times. EM Miller to Sarah M Mi-kr—laud will lev lure in Burt laud this winter. And will be sold at our well known LOW PRICES WM. A. GROWE Market. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. -A-EE ZE DAILY ARRIVING The very best beerot Anaheim, wine and Hennessy brandy, which will be sold by the quart or gallon. Our table« a'e supplied with the latest pa­ pers. Come and see us and we will treat you as well as wc know how. DEFY COMPETITION R. STRAIT, Ashland, Or. Fine Billiard Table, JOB WORK, HARDWARE, STOVES & TINWARE Marble. All Orders in Stone Work Promptly Filled. Marble orks on MAIN STREET. PORTER Copperware. H. C. MYER, CHOICE The very best of WINES, BRANDIES, BEER and CIGARS, kept con­ stantly on hand. Sheet-Iron and hie face open and almost broke hia arm. Fresh pork on hand every day. The joker's melon almost finished the conductor. The speed at which tlio train Ft uh Laud» :n the Will m.-ttc A'allc.,. waa running was responsible for the un­ The Oregon Land Company of Salem, usual force of the blow.—Savannah News. Oregon, is offering some choice bargains i Nature's Nocturnal Songster». I in fruit lands. This land is situated from Every rakish insect, bird and reptile 3's to-> miles trom the State Capitol,with its excellent shipping facilities. Cannery, that lias a turn for nocturnal lnusio —DEALER IN— etc., and is especially adapted to fruit makes itself heard to some purposs dur­ raising. ing hot August nights. Like so many Five acre tracts from >55.00 to >75.00 Indians at the stake, they sing their tri­ per acre all cultivated and ready to set to umphant death songs, some tunefully, iruit. Ten-acre tracts partially cultivated fot eomo harshly, but all earnestly. The woods and fields after dark are almost >50.(10 per acre Twenty acres light timber land with M noisy as the town. But the sounds of the pastoral night are pleasanter to the good spring branch, $3->.00 )>er acre. that startle the sober citi­ i wenty-tive acri-s, fiiteen acres in cul­ ear than tivation, spring branch running on th« zen from his bluihteira. The unseen min- ASHLAND. OREGON place, for >3 >.0>i per acre. itrels produce their music *n maqy ways, Fortv antes of choice land all cultivat and pitch it in unaccordant keys, and yet ed, small house.some young fruit airemij their blended song soothes the senses s« t out, >70.()<) j>er acre. Forty acre.« of land all calrivatad, i. like a lullaby. But some time in Novem­ ber Jack Frost finally closes the season, wheat this year, for >t>5.00. Practical Gunsmith, Forty-three acres iweniy-tivr acre« • uhi and in the meantime there is a few “off vsled. line spring b.aneh. p ace all fence night3," of which due intimation will be in for >to 00 ¡er acre. MEDFORD, OREGON, I Fruit rrti-er« pretii fr- m >100 00 l<->1'4> (» Kby the thermometer.—New York I wish to announce t«> the public that 1 r. ________________ p< r ae re a ter the tree* are 4 years ««id OF I. W. BURRISS, Proprietor. This favorite le.-ort is gaining in popu­ larity every day. Hardware, Tin, We will make it to your interest to struck the conductor squarely on the face de. 1 with us, so give the new meat mar­ HAXI> A FI LI. Exchange Saloon, TIN STORE and arm. knocking out three teeth, cut ket u trial OX IjljLn LINE S Independent NEW GOODS! A shland M arble R. R. ADDITION ¡ No. 71. Price, $18 00 at Factory, Cash with Order. Strictly First-Class. Warranted. All Second Growth Hickory. Steel Axles and Tires. Low Bent seat Arms. 1’erfeetly Balanced. Long. F-w Riding. Oil Tempered Spring Best W heel» and Best Ail Over. IF YOU CAN'T FIND THEM FOR SALE BY YOUR MERCHAMT«. WRITE pg. H. JUDGE Harness & Saddle Manufacturer. ASHDAND, STAR Barber Shop, -, R. F. HIGH, Proprietor. OREGON. N otice is hereby given to the people of Ashland and Nurround- Fire wood of all kinds delivered any- All work ordered will be made to give entire MninOlJntr? that I a! am the Old stand on Main street, opposite the old Hag staff where ■i town at lowest prices. SATISFACTION- where any , ne wishine work done tn my Sold all bv druggists. *'**>’* ’»“1 n»e readv to serve Repairing neatly and promptly done, u.» ^nd u,en “«X o meand men may go. but I am a btayer forever. and at Irow Rates. ■ Shaving, 25c; hair cutting, 25c; shampoo­ I ing, 25c; sea foam, 25c. 1 For Sale or Trade. Ar’ist. Corner Main and Granite Sireete. ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OR. A job printing’ office und newspaper PICTURES COPIED AND ENLARGED p’ant in Medford. Oregon, for «ale at a huw i Scholarship, one year....... price »nd on easy term», if applied for at Bromides made in all sizes. Cap and Commercial Course............ once. ’ F B. TICKNOR. examine our work H«diord. Or. I I r tuning ttoitooi. pu year .. .>32 ... |25 ...... HO- UtaLAtUES* H a IB Cl-TTISU A SrKltALTY. WO HORSES, one 0 years and one 5 old, and set of harness ami !un>- T l>er years wagon, which I will «e l cheap for cash Situation Wanted or tntje for town pr- p<-rty. Fir :grther pardeuar« inquire of s CORBETT. »IS Ashland, Oregon. Y u A YOD£° UADY, to du general the h> u-ework. Address or call at B K£OO£i> Otfcce for inform«t.ÿvp