VALLEA rHEMIKD BKICKH A »laughter waa horn unto S. P Kil- bourn and wife, at M»-dford, A uk . 29. Salvator, the fratest IwnM- on earth, made bu mile in 1 :35*s at Montuooll: Will J. Itdpt« i» tea« hi ng the vcmng itlea bow to shoot, in Enterfirim* district Fiiar cnr)>>aer from Jos«- pili tie to alt I-ake, Utah, passed south frat week. F. X. Musty, the I>oi»t master way up at Etna.>w some fine fruit, particu­ larly pnn'hra. Mrs. l*r. Joura of M<*»lford waa called to l-< Granule recently, abere her mother die! last week. W. H. Barr, the MfxHord real iwtate owner, waa » cwiflned to ilia bed and oeri- oualy ill laat week. Clataopcountv 'Aotoria) baa only $l_0(> del loquent taxes, proliiibly the lieat ■twating in the state. l»r Geary ha» reminience*! shipping gra;*» froo> hi» Griffin creek farm to Portland, .sJO hoxra having gone lust VOL. III. MHS WOO:,W>>!ITH ASHLAND. I KE OIT IV MEET1V. JACKSON ÀECORD Published every Thursday by the 1 I VALLEY RECORD PUBLISHING CO E. J. KAISER. Editor. COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 11. 1890. NO. 18. TRAPPING MUSKRATS. tn I1> ■><■«' lU*pwb!ic*n <’<>ngr<'H«iiiati How th« Far Hunters in the Marytasd 15 b- up anil T, 11« Plain Truth« Marshes Mears Their Prey. —- V Ttiunder»» g Se>i»ati<>u. A visit to a inuskratting village, ra and Hypnolh* The iNxun-Sr alec Finii» a Clever Defender In ¿tsh- lami. VALLEÏ RECORD. shland Fence Works! z SUBSCRIPTION P.ATES. One y ear.............................................. ga . M * Six months .......... . . t tit : Three months ........... 76 1 Advertising rates given ou application. 1 Local notices 15c per line for first inser­ tion and Sc for each subsequent insertion. Obituaiy lines, memorial resolutions, ' cards of thanks, etc., at half rates.* I I J^UTHER L. BVBTEN8HAW. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. the scattering caliins of the trappers From Wa hington Di «patches.] E i - ttob V aleev R :< ord :— Will practice in all the Courts of the State. along th« borders of Fishing hay. Marj - Business in the U. 8. I-and Office will re­ I see by the pa;»*!*» that Mrs. Wood­ R<«ferring to tii* betrayal of Christ bv ceive prompt attention. Office first door | land, are called, will be a revelation to worth, oi ti*iai wave prophe*-y fame, is 'ti'h.s, Kennedy said: north of Bank of Ashland. Ashland, Or, in St. Ixiuia with Iter big tent having “It w s nii-rt and fittii g that Judas the stranger. The cabins are rude and Proprietor. great »u-i-era in winning souls to Christ should In- paid thirty marks of silver; it have barely a habitable appearance. The i J N. PHILLIPS, That every ni ht s ores of atning as well j was still a part of the eternal fitness oi occupants are squatters, and the mate­ —Manufacturers of the Celebrated— as weak minded people are being strick­ thin, s that, having lieeti guilty of the rials of which th rir cabins are built have en down by the »laying jxiwer of the b.oke with many tongues, ami tinman bein ', and now, when it was ex- long to each cabin. cleanse? the furn d toi:gu >. tnou.h the congregatien wan composed ‘ P«te.l it would redeem its pled-.-eg and JQR J. H. HALL. fortune of $40,00,000 to the state when Another feature of the comm unity is of many different nationalities they were lie faithful to its history, it is about to Children as well as adults he «lies. all spoken to in their own ton.ue and , prove false, ¡»nd the oft-rppeate drove the secon»i band of sheep movement, whether it has lieen bi it is only liecattse its clio»en leatfers have Five Double Strands Galvanized Bessemer St9el Wire A shland I O regon . ’■ .-e ot‘ Regulator will ¡wroes the plains to this state, die»! at Moody and Sankey, ^am Jones or bun bartered away its principles for the the hundreds of surplus muskrat, cai- casses that accumulate, although the dred» of lesser liglitK.all claiming as Mis tri ks and petty B’-heuies of (lolitieiaiis McMinnvtUe satunlay. give relief. So perfectly Woodworth that it is the power of the ■ “The Ju I..s Is a riot of two thousand flesh of the muskrat forms an important J^OBEKT A. MILLEK. CONTINUOUS TWIST cf the WIRE. Bl .ine does not want to sit in the pres­ holy spirit nt (¡«»I, tiie Holy Ghost that years a jo is to find a counterpart in the ■ article of food with the trapper and his haiinle-a is this remedy idential » hair. He finds much more fun Was operating Upon the hearts and minds • u ias Is; ariot of to-dav. ' Ju.Ira, who Liken by ANY KIND AND SIZE PICKETS. in |»la< mg Iwiit pins in that < hair for tl»e of the people, convicting them of sin, took thirtv pieces of silver and went and i family. A b for that, however, eatc-s of ATTORNEY-AND-COUNSELOR-AT- muskrat meat are not confined to the ric-.j j'oungcat intaiit or* »iistreaa of the man tliat sits in it. IH ».licaper than .» Rai « ence, Mo.e Dantbte than t><-,ii«i-. and Stronger than bringing them to repentance, etc. Ami ‘ ban. i d hiins’d', lias left ,»n example for trapping villages of Fishing bay, for it I I j JLW, th*: m>jst delicate person I arb Wire Fence Handsome LAWN FENCES to Order. Renfro & I’ellett’s planing mill at Tal­ tie.lav our churches are filled with mem- i the Matt Qnaya that is well worthy o’ is considered a great delicacy by many J acksonville - - - - O regon . without injury, no matter ent has the contract to furnish 20,0» fruit I hts who have felt this jaiwer and I h — their imitation. Some time since I stood W orks no N orth S ide of R. R. C rossing . H elman S treet . I mixts . They have their mill, re»-entlv | lieve it to I m * the power of the Holv pir- I on mv idaceon this floor andilenonneeda an epicure in that laud of terrapin and wyat the condition of the Will practice in all the courts of the burnt*»! down, under way of construction it, the power that sustuins tlicm day by ran. tor ln« :iusc, when charged with cor­ ■ canvas backs. State. Office with W. II. Parker, opposite ,-y tein may be. It can A remari ble thing about the razor »lav and enables them to resist the power ; ruption ami branded with infamy, he did ■gain. I Court House. do no harm if it does no the Devil and keep in tlie strai. lit am! I not aris** in his scat and demand an in­ back hog« o. the muskrat region is that, SURVEYOR Senator Stanford's fruit farm in Cali­ of wav. And through faith in this ti sli.ation and all inquiry that ahold es­ though they devour untold pounds of good, ¡ut its reputation fornia is the largest in the world It con­ narrow power ’ and Government Land Locator. C. CALDWELL. thousands have lieen » ur»*d tablish tin- puritv of his actions and iiis muskrat meat every day, they never tains 3 >,0 O acres, and tlie grapes niiseil »lime tor 40 years prov. - it of their malidies, as through Dr. Cullis (H>rson..l honor. show the richness of their keeping by ; and the wines made there are famoua JACKSONVILLE, OZRZEG-OJST. net r j o Is in doing goud. and hundreds ol others by the laying on j “One other «'cupying a high place in adding a single pound of flesh to their MECHANICAL AND OPERATIVE where Stanford is unknown. gained a complete knowledge of the lay of the land in this country by ac* of hands and anointing with oil, iutoiii - i the councils of the party to which 1 be­ carnivorous bodies. DENTIST. tuaI experience, 1 am thereby enabled to give strangers seeking information the Judge Snwyer.of tlie United States cir­ puliied bv fervent, faitlnul prayer; or as, longed li ssuffcied himself month in ami The muskrat builds its house so that, oi sau.siaetion. Locating on government lands a specialty. 3-7 Nitrcus Oxide Gas admiaustered tor the cuit court, has deci»ie»i that the Bingham bv the Christian scientist, who tjelieves i month out to lx* charged with crimes ill painless extraction of teeth. ordinance, wliicli provides that China­ Christ meant it when lie said, “The ! and mis demeanors for which, if guilty,he while it has a couple of stori»» high and Office over the Bank. dry on the ground, the entrance to it is town shall lie remove*! ontsid»* the limits things I do ye shall do, ami greater | should h ive lx*en condemned under the of the city of San Francisco, is unconsti­ things shall ye do, because 1 l - o to my1 laws of his state and had meted out to always under water. This entrance is a ; THE ÆSKLJATTID tutional, and iwitrary to existing treaties Father.” And who dare say these things i him the fullest measure of its punish­ long tunnel running from a point a foot J T. BOWDTTCH. with China. are not lieing done in almcst any » «im­ ment or more below the water at low tide line munity? There are proofs of it walkin', ATTORNEY AT LAW “This man is a republican Shall I to the ground floor of the house, which Tunnis Braver, a voting man 23 years olREGON I death while lodging recently at Centra­ country, they Hi'iznt be »-oanted bv tliou remain in my seat, silent, because one for having this subterranean entrance to Will practice in all courts of the state. "UBrs? ü ’ iN-‘--c^'‘'LVf.F, j lia, Wash. One log accidental! v slipped Hands ilirou .bout the land. Ami now who is accused of crimes and refuses to his dwelling place is that thereby he has Collections promptly made. comes two prominent physicians of st. seek for a vindication is a tepuh ican, front i,s moorini’s and crashed his head ADJUSTABLE IN EVEFY BLARING !' an exit or an entrance in time of danger against another log. Death waa inatan- I»uis with a petition to the mayor to ami that reihiblican a recognized leader that will not betray him to his enemies, AGENTS WANTED ' Neither decency nor taneous. Besides a wife ami one child, stop Mrs Woodworth in her Pentecostal of my party? Known as the Youle & Gilroy mill, is now CATALOGUE OESCRieiNS CU I FULL LIME either in his flight from home or in seek­ work of saving bou I b in the ol i apostolic iiom r would permit me to do bo GEO. W. COOPER, he leaves a mother ami father. OF WKEÏ1S St-NT Gtl APPLICATICI. ing refuge within its walks. But his in­ way, and say that instead of its lieing “ I do nj»t know whether the charges New lot of stylish «hoes just oj*en<«l at the [Miwer ot the Holy .«pint that she is made against the chairman of tlie repub­ stinct does not warn him against the Blount’s VLVjG.Owiû.__ directing, the strange ¡tower sh<* is wield­ lican national committee are true or not, trap his most cunning and persistent Prof. W. H. Dall, of Wellington, I) ing is hypnotism. That Mrs. Woodworth , Lilt I do know that they have lieen made enemy places at this hidden entrance to C., geologist ami pHl»*nntolower they w ield simply ns a great republican leader, he owed it i hinges at the top. These doors rise at notice. All Orders for SASH. HOOKS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, Etc.. Etc. gene dispatch. ■ hypnotism ? Should ull the evangelists tdthe great party at whose head he was ; the slightest push ou the outside, but Reference given. Address James Norris can furnish you all kinds of that are g< ing up and down tlie land either to brand them as infamous or to . will not open from the inside. The trap Gxo. W. COOI’ER, —IN­ or for FINISHING LUMBER, or MILL-WORK of ANY KIND, tini.-hing lumber, moulding«, windows, preaching Christ and Him ci i 'itie«!, to prove their falsity, or he owed it to that is sunk in the water to the mouth of the Yreka Cal. CENTRAL POINT. doors, «a-h, etc. Leave orders at i.u* ksy s* Hay nothing of our permanent p .»tors, I»' party to stand aside from its leadership. muskrat’s tunnel and anchored there, Promptly attended to. Address, Ashland, Or. 5d] suppressed because they are using this He has pot done either, and for this 1 and whether the muskrat is going out of Jeff Grigsby, living this side of Rogue And will keen constantly on hand a full power called hypnotism? Is it a denounce him . assortment of Hardware. Stoves and tin­ river bridge, h id th» misfortune to lose ' strange his house or returning to it he is sure to ESTRAY ANIMALS. that tlie whole Christian world has “The republican party cannot afford to walk into the trap. If he had time the ware. his hum, a horse hay rake, mower and • fact lieen ileceived up to thit» time and what follow the trad ol a branded criminal. all of his grain and liav bv fir«« l.iat Sat- captive rodent could gnaw his way out of Taken up at my place 2J-J miles north ot Wc WiH Not be Undersold urdav night. It caught from the stub of , they supposed to be a manifestation o He has failed to justify himself, and, the box, but before he can free himself Ashland, Dec. 20, is89, one brindle »teer, the Holy Ghost is nothing but livpnot- thou, h opportunity and ample time has aci arett«* which his Ixiv w «s smoking white spotted, about three years old; swal­ he will drown. A whole family of musk­ Call and see us before purchasing eise low fork in right car and upper bit in left. undtliri w uwajr on hin return home from [ism? Are these Christian coctors uml l>een given him, he remains silent. other Christian people wno are crying rats may be takon in a single night in H.a silence under su h circumstances where, fer we can suit you in price and Taken up Dec. 7, IbUO, one jet black mare Centrtl I’uint at ni .lit. The lotw is esti­ .Mrs Woodworth ami her work as is a con eraioii of •_ uilt. An honorable one of these traps, and. as every trapper quality. without white spots; brand on left hip in­ mated at »I-ktO with no insurance.— Mail, ! down tlie result of liypiiotism or insanity,rea«iy m.wer than any oi them, bhy Au Admirer of Andrew Jackson. of jack lamps, but that method of hunt­ is it that they »ioii ’ t build a grett tabci- while dealing in cattie and h<»r«es in Texas All kinds of 1 It is said that Richard Vaux, the ing is followed more to indulge the sport­ la«t Sep.etuber. whs taken with a very se­ uu»'le for tier, as they tint ¡or .Mr. Moody, I LlíT“ vere attack of cholera morbus and diar- ' and make it »<> resfiectable that tins, courtly old gentleman who succeeded ing inclination of the hunter than to ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. PARIS EXPOSITION, 188». rhoe», c luing, he «niqiosed. fiom a change eminent ductors wo.dd not dare to a. - Samuel J. Randall in congress, strolls reap profit. Times of extraordinary OREGON. CONTRACTS FOR ìiiLu oi drinking waier. A local druggist nilvis- ‘ » use her oi being insane or wielding the ! over to the equestrian statue of Andrew tides on the marshes are times alwayB ASHLAND e«i him to la';e <'hsmbsrlain’aColic.Cholera I nnsteriou» (lower oi hy (mutism ( is it Jackson every morning, and facing it re­ welcomed by the muskratter, for the P ainting , P apering , E tc . Has just received the biggest and l»cst and Diarrhoea Remedy. Tlie second dose, Call and examine them. he «ay». etlecte«l a »«»niplete care, und he : Ira'uUae she is woikiug in her own way, moves bis hat as a tribute to the mem­ rats are then forced from their houses, stock ol' goods ever brought to Ashland. Cor. M ain and G ranite streets, . independent oi the church, lieyoud then ory of a man lie admires. n>*w take« plea-nre in rec* lumending it to in 6pite of the infallible instinct they are A tine stock of imported goods. I also car­ ry all classes of goods, hence you cannot Others. For «ale nt 25 and 56 cent’ per bot­ | control? Why perse» ute her ami fail Ashland. Oreaon. alleged to possess in foreseeing such ca­ fail NOW ON EXHIBITION AT suited. Call and examine the I her insane, for wielding this power? 11 tle by Chitwood Bros. M. Carnot, the French statesman, has lamitous happenings, aud guarding stock to for be yourself. Nothing but tirst-class Witli an unusn illy large field of sound, | she litM-s ovenio tlie thing a little, does introduced a new way of giving ap­ against them by building their houses work, a good tit and satisfaction guaranteed. plump tall wheat; an average yield of . that change the source front whence the plause at the theatre. He strikes the higher. They are compelled to flee to Also line of a Conductor’s Cloth. apring wheat; fruit of all kinds; hav and ! (rower comes? Are Mr. Moody aud • am back of his left wrist against the palm the open country and seek places of eafe- L ZaELLMl. oats fn alaindance: an enormous yield of aoiHB |>erle< tly s.,ne w hen wielding this of his right band. i ty, which they rarely find, for the trap- Mine (.ower? W hat is hypnotism, any ­ potatoes; stock in good condition ami ' pers and hunters have no difficulty in lo­ Novelist HilUibiu Black. weatlu r that has lieen favorable to har­ way—can thus«' learned and piuuiiii*. ..t MAIN STREET, BETWEEN CHURCH One who knows William Black, the cating them, and so they are given over vesting, the |ie>ple of Oregon certoiuly t d«x tors of SI. Louis tell us? Haven t tiiev as a «lass been fighttug this thing AND GRANITE novelist, says of him: “I think the best to a wholesale slaughter.—Clothier and have nothing to complain of in the sum- iii*'r that lira just »loued. Plenty ami , Called hypnotism since Meeiuer's turn- thing about Black is that success lias not Furnisher. A shland , - O regon . pr.4|M*rity rule, good health prevails in whenever it has been mentioned by the turned his head. He is still the courtly, Rare Formosa Stamps. qua ’ ks gud its |>ra« titioners as a great ■«neral, and even the chronic growlor pleasant gentleman that he was in the Pacific Coast Main office, 136» Market St. Philatelists will be interested in a fimh Ins ation gone and is fain to therapulic agency lor the r«l«ei ut hUututi old days before novel writing had made I sutlenug, shouting humbug ’ ? And now certain passage of the last official report i> net on the fatneraof the laml in silence. San Francisco, Cal. I they are couinig to tlie trout and pru- i him famous nnd given him an indepen­ which is made by the British consul at Oregon Developement Co.’s W hite S ulphur S prings dent bank account. But he is no longer Tamsui, in Formosa. It is ,p the effect ! claiming that ower of the Holy .'pint oper­ many warm friends among them, and is on. This Formosa stamp is so far a A nnual and P erennial plants, for out­ FREIGHT AND FARES the LOWEST you many a dime. If vou ate seeking a ating on tlie hearts o! the people, «on- well informed about American litera­ genuine stamp that it was originally door bedding and edging, ready May 1st. home, for health and wealth, yon can i victing them ol sin and bringing tiiein I«» produced for postal uses, but, as a VEGETABLE PLANTS. find no place th it will suit you so well as , re(>eiitaucc, and Christ impressing them ture.” matter of fact, the intention was nevor Steamer Sailing Dates: T omato C abbage ,C elery , C auliflower . to works ot love and charity toward their the beatiti'ul town of Ashland, the keV carried out, so it has been impossible to P epper , E , go Fam Wo* in Brooklyn. P lant , etc., cheaper than you FROM YAQUINA : i« llow beings ami save them trout eternal city of the famous Rogue river valley; I saw a surprise»! conductor the oilier obtain specimens authenticated by a can get them from the east, Steamer Willamette Valley —July 26th, the largest ami foremost city of the pro*» wrath, it is nothing but hypnotism and postmark. As philatelists would say, it -rders from abroad promptly filled. August 6th, August 16th. August 26tn perotis and fei tile county ol Jackson, on Biioulil be supprtBB«'d when it becomes day one one of Deacon Richardson’s open has never been more than an “essay.” [3-6] ‘ C. R. VAI AELSTH, Prop. Are Hie cross town cars. When the car stopped the m.»in line of the Southern l\i« i tic too aggressive to suit them EROM BAN FRANCISCO: railway, al»ut twentv miles distant from Christian people oi "*t l»uis -ml Hie at a crossing a man boarded U with two However, these stamps were utilized as Steamer Willamette Valley— August 1st. * the line of California at the foot of the ■ world at large ready to. such a loguat children at one side of the car and a railway tickets on the Formosan govern­ August 11, August 21st, August 31st. Siskivoti mountains ami the end of the ■ conclusion? It nut, let them cease troui I woman with two children at the other ment railway line, and as fast as used I The company reserves the right to change sailing dates without notice. siskiyou division,with I be finest railroad , persecuting Mrs. ttuudworib or any otic side. Each took the same bench facing they were destroyed. The supply issued Trains connect with O. C. R. and Riv­ rating house in the state, lies tlir thriv­ ■ er ao-eulled’’erauk” who n»av be eugaged the horses, with the four children be­ for this purpose has been exhausted. er Boats at Corvallis and Albany. ing city of Ashland with its |«J| ulation i in tilling up our insane ray ¡urns in th- When the stamp was first “ essayed ” it R emember the Oregon Pacific popular tween them. The conductor received Carpenter and Builder of It occupies a commanding po­ name of ‘eligion. CvN><»n.M ». as high as sixpence in London, Summer excursions — L ow Rate Tickets are I from the man a five cent piece for one brought Ashland, Sept. 6, 18IM). sition at the head of the lieautiful Rogue and of late collectors have been paying now on sale from all Valley points to Ya- I fare. O regon A shland river valley and its situation in this re- quina and return. $2.30 for single specimens. Of course NOT.CE “Won’t you pay a little more?” said spect has gained for it the name of the Freight and ticket ofiice, Salmon street almost any price can be demanded and i wharf Portland. ‘Ke’ City of the Valley.’ the conductor, holding the nickel in his will be paid for one of these stamps. t ut tl is out, and .men v. u visit Portland It is’it, «trona, ««H’" riding, and well made, liuring three elliptic spriftga ULUerin-ath the C. H. HASWELL, J».. Genl F. A: P. Agt. “Fruit culture: Tne advauLtges the Rejxiiring trill Receive Prompt body (rhrsH spriii rs are nixd« » s M-cial.’y for this wag««n and will carry 50ft H as with ease, double the exp>A«iiion. ca l on l owne, lie hand and looking at the children. Certain Mauritius stamps are exceeding 34 Montgomery St., San Francisco. valley affords to the home seekers in the during collar, st» •’;!.» tire. h-a1n-r dash, and a solid bcAinet phmos 3 years old." coming scarce.—Eugene Field in Chicago “How old is your wife?” said the con­ News. l.oiii*v111«», >'• fruit growing ami prolific crops of the and one extra for irsimng, fur »5.50. My llni-st )*eaeh« s, (>e »rs, apples, prunes, regular prii-e for Ihesame work to those no: ductor, sarcastically. • “What’s that your affair?’ retorted the apricots, almonds, us well »s grapes, h Iding these s.ips is *6 00 ¡er <1 zen a id Sparrows Tie Up a Clock. ki n r < xtra p c.u-e. This is an extra i- blackla-rries .m»i other small fruits can $3. man. uinary offer ana the probability ot do.n, It is an old and rather exaggerated be grown here to a large profit to the eiii.uuh ex ia work to ma .e it pay proiuri'.- “Oh. come, now. you can beat me on assertion that some people are “ugly Jef# > rower. The fruits in fact in und near the indti-emeut. the kids, if you like." said the conductor, enough to stop a clock.” While this re­ OREGON. LINEVILLE. Ashland ate ot such 8U|»eri'-r qu. lity and t ali and sea our work, it speaks tor itself, getting mad, “but you must pay for the I mains to be proved it is an esta Wished have gained such a reputation, that 1« t- rhis holds gisst until Nov-ill er 1 t. old gal." PROPRIETOR Very trulv «. urs, fact that the ingenious little sparrow ter prices are paid lor Aaldami laraclv-s The man was about to make a hot re­ has performed the feat. The town clock CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS & B C T i '.VNI ami anphw and other fruits at either .'an Full Supply Simliocor Firs: und M rri ou ts. joinder when the woman stopped the at Sarnia. Ont., stopped the other morn­ Francisco t r I'ortland than are ti.tid ’oi Take your lial ie■ to Towne. quarrel by saying, “ These two children MANUFACTURERS. Itn- :>aitie .ari. ,y gipun at other placca ing and a man on going to ascertain the are with m**; 1 don’t know the man." cause, found that the hands had been bn rhe Faeitje «‘oast. 1 have fine he tec “Oh." said tlie conductor, accepting the securely tied down by strands of twine 1 fceidmu es ami koine small frmt trai ls lok Of Sash and Door.” and ail kind.s and : sale at a bargain, also have ? me phote- flii- remedy •« bee«»>idng • woman's nickel. He was too much put and grass. The mischief had been done styles of Window and Door Frame«. Mold­ Saddle Horses to Let. i and Brackets of ail styles. Boats built • gra.ihs of tlie same. Fot itptLei infqr- and «.» jiop’ilar a ■ to ne* I n * out to ask if either of her children was by a pair of English sparrows, who had ing wO order. Tlie whole or one half onered ; li* u All wl«o have u ed E Corner Fourth mal B streets. niatton call on not over 8 years of age,—Brooklyn Eagle. selected the angle formed by the hands ior sale. î i «ing the saui» .«uu.g o: nra !•* II. WICKHAM ts Special attention paid to freight team'. nicl|> tne »Io«' i>»i> «: »: ar. i as a site for a nest. The movements of |Uor. <4 l> a»id K|? •\ aiti St., two block« ti««i to i Turkiah Bn th« for UheuiiAUtisui. í the hands interfered with their plans, Kest ch baw h:dl\jroi,!i.lH, Qi addfe^n i:. Bl ’ •. er ■ v, ill < v. n a ' iii-i >: v It 16 now accepted that a Turkish bath and the birds put their wits to work to ¿END FOR 0. Box IOÌ6, Ta< on .4. Wash- ¿ih and t'i’IUv'v« ».ill remove p is peculiarly unfriendly to rheumatism, devise a remedy that would secure the irAL^(jU^D «>dt rbe :u h * i *1 otfi. r •fle.-.iu Colerstein and far ahead of any other remedial stability of the nest. l Wonder Worker. impure 1* mkx 1.—WiH dryvf tu; PRICELIST. .,»id r, ( > ut u- «*.!t a agency. One physician records over 3,000 H» i .A Hi'fiurin, a young mail t system t«,»'t Their first scheme was to wind the ■ • — Fur egte or e cases treated by the means of these baths, shaft on which thi hands are pivoted iJj'.rlm^t 'ti. t’iiiò «:.iu.« he bad b<^i. larial nation and i:idige..-ti n try E ' • *•.* r« L og ,L umber Y ard & GirfTRucRS: and .■» cure was obtained in 95 per cent. round and round with grass and cords. »> mr the care of two pipir.lnent pbv.-i«-iup« t: l’re «>: «.uarnii resi o their tri’.itiuei;: until be was u<>t re'undcd. Price Mlc ami «1 <6 per WAGOAfSo* ALL STYLES tfl. . I u«ed - a One cause of rheumatism lies in the That failing, they tiod the hands to each ..Lie fe gat around They propóni» e>l Lt- Will be open May 1st, waste material which accumulates in the other and to the framework in such a t-a»e io be coti-umiHh'n i nJ inctirr’.* a H ji Ct.itw. «*d Brv.- <>u ’«’i re. bodies of its victims. The easiest way manner that it took considerable time was |ier'«in>1e*t *>• !»» I»« kms's Mew til.« L uggins satcnt reserves y covery i'«*r t'on'umpti-Hi. < oiicli- and Cold« Fur the accotnniodatiun of a limited num­ ir :» th. to expel this is through the ekin and by and a great deal of labor to remore the i H y L adies C haisel . ami at th..t time w.i« not able io walk .u ro«« bar of guests. «*. a ni sweating. Turkish baths, when rightly obstructions. The engineering skill dis­ the street w itiiotil p-«ting He foetvl. Iie- ”’>^J|/ pa TEHT CHAISE BRAKE Tre it. employed, can scarcely do harm. They tora lie h ul .;«t«i lish of a »’<•! bnWfc.llw» played by the birds in accomplishing I »10 06 Board and lodging per week. ... Every Train at Medford. Ask for sometimes debilitate, but it is only for their object showed that they possessed he was tuuch belter , be c» nttnued to use it “ “ " “ day........ 1 50 and is to-»!ay enjoying good health 11 you 1 <10 “ j>er day............................. What will >i.eni.»i:s Liver IN u'.at t do? the time being, the strength being almost reasoning power of no mean order, be­ have any throat, lung or chest trouble try Make you well by rv«t<*ring a .ion io the always restored in a few hours.—St. 50 Single meals............... ............... sides an amount of industry and perse ­ it We guarantee* «ati'faction Trial Lot­ liver. Louis Post-Dispatch. tie free at Chitwood Bro«', drugstore. verance in gathering the material within Camping privilegi- will be 50cts j>er week for each inaividuàl. RACINE.WIS. Have you seen those fine blankets at the Men’.« fine sinpe«i shirts in good quality Picture frame- made to order at H. S ■ the few hours at their disposal .that is I (50) BYKON COLE. P sofeietoh . almost incredible. Ashland Woolen Mills" Emery's. jereale. just received at Blount'«. s. E M E R Y, N. A. YOUNG -- 4 ' v a RUNNING IN FULL BLAST, JAMES S. ROGERS Contratcor & Builder, Manager. HARDWARE TRADE WAS AWARDED I FÆ.ZOELLNER pLANTS plant S THE ONLY EVANS & BBUNK OHLY PERFECT SEV/IHO MECHANISM family USS. O. R. Buckman DEPOT FEED STABLE Peterman Bros. John Wheeler, s GRAIN & HAY RACIME,WIS. 'BUCKB0MDS., BUGGIES^ PEOPLE GOING lllwWw CARTS _ P lymales R oach ¡The Best Coach PLYMALES. FISH BR?S WAG9N G?-