VALLEY RECORD. I’RH hk ED BRI« K m . VALLEY RECORD VALLEY RECORD Published every Thursday bv the VALLEY RECORD PUBLISHING CO E. J. KAISER, Editor. Buy a While from Ja»k«on A How den SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Born to Mr. and Mn». P. H. Donoghue. One year .................................... 32 50 July 15, a eon. I Six months ...................... 1 50 'i Three months.................................... 76 A non wan liorn to Mr. and Mr«. E. V. Advertising rates given on application. Milla on July doth. Local notices 15c tier line for first inser­ Mrs. I. L. Hamilton of Medford was tion and 8c for each subsequent insertion. VOL. Ill- ASHLAND. JACKSON COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY. AUGUST 7, 1890. Obituaiv lilies, memorial resolutions, viMting iter friemla at Riddle« last week. NO. 13. cards of thank«, etc., at half rates. M ' mb M inni« I’rt-atlim/re. who baa been ten» hilig tlw Ft. Klamath school, is liotnc FARE “SPOTTERS TO UNHORSE BLAINE. COLLECTOR PRACHT. again. J^VTHEK 1«. Bl HTENSHAAV. I* Wlutt Harrison's Oigan saj* the The Way Collector« of Faro. Can Health brinirs happine-». Health can be Frupi The Alaskan, Sitka. Alaska •eeurvd by taking Simmon- Liver Regu­ Can Cheat anil are Detected. Kced M< Kinley Orowil arc Trying j ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY lator. Tlie senate confirmed the nomination To !>•». 1 met a female «potter and xvaa sur- PUBLIC. F>l Worinan. the Medford stableman, of tlie Hon. Max Pracht m collector of Wasliington, July 30.— The star (re­ prised to learn to w hat an extent this Will nractiee in all the Courts of the state. is abipfdng hay to tiranti Pass ami the customs for the district of Alaska, June publican; say« to-night: "The indigna­ : Business in the U. 8. Land Office will re­ 27, and his cotniniHsion will extend four tion of republican congressmen over .Mr. system of espionage is carried on by the north. ceive prompt attention. Office first door years from that in t J north of Bank of Ashland. Ashland, Or, During the («i»t year m 3 |sjMt-»rii<<-H result of the indecent, malicious and hy­ young woman detective with whom I sion has reached such a l»elligerent state aiorning with a Litt r or were ewtalttislosl in Oregon and ‘23 dis­ pocritical iizht against his confirmation, Proprietor. came in contact was an exceedingly pre ­ that it is proposed, since his last letter to J X. PHILLIPS continued. which has «prend itw-lf over a year or senator Frye, that he shall be forced out possessing looking girl, quietly dressed limitaste in your :in whom of the cabinet, and. if (tossible. out of the in a gray cloth gown, with small round Languor, Dull IL-a< Lit he, cess of teaching in her tirat sehon which they are de- my rooms while I talk. My hours are J. H. KALI demises the t urre-1 tongm . contempt am! loathing, lie cut well be (»endent for cauipuign capital. Confer­ from 11 to 4, so as it is now 5 o'clock I the government service. Children as w-i] as adults forgiven the perpetration of a single allit­ I u««xl Simmon* Liver Regulator for in- eration, “the‘buzz-saw’is a buzzard;” ences have been belli by these gentle­ am at liberty until to-morrow morning.” sometimes eat something PHYSICIAN am . SURGEON. digestion with immediate relief.- <1. G. and the Alaskan in congratulating the men since the a(>(>earance of this last 1 She led the way up to a small flat in that does not ilig.'st well, Sparks, Kx-Mayur M» on. <»a. letter to Mr. Frye to determine what (N ine Y ears in H ospital P bactk k .) West Fifty-sixth street, furnished in a collector upon his tremendous victory, pro-lneing ¡Sour iStomm h, Kearnev A Sims, of ( entrai Point,have can paraphrase the text and quote, “Welt they can best do under the cireuiustanc- dainty, inexpensive manner, with evi­ Office in Brick Block on Oak *tW*-t. Sec­ Heart burn, Restlessness, em lisini Mrs. lab's residence near Jack­ •lone, thou good and faithful servant, en­ es. The opinion is strangely unanimous dences of a refined mind and cultivated Five Double Strands Galvanized Bessemer Steel Wire ond door from Main Street. that he has done an irreparable injury to , sonville with a tine picket fence. taste. ter thou into the enjoyment of the ‘duke­ or Sleepli^sness—a good A shcand O bkgok . Iris partv by his criticism. As one gen­ “There’s only my mother, myself and Tlie M ediord roller mills are now own­ dom’ prepared for thee.” And once more tleman remarked : “It will 1«? extremely do* ‘ of Regulator will CONTINUOUS TWIST cf the WIRE. ed by A. A. Itavi*, Mr. Franee retiring. quoting from that remarkable discourse emGuraasing when tliey are on the one big cat,’’ she explained, and a jolly give relief. So perfectly of Alf Burnett, the humorous lecturer, »Iniiin defending the McKinley bill to looking little dumpling of a w-omau J^OBEKT A. MILLER. Itavi» will run it aa an exchange mill. wherein as tlie “Preacher of Hepwidani” ANY KIND AND SIZE PICKETS, harmless is this remedy James Sums «an fnrnisii you all kind« of he soars U|>on ¡eaU Rip Van Winkle’s famous his intiiienceanil relieve the party of any after I get home over my day's advent­ 1 responsibility for bis utterances. It was ' AV'ill practice in all the courts of the what the condition ol the lami. toast, “May yon live long and prosper!” understood, also, that Mr. Harrison en-1 ures—don't we, mother?” she rattled on. i State. Office with W. 11. Parker, opposite system may be. It can The retqiecfable (»copie of Autska are STTIRiVZEYOZR, “ Do you find it tedious or mind the Kurth A Miller,of Central Point, gents tertaine«! similar «“ntimentn. A gentle-' . i uuiYu, an() Government Land Locator Court House. furnishing gstti- THE The Star undoubtedly exaggerates the different conductors, bnt I am very care­ vely cures Pile*, or no pay required It is ful not to get on the same car more than the reuma enumeration. Bro. S-ott guaranteed to give iieneet satisfaction, or feeling against Blaine by republican con­ Illa men J. H. Mitchell A Co J T. BOWDITCH. inotiyy refunded Price 35 ceni* per box. gressmen. The Star, as an adnrinistra- j once a day, though occasionally, if I tion organ and warm supporter of .Me-! take, say, car 49 dop*n in tho morning I Medford has organized 4 hrwn tenuis, For sale by Cliitwoixl Bros ATTORNEY AT LAW. Kinley, lielieves that Blame’s reciprocity can board tlie same one coming back at archery and social clqb with 50 cliarter Moral Cowardice <»f Women. policy was in«pired through jealousy and night, thus giving the impression that I A shland ,................................O re «.<>x meuiliers, Francis FiU'h president and Take a seat at a popular dress counter I apprehension of .McKinley’s rapidly grow­ have been down town to business all Miss Carrie Lumsden secretary. Will practice in all courts of the state. in any one of the large dry goods stores ing popularitv. There is some little feel­ day.” Collections promptly made. 'H l B est 24 in - safety E ver M ad ^ It occurs U» the Republic that it is the ing against Mr. Blaine, but not as much She said she made a point never to ADJUSTABLE IN EVERY BEARING Hot». John J. Ingull’s turn to lake the of New York, an.l if in the space of one as the Star would have (»eople believe. Known as the T’ouïe & Gilroy mill, is now floor us the authority mi Kansas mort­ hour you do not see and hear ten st|b- Republicans w ho denounce w hat they start at the beginning of the road nor to AGENTS WANTED end at the terminus. Ijmated iirevaricators it will be because term Blaine’s meddlesome dis|xxrition are CATALOGUE DESCRIBING OUR FULL LINE gages, interest rates nn<| eviction«. GEO. W. COOPER, OF WHEELS SENT ON APPLICATION. “I have been engaged in this work so trade is slack, the season is over or the lorced to admit that Iris reciprocity prop­ Thu Chronicle criticises the Oregon su­ long now.” she continued, “that I can j I LQZIERGYOSTBiCYClE preme court. As the justices get only weather out of joint. Of every twenty osition is a sensible one. It is appreciat­ tell at a distance whether my right car ' !l TCLEB0.0HI0, shopiiers who stop at the counter to ex ­ ed by tin: finance committee that the re ­ ♦1200 a year we should xuv that whatever ------ In charge of amine the ilresa patterns fully fifteen ciprocity idea has some strength in the is coming or whether I have been a pas­ they do is pretty good.—S. F. Alta. Wishes to notify the public that he is senger on it once before that day. ” will retire with a little falsehood on her senate, and accordingly, Aldrich has pro- . prepared to TAKE CONTRACTS for Advertise in the lixal |»ap»*r ; if (orno posed his amendment, which is similar The road officials always employ men i lipa. Either »he will ‘ come in again, ” DWELLINGS, BARNS. BRIDGES, Ac., other parpose, tinnì to let (»copie know to that olfi-reil by Pierce, and it will be as spotters during the early morning ! To the Farmers of Jackson Co. anywhere in the country between Red Bluf! how you spell your name and that you “send lier dressmaker to buy it,” “come adopted by tiie committee if they find, as and Portland. Having a large crew of Tlie undersigned have opened a may nut be mistaken for 11 non-resident right back” when she picks ont a wrap they now believe, that such a projxiHition hours and later iu the afternoon, the good men with me all the time, I can put traffic during thps«» portions of the day AU Order» for 8A8H, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS. Etc., Etc. or looks over another line of cloths, or tramp. up buildings in good shape and on short i is Ixjund to carry. They will , was connected with the pattern, have it sent hoineC. O. D., only be drawn up and signed by the republi­ I was there for, but this feeling gradu­ where, fcr we can suit yuu in price and wiihout white spots; brand on left hip in­ quality. U. H. sigimi service for a long [»eriod of to be returned by the delivery clerk can members, attacking Mi. Blaine with visible ; alxiut four vests old. off until now I can look one tune, ile was years of age and leaves marked “not at home” or “not wanted.” all the jxiwer that can lie put into lan-1 ally 1:2 J, C. SHERIDAN. W.C. BUTLER. a wife and several children. • guage, anil it is proposed to get the sanc­ square in the face and hand him my fare —New York World. Ashland, Or., Feb. 15, 18!l0. without even a quiver of toe eyelids." - I tion ot the house to tlri$ rejiort, as Mr. ■Men » fine xtriped shirt* in gootl quality DUTIES OF a SPOTTER, jteed has beiore got it« sanction to other We Are Not to Ul»u-<‘- percale, jus» received at Blount’s. “What are yon obliged to dor” projKJSitiotis upon whicltjueyu were dif- In a family, too, we often Jiud a gij W. A. McPherson, lortuerly of Ash- ; I ,ieren> es dt’o|hnion. Mr, Blaine has one “In the first place, I must take the laud aud tu tua un»« «me <4 toe brigbtest ' penaured and ridiculed T«cause she is ex­ i iriend on the cmniinitteo who will not conductor's number, and the number of i ,< *1?. . ■ he«3[>ii|Hsr writer«, who has been in |>oor 1 citable and flighty, or a boy perpet nail j i join in this, and he has friends in the DEALERS IX« been iipular conicctionerv al i my own use or abuse of them.”—Youth's ARTISTS’ MATERIALS ( niic*e giant in the tmrv tunc. ural and conveyed the idea that J was The soda F'ouniatii. *• Companion. CONTRACTS FOB parolestly scanning the contents, but as ASHLAND i Thos. J. Kinnev is now owner of the 1 ‘ Some years ago we were very much sub- < all and examine them. time passed on 1 found I could rely on oulle Another •Jucstio)!. P ainting , P apering , E tc . harness and saddlery business ol Jack­ i ject to severe *(>ells of cholera inorous; amt lias just received the biggest and l>est sonville, Central Point and Mediord, ’TTora," said Barry, tenderly, “how I now when weteel any of tue symptoms that ray memory more and more, until now I stock of goods ever brought to Ashland. Cor. M ain and G ranite streets, i u.-uiiliy precept that ailment. ,*ucn us sick have no difficulty whatever in retaining A fine stock of imported goods. I also car­ NOW ON EXHIBITION AT liqvtng piirjiuyed the stores of W. G. i GQon will you marry me?” ness gt the stomach, uiarriiuea, etc , we l>e- ry all Classes of goods, hence you cannot largo numbers in my head for any length ('qooper. I|e will open up the combined 1 t'CUi, in about three years,” replied Alhland. Oregon. cotue scary. Me have found Cnauiberlains ! of time.” fail to be suited. Call and examine the works at Modford remetly the very thing ior straightening one Dora carelessly, stock for yourself. Nothing but first-class The fair si>ott r went en to say that work, a good tit and satisfaction guaranteed. Men tami boys' clothing, boots, shoes, j “I asked yon how soou, not iu how I out in such case*, ami always Keep it about. *tc.,etc.,ot latest styles, nne*t quality amt long.” complaiued Harry. — Chicago It is somewhat similar to the usual cholera 1 there are always several spotters on one Also line of a Conductor’s Cloth. cures, hut seeuis to contain ingredients that j line, and each one takes a turn at every at pries* that defy competition, at Met. alt’s Inter-Ocean. F. E. HELLUK. 1 render it more pleasant to tuke.aml that do ' conductor in rotation. It would never The democratic congressional conven­ j then work more quickly, bheriif Devereux MAIN STREET, BETWEEN CHI RCH tion tor the Sccoud Arkansas district tel.* us that lie is subject to cholera morbus, do to stick to one during his entire trip, Know Im;. AND GRANITE recently left a spell coming on, when he as he would soon find ont the game; so nominated Chiton Breckenridge for con­ Dick—VV lint a tremendous lot of candy | and ohuiined a bottle 01 Chamberlain's Colic, when one spotter, for instance, watches gress by acclamation. This is the dis­ . A shland , - O regon . to send to a girl — and a homely oue nt Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and 2 doses him from Fourteenth to Thirtieth street trict in winch the Clayton contest is now made him ail right We are not writing this that! pending in cougre. s. Pacific Coa-t Main office. 1368 Market St. Jack—Ah! luy boy, 1 want to make or a pay testimonial, but to let our readers and then gets off another spotter takes Will you suiter w ith dyspepsia and liver know w hat is a good thing to keep handy his place within a radius of a few San Francisco, Cal. (ompiaini? Shiloh’s Vitahzer is guaran­ lier so sick that she won't want to go to in the house. —Troy (Kan.,) Chief. For blocks. the opera to-night. It will make a dif­ sale by Chitwood Bros. teed to cure. Forsals bv T K Bolton. “If I am not mistaken,” she continued, Oregon Developement Co.'s There seems to be a chronic desire ference of »20, don't you see?—Munsey’s. | THREE MEN SHOT FOR DEER. “I think there were eight discharged W hite ¿ l lphur »B rings anion.* the emperors of Greere to abdi­ Itoumania*» Portia« through my investigation during the STEAMERS. I cate. ’The honor of reigning over tbnt first six months of my work, but ’whether Idle. Bilceeco, the “Roumanian Pur- Grants Pass Courier. | GREENHOUSES ! TZEZIE CLIjN/JZJk-^C ^TTirST^EO TT r ancient cLusic dime seems too onerous The quiet little city of Glendale lia-l 110 it is due to thei’ gradually becoming to be burne. 1 he present emperor wants tia,” read her thesis or essay for admis­ sooner relapsed into its usual normal eon- I IS A NEW VEHICLE, WHICH SUPPLIES A LONG FELT WANT. a\vare that they are being constantly sion to the Paris faculty as doctor, or SHORT LIXE TO CALIFORNIA. to abdicate and w til probably make it dition after the excitement over the re-1 eraniums , R oses , F uchsias . P ansies , father “doctoresse,” of laws two weeks cent stabbing affair, when Friday even-1 and closely watched or not, there is cer­ V G ont. krbkxas , P etunias , and a good variety of ago. This young lady is not only strong ing Mr. IL II. studer, track watchman, tainly 100 per cent, less cheating now A nnual and P erennial plants, for out­ VKEIGHT AND FARES the LOWEST Why suite r with headache ami neuralgia? than two years ago. Of the eight dis ­ door bedding and edging, ready May 1st. in jurisprudence, but also in science, rode into the station with his hand car Wright s Paragon Headache Remedy never charges which I just mentioned five fails. Sate, sure, soothing to the nerves. liternture and music, having gniued first with three young men who wer< shot. It VEGETABLE P^AVi’s. l»oc* not di'iurb the stomach, ami imiu<*es prizes and places for each of these enli- seems that four young men had arranged [ were for cheating, or ‘knocking down,’ Steamer Sailing Dates: T omato . ( alm \ gr ,C klebv , C auliflow er , sleep. Try it. Hold by T. K. Bolton. as they call it; one for impudence to a to watch a certain d«*er lick on that even ­ jects in Bucharest. Her essay, which FROM YAQUINA : P eiteu , K gu P lant , etc., cheaper than you ing. Ernest Cottier, a lad about thirteen lady passenger, one for drunkenness jiid can get them from the east. Trout fiatring has not been verv gtxxi comprised over 760 ¡>ages. of which Steamer Willamette Valley —July 26th, 011 the Mi t loud the past few weeks, caus­ were not read, related to the “Position veais old, was the first one on the s(>ot. th6 last for throwing a newsboy off the August 6th, August 16th. August 26th Inlers from abroad promptly filled. ed by the large amount of salmon flies of Woman Under the Roman Law." About dusk he was attracted by a noise, par and<^ the wheels of a heavy cart EROM HAN FRANCISCO: ('. 1!. VU IELSTB, IT»ii. which alight on the water,giving the fish There are only two other lady lawyers when he fired at what he supi>oeied to be and nearly causing his death.” Steamer Willamette Valley — August 1st. a deer, but whqt turned ojqt (o be |iis more i«xxt than they can get a wav with, tollowiiiR in the foot» <=f this young other three eo,ni|>i;niuns, two Mr. Neil« I “Is it easy for conductors to defraud August 11, August 21st, August 31st. and they will nut take the bait. * Later the company?” The company reserves tlie right to ou w hen tlih t|ies an* gone the fishing indy, one being a Frenel) wotntpi ami and a Mr. Kletihs, a lad between 13 and i “You can have no idea how easy it is change sailing dates without notice. tlie other a Russian, MIE Bilcewu in­ 14 years ol-l. The latter was in the lead, $ill be better.—[Mott North Star. Trains connect with O. quina and return. O regon Keep the Hou*e Sweet. lot w here ferred to a dear friend of hers who bouse may be kept dry. Judge Bonhaiu. foruierlv United States To have sweet homes one must l>e previously arranged. Still, with bis gun played 60 sweetly on the mandarin. She consul al Calcutta, wilh bis fatnilv have prodigal in the use of water, fresh air | loaded with buckshot, it was verv fortun­ meant, mandolin, of course, but tho’ arrived in Washington on his way home IPIRyOIPTòIETOlEÒ ate that ail three ot the voting men were youn^ man could not forget and fori and sunlight, —New York Journal. to salem in this state. They went out not kilted outriglii. And as such acci-| (jive. ’ She might, after marriage, he Full Supplv on the Pacific route five years ago. ami dcnlq-are sutreqhent 011 this coast, there argued, speak of a sawox instead of a CONTRACTORS. BUILDERS &. loo Bail pow return by the Atlantic ro»ite, !. v..,g oiulit to 1 h - some means to suppress 6ucb tawhorse.—Detroit Free Press. t.mde lite e&iire > hwit' of the wurid. MANUFACTURERS. “M ell. I’m glad you are better. Emily. criurinal carelessness. tttobe eirctmiuavigators are becoming You don’t look like an invalid. ’ Bear quit i 1'igin. >|Uitv numerous, so imtch so that their Of Sash and Door- and all kinds and '.‘J know it, and I think it is juH too If one wishes to cool a hot dish in a Saddle Horses to Let. berleriiianceQ have ceased fo up one of horrid for anything. People will say i Roseb*4nt Review. hurry it will be found that if the dish styles of Window and Door Frames. Mohl­ li» wumlerg of the world. ing and Brackets of all styles. Boat* built Corner Fourth and B street». <. J. >lirun formerly of this county, be placed in a vessel full of cold salty to order. The whole or one half ottered pretended to be an invalid because I had aivtoe in »H»hby re* no summer clothes to wear.—Chatter. living ten miles from Acm». in the Sius- water it will cool far more rapidly than for sale. 11 Special attention paid to freight teams. ceived al Aiotutt'a. law ••• nntry, was ron.hly hamlle-l by a if stood in water free from salt, bear Sunday the 20th. He went Hack-1 3 end fok Prince Bismarck, says a Lomhm letter­ Mr*. Hermann Oelrichs received as r writer. has in the last few weeks shown wedding gift from King Katakana .» yel­ berrying with his wife, taking bis r tie K* Empress Frederick of Germany baa re • the world that there is one thing lie docs low wreath which was greatly admired. w ith him, because lx-a>s were know n to ceived a valuable jeweled (octet titrating PRIC^L ¡ST. , ------ T<, ------ lie running in the berry ¡Pitches. They n«>t know how to do. “He ft G it YT ruc R s trieai man has Iwixmic almost small. He lined O-o. a bird highly prized it He v. an he ducoveied a tear that be ÿiôt at amt of the hair of ex-Empress Eu|»nie of ville ,npt Luo»’ fep«» to :»4ia|it the iqevita- Fbcre «re but two of these br.glrt’fath­ probably killed ; and as he fired another France. SPRINS WAGONS ¿ALL STYLES jumped out. and was b.iud shoulder. At to vour satisfaction, and you wonder what ! For the accommodation of a limited num­ yon. You should heed the warning, patemi chaise brakk \JJ ber of guests. pt jl'iui. lie embosoms himself to every and the protege of M. Durny, minister of this ¡»oint the dog came anil grappled ails you are taking the first step into nervous with the bear, and b;>th disappeared in .. eJ * Interviewer, in fact, from Bismarck the prostration. You need a nerve tonic and »10 Board and lotting per week. taciturn he has turned into Bismack the public instruction, who happened to seo the brush. Mr. Shrum wandered home in Electric Bitters you will find the ex; ct V*ùvy iwui at Medford. Ask for 1 “ “ “ “ day.... talkative. He has, as he says, stepped her sketching in the station when she with his lacerated and broken hand, and remedy for restoring your lurvo^s. system 1 “ per day.......................... was conveyed to Acme for treatment, io .is normal, healthy cohuitlon Sqrpris- down off the stage into the pit; but. was 7 years old. Single meata.............................. where be i ■ getting a.cng well under Dr. «ngrest-lts follow the Use pf this great nerve whereas he was a first-rate actor, he Camping privileges will be 50cts per week .he Rev. Geo. H. Th.yer of Borbon. Saubcrf? treatment. .The brirr trâÿ after­ tonic and, alterative. Your appetite returns, RACINE.^IS. makes but a uoiay, discontented pittite.” for each individual. S_y. I kiu u.)xU and v.iteowe ward foiHidriead near the spot. good digestion is restored, and the liver (50) BYRON COLE. P roprietor . and kidneys rest'me healthy action. Try a . or Lune t>ai k. awe qr cn*u,AMS pUHvh * out lives to Shiloh * (<>n«nnitH>n t" Line-} overalls SJ.Ù» per pair at Blount's. bottle. Price 30c. at Chitwood Bros. i'Utous Plaatar 23 cants alT K Bolton s. Fur sale by T. K. Bolton Ashland Fence Works! s E M E R Y. DK N A YOUNG H RUNNING IN* FULL BLAST, JAMES S. ROGERS Contrateor & Builder, Manager HARDWARE TRADE WAS AWARDED THE ONLY F.ILZO EBENER EVANS & BRUNK THE YAQUINA ROUTE QLANTS PL'ANT O ONLY PERFECT 5 e W û family use . O. R. Buckman DEPOT FEED STABLE Peterman Bros John Wheeler, GRAIN & HAY RACINE,WIS rBUCKBOARD^ BUGGIES CARTS PEOPLE GOING r/\L?C! ÌSODA SPRINGS HOTEL P lymales Ç cach FISH BR9S WAG9H C° SS8S Tlie Best Coach PLYMALE’S Í