Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1890)
Personal Mention VALLEY RECORD. V-III.AND. Ou.. Thursday. Ji iv.7t.lst»». r. Mi r I Mr W Wasfrtu, t m’« !•••;» is :i2t>.’-'4ti, -it ; which entitle* her to another rOMtett M l * - M man. TL. state of Washington is a hust l»«uit Phoenix a « ling one. ____________ Mr. K Kot It. i... couple oí day - at A It took fifty -tris colainn« of noupariet Mi«» Mamie !»aa tv|«e in the Seattle P. 1. to advertise gue-t ••( Mi -s Main: King count?’• delinquent tax liat. and «till Hut boom goea on. »U»- V FM4 iia ! p -«‘.ay Ì t a I'-1’ Jr. ».-! tl i was the M. iturday. -nt .-evernl I :. Vpple- Profit in potatoes: A Yolo farmer Las made a profit this year of $2000 from tnenly-the acres of |*otatoea. He doesn't Mr-.«'. t'ardweH and fat*.» .-, a .1 Mi- !.. earc wiietlier «heat go«* up or down.— L«»ve bare rerameti iron, a i ■.»> week" so- R-s-ord-l'iion. jonrti at M< Aili.-ter -<xla rpriii.r AT < :>: A Him to Pa rents. It is a common occurrence for children Jo get Imans, grains of corn ami other inreign substances up their noses. This aiwipje remedy is worth remembering: Get die child to open its mouth, apply •your mouth over it and blow hard. The • »ffending sulwtnncc will lie e.polled from its nose. ProiMtt«* Court. July 2S. 1H!«».. Hon. .1. R. Neil, judge; Max eluller, county Clerk ; J G Bi.d-ev, sheriff. In matter of estate of Enos Babcock, .le- ; ceased; petition for letter- of administra tion, In matter of e-tate of John E llcss; Jno. B Wrislcy, R. F. Maurey ami W. H- Park er appraise»s, Mrs. E. Ross administratrix; inventory ami a»lpraisenient showing prop erty value«! at $10.451. licui F.s««;t«' Tranuters. HoiuestcKÌ ce» liticai«- No. F S to ( W « oprin-, N W qr of sec 35, tp 36 d. R 1 K; 1OJ acres I’ S to Lindsey Applegate—S W qr of see 37. tp gH S. K 1 fe; 150 actes; patent. Stile of Oregon to Henry Klippci- all of see l«>. ti>3~ b. R •’» W ; 010 acres. A D Helman to A I. Ilelinan -land in Ashland; A M Crawford, receiver, to John H Dob Not ice. hen—land office receipt for $200.05 in full Bids ior the saloon privilege at the fair for S >2 of 8 F. qr. ot sec 31, tp 32 8. K 3 E, grounds during fair week will be award : and lots 1 und 2, sec 24, tp 33 8. R 3 E; 100 ed to the highest bidder, on August fftli, 52-100 acre* al $1.25 per acre. AD Ilelinan lo V 5 Grant Helman hind ¡¡Mil, at 2 o’clock p. m., at the office of in Ashland: $3«W. .»lie secretary at Jacksonville. John 11 ami Mary !• I»<a.««i; «./ ERetl R out . A. .M ii i . i h , Sec’v. Wenzel S of 8 E qr. -« •■ 31. tp 33 .* j! '< E; 100.52 acres; $KN0. John M McCoy to .la- MeDomihi— undi- IMlUHitL OJlio :m<l Our Ashland. vided half of kits 1.3. II. in bl»«-k 15, Gold Hill; »125 Ashland, Ohio July 22. 18WI. G W and G A Howard to C W Palm—un F.l'llog «1.1.EV R kco KII v — divided one tliiril of lots 4, 5, 6, 17. 18, block 4, ».ami lots ”, 8. II, block 8; block* 48 and 50: .Ashland, Ohio, the reputed aiucator of Ashland, Oregon, is, in my observation, hits 7. 8. 10, block 52; lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 5. 8, !t. idiout as is said of Young America: The W, JI, 12. block 72. and lots 1. 2, 5, 0, 11, 12. f3, all in town of Medford; $350. «ton is the most important. Ashland, I in A blot,k D Helmati to J\'ttma Tolman—land in 4 thio, has improved wonderfully «luring A-lthtnd. Ml-100acres; $J. .’la' forty-live vears since 1 first visited Il B Carter nn«l Fordyce Riqa-t to Wjn A here, 1 mt Aaht him I, Oregon grows and im Hudson- lots 7 and 8 in Mock St*. SUMiuqt prov« s more in «w«’h decade than this add io Ashland ; »250. Ashltpid does in tony years. They have CC Beekman to Lewi* Shidler—block G7, here a railroad, ’tis true. la>lfjip citizens Medford: $12>»>. Dedaunty to Mr» s A Baker -lot • Io not improve their advantages from it .3. Jackson and 22 feet » fl west side of lot 2. Central as they might. They seem to Ire to«. Pugit »450. j fitse-listed. But the example set by the Lewis Sfridler to Ague*- M Geary— «railmui company is their excuse, for of 7, 8. 9. lo, 11. |2, 13. and half of lot« al) tip* «lejxvts 1 have seen anywhere in 14, in Mock 07. jiedfopl {«.» hi . Mary A Stewart et al to Clara O Ti« k- my Ira-, «is. the depot here is the shale biest. Their «uUege and grounds cost nor—lot* 16, 17. 18, block 47. Medford. T400 E to Agues M Geary—land in tp about $90,<100, but they are in rather a 38 s. P R Geary 2 W. I'D acres; $«••». • lilapidattxl condition, or—in lately coin- D H Mille.- to C W skeel- lot ti. ilar- e«l phnwcokrgv—inocuous desuetn je. baugh subtlivision in D I. C No 70. tp 37 S. The college is having commencement R 2 W, >', acre-; »«JO. J! Baker to W C Noon A Co- undivided this week. There are six graduates tins ierm out of lot) students. They might half of to#- ’ ■ -• 3- bl,M’k 19 : lot" *• 2. 3,block 20; lot« 1. 2. lyta-k 2! ; lots 1, 2, 3. 4. block 1 ; •uv-ommodal«' 1,000. and have them, if 1. 2. 3. 4. block 2, lots J, 2 3, 4. block 3; khe trustees would offer proper incent lots Beatty’s add to Medford; »5QU. ç:t VUCQ ó«t/4»iLo ru' choice location an.! can lx* lia.l at a bar Il i:i KI i H i uraKM fur 1 DULIE« m J HRTIES. gain. Inquire of E. E. Miner, owner, or W. N. Luckey, Real Eslah» .igt. .tshlaml Oregon E. M. LUCAS Wanted COOK AND WAITER. Gir!« pn ci •si. For particulars address P». F. Bl Tl.ER Montague. Cal BOX 27. ARTISTS 25 The G rented Organization ett Earth. >TAi: iNSLKAM '.«tu.-.'a !*‘-c:’a <i. Vll>.'«n>. ami of f.'r-.'t•'».». .xtor,'- on't Iti, ¡i J J Sithür!)»» I'rtpirli. VN'.t : PRICE : LISTS. SEND : JOE PORTLAND. OR. i -CONSISTING OF- ___ ____ STAPLE & FANCY —G ROCERIES OX Ji VXD V II 'Li, LINE OF CHOICE Marble. All Orders in Slone Work Promptly Filled. Marble Work.« < n MAIN STREET, Red Hill Land Without Jrriyation. 1 lull-:«« to h:s pupil« when he G «•rgis . tcik them to u*e It i » boHc» , vL a-Hiit, and effective; never fail:« t»> u'ive nwediRte relief for cough», eoidi. ni. t u'l li.roet aud lung atftoctiou», Coins aud MAN IT A< TIRED BY /. Jt.HOLDl'X. Storkton, Cal. Groceries, Provisions, Vegetables Ashland, Or. <1^. WE do not handle, culiivate. or attemptto PitOt’AGA I’E any varieties or kind« of FKIT F, until satisfi»«! that they are well APAI-1 ED to the soil and climate jH i-uliar TO SOVTH EBN O>il GON. Write for terms to A. II. CABSON A 8ON,Grant’s Pa ,Or. HOLDER’S EW.REAL COUCH SYRUP. To be Sold at Rock-Bottom Figures FOR CASH. Exchange Saloon, l. W. Bl RR1SS, Proprietor. This favorite tesort- i* gaining in popu larity every day. - B. F. Reeser's TIN STORE I BEER ami CK!AI!S. kept con stantly mi hand. I« the ¡»la» e to buy 8c Hardware, Tin ILVRDWxVKl Stieet’iron and STOVES & Copperware. ASHLAND JOB WORK, M is» ¡i w;ll I-ç don-: in a workmanlike mai’iiey ami tt pjiegs that BEFÏ COiil’Ei l'be Very best bi'erot Anaheim, wim am] Hennessy brandy, wliii h will lie -6fd by the quart or gallon. ’ Onr tables a c supplied with the Inlest pa pers. Conic and see us and we will treat you as v/ell as we know bow. Faber's Golden Female Pills. Water Stock to be SoM remide Trretrtl.-ir : i:o.!»i»:-like» .»•■n» he ìjaT4-«*t. S- ver Mi' fOs.-«,t..iy «» '¿nJ V oininenl i i « lOYltiilV.’fli .• 1 j rein ' »> k i -ul mentirla! k>n. íUCn SAFI ! CESÏA’M h ‘ iiiñüb -.1. 'linai. Ihnlth. 1 ’iw moM y ;tak^ nootîi- er. Senf tû anv aldre*«, Rvç-iirt; b.\ noj’l o CQÏpt »•[lince, AadresK, OTICE is HEREBY GIVEN that the Staple and Fancy Dry Goods CjS-^xi.'tsä» SbXid 33o y ¡-as -Æ IELLE ZD-ÆILY JA IR, IR, I AT I USTG- And will be sold at our well known LOW PRICES. -i»id according to bv laws of coinpany in A'l.lgnd. Satin day. August at 2 made o’clock p. in. Stock No. 41, bild by «.. E. i>c».4»g atm i»t»l dye $4.00. Btock No. 13,Ie !»1 by I..C. Tani’.cr.ainc.tnit »hie #4..'té. None but tl»e best material used. The »ale io cover all < 0*1», In REESER'S BLOCK Bv order of the director». A. B. CHAPMAN, Se V. THE AIHRO MEDICO COSPÙ'iï, .LSJJ/.JATJ, OJtKfJO.V. Ashland, Or., June 2">. 1*!M. Western Brauch, Box 27, PORTLAND, ( For sale by all druggists. hand and X -na Hats, Caps, etc. OREGON following stock tn the West Ashland N l)if»-h Co. No. J i« dcl’iiii tc'tt. and 'will be il • NEW GOODS! TVZLBE. Fine Billiard Table. TINWARE. 1‘tirtictilar Attention to Full sfiM'k always on to order, :o. Green and Dried Fruits, Confectionary, Stationary and a fine iine of Crockeryware. The very best of WINES, BRANDIES, B oots ® $ hö @J Full Assortment always on hand, direct from the East, and at Prices that Defy Competition. WM. A. GROWE, House, Sign, Carriage, and Decorative Painting. J J Special Attention given to GRAINING and PAPER? HANGING. I Store. 4 Leave orders $t S mjth A DopuE’e NeWActs. New Songs, 110 MALE and FEMALE ARTISTS ONLY WAGON nrg. New Tdeas. ------ Patronize the— Josie IÀ Mou, . Minnie lb Mòrti. .«•••■ Met at»e A Young's beautiful Flower Miníame Gertrude. Constantina Mil-ill, Garden, first part. Sec our grand «treet parfl'le and hear onr Emma Houghton. Kate Dall, su per’»* band. l aniline Richels h h tie Sto».« Slami? Qllintoii, Mattie Kreggs, Mattie Jieii, Fi«ii« r SDtprs. Katarina Suwarow. læonore DeToquelle. Marie Damrolt', Einrisse balie ¡le, Rise Pon in low ski. Ju ie DeMontreuil. I .aura AXtttou J-.'i ionic Jirasfort. Mamie Asfitoí» li»lu * ‘ ' We call special attention to C. HENDERSON & CO.’s (Chicago) Red School House Shoes, and CHURCH, BROWN & CO.’S (Boston) $3 00 calf B J Shoes, the best made. Every pair guaranteed. -TH \T------------ J. M, McCALL. Connects with Every Train, SCOOTS, INDIANS & COWBOYS RAIN or SHINE J. L. DOWNING, And carries the U. 8. Mails and Wells Fargo's express. SAT ISF II ’MU fGHN DYER, ' ' Duvpj- E « I A 11 ASTE E l>. WORMAN, Medford I I.i-,'cry Stable- Prop. Ashland Market John E. Pelton. /’//AS’ U ndertaker XI”' ! r . ‘ rooms . lias opened with a full line of Funeral Sutmliea in Wilann <- vv .« . re on embalmed and satisfkctmn’ gmarantee F Funfi h mv wm I store on Main Main street. street. Bodies »_____________ __ M11>1 hear-e and give pers» pers. nal attention to funerals. funerals Orders ««»lieited F7 11 ’ 5 • new hearse SHh“ttR^Xlwe" ai“‘ WinJ°WS an,‘ genera' r,’i’air<' 6*ans clean'«-,! m.d"^ in ——-------------------------- ---------------- (Juii ; />'*% Heard •»» th« BARGAINS at tin-t O. D. Emporium, where they keep Notion«, ».a«» i>. Hammock«. Whip- and Bargain t. ou -ii'r »I«.'’’, of ' ll Kind- Wholesale ai»»i Kotaii Deal-r ip —> .'V WILSON A W \i II. JUDGE Market. AND MEN Proprietors. R THE Oftici-S al T K Bolton. Agent, Ashland. Oregon. BIG SHOW COMBINED. 25 Is WESTERN BRANCH, GRÂNT’b UA ô S. ßn. » independent J’ainus^ the town red means hradadie in the morning hixmnons Liver Regulator prevent« it. I will sell on longtime or exchange for farm, my residence in Ashland with a fn-ntR'.-e of lt>0 fia t on Main st., and l-’0 • »it .Hida tv-.-. The grounds are nicely 1 tin out with choice fruit and shtubia-. y, .irtin«-ia! sto:ie walk, g,s>d »tai.;«' and out buildiiiu«. This • Ottage '.,;.« bll'lit in tile c.: li of 1 - >s of til, • i.iii.est .11 .tet'i.ii :li!«l hv ■ -t-i las.- '.••ii'« iiv ;., ’•.<“.«»..n Bros.. l- .architei.ts. ¡11 sell o» ex«l»:i _•• al! v part <»( 1 I«» I a ie* all tn ciioi« <• ».-mt ail' ■ I a ijoiniitg .i t .-sid tit . ibis -s Ih: .• most mo-b-Hi in style and !»est ••«»:>- sirueteii cottage in Southern Oregon, M'CABE & YOUNG'S Manufacturer. Commencing July 10,1 *> ii* make first- class cabinet photographs for $4 per Boz. I(ou t make any mistake. •This rate ia good for only one month, expiring Au gust 101b, after which the rat«' will Is* $5 per dozen. C. W. L ogax . for Ed rm Property. f«r Sale ar ; '< M a „„<( t tn i ee . Opening of the New Opera House. Monday, Aug. 4. ives, The New York, Pennsylvania «k Ohio A Wonder Worker. railroad is doing business about as fol Mr Frank Hiift'mun. a young man of lows : Ten traffic trains ¡»er «lay averag Burlington. Ohio, states that he had l»een ing twenty-five earloads. 250 carloads; under the earc of two prominent phv-k ians four express and passenger traiilh uver- ami use«i their treatment until he was not aging ten cars per «lay, forty carl«xids; I able to gel around They pronoun« ««I hi« four a<x*ommodation trains with ten car« case to t_ ueoonsuiuption aim incurable He each, forty cars; total, 330 cars per day. was persiiade«! U» tjy )>' King's New Dis- _ and Cold- <>R EGON. 4S1IDAND, There ar«' al«»ut forty oil tanks |»er day, covery for < »msuuijai»«: ,» *'o;»gl.s at that time was nm able to i alb gcro«« with 3,000 gallons each. Then' are re- «nd the «trvet without resting He toui;»l. be «•eived at this place about $100,600 for fore lie ha»t us«*d half of a dollar bottle.that A': V.I-M .•_•♦<'-•, ■ I •>»>|de tl? giveentitj freight and passengers annmilly he was iiiUi'h better: be c«»ntinued to ii't it There are two roller flouring mills.» itli and is to-day enjoying good health If you S-A.TISyjLCTIOidl- n total output «4 150 barrels per day. have any ibr.oat. lung or chest trouble try ’Ha» F. E. Myers A Bros, pumps and hay H We guuraute»’xaiisfaction Trial bot Repairing neatly and promptly done, •tools inanufaciory oecupi«-s a building tle freo at Chit«<a*d Bro« . dnigstore. ami at Low Rates. 200 feet Ajuare ami three stories high The record.- of Marion county show «tie The cut put amounts to about $225,000 an platting of many thousand acres of land in nually. The Kawfiiian A Beer spring small tracts of from 5 to 10 acres. bed manufactory occupies .50x150 feet «'apitaJ City fruit farm «>f BIO acre*. *un- ami the output is about $70,000 aanually. ny»ide No. 1, 320 a1 re.-; Sunnyside No. .2, vires; Suttuy-iile No. 3. 5(X) acres atni a ’They employ twenty-five hands anti soil ¡ji'iSMeof Main «Street. A shi . akd . only to retail dealers. They use ai>out r.uiuiwry;f other« have ¡»een pi act 1 on the r«urd' iiv ttu «jrogon Land Company of £00 toaui of wire annually, ami they get Salem. Oregon. .«Il their timber made to order from The Company ‘ al»o a- pusiness in Michigan S. S hekm in . (Successor to S. Stacv.) Portland ami Albany, and ba.- fur ~~r Ap pj- For ;u> Pavs Is S old x < POSITIVE GUARANTEE to cure an form of nc x\ diseaM?. diwwde Rcllvtdt BEFORE gnus o! either sex 1 exco-ive use ••( ntiiuulauts, or through youthful ¡luii-er« cure, Ac., such as I.,^s of Brain I' ne—». JS-arin-< dov. u I'aius hi ih<- Weaknes«. Hysteria. Nervous I'roslra «’. Emissions, Leucorrlxita. Dkulue« ory. I- o - b of Power aud Iin|M>tcu«-y. ublch : ' lie gloried often lead to |>reiiiature<»ldageaiiJ lnsau- ity. Price fl.00 a box. «'• loxes f.»r C..W b mail on receija of price. A WltIT$EN GI AK.IMF.E is given lor every J5.00 order receiv«,»d. to refund the money if a Permanent cure is not «-fleeted. We have thousands of testimonials from oi l and young, of both sexes, who havo been ]«-rma- ueutly cured by the use of Am nourri M. Circular free. Addre-s THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. ft .ir *f It? EsKC'iiEid Ei'iirCtfs iii tile Siiti \ M I K lit Oregon Land Company FOR SALE! ASHLAND ke-iïeiiiii Parlors I. I*, Montgomery, win. l-a- I k -»-«» risii The Iran fer of the toiieze ite. • Citizen Train, now a citizen ■>•-• of which ne • «•«■k«.returned north lug L. .-ta«'V fr the Presbyterian college m 11 tw M outlay. Tacoma'• Mburtu, proposes to organize a ‘ ed, will take place next Friday. W. H. Atkinson returned tins morning i <>in|«iny of .>00 American editor* and » « bris Wentjtn ba- gone to Crescent • tty. hl« pla e is teiiiporarilv tilled at the from his trip to Hie north, mu. h improve«! uk<- thorn around the world in fifty »lays I ami in health. Table Bock saloon by Kd lieim«. next fall nt $j(X) per head. Mr-. Gen. t adwalmb-r and children of There will 1« an excursion to Rogue river i next .«atur<Lay by a large party ot Jackson- . lu I Bluff, were «topping at the itc-pot Ho The recent election in Walla Walla watt I ville young-folk».••},».per»»n«d by Mrs. i'iias. tel during the week. •■•inducted according to the Australian . Prim. Mrs. S. E, I'ei’k. who bar lieen visiting (»allot nynteni. It in the general aenti- Deputy .«beriil Armstrong, accompanied her brother. G. F Pennebaker, returned to Los Xngeles yesterday. mrrt there that thia ayatem w a great by a number of friend«, spent Saturday 1 fishing at the old camp gn nnd on Rogue I. . Gearlinnl and J. A. Gros» returned to improvement over the old method of J river. Albany Tuesday after t•ending «ome time at «.'».lestcin an'l Ashland. voting.—{Union Heont. Mr». W. C. Hale, of Unkville. i- is in at tendance <>n her mother, Mrs N. Langt-ll. J. It. «ollner went to I'ole-tein to-iiay for The preM of the state, regardlem of of Jacksonville, who is now under treat- a week. A delegation of Jacksonville ]*<•- at G<»ml Samaritan Hospital at Port- pie will go there Sunday. their politics, express gratification at the ; t tuent land. Evan R. Ream«-* ami wife were visiting re-oryanization oi the anpremc court Prof. A. P. Armstrong, of the Portland . in A-hland a co'ipie of days, returning to with Jmlip-H lord and Bean at.d an inde- ■ Business College, accompanied by his wife Jnck-ot.vilL' last evening. l« ndent, honest, eon* iencious judiciary and daughter, will visit the profeasor's AV. B. Gre-«. the loot and -hoe maker, t mother in Jacksonville, gind Ashlanii leaves for Eureka, on the northern coast of once more in the majority. ! friends, next week. California, sometime this week Mrs. II. K. Hanna returned home Snn- S. I.. Kline, a pr. minent merchant of Cor The .Utnny Ikrnocrat would suggest as ! »lay from < re-cent City, where she has been registered at The Oregon Tuesday, a mean« to satisfy the people r>i Halem i the !a«t two months. Her vi-il to the sea vallis. lie i here to improve hi« health. 1 side has milch in>prov«*d her health. ami Portland on the census question that Sain De i’oboam of Jacksonville was in Mr. and Mr*. < . C. Beekman, who have tow n yesterday with a team, bound for the matter he turned over to Speaker Is-en making an extensive visit to Yaquina. <’ole»tein after a load of soda water. tUxxl. who, mo far, i« the most nuccessful will return tbi« week via Portland, where J. J. Donaliuei* in Sacramento to furnish counter of persona in the country. He, ■ they will be joined by their daughter. Miss who has lieen s|»emliiig the motfth one <»f hi» hou-e.« in Ashland for Jack De alone, of nil others, can count a man as ' Carrie, ■ >f July traveling with the Misses Moore of I’angcr. a r:ii!ro«wt conductor and bis fam well, where he in not, as where he is. ; l.lnkville in California. ily. oh, he would lie a daisy cenoaa enumer C'apt. II. .1. Teal arrived yesterday from I O. O. I’. Not««. I Southern California, nccompanietl by bi- ator. ________________ The grand treanurer of the state con l wife, an»! will remain for a go«sl part of the The Oregonian figures that by reason vention of Rebekah degree lodges has ' summer. Mr.andMr- A C. Howlett of Eagle Point of a atupiil census enumeration, Oregon filed his official l»ond in th«' sum of $:1000. with M. N. Ixmg and A. D. Helman, of wt-re vi-iting fri«n«|s in A-bl:iud today. w ill have to get along with one congress Ashland, ns sureties. The R uconn m knowledge- a pleasant call man for another ten years This is in Mrs. W J. Plvmale, Mrs. E, Turner from Mr. 11. deed humiliating considering that Wash and Mrs. Mary Miller were appointed IJ Mr . II. C. Eckenherger. wife of a prom ington is allowed two The administra Ruth Rebekah degree lodge No. 4, at ill- inent railroad official at Portland. an«l Mrs. G. W. Wiliiatns.who bar»? been at the Wag tion is responsible for thia blunder by last meeting to receive Mrs. M. E. Kel ner rings arc now at The Oregon for their logg on the occasion of her visit to that appointing that theoretical jackass, Por liealtli. lodge and to arrange for a bantjuet at the ter. wl»o labored his enumerators hard ChapfK'l bolts«.' »luring her stay. Ed. W. Herrin arrived last Thur-dav<;n , the delayeil derailed pas-enger from For- with a lot of silly, nonsensical quest ions Mrs. .M. E Kellogg, I*. <».. of Colum I.»• town. Cal., where l»o i- empl yed in the No. ft will Ic-iivt* for Southern Oregon jloiit;» works of u big Huntington mill, The republicans of Whitman ecuntv. bia August 4, for a month’s visit. She will lie Is on a v:«it »nd will return in a few Wash , have fired the chairman of their visit Ruth N<>. 4. Hope No. 14 and Olive days. central committee for the crime of “al* No. IH. in the interest of th«» Odd Fel Mr*. Col. Grov.e wen« to « ottonw'oud. stay. Slia-ta comity. Sunday, for u two week- sorbing*'the «-amnaign funds, and he is lows’ Orphans' Home during her stay visit, w’riie.« that the thermometer om with ¡1 caul itemizing his expetuli- Th«» lady is an earnest practical worker -trikes ant! an attitude of about l«*J degrees ev in the Relsjkali degree, and one of the turea anti asks for a vindication The highest members of Columbia’s beauti ery day. big goose A chairman of a republican fied work team, and her visit will I»«» of Chicken cholera and pips prevented and committee who can give an account of much interest to the Rebekah degree cured l»y Simmons Liver Regulator his expenditures is not the kind that lodges.—(Oregonian. Rev. Daniel Dorchester, of Washington. I). superintendent of Indian agencies, party wants—although it may need him OFFICIAL tOl'KT NEMS accompanied by hi» wife, have been stop very much. They want cmbozzlcrs. ping at the Depot hotel for a week past and “Blocks of Fives” anti Fat-Fryers for Reported for tlie Rscosnll Igft «»-«j&v for a visit at Klamath and Yain- Circnli < ‘ < urt l ’ r«M-c«'diug-. ax agencies. • that imsition Special term.] Criminal caret«-»ness u> ajlow tjie bron- Hon. L. R. Webster, jmlge: Max Muller, •■l»i:il tube-and lungs to become peiiaum ■Sin Frundaro dispatch, July -’4: An clerk; J. G. Birdscv, sheriff'. ently injure»! I»y a hacking cough when attorney of this i ity who recently went EC Kane appellant vs F M Amy and C Wiight * Red «'ro.-s Ci.u-h S\rup is an in to Mexico in coi)iii*ction with a pro|<osi- G ltipjM'y respondents, appeal and new tri fallible cure. Sold by T. K. Bolton. t ion to place in .Mexican territory S. imm ) al order«-«!: judgment of lower court re Gnats, yellow-jackets and blow ilys are a vers« <1. < 'hinese to lie used for railroading at Te- H C Lewis appellant vs J G Birdsev and terrible nui»nni'e in the lake country east of Ashland. Tl e blow lly has so monopolized tmantepoc, has returned home, and to WG too per respondents—appeal. Judg the field that that great acquaintance of ment reversed and cause remanded to low , bidd-hen«!« - the house ily—has been com- day stated lie expected to leave this city er court for new triid. Alex Martin vs Ju« A M’ilson—judgment. pe led to leave that section this summer. on the next steamer for China. “The Judgment and $23 at W M Brown, son < f one of the S. P. R. number of Chinese,” said lie, “that will torney fees for plainttil for R. director». Me-src Merrill and llolbrook, lie placed in Mexico is 8,000. 1 shall A L Reuter v« John A Hanley and Geo of till' big »tove anil tinware firm of San charter steamers to bring them over nt A Love—confirmation «»t sheriff's .«ale. Fra«)«««.<>, in i-onipanie.l hv their ladies and Hberin’s sale continued. other*, jriiicti io 4 »blatiil Tuesday in the different times, and they will tie placed A L Reuter vs Tims Hopwood and A II ; car ■•«'anuelio' and ivy,".1' «w'teh«.<l off to Maegley- suit to foreclose mortgage De Maeglev -suit De- take in th«' country. at work as rapidly as possible. cree granted and mortgage foreclose« and Wright’s Myrrlr Tooth Soap preserves ordered. The Southern Pacific company has execution Wais» n. llume and \V at«oo vs H C. Mes the enamel.and prevents deeav of the teeth. made new rates on stor k cattle valued at senger—confirmation of «lierin's sale. Sal* > i Gives luau^tlnl lustre and whiteness, and . cooJs qti'l refreshes the mouth. Try it. ♦10 per head, in train load lots of not Jess coolirinci. Application of si«e Peterson to become a i Sold by T. K. Bolton. than eighteen curs, from jioints in New citizen of the United States of America Mexico and Arizona to points in Nevada. I granted. _________ The object is to induce cattlemen to re stock their ranges with Arizona and New Mexico cattle. The rates to Winnemucca vary from $117 per cat load from Texas Hill, Aztec, Sentinel, ami Gila Bend, Ar izona, to $140 from Iteming, New Mexico. Prices in Arizona and New Mexico are said to l»e favorable for a liliernl move ment. _____________ TUIE! p. Marker i- in P.«rtland E. II left ve lerda-- for Denver < «1. All I. . W. K««lg«T* i< drivi «•reek J. K. Van Sant i- al ••■!-. int»-tTie.Ving Hie grocery men. R. H. Gilbarn, «Tilson's blue grave! Ora cle. is in the <dty. W. H. fated» rStnrnod from bi- n rttiern trip th nomina. T n^xlay ! A. I >— ’.-ST .Ajt LL.. tv »».A A for a J Dr.! i r,’i-e went to • oie this m ,rn- I Ur n-;>, H . t and ns-ura'-ati t lb.- i. ...!:» • e wen’ l<> th- Sa- rstncnt«» val- ve.Meniay to introduce hi- !.»m- KEY Wl Geneverle Sister*, El a Zola, The Only Zela. Jennie Kirby. William DeMott«', -DEALER*in - HORSES Cured Meat Con-tantly on Hand. • < th s < Pe.«s-i«»ok o<-<-onnl ■ «»'»V ibis Montifh ■ 'A.tàiii stWrtruXfw ibi. W m. A Ii.inift, -ig. Sa .»-'¡reuse, John l.owlow, I’hree Clark-, -flilic Johnston, Katie Zenobia, Adenia Sister«, .lame» DeMotte. John L'obin-on. ■ PIMPS, TDZRTj G-G-ISTS. A»li F.Kiiiiy ».Í J iv, • 'hurle- Pclartlm, \n,u.«te F»marl. Edward Moon. Znrate Brothers. -•'tTifjiey' Pr7/JïA • baili-- Wil- D p AI mi i ! un»'l' .. » Monroe Siniih. N. Poparoii, ‘ School bilG - _ Jl' -- 0,0 M '»■; . if« ■ »,.m-Ji’it» .iXj the F< air pel igig;, •, Ftqjnk Fisii.r. Théophile DnP!«-.»-is, Harry Marks, LeN- ni Family, M. Neil Family, $45.000 DROVE OF GIRAFFES. Dicks. •- È «r í Clocks, Watches, and ASHLAND. Jewelry. i MENAGERIES -OR- I FAMILY Genuine ■ • may BE BEÆJD AT I enivian A.paca. Puma or African Cougar, American Bu;ia!o, Sloth, Gnu. Virginia i anther-», senega! Leopards, Australian Kangaroo, Rat Kangaroo. Tapirs. B'a»-k Ls, r~ ■ »wmoy Lion. Shetland Cow, Spotted Tigers. African Porcupines. Badgers. of OREGON. « PICTURES of YOURSELF GREGORY & KJCKS Baibary Z, : ra. East India Antelope. Cashmere Goats. El»ony-h«aded 1‘a’atine Sheep, Slotted Av,. Leer, Ipsor of Colorado. American Jaguar, Silver Lion of California. ltl||l‘ -i pot led Hyena«. I.limn or Camel of tl»4 , •• .'fain Street Comer, Ashland, Or. Prescriptions carefully put up by com- ptAe.jt hs>ndij IN ONE. Pas-cnger Coach to Every Train. V.a- Freight moved al>out town at rates Ostriches. i I i M w I LOGAN’S GALLERY, « Y Beavers, Wildcats White and «¡ray Coon.«. Foxes. Weasels, Lynx. I’eccarie-, Cliatnois, Fire v.ood of all kinds delivered any A]»e«, Gazelle-. Japanese .'■ wine. African Jackal«. Ocelot. Humadras Baboons or Lion where in town at lowest prices. .«•:ayer«. Monkeys. Armadillo and Black monkeys, Hippopotamus. Giraffes, and Isold all by druggists. 1A00 Rare Animals. I -fi<OJNr‘T 6TÄEET. P. NEIL, Giant Berso, 21 Hands! Giant Cx , 21 Hands ! nterou.» «¡«her-mail tract The great ad vantage of this plan is that it brings ti gether tn one community’ the cla-s of people who are all engu .ed in the same fin-ine-s. viz: fruit growing, growing conse,|Uen:»y business, tturg .-pring* up large «irvinff and canning Ke; I onst:uitlr on ìian-.l. Fuir liyin e-tabh.-hunints similar to those in the city all that v.e ask . of Salem, whs u z i'xntage* m«ke pr<4:t- pricoe abie market for the pimUc«- of these fruit 'Ve will make it t»> tour interest to farms. de. ì with us, »o gì ve tlu new meat . ar Consult yotir interest by taij. .«¡s «>« tic* Oregon Land Company •»» Salem. Portland ku .« ur Aibauy. i »esn pork oty ban«! e«erv dav PNITIQN, ETC., JJTC Station Finish jd in Style Equal to aisty i AWARDED filler PRIZE.« at ÜWTHERN OREGON ÍSTATE FAIR.