Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Valley record. (Ashland, Jackson County, Or.) 1888-1911 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1890)
VALLEY RECORD Anolbvr Fine lt«-»i<ie:»ce Itailroa«! Item- BREVITY BASKET. Milk-shake-, ice »Team, orange-, lemons, and all kinds of popular confectionery at <». M. Granger is having a two-sturv Fr< I »¡ k . u I' z of I '; nyonville.ha- t'.r <•• ii- Every 'bjdy .ven; curing Sunday. • •• The Soda Fountain. '• iwidence erected on the Foil.-tain phiev tra» I •<» uriit-ii .leffirri A Bay.' " " ' Nour, ‘ their • •• I -e 'lolde.iS Ethereal < »ugh Syrup. The White is king. Buy a White -ow ing AsULANI* Oa---- T hi ssdat . July 17 1 m » i <>n Granite. _ 1» will lie elegamly finish- Tie- work at C».w creek e»l. will cost in the neiglilM>rb»x><i of fCMIO in earnest next Morniav. will cran mettre The ehi-e Mu-nn ».n g ■ u-e enden on the ma -hinc fr. in Jack-on <v Sowden of Grant- It « ill require 1.3th Pa—. All kind-of -owing machine- repair init. when curnnfoted and will be another a<i- from 10 JI) to 2001 men___ ami will take ed by J. W. Sowden. »lition to th*- msnv pleusant homes in about four months to complete it. I’EltHONAL AND MM.'IAI. Idaho fe (lie tenth »late admitted into the Ashland. G. W. Cole and W. J. Schmitt < bally gi> yd- for XI at llu’i-aker 1 nion wince the adiui-sioii of Oregon. Judge Web-ter Fririayed in A-hlaml A number of workmen have teen <w are doing the building and it will I m - a Picture frames made to order at U.S The Salem State-man remark.- that ’ the gregated about Ashlaml »luring the } 411ft h<-gira tn the < ,,a«t now i< only exceeded by Emery’s. W. E. Pri» c. Jr., arrived from the north good job. oq week. Iieing organiz»«! by Col. Ss-obie ¡he -liegira." to slay. CD Lined overalls $1.(JU per pair at Blount's. Another W.ig >n Hoad Calleil I or O an»l Jetf>»rv A Bay* to woik on the Cow Mi— Mars Jaeoir. is visiting friend» in I’r •(. Janie- G. t lark gave a delightful No rest for the wicked at Hunsaker's. »wk roa'I-lx-l. P Gold Beach Gazette: Now that wr A »h land evening of poetry ami -»mg al Talent one Our prices keep them busy. have elected our joint representative, let O P 8. F. Morine ami Thoe. Kist, black evening la-i week. Simon t aro of KoM-lmrg «4» in the city us l<ear in mind that a wagon roa-1 up For lame Itack. -ide or cbe.-t, use Shiloh's Is what the Ladies say who have been getting their dresses at Hunsaker's lately: smithing and woo»l work, are- repairing la-t week. Rev. Robt. Ennis, of Jacksonville, is to Porous ami down Rogiie river is a matter of vital the ohl dump-cart« use»l in th»- construc Plaster 25 cents at T K Bolton's. prea >h in the ITe.-byterian church next but if you are not pretty lively in getting around, you will not lie able to secure Mr«.Will JamiMMt wentto Portland Friday importam e to Currv countv. Jtaiephine. tion of the O A C. for service in grading Sabliath. morning and evening. Those tine white blanket- at the wool on a visit. a nice dress at the prices w hich will make a sure move of everything of a Jackson, Klamath. Lake, lkrnglas and at Cow creek for Jeflerv A Bay's contract. mills will make a splendid pres Ed. F. Morse is down with pueumonia en Slltnuierv nature. ent for your wife. They beat anything vet K. II. Page, lite Portland fruit merchant, Coos will liack our »lemaml for an appro Attorney Burtensliaw- yesterday drew and not evpe»-te<i to live at Shovel creek. seen in the state. i- in town to-day. priation. But to aid our delegation ami ’ ’ ’» T. E. »¡odfrev went over yesterday. up a contract for Charley Yen to fill nish od Have you seen those line blanket- at the I Mi— Imra Horn of Hornbrook i» visiting their friends the people themselves must Jeffi-rvs A Bays 40) Chinamen to work General <’. It. li'k the prohibition candi A-hlami a»'t. The Lord only helps thot»» who i Woolen Mill-? in Pan Francinco. 10 imoni per day, graileni at |1.10, ami date for I'. S. President on the proliibtiun help themselves. •‘Hackmelack"—a lasting and fragran- Artlev Fox ha» returned from hi» trip to tunnel-workers at $1.25. Yen to fui-nish ticket in I*»», died July Uth in hi- U2d year. Will give you a hint of what vou may expect, and if the prices suit you come at (■erfume. Priee 25 and Abets, at T. K! Bolt Klamath »-ounty. Settle L'p Not tor. them with everything. Mr. Jeffervs The first important -bipment of Ash ton ’s. once, for our stock is ve< large, and will soon lie broken at the figures signed it ou behaff of liis firm ami Yen land peaches north this year was made Je»»e Simpson ha» returned to Medford Any parties having claims against W. quoled. There aie many other bargains not here mentioned from Puget «ound. leaves immediately for San Francisco to Saturday. Iieing con-ignments for Tacoma B. Great» are requested to present tbeir NOTICE or NEW KVItVEY. get them ready for the first of next week. and other |ioints in Washington. s* that are sure to please you:— Mt»» Annie Dollarliide ha- gone to liun— accounts on or before the 2Htb day of p. J. Cooper, of The Dalles ha- lieen ap I xiteii S tate - I. axb O ffice . < muir to remain awhile. July, 18SM, for settlement. Those in R. L. Fiehfe. ai ling superintendent of |siinted by Set ret ary Noble as agent for Or R o » ehck <., Oregon, July 14. lfilki.» to 20c Mi»« Kat* Han-eu is viaitmg Miss Ida debted to the undesigned are requeeied llie Southern Pacific, made a trip to egon on swamp lands. The salary is $1,4<»> VyoriCE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the to « ome forward and settle promptly la- I Cow creek last week ami says: The first Naylor at Griffin creek. a year, with $3 a day as ex]>en»es. P for !* XN heretofore un-urveved portion of fore the above <late; and <l«»nt forget that - arloml of su|qdies for the new track C. Mingus lia» returned hottie from a N. S. lhillois. formerly of the Chcmeleka town-hiji 18 -outli, of range 1 ea-t, ha- been this is a gram! chatice to get gfsjds citeap went »»ut from Portland Thursday. The for ¡»u-lne»» trip to Portland. surveyed ami the plat of the «urvey therof 0Q for the next 10 days. AV B. fin»..-.-. »-ontractors are getting I uiii I mt from Mer hotel at Salem, has beeii -topping at The will l»e tile»l in thi- office on Monday. Sep Oregon for a week past. He may go into M. L. McCall returned yesterday from a lin to put up their »beds. The new roa»i the hotel bu«ines again in southern Oregon. tember 1st, 1890. Also part of the hereto O liu-ine— trip to Portland. It*al Homan Have». will be a great deal better than the ol»l fore unsurveyed portion of town-hip 22 for Charley Yen and hi- brother, the Ash John B. William- was up from Medford C h A acureof fleet-footed thorough bretlg, a one, as it will lie built so high through land Chinese contractor.-. will furni-h JWi south, of range 12 west, to-wit: Tuesday on a buxine«« visit. .»'ections !», 10. 15. 16, 21, 22. 26, 27. 2X, A3, herd of Scotland ponies, a den of giant the Cow creek canyon that the water can < hinamen to Dr. Ilrown. of Myrtle creek, <f-car Lucas of the So<ta Fountain l>*» re ostriciies, a score of jockies (male ami fe- never rfee high enough to carry it away. next month, for the ixm-lrm tion of a min 31 and 35—has lieen surveyed, and the plat of the survey thereof will lie tiled in this turned from bi« northern trip. Q nmle) and numberlcsti <diil»)ren will take office on Monday. September 1-t, I KM». A S in Francis-’O »lispateh lias the fol ing ditch. J. H. Settleineir wa- on this morning'» in the varied, novel ami unique races to lowing. Il feundoubtedly mixed up with From and after said 1st day of Septem The Murphy stxla springs, four miles O train for a bu-ine«« trip ta San Jose. I m - witnessed in the “all perfect ’ hippo Huntingion’s extension in -the Willam from Ashland, are liemming a popular la-r we will lie prepared to receive applica Cai; lifer in 1'ilb‘il trilli Hixith From Ererif tions for the entry of -aid lands in such drome, w hich is only one of the *nany ette ami may mean that the S. P. will place for visitor- tin- -ea-on. A large herctojore un*urveye<l sections of -aid 11. < Myer. G. M. Granger. Bob and fry œ hr imirl.iil af Prices hi sell at ance. Come features to be witm-ssed in the John Rob number of people have lteen there within Vining were at Tyler'» springs last week. run over the Cascades, tap Eastern Ore the pa-t week or so. township-. JOHN H. SHI'I’E. inaon »how, at Aahaml, August 511». Chatre. Res|iecti'ully, gon ami strike the Central Pacific rout»- A. M. CRAWFORD, Register. Robt Vining left last evening for Tacoma The work of surveying the Coo- Bav- either in Neva»is or I'tah : ‘‘It fe re|ioited Receiver. Io try hi» luck in the state of Washington. Ba»'t!elt Bowe. Ro.-eburg railroad commenced Monday. that a »-or|>tiof Southern Pacific engineers D. L. Rice wife and child left sumlay for Geo. G. Bartlett, the well known con The roa<l ha-the ap|>earance of being a sure their trip to Port Townsend and the north. ductor on the Aahland-Roseburg run, I lias I h - cii ordereii to u |>oiiit on the Cali tiling and that iviuntry is full of the Ixtom fornia and Oregon line near Roseburg, spirit The distance is 95 miles. C. H. Barkdull is visiting in Ashland this and Miss Rose U. Rowe, »laughter of ior the pur|K>se of prospecting to tlie east- f rry mfg oo CD CD week with J. W. Cunnyngbum and cbil Mrs. M. M. Cooksey, of Central Point t waril in the Cascade range, with a view 11. M. Baird, of Stockton. Cal., who lia- 4 COOK AND WAITER, Girls preferr- INDIANAPOLIS. IND. dren. were married in Portland Tuesday. They of finding an easier, though longer, route purcliii-ed and consolidated all the butch at a. cd. For particulars address œ MR< It. F. HI TLER. W. H. Atkinson and W. II. lo-ed« are came out to Central Point yesterday ami for the main route to < Iregon. It fe sai»i ering interests of Grauts Pa-s -ays that he en will pay six cent- per pound for ail tin- Montague. Cal. taking a trip up north a« far as Victoria, left this morning f»»r a wedding tour in ! that Huutington, on his trip to tlit North <lre cd |«>rk in that ami ad joining oountie- California, after which they will make west, became impresse»! with the impor this — fall. II. C. _ h-O P ■ John 8 Eubank-, Jr., was up to Port- their home in Roseburg. A host of, tance of tlife matter. The engineers will The young lady who advertised in the e+- friends, among wiiom the R kcohd wish land 011 a brief vacation during t*„ the pa' t linx eeil toward Mount Tbiefeen, in Doug R m out» for a position to do general house No. 7i. week. es to be numbered, e-;ten<l congratula las county: thence southerly into Klam work can find a stack of application- and Pnce, $18.00 at Factory. tions and best wishes to tin- newly | ath, Lake ami »low n into M im J oc county, information by applying at this office. Cash with Order. Mr. Miller, clerk in Dr. Kramer s <iriiK ..... wedded pair. thence along the courses of the ball and Phase let u- know w hether vou have a sit »•ore at ¡¡rants l’as», -iient Sunday in A«hland. Pitt rivers to some |>oint on the main uation cr not. Disaster on the Lakes. •’S line near Reihling, which has about the The ladies ol llio Baptist i hurch will give Mr». Ifuvid King and children have been Strictly First-Class. Warranted. An awful iunne)-sbn|>e<l cyclone struck P visiting relative» and friends over on Ap- the lakes and country alsiqt Minnesota: same elevation as Roseburg, from which an ice cream and cake social at the church All Second Growth Hickory. on Tue-day eve. July 2A1. Mi — May Pow it is 314 miles distant. It is not clear Steel Axles and Tires. P plegate. au<l Wisconsin last Sumlay afternoon. whether this surveying move fe purely for ers will favor u.s witii several rceitations Low Bent Peat Arms. l*erieeliy Balanced. P Jlrs. >1. II. Bowditch gnd son, Col. J. T. Between 2fKl an»l 300 p»«>pl<- |>erishe»l. the Southern Pacific or for the Oregonian -upplemented by an additional programme. Long, Easy Riding. Oil Tcntpe-ed Spring. Best Wheels and Jk st Ail Uv< r. Jlq*ditch, went to Grants Pa-s Sunday to A party of 203 and inore people from Price of admi—ion to all, 25 cents. OQ narrow gau *e, wlrcb Huntington bought ^i»it fjiend’. IT Ton CAN'T FIND TBEM FOR SALE BY YOUR MERCHANTS, WRITE US. Ifed Wing (Wis.) and other points were from the Scotch owners while he was out Billy Patton, a lad raised by Wm. Taylor. CD Mr-. Hattie Pgcker ot I'ki^fi. one of tfie on the excursion stea-per Sea Wing, ‘ here recently. Its present terminus is Co was driving b>-me a couple of estray an- JOS. W. HOCKERSMITH, •-S fiaughiers of Amos Shook, 1» visiting at which sunk and drowned most of the berg, near Eugene City, only about sev | imals Sunday morning about II o’clock an»l œ Jacksonville. when near The Oregon hotel an untaxed [ ptMMengere. enty-five miles above Roseburg, and its »log ran out and yel|M!«l at the animal he OI3EÒ. One of these waa Miss Kate Daley, aj extentiou by this posMble route indic:ite»l W- W Springsted, tfie carpenter, ha- was riding. The horse was frightened and ' rune to Edgewood to do some building in young lady aged twenty-one years and a will make it valuable property. fell, breaking young Patton’s leg at the i Siskiyou county, sister of Mrs. J. P. Murphy, wife of the LOOKING FOR ankle. LL ORDERS promptly attended to. Aleut Contra»'!». E. J- Farlow, wife and little daughter ami bricklayer and plasterer of Ashland. The Boxes and pa|>er tor -hipping fur e-F Ladies Oxford tie« just received at Hun Mrs H. Farlow have returned from a trip sa»l news was first receiveil by them by nished. The Ashland butchers have received saker's. P4 to Tyler's spring*. telegraph Monday morning. Office with Wells, Fargo ,t Co.'s express. the contracts to furnish the meat for the Jas. M. Fcwel is the latest victim of Cu Ganiard opera block. CD railnxid construction gangs in Cow creek pid'» dart«. He and Miss Sorrenson, the Will Shook, who ha- been lip on the Tl»e l*vach Crop Li the East. g sound with aotue cattle, wa- on yesterday's canyon. R. I’. Neil has the contract dressmaker, were married at Jacksonville Artist. New York, July 14. — Authentic infor train for Stockton. Q with Col. Scobie ami John E. Pelton la«t Saturday. They have commenced CD mation is that the peach crop is a failure with Bays A Jeffery. It will require house-keeping on Main street. op|»osite the Jellerxon Green of Nairn. Cal., arrived p -------<1 last Sunday for a visit with hix brotber-in- not on'y in this vicinity, but also in l'KM) 11 ms . and upward per »lay. Just after residem-e of Ja«. Thornton. Their numer Georgia and Maryland. It is expected ous friemi» wish them much happiness an<| CD ; the contracts were closed in Ashland p law. Edward Hildreth. I prosperity. As I have buxine»- which require- my at- the South w ill not contribute over a <loz- P- h-o Henry Finley brought hix wife in from en airloads of peaches to the New York Saturday Scobie ami JefTery received tel I tention elsewhere. I have eon egrams t'ruin Portland, R»jeeb,urg, M»xl- Iai<li»> title « at Hunsaker*.«. Bromides made in all slices. Call and p Klamath county this week for medical eluded to place on the market P market this season, while formerly they ford and other bptelierj WaiRip.g lo sim examine our work treatment and recuperation. Geo. Stanley, son of Mr. and Mr«. \V. J. sent from |hirty to fityv carjpadi, dai|v. ply (belli 3 /•’»« THE XEXT SIXTY PAYS Stanley, commenced Monday taksng sul>- , A Ash Waldefi li»« returned iron» ht« iri|> Eastern states are having fully as biid rt- ph The Ashland butchers are enterprising scription» for Mark Twain'.- “<'oiinei ticiit U* Sweden and also I'eunxylvanla and went luck, fruit falling from the tiees even as an»i always up and coming. The con Yankee in King Arthur’.» Court, " and will — A FEW CHOI) E down to Cow creek Sunday. far north as Canada. It certainly looks tract calls for all these shipments to lie | canvass Jackson »-ountv, having exclusive Douglas Waite of Roseburg, formerly a I now that California will have a < lear field made at Ashland, where all die slaught | territory for it. The Imok is soul only hv xtudent in the Ashland schools, arrived of almost the entire Atlantic market for ering is to lie done, it is estimated that subscription and the young man has al Tuesday for a vi»it with old friends. ready secured many names. green fruit. p the meat contracts for the Cow creek FOR SALE IN----- Situated on Main St., Alida avenue ami the Mens’ working gloves at Hunsaker's. Chariev (Oregon) Coolidge, who has been work will put from $»0,000 to $20.000 in p Boulevard, all of which is nicely lo- Probate Court. in Nevada and San Francisco for some time, A full supply of the iiamls of the Ashland butchers for Mr. and Mrs. John VanHorn left Mon- cated-and mostly set out to choice was on yex'.eniay'» train for Silverton. p- In matter of estate of John A. Grieve. circulation hereabouts. fruits. Look at this property <tay for Klamath Co. tqlook qfter their stock I C offins ,. C askets , R obes of ai . l S ues Order fixing time for final settlement. ranch. Mrs.' VafiHo'rp, who was nearly | and secure Mr». C. W. Ayers and daughter Mabel I G loves , C repes , E tc . At tlir Woolen Mill »lead kith cancer mnl wa» given up l>v em have returned to Ashland from their pro August 5th is the day set for final hearing. Jk B JL ZR, G-JLI nsr inent phyxiijansis aboqt wpllagain, Micro longed vk>it with Mr. Ayer- at Albany. J F Ragstlale estate^—Supplemental in ASHLAND, - - OREGON. The factory noty lias an immense be Killer wa« the remedy used.« Mr. Van .« B'. Whittle wsa down in Douglas coiin- ventory and apprais<nnent. 1 Before buying elsewhere, as 1 will sell al amount of wool on hamf, and Monday Horn's agency will heat the Poxtoffice while Twenty-live years experience in Ashland. Estate of Tlios I’BoVil—Order appoint started m> evety »lepartment in full blast he Ivlaxt week rtxblbg and seeing Hix girl, one half its value, and on easy payments. . is al>«ont and all order« nromptlv attend- ! Embalming with the aid of a skilled physi Enquire of E. E. MINER, j^a caught an even |<»» trout in bne day. • •• ! ing administrator Qrdere<| that Tho- with the intention qf keeping if tliat wav ed to. cian. ••• B. Boyd,' jr.'be qppoijrted ^diniiiiatratos until the Christmas holiday They have Cor. Main St. and Alida av. Erancfe Fitch, E mi ., the legal luminary ot, Inquire nt the Rst om> office. Office and ware-room on Main street, at Miss Carrol the teachei of Mott, lias i ’ letter? oí administrar placed a dynamo in the building with 12 Me»!(bril was at the socfel hop' Snluhliiy de fionig non and foot of Granite. gotten herself into some little trouble by tion be i§siie»l iipop upon hi? filing a bond In twenty-five candle-power lights to > fur- ¿♦•nitig untl remained over till Mqnday. Ul writing an article on “Slander,” winch nish light for tne night work . Key. Vlay 11HI, o( Ea«t I’-ortlarxl, u rela the mm of |l0t|. was published in the North Star last ttv'»' of $le*«ia|pes Russell, Dunn gn»i Git- March. It seems that she wrote it and Ney» Bpok l>y Twain. lytic, wax in Axtifend Tiiesdqy iyiih life Aalibiu»! Defeats Mmll'ur<|. intended it for Mrs. Dettlebacb. She wife. Commenting wn Mark Twain’» new The Mefifurd and Ashland nine playe»l ami the North Star have been jointly W. W. WilAire, a cousin of Judge Wil- book “'A Connecticut Yankee in King the secon<| game at the JJepot groumfe in sued for $-><lO0.—[Sisson Herald. ■hire of Lakeviiw. was on Monday's train Arthur’s Court,” the Boston I|era|d re fur l*uri|ai)d, where Its w|ll locate and prqc- marks: -Mijrlf Twain’s riel) bqmor this city Saturday,resulting in a score of Have your produce cashetl at Ben Eg !J4 to 19 in favor of the Ashland club. F. gleston’s, $Ue Ifta never coursed mare freely than here, H. Wagner of Medford umpired and B. L. Quin Willets fe visiting relatives and where just provocation is never absent. Reilden and Roadina«ter M. H. Burckhaller with a H. Johnson score»!. J rough the book there is a steady- friends in ths valley this week Iieing on his Tn gang of men set lire to the ruins of the old d • j . e . nuDiiiuu wiuj iiuiu umpuu uuc was lounu Row laud wa» field umpire but foun»l way home to Lakeview from the A. <). V. W. «<»-*)..« 1»^K ...a Mbandoneil Dollarbide sawmill near the convention at Astoria. Toll-liojse Thursday night. The llame.« an»l the pages are eloquent with a true |iall|^j ¡n The score is as follows: «hot away up in the air ami lit up the w fiolp svnipa- Fred Cogswell and wife of Linkville have American love oi freedom and a sympa [f twui Ashland— I 2 .3 5 1 S 9 K O I country thcrealxnit«. lieen at thi Bbovnl Creek springs an»i Cole thy with the right» of the common peo 0 o I 4 3 nights to tiq[.sh thj. juh. A» engine was » stein. an»l went to Josephine county Tues- , ple; . the book is marked by real beau Hammond, th 1 0 1 0 xtutioped on the track near by L- o o o 1 0 1 dav, to improve Mrs. C.'» health. •4 t : guurii the llames wbeu ns>— ,(rv ty, by u poetry of »tvle worthy of its rich I Power»,c. . e-'1*“- MeConnell3b <1 ü 4 3 fi U Jas. W. Mav«ey fe acting as assistant j material, with mtn li sympathetic tender- Rijluli.r'f 2 4 ! û 0 o u 0 »» I ludio* wra p S t|| C price now "mi aw han^new of ai>ee» h ” Kelton, railroa»! agent during the absence of Lyle nes» et... I o 0 1 0 0 u a 6 I u»is 40 per cent, off regular price at Hun itjcj; (*n$j J. W. Parley qf P(>rtlgn<|, fe in The Pln|ii»le|phia Ledger says; “The Landers,If 1 0 1 3 0 X n t G Massey's place a» night manager 1 saker'.«. broa»l fun, the merriment, the entertain-1 Casey,»» 0 o 1 a • 1 0 0 1 5 2 Mi«scs All»»» Earlow and Ada Miller. W. I ment, are lavished with unstinting hand, llolmaii.Jn ■W. B. Grubb of Keno was in town last - 0 0 0 Î 1 2 1 0 1 4 F. Bangasser anti J. 8. Roliertx were at and, in a»l»lition t»j these hutuvre*w leal* v ----- ■ ' "" e ” asset.p. 0 0 0 I 2 0 0 0 3 3 week. Mr. Grubb reports the hay crop Colestcin Saturday studying the lieautiful. urea, Mark Twain serves up the jvot d)X.. | Medford— I 2 3 4 5 7 H 0 It • in Klamath county as being good this. wild and weird mountain scenery. trines of feudalism, the divifie right of I Wai tace. rf. 0 O 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 Ò year, late rains having brought them out ' 2 0 e .» 4 nicely. There will be only half the acre-' . 0 0 0 0 0 Johnny Hammond arrived this week kings, and the claims of a titled uobilitv Greeby.e o 0 0 3 1 age this year on account ot the hard i from hix Klamath county ranch. Alxiut I with a »au'x tni/iianl ui unsparing satire.” Weeks,cf .. . 0 0 0 0 t Greeby.p II 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 5 winter using up so much seed graiu. But two months ago he cut a ga.-h in his leg Geo, Ktanley oi Ashland has the ex Angle, ss . 0 0 0 U 0 near the knee. an»l is still on < ruti-he». Ô 0 0 0 5 what < ro|ss there is are in s|>oU ami can ' clusive territory of Juckaon countv ami Davis, lb o 1 o o 1 4 Eugene an»l Will Alniy ami M. D. Bowles is milking a canvass of the same. Sol»l I *' Anustrong.-Jb. 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 o 1 o 0 3 •> be harvested to advantage. went to Hornbrook Tuesday to as.Qst in the only by subscription. The books will be McLollan,.3b •* ‘ o 0 0 1 0 1 t 0 4 1 Rasplxtrnc', currents «nq i>ea» t)c.' want work on the Rummel Bro.», mine on Klam- , I Wallace,If . .0 o 0 0 I l 0 o A 7 ed «1 Vt ells Fargo A Co.’s express office, •th river, which fe reported doing well this ! »lehvered about Aujjusi lost. »»'OSS |iV INXiX» X. season. The Linkville-Lakeview stage now Two Extra) Horses. i 4 8 4 *5 5»; 7 8 runs on the new wagon road made by an T. E. Scott ha« closed hi» lari st shop in AJiviuii <i O 1 9 8 r <> J O Two large work horses, one ;; bay .»l>o„t i Central Point ami with life son has tqienetl appropriation from the legislature. The Medford— e 0 0 2 1 I 1 11 busiecss at Marshfield. Mrs. Scott ami seventeen hsrulshigh,Slight star in t'oro ' I stage stations are located as follows from In the evening the Medford herd, Iqau-le.yh'.ulztiuctly Git on left shoul- , ---------- Ixivs were daughter will live in Ashhuvl it ring Rie der', aboufsvx or seven years ohl: and an ohl fiven | a social dauce at Granite Ilall, at Lakeview : First change at l^Sieur’s 1 winter. , ( grey horse about fifteeu hands high with no which ■ the best of good feeling prevailed. ol»i place in Drews valley. Next, head Y*raf. i . h. i n. e of Neil creek, the new brand visible; broke into the undersigned’s The Ashland nine expect a game from ofQuartz valley, then Bly, a station on , »ninty sch»xil »upcrinteniisnt, has l>een se grain field, 5 mile« south of Ashland and | the Klamath reservation, and the next en red to take the pnu, ipalsbip of the Jack were tnken care of and afterward relea-ol the Jacksonville team soon. near Olene. The stages now going via sonville public schools, which insures gooil from the Ashland pound by him. Owner of Dairy, leaving out Bonanza. •lacksonville Juttng«. management. »aid animal» fe notilie»! to come and take Seven spools best thread for 25c at Hun- ; them uwayandpay charge« for care and J. W. llamakar and wife ami George T. Circuit vourt is in session. ! «aker’s. ! Baldwin and wife arrived yesterday from advertising anil pouml fee. Chris Keegan has gone to Tacoma to ' J. T. Flynn of Grants Pass who is now wm . T aylor . their northern trip. Mrs. II. will'remain work at his trade in Ashlaml awhile and the balance have , I Ashland. Or. J-^ly ! publisher of the “News” besi»les owner gone home over the Ashland-Linkville road. I Max Muller and W. J. l’lymile have of the townsite, was on Saturday’s train LIKE t’Ol’NTY ITE'IS , with life wife for San Francisco, “to | returned from Portland. Geo F. And. (Hn| g<fe were Uuw'n at We have just received an invoice of stylish sumnicr suits, line quality soft and still hats, latest staler and >ha|>< > in Ae<tfog*thu>ip»t o$ Ute week George has Fred Cox, the Sacramento millionaire Judge Hanna has returned from a short I ; build another railroad” he says. He ‘ fen teams ami fifteen inen at work on his and wife, left here vreterday for home. I will gather information while in Califor- i vacation to Crescent City. contract with Sfeaon A Crocker to haul hats;25 cases mens’ line shoes, from $1.50 to $5 per pah- ilia conirerning the stu-i-ess of the irriga- ¡straw . N11) cord» of woo«l to the railroa») track at S. P. Moes, who took life wool to Sau Chas. Bilger, who is iii the inercunlile tion act of that state authorizing counties Large new line of gloves and suspenders, nobby styles in nnc ■ white and colored shirts, either plain or pleated bosom Kisklyou station. Frunciiico, sobl the same for eighteen ! ' business at Rosslvn, Wash., ia in town., ■ to organize ami l»nd »listriets for irrigat-. The largest line and most desirable styles in neckwear that we have ever had. Note some of our cash prices: Mr. ami Mr». Geo. H. Tvlcr have gone to , cents i»er pound, ami returned last week, E. 1». Foqd?.iy U i’lmenix and James I ing pin pom*. He ami others will urge Tyler’s Dead Inditn soda spring« to remain with a load of farming machinery, etc. llehnqoi Talent, were in town Tuesday. this ¡»lea on the next Oregon legislature. for some time in recuperating Mrs. Tyler’s Judge Townsend sold lfe) , ox vt nay' ( Dist. Att’v. Colvig and C. W. Kahler So easy in its action, harmless and effec health, while George fixes up the premises. Mrs. Tyler’s photograph gallery will be taken from hia ttq«cb uli the ¿lash, for $5 I were at Grants Vass this week on official tual in relieving is Simmons Liver llegu- -------------- ------ íflí closed for the next thirty qavs ia»r per tou iJeliVeFixl in town. business. 24 pair mens ’ fine shoes, l»er pair, $ 3 00 '’r sr.»’ Mrs. J. rt. Sue brut ot Central I Every rancher we have bilked with ac- i 200 boys’ suits lielow cost. Frank Adams’ great ditch at Tale lake 12 Mens' tlark suits at.................. I 00 1'idflC war* th t|»e city vesterdgv. Mr«. 8. knowledges the hay crop to be much | Married at the office of circuit judge by is now in business, 27(»3 inches of its wa 10«' pair mens’ cotton pants, at . I I 00 Lionel R. Webster July 12, Jas. M. Few- K 00 light colored suits tfbnuerly Mi»-« Yett'a Fttick) will visit larger than for several years jmst. ter having been sol»l lately at $2 per inch el and Miss Jane Soueson. 00 pair mens’cotton pants, at 1 ’»0» til Yreka soon. The' '»ill make 00 10 frock suits lor the season. In a couple of weeks the their |-ern>»nf>nt |o ute either at Betiding or All the lower Warner lakes are filled Mens’ woolen pants $- 09 up At the resilience of the officiating min ¡capacity of the ditch will lie fully 4000 00 10 fine brown suits itaklami. Cal Kangaroo» and French call. with water, up to the north end. Where ister. Rev. C. H- Hoxie, July 12, W. J, inches and every inch will be sold. Mens’ tailor made overalls 75 cte 10 00 fine orange suits Mr«. Ta-bera. wife oi the railroad civil » there is pleutv of water now, sheep have Robipaon apd Miss Ida Rateman. Mens’ straw bats, from Frank thinks of enlarging with a branch Mens’ over shirts, all prices 50cts up engineer »ml Mrs. P. E. Preble, of 8an been pasturing for two years previous gray cassimerc suits.... 11 00 $■> (XI felt bats, from 50cts to ealeulate»l to bring in about loOO more Wm. Young has gone to Tacoma and Mens’ fine white shirts. 50cta up r ranctsco. were «(»ipping in tearh several summer cutaway suits.. Iti 00 2 pair for 2‘ictn inches. By extending fbc main ditch on Geo. M. Jones, of Chewav.»^u uas will have charge of one of the tonsorial seamless sox .......... ! day« la«t week enjoying the scenery anil ;«i pair mens’ fine shoes, per pair $1 50 its present grade. 500Qacresof land would “ light plaid suits 18 00 lx-en elected county ccm.itiia&ib'n'er, vice parlors of that city. Success to him. 50ctf< up gloves, new stock. cliinat«- alxmt Ashland. 24 pair mens’fitieslioes. “ “ - dO be reclaime»l. The average number of W. A. Bagbey, tiifzpe»T,' 00 18 butterfly Scotch suits. E. R. Reaines arrived from San Jose horses and cattle in his great pasture lias Prof. J. 8. .«weet came down from Wash ington veslenlav aud leave» to-d'.y for a < The entire length and breadth of Goose Sunday evening and will spend a few lieen 350, but the ditch makes fine, sweet , |£3>^'3E34S trio t«> \Vis»'O*)stn. Pi -*f. 8weet will teach lake can lx- seen from the top of Sugar weeks'in the valley visiting relatives and pasturage for 1000 lmad. The blixrni of .. hoot on the taiitnd this fall an»l next year Hill, south of Willow Ranch. With old friends. that region is about to be famous, and wil) open a commercial school and business Shasta, looming up in the distance, it is Mrs. J. A. Cardwell and daughters. Frank is justly proud of his great work. college. a gra:i»l scene, one not to be witnessed iu Rose and loiura. and Mrs. I*ollie lx>ve —[Linkville Star. Dr. anil Mrs. A. C. < aldweil »nd ebiblren. any other country .and its equal not to lie Don’t fail to see our assortment of new styles in neckwear. Mr. A Mr. John Powers and Miss Mav, Mis» I seen in but few places.-Examiner,July 10. are sojourning at the McCallister soda Perfectly sure, («rfectly pure, jierfeclly springs. Southern Oregon. We are offering our department very low. Mi<e Smith. G. High and two grandchild ' harmless 1.« Simmons Liver ltegulator. ren. E. B. Myer. Charley Johnson. Harry Cttaj »uturneil home Sumiav Joaephiac County Item«. The circus is coming to swallow up the Vasev. I.. L. Burten.'haw. John Powers, Jr., h«m a irip to Portland and Washington, little toys and girls anil a job lot of grown ami others from Ashland spent Sunday at The grape crop of ^«wjubinif ct>.inty ami has concluded there are many worse Colestein. folk» “who go to let little Johnnie and places than Jacksonville. will be um^aRy large »In» year. Annie see the mule and elepliaut.” \ Cha«. L. Bilger, now in ll»c men-anttie Hon. Henrv Klippel has returned The aunual gathering of jx-ople who can Plans for a handaomo two story pa»s- l«usii»e-s at Roslyn W.ssh.. an,. Frod Kli]>- . el traicitnc .»gent Wa raiiread between euger de|»ot iu Grants Pass an* Iieing from Chicago. He was accompanied “blow in” from $5 up drinking lukewarm m-ago and Hansa» City, called on the home by his son Fred, who has been in lemonade, chewing confectionery kept prepare»! in Portland. R kcokd Monday. They are of Jackson Kansas City for several years. 1 over for several years, and otherwise Jack Parker left on Monday last with ville’» enterpri-mg product. Gen. T. G. lteames and w ife. C. C. punishing tbeir innards txjcause others the racehorse ‘ Bingo,” for Montana, »'apt. Wni. ■« »'ruwell lias moved into the where the Imrae is entered fur several Beekman and wife. Misses Lizzie Graves, are doing the same thing; the great un Frre’an»! re«i»lence near the »late norma! Nina Beekman ami Mns. T. 1». Beekman sophisticated chump who thinks he can school and will soon be joined by his son. races. departed Tuesday for Yaqnina bay to be guess the shell where that bean rolled who is on the »«a from China, where he has The owners of »beep have no reason to gone several weeks. under, and the array of »galoots to be lieen acting a» marshal for the consular complain of prices this season. _ I iue sucked iu and fleec»?<l by skin games isHirt of Amoy and the district of Formosa. weathers have sold as high as $2. »t> per A )>aitv composed o) J. F. White. G. a thousand years old w ill lie on hand. Mr. Crowell has manv interesting curi G. 1. and Mis. Hattie Newbury, Mr. Dil All this goes with a circus full of lialf- osities gathered ia tue tJrieut with which to bea»l. lon ami Ed Oliver left Monday for a trip |eeorMtc hi« home with novelties. Hon. 11. B. Miller of this county is to Crescent City, where they will s|>en<i dea»l animals and painted harlots trav eling on the reputation of a dead man. The. propositi»m to l»ond the Me»lford dfe- mentioned in courn’ctiun with the »¡»eak- a few weeks by the sounding sea. The unfortunate part is that this will de irwt t»> b«il»i a $15. i »« i school house was un- . crsliip of the next house. Mr. Miller is The directors of the Jacksonville pub vastate the country of all its loose change. cereiuoniou»ly »»uashe»! at the school meet a goo<l speaker, well verse.l in parlia- ing on the 15th in-t. mentarv usages, ami in every way <|0ali- lic school have seiecteil the following Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy, a marvelous fied tv till the ortice.—[Grants Pass News. voi|»s of teachers for the coming year : cure for Catarrh. Diptheria. J anker mouth, For 30 Day* t'. S. Price of Ashland as principal, G. G. ■ and Head-ache. With each Ixittle there fe Commencing July 10. 1 will make first- 1. Newbury for intermediate aud Miss l an ingenious basal injector for the more Jas. Harvey has sold a trad of 432, acre' class cabinet photographs for $! per tiuz. of the Kotiert» & O'Neil farm at Taient to Hattie Newbury for the primary depart • successful treatment of the«e complaints w ithout extra charge, bold bv T. K. Bolton. Don’t make any mistake. This rate is Cha» E. Ninineer for $75 }«er acre ment. * good for otilv one mouth. expiring Au The ris e to buy your lady her tine shoe. Eight • urJ. .ut:ue tjr tl.C’J ut Huu.-ak- tiimmon» Liver Regulator has uexet fail is at Hun alter» j . gust loth, after which the rate will lie ‘ er a. ed to reiu , e coBaUfaUou of ths baTcL . per dvzoL C. V.*. L ouajl Hurrah! Hurrah!! Hurrah!!! o O O O CD F () K 11 unsakei w o p o o o » B 3 o w A FEW PRICES Z z 8° 3 w o o Wanted, W H o « (J) k X 3 3 0 o o CD A . L J P P P. o o o B u TO THOSE H. S. EMERY CD Funeral Director. 0) n RESIDENCE LOTS TOWN LOTS! R. R. ADDITION A Fine Display 1 b 8 =Of New Goods FOR THE SEASON AT 0. H. BLOUNT’S. 1 Call and inspect the largest stock of mens’ goods in Southern Oregon o Bi. B L O U N T. The leading Clothier and Hatter ASHLAND, OREGON I 1 1 1 ) 1 4