VALLEY RECORD Tin-j llou'l Q tit <-m incut lug. The Ha»- ball R -al FSstatc Tranxier». FOR SALE! hatnp ous' ip. “EEsTHE! HAVE AKB1VEDI M. Miller’s The base ball game Ixtwecn the Mtslionl < oii’tantitie Magruder, trustee, to Mark Eo»t Oregon Heraid. June »th. and A-hlsnd nines Saturday was a ,k—41 E'onnaii — lots 4.5, 12. block io, Central' -3 E. J. Kai-er.edi! ft 4 I he A-fila nd Rn - i’uini; $42’>. tn 41—taking live hour- t<> pl.iv liie nine 1 by tbe »uprenie in eompliati<-e with the provisions ot * ** * ASHLAND O*...... Tut B»u AV. June If i 1:00 OKU. La- I ecu re Ke'iecca A Hnnev to Mary A ( ark -lots innings Out of a deep re»|>e< t for the fam­ «Ur of iter RturtMoatd KrUrimc» in the Slate ilies of the i-articq-ii'iir- the R m - ::i- wi 1 not the act of Congress ot June 3. 187». emit led <-< urt from jxiying ve oí K*’ and serving io, 11. 12. IS, block M. Medford: $1. “An act tor the sale of timteo lands in the for Salt »r Eirtaagt for Farai Frapcrtu I. I. Angle to R R Winter 5‘- acres, tp mention the names of any <>f the players of nly jail for < riti< i-ing “Bona" Bwki- v ui Sau Francisco wa* fifteen da) » in t)»e such an awfu! game a- thi-. Tl.<- return States of California. Oregon. Nevada, and 37 s. R 1 W: $7Wi. iriuii court over which (he arts of the ci lie in Ashland Satunlay which Washington Territory, ' Al. Hopkins, of m„. i i«»i Sunday at a Boston Catholic A J. Reuter, trustee, to Silas J Day— frac will 1 will sell on long time or exchange for time it is hoped they will l-otli improve Shake, county of Jackson, state of Oregon, Judge Wefoter pre ¡del. block 43 and lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5, 8. and N sonic. church to Mu* AuiÑe Hurley. farm, my residence in Ashland with a lias this day tiled in this office his sworn We venture to »ay that the country would of lota (», 7, all in block 40; $15. statement for the pu chase of th: s of N frontage of 180 feet on Main st., and 150 O C Applegate to I D Applegate- ' , in ­ “Men whose opiuioi.» liave the weak­ he getting rather despotic and tyrannical terest of the S E *4. and E 1. of S W '» of of ms - N o . it, in t|> on .Hida .tvc. The grounds are nicely W 11 anti E te of s W est foundations are least open to con vic- »hen the pre—wo :ld be deprirod of the -et 28, tp 38 8, R 1 E; $150. lain out with choice fruit and shrubta-ry, to, >. R No. I E. and willo:;er pro«: to show that tWe tatid sought :s m >r • ia u i >l< o r Clarence Farnham et al to G F Billing»— artificial stone walk, good stable ami out its tfon. Swampy land ia not liable to right to criticise, or ' all the attention of the tinite'r or stone than for agricultural publi. to any judicial act« it telievd to If all the “John Barrett" donation land claim buildings. This cottage was Lui it in the {Hirnoaes. anil to'establish hisciaini to said earthquakes.” No 48. tp38 S. R 1 E; $250. Fall ol 1888 of the choicest material and wrong._________________ IWew Stocii. of and lieforo the Register a id Receiver of l to A-hlam:: $G«- •I A T Co to S|«t»eer A Cuitliliiu»»—lot 18, ami Adjoining said icsideme. This is Nelson of Ash ati'l. Jackson isiuiiiy. Or., liberal contribution from the Hon. I»en- Salem State-man < Rep.) Frank McCra 'ken of White ¡‘oint, ’ack-on It i» fortunate Tor Col. John P I rial». b'ocK 15. Medford; the most moderp in style ami best con­ count! nis I*. Tlionipaon. . Or., Ibotuas E Stanley oi Klamath E Sanderson Smith to Jonathan 1» iinie of Hen Francioco, that hekej-t out oft in­ structed cottage in Southern Oregon, I Citv. Siskiyou county. Cal..' Edward A. and I It Hanim.>n>l—tiic Fowler Mlge. the clioice location and can l>e had at a bar : Hildreth of Ashland. Jackson county. Or. T1.C farmer wlw> thinks lie will lie bene- ion ¡irlitieii during the last eanvasa. H< r- lte A T Co to R K Sutton loi 2», block 2. ' file tlieir claims in this office on or before public to nuderete nd that the fools are utterly mine«) the colonel poiiticallv, ami It l! add to Ashland: Oregon I “aid 21>t day of AugU't. 1890. the «■onsequt-ncea nii.'bt have been fatal R K burton to M II Brockman—lot 2 not nil dead vet.—{Ex. I'H AS. w. JoilXSTON. Register. to him. The apparent result of his visit block 2. R R add to Ashland: $112.50. O A T Co to I) W Cryder—lots 1, 2, Gen. E- L. Applegate of Klamath Agen­ two years ago, when he stumped the , Mock TIMBER LAND NOTICE. 15. Gold HUI: $120. cy, speaking of the chopped up condition state in the inter,sts of ilemocraey and Enos Blair et al to W E Price—27 acre» in I United States Land O.flce. llose'>urg. Or.i oi Oregon polities thia yes», remarked: free trade, was a ’najeritv of -7407 for tp 37 S, R 2 W; also the lots 2. 3. block 2, in . Amv A Harbaugh s add to Central Point; June 3. I»!«), i “Roth ;«rties were beaten.” Hermann and protection. What it would consideration $:>d Receiver of have to till up latke Michigan half-way to feel proud of her young standard-bearer. right to lay water pipe. Constantine Magruder, trustee, to J I4e this office af Roset>urg, Oregon, on Wed­ He made a most active and earnest can­ Itanney—lots 2,3. block 4. < 'ent'! Point; $89. the »traits of Mackinaw. nesday the jutlj day of Adgtpt, l-W We wish to announce to the vass of the state, and did all in h:s jxiwei State of Or to J B WriNdjr S L °f roc lie names a' witnessesj Frijni; M0- Green and Dried Fruits, Confectionary, Stationary and a fine strictly first class machine. Fully The established church of England is to win sncces This he did in the face 1(1. tp 32 8, R 2 E; 329 acres: $)<«>. Cracken, of White Point, Jackson county. people of Ashland and vicini ­ warranted. Made from very best material, State of Or to 8 11 Hull — S E 1 , N E ' Or., Al. Hopkins, of Shake, Jackson coun­ unquestionably in danger. 8|»-aking at of a known opposition majority, and line of Crockeryware. of S W ¡4 and 8 of S W 1, of sec 16, tp 32 ty that the C. 0. 1). Empori­ by skilled workmen, and with the liert tools ty, Or., George A. Blood, of Ashland, Jack- tlie annual meeting of the church defense against an opponent from three to four IS. It 2 E; 280 acres; $350. that have ever lieen devised for the purpose. son county, Or., Edward CaniplieU, of su-a i T W Stearns to J (' Baker et al—S um is now ready for business Warranted to do all that can be reasonably Klamath City. Siskiyou county. Cal. institution, Ix»rd Keiborne confessed that thousand votes stronger than his (tarty. Bisected of the very l>e»t typewriter extant. E */i of S W *4 of sec 16, t|>36 S, R 3 W ; Any and ail persons claiming adversely . disestablishment liad come ‘‘within the Yet Col. Miller never lost faith in the j also lot 5. sei- 21, tp 36, 5» acres; also undi­ in Reeser's Block, Ashland- Capable qf anting 150 words per minute— the above-described lands are requested to , range of practical politics.” more—according t^ t};<* ability of the file tlieir claims in this office on or before justness of his cause, and went into tlie vided 14» of N E !4 of S W ’4 of sec 16, tp 36 The articles we carry are too op operatpr. i 8. R 3 W . $75. staid 20th day of August, 1880. flight to do the last he could under ad­ Ja» J Fryer to John K Green—300 acres numerous to mention, (' was . >V. J ohnston , Register. We The total amount raised for the Coo» j in tp36 8. R 1 W; $7500. Price t - $100.0t). verse circumstances. lie did his duty bay railroad at Marshfield at this writ- nobly, an, block 45. Medford; »1000. goods at your earliest oppor ­ •■'Aji qct foi the s^Je of‘tinjber I'aiiijs it) t|ie Bpeiteer A Cuntons to C W Skeel—lot 18, News, but what the necessary bonus of A TARIFF POEM. block W, lifi'Jtord; »100. jr, p, HTENOGRAPHY and States of California, 'Oregon, IJevád^, anil tunity, we are, $75.000 will lie raised before the end of Washington Territory.’' Eilward A. Hi|is dax §i$d in tl¡|s nffipel V S to Jacob Gabriel—8 E >4 of 8 W 14, nmdbed will be commenced immediately. his corn crop and figuring how much he WII.S0N A WALSWORTH. Address, his sworn statement for the pureh^s*, „1 »pp »ci' 19. tp 35 S, It 2 W : 40 acres. with stamp for retu.n postage, had. He hail worked from early spring­ N W J4 of sec No. 30, in tp No. 39, 8 R No. [ THE PARISH MF’G CO., ARY DAILY JAÌLÌÒIVITTG- The committee on temperance of the time, early anil late and hard, and he we» Probate Court. 4 E. and will oner proof to show that the [ Parish. N. Y. land sought is more valuable for its timber [ Reformed Presbyterian synod tlie other counting liis assets and figuring out his re­ hl lustier »»f «si^te (,{ J Coakley—order or stone than for agricultural purposes, day made a report strongly censuring ward. He figured that it took two acres to discharging luiiinpistr^to*. pplfred that and to establish his claim to said land lie-[ Dmid J'enlii;,'er lx» discharged boii. for» the Register anil Receiver of this office B. F. Reeser s Vici“President Morton for permitting buy lita two imv« new hrxits. and ten acres liability. id Roseburg. Or., on Wednesday the 20th , In matter of estate of Thus l |i«yi)er— of- the sale of liquor in liis new hotel, and more on top of this to fit them out with new dav of Adgust. 1890. appointing time for tlnat wtth'inept, President Harrison.for nerving wine on suits. To buy his wife a protec ted dress der 'lie names as Witnesses; Thomas b. ! Otlf< pdyetd, Hhtf! took 1<»< bushel» in ire, while live tor?* went Onlered that Tne»erintendent from In­ shingles on his cow died and the lumtar for to her, ami Jas A Wilson. W H Parker luid ; I , Full Assortment always on hand, direct firopi the East. an<| lile their claims in tills office on or before dianapolis to lie held up by a tern iterance liis barn had eaten Up his I>eef-steer»aiul Jhe Geo lCNeil be appointed appraisers of said | Board and lodging id’ f last will and testament of at Prices that Defy Competition. at noonday, lonely and gloomy and sore, as holic excess.—{Oregonian. August Volusr ord.ef admitting will to he figured up his wealth a little less than it probate. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. Ordered that Wis J|artman be (’ongretuttnan Cutcheon, a Republican was the year before. “By gum, they say appointed administrator unit that letters (toon ROOMS, EXCELLENT MEALS, United States Band Office, Roseburg Or ,i be issueii to him. and it distinguished veteran of Michigan, I’m protected, but I know there’s some­ testamentary Juné 3! 1890. i In matter of the estate of Wm Wooley— thing wrong; I’ve been deceived and gulled A fair trial solicited, gipj satjpiacfipn Particular Ait ent ion to otice is iierebz given that eoiifesaea that as a class the old aoldiera order for sale of personal property. and hoodwinked by this high protection guaranteed. in compliance with the provisions of are better off" than any other clatis in the song. They told of rebellious traitors, and the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled Prc-ents lor the Luilies. Meals, 25 cents. ‘Aij apt fqr tjie »^le of timber lauds in the < »immunity, and the Milwaukee Sentinel held up the bloody rag, and I followed Giants Pass Courier.] States of Cahfornij;, Qfcgpn, Nffvadn, (md (Rep.) beam testimony that a “large ma­ along like a pumpkin, and now I ao» FINAL PROOF NOTICE. Washington Territory,George A- Blood, Jessie Patrick, while playing I jority of the veterans are men who would (ng the bag. But from this tune on I'll in­ , j in Muster of Ashland, county of Jackson, state of U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Or.) l!be yte-4 ^»p other day, killed a large Which will lie done in a workmanlike Oregon, has this day filed in this office his May 12th, 1890. ) not lie clawed ns needy; that is. they are vestigate. and gft to the bottom of facts, ’ snake known as the »aocr, immediately sworn statement for the purchase of tlie S manner and at prices that IS HEREBY GIVEN that the men as fortunately situated with res|»ect nnd I’ll liet »1 to begin wi|h that the tariff af|er ¡t ]iad crawled out df its wun, ip 'VrOTICB W J4 °f cec No. 8, in tp No. 10, 8 R No I ' Aj following-named settler has tiled no- 1» a tax.--[Kingman, Kan.. Dsxp'-rut. ' ' ■ J! » - -- — ---------------- rera _Li fact it did ndt get away more fhafi threfe rteSoFn’s ».,te: fon to make final proof in . and will otter proof to sh.iw that the to pecuniary matters as the average of fpct. Mr. Patrick brought the skin and support of hlH-Yiliitii, »tu» th t sa.d proof land sought is more valuable for its timber the community.” Of course it must!« or stone than for agricultural purposes, The reapecuble Itemoerats of San Fran' j gave ff. {lie Courier office, which meas- will be made l^fore tine Judy», o»»). J»,_ . b so. The veterans who have survived to eioco are preparing « revolt againat the - — [ and to establish his claim to said land be- •„ Jength , -^“i Any lady sence before the Clerk of the County Court ured i over iitx . »^ ! Full stoes •■anil and made i fore the Register and Receiver of this office this hour in j < <* h I hraltlt must lx» men who rule of Bono Bueklev. wishing one of the pretAtta» jjpcklaces of Jackson county. Oregon, at Jacksonville, to order.' ■ i: ‘i . . .... 81— " ■■ ........ «.U. 11 **' seif-suppori* witfiout a service pension. No man knows what he can do till he I ' ..Ile naine» a» witees.»».», Thomas E. Homestead entry Ao. te' 1 *. lot 7 and —(Oregenian (Rep). Ciearjug tjjo Snow. Stanley of Klamath City. Siskiyou county, tries. A Southern farmer who had got S K U of S W '//and N E »4 ¿FK'Mr t_c. fW^Noue but the best material u-ed. Cal.. Edward Campliefl of Klamath City, 4i, and N E >4 of N W J-i sec.'7, tp S, R J away with a pint and a half of whiskey San Francisco, June it, — 4f|er foil: 1». UF'- ’ -ER'S BLOCK. t Siskiyou county. Cal., Edward A. Hildreth ! New York, June 15.— TheTixies’ Pitts­ M. ' V many a time succeeded in gulping down blockade in the Hlerras last Minter some : He W. of Ashland, .fackaon county. Or., Frank n^mes trip following witnesses to ASHL i \ l>. : : : : : burg special says rumors are in circula- , ’’■•('racken of White Point, Jacksoncountv, a quart the other day. His widow is tak­ sidings which were little ugeij were not prove b»s cpntin.i^ou.s resjeen selected as the dav ing that the new rotary sp . ow plow had i Creek, Jackson Co., , Or. ’ terrible cough:' Sjitlijti.’s Cfirc is the ,’f medy ! said i We call [special attention to p. J!. HENI>ERSOJi & CO.’6 (Chicago) Red 21»t day of August, 1890. date for Governor and have Postmaster for unveiling tfop statue of Indiana’s just cleared Lakeview siding, three miles > 3-l-6t ■» J ohnston , Register, ----- ■ ifqf'vop. Kept on’hand at’lT K Boltina s.1’ School House Shoes, and CHURCH, B|iÓWN & CO.’S (Boston) $3 OO cajf H J C has . W. .C'fjis. W. J ohx ST on , Register. General Wanatnaker nominated. How favorite son. Thos. A. JJpndrk ks. The east of Summit. The hard snow was Shoes, the best made. Every part guaranteed- < ,• true the rumors are nobody of course, ex- ' occasion as is proper, will be entirely free from four to six feet deep, but the plow I TIMBER LAN!) NGrR’E. evjit he now squats is deep and cool, urn] jf men, his prominence in church work — ** I Klamath City, county of Siskiyou, state of was all along of whisky. Whisky make [ California, has this day filed in this office I General John M. Palmer, who is the Injun heap fool and white man heap would bring the religious element to his his sworn statement for the purchase of the ‘ democratic aspirant for the United States snpixirt, while his position as postmaster jackass. tS E J4 of sec No. 30, in tp No. 39, 8 II No. 4 Tuesday as Alex Martin was sitting in general would insure him the support of Senatorahipin Illinois, sayathostate can Is, ¡»nu’wiil o£fe£ prqcf .t<> show that the land sought is more v’ii I liable for its era house at dian policeman followed him but was democrats voted for Binger for non-polit- earninsB of the millions. 9:30 a. m. Aft^r review and drill by Co. D. 0. N. G., United States Land Office, Roseburg, Gr.,) U a WBUI.aK- warned bv Jonah not to get too c’osc lest I J- ical reasons, the following paragraph from June 3.1890. 4 Senator Carlisle is the latest dejuocrat- he lie shot down like a steer. The act of ■---- o-------- otice is hereby given that Ashland Bra«U an esteemed contemporary, the Roseburg ic statesman to yive the Farmers’ A|li- rushing unawares upon the armed Indi­ procession will form in following order : in compliance with tlie provisions of Plaindealer, sounds a little comical: an would have tax n unjust. The man ’ s -----You can get----- Buys and sells Grain and Fruit farms, ' the act of congress of June 3, 1878, entitled Band, Co. I) (1. N. G., (1. A. R„ A. H. Co. No. 1, Federated anco some good advice. ln reply to a Hurrah for Jackson county! That letter from a gentleman in Alabama ask­ ’ crime was not a great one, and as he “An act for the sale of tinite'r lands in the and also deals in Ice Cream. Ice Cream Soda, Ice | could ta> easily taken at the agency there Trades and secret organizations, Liberty car, mayor and city states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and erstwhile banner county of democracy baa gone republican almost solidlv. ing his views of the bill, which has Iiesn was no necessity for surprising and thus council in carriages, citizens jn carriages, citizens on horse-1 Washington Territory,” Frank McCrat'ken. CITY PROPERTY Cold Soda, any flavor, of White Point, county of Jwkson, state of re)x>rted adversely l»v the house commit­ frightening him into shooting and being Truly the world moves. ----- o----- | Oregon, has this day tiled in1 ibis office his back and on foot. Procession to ^tart fropj Ganiard ’ s opera shot at. The authorities wisely concluded The democratic majorities on the seven tee on ways and means to provide fortlie statement for the purchase of the N LEMONADE, MILK gtyAKEg, let him drift to the agency and he house, inarch down Main street to Helman,down flelmaii to »Worn Main officein Salem, Oregon, with branch W )4of A W '4. S-U of $1 i\V >4 and N V,' different offices were as follows: 142, establishment of suli-treasuries for the to drifted,gun in hand, until next morning, FKK81I CONEECT1OSEBY AND EKl’tTS, of 8 W of sec No. 24. in tp :K>. S R ND. offices in Portland, Astoria and Albany j 149, 217, 221, 302. 321, 539. This doe« storage of agri« ultural products, Mr. Car­ when (rarfield, the Indian policeman, Factory, out Factory to Main street, back Main street to Oak, '4 • ’ I E. and will otier proof to show that the Oregon. not seem a just cause for republican lisle says; "The farmers hate been tax­ found him at Modac point and took him down Oak to Spring, out »Spring to 4th avenue, back Main land sought is more valuuhle for its timber — The leading brands of— ed Bi> long for the benefit of other classes > or stone than for agricultural purposes, and jubilation. The county offices were and have seen »0 much legislation for the in, gun and all. He w.ll pioliably lie Pamphlets, price lists and maps street to plaza and to grove, when the following program will to establish his claim t > »aid land lieiore KEY WEST and IMDORTED CIGARS, ¡dated temporarily in the hands of the aggrandisement of corporations and syn­ j'unishisl at the agency. the Register and Receiver of this office at sent on application. 1st, music by band: 2d. music bv glee chib; Roseburg, Oregon, on Wednesday the 2(ith Correspondence promptly attended to. reputilicaiM, ou account of hx-al diiwen- dicates that their patience is exhausted, Ho-.- ludians 1’ix‘pnrx- Poison Arrows, take place : Cigarettes and Tobacco. August, 18!f0. •»d, prayer by chajdain; 4th, reading the Declaration of In­ dav He of names tiona, and the prospects for doing the and finding it inqiossible, for the time Banning Herald.| as witnesses: Al. Hopkins, COLD 1„ I XCH and COtFEE. same next time are considered decidedly being at least, to aliolisli the. system We are indrbted to Frank Smith, of dependence; 5th. music by the band; Gtb, oration; 7th. song of Shake, Jackson county, Or., William which has oppressed and des]K>iled the ICR (WM Fanixbal for FAMILIES nd PAKTIFX. 'Nelson and George A. Blood, of Ashland. slim. greatest industrial interest of the conn- Whitewater, for a very graphic account by (dec Club; 8th. benediction: 9th. music bv band. Jackson county. f»r.. Edward Cainplxsll, of iry, they are now demanding that the of the manner in which a Piute Indian Klamath City, Siskiyou county. Cal. E- M. LUQA». k son of Judge Lorenzo Sawyer has verv policy, which they have heretofore prepared his deadly arrows. He gath­ Any and all persons claiming a» Register sixH'ies of large t ed ant that is found liere- the ruffian's father is a judge of the geated that will o|»*rale alike on all for­ atajuts. The bite of this ant is more J- O’oisr. L 9 yards, for prize: 2d, girls' race—under 1G years—• eigners. But no evil can be corrected, SIX MILES sot TH OF Neaide- protecting gang, no doubt he will no wrong can l>e righted bj’ increasing |H>isonous than that of a bee. Upon TIMBER LAND NOTICE. ^T'HL DELMONICO has te-en completely protect hi« son in murdering anybody he its magnitude and extending the scope these lie poured a hit of water and then 7o yards, for prize; 4th. pie race fiir boys. 75 yards, for prize: GRANT’S PASS, OR. I nited States Land Oifir-e. Ko-elitirg, Or.) A renovated »nd refitted I,-, thenndei- may like to murder. If he were a poor ot its operation. There is but one effect­ sealed the lid on with moist earth. lie 5th, three-legged race, for prize; (>th. sack race, for prize: 7th. _ Juno 3. ls!»i. f -lgned. ami will he conducted in a manner Jhen dug a hole two feet into the ground, . man he would at this moment be in ual remedy for the evil which undoubt­ in v. hich lie built a roaring fire and pul pie-t'ating match for boys, prize; 8th, fat mens'. 2<><> lbs. race. VYOTICE is hereby GIVEN that to p!ea-e all its patrons edly exists, and that is to reverse the J.X in compliance with the provi-ions prison on a charge of assault to murder policy which produced it.” in some stones. When the interior o! 100 yards, for prize: 9th. tug of war. 5 on side, 2 best in 3; of the act of Congress of June 3. ! A literal share of public patronaee i- re­ the hole and the stones were red hot, he or else under heavy bail. Being the son 1878, entitle,! •• An act for the sale spectfully solicited 10th, egg and spoon race, for girls; 11th, music. made a place in the tail tom for the earth ­ of timber lands in the States of Califor­ Give it a trial ai the great Judge Ixrrenao Sawyer, he The Alta thinks it knows and says that —CONSISTING QP-- nia. Oregon, Nevada and Washington vessel and put it in. About it and h:ts not even been arrested. The United Prince Albert Victor, second hopeful of en M b axp M bs WM SC1IRYER Territory, ” Edward Campbell of Klamath ti|»:n it lie put the co:ils and hot stones, ,,, *‘‘‘»r. t-iuni, Prune, v*nal Proprietors States courts in thia city are a safe refuge the Prince of Wales, a hen at school w;:s and upon tlie top he built a fierce fire City, county of Siskiyou, state of California, ctiegry, Aprtco«, Nectarine, Alinoml 4 o ’ clock p. m. will occur the great display and often hard up ami would write to his has this dav filed in this office his sworn for murderers. Young Sawyer can grandmother for funds. The old lady and kept it up for twenty-four hours. Mainui. Cbestunt, Shade ami Onia for the purchase of the S W 1of parade by Lime Kiln’s band of the improved or­ statement menial tree«. plead that he is under the exclusive would sometimes send money, but oi'ten- Then he dug out the vessel, and standing sec No. 30, in tp No. 39. South Range No 4 juriodktioii of the United States, and er a letter of good advice. These letters off with a long pole he disengagixl the! der of Cajithumpj^n Jforraboes, in their great speech-mak­ East, and will offer proof to show that the -A.LSO H- top ami let the fumes escape. He insist­ land « v,ght is .noye valuable for it» timber then his father will let hiui out on bail, t he Prince would read and put up at auc­ ed that had they struck h:s face it would ing specialties, raking up all the great political ami social or stong than for agricultural purno-es, S7iaM/,er,(/ Plant,, P.U^tbrrnf Plant, tion amongst classmates, kno- king them and Judge Stephen J. Field will make down to the highest bidder for the Queeu’s have killed him. The mass left in the and to establish his claim to said land be-! find (Jraptriiici. problems of the day. fore the Register and Receiver of this office him a present of a gold watch and chain. autograph. In this way the young rascal vessel was a dark-brown paste. at Roseburg, Oregon, on Thursdav, the 21st *ro test the efficacy of bis concoction —(S. F. Star. always got money out of his granny. day of August, 1800. the Indian, with his hunting knife, made He names as witnesses: George A Blood EVZEU n FILTQ- FTòOG-IÒJklM : .SInK MAIN STREET. a cut in his bare leg just below the knee, Coo» Bay anil Coquille River The vote thrown in Oregon two weeks and Edward A Hildreth, of Ashland, Jack! (South of Breeden's grocery store. 1 and let tho bjooil'mii down to his ankle. ago seems to have been a little over 71,000. son county. Or.. Thomas E. Stanley of San Francisco, June 13.—Information ALLOON ascension at dusk. Unecpialed display of H re- Klamath City, Siskiyou county.Cal.. Frank The gain is about 10,000 in two years, a Then taking a stick, he dipped into thp larger gain than ever before known in that was received to-day that I.lijali Smith ixiison and touched the descending blood MeCriicken of White Point Jackson coun­ works—the most gorgeous pyrotechnjcql flisplay ever ty, and associates have ordered the construc­ PASHfONABLE DRESSMAKING and Oregon. length of time. the ankle. It immediately began to tion of a standard gau.-e railroad to con­ at seen in Southern Oregon. A. repairing done in a neat and satisfac­ Any and all persons claiming adversely sizzle as if cooking the blood, and the Ike Humphrey started, on the 4th with the als-ive-described lauds are requested to tory manner. Our work and price will M ithout Irrigtitfou. his mutton sheep, for Nebraska. Mr. Hum nect Chos liny with the Coquille river, in poison followed the blood right up the hie their claims iri this office on or before suit you. Please give us a call. phrey has l>een in Harney county and the Coquille river valley,which has here­ leg, sizzling its way, until tiie Indian HETSCHEL SISTERS. snid 21st day of August tafMi. vicinity for about two months, and has tofore been partially isolated because of scraped the blood oil with the knife. He ■’-Go Ashland, Oregon. Vi llot handle, cultivate, or ___ C has . W. J ohkhtox , Register. Isoight in that time 13,500 mutton sheep. the difficulty of crossing the bar at the assured our informant that had he al­ or^kJnl p “OI*AGATK anv varieties —I Burns Herald. meuth of the river, and by means cf this Ihe^ r^,” °fn until satisfied that Once 111 Seven Years—T he body is renewed i lowed it to reach the month of the wound , thet are well ADAPTED to the soil and The Mood must have tl e elements of vital-' The stock inspector of Crook county has railroad to secure connection with a he would have been a dead man. weekly steamship service to San Fran ­ ity, Wright’s Compound Syrup of Sarsa­ inspected the »beep in tlie northeastern .p!‘.’ul«lr TO SOUTHERN ORE, < j <».X. Write for terms to Take Simmon.» Liver Regulator. Onedose parilla cleanses and enriches the blood, and i twirt of the county, and report» the loss cisco. The ultimate destination of this By A. H. Co. Xo. 1 and ( ’ <>. I), O. N. G. 1» worth 100 dollar». ( gives anew impetus to life. Sold bv T K 1 there to lie 31,000, out of a little more that, FQfti! at the eastern and western ends has A. H. < AILSON Jt SON, Grant’s IXtss.iti- Bolton. 100,UW head.—[Burns Herald. not been infinitely determined. XJ Inquire IU U COW , p «ill- Gents’ fine .«ilk kerchiefs at Hunsaker’s. S* “ . ? Í- 1/ Or " a e - for r jee « °R I For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh’s i etc., at the R ecowi office. Music by Lemay’s Cotillion String Band, of Yreka. Uoru 1 c’l W. B, (/ oaths . Agent. Ashland. Or, ’-u Planter 25 «nt- at T K Bolton’s. ' STAPLE & FANCY To be Sold at Rock-Bottom Figures FOR CASH, Groceries, Provisions, Vegetables A aw -'-L w AjvtCWMS THE NEW STORE. NEW GOODS! Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Piow And w ill be sold at our well known LOW PRICES. TIN STORE R oots tjiiifl S hoes ) Hardware, Tin, Sheet-Iron and Copperware. JOB WORK, J___ _ _ . N . J, M. McCAl.1. FOURTH OF JULY J. L. DOWNING, Celebration I U ndertaker ”^ at Ashland ! OREGON LAND ASHLAND COMPANY. Pnnnisi N DELMONICO RESTAURANT. |200000WiDRSAU B Grand Ball at Ganiard’s Opera House in the Evening, Red Hill Land, Milch Cow For Sale. A