VALLEY RECORD. ri'.F^KI» Ititi* KK. Buy a Wbiie from Jack on» Ito. VALLEY RECORD VALLEY RECORD Published every Thursday by the A ALIiEY KECOKD fl BI.IKIII. GO E. J. KAISER. Editor. SI P,s< 111 PT lox RATES. «»nt year ............. fg 41 Nix months . . . 1 0 Three month« .6 Adverti-ing rates given mi ra rec«qve f.» to t-> per «lay. The finest rilver prune« in th« market at E. M Miller'» VOL. III. ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 12. 1890. * NO. 5. H C. Turpin of M««lford wae in Port- Ian I rr-a-ntlv on a buaineM visit. T THOMPSON TALKS. No Place Like Home. ON THE WING Tho*. A. Harris atul Mias Xetfte Th c T< the Cape Codder, like the Icelander of M«*|-«w«! were married r<* ently lie Figure« up Why !,<• wasn't 8p*< iaJ Correspondent.] tnd tlie Swiss, his native province is the AVanieil l> r Governor. PcterJ. ChavtH-r has sold bis gorels Knoxville, Iowa. May 111. lS'.K). best the sun shines on. So unique, em­ an:— phatic and personal the cape and its vill- I re tched this place from Plattsmouth Hon. I). 1*. ThompaoH is not at airdfe- Tbe M«*dforrning freight arid cnl»oo««e ac- towns have become to those reared here, that a capo man finds nowhere else so tivts-eirct J. M .M<£'all for speaker of liliip. He was cheerful <*.»uim:i:o I itrnn train via Albia, Thursday glorious as home, so full of such 6weet — dealers in — W hite H t . i ’ hiü S prings th« house. an Orevonian rej»orter call«*«! at h:« r«wi- -*.-th of May. memories. The cape colors him all his I ha 1 an enjoy abto visit with my broth­ Phil. Stevens, fl«- bed-fork domoentf ilence last anil < hatte»! pl< asantlv GREENHOUSES! of Jacksonvilfe, is at work in the logging «>«uut the result for half an hour. He er C. W. Slierman'» happy family, arriv­ life—the roots and fibera of him. He cam J» at < «rants Pass. was gla>1, shove all things, that th«* ckn*-r, from the wororii.'' T om a tie < V ha v «; e . < ' ei .HKV. i'll 1.1 Fl o» EK. 1 knew my brother among a crowd one will feel in odd hours to his life's end I’ eitek . Em. 1’ lixt . etc., cheaper than loti alrsudy. that they were being ilefrau le«l in every the creek I Die on which he floated in ­ 'W Ib-v. E. K. CluuKlIer, D. D . will arrive way, and form by the isHuant e block away, though I had not M«*n him shore as a isiy. tin- hunger of the salt can get them from the east. U^.pirder« from abroad promptly tilled. in Portland alaait the 14th ¡«st., ami will of ¡»on taxable Ikiri !s. The farmers had biii'c 1 -70, when w<- met ami slept ?) marsh in having time, the cold plash of PHYSICIAN "b SU ROLON [.T-B] (. B. IU 1KICTH. >rw|». lie in attenn of the on this ¡«sue. a-nl thev did. B«*Mide,. the first re-ui ion of tin* Iowa aoldiers at Ik*« the sea spray at the harbor's mouth, the sca-iation at Oregon Citv. tNTsf 5»AK»I\ l|o»|-|T\l. I'CUTII I .) governor powid a« the «-hampion of the Moines. Br< tlx*r C. W. is originator and spring of the boat over the bar when he C. C. Beekinau and family, at comt,all­ laliorint men, and told them that be was e lit» r of th« Plattsmouth Jetimal. now came home from fishing, with the wind Ottici-in Brick llhs-k on o«k trevi, Sy, ied by the family of his brother, John a lietter friend of theirs than any oth«*r iu its 1‘Wli year, daily mid weeklv. olid door fr. m Main SHcel. rising on shore out of the gray night Bo-kmati, will p.iwt the summer moiitl s man possibly could be. That «rati Tit The < itv of Plattsmouth, as indtoated Asai.ixn < hi» - i . iv . rusti< ating in the mountains and valleys some. Hi« personal iittaeks u;« n me by the name, is built near tie- mouth of clouds seaward, the blast of the wet northeaster in iho Sept« aito r niornuig of obi Mexico. cost him votes rather Hunt ma: you visor Davis estimate* ll«e jvipulution of th«*n a bill is met and - raded at an angle crimson apples, the big flaked snow of tliis city at three l>unopulation week« longer?” bl cks. After that the city of alxait II).- “ li it bad lasted three weeks more, first sweetheart koine from singing LÆW, at twenty tliousand. we would have gained between .MM) and IX)) inhabitants is built on numerous bills school; and he will si-c in drcauis per­ «< K'OXVII 1.1 - ... <>|;i:«.OX. I xmim P. Heitokl, torn erly of the Pen- 400*) votes. The current wss »haiigina and vale«. It enjoys its elwtric lights, haps the trailing arbutus among the gray : i •Ik'ton Tribune, was HMrrisd in New- in our favor, l’ennover lot»l heavily in motor street cars, water works, B. A M. mosses on the thin edge of a spring snow W ili pravliei* in all tee courts oi thè York, a few «lavs ago, to Miss Jennie I.. the last three weeks of the campaign.” R. R. shops,'«¡vingemploymelit to about State, Ofiicewitli W. II. Parker. op|M>>ite Hopkins, a well-known atorv writer con­ 1000 men) brick ami terra cotta works, bank, the bubbling spring at the hill foot Court House. kxifeii itv JOE »IMOX. near tidewater, the fat, crimson roses m. PI ittsmouth canning factory, Opj i-nnan nected with Harjier’s Weekly and the “Dili the union p irty atfto-t you?” Newr York Press. electric lamp ia< torv. a |>0,00) opera under bis mother's windows, with a “It did. I ti.-ure that Major Bruce, house, the new Kitov hotel «Dating $75,- clump of Aaron's rod or lilac for back­ latest «iviea in men's nobby hats just re­ the union Crook coun­ iar.e estimate, but vou must rementtor ty tl.H year ha< l«-n dnpix-d m Tin- Dalle., that tlie party is composed of the prohi- tlia can lie sai-i of any place—it is not fog of the chill pond among the pine •• where it will probably remain in wareh«>use« liitiouieta, grangers and workingmen. cursed with infidels. trees, and above all the blue sea with its I I found here at Knoxville a busy, con­ headland, on which go tho white winged until tire market oi>en» up. At present there «eenis to l«e little stir in the wool mar- ' Now the party had no can lie low when buyers as *t ited. on the 2*1111 of May. ami the In this city I was knife«! bv Mr. Simon doth was Ih-eoration , w hose only mission in life is to grand review at Des Moines in 1870. The »f 11 years, seing his lithograph portrait, | stock of goods ever the __ gilt to Ashland. bron oppreax them. Then the onrire d *mo- <•• metery i« a very handsoinely de<-orated thought his appearance would bo im­ • A tine stock of iiiqxirtcsl mense. goods. ____ I also car- Wishes to imtifv the publi,- timi he is < ratic state ticket was trailed for Pvu- Greenville, Cal., .lune fi.—The breaks noycr. Th it is plain to everybody who place of aliout one bundled acres one mid proved should he wear whiskers. She ry all < !a«se* of gooils, hence you cannot prepared to T.vkE CONTRACTS for fail to to* suited. < 'all and examine the a half mil» s rom the city, in a weatoni ittered her childish thought in a letter DWELLINGS, BARNS. BRIDGES, Ac., in the tel«*grnph line were repaired to-day has underst.ineiii .*. Miller. V«'eb1>. tor yourself. Nothing but lirst-cl>i«s anywhere in the country lc ami on sliort « I'. L Zttltftl. counties for the first time since January was Governor l’ennover'« running mate killed in the war for the Union—buried “As to the whiskers, as I have never notice. anmng the evergreens, al) em loved with ­ . liltli. The enow ia only |uat gettin ; off in the campaign The union and inde­ Ilci’erem i- given. Address in a stone wall. A handsome marble worn any. do you not think that people the etimmitaof the mountains. pendent tickets and the -. holesaie trail­ monument tells the fact that mother was would call it a piece of silly affectation To the Farmers of Jackson Co. G eo . W. COOPER. New lot of stylish shoes just <'pencil at ing for l’ennover cost me 10,iXK) votes. l>orn in Pennsylvania August 28tb, 18011, were 1 to begin wearing them now?” Yreka Cal. Blount’s. So far as I have beard there wai no per­ am! died Apfii 27th, 1878; also Henry II. During his journey to Washington, af­ The undersigned have opened a Kew York, JuneS.—Judge B«*a<’h has sonal opposition to me outside of Port­ Sherman, born June 3d, 1837, killed at ter bis election to the presidency, the aigne«i the findings in flic Tilden will land. In the cities, where I am known, 1 Ubilicothe, Mo., July 24th, 1801. En- raiu stopped at Westfield, Chautauqua Taken up at my place 2% miles north of case, ihs-laring the Ix-qui-st to the Tilden I ran with mv ticket; in the country the listeil in first 75,000 call. The bravest of 'ounty, at which placo tho little girl re­ Ashland, Dee. 20. 1889, one brindle steer, triist ilkarHl and voM,and gives judgment non-tuxahlc bond nonsense defeat * ! me. the brave in bis country’s service and dded. white spotted, alxiut three years old: swal­ -IK- tor Col. Geo. II. Tilden, tlie plaintiff. I received many democratic votes in among the first to s icrifice his life. The For information regarding prices on town lots, improved city low fork in right ear and upper bit in left. “ I have a correspondent in this place, ” Linn, Marion, Polk, Baker, Union and Juilge Bench directs the executors to ac­ program in the publie park was very ap­ property or lands, address as above, enclosing stamp. Afrill Taken up Dec. 7 ,¿889. one jet black mare CENTRAL POINT. without white spot?; brand on left hip in­ count for tin* reeiduarv estate anarty deed. I leave here tor Northern Iowa to see her.” heirs. assortment of Hardware,* Stoves and tin­ mation concerning the country, free of charge Ashland, Or., Feb. 15, 1KM). could luivo done.” ware. She was brought to the station, He aliout June 20th. 8. S iiermax . Have yon seen tlmse line blankets at the “What do you think will be the out­ stepped from the cars, extended 1118 Ashland Woolen Mills? * come of the election with regard to non- We Will Not be Undersold .1 Pleasant Call. hand and said: “You see I hare let those Ei-Nenator Jas. G. Fair, , the Cali-, I taxable bonds?” whiskers grow for you, Grace. ” Then On a recent visit to Iowa, K. Dalton, of fornia millionaire, was visitiug friends in ” There is talk of putting a section in Call and see us before jniTi-lmsing else­ Nbasta county, Cal., recently, and eouiit- everv bond bill introduced in the legis­ Luray, Bussell county, Kansas, called at kissing her, be hade her good-by. where. f<:r we can suit you in price aiiiti When he stood up at the Capitol to de­ qualitv. «<«( out fifteeu cent* in cluin-re for four lature providing that the interest snail the laboratory of ( 'haaaberlain A Co., Des glasses of pun-, cold milk delivered at not to’ ptrid on the bonds until the state I Moines, to show them his six-year-old boy, liver his inaugural address, friends were 1.-2 J. C. SHElilDAN. whose life hail lieen saved by Chandierlain’s the hamls of a good looking danghter of a tax bus been paid.” Cough Remedy; it having cured him of a surprised to see that the president was well-to-do farmer. II whs of course re­ very severe attack of croup, Mr. Dalton is raising a crop of whiskers. Vexed at his HANGING OF I’EDIdl». Mini»x«ir to IIOSLEY A PELTON. fused. Fair's appreciation of human certain that it saved the I hiv ' s life and is -polling a face w hich expressed power kindness is very moderate. The Wretched Indian Pays the Pen­ enthusiastic in the praise of the Remedy. and pathos by wearing a coarse, stiff, Wholesale ¡utd Retail Dealer in— He «ays it lias nn excellent reputation in ungraceful lieard of the blacking brush Men's fine stripe«! shirt« In gesst e- breed woman on Umatilla reservation.! homes. For sale by Chitwood Bros. very young lady.—Y’outh’s Companion. rator in New York, has been cornered and sentenced January 30th, was hanged Ami in fact EVERYTHING I.NGIKSOLL ON EIGHT HOI KS an«l financially ruined. Jim Keene has here to-day by the federal authorities, A Hint for Young Girls. NEEDED in this line for Cured Meats Constantly on Hand. mH with inanv reverses since the days assisted by the county officers, in the ; When vour sweetheart t^omes to see Terms, Cash. Pass-liook accounts pav when he peddled milk in old Shasta, ami woodshed of th«* county jail At ! o’clock R G. Ingersoll in the N, Y. Journal.: able Monthly. ‘•I hardly know enough of the subject you, don’t lie foolish enough to contiue has each time gone up in stock again.— he wus conducted from his cel! and to give an opinion as to the time when your sweetness to him alone. Have him Cottonwoo«l Begistet. marched on tlie scaffold attended by ’ In the ’50’a Keene owned and eeo- the music and the playing of games be- Headquarters -Opposite Post-office, in gave him a bill of sale of the plant, and did not betray the least emotion through-, ple should be protected by law. If they in the home circle. Then the few- min­ n2l commence«! his fortune. Carter com­ out the reading. After the warrant was are not, the capitalists will re«]uirc just utes that he g<*is w ith yon by yourself Pioneer Block. as many hours as human nature can bear. menced runnUig a good newsjHi|>er, is read he was asked if he had anything to will seem all the more delightful, and he doing so vet, and is not making salt. sav. Facing those present he spoke for 1 To a m in who gets up la-fore daylight will think you the most loving little and works till after dark, life is of no Such nre the vicissitudes of life, and the j ton minutes in Chinook, which was in-1 Building Pafiers. Wrapping Papers question arises ’* whither are wedri fling?” ■ terpreted by Itoputv Sheriff Misener. He | particular importance. He simply earns creature in the world. Men aro much anil Twines. more observant than they are credited enough to prepare himself to work an- Rcl Press Cough Syrup heal- throat imd i spoke in a firm tone of voice, saying that. otlier day. his whole life is 8|>eiit in toil, with being, and the man worth haring All kinds of lung*. Cure« a«tiimaund bronchitis. Will <>o«f knew lie was innocent; that he did ami such life is without value, The undersigned has taken up and is as a husband is the one who will appre­ remove the most olMtinate«'«'Ugh. Cannot j not kill th«* woman, and God knew he, feeding the follewing-descrilieii estray ani ­ ARTISTS' MATERIALS. "in' course 1 cannot say that the pres ­ ciate your love for those of your own 1st eke for alxiut five minutes,! heart, or in his stomach, to say that the sar. Y'ou do. That is, if you are a good Vancouver, Wash., June 5.—Lieuten I repeating that he was not a bad man, l>eor ought to be satisfied with the crusts daughter and a loving sister. You want GREGORY & HICKS. and crumbs they get. ant D. I.. Brainanl. of the Second caval­ and was innocent of murder. him to be one with you in sympathy and After tlie close of his speech ho knelt ”1 la-lieve there is a revolution in the in affection, and as you tako his name, ry, anivetl here thisevening, from Reno, —CITY- Nev., in charge of some cavalry hors«*« and receive«! lienediction from tlie priest, relation between labor ami capital. Tho io you assume responsibilities as far as belonging to his regiment, which he after which he was placed on the trap, ' working people aro reasoners. Their hid people are concerned. You two are 151 w HIT LI NEVILLE. brought from Ft. Bidwell. Cal., tor the his arms and feet were pinioned, and a .hamls and li<>ao«* B«-«t Oualiiy of Gm «’► only Kept. Of .**asli ami Door- ami all kinds and tenant Rrsinard, would recall to mind gle After hanging nine minutes the now working for the world. These work­ lor that. So remember when he comes, LOWER THAN ANY ONE ElJSE. the'ScTgeant Brainanl who accompanied physicians pronounce.! Fto extinct. The ing jM-ople read; they meet together; Ibis briilegroom of yours, that his heart I styles of Window and Door Frame*. .Mold­ ing and Bracket.« of all styles. Boat« built body was taken down and ’ g iven to the Fire wood of all kind* delivered any- they dis- uss; they are becoming more i is bound the tighter to you if the ribbon to order. Tin- whole or one’ half ottered Greeley's exploring expedition to the North Tole in lSSl,an not believe all they hear. I “The free sch
    btiiM-B there must be a rev­ Emery’s. as did Lieutenant Brainanl. Thomas Corbett, the well borer wlio I olution. The lalieriug men, however, Unquestionably, those who live to-«lay Oir/M'Hfcr tutti lìrtUtlff to tell the tale of their hardships, priva­ . drilled the well for the i’ortland hotel ou^ht to remember that all who labor are '■ tions ami final rewue from th it awful and also that of W. fi. Ladd in East Port­ their brothers, anil that all women who < »i:i «.ox A m H.AXH death, owe it to Brainanl’« good juut equally each man's portiou, and so Pennsylvania and, ns far as indications ; ing more ami more intelligent. I have ra.^ as niudi to the process aud [ prices is all that we ask are «*oncernee for the capitalist. When impartial wns he,so consi'ieiitiouslv s«-m- it the ingredients theinsA'Ives. We will make it to your interest to pulous, that Greeley lias paid him the to it in that staje. I prospected for gas loth become intelligent, tho matter will ii Take it in time. It check« i ork on hand every «lay. A sumuug Friend Wright's Blackberry price and on easy terms, if applied for at rescue, lie firmly believed that Brainanl vania, only thev are stronger and evi­ , Cordial. Once u«ed always u«een- It takes the place of a Medford, Or. feature of the indications w th«* nearness -lble for 'iimiucr trouble- Hold by T. K. more food to hi» fellow snderers. who (lix-tor anil costly pre- wur».e of the gas to the surface. The solid ro -k scriptions. Al! who toail FOR WHOSE Bolton. _ were weaker than he was. Could any­ seili ntury li\.« will find BENEFIT thing more praiseworthy, more honora­ at the surface is fon ed out by a good In Lively I>«*:naml it tlu best preventiv of ble lie said of a man than this? Do«*« he pressure. If there was mnch earth at and cure lor In K> feet- This is t ; ami ness ami Feverish C<*1<1*. Invalids and TH AT -------- lias opened rooms with a full line of Funentl Supplies----- can be platted. Kvery one is holding in «lelicate pereoM will And it the mildest by «-opgrese after his return to not very deep when it is considered that AiH*ri»*«>l and Toni«* th«*y can use. A little the United State« In DW4. by a comm’s- most of the Eastern wells are from 1-V m M) autieipatmn of Hie communication of the liiken at night Insun*« refreshing sleep IN D. WILSON'S FURNITURE -TORE, on MAIN Street. resil estate «leal w th U. 1*. Huntington, ami a natural evacuation of the liowels. pon as ia*<-onerii»rm«* a c egel able compound that would, <»re.-<>n Land Co., in the North Da- Ami i arrio the I . >. Mail- and i-umpnrison, readily junn:il attention to fuuerah Orders | X IT I X F i I T I • 1 11 I K 11 T I L ». «i-ing Wright'.« Iron Toni<- Bitten*. A L. M. Hisrux, M.t».. Washington, Ark. The Rev. Geo. II. Thayer, of Bourbon. A genuine pure arlkto — Wright s Jamai ­ tsoln-itc«! for Scroll Sawing. Wood Shaping, Screen Ihrors an