VALLEY RECORD. VALLEY RECORD. VALLEY RECORD -r l*KF-SSi;i> UKK'KH Published every Thursday by the vamj E y kecoicd rum.isHiNG uo New lot of rty li»h -hoe« ju«t opened at E. J. KAISER. Editor. Blount'». SU BSt |{I PTION rates . Spreskela deme* that be i» alout to join One year *g .fl the tugar trust. Knight make« a »iiniUr six months....................... . 1 .’fl iletual. Sprerkeb a.,vn hit refir.ery it ti'it Three months......................... 75 for naie. Advertising rati- given «m application. Ixx-al notice* 1.» iter line for first inner- Have von «een those fine blankets at the VOL. III. lion and *<• for eaeli subsequent insertion. Ashland W.silen Mill«? ASHLAND. JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1800. NO. 4. Obituaiv line«, memorial resolutions, The young ladies of Vatwouver have card« of thanks, etc., at half rutc«. organized a Wodian’a Protective *ociety, TEKIMB14-: IHSASTEIC. the object < j ( uhicfi is to protect all Ilieni- paM through. I wa* in the act of mov­ I, however, reached Plattsmouth at 10:35 J I«. Bl ItTIINSHAW. l»er* from adventure* alio are on the ing the draw lan k into place when the a . m ., just in time to fill my engagement A Train Goes Through an Oj en marry. It it of thirteen aid up train came along. That’* all I know to meet the G. A. R. post and march I Draw. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY about it.” mani*, two wi>k>«* and lour freckle-faced, with my brother, C. W. Sherman, whom t PUBLIC. red-beaded girls, every one of tritoni He declined to answer the question if I had not *een but twice since he went to 9 I San Francisco, May 30 — The < Gkland it was not an unusual thing to open the Omaha in 1857 to learn the printer’s would a* are a man at forty ro>la. Will urai-tii-e i.i all the I ourt.-of (heMate. narrow gauge lead train ran into an draw just at an hour when the train wa» trade in the Bee office 33 years ago. Business in the U. S. Land Otlice nil) re The finest silver prunes in the market *t open draw on Weister street bridge this due. eeive prompt attention. Office first door I need not sav I am enjoying my visit —PEALEKs IN— E. M. Miller'« W hite S ulphur S prings north of Bank of Ashland, Ashland. Or, ■ afternoon. The engine, tender, ami the Brakeman Hutchinson, who wa» on | here with my brother’s family consisting ! In Grande,Or., May 2*.—A young man first .ar, crow«l<«l with | «a seen gers, went the first car, escaped, a* did Councilman I of father, mother and six children at ’ named Bennett and two young ladic«, 'through, anil probably thirty perrons John Hackett, of O.tkisnd. Among those I home—the eldest lieing married and liv­ GREENHOUSES ! N. PHILLIPS. daughter* of William Booth, of the cove, were killed or drowned The draw wa» who were rescued were. Capt. Robert*. ing in Knoxville, Iowa, to which place I : I went out leiat ridtngontiieGrandc Ronde open to lei a schooner through, ami wa* Mr*. I'. H. Look, who had her arm brok­ ' go to-morrow. the 27th of May. river near tlie enve yesterday, and mH re­ being cfo*««i. The signals were set. A en, and several other passcli.’er* who S. SllKBM AX. j G kranicms , R ose », F k iisias , P aksiks , ■ ATTORNEY A Col NsELolJ AT LAW \ U rena *, P kti xias , and a good variety of turning home «-arch vac inaile for them, terribl«- panic en*ue«i. The hint car piled were injured. Ernest Ferguson is re- A nneal and P erennial plants, for out­ Again Looming Up. n anlting in finding the isxit capai zed. At tt)ion the engine aud tender, and only a p.'itc I missing. The frame of the car door bedding and edging, ready May 1st. hurt report* the hmiv of voung Bennett \ jiart of one en«i is out-of water. The en- its* ls-en raised, add it i* believed there The Astoria Columbian sums up the j ha> feet wide and twenty feet Coast road into Astoria. The sales re- (N ine Y ears is II osi ’ itai . P ractice .) evening at -m limni-h, twenty mile» north j lieen through the carelessness of the en- deep Both side* of the creek are lined jiorted above were not large, but better i gineer. The signal down brakes wa* of this i-ity. He inaile a splendid a*-eneion. with shipping, and boatmen from the than tliev have peen for the past two Office in Brick Block on Oak street, Sec­ but the bal.x.n wa« carried away to the ea«t I given before the engine leaped into the vessel* were of great assistance in rescu­ iiioatli*. The city is brightening np.and ond door from Main Street. of town, where it lit on the very Pip of a , open draw, hilt to> late to avert the acci­ ing those who escaped from the car. The the big booui which precedes railroad A sh i . axii O regon . very tali pine tree, fully Sift tret above the dent. There were three pamwnger car* draw bridge is about hi) 'cet lc.n.’ and building in the Northwest has already ground Eeiiniond was thrown out. and in the train, two of which remai'ie«! on just liefore the trains from S.m Francisco commenced in Astoria. The bonding of fell to Hie ground, killing him instantly. JYOBi’.’tT A. MILLKlt. get on the liridge they have to come property during the weeks named reach­ Before going up be «aid it wax the most the approach to the draw. dangerous piece - i The top of the car was cut o|icii ami around a sb trp curve ami usually travel ed a quarter of a million dollars, but the A passenger , amount «leposited in these bonds hardlv- cended from, and «aid gtxxlbyc v> some the liodies taken out through the open- at a hix.ii rate of *| h ««I. ATT! >RN EY-AN1M ’( »UNSELOR-AT- ing. friends who were with nlm. train crosses the bridge every half hour reached $40,000, thus proving that the An immense crowd was quickly at- during the dsv, and when the draw is actual transfer totals were Dot a reflex of latest styles in men’s nobby hats just re- LAW, , tracte«! by the «lisaster, but could lend no open the man there is supposed to signal the condition of tbe market. The lots ceiveil at Blount's. i J.U'KSONVII.I.I .... O k KGON. intelligent aid quickly, a* people were a red flag. held by the Oregon latnd Co., of Salem Hon' W. D Bynum, of Indiana, wu» imprixoned in the ear The second car by hoisting N. Dunlap, the bridge tender, says and Portland, in the North Pacific addi­ j , Will practice in all the court* of the culled to the burnitile houacof represent­ hung balanced on the ee- Cough very severe attack of croup. Mr. Dalton is figured on and cut to order on short notice. present Louse of representative* is simply dinilied to the upper end, but didn’t get ionged to well-known San Francisco and certain that it saved the boy’s life and is a disgrace to the country, and a cen*tire out until alter he had been completely Oakland families. Thousand* of iieople I enthusiastic in the praise of the Remedy. J T. BOWDITCH. from that source, ■■ Representative By­ I tinder water. When he came to the top flocked to the scene of the disaster, and He says it has an excellent reputation in liis vicinity: that farmers come fifteen miles num very properly said, ia a “decoi ation j be made for a window, ami after a strug- the police had to drive people off the VTTORNEY AT I.AW. to his store to get it anil that many of them JAMES NOB RI 8 A shland ,.................................. O regon of honor.” j gle managed to get through. bridge, for fear the great weight would like himself, are never without it in their The draw-bridge keeper, when he saw upset the bridge and cause another ca­ homes. For sale by Chitwood Bros. Picture frames made to order at H.8 .1. E. .SMITH. A. A. HA-KOR. Will pnu'tice ili all court» of thè state. I that the train wa* near, endeavored at tastrophe. Emery's. Cullection» promptlj inaile. E3 A Summer Friend—Wright’s Blackberry . once to close the draw, but wa* too late, When the news of the disaster reached Rev. C. C. Stratton, recently president and the engine with the tender and the Cordial. Once used always used. Reliable of Mils Seminary, ha* been .isked to ac­ [ first car, which was fille«i with pa**en- Mountain View cemetery, where hun­ and prompt. Pleasant to take. Indispen- cept the chancellorship of Willamette un- j I gers, plunged into the estuary, which dreds of Oakland jieople were decorating sible for summer troubles Sold by T. K. GEO. W. COOPER, graves, a panic was caused, and men, Bolton. iventitv. A* it is alleged Rev. Stratton wa* here quite deep. ASHLAND OREGON. women, and children rushed into town, left Mill» on account of kimiiiig the te.icli- Engineer Sam Dunn, when he saw the S leaving their dead and dropping their Red Cross Cough Syrup heals throat aud ern ti»> frequently hi* removal to ‘aleni bridge Has just received the biggest and liest lungs. Cures asthma and bronchitis. Will did not close, reversal the lever, will Is- a very iuteriirting one—to Salem iiut the momentum of the engine wa» U*> 1»iqttet* as they ran. Conservative es­ lemove the most obstinate cough. Cannot stock of goods ever brought ___ ______________ to Ashland. timates the number of people in the ear Wishes to notify the public that he is girl*. Here is the matter in detail : , \ great to lie stop|iecnrs, made comnlsint that Dr. Stratton 'couplings an«l left tlie other two cars of i anywhere in the country lictw’eeii Red Blurt The thirteenth Itodv ha* been identified stock for yourself. Nothing but first-class A genuine pure article — Wright s Jamai ­ war given to kissing them. The doctor ! the train standing on the track. The ! and Portland. Having a large crew of ca Ginger. Purest, strongest and most work, a good tit and satisfaction guaranteed. explain* that u* to one of them »lie was Mecoml «'ar ran about a third of the way as Capt. The*. Dwver, of Sacramento, concentrate«! goiwi men with me all the time. I can put Essence of Ginger that is president of the San Joaquin Navigation Also line of a Conductor's cloth. “largely on the footing of a daughter,” across the bridge and stopped, but the , up building« in good shape and on short made. Boid by T. K. Boiton. company, and of the wealthiest and most notice. K E. 7.DELHER. and that »he profferì«! the first ki»s in hi* i jar was siiflivient to break o|>en the front prominent citizens of Sacramento. Reference given. Address Prolong Life.—And render it enjoyable by wife’s presence, and he took it. In one i of the car, and many of the passenger* using Wright’s Iron Tonic Bitters. A G eo . W. COOPER. of the other cases, he further explains, ware thrown into the water. The first I ON THE WING. i powerful invigurant and renovator of the To the Farmers of Jackson Co the laily also proffered the ki»*. A* to car, which had followed the engine to the . Yreka Cal. system. Sold by T. K. Boiton. the other two cases, it i* somewhat bottom of the estuary., soon rose, and ; Special l 'orresjmndent. | The undersigned have opened a vaguely explained that they “were not such of the passenger* a» had e*cape«l' The Rev. Geo. H. Tlia.ver, of Bourbon, ESTUA Y ANIMAI*. 1‘ i . attsmocth , Neb., May 26, 1890. Ind., says: “Both myself and wife owe dissimilar tn the circumstances which led therefrom were picked up by yachts and ' Taken til» al my place 2Ji miles north of our lives to Shiloh’s Consunition Cure.” up to them ” The fourth ladv, however, small boat* which soon gathered at the E ditor V allf . y R ecord :— Ashland, Dec. 30, isxtl, one brindle steer, contrndict* them very emphatically. She scene. The trainmen and the rest of the ! In compliance with previous arrange­ For sale by T. K. Bolton. white spotted, about three years old; swal­ *uv» that the good doctor 'embraced her passengers lent their aid to the work of ments I send you “No. 1” from my diary fork in right ear and upper bit in left. —IN­ For information regarding prices on town lots, improved city low Taken in a way to no longer leave any iloiibt in rescuing, and when a wrecking train ar- of notes taken on the winy. I left Ash­ up Dec. 7, Dvfi), one jet black marc GREGORY & HICKS property or lands, address as above, enclosing stamp. Will wiihout white spots; brand on left hip in­ her mind ns to hi* intentions.’ .Ind *o I rived irom Oakland the car was drawn land at 10:30 a . m ., May 19th. Nothing CENTRAL POINT. the ki»*e* came to light, and the doctor I into Hhallow water, and small boat* be­ extraerdiuarv occurred, but the wonder­ convey inquirers to their property and give them all the infor­ visible; about four veurs old. -CITY- And will keep constantly on hand a full ful scenery along the route to Sacramento W. C. BUTLER. lisulrn was sounded long and loud, and New York, May 30.—Scandal in the ranks iliately hushed in one long final wail of the lou«i an«i long-continued cheers Shiloh's Catarrh Retneiiy. a marvelous of the four hundred which was «up|»>««d to dewpair. I was very fortunate in escap­ from the open car crowd almost seemed cure for Catarrh. Diptheria. Canker mouth, Patronize the have liven quiird by Willie Astor and other» ing with but a slight injury t > my should­ to be supernatural to one not accustome«! 1 and Head-ache. ----— TO---- With each liottle there is I v having the e««c *gnin»t Broker Musgrave an ingenious nasal injector for the more to such soul-thrilling sights and sounds. aiu- through it itefore we reached the bridge. Passing an oil region where many cu­ A Nasal Injector free with every tiottle of phlci <«>nt*ining ui> »tory of liis relation« It would li«leople. After rious pumps are in active ojieration and Shiloh’s C atarrh Remedy. Price 50 cent*. -THAT---------- WILL FIND ; -------- Has opened rooms with a full line of Funeral Supplies ! v Itli Mi»« Smith, a friend of the Astor». it went down it was as much as I could many side tracks convey machinery and For sale «T. K. Bolton. Miss Smith's friends now pnqwse !<• have do to attend to the passengers of the re­ tbe products of that mining region we IN D. WILSON'S FURNITURE -TORE. on MAIN Street. Connects with Every Train, Mu-grave brought up for criminal li >el. Settle Up. Slu«grave say« that he h«q>e« they will try maining two coaches, seme of whom reach I’neblo, an ancient Spanish settle­ tn pn>«eeute him. He promise« revelation« were frenzied with fear. I made my way ment of notoriety, and thence in a north­ jf^^Anv Calls for lus services will lie appreciated and promptly All those having unsettled accounts with of doings in high society which will make to the hea«l end. though, as soon as 1 erly direction we are beaded for Denver, the undersigned, will please call immediate­ attended to Prices Reasonable all swelldom stay indoors for weeks. He cotil force my way through, and looked 120 miles distant, at an almost living ly and settle the same, either bv cash or hint« that he knows things about the men down on the acene of death. 1 noticed rate over the levelest an«l finest esuntrv note. J. M. M’ call . I •nd women who are hounding linn which at least half a «lozen men swim away yet noticed. Every Train at Medford. Ask for Past Colorado Springs. Jan. 15, 1880. And carries the I. s. Mails and will startle a community that now looks from the wreck,but did not see any worn Palmer Lake and Pike View, reaching Wells Fargo's exprès«. upon them with respect and has given < urtinette from 15 cts. to 50 cts. per yard several of them official honors of one kind en or children esca;>e. 1 er pair at eral Repairs Organ» cleaned anti repaired. J L DOWNING. 1 ¡JOHN DYER, Driver Livery Stable«, Pro],. I Dav • White from Jackson 4c Sow den. • ed the draw to allow the yacht Juniata to next East bound train, H .30 t. m . 24th.. Blount'«. QLANTS PLANT S GEO. C. EDDINGS J 5 PUMPS, FARMING MACHINERY. AMMI NITION, ETC., ETC. ASHLAND. OREGON. FRED. H. ROWE. HARDWARE, STOVES & TINWARE. LUMBER. Dressed and Finishing Lumber, F.J1ZOELLNER Rustic. Flooring, etc. IUTHORTZEI) . IGENTS. MERCHANT TAILOR, SMITH & BASHOR, Lands, for Sale at Low Prices. HARDWARE TRADE Agents for the Townsite of GOId Hill PASSENGER & FREIGHT BUY YOUR Ashland Market John E. Pelton. Geo. W. Crowson TO THOSE HOUSE • KEEPING , THE An Estray Steer. PEOPLE’S GROCER RESIDENCE LOTS: Groceries, Provisions, Vegetables Peterman Bros. O. R. Buckman SODA SPRINGS HOTEL PICTURES of YOURSELF Independent FAMILY. Market. R. P. NEIL, Water Stock to be Sold. GOOD CHANCE PEOPLE GOING J “ Vine0 J. L. DOWNING, LJtn I AIXtn ^"' Director. ONLY WAGON U N ndertaker P l YMALE’S ÌÌCACH The Best Loach Medford to Jacksonville Bodies Embalmed, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. RAIN or SHINE