VALLEY KECOKU Pen uoy erisni. Sell the governoiship to D. P. Thomp­ son, and tie |>eoplo mav depend upon it Editor Catholic Sentinel: lainoi.euf the <>ld<-'t ie-: ient> ihi- that he will make back the purchase city, having lived her.« (■>: iu«»re than thirty price with interest compounded a dozen Congre--man BINGER HERMANN ASHLAND Oa... .Tur bsdat . May W®> vta:e W. M'BRIDE I Knur Su«;, BubM:- E a |er Dej._. I n ukm rau<- Ticket. ()I.i.N>ta'.c Trc.i-urer l,HIL. MEl’CIlAN Mt tITIl » ver noy . Pen- make' a strong attempt to rti-vredu him l/r Sheriff Bob-Taylor are trying h ird to *. cork < ungre- xa < of. |;OBT A MILLER mt Hiv was ••ailed to calling him a demagogue liecause of hi- up the wrath and Indignation of a large per . Supreme Judge (Of «.rant.) R. s. BEAN (Oi Ju« kn.i . friendship for the tailoring cla-'es. <»; hi- ■entage of the l>est people of this communi­ wing entitled «»ovenwr. FYLVKHTEP. l'ESNOYER ((If Lane ) O’kFM.'ltfFS E&XACÌ. Vi'S C2 t Ixi XX jg , friendship ami synipatlr for the | and 3(i with- (Of Multnoiuah. ) •>: ;'«.:».;«- In ■ey administration for the past two ye trs, there can be no doubt. 1 speak for mvself. WM M. TOWNSEND «•«•retare of otate is alxiUt the slni'-iii n I! B. M'ELROY n comp Hing the who e community to go r \\ Leu 1 came here 1 wa» a jmor matt, ver (Of Lake.* A Mr. Will- poor ind**e nansa t their l>usine-s with nd oflire, aak- to 'uve enough to buy a cheap lot on -ixtl. (Of I iiiatilL». I (Of Mill “ mah. i 'treet. Iietween Washington and Vide* be sheriit's office. Supreme Judge. --------------------- B. F. BONHAM ing me to M»k«'t cert »in lai.«In :us lands i ti .('. r w atson T > an average <>*•»••: ver of thing- . nd ' District Attorney lieu of a»‘ho>l M*ctmni« in the Siletz rree streets. 1 applied to Mr I'cnnoyer. «het: (Of Marion ) A.IRZE ZD-A-IIaY -A-ZCE^IVIJSTG- if lloliert and William a clerk in the -aw mi Is. for himl er. andh. U'.air- it look- vation, and for which lie ma»le tin* nc C ‘iiiiiy state Superintendent of Public In- rill have a hant tilo«'getting Sheriff Bird- Tit.. 1 ATAI. ItEASrtXS. «... nt mv < < ii:i,v for tutn's»r enough . ■ pi •trm-tton.. f PROF. A. LEROY caaary lagai application. 1 refused t*> t oí Tli»<>. Cameron up a small b«»use. It wa- three years beturl -ey out of A-han i [«revine; by t ,e skirt oí (ot Linn.) reive bin a|>]>ficatio:i on the vrouiid lb lee’li. m J. M. M c C all , There are some sol'd reasons why D. 1 was able to pay for that, lumber, but Mr state Printer .CAJ’T. JOHN O'BRIEN Ute «talc ln't thirteen : tcriof department ht.d rub-d thattlie «mi the saim- of Mr. I’ennoyer's kindness. I do clamation of E. B. McElroy. Teachers Clerk M ax M ellft . M lfHinn 'HI Hl TH KH. 1. He is interestdl in the Willamette not say this because 1 am prompted by par­ was entitled to swh lien l.mds. who have grown old in the service, who Recorder M. L. rd ‘1 then, befoie r»s eiving ooc single ap i>ocks company, which will try to sell tisan or political feeling, but to express my have had tbe training of tlx- men .and Countv W m . R at ( HA? NICKELL plication, aiid for the very purpose oi al­ the to-ks at Oregon C ity ,.t tbe next ses­ gratitude and respect for an old citizen and friend, and to deplore the harsh and unjust women, now an honor to our state, will Trea-iirer ksunvik. .1 a .-are C rontmillfr lowing all citizet:« an eiiual- »bow to «<*- sion of the legislature to the state at an criticism . not relish the idea of recognizing such a v-se"<, r " _____ of Governor l ’ ennoyer which ap- J. H -TEWART I enormous figure. Thom [«on will thus S horty H amilton sAMl EL FI RRY cure »uch lamia under this ruling. Pann­ make up for the “sack”.he intends to pear daily in tbe Oregonian: but I doubt if . parent. And w hen the 2d day of June’* _ | 1 School Superintendent C. B. F itzgerald » that will hurt him with the people. ( MINGO ed a btateiiient to be tele>frapbed to the rolls around, the refrain of “ father, dear S ______ ' Full Assortment always on hand, direct frcai the East, and ...P iter A itlegate T homas K bakney . W. £ PRICE Oregonian, which can be fonnd in the ia- sink in the present campaft-n. firrti! father, come home with me now.” will Surveyor As invincible evidence of the above Portland. Or., May 20ih, 1890. sue of that [taper for September 12. 1888, Of Toto. D r . J. S. P arson rise from every precinct in the slate, and ! <-or"ner sclienie, it is only necessary to scan the THOS. E. NICHOLS apprising the public of feuch ruling. at Prices that Defy Competition. Clerk Me. will go home and stay there, too. ! Of Eagle Point. “If tbe land, or the-land tacts that several parties interesteil in On liist page of the Ili i'iRpis repro ­ “ The elock in the steeple" won ’ t strike a 1 WM. M HOLMES board, iRaa intereateil in any ayndieate the Electric Light Works at tlregon City Ke<-orufiiy <*otni*4'oner r BENJ. HAYMOND that wan trying to aecure such lands, tffis otbeis,) are now candidates for the legis­ jail, for the benefit of the new voters and ered his nest already once too often at public notice would havff l>een |xx>r p(Mi- Rock Point. others not familiar with it. The county the expense of his “dear children.”— A'^—or , W. J. ROIX.ERS •y; and I will here atate that among tbe lature, and that the Electric Light eom- press dealt exceedingly lenient with the [Rosepurg Review. Our of flic Ilaiitlsoiurid Rcsidruots in the Slate Of riauix Valley. firat to make applications for Mich lieu pany spent aliout $15,000 in carrying the affair and not one of the statements were Sheep shearing at six cents a head, is all School su|»*rinlemlent C. 8. PRICE lands was Mr. Henry L. Pittock, of tbe primaries at Portland tor Thompson. It questioned. From thearticles reproduc­ the go; thousands of fleeces falling before Of Natl ( reek. for Salt or Euhaagt for Farai Properly. Oregonian, who, on October 11, 1888, is stated by good authority that they GEO. R. BLOOMER made application for 320 a<*ree. This have contributed the further sum of ed it will be seen that Sheriff Birdsev was the experienced shearer’s implement of in­ T n*Ä«urer not coim — nt-able by the night watch or dustry ; O. I). Rusk who can rteece 130 sheep Of Jacksonville. $10,*100 for a campaign futid. I will sell on long time or exchange for deputy sheriff. If he had l>een this great per day is said to be the boss shearer.— .E. It. I’ll KEI. showatiiat Mr. l’ittock reads his own val­ < oronrr 2. ~ Thompson has Roasted that he will farm, my residence in Ashland with a uable [miier, and wisely took advantage calamity would have been averted. Al [Burns Herald. Of Medford. i frontage of 160 feet on Main st., and 150 . .. (i. ELKS«AT of tbe information which I had given to spend $100,00) to secure jiis election and that time the language used wars suffi­ surveyor thwart tbe will of the jieople. Pleasant to the taste and readily taken is on .tlida Ave. The grounds are nicely the public. * Of Medford. ciently plain to indicate where he was Simmons Liver Regulotor. 3. He favors Chiaesu as his record and what he was doing. If there is any­ lain out with choice fruit and shrubbery, “On the 23d of the same month Mr. DEMOCK VrfC «PEAKING. . artificial stone walk, good stable and out McBride, secretary of state, brought into shows; two months ago he opposed, em­ body that don’t catch on we will sav it phatically, a discussion of the question of FINAL PROOF NOTICE. buildings. This cottage was built in the Francis Fib h. Esq., and Hon. J H. Stew­ the land office a friend of his, Mr. T. L. removing the Chinese from Second street, plainly that he was consorting with a lewd Fall of 1888 of the choicest material and art, camliilate for representative, will u.2 ad- —1 Stewart, who made application for 320 one of the best streets in the city of Port­ w«.iiian in a French hotel at.Jacksonville. by first-class workmen, Newson Bros., Atx people of Asti land Friday even- acres for himself and 240 acres for his With this explanation of the cold facts we dressX2 I nited States Land Office, Roseburg, Or.» Way 30, ing. May ___ at Granite Hall, from a 1'eino- wife. Senator Hilton, of Wasco county, land, which is now practically ruined bv leave the public to deduct their own con- ( April 22,1890 j S. F. architects. Will sell or exchange craUi« standpoint, . They are good sjwak- on Deceuilierl.'lapplieiifor 160 acres, a nd the filth of the Chinese ami is a menace elusions. VTO'HCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT any part of 1 to 1 acres all in choice fruit er«. (>■> C mid hear them. on the next day bis wife applied for 320 to the lives of her citizens by the fre­ P. 8.—.11 the R ecoku did not firmly ' Xx the following named settler has bled and adjoining said residence. This is quent brawls of the highbinders. Also believe this, it would be jioor judgement notice of hi-intention to make final proof the most modern in style and )>est con ac’es. The Webster—Col vig dynasty is ready G—' ■‘“J cottage in Southern Oregon, “This was all ¡lerfectlv right. They when in the legislature lie voted against to say so, as everybody knows that the in support of hi« claim, and that said proof | strueted i for retirement. location and can be bad 843. for the N W • School House Shoes, and CHURCH, BROWN A CO.’?» (Boston) $3 00 calf B J day, and at the same time asked $30,000 easily seen that the notice I gave to the it isiiot said to be offensive to Mr. Bird-1 M of S E J4 and S W % of N E U sec 4. “I- $— will—$—be—$—elected—$—itnd public through the Oregonian, and the for his own services as receiver, as the nx Shoes, the best made.' Every pair guaiuutued. v vrt «iiv ij« » ’ j v viov. A|)tb sev or arty body else. Ti» 40. S R 2 W, XM M. —$—- ! challenged 11. B. Miller, republican can­ ' urinir money. An old resident of Clackamas county sence before the Clerk of the County Court necessarily presumes that it» has been I didate lor representative, to a joint dis- done.’’ ASHLAND, - - OREGON. 7. Thompsoiqwhile mayor of Portland says that along in the ’Oil’s when the of Jackson county. Oregon, at Jacksonville, ■ uasion of the tariff question at Grant’s -------- Has opened rooms with a full line of Funeral Supplies----- had an ordinance passed extending the assessor was around, D. P. Thompson, Or., on Saturday, June 28th, 1890, viz: Twenty-five years experience in Ashland. Piiss Fatugtay evening. This is Mr. Leiter in Monday’s Oregonian, j wharf limits in front of his own property who was then living in Oregon City, Embalming with the aid of a skilled pliysi-1 George U'. Nichol», IN D, WILSON’S FURNITURE -T0F>E, on MAIN Street. Whitman's favorite topic, and he is well cian. Seattle. Wash., May 24.—I am in re­ out into the river, therebv increasing the thought lie had been robbed of $50,000 entry No. 4208, Jor the lot 7 and loaded on the subject. ceipt to-day from a friend at The Dalles value to tbe extent of $10i>,000 without or $(W,(XI0 worth of notes, money and val­ S Homestead Office and ware-room on Main street, at E*J4 of S W *4 and N E ¡4 of S W *4 sec. ¿M^Anv Calls for Ins services will be appreciated and promptly of a clipping from the Oregonian being a paying the city one cent of conqienHation. uable papers, and that after the assessor and N E >4 of N W % sec. 7, tp 37 S. R 2 foot of Granite. . attended to. Prices Reasonable The Y' lllky Bsroan, published at copy of a letter under date of November , (This is an example of how he regards a I was through assessing, D. P. Thompson 6. East, W. M. • Ashland,'Or., has commenced its third 2ti, 1889, from the local officers of The ' public trust.) He names the,following witnesses to found his property bidden in the barn. year. The R kcord is tin able, fearless, Dalles land district to the honorable com­ 8. He is one of the richest men in the The resident says that he supposes Mr. prove his continuous residence upon and A ■; • well-edited and newsy paper, has opin­ missioner of the G. L. O., relative to in­ state of Oregon, vet he only’ gave $10 to D. P. Thompson did lose the $50,000 cultivation of, said land, viz: Joseph Randels, Nimrod Charley. J. H. ions and expresses them, »nd receives demnity school land selections. As I was the Johnstown sufferers, and he has nev­ right enough, but whether he found it in the support which it deserves May it the register at that time and as my asso­ er contributed a cent towards helping time to pay taxes ou it or not he doe« not Terrell and W. C. Courtney, all of Lake Creek, Jackson Co.. Or. la< apprecitisl more and more.—[Lexlng- ciate in the office, Mr. Thoe. W. Slusher, any enterprise for the interest of the state. know. 3-l-6t C has . W. J ohnston . Register ton Budget. I furnish my own new Hearse an I give persona) attention to funerals Orders 9. He laid the foundation for his pres­ is deceased, I desire to make a few state­ J Mrs. M. E. . Tyler, solicited for Scroll Sawing, Wood Sha|rtng, Screen Doors and Windows, and Gen­ ent immense fortune by liis surveying ments iu regard to the matter, wlvich it - ( Burst the “combinations" and “rings" eral Repairs. Organ» cleaned and reuahed. J. L. DOWNING. contracts, which lie was wout to fulfill at ’to '< of both parties. A Republican “combi­ would seem is being used to bolster up the rate of some twenty miles a day on the waning )>olitical fortunes of Million ­ ' "7^.^ nation" is mh odious *s a Democratic Artist. Thompson by attempting to injure horseback, as some of the surveyors of “compact.’’ There is no polities—in the aire this state have repeatedly stated. Governftr Pennover. true, honeat meaning of the term—in 10. lie promised to raise the money to Iu the interest of fair play Gov­ Corner Main and Granite Street». cither. They are only the work of relieve the Holladav estate at Portland, scheniurs for the Hellish intents of a few ernor I*ennover and to Mr. George W. for a I m > uus of $20,000 and then received PICTURES COi’IED AND ENLARGED McBride, the |>optilar republican si«ere- men. ._______________ tary of state, I would say that at the from the Bennett-Izirabee syndicate $20,- Bromides made in -all sizes. Call and examine our work Tiiom|>aoti ahielda bin connection with time the letter al>ove referrer! to was 000 in ordpr to allow them to obtain the the lock and dam «win-lie by crawling in written the register auersons referred to hi our liis. AnnlP. Pear. I*P í 1T* P ’F . Plum, Plum I*a»utio re:d'and5>ei*oiiii| property in Mu|t- 1 I Apple, Peach, Prune, letter to the honorable committee. transact all their business with the sher­ Chérry, Apricot, Nectarine, Almond Mr. John \\’. Gilcrest is the “agent" nornah county at a low valuation foots iff’s office in a saloon A host of respect­ which was assessed in 188!) at Walnut, Chestnut, Simile anil Orna­ able ladies of Ashlaud who are the heads referred to, ami the close relations exist­ 1 $1,159,200 and this was reduced by $34,0($) ( mental trees. of families and have lieen conq>elleerty returned by hint $136,000 as Slrawberry Plant«, Blackberry Plant» ir /line of the principal purchasers of in- iing there would not arise again, if their j Five Double -Strands Galvanized Bessemer Steel Wire an actual Value cf $1,1.«9,200. ; and Grapevine». •.voicre counted an much as Taylor ê demnitv school lands and makers of tbe ¡against j This is the man that asks the tax-bur-! / necessary non mineral affidavits accom- J am ' i I s ' eloqiient wliiskv. / panying selections, was Hon. Chas. Hil­ I deued farmers and the oppressed laliorers ; | for their votes,—a man whose creed is ' CONTINUOUS TWIST cf the WIRE ” Thompson says he works his ton, prominent republican joint senator 1 greed, whose god is stoop shouldered from YVasco, Sherman and Gilliam coun ­ •inew fetH than eight hours per day, while ANY KIND AND SIZE PICKETS. Mwmmon, whose conscience is mnmini- Peiuioyer work* bis 10 hours. Without, ties, and another was Charles Cartwright ! tied with years of disuse, and whose lieart ex-joint republican senator from Crook, lieaper than a Rai! Fence, More Durable than Boards, and Stronger than telling the moi- moved from Oregon to Washington, in Oregonian, May 26th.] |ar mark Thompson exiwcte to hoodwink iumyersation with Governor Pennover WE do not handle, cultivate, or A reporter called at Governor Pcnnoy- the citizemi of Oregon into swallowing the matter of school lam! selections came er’s resilience yesterday afternoon, and attempt to PBOI’AfiJl'E any varieties up and I then isarnpl from him that if or kinds of F'Rl'IT, until satisfied that Lim. Tb<>aipsou in this act is guilty of found him taking a well-earned rest after 1 thev are well A BAITED to the soil and tin? rotteiioat kind of lAineombe and deni- there was any organized o* unorganized his . otithern Oregon tour. The object of effort to osition to b« commissioners, he was entirely ignor­ recently made with reference to the sale OR of indemnity lands of the state. Before ant Qf ¡L ’ ■ I interested in every swindle per)>etraU*d W. B. C olton . Agent. Ashland. Or. discussing that jxrint, his excellency A I have not bad .the honor of making •ou men, cor I tore lions or governments; but he actually tries to destroy other en the acquaintance of l»r, George McBride, chatted pleasantly about the hardships Final Notice to Delinquent terprises because his Shyloek nature the popular republican member of the of campaigning. He said: “We spoke hates their organizers. Because he, Tom board, and so cannot s|s»ak tot him. I(e at Ashland and Medford Monday. Tues­ Taxpayers. day ^e were billed for Jacksonville and Jordan, Jim Ix>tati and other notorious is of age, let him speak for himself. Tbe general question of indemnity is Grant’s Pass, an*l they made another ParUand “strikers” failed to get a ioot- j 1 ' XYOTliE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the t ng there, Thomiiaon’s cold, selfish heart mainly a legal and departmental one, the date for us at Central 1‘oint; making —■----- -A._v^a • -----■----■.—«I K—w^«e Lx delinquent tax list of Jackstm county. has been turned agaiffst the Klamath former commissioner differing radically three for that day Wednesday we werp 1 Oregon, for 1889, has lieen turned over io ■City enterprise, and his determined effort from the present commissioner in his at Roseburg, where we had u packed i me. with a warrant from the Hon. CountV house, Thursday at Eugene, where we views upon tbe subject, and what mv I Court for its immediate collection. All to “down” that putdic enterprise, while spoke to an immense audience, nearly persopstvlio gfe on said list wilj please call not wholly successful, has been able to views may be are now of no consequence, ' at mv office in Jacksonville and setift will. retard its consummation, and in that if thev ever were. Colonel E. W. Nev­ I all farmerH Friday we spoke at Albany out further delay, as I will be compelled to in the afternoon, rode to Corvallis, spoke manner has createil hardships innumer­ ins, clerk of The Dalles land office, but at I ■ there — 1 AT THE H- • ■ levy upon the propertv of the said delin- in the evening, and rode back to present stumping the state for Mr. able on the Improveuieut Co.’s employes. ! quents, in order to enforce payment of said | Albany that night after the meeting, Thompson, would doubtless pause long But the troubles of these laborers bothers tax. if not paid soon. A pronmt coinpli- EXPOSITION, IMHO. Thompson not. That cold heart only enough in his task of painting the past taking the train next morning for Salem. I ance with the law will save further costs. 1 In the afternoon we spoke at a picnic at J as . G. B irdsey . fit ls happy at the discomfort he is mak- glories of the G. <). P. to explain the [>o- Maeleay. Mr. Thompson was to be sitiou of the republican commissioner of | Sheriff and Tax Collector of Jackson coun­ jng. ________________ • ty. Oregon. the G. L. (>. upon indemnity school land I there, but sent his man Friday, Mr. T. Jacksonville. April 15, 1890. Call and examine them, KiuLssaries of Chas. Nickell, candidate matters. I trust you will give this note I H. Tongue, in his stead. Saturday even­ Who carries the largest stock in Southern Oregon of Select 4*>r senator, have started a report that the same publicity as was given the oc­ ing we were given an enthusiastic recep­ tion nt Salem. They had two bands out F. A. M c D onvii ». lion. Then. Cameron, a candidate for the casion for it. NOW ON EXHIBITION AT and cannon, and the opera house was Seattle, Washington. Mine [»ositum, was in favor of exempting packed to hear us speek. manicipM water I mui I m from taxation. Monday's Oregonian also contains a This is the issue U| mhi wh ch Governor full statement and history of these in-’ “Seymour Condon in his speech at Sa­ Pennover is making his fight for *>>elee- demnitv lands and the relations of thv lem Friday night made a quotation from tiun and it is the issue of the masse* administration thereto. If they» was a the Oregon Herald of October, 1870, and against the umuev power. The R ecokp steal it wa* done by the publisher of the charged it to me. 1 sold out the Herald’ is fdeased to sav that Mr. Cameron is < iregoniaii and other prominent republi­ in July; of ’6!», and Semple and Patterson —Harness and Wagon.— MAIN -STREET, BETWEEN CHURCH with Gov. Pennover on that question, cans. and neither Geo. W. AJeBride, re- , were running the Herald at the time tbe quotation appeared. ” . AND GRANITE and the iwouie of this county can depend publican candidate for re-election to aec- TH0R0UGHB3ACE HACK "What do you think of the result, gov­ U|H>u him standing with them. The ed­ retary of state, or Gov. l’enno.ver could ASMLSSD, - O rkuon . —And— itor of the R ecord interviewed Mr. Cam­ have prevented it. Thompson himself ernor?’’ eron on the subject and found out for knew l>etter, anil all the honest minded ■ “The outlook is very cheering indeud: l’acihc Coast Main office, IMS Maaket At. himself that he was iu the same boat republicans hereabouts have dropped the 1 ami the indications are now that we shall Green and Dried Fruits. Confectionary, Stationary and a fine OVA' SINGLE HI GG 1 HORSE. with our noble governor iu his opinion late«.» iwsertion. Gov. Pennover and See. carry this state by over 5060 majority. San Francisco, Cal. Apply to of the famous Bull Kun water lx>nd bill. McBride are only carrying outAhe law as The sentiment seems to be strongly in THOS. W. ESTES, line of Crockeryware. our favor now, ami I see noieason to an ­ But where was Nickell in this tight of given br the republican general I laud Ashland, Or. ticipate any change. We have had very 1 he masses against the classes? He was com misaioner. large houses, and very attentive audienc­ a« brave a rep resen tatix’e of the people as AT THE es wbrrvyer we have sjiokei^ and the re- New G imm I s Constantly Arriving. The Best Quality of Gerds duly Kept. with Shyloek Thompson, on the great A tVarrior Bold Was He. ports given by oqr fricmls in all localities uwue. Here is w here he stood. Let the The war record of D. I’. Thompson, are encouraging in the extreme." voters pouder and retlect: "Take a specimen instance of bow they We think that their opposition to the which his bodluer Harvw tries to paint DRUGGISTS. ai Roseburg we Portland water bill is ill-nmed, a.- they in­ in crimson, is not unlilw that of Artemus talk. After shaking : al cur the displeasure of by tar the largest E P O T School Books, Stationery, I was talking with Mr. L. F. Lane, the 1 ceathin iu the house of representatives about it the better. without any direct benefit to the* state dr He enlisted for a few days; went to committeeman, who remarked that he. o’G-isr ---- You can get—- our county. It is a measure that that city Walla Wall.»; never discharged a gun; had made a careful canvass of all the Clocks. Watches, and wants above all «there, and the wishes of was discharged himself, and now turns precincts in the county’, and that we —OR— its citi*en> ehiHild be rejected. Whether HE DELMONICO has been completely Ice Cream, Ice Cream Soda, Ice An the bonds that are to be issued are subject out with the real veterans on all occa­ slmidd carry Douglas by 503 votes......... renovated and refitted bv the under­ Cold Soda, any flavor. old gentleman sitting by the stove looked Jewelry. to taxation or not, it does not follow that sions, wearing a G. A. K. me«lai "as big signed. and will be conducted in a manner up and said: 'How have you got Yon­ they ever will lie taxed. The capitalists as life, ami twice as natural.” to please all its patrons ■ Main Street Comer, Ashland, Or. who will Imv them are too shdewd tax If he were such a fierce toy of reliels calla down. Mr. Lane?’ Mr. Lane said LEMONADE, MILK SHAKES, A liberal share of public pationage is re dodger', and no doubt the bonds will lie and of so sanguinary a nature as to pine be bad estimate«! that precinct as repub­ specjtuily hcited •ant out of the state if the legislature de- lor Confederate non», why di«i he not go lican by ;i>. ‘Well, now.’ the old man Prescription«« carefully put «^p by coui- FRESH COXF1XT1ONKRY AND FBI ITS, •petent hands . lax«* that they must lie taxed. No special East and offer his services to the country said, 'you just go to work and change •1ÆJLY BE IEÏÆID JLT Give it a trial — The leading brands of— Wgislattuc is a very good principle but in M r AXi> M Its W M SC JI R YER, 4ld'< iasUHiwi H does not aneet auvludy in- for which Scott would now' have ns be­ that; for there are thirty republicans Men's and Uys ’ clothing, boots, shoes, V2n51 i ro]dctors there, of whom I am one, that will vote lieve he was ready to die? >ino«slv. KEY WEST and IMPORTED CIGARS, ate., etc., of late>t styles, finest quality and _______ There are no airs about Dave Thouip for Pennover.’ ” at prices that defy coin jietition. at McQUPs -------- ------- -------- , The nation is agains* uu>d termism. It son, neither upon him lire there auv flies, Cigarettes and Tobaero. .defeated the illustrious Grant, it’«n-re- but when his “coach" Harvey, brings Finished in Style Equal to Each precinct in the e un’y is entitled t > * “Hackmetack”—a lasting and fragran- COLD LI NCHaml COE FEE. publican. it is un-deniocratie. It should a .!usti< <- of the |>e.i< e ami run-tableat .Mon perfume. Price 25 and 50cts. at T. K. Bolt condemned and rebuked Itv the people. him upon the staze as a war worn war­ dav ' election. The candidate« for the» ZIK. ton’s. « rior lie »u.ikes David looks as much out KEt Wll FartiShrd for 1IIILIEX aM HBTIIX Beware of the Dictator.—[Prof. A. Leroy, I" inons arear-ein A-bland. The present -*-'*■ *■ NICE YOUNG MILCH < GW. with as if he wen» to unuTubeiits, Will y< u suffer with dyspepsia and liver democratic nominee for state sujerinten- of pla<«e an I rpiii Milton Berry and 8. I’. Tavlor. calf, for sale. Inquire for price, send him around grinding a i.a.:d organ . will undoubtedly be re-elected. complaint? Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaran­ .dent of public instruction. E. M. LUCAS. i etc. at the R ecord office AWARDED FIRST PRIZE:- AT ¿ÜLIHERN OREGON STATE FAIR teed t'j cure. k'n to the iathet <4 h’s country, at tb>- bigbest I'inua- iiington5> patriotir «tnikc. lie *js>ke as ei<»|ueti'.ly of ijm-oln jther man to The nation ha l reared fame and he -Wswla« a peer to the imrnor tai Washington and A aham Lineo'n. That he had visited ever) clime ami that he Lad re<-eived the ovation- <■( every narion. ' Aft* r^feceiviag a'l the bom.r' that could lie be-towed on mortal man. hi« own nation »4- corupelled to rebnke hint for n-kmg that which Las been in tbe bi-tory of this repuMi'- con'lemne«!. to wit a third term. I icier, geat enien. to Genera! I . ". Grant. NEW GOODS! Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Hats, Caps, etc. And will be ’I(; our well known LOW PRICES. I 08ÏS (O) J k SÉJJ FOR SALE! H. S. EMERY J. M. McCALL Funeral Director N U ndertaker Director. HOTOGRAP1IS. Bodies Embalmed, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Grand FOURTH OF JULY at Ashland Fence Works! II. S REDLAND NURSERIES. E M E R Y, A O h I a n ri I ! 200.000 TREES FOR SALE HOI 1 Idi I U ! pmí i Arrangements are being made FOR A BIG BLOW-OUT Program later on. BUY YOUR Red Hill Land, GROCERIES In ¡\/T ' WAS AWARDED THE ONLY iVI T T jT G rand THE PEOPLE'S GROCER Groceries, Provisions, Vegetables PICTURES of YOURSELF FAMILY FOR SALE îfe™ & H arris ONE SPAN OF H ORSS CHITWOOD BUGS. DELMONICO ASHLAND RESTAURANT. • ke-fn‘iini I’iiiiors T LOGAN’S GALLERY, Milch Cow For Sale A