z I I VALLEY RECORD I'KEMMi-iD HICK'MS. V A EY VALLEY RECORD. RECORD Published every Thursday by tbe VAM j EY RRCOKD I'URLIKHING CX> A vote for l’ri«-e f./r-tw-riff i* a vote i»r naupeteiwy ami litne*- No harm ever «tone Io tl«<- u«e of Sim loon- IJver Regulator. Pranteiinr» and tnecravimr tor Imuvr »«Uil»l>e«t l«y a «4o»e at Sl/tnmtns laver Reg ulator VOL. HI. SHLAND. JACKSON COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY 29. 1890. Mecretarv Blaine ia reportc I to have 4 «t iled that l»e will not be a ••andidate for the t*resi.ien< v in K’rj. He regard« Hill m toe pr«»pe<-tive iden«X' in Ashland of several months I niug from months to five or six days is sarv had written a book.” Such was Th«- I arie -l A«-count of »lie Altair . is liefore, condiM'teil himself in such a man­ among tin* latest discoverie« rv;orteeople more wealth) Should the |x».ple eio t him tbe interest» <>» is more fortunate than Job in this, that Igi«>. Friday morning alxiut •> o'clock of the .«Mintry anti th. ivxmty «-barges will hta “miveraay has written a lx»k” in the some parties beard the prisoners in the ami learinxl. While here he always kei«t GREENHOUSES ! in « ommunicatiou with lxitb his mother, 1« well taken care ot. sliafx- of a letter ami had it pubfish«'. the adverse ma nor won hl have dictated had he been per­ aceiM* ami to the engine house. The tire dren—eon and daughter—the latter lieing \ KitHENvs, I’ etvnia «, and a good vanetv of A.xxeu. am! P ekknniu , plant-, for out­ mitted t> write the letter for David. In ­ when first discovered was raging in the joritv was 112. In 1H47 it had fallen to married. Being a man of no sch«x>ling, 52 and last week it «Brunk still further to ferring to tlxe charge made by the 'gover­ jailor's room and front of the Building, his friend« here would rea«l letters from door l«edding ami edging, ready May 1st. 3M. nor in Ilia l^fiaiKin speech that Thompaoti. and grew rapidlv in the dry pine wood his folks and answer them for him,hence VEG ETABLE PLANTS. while mayor of Portland, signed an of the inside of the jail, an«! although borne Kepubli< :tn organa are «till try­ they became conversant with his private T omato , C abi : vo.t.'n cut . 1 A ci . ifi . ow »:«. ordinance by w hich the w barf line in front all that was in tbe power of men to do ing to prove to the farmers tlmt mort­ affairs and learned his true nature and P hitkr . Em. P lvxt . etc., cheaper than vou of the “Marr Bl«x-fc,” owned by Thotnp- gages on their farms are an evidence of aon, was extended 40 feet into the river, was done to try and save the lives of the chara«'ter. The letters be received from can get them from the east. three confined priaiMiera it was a futile Uu*ir wealth and prerity. Tliis is quite thus making lUviil tbe owner too 4ate. pleadings for him to come honir. am! Burck lialter A Hasty rail forward the "I never owned that block ; 1 owned The jail is of buck, one «tory high, with «uisM-riptton tor your new-puper or niaga- |es« than one-third of it, and Governor spike«! acautling cell walls iimhle. form­ each time he would sit down ami cry. .The last letter was n*d for him l»y a ztne cheaper than vuu i-an it vvur-elf. I’ennover is well aware of the fact that ing the cells, which are arranged on ' frien«!, wherein she suggested that he Th« medK-inal virtue- <>t the apple are , . the mavor of the city does not ••«tablish either side of the raiu and -pmal eord. ter and he could s«x»n«s»ini enough money * ing the ordinance? Not at all. What fiâmes through the iron grate window. by his ow n hand« that would bring him Have you seen those tin«- blanket- at the does lie deny? Sitnjilv -that he 1< El i< >N iiarty, and honetrt, intrepid Democrat that ---------------- Keplying t<> the charge that in 1S7J he file. But it was fully half an hour before i more plentiful.and cast his forttint* there. » lie is. vote«! against a propoeition to abrogate the bodies could lx* remove«! from the ; i But alas for liis luck ! When he got as The fine«t silver prunes in tbe market at th«' Burlingame treaty under which ('hi- cells, the different locks refusing to work ' far as Talent aml^-emained around there E. M Miller's n«*e were allowed the privilege« and im­ by reaHon of the heat ruining theui, and a few «lays the robbery and its conse­ To tlm j oung ami inexperience«F Dako­ munities <»f the most favori«! nation« they hail to lie broken with a sledge quences ocx'tinvd. His friends all ex- hammer. tans the supreme court decision roiuw Thom |*on say«: presscxl surprise as sexm as it was discov­ At lowest prices. Also any simcial sizes cut. Cedar also furnished. Bills TIIE «' P IE Ol’ THE FIKE.' like a providental downtxiiir at thetliresh- s ' “Governor I’ennoyer refer» to a vote on figure«! on am! cut to order on short notice. ered that he was the man that was Ixiund At the coroner’« inquisition conducted over, and w ere of the opinion that it was old of constitutional drought. The free a resolution introduced in the state senate in IS/tl, asking thegeneral government to by Dr. It. Pryce, coroner of Jackson u •“ »I au«l unrestricted circulation of the jug trill a direful combination of circumstance« enable every man to become his own abrogate the Burlingame treaty with Chi­ county, an«l \Vm. M. Colvig, district at-' against an innocent man. But bis |xx>r JkU i| na. I have not the record of the state ­ tornev, lieputy Sheriff Wm. Ikmiff stated druggist. ment with me and do not know what the that he had left the jail alxiut 10 o'clock j Î luck. ¡The morning of the firefn Medford I | attorney had the paper« al) out and rea«ly i New lot of stylish -line» just opened at vote was.” • in the eveiling before to look after his' to start to the county seat to release him Blount'«. But the people have not been so forget­ mines situated four miles from town up T on a writ of habeas corpus, w hen he I The (Iregonian «ay« Mr. Tliompnon ful of the record you uiade upon the Sub­ Jackson creek,-the premises of which I ; learned that his man was dead. J. K. SMITH. A. A. ItASliOR. ii i «toe« not own a dollar of »lock in tbe Wil­ ject of Chinese immigration, Mr. Thomp­ were threatened with destruction by for-1 It is said that actions will tie Ix'guii for lamette Ixx'k», ami but one «hare in the son They remember it well and for est fir«'s. He was in the jailer’s room for ' damages by some of the relative« of the ASHLAND <>RE< i< >N ■tate-houae electric light concern. But your information we will sav that alxiut half an hour before putting on his ■ deceaseii. and it seems that in the ease of Vote in favor of the I fioeneiH fouml at will Mr. T1iotn|i«on sav that he does not olorteliticai matters, ed «jut the spark or not.. He was unable tha the keys should l>e given to him ; he mosphere in the central part of llie city was that money was us««! lavishly and openly I to rind Sheriff Birdsev (who is a widower teeminx with birds of some unknown .»pe- to buy votes in Portland at the republican > ami sleeps in the jail yard about 100 feet went to tiie guard rooiu where he usually To the Farmers of Jackson Co. cies. Fl«s-k« of the».- birds eirvled arouiul primaries. The Ortgonino, after tbe con­ from the jail) in bis room and weut «low-n sfept at !»:;jn o’clock to change his cloth­ ing, and says he remember« per.eetly the < ourtliouse d«mie ami kept up a on»e to culb. climbed down out of the effrontery to deny the use of money know it until next morning. Mr. Bird-. the old county clerk’s office, alxjut 100 assortment of llanlware, Stoves and tin­ mation concerning the country, free of charge ware. sey did not know until morning that De- ! ilia gallery and mounting the stage piade at the Portland primaries. Speaking of the Portian«! Bull • Run niff was out of tow n. Both Birdsev and feet from the jail, luul that day taken a lila lauiden speech. It wus twenty nine room at tbe liotel in consetjueuce of the Deniff carried keys to the outer door of' yearn ago—the stirring times when civil water hill rboii-iisonsay«: We Will Not be Undersold “f vote«! for the Portland water bill. the jail and the keys to the corridor door ' discomfort of Ida apartments, and the war was just showing its crimsoo front; deputy ha«l not been apprized of the All my constituent«, democrat» and re ­ Sumter hud lieen fired ujsm and the were kept in the sheriff’s office. change. Call ami see u- liefore purchasing eiae An examination of the jail «hows that j country was in wil«l excitement from one publicans. favored it. I was their rtqve- Many conjectures are rife as to the ori-’ where, fcr wc can suit you in price and cud to the other. Mr. MiUdtcll’s speech •emitive. I voted, to pas- the bill with tbe prisoners could not have started the quality. was sliort but full of fire, and it was the the liou-aMcaKilile clause, and without fire, as their cells removed them from all i gin of the fire; some holding that it might /.-if C. Sil Eli ID AN. have been an incendiary attempt to lib it. ” of tiie fire. Of course the final and de- ' la*X>nning of his carver in public life.” On this subject David is candid so far finite cause of the fire will prolxiblv aF 1 erate the prisoners, as such an attempt Elegant «ash rildsms at Hunsaker's. a« it goes. // In’ irect elec'i’l yorennrr ways remain a mvstery. The theory ha«l but recently been discovered in the •A sulmtitntoliill lor tiie improvenient and another waler bill ehoald be panned generally accepted is that the fire started jail. This ««-cnriem-e seems to l»e one of of the «'oluinliia river wus reporte«! last with the non—ta.iaide bond clanne in it he from the jailer’s room, evidently about those unfortunate anti distressing calam­ Thursday by Senator Itoiph. It calls for would rkeerfull approve i>, ba' tivvernor the cupboard in tiie room, and a draft ities. .hat occur now and then, which is Healer In an appropriation of $2,348,000 for carry-: I’ennoyer would veto it. Therein no uu en­ blowing through the window grating iinpossible to satisfactorily account for, lug to completion the improvements pro tion that the bill will be introdured. This spread it through the w hole front part of and for which no one can reasonably be Fruits, Vegetables, Flour, Feed jected at the mouth of the river, with a is the issue clearly and sharply defined. the buildipg. Sheriff' Birdaey and his held responsible NO STAIR8 TO CLIMB. ON THE FIRST FLOOR. Ami in fact EVERYTHIN»; I>eovision that not more than $700.000 The petiple of • tregon want to see Portland immediate friends first tlioright that a shall lie available in any one year. It al­ secure goo«i water, but they want it done jail delivery had taken plaee and the pris­ ; Times, July IS, 1SW. NEEHEH in this line for. The St. Louis Medical ami Surgical so provides lor $1,200.000 tor the locks at at the expense of Portland, ami not at oners had set fire to the building to for­ 1 Birdsey and Deneff Ixith recounted the , D'-’ m tv- .ry has been in business long­ the Caacudea. with a provision that no | the expense of the people of the state. ever hide the trace of their escajie, but particular« of an attempted escape of two er trim any otlier Private Dispensary more than $500,000 shall be taken from unfortunately for the victims of misman­ of the prisoner« about two month« ago;. in this State, and say without fifar of THOMPSON 8 MANY BANKS the treasury in any one year. Them; agement and neglect it was a mistaken but as there was no evidence of the pres­ Highest Market Prier Paid for (’GENTRY c< iiltadiclion. that they treat more amounts, aw stateil, are given by tbe en­ ent fire having originated in the cell«, we cases than anv other Dispensary-in the PRODUCE of Evert Description. Below io a list ami the locations of Mr. idea, as the subsequent finding of the as­ do not reproduce that jxirtion of the testi­ gineers as nei-aaaary to compiete these Thompson » 4 Northwest. The reason they have been ’- bank-. These are the agencies phyxiated bodies prove«!. The latest the­ two important repairs in the river. mony. The sheriff also «fated what prop- ( Headquarters - Opposite Post-office, in here n long time and do such a large he expects to elect hint, lie owns a con- ory entertained by Mr. Birdsey is that it „21 j r j is iieeause every doctor con- was an incendiary lire for the purj«06e of erty the sc vend prisoners hail when Pionrer Block. 14kte«t styles iu men's nobby hats just re­ trolling interest in the National Bank, la» Gramie. ceived at Htount'-. liberating the prisoners, and as a reason« , brought to his keeping. In answer to a ' .A.a-i with the St. Louis Dispensary, A'oiiimercial National. Jiayton. is :> graduate of Medicine and Surgery, for Ix'lieving that says that voting Frank question of a juror, Birdaey stated: hid I Senator John F. Wilson of Iowa, who Columbia National. Portland', . I not sleep at my room last night; the lied- ■ a:i.l had years of exjierieucc anti they Wade who was confined in the jail for is regarded as one of the l>e«t lawyers in National Bank of Commerce. Tacoma. m: l:e it a point to cure all cases they the stealing of a horse and afterward sent 1 bug« got too much for me and I took up , the Semite has prepared for publication a National Bank. Heppner. i my quarters at the liotel. Sam JleRobo- AC to, lienee their patients when to tbe asylum as insane, told him that jHikane. National ilauk; Spokane long article eomx'rning the recent ‘‘liquor trifitul there, always speak a good Frank Warner, one of tbe deeeaseil pris­ am didn't know I was to sleep there, but ; Portlaml Savings Rank. I-------- Portland. |MusMgti de«-ision” of the Supreme Court, The -undersigiirtl ha« taken up and is •a «.rd for the old Sl. Louis Dispensary. I’endleton Saving«- Btuik. Pemlliton, oners. told Wade that Skylc and Him- I s|x>j^e to the old folks about it. Deneff fetsJing the following-described estray ani- , niMl tl»ecffe«-t of that decisioii on the liiplor Interesting specimens of Tumors, First National Bank. Pilinen y. inoiis, the accomplices of Warner in the . )itx> |M»w«*rao( n state permit it First National Bank, Walla Walla. j '<:*. « of business. Just take a look at on laid, had promised to help get him out told him I guesseil I would have to get year» old, a smooth crop off' left ear and to pro!libit or regulate the sale, within its First National Bank. I’emlleton. ' their front window anil before you get -mall crop oil'right with two slits. Brand i of jail before «‘hurt met. Henry Hoover '■ out ot tlfere. Iswikis, of intoxicating liqnors. That if First National Bank, Gland City, humbugged by some of these advertis­ was lying in lied undress»?«! when found, ft was very evident from the aptiear- oi 'eft hip. but n d discernable. Inclined i First National ¡lank, Union, the prohibition of the sale of iutoxii atinz ing quack« ill the city, just call around: and evidently di«l net know w hat was go­ - uiice of tbe jail and from the evidence to l»e breachy. The owner will please come I First National Bank. Baker < ity liipsira In original packages was a viola­ pav charge». a iricndlv talk will cost you nothing. ing on. Warner and Cook were both up ' eliciteil that the prisoner«themselves bail am! get aninial ami AUSTIN First National Bank. Arlington. tion vi interstate commercial law the li- W. BISH. any, which he had doubtless not left burning .11 the jail the evening lie- ing any license. Hedmw not approve» repeatetl for a long time before. He put fore. or that matches in the clothing of common suggestion that Congress give lot Americanized, are: 1. AllTrallota must be printed and his be«kling up against the iron liars and the deputy liecame ignited when remov­ OR KOON. tbe States iicrinimion to make laws pro­ made all tbe preparation« possible to save ing Ilia clothes and .smouldered through Troubles. Weak Back, Burning I ripe, hibiting ami regulating the li«|Uoi traffic, distribut'd at the public expense. 2. The names' of all « amlidates must hi« life, but without avail. When taken the night in the woolen doth. It is diffi­ Frequency of Vriuating, Urine High ae ho thinks tlist right shoukin’t be qu'-s- CONTRACTORS. BUILDERS & out one man handling him said he made cult to eonceive-of anyone so fiendish or Colored or mixed with Milky Sediment I kmw «I. Isit suggest«that a hill entith*d“a !«• printed on the same,ticket. 3. The ballot must Ge delivered to the a final struggle, but otlicrs think it must malignant as to wilfully fire the bnilding, when left standing. hill te protect th«* state«».in their exercise MANUFACTURERS. of tlieir police powers," alreudv on the voter within the polling place by sworn have lieen inqiossible for him to have knowing the prisoners to lie within, and I been alive to that extent. Efforts at ic- there was no testimony that any suspi­ caleii'lar of the Senate, will grant the jier- otlicers of election. I <>f Sa-li and l»oor- and all kinds and iiiisstoii suggested by the Supreme Court •4. No ballots may be vote«I savb those Miseitation were made, and after it was cious looking strangers had lieen ween Take a clear bottle ’ at bedtime and all over they were stood up alongside a eliout the jail.- It was an untoward train styles of Window and Door Frames. Mohl­ to the Hiatts foi tiie effective enforcement «lelivered. urinate iu the lottie, set aside and look 5. The voter must l»e -tuaranteed ale ing and Brackets of all styles. Bouts built tree and photographed. of circumstaucee which rendered the cas- of they- liquor law«. at it in the morning; if it is cloudy or Bolute privacy in preparing his ballot. Sheriff Birdsey informed the writer uality possible, and the public must al­ to order. The whole or one half offered a cloudy settling in it. you have some 11 for sale. (>. ■ The secrecy of the ballot must be last Monday that there was no law cotn- ways hold the officers aecountabie for kind of Kidney or Bladder disease. I Not on Time. matle compulsory. pelling*hiin to sleep in tbe jail or to have ueglect in making it |«oasible even under "The'-Htar of Bethlehem'• propbet.« are NERVOUS DEBILITY, or- a tfuird sleep there. If this is true, as it those «-onditions. A iqiain in the thtld, this time le»1 by Wiggins. Bought a Typewriter. gauic weakness, lack of ambition, de- p undoubtedly w. this incident will throw They are now pyhlislinig in tbe newspaper- fective memory, loss of vigor or vital­ ! enough light on the next legislature to Jacksonville Itilu». in Valiev Record of moré or les« sensational articles alxiut tlw Evansville Journal. * July IS, lx«!». ity, the results of errors and excesses, A veteran friend of th eriver column dww n amend the law relating to the duties of exi>e<'te«l luminary, and predicting that it At the coroner's inquest the «heritl was jiositively cured by new methods. will reaiq>e«r next August ; if not. the date at I’ati-wke, ami a prominent business man the county offi«-ers by establishing a s»r- i'arjtrutfrinni Httihler a»ked why he didn't sleep nt the ro«>m in can t* set indetiuitely. The lw«t time, tliev and -ieamlKMit man, writes: vere penalty for oll'n-ers who will let pris ­ Blood and Skin diseases of I’aDye^HKY aqr 2J, IN«'. the jail van! where he was suppose«! to -ay, it iippearv«i to human gaze wn« in 1572, every description, name and nature oners lie l«x-ke Brahe, .14 It a T. V. 1’. E. IV. R T E. R.j Atu ing themselves th rough the dead hour« Fncle ¡Sam's hostelry. the note«! a-troiiomcr, <»l»»crv«MÍ its moti«>n. nOw Devw ting <<’ little leisure time on G Et- of the night, without a guard to protect •‘slippetl in" there, at least the clerk was Unnatural Discharges speed­ «ml let! I tie world an n«sx>unl of tbe heaven­ tingacwinted with It. The Agent -«'id itt them or attend to their Rarfts. The very not aware of his lieing ajenant of the house ily cured without detention from busi­ I ly visitor. an«1 on that all prognostication.« rood (could) lielearnt'd inno time ;n Abie- fact that this jail was a notorious death that evening, and hence tie did hot receive ness. State history of your case and have sin« e Ix'en f< undci. In Tycho’s «lay boded m«>n 02 wrxte I'»1 letter« A dAv-i | trap should itself be a strong argument the keys from Deputy Bynitt. The county Atteiitio.^, send stamp for question Lists, so as to should furnish the court yard sleeping l Itere were n«> tele»«-o|>e«, astronomers were ha 111 no! able liedsed ju$t now owing 2 («' describe plainly the symptoms of your rare, and a -tar ul«i enter within the ranee spell of «ecKNeSI 1 l>e«l «While a»«o; I that as long as one or more lives were at 1 apartments with a “varmint1' extinguisher ___ Willow _____ ________ _____ Buhack's _____ remedy —ler ____ the particular disease. pt human vision without lieing heralded in Wrote «44 letter« in one .lav & they al.l its mercy the authorities should giv* ' 1 —the M»-aner also got the infernal thing Suit wont A job printing offi«-e and newspaper beforehand, amt Ihe curious need not stay wltite any thing bZt Xolopuek or Kus-iau. plain duly of an officer will at least pre­ Shiloh's <'atarrh Remedy, a marvelous plant in Medford. Oregon, for .«ale at a iow up late o' night«, in the «««hi air. with ¡he he told nie it Wis cus to Mary 2 lit«'ve pat vent the o'curremx* of such n horrible ca­ cure for < atarrh. liiptheria. t anker mouth, price ami on easv term», if applied for at The doctor guarantees to cure any hope of being aiming the first to get a eince. mats All Tight, after I'get through tastrophe as this again. ‘ F B. Tit KNOB. ' and Head-ache. With each Isittle there is once. case of Syphilis, Gonorrhea or Gleet. • wish Him dlt small will have one More, i glimpse of «-elotiai wanderer. Medford, Or. AN ISMH EST VICTIM. ______ nasal injector for the more an ingenious Strictures cured,, no difference how l«a:.l 417’74 for tbe type writer«—amt have it men t irf of these complaint.« Life is sweet to all, whether criminals "ueee^ful treatment the.«e euraplmnta The Original Hebn-w Itilile. j conclzded tr trade IT off for A dOg then, f long standing. Spermatorrhea. Loss (I cen borrow CharlFy reEd's'tiun. J'likili of th«' deei-est dye or mortals of th«' pur- without extra charge. Sold by T. K. Bolton of Manhood or Nightly Emissions May 14.—A syudiciie lia- been iiini »¡ vhk I bZe more latter exq-es est impulse , and w hile everyone deplores A Nasal Injector free with every liottleof cured permanently. The habit of Self­ lorn««* »( wealthy Frem'li Ih'brew » tor the mv 1,S.'»-14 Vouk 1» Trul v the sad aivideiit which ixvurred to all i Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents Abuse or Masturbation effectually ««uriei-e <«i purvl'ia-in- »he Hebrew hihle. J------- F------- three, the moat heartrending is the ease j : For sale by T. K. Bolton. cured in a short time. Old Sores, Ulcéra, Cancers and Skin diseases cure*!* w hu h is in tl»«‘ Vatican. The otter luwie T«» It is truly hoped the skipper will be pa- for it is $2lW».pe . tient. The above is better than the ordinary ; of* Henry Hoover, the victim of neglect | seule Vp. . annul legally sell it. It is th«' most fatnoii- beginner. Who knows l ut he may yet tie- and eirctmist.UK'es that has brought what bible in cxi.-tunee. amt «»meihing like a come an e.xt'crt and a teacher ‘ we believe a truly good, conscientious All tho«e having unsettled account- with And all kimls of growths removed from anv part of the I hs I v . no «liffer- century or im»re ago the Hebrews of Spain. man to a death followe«! by tbe damnable , the undersigned, will please call immediate­ Fram-eaml Italy offcied for the bookits enec how long standing, or how large they may There _ _______ j be. ____ ____________ : «o-.inccted with suspicions of having been a low, cowardly ly and settle the same, either bv cash or .1 1 ‘ hiiiKlllt Crt ’ l. weight in gold. The Wide is in th«' original the St. Ixniis Medical Dispensary, the best Surgical Skill •>•' th«- l’a< ilic Coast note. J. M. il' call . villain. He was arrested on the charge Hebrew manu-cript. ami the exact time On a re-ent vi-i^ to Iowa. K. Halton, of Hence we are Prejiared to undertake any ca -c requiring cither the •»calpel, Jan. 15, lsilli. o ben it was w ritten I».«- never Iwen satisfa« - l.urav. Ru—ell county. Kansas, called at of having robbed the trunk of Miss Stum- Electricity or Medicine. “_______, torMv det« riuiney I'upe Rheumatism. All diseases of Women successfullv treatc«i. We guarantee Moines, to show them hi- -ix-vear-pld la»y. nât ion w.is sai«i to lie nearly all guess t.regory XV . some ■«•! year- ago. Kent Advertiser: We have let out our whose life had been saved by Chamlierlain’« work. an«i the witnesses al) thought he hired man ami now do all the mental to cure any Cough, Lung Trouble, or Throat Di’-easc curable. Dis< barge Th«' old e»tai>H»b««< hardware and tinware Cough Reniwly: it having cured him of a from Ears cured in a short time. Our Electrical Treatment, for loi-iue.-s of R. F. l’cr—er ip Ashland for very severe attack of croup. Mr. Halton is was tbe man iieeause a stranger without work and all the mechanical work our­ Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Paralysis and Nervous Di«<:.i»e» general!» is the means. Not having money or conqietent self, assisted at the case by our seven sale at cost pra-e of stock, or les« if sold at eertaia that it saved the boy's life ami is most perfect on the Coast. No Mercury used in Chronic Cases. Every Train at Medford. Ask for _____ _______ __ friends to give iiis side the attention it lovely daughters [unmarried, marriage ­ enthu«ia«t>e in the praise of the Remedy. om-e. it ba- reputation Jn ,'should have received, he was hustled off able.] We have inspiring hoi«« that by — an — excellent — Buy a While from Jackson A Sowden. • He-ay- i- hi- vicinity; that farmer-come fifteen miles with the suspicions of being a common these economical reforms we will he able Luted overalls $l.iw per pair at Blount's. to his store to get it and that many of them tramp or thief whom it would be all right to makq our charming wife’s money suf­ As the new medical law went into eFTV < t Atigt-l 29th, quite a number ol Picture frames nia■«I noti« es t.x |x-r tin«* for first inser­ tion and S- lor each »ul>»««picnt in-erlion. Oliituaiv lines, incmorial resolution-, cards of thank.«, etc., at hull rates. J I THEIt GEO. C. EDDINGS ATriHiNEY Al LAW AN!» NOTARY PCBI.K . Will i«rac. FARMING MACHINERY AMAll NITniN, ETC., EK 1SIILAND. OREGON FRED. H. ROWE. HARDWARE, STOVES & TINWARE LUMBER Dressed mid Finishing Lumber, F.E.ZOELLNER, Rustic, Flooring, etc. r SMITH & BASHOR, Improved Farms, Fruit and Wild Lands, for Sale at L ob Prices. HARDWARE TRADE Agents for the Townsite of GOId Hill ST. LOUIS [vledieal t Surgical Geo. W. Crowson 1«. Hl HTEN'SHAW. oac.-oN. »•►io r- Room 2. Ma-onic Tempi«1 lllcH-k. HAM.. I PHYSICIAN ""Sl’HGEON I (Nisi: Yens in LI ohcitvi . P iiacti * r.) Office in Brick Block on Oak street, Sec­ ond door from Main Street. A mi i . vxi - O rhois . ATTt » R N E V - A N IM < IU N S EI OK-AT- \ LAW, J «« KsoK VIl.I.I - - - OcK.ilK. - Will practice in all thr court- of the State. < »flier with W. II. Parker, oppo-ile • ourl Hou-e. <’. C'ADDWKU a ME i HANK AL ANU OPERATIVE DENTIST. Nitron- Oxid«.- Ga» aduiiiii-tcrcd lor the paini«-» extraction of teeth. office over the Bank. T. J IMIWIHTCH. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Assi. and ,.................................. O kii . un Will practice iu all court» of the Mate. CoUeetiou« promptly made. GEO. W. COOPER. Contractor k Builder, Wishes to notify the public Hint he is prepare«! to TAKE CONTRACTS for DWELLINGS, BARN'S, BRIDGES. Ac..- anywhere in the country between Red Blufi ami Portland. Having a large crew ol g«xid men with me all the time, I can put up liuilditig« in g«x«i sliafie and on «liort notice. Reference given. Address Gao. W. COOI’ER, Yreka Cal. »11HY ANIMAL«. Taken up at mv uiace 2'zJ mile- north of Aslilaml, Dec. 20. I mi . one Brindle steer, white sixitted, alxiut three year- old: swal­ low fork in right ear and upper bit in left. Taken up Dee. 7, 1SS9, one jet black mure wiihout white s|Hits; brand on left hip in­ visible; about four years old. IV. C. JH'TLER. A-hlabd, Or., Fell. 15, llllfO. Ashland Market John E. Pelton Suvc-osor tu HOSI j EY »V PELTON. Wholesale and Retad Her. 1er in — 2C 5 SECOND ST. NEAR TAYLOR, PORTLAND, ORECON. HOUSE - KEEPING* An Estray Steer. Kidney & Bladder READ THIS! O. R. Buckman GOOD CHANCE PRIVATE DISEASES. PEOPLE GOING TUMORS, WENS. P l YMALE'S flCACH The Best Coach PLYMALE’S. SPECIAL ! Cured Meats Constantly un Hund. Terms. Cash. I’ass-liook accounts pav able Monthly. Building l'a pora. Wrapping Paper« and Twine«. All kinds of ARTISTS' MATERIALS. CONTRACT« fOB P ainting .' P apering , E tc . Cor. M ox and G kimti street», lihlaiuf. thftion. SODA SPRING'S HOTEL Will be open May 1st, For the ai-'oiiiiiHxlatioii of a limited num­ ber of guextx. flu <«l Board and lixlging jier week. 1 * •* “ •• “ d«v#. I no " per day........................ 50 Single meals............................ Uanniing iiriviu-ge« will lie 50ctx |ier w««-k for each individual. (50) BYRON COLE. Paoriurrou. Independent Market R. P. NEIL, (Srnvessor tv S. Stacy,! PROPRIETOR. All Kinds of Fresh Meats Kept constantly 011 hand. Fail living priees is all that we ask We will make it to your interest to I deal with us. «0 give the new meat mar­ ket a trial £^*Fresh jK>rk on hand every day. Medford to Jacksonville Patronize the — ONLY WAGON -TH XT Connects with Every Train. I— RAIN or SHINE And carriei- the U. s. Mail- and Well« Fargo’« exprès». E WOKMAN. Medford l.iverv Stable-, Prop.