VALLEY RECORD THE IK KET A HK.HTKOUSJl 1MJE.MENT. Grand Where to commeiM« at a review oi the All«anv Daily Democrat, j. Some time ago E. J. Kai-er, editor of tbe democratic ticket nominated at tlie re­ AMMLAND On... .T hubsvxt . May L> 1*90 cent county convention is a puzzle. The Aehfand Rrj <, ki >, becoming tireii of what appeared to him a> «-vrrupt practice* in the ............... fg ostial manner was to «ouimence with court« oi the First District, proceeded to senator r.nerti4pa of re«gret. But the con- The editor of the Crescent City News J. II. cTEWART is a lawyer. He say*: vqptkm says sheriff. KAMI El. FI RRY Ret »mew t stives - Hon. H. K. Hanna of Jacksonvilto » C. MJN'Gl'H For this |Kj*itiou the candidate is Hon. I attorney for E. J. Kaiser, defendant ifi Sheriff_____ W.Ji PRICE W. K. Price, of Toto. Mr. Price is a the contempt proceedings instituted by Of Toto. farmer, an honest, conscientious demo- an irate Judge, lias fileil a brief in the a ^TM<»s i / imc . E NICHOLS Clerk Of Eagle Point. > crat and'» good citizen, ami has a genial Supreme Court of • Iregon that will let the WM M HOLM» liottom out of Judge Weteter’» proceed­ Ko on 1er Comity <'ouiixoioner BEN J HAYMOND opular with ing». It is well enough that it should. Rock Point. everybody that he has anything to do Koseliurg Review.] Of Jacksonville. with. He is a goo«l business- man and The contempt ease of the State vs. E. J. Aœaaor W. J. ROIMiERS ’ if elected, which it looks most likely he Kaiser was last week decided in favor of Of f»nis Valley. * ' * I C H. PRICE will l>e, tbe jieople will l>e assure«! that the defendant by the Oregon supreme court, Act»«;! Superintendent Of Neil Creek. Treasurer. GEO. R. BLOOMER | the duties of tbe sheriff’s office will be tbe tinding of the lower court l«eing reversed. attended to carefull?, and that nothing That so-called judge. Webster, will know Of Jacksonville. ------- AS WE 1H’Y AND SHIP < <>ror»er .E. B. PICKEL will be left undone to guard the interests more next.time. Of M«ilunl. Yreka Union. May 3.] Mirreyor .. G. ELK8NAT of tfie count). An Ashland telegram of May first, says: , of Meilfonl. • For county clerk Tho*. E. N iehols of THE The contempt of court case of Editor Eygle Point, is the candidate. Mr. Nich­ j Kaiser, of the V alley R ecoiio . who was j And Have Leas Rent, Etc., Etc., To Pay. ANOTHEIl YEAH. ols has held the position of assessor for sentenced to fifteen days tn jail an«i fine«l (60 by Judge Webster, for publishing last With this issue the V ii . i . ky B k < <>si> i-om- Jacksoii county, and retired after his December a severe criticism of the manage- nienceD the third year of its career. It second term with a record tn that capac­ : ment of the judiciary of this district, was may tie interesting Io its putrons and read- ity that was as neat and clean as has yet ‘ to-day hear«! ami reversed by the Supreme at Salem. em to know that the K mohp has pro»|>ere What They Say or Him month, atul at times taking u sort of spe­ could not be placed in safer hands. Portland Examiner. TO SELECT cial booni. The publisher feels from the For recorder, the nominee is Wm. M.. The interior Democratic pre.s ia writing •teadilv increasing strength of the Rrcoati’a Everything Imaginable in that Line Kept In Stock At business that an <>uts|M>ken, feuriess amt Holmes. He is a clever young man, and up D. P. Thompson in style as follows, and conscientious newspaper is appreciate! in if it was not for the fact that he is com­ the Republican press are as busily engaged this section. Thanking its friemls for their pelled to carry ajot of dead weight about: ndenying the truth of the assertions made. past favors, the Rscoan will keep along the county would stand a good chance of Here are two samples: • A.SHZLJL1TI5, OR.EG-O1T. with th« procession of progress and aim to “]>. P. Thompson, Republican candidate getting there. marit the conthlem-e bestowed upon it. The candidate for state senator is Chas. for governor, was connec ted with the in­ famous swamp-land surveys, and made Die three Democratic nominee« for Nickel). The people of this county know | oath that a certain piece of land owned by reprem-ntativea are »ucceiniful farmers hint. Do you want him ? John F. Miller, on which' a mountain was The camlidates for representative*— situated, was swamp Sand. After that Mr. mid in thorough harmony with the Messrs. Furry, Mingtts'and Stewart—are i Thompson ’went to banking.’ ’’ state ticket. 1 “In 1882, w hen .Judge Crandall wis as­ all successful farmers. Samuel Furry Tacoma the' Washington RepuLli« an lias repreaented this county in the legis­ sessor, 1). P. Thompson She Republican I stronghold gives a sweep! ig Deima ratic lature before and made an honorable re­ candidate for governor, owned the south victory. The party of the _ people rises half of tlie John Poole «ionation claim, in cord. Conrad Mingus, of Ashland, is a triumphant ami eternal aa truth. thoroughly honest man and there will be township 1 north, range 2 west, comprising •-------- Has opened rooms with a full line of Funeral Supplies—— 2^8 acres. Assessor Crandall assessed this Uol. Robert A. Miller’s camlitiacy for no crooked work attached to any legisla- land at $3060. The valuation was fair one, eongrcea is progreMing nicely. The 1 tion that he fathers. J. H. Stewart, the but D. P. Thompson kicked on it, cursed IN D. WILSON'S FURNITURE -TORE, on MAIN Street. |>reMM throughout the state report .good Medford orehartlist, is said to have been the assessor ami swore he would see that he JC^“Aiiy Calls for his services will be appreciated and promptly turn-outs to hear him andj’rof. Le Roy. , a member of the Illinois legislature, be- was not re-elected, and, moreover, that attended to. Prices Reasonable. • % ! fore coming to this county. Washington county would get no more In these times of (loiitical discussions For county commissioner, Ben. Hay­ tuxes out of him. Thompson soon after sold 1l>e land. preferring | to invest his . P. Thom peon’s old home, says: fore the campaign is over. W. J. Rodgers of Sam ’ s Valley, the “It is one of the standing joke« in Oregon city that when 1). P. Thompson resided ’ candidate for county assessor, is the ex­ Even Kansas kicks. The Kansas City here be moved beyond the city limits a few county commissioner of this county, an Star quotes ex-Governor Osborn as sav­ feet in older to escape the city taxes. Dave honest old line Democrat and a good cit- ing: “We have been rolling up Repub­ has always vied wjfli the dog salmon in j izen. lican majorities by pressing home on |a>pularity ’■ Prof. C. S. Price, of Ashland precinct, the farmers the old-time doctrine of for the otticc of school superintendent, is Horace Greelv, that protection would I build up factories al our doors and furnish Thia ia an “off year” in polities, and i eminently fitted for tbe |>osition, and will , a market for the sale of our . products. the man tliat does the scratching is the j lie elected by a handsome majority. : Unless something is done to show Kan­ one that will produce the result. Thia G. Elksnat, of Medford, for surveyor is sas people that protection, as practiced i means that Pennover, of the liemocrutic said to be competent, and Dr. E. B. Picket j by the Republican party, works out that i result, we shall have trouble. We can­ state ticket nt leant, will be elected. It ! means also in county nml district offices of same place, for coroner is 8|>okerty here is double «in value, and heavily republican, went democratic by a i or before the first Monday in July, 1890, the boom has come. The real estate big majority. The, duatnilian ballot thus only allowing the ethimerstors thir­ transfers to-day aggregate 140.000. l""9 ty «lavs ior their work. Populous dis­ •yntein ia death to the political parties Marshfield, Or., May 8.—George Hol­ who <*ontrol politics with their “boodle.” i comb arrived here to-dav and will plat tricts will have to be divided so that no more than four thousand, according to East Marshfield al once and commence The Corvallis Times, a strictly inde­ building wharves and a twenty thousand the last census, shall be in any district. ; The superintendent will fix the remuner­ pendent pHj«cr |>olitieu)ly, says althougli dollar hotel on the terminus of the Drain ation of enumerators at least one month A Coos Bay railroad, opposite Marshfield. the inass-i are apt to forget favors tuid before the commencemeut of enumera- j Coos Bay is developing into one of the their friemls ami are too often swayed by livliest points in Southern Oregon, and tion. The law fixes compensation in the influence of th«' politicians aud the there w ill soon lie built a city that will i populous districts at two cents per name, ! fifteen cents for each farm, two cents for Who carries the largest stock in Southern Oregon of Select money power, Gov. I’ennoyer should be equal Portland in size and prosjieritv. i deaths, twenty cents for each establish- re-elected. “We believe Sylvester Pen- ’ ment of industry, and five cents for each | Goverurtt J’ennover spoke at Silverton surviving soldier, sailor or marine, or norer is the |»eople's friend. He lias . last Thursday afternoon and made a governed in their interest «luring the I splendid impression on his audience. ; the widow of a soldier, sailor or marine. i«ast four years and we lielieve is entitled Foqr old-time republicans came out boltl- In certain districts where the taking of the censue is more difficult, the superin­ ; ly for him. A striking contrast this, be­ tendent can fix the compensation at not to tlieir consideration now.” tween the methods nursued by the gov- less than a day or more than $6. < hir school system is one of the corner­ ' ernor and those of Mr. Thorpf“Son, One There is no compensation for mileage or ’ goes before the people like a mail, witji stones of good government and officers runway expenses of enumerators. his record of four years of faithful service,, ought to be elected inw|»ective of polit­ and gives hon«?st, logical reasons w hy thé Turned» al Akron, Ohio ical preferences. The schools of scqgntv people should supi«ort him. Mr. Thotup- Cleveland, Ohio, Msv IQ--The lead­ are tinder special charge of a su|«erinteii- so’i makes no public speeches, ’but sits er’s . I kron ((>.) s|>ecin): At 3:80 TtiC dent, wlto ought to l«e acquainted with back, relyiflg on a party majority and evening, in the midst of a most terrible Green and ûried Fruits, Gonfççtjonary. Stationary and a fine the work nml qualified for the position, if the fact that with his enormous wealth clou«! burst, this city was struck by the I and backed by the banking interest he we expect to keep the system up to its can get the office. If narrow party prej­ , worst tornado ever known hereabouts. line of Crockeryware. Thewtorm struck the south part of the high educational standard. Prof. C. S. udice could be torn sway, Pennoyer . city, doing damage which cannot lx* esti­ Price, the democratic nominee, is com­ would be elected by the biggest majority mated at this writing, but fully 100 build­ petent and able to fill its duties accepta­ ever cast in this state.—Appeal. ings .are completely demolished, and New Goods Constantly Arriving. Tlie Best Quality of C<< only Kept. bly. A vote for him is a vote for a good Since the murder at Willow Ranch, I hundreds more badly damaged. A large i the friends of Win. Dahlke, who worked j number of persons are injured. administration. l’assing «long Broiyi,Kline and Wheel­ ! for J. V. Sapper last summer, are won­ Republican Ticket. • • The partisan who undertakes to work dering what became of him. He left er streets, twelve or mqre houses are Congressman BINGER HERMANN : more or less damaged, some being moved i here last fall to go to Warner, but has on the prejudices of the people lnav be never l>een heanl from since.- He left from their foundations, and others com­ (Of Douglas.) .......... D. P-THOMPSON safely set down as a triskster and under his tools, clothing, and some wages due pletely w recked. The wind struck Geb­ Goygrnof DRUGGISTS. (Df if).ltnOm.;h.l no cireumstaiiccs can you trust him. him, and said he would either return for hart Herman’s house as the family, con­ Secretary of State .! G. W. M-'BRJDJi, (Of Columbia.) The reliable man, in whatever calling or the articles, or send ior them soon. He sisting of nine persons, had just sat dow n School Books. Stationery 9 to supper, and the house was badly datu- PHIL. MKTCIIAN l«o«ition, always looks for a cause of ac­ wore a tight suit of clothes when he left I aged. All occupants were more or less State Treasurer (Of Grant.) Jaikeview, and this same Charles Wash­ tion which is right ami results equitably burn, of Willow Ranch, was seen last bruised. The hurricane then struck the Supreme Judge..................... IL S. BEAN Clocks, Watches, and (Of Lane.)* in every • relation i of men toward each fall, wearing a very similar suit. No per­ Burkhardt brewery squarely, wrecking State Sui>erintennent of Public In it. Q. C. Baker ’ » grocery was torn to other, or to the public. The partisan son in Warner has seen Dahlke, and his strut lion .E. B. M’ELROY pieces. The bilker is missing, ami it is Jewelry. (Of Marion.) l»ubl>l>?r who continues to talk of things disappearance is uu.ciyjnuted for.—Lake­ feared he is dead in the ruins. view Examiner, State Printer ........................... F. C. BAKER in which the people feel no interest and .Main Street Corner, Ashland, Or. (Of Multnomah.) While Speaker Heed is in favor- of ex­ avoid actual, living iaaues, will hereafter District Attorney ....... C. P>. WATSON pediting the work of congress as much Prescriptions racefuHy put up bv com­ fimi little encouragement among men as possible and adjourning by the 1st of County Ticket petent hands wlio are ca|mble of thinking, and tlio*e June, there are a number of senators who Senator Theo. Cameron who honestly seek tbe general welfare. believe the republicans should*make the J. M. Mi l ,j.« most of their opportunity and enact into ..j. w! M erritt ' —I Salem State Democrat. Representatives. ; I laws al! the ptoj osed measures to which G eo . B rowx • they have given their indorsement. Sen- Slierilf J A». G. B iri . sey THOMHOX OWNS UP. If you wake up in the ' ator Hoar, w ho has made a survey of tlie Clerk .......... M ax M cller morning with a bitter or At a meeting in Portland last Thurs­ situation, believes that congress will ever M. A lford Bar of (he IlamÍMwd Krsi¿t¡ir.< A ¡a Ihr Slair Recorder. retuaiu in session till the end of August ,bad taste in your mouth, day, tlie Oregonian re)«orte Thompson to W m . B at County Commissioner . for Oak or lÄrhangc for Farm Prçprrh. or beginning of Kopteiubgr. have said: Languor, Dull Headache, Treasurer. .:.......... J ames C roxemiller “The Democratic party of Oregon Astoria knows how to do a good thing Assessor S horty H amilton Despondency, Constipa­ aeetns to liave adopted a new watch word. for itself right promptly. The people there I will sell on long time or exchange for School Superintendent C. B. F itzgerald tion, take Simmons Liwer You bear them talk about it iu their raise«! a bonus of $2t«UK)O in twenty-four Surveyor ....... P eter A itleoate . farm, my resilience in .faillant! with a stab« convention, smaU knots of politici­ hours to secure the railniad pronii e-l by Regulator. It correct^ Coroner D r . J ß. P arsox frontage of 160 feet on Main st., aud 150 ans «liscuss it on the streets. It is the Huntington. on .Hida Ave. The grounds are nicely the bilious stomach, simple question— water. All know what The wars of the future, if there shall be Jain out with choice fruit and shrublrery, sweetens the breath and CliincM* f'aniiix Hohl ^liuiiiK Land. artificial stone walk, good stable and out it means, and as I had something to ublieaii ticket, /’rof LeRoy can dis­ Court for its immediate eolleetiou. All the breath, de-troys bacteria of the have-left (Jueet stown on tlie steamer ior punties count l*ro(. McElroy oil tliat line;Capt. persons who are on -ai«l list will please call wiihoqt injurv, no matter mouth. Sold by T. K. Eolt« n. at mv office ¡n Jacksonville ami settle with ­ New York, .">2 days ou the trip. Train O’Brien lays in the siiade all the rest on out further delay as I will be roiupelled t<> what the oontfitipq of tho Sleepless nights, made miserable by that expects to make the full in 62 «lays, the repnHican ticket, while we have one levy upon the pro|>ertv of the said delin­ terrible «xtugli. Shiloh’s Cure i- «he remedy system may l>e. It «a* heating Nc’ly J'.lv ten «lavs. of the noblest Romans ol all left in the quents, in order to enforce payment of said for you. Kept on hand at T K Bolt-n s. do no harm if it'does no ,«en>oii of Hon W. M. Townsend. There ta.'. if not paid soon. A prompt compli­ l-eluy- are dangerous -I'^ke 8ii imo«is Ijigh«.-t price for marketable prixlucts of ia no atse for tlieaw- fellows to bank any ance with the law will save further costs. l iver Regulator in time ford»sjiwjr-ia, go«««I, but its imputation evers-di-rcrit-tion t>ai«i l«v P. 11. Donoghue. J as . ti. B irds ?:», biliousness and all diseases of the liver. Ioniser ou .khat capita). The democrats for 40 years proves it have euougli of the same sort to give >htriff and Tax Collector of Jackson coun­ Ven's working pants fnmi up. at A big supply of < uting « loth at llun! k ty. Oregon. i never tads in Join” good. er’s itheni odd*.- Poriian-I World-. Blount's. Jacksonville. April IA, ls4X'. FOURTH OF JULY Cel e bi‘at i on At H. S. EtëERY NEW GOODS! Staple and Fancy Dry Goods lUtxacl ISO y ss O¡otlxi ng. Funeral Director Hats, Caps, etc. ÆZEÔE Ashland And will be sold at our well known LOW PRICES. Arrangements are being made FOR A BIG TD-A-ÏI- j Y .AZE-tTUI’V'IZtNTG- B R oots ® S R mses ) BLOW Full Assortment always Im tn hand, direct from the East, and at Prices that Defy Competition. Program later on J F u mit urei ^-7farbW\0WL Çoi/G// tfjLLçb IN TRAIN LOAD LOTS " EAST Er^\L (oiiç.riS^P We Can Give You Lower Prices than Portland or San Francisco This Remedy • Is ft plrasant, safe, and sure cure for coughs, colds, and nil throat and lung affections. MA NV FACT!’RED BY w I. D. HOLDEN, Stockton, Cat. Sold all bv druggists. call‘.special attention to f. M, HENDERSON & C’O.’s (Chicag oj It School House Shoes, aud CHURCH, BROWN erty of said es-ta'.e, to v«it: The south­ west quarter of the southeast «¡natter of section three (3), and the northwest quarter of northeast quarter, ami the cast half of northwest ..-tii«n ten (!atur