VALLEY RECORD. VALLEY RECORD. » VALLEY RECORD 1 1 rilKMKD BKICKÜ. See the chailie« at iiunaaker'». 12 yd.» for $1-going like hot <-»ke- The vned overall« $1. i » i | mw pair at Blount's. Published every Thursday by the VALLEY RECORD PUBLISHING CO E. J. KAISER, Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: > One year ............... . $2 50 Six months....................... 1 SO Three months ................................... 7$ Advertising rules given ou application. Ixtcal notices 15c ;>er tine for first inser­ tion and sc for eiu-h subsequent insertion. Obituaiv lines, memorial 'resolutions, cards of thank-, etc., at half rates. « VOL. III. The Mdwaukee lli-ralil, a Gi:n uicnt ol a Ilepublican Who claimed : “Providence raises up men to The Walla Wall Journal was sue»! for I Buy a White from Jark«on A Moaden. * •uit her need», ami in him raised a man Spoke a Truthful Word for him Will practice in all the < ourts of the State. 1 $2 8) ) damage« for libel. The plaintiff ob­ Business in the U. S. Land Office will re On the first of May Ex-l’resident precisely fitted to task. All his life tained» verdict for $->0. The last issue YVashington, May 7. — -The action of reive prompt attention. Office first door Cleveland waa admitted to practice in long thia man touched tlie people, As a of the Journal contained these heartfelt —DEALERS IX- north of Bank of Ashland. Ashland. Or. President Harrison in recalling the nom­ tire Supreme Court of tire United States. boy he reached the boy». As aue grew I>aragrap)>s: ination of FL G. YVaite as register of the New lot of stylish «hoes just opened at upon him hi» home and hie life were the As soon as tbs jury returned and we San Francisco land office has aroused the center of hie State and of the republic, I noticed the faces of some of the jurors GREENHOUSES! Blount’s. most intense indignation among Cali­ .flway» and ever he looked to and liaten- Tlw sign by whicb radical politicians ed for the concern of the people. He has (looked red, ns though they bad done fornians. and i( is just now beginning to 4 are known in Eurofie m the soft felt hat. J Iw-e^i called a demagogue. but if he wan a something for whiHi they felt just a little lie beard. G ekaxii ms , Roam, F khxivh , U axhiks VLUIUH) Axuifuiuj luiuuiumiu HUlUl ATTORNEY' * COl'NsKMtK AT LAW It is felt to be inconsistent with conserv- j demagogue then the human race is Iietter bit ashamed, we said to our coikuaue in Mr. Harrison acted without consulting \ kbkkxas , P etcnias , and a good vanetv of 1 trouble; "Our. name ia Dennis. ” In ­ A shland . IlHMHtN. at lam. for the existence of all demagogues. This deed we Lad an inkling right from the the republicans of tlie delegation, ami in A xhi - ai , and I’ krexniu . plant.-, for out­ fact took the step, in defiance of their door liedding and edging, ready May lstr map never saw a battalion in the field. Picture frames mased him. idea» of a prairie. Vte^fOrders from abroad promptly filled. i PHYSICIAN ' m * SURGEON. He believed that all men are politically His exposition to tlie appointment, as [3-6] r. i urinxni. FRONT STRENT- The White is king. Buy a White sewing equal. He lielieved in letting every man be otfende«! if the latter retaliates, in self- (N ixe Yvvas is HosriTAt Patent g.) defense, at least, and shoots off his . already detailed in these dispatches, was machine fr< m Ja>-k»on A Howden of Grants rear his palace through his own genius Pass. All kinds of sewing machine« repair- I ami hi» <>wn opportunity ami not through weafion, which is his pen. the result of an article written by YVaite, Office ill Brick Block on Oak street, Sc- YYe love to sav pleasant things of which ap|>eared in the Overland Month­ ed by J. W. Sow den • i ond door from Main Street. tax on his fellow men. I do not worship every man, but once in a while, for truth’s ly, wherein the author express««! the It is stated on reliable authority thaj him, but I know that his thoughts will­ sake, you have to touch up matters ' Ata i . axu witbin ten day» the U. P will be able to make congiess and creeds unite the na­ which a re unpleasant. Every rope» its opinion that the late David S. Terry was furnish Wyoming coal to | ii as we found out how matters Field hawked this article about among JAMES B BECK ATTGR N e Y-A N1 >-^01’NRELOR-AT- K. M. Miller'» stood, we started off for our office. Here : the delegation, and went so far as to de­ The < ar|>et-makera of Philadelphia s Theconntry has long beep accustomed Mr. Brents noticed our hasty movement. - mand of Senator Stanford that he refuse LJL’W,' |>r»4X. from California. Stanford refused to re­ alto pities them? They gave Mr. Quay Henator. He was of German origin, Lorn HA'i.'mO to buy votes in Iddfi. in Scotland, reared and educated in thia now.” It hurts us a little to Iw thus cognise Field’s right to interfere with the YY'ill practice in all the <-«urt» of the tantalized by a man for whom, ¡it one Have you seen those fine blanket» at th« , country. He was tall and «tout and i time, we jrent through thick and thin, selection of YVaite, and lolil him so in ¡is State. Office with YV. 11. Barker, opposite many words. square in hue ami form, big boned and A»hl»iieon a» the and burr which gave an indescribable < fellow’s feelings on such an occasion. It j previous action aud recall Waite’s nom­ ASHLAND. candidate of a corrupt and venal ring. OREGON ination. MECHANICAL AND OPERATIVE zest to hie conversation. His public ca­ isn't right. The news fell like a bombshell in the lattest style» in men’» uoblry hat» ju»t re­ reer began in the House, where his mer- j Totbose who so cheerfully came forward, DENTIST. ceived at Blount’». its were mo appreciated by hie State that ! | ready to subscribe the amount reauired midst of the California republicans, testi- Nitrous Oxide Gas administered tor the on our part as the people’s verdict iu the as it did, that Field had more in­ painless extraction of teeth. Mr, Clarkson com plain» I hat the people he was transferred to the Senate to the ■ case, we fee) truly grateful, but must de­ fving, fluence at the White House than all the will not read Republican new»pa|>erH. •ucceaeion to C’jay, Crittenden ;Hid the: cline tlie generous offer. Thank God, < »fficc over the Bank. Why not have Mr. Keed make a rule long line of distinguished men who have 1 . we are able to meet all such adversities republican representatives combined. J -Ft lowest prices. Also any s|wcial sizes cut. Cedar also furnished. Bills It was a totally unexpected slap in the borne the commission of Kentucky in I that tiiey »hall not read anything else?' figurisi on and cut to order 011 short notice. like a man, and we'll do it, although uo1 which every meniber of the delega­ J T. BOWDITCH. What is the use of lieing a Cxar, any­ that clianiber. His genius was for the without a murmur, because we firmly face, tion felt, but it was done so quickly that concrete. He wss not a theorist, and ' way? ATTORNEY AT LAW. abstractions bad but little attractions lor 1 believe that we'have been wronged. A none were aware of the het ion taken for Men's working shoes for $1..1U per pair at him. This made him one of the hard lawyer has rights at the bar, a judge on I several days. ▲ shi . ami , ................................O regon At Ashland JAMES NOKRIS Msttnt’a. Senator Stanford,when seen vesterdav, workers in the Senate. He did not rely i the liench and a physician at the sick Will practice in all courts of the state. | bed. but where now is ail editor ’ s right, smtl : . The Philadelphia Telegraph, Rep., upon a showy appearance on the floor, I Collections promptly made. ■ The president acted without even I ■ays; "Republicans in and out of cong- bat U|>on hard work in the committee- ■ guaranteed by the constitution ot the J. E. SMITH. rese should understand that the McKin-1 room. He had the faculty of foreseeing United States’. Gentlemen, you muzzle consulting the delegation, Yte had al- A. A. iiaskor . lev bill is not only an injury to the i the practical effect of legislation, and un- tfa; pressandyou muzzle your best friend. beady refused to recall Mr. YVaite, be­ Foolsand knaves fall out with editors; GEO. W. COOPER, lieving he was the bett man that could derstood, with a clearness rarely given to country, it is a menace to the Republican ' - OREGON. men, the natural and necessary limita­ 1 s.iid Horace (ireejey, and the old man be selectetl for the place. He is an hon­ ASHLAND - party/’ of "an Act entitled an Act.” Thite . was right. Goad, qpright and huneat orable gentleman juk I |ierfectly capable W»ter-proof building )>ai>er. wrapping pa- tions lias just received tlie biggest and liest led fiim to oppose all paternal legislation. men seldom, if ever, have trouble with of filling the office. In view of the presi­ |>er »hi| twine at'Evan» A Bntnk’4. dent’s action, however, all we can «Jo is stock of goods ever brought to Ashland. I|e was a hearjy and bitter opponent of j journal». Wishes to notify the public that lie Is A fine stock of inqiorted goods. I also car­ If the press of our countrv is robbed of to nominate another man, whicb we Kate Eir-jd declare» that qlie weaf» tup Blair educational bil|, and of all pater- prepared to TAKE CONTRACTS for ry all classes of goods, hence you cannot French •!><*». butrs and gown» liecapse na] in|tirfpreni*! with the individual con­ its perogatives, and every blackguard can i shall at Un early day.” DWELLINGS, BARNS, BRIDGES, Ac.. fail to be-suited. Call »nd examine the I fliey grp iq<>r|t« pl grt- Kate! anywhere in the country between Red Bldfl cern» of t|(e States and the people. sue for damages for injure»! feelings,? Congressman Ik* Haven seemed quite stock for yourself. Nothing but first-class heaven only knows where the thing will ’ iudignant to-«lay when spoken to about and Tortland. Having a large crew of WP *|wgyq thouuiil yt»b were H Work of Though educated in the jearnod profes-1 work, a gosi lit and satisfaction guaranteed. good men witlime all the time, 1 can put GOLD HILL. - - OliEGON. • nature, aion aHhe law and with a classical edu­ ' end ami what the country will eventually : the pre8ideiit’s'< ate. to M eta. per yard cation a» its background, lie never‘be­ come to. Editor» are-called upon to ven­ notice. » F. E. ZOELLYER. trayed the [tedant. He loved the odor tilate every public wrong. If it don’t oltroon drawn. The president acted without Eureka. Cal., just at thia time ia some­ of Oxo. W. COOPER, and hnrse thief, Ixiughtwith British gold, consulting the delegation, and, I under­ lover of rural life and the rural indus- : what excited over a railroad from some tries. These be more nearly realized and his paper is termed a dish rag. If, stand, at the request of Justice Field. To the Farmers of Jackson Co. • Yreka Cal. I indefinite point on the Oregon and Cali- than auy other human interest. If he on the other hand, he tries to expose You may say that I am deeply pained at ornia line, somewhere in the vicinity of The qqder^ijpied huve ojiened a K8TKAY ANIMALO. let hia fancy plav lightly at all, it , fraud, tiiat very exposition ‘‘per se,” as the president’s action.” Redding’ t ever Other republican representatives.when fr was when he talked of farms, of seedtime : our judge solemnly expresses it, is libel­ Taken up at inv place 2% miles north of Dried nci-tarine», a fine article in the fruit anti harvest, of browsing cattle and well- I ous, and the editor is singed. O, we seen, were very much uettieff nq«l de­ M Ashland, Dec. 2U, 1 ks !I, one brindle steerj line, atE. M. Miller’» grocery. mcitled horses. This strong tendency ol have learned lots during this trial, a clined to speak op the subject. Waite white spotted, about tlirea years bjd: swal­ low fork in right ear and upper bit in left. The assr-saed valuation of Tipton his tastes led him to make such a study , lesson w hich causes us to warn all good had the strongest possible indorsement, For information regarding prices on town lots, improved city men to keep out of lawsuits, for there is in Taken up Dec. 7, Isait. one jet black mare and repqhlieang and «leinocrata alike re- of the rural resources of thy whole conn-1 county, Indiana, is $2,900,000. The property or lands, address as above, enclosing stamp. Will wiibout white spots; brand on left hip in­ CENTRAL POINT. mortgages upon its farms amount to $2. try as made him probably the best-|>osted no justice in it. The petit jfiry sy^teui is giei that he has been withdrawn. . visible; a>K>ut four vears old. Representative He Haven authorizes i RW7 DUO. "'Protection filla the dinner Senator upon the soil, climate ahd crops a iarci* in our qpjhian,, ifitd the whole And will keep constantly on hand a full convey inquirers to their property and give them all the infor­ W. (,’. Bl’TLER. pjUig is a delusion and a snare. the statement that he will under uo cir- ; ot evbrv aeefion pf the flnion. He [ic- am| a “ISntne martlet ’is its perfect Ashland, Or., Feb. ISt lMXi. of Hardware, Stoves and tin­ mation concerning the countrv. free of charge A Friday’s dispatch to The Oregonian cumstances accept a renoiuination for; assortment i lieved ihaf fa Vfaft there would be profit- Wofk. *.'••• i K - - ware. 1 able production suited to the from th s city, in speking of the damage congress at the hand» of his party. •'* ’ <4nditiont! -*■**- • of alt of - crops .. « country, 4>> extensive assortment of bely's »nd I physical the and suit, says: "There is little doubt that THE POWER OF THE PRESS. gentlemen'» shoe« and i>oots, direct fmtu that when one man who, under unntvor- the verdict wi|l he fur defendant».” We Will Not be Undersold ppatep. McCall’*. t ' ' Jem Journal, Republican.| -c.? ” ■n Usale ■N“ canditioti», persisted in raising That's what it t;hoqlerience,and The person who sent us a communica­ nation frftm ifeiurning nito the hands of M. Genrin in-June, 1888, was 7,407. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB. ON THE FIRST FLOOR. legislation cannot take the place of that : tion thiB morning under a nosi de p’.uprie, the democratic party the republicans And in fact EVERYTHING . Harriaon'a majority over Cleveland in 1 element in human affairs. It will lie olr i apprising us of an alleged fact, that ’ tlie must strengthen the press. Heretofore I L ured Meats Constantly on Hand. NEEDED m this fitte (of The St. Louis Medical and Surgical Nov. 1888, waa (>,779. Terms, Cash. Pass-lmuk accounts pay­ 1 bix’y of « >imn was YiUried in a yard with- a party newspaper worker has countetl I I served that in describing this Senator Dispeusary has been in business long­ able Monthly. That harking cough can 1« so quickly he was in life r.c lute dcsi riRtii a tvpi-1 I in the city, is respectfully declined un­ for no more than a common ward worker I er Ilian any other Private Dispensary cured by Sfiiloh s Cure. We guarantee it. ■ cal lh»mi>ct>t,. if Miever in the people, in less the writer gives his name in full and and when the party has 1110 hOltora to1 in this State, and say w ithout fear of il r . ' a bond for at least $5000, to guai*d us .iff h lloltnfi, ;• SI dole out it haj gppnrajjy given Die spoils ; individual, llbertv, in the limitations of ccutiadiction, that they treat more Highest Market Price Paid for COUNTRY against harm. to. the latter. This bad been the rule Ex^HpcakcF Carlisle has de»-|ared his j government and the checks and balatiees cases than anv other Dispensary in the PRODUCE of Every Description. Several items of. news have Vpqp jaid everywhere, but it has obtained quite candidlu y for the scat made vacant bj* ef tlieÇbusfitutioh. Ita the timeappoint-; ■ over Northwest, ihe reason they have been I ' until they ct>q examined bv opr UKAl.CKn IS generally. Brain-work has been largely I ed lie reached the end of his course: He ■ |he death of Senator Bw k In foiupany Headquarters— Opposite Post-office, in here a long time and do such a large lawye». vo gee that they contain no liliel i at a discount in hi h old parties and the ! ■ fell as ls8 ‘ oines a strong man near ’ a hi« 1 nitli friends be went to Frankfort Friday practice, is because everv doctor con ­ Pioneer Block. n21 PAINTS. OI1R, PAINTERS TOOLS, • "per *e.” If correct they will appear Iiojitieal sluggtii w Im has Lieen able to (o present fil» ciâima fo the legislature I duty.'am|, like a hattioj, ieifrto ]ds epun- ■ to-morrop. nected with the St. Louis Dispensary, WALL PAl’ElfaGLASS, ETC., bribe or intimidate the most voters has ■ tif «pi exiiluple 6r uprightness and hon- ' is a graduate of Medicine and Surgery', and jike u Christian father, to his 1 ■ One hundred and five dollars lias been been considered the most important and had years of experience and they Building Papers. Wrapping Papera ¿qi'ito ««n np. und Twine«. I v-rdict in the libel suit if we will appea In many localities greater results are ! of wisdom and kindness all his d.ivs toi agree to, hence .their patient* when pointed agents for the Mitchell Lewis Co.—’ - - » - 1 the household in which he was tlie guide | to the supreme court. Thanks, gentle- thought to be effected through money, , tiented there, alway» »peak a good All kinds of . Did Imqiector Byrnes render morality ■ mid friend. Kentucky honored him ls>- 1 men, hilt law is not our forte. It disturb» well-placed in the hands efstr'^er,, than The undersigned ha« taken up and is ' word fci th® «Id St. Louis Dispensary. and virtn« any service bv his renewal of ' cause he honored her. His place in the 1 our mind, seriously interferes with our in the production oj wetl-u.i-ihe‘n political feeding the follow’ing-6 breachy. The owner will please come ing quacks in the city, just call around, 50 cents on a dollar, than gp to court. ance on ideas rather t’tan ihe b.rute forces and get animal and pay charges, ,1.« ; .incur ut evc<>' month st.J o’clock at ; profit study hie ways and be wise. a Irienilly talk will cost you nothing, Aukland. Oregon. And now, with these few lines, we in DOjitie^. General Clarkson lias no tecCaU's Haff. ....................... tv AUSTIN' YV. BISH, and if vou can lie cured, they will tell I Ashland, Or,, Jan. 1,1800. drop the subject, pay ovr finp ¡¡ml pi^- dodbt, sounded the key-note of a reform j------ ----- --------------- vou so frankly. They successfully Auatna ?:;i >ys the blessing of protec­ The American girl who created consid­ . .! that would strike at a deep-seated evil, treat all cases ot tion, and a Vienna dispatch of AprijdG éra file notoriety by marrying an intel|i- i misajj from ojjr uijnii which is threatening a republican form «f imr imjton Wij'f: 1‘Tferr Furtb of the Çliampet oj ' gen| flhjnip.piin {a TlipMi kintej Tariff. of government and in reality endanger­ Ikiiuùicroëj haJpql>|hhu*l‘8 rc»W>rt"dee|ar- ■ lA*. wrote au article in reply to Senator Wa-htigton, May 8.—After the reading of ing self-government by the people. Ideas I Ing that Vienna trade I» on tlie verge of Mitchell's Chinese exclusion ideas,which ruin, as a reoult of protection. The re­ 1 received a favorable mention iu the Ore- the journal the house went into committee must count for more than brute force L1NKVILLE. OREGON. the whole on the tariff bill. among a naticn of intelligent people, ! port ia corroborated by experts.” j gonian : Mrs. Yau f'hou Lee, tlie young of Dockery, Troubles. Weak Back, Burning Urine, of Missouri, raid that in the ami the democratic patv ’ s newspaper Frequency of Urinating, I vine High Do not wa«te ygur tune on doctors when • New Haven girl who, in 1887, married Ift't campaign tlie republican party had proganda is a very significant step in the CONTRACTORS. BUILDERS & Will be open May 1st, Colored or mixed with Milky Sediment your liver is diseased but take Simmons Yan I’liou Lee, shortly after his gradua­ claimed that the farmers would be Ix neutul annals of that party tiiat can oniv be tion from Yale, has tiled a patition for by protection; yet after republican victory Liver Regulator. when left standing. For the accommodation of a limited nuin- alleging adultery. Yan I’liou the depression in agriculture was greater met in the same spirit by the republican ber of guest». MANUFACTURERS. Minister Phelps has just scored the first divorce, party Geneftil V»aikk0 Take a clear bottle at bedtime and .................... “ day... spending five v< râ t|t Sprihg^eld, temporary SonlLtidp J tai ««mntr.v that ment to arrest public attention and show styles of Window and Door Frames. Mold­ 1 00 “ per day........................ very v|ejbwte negotjafions lis lui» sue haff tti'lie ue'alt with. Farm prices had not the republicans what iB going on. urinate in the bottle, set aside and look < |iq P-’T m A i Y tof College In üeW recovered since the panieof 1872. The con- ■ ing and Brackets of all styles. Boats built 50 Single meals................. ....... fî^ded Li geUnig i^ninsslou for iteffklu ’ Jlil.jg at it iu the morning; if it is cloudy or Haven, .liter graduating Lee had done to order. The whole or one half ottered Suburban lots. Bill to hike his “Wi|d West Show" into ' considérable literary work, and started »taut tendency in the YVest has been down­ a cloudv settling in it, you have some Camping privileges will be 50U» per week for sale. 11 ward since that time. He then continued: the German Kpipire? Thi$ is aup|>urage (he American hoff. NERVOUS DEBILITY, or- in|New Y’ork city. Mrs. Ia>e was former- r:c.«e tlie price of any agricnlturi|l product, I Land Co.’s Highland addition lots is en­ ganic weakness, lack of ambition, de- P With » record like Siiniqon« Liver Reg- ■ ly Mie» Ejizabeth Maud Jerome. daugli|- unless it sir uld be »;een that ¡f w a«orodght tirely tree from riskf and wiil pay big fective memoir, loss of vigor or vital­ iftator nope shop Id l>f »fraid to pse it tor er pi BIr$. E Gijbert .|erouip of (jilbert into eoi noietitioii with a - • foreign article, i interest. This favorite addition is being Instead I of having _ . _ couq>etitioji ___ _________ to meet on ; rapidly built up, and is destined to be yigir liye» ity, the results of errors and excesses, avenue, i.ur own soil, American farmers exported most )>opular residence locality in positively cured by nevv methods. A vtiuikg widow named Mrs. Thorp, , .jecordfag to the Han Francisco >lire» t- their own produce to supidy the agricul­ the Cm-fK-utcr and tiuihler Salem. The stieet ears run past its door». Blood and Skin diseases of East Side of Main Street. Asm. ani ». married an eacitable fellow named Ge*>. . orv Yan i’liou Lee is a bookkeeper in the tural deficiency of European countries. every description, name and nature A sh land Morse inquired whether the farmers did R. Hubby at the point of the pistol at l’i«< ific Bank, and lives at 615 Stockton O kf . uox Settle Up. not have to compete with the farmers of promptly relieved, and every particle Fernandina^ Florida. She auid ahe pre­ street. Canada. All those havhig unsettled accounts with of Poison expelled from the system. ferred marruigc to the death he threat- Dockery replied that the question revealed the undersigned, will please call immediate­ Ntilllvan aa a Lette»- Writer. rued, but ahe 1» now trying to -have the Unnatural Discharges speed­ another injustice of the tariff system. YVes- ly and settle the same, either bv cash or Repairing nil! factice ¡’rompi Ixiixls diai»>lveoratory of Chamberlain oor men can’t keep them ing to !>e mud and soft mud at that. I don’t i to the farmer of the west and taxed the wnose YVe will make it to your interest to whose me life aim b;». -> -• - ■ -- j aa urguse ut in I very severe attack of croup. Mr. Dalton 1« | plant in Medford, Oregon, for sale at a Ipw Dockery then submitted ket a trial. If vou are needing aaa thing in the mar chin nrisie till vou can’t rest. Say he tin t fjpror pf free wool amt a redUDuoir of the that it saved the boy’s life and is ■ price and on easy terms, if applied for at The doctor guarantees to cure any. p,S pua do gut fail tp SW ne’v 4*111 lq hij‘ <•!«»». hn it, I weiit to > ,itutyon inatiufaoik on hand everv een good and drunk for i ■ dcred the farmers of tfie West bv un.wrup — Patronize the------ They know how to cure rheumrtjsin in curqd iu a short time. Old Sores, Ulcers, Cancers and Skin diseases curel* ing that its city contemporaries, the a wee«. Give my love to all. ’specially | ulou« exaction«. He further said: ---- to ------ Pennsylvania. J. F 'Je^g^an. a I ’ ittsburgh Journal, Press, lieraid and World, were boys of Cal. club. Tell them 1 won't fi ol 1 If the farmer was to 1« relieved, if tlie in the lutbit of stealing its exclusive news them John L. i« him-elf again and n«> mortgage was io lie taken off his farm, tfie ciggr duller a\. oke une morning with an' without giving credit. The Star adopted extra fat on hi« bones. Mr. Dana ot' the, government must sffetdity reverse Its policy I attack d rheumatDin in hi« right arm. #ud all kinds of growths removed from any part of the boade. ' ll the' govern- Working around the store during tlie ence how long standing, or liow large they may be. There is < oniicctcd with (tueYit W6fiid dn-’tiavkle our genius, nn- forenoon made it worse. Vor.r s n speetfMly. By noon the tfteRa bv iptaxting estcb Words, which Ctevclmnl ------THAT-- the St. Louis Medical Dispensary, tlie best Surgical Skill <••• the I’aFifl«- C imi M. liampyr rtur enterprise, unfetter our re­ pain was so severe that he could nat W^e , a «' ‘ * John F>. Sullivan. I WerCtMl trill»,-'w iong’initifil», Me.?’hud Hence we are Prepared to undertake any case requiring either the Scalpel, ■ I'. S.—Don.t yer believe everything you source», we would «non outstrip England his hand to his head and bad t'J carry hi.» |lie txiper»accused went on stfsliug catch hear. Jo« McAuliffe‘s a god man, bill I Electricity or Medicine. in a sling- Gne of his cu»tomerx. on Connects with Every Train l‘ut old newspapers under your carpet i^rm Words stiff al’. Then the Star Explained prefer to knock JtSDKtO vrorth of conceit out ■Teariiing the fart went across the street to The doctors agree to cure any case of Neuralgia, Sick Headache and ami the modi» will not eat the e^ruet Gift ît» jittle sc-heme and gave instances, but of the hide of the Australian beauty.” E.' E. Heck’s drug «tore, and at his own ex­ Rheumatism. All diseases of Women suc^essfullv treated. We guarantee paper» for »¡de by Bu,- kh^ter ,k ll^stv tlie stealing went on Finally as a Warn­ pense procured a bottle of Chamberlain’« to cure any Cough, Lung Trouble, or Throat D;-c.ise curable. Discharge Shiloh ’s Cure w»îl ing,iit placed at the bead of its exclusive ,. iiûtttedùu .......... —„-y r-iwvc 1 f‘^oioi,g your life—anti vender it enjoy­ l’ain balm and per»uaded the cigar dealer from Ears cured in a short time. Our Electrical Treatment, for ■ugh - Mud — bnlthilis For able by u-ing Y\’right'.« Iyon Tonic Bitreis. to tyv it. It ea«e>t the pain and reduced the !ic*s the wonib in fiwiiiw, :;th'tb e^etps- u Bourbon, , L>ors are confirmed kleptoaianiac». YVright's 1 dmpognd Xyrup ut Sarsapa ­ ! the many severe cases of rheumatism tha Ind., says: "Both myself and wife owe rilla will cleanse and enrich the hlood and have lieen cured bv this valuable remedy Have vop boils, pimples, erysipela-. rough otir lives t»> Shiloh's « -unstinition Cure.” enable vour system to resist disease. Break For .«ale by Chitwood Bros. As the new medical law went into effect Avgrit 29th, quite a number oi s^k by T- K- lioitoq. - i U h ’- oldtanasoa yo«r vcqi ati/ up a vitiated condition ot the blood by u.«- xiTinFirffiei ni m mi:EH. concerns who were advertising iu this city v.cre compelled to leave town; but LLisi impurities, i» your system tunited by ng it. Hold by T. K. Bolton. Men’s and boys’ clothing, boots, shoes, the law^does not affect the St. Louis Dispensary, as c.tTy doctor connected Anyone wishing a type writer y syphilitic disorder ’ |f «O, t«ke YY nghi* with this institution is a regular graduate of medicine ;«f«l surgery, witk We ­ Lave , Those silk -bawls at llunsakea's axr im­ I »tc., etc., <ÜS1»1- 206 SECOND ST. NEAR TAYLOR, PORTLAND, OREGON. Beef, Pork and Mutton. HOUSE - KEEPING EVANS & BRUNK 'Peterman Bros.! Kidney & Bladder SODA SPRINGS HOTEL READ THIS! O. R. Buckman Independent Market R. P. NEIL, GOOD UIIANCE PRIVATE DISEASES. Jledfonl to Jacksonville PEOPLE GOING TUMORS, WENS, P l YMALE’S P.CACH The Best Coach PLYMALE’S. ONLY WAGON RAIN or SHINE SPECIAL !