VALLEY BECO IJI>. J. H. Russell CASH DON’T MAKE CONTENT The Celebrated French Cure, H. JUDGE. Harness & Saddle OLD STEB'S FORTY-THIRD. exclaimed, nearly stumbling over the ferrule of his own umbrella. He Wouldn't Be I.luffed, but Was Deter­ ^r-APHRODITINE* refunded. WORKS. “Yes, I am,” said the lady, in a high HERE IS THE AUTHORITY OF ONE Only a box. »ecure and strong mined to Stand bi His Itecord. AsMLaxa. Oa .T«i astiar. April 34. !<*> PROP. ASHLAND MARBLE 1« S old os a Rough anrth »ide u( Másense building. MAIN STREET disease, or any OREGON. in a flurry. “Just think a minute how Nothing has he to do but wait. Having a taxhionable Family—f ..¡rr- | that a sliarp watch must be kept over diaonler of the P foolish it would be, and how very un­ raniilia« In the Role of the Money Bag. knew HnUred la the Pixtoffire at Ashland a* | him or he would take I'reuch leave. generative or- Ac TER Only as open grave «omen here, BEFORE Harond date mail matter. All work ordered will l»e made to give entire comfortable. ” Joe had put in alwut t w o weeks on bis term fc-aily to clone » ben be g--ts there; gans of cither sex whether arising from tho “I believe that 1 am commonly referred to “But I shall!” squeaked the assumed w hen my mother starte 1 off on a visit, was SATISFACTION- excessive use of stimulant», Tobacco or Opine.;, Turf, ami grnsat« aud Howreta sweet, Ready to pres, him 'Death their feet. falsetto. “A man of your age”—Mr. is a surprisingly fortunate and successful hurt en route, and father had to go to her Auin<>rize-ni“. or through youthful imliscretioti. over indiiig Everything lias gone well with ma in Rcpairitig neatly and promptly done, His first deputy and a.' istaut jailer was a Merrion twisted himself uneasily about— man euec, &<■.. such a< ls>ss of Brain Power, Wakeful­ life 1 have acciiniulr.t- d cousiderableposses­ Only a band of friend* at borne, The following partie« are autlmrued to “ought to know enough to let the 'pretty sions, my wife ar.d daughters, not to men- man of 50, named Stebbins, who was his and at Ixiw Rates. ness, Bearing down Paina in tlie Back, Seminal Wailing to sec the traveler coinè; rw-pt for »ubaenptions. advertisement», Naught Le will tell of distant landa; girls’ alone! You need a lesson, sir—and Jou my hors-s and carriage», are much ad­ cousin. “Steb" wxs a peppery old cliap and Weakness, Hysteria. Nervous l’n>«tration Nix turn- printing, ete. Any favor* «hown them a great brag and iiar. According to his state ­ He eannoC even preas tlieir liand« will tx duly appreciated by the V alley House, you shall receive one.” at Emissions, Leiieorrliteney, «hleh if ne­ So saying she pulled the bell vigorously. whatever money can buy in this world, with­ Indians, run down more horse thieves and He liait uo «lurk** weird and bright. A. <'. Howlett Ragle l’oint glected often lead to preiimtiireoldageaud insan­ in reason, is at iny command Ought 1 not, "Is Mrs. Merrion at home?” He baa no gifts fur a child** delight: Decorative Painting. helped lynch ni re desperaducs than any other K. B. Hatton I.inkville ity. price 41.00 a box, 6 boxe« for 4.1.00 Ssnt li. tlieu, to be happy f” He did not eotiM with anything: “ No, ma ’ am, ” said Norah, “ she ain ’ t man living. Father cautioued him over and L. L. Jacol* Jaekaonville He had not erro himself to br*ng The millionaire sighed as he asked the ques­ mail on receipt of price. W. A. Owen got home from shopping yet. ” over about watching Williams, who was tlie t.entrai P< int Fpeitai Attention given to Eucouraged in tlie humor by a response A WRITTEN Gl'AKANTEE 1« given for Miller A Strang Me>lf»rcrnia- to be shot and thro wed to the gophers.” Only a box, secure and strong. She pushed past Mr. Merrion into the I suppose. For the sake of argument 1 am (iect Father bad scarcely gone when Williams spare no pains in making this one neutly cured by the use of ArMRODtTlNX. Rough and wooden, and six feet long: reception room, and seated herself de­ assuming a purely selfish standpoint. Tlie began calling, and I went into the corridor of Will Circular free. Address the most comfortable and home-like ................ (Senators Ange's guide that soulless breast J X Dolph . » liberately under the little chandelier that question is, What do I get out of all this? it with tlie old man to see what was wanted. I hotels in the place. The tables are »upplieti taave orders at S mith fc Donor's THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. Into a long and peaceful rest’ Jabs H Miuh.U .............. ( Norah had just lighted, while Mr. Mer­ seems to me that 1 get very little. When 1 was only 10 yearsold, but 1 call vividly recall with the best the market affords. Pleasant Congressman Store. —Will Carleton in Toledo Commercial Btagar Hermann WKSTKRN H11ANCH, a young man, without a penny, I used to Governor By I vaster I’ennover rion, shifting from one foot to the other, was everything. The jail was made of rough accommodations for families BOX 27. PORTLAND, OIL think of all that money would do and buy, Secretary of Stale SaorM W McBride stone and one-half of it was the sheriff’s resi­ had turned the color of tallow, THE NEW MANAGEMENT. and it seemed to me that I should be (lerfectly State Treasurer « W Webb T K Bolton. Agent. Ashland. Oregon. “Now, my good girl, how very unrea­ happy if 1 could accumulate $100,000 But dence. The jail (>art was only one big room, Au pt Public Instruction E B MeF.lroy Having leased tlie above house and thor­ sonable all this is!" he argued. “And— now that I spend pretty nearly that amount w ith a plain but stout iron grated door lead oughly refitted and renovated tlie same. 1 State Printer Frank C Baker ing iuto the corridor As the weather was ASHLAND W W Thaver . why, Fanny, it’s you!” every year I can't see that I get so very much rill now- (irepnred to offer first-class accom­ ^Supreme Judges ‘1 tell you, Mrs. Merrion. I am not go- j For Mrs. Merrion had risen and thrown more out of life than I did when I was poor. warm, both corridor doors were open. When modation to the traveling public William V Lord we looked in on Joe he said: ASHLAND. JACKSON R 8 Mtrahn ing to stand it!” off the disguising folds of the water­ In reality I only have the use of a triflmg Board and Lodging. $5 to $-! per week “See here, Steb, I bear you are bragging a riarr jcdicial Pl»TBI«T. Mr. Peveril Merrion was short and I J proof and the mask like veil and stood part of w hat I nominally own.” good deal about liow many meu you have put Meals. 25c; Lodeing. 25c and 50 Scholarship. one year. .. •Circuit Judge L R Welxter stout, with small hazel eyes, a ruddy there with eyes sparkling full Of mis­ “And pray, how do you make that out?” i ou their backs.” TULPHUR WAfEIl BATHS, 25 CENTS. ________________ _ District Attorney Conimen ial Course William M Coir if “It’s simple enough. No man can actually complexion and a mustache the color of chief. “There's no brag about it,” replied the old Fnr JaekMSti. Josephine, txke and Klam­ Training Bcliool. per year make use for himself of so very much mouey Hot and Cold Baths at any time between hay Dignity, or even its assumption, ath counties. “Yes, it’s I,” said she. “And now, after all. Take the case of Jay Gould, who man. “I never found a human I couldn’t lay 7 o’clock a M and 10 o'clock t- M. One Bath For further information address, suits some men; it didn't suit Mr. Pev ­ down in five minutes. ” my dear, what have you got to say for is probably worth $100,000,000. He only owns room reserved for ladies use. (37) »acuM retlXTT. J. 8. SWEET, P resident , “That's all wind, and you know it.” re­ eril Merrion .. . . Jacksonville County Seat yourself? Because, you know”—with a that amount in the sense that he controls it torted Ashland. Oregon. Joe. “ You ought to*be ashamed of ‘Dear me, Peveril, I'm sure you’re comical imitation of his own deep, so­ tor tlie use of others; he can use but a small . . Senator A C Stanley J T Bowditx h making a great fuss about nothing,’ i norous tones—“you never flirt! Oh, dear fraction of it for himself. Most of it believer your jaw.” ■' Repreaentatives “Who you talking tof Robert A Miller. ■aid Mrs. Merrion. with an impatient . me, no!" saw, aud scarce any of it does he ever see, “To you, you old wind bagl You talk of W K Price toss of her head. axcept when he goes on laborious tours of in ­ .County Judge J R Noil If Peveril Merrion had been a whipped wrestling I Why, I kin greftse the floor with GEO. W. STEPHENSON spection to find out what employment the She was as unlike her husband as pos- | William Ray . (Comniiwioners dog, groveling on the floor, he could not public is making of the railways and tele- | your carcass!” In A — '(• Cba» W Taylor sible—a phenomenon you often come have looked, or perhaps felt, meaner. I'BOrBIKTOR. “Don't git my dander up!” warned Steb in i .County Clerk Max Muller across in married couples, w here, in- i “My dear,” said he, “I didn’t—that is graph lines he has created for their conve­ a tremulous voice, “or I’ll trounce youl” Having p • ■ based the old stable op Sheriff Janie* O Hirdsey nience. He works for bis board and clothes stead of “like loving like,” the strong- ! — what I mean to say is—we're all hu­ and mighty little else. Tlie Astorsown 15,000 “Trounce me! Say. old blowhard, 1 kin Main street near the bridge, and assumed ...........................Treasurer R H Moore lather you with one hand tied behind mel If est practicable contrasts develop them­ man, you know, mv dear!" * the management of the samp, I am pre­ Assessor J M Childer» houses in New York city; they cannot use I could only git at you I'd make you holler in pared to oner t|ie public bettpr upcom|iiodt)- bcliool Huperintendent H H Mitchell selves Fanny Merrion was slight and “Exactly so," said Mrs. Merrion. “It's more tliau half a dozen of them; who uses the one roundl” tions than ever fietcre afforded in bouthem Surveyor J » Howard ..... Anyone contemplating the purchase of rather tall, with mischievous blue eyes, 1 rest? Why, tlie people. A small part of their what I have remarked myself a score of Oregon in the livery business- Coroner a first class Hewing Machine Should Not ........ Dr R Pryce ........ “Shet up!” a complexion like freshly opened apple incomes from rents tho Astors can utilize for Fail to times Only it isn’t fair to expect me to making themselves comfortable and happy, “I won't, and you ain’t big ’nuff to make joearHixx coknty blossoms and hair of the shining dark be a pattern of perfection set up on a Horses Boarded and Fed at Grants Pa»» County Seat . ... J NO. .VO. .9 HUY A O WHEELElt while the bulk of the money is put into more me.” tirown that is almost black “ Yes, 1 amt ” Joint Senator Walter Sinclair............ i pedestal above the rest of the world, Reasonable Rate«. «(• WILSON. “You danced with George Harland I when you are so very human—is it, now?" real estate for other people's use, all that they Representative C J Howard............. “You’re a liar!” spend over and above their wants going to .County Judge Voiney Colvig five times, Mrs. Merrion. ” said the in ­ “Take that back!” “Fanny," said Mr. Merrion, “I ac­ help support tradesmen and workers. These New and handsome turnouts, reliable lCoinnii.s»ioners A Bargain in one of these Fine Machines dignant husliand J Hanaeth .................... “Nover!” and safe buggy teams, and good saddle knowledge myself in the wrong. Dc:i't are only illustrations of a general proposition, can l>e had by inquiring at this office. . 1 - P Haiuen........................ “Take that back or Pl| co«»e in and make horses always to lie had nt these stables, “Only three times, Peveril. Only three be merciless, my dear. I—I am very of which I find my own case an exemplifica­ County Clerk Ch»» K Cbanalor........ times and a promenade,” pleaded Mrs. sorry. I won’t do it again.” Bheri.i tion. As I have often put the question to pulp of you!” J C Moe» WILL Bit Hi) Hli. HOBKEK. “You dasn't! I’ll dare ye to come in and ................ Treasurer J A Jennings Merrion 'And what is a poor woman myself, What do I get out of all my supposed “ And you pledge yourself to leave off pinta finger at met ” .Assessor PC Room blessings?” to do when a gentleman asks her to finding fault with me for the future?” first class machine. Ipllv Some more of the sort followed, and Steb .Bchool 8u|>erii>teiidcnt W A Ma»aie “Everything that ought to make a human dance? Am 1 to make a courtesy and Surveyor W N Blunder* I. W. IH'RlilSS, Proprietor. got tlio idea that he must enforce hi» authori­ ! warranted. Made from very best material, i “I will pledge myself to anything, my being comfortable, I should think.” | by skilled workmen, and with the liest-tools say, 'No, 1 thank you, my husband isn't 1 dear.” ............ .... Coroner t»r Flanagan ty or suffer a loss of prestige. He was th« This favorite resort is gaining in jx>pu- willing.’" “It should be so, but is it? Let us see how ■ that have ever been devised for the purpose. KLAMATH COfNTr. larity every «lay. And then they went to dinner, for far these blessings have any usefulness for me older but also the bigger man, and he kept Warranted to )ts; my sprig of geranium in her belt. I al” ready to take orders for any kind of L R Keater .... Price - - $100.00. objection. If he had Fanny was pre ­ organized he v.-as beyond reach. Old Steb ^unhmitli work, repairing sewing machines, , own part in them is not conspicuous. For Clerk PORTER A 1. Ixavitt.................... ‘And your old lover, too. Don’t think pared with the insinuating whisper: & ALE. st'xxj in the back door and watched him for If there is no agent in your town,address filing saws, sharpening knives ami scissors Sheriff jome days before one is to come qff my liomp M D Childer» ................ I am ignorant of your past life, Mrs. five mjimtes l/efaif) saying a word. Cully ‘ etc., etc. “Don’t be in such a hurry ma'am. Al­ is pretty well torn to pieces in preparation I tlie manufacturers: Treasurer Cha» Graves.................... Fine Billiard Table, Merrion," growled her husband. Office on»Front street, in building with Tlieu I beard him growl: Assessor John Smart ... low me to see you home.” for the event; the domestic circle is tem(X> John B. Wrisley. the real estate agent. 2-4 "Consarn him for skipping out, but l ye ■•Well, my dear, how is the poor man P L Fountain .... School 8u|>erintendent ' THE PARISH l*|F ’ G CO. i - . - _ And it would have acted like a charm rarily demoralized aud rendered uncomforta­ got the consolation of knowing that he's .the The very tost beerot Anaheim, wine anil to help that!” J B Griffith. ....................... Surveyor ble, and the ladies of the family are rendered —Boston Globe; Agents wanted. PARISH, \. Y. John W Hiemeni ........ . .: .............. Coroner Hennessy brandy, which will lie sold by forty-iiiird fijan I ’ ve licked outer his boots in ‘But a married woman, Fanny. Have so upset In temper by their anxieties regard­ the quart or gallon. the last five yeuvst“—New- York Sun. LAKE I'OVMTT. ing the approaching festivity that I am glad Our tables a'e supplied with the latest pa­ you no respect for public opinion?” < a. • STENOGRAPHY and HOW HEADS ARE CUT OFF. Lakeview pers. Come and see us anil we will treat County Heat to get away to tlie club in the evenings—in ‘ Dear me," cried out the tormented FBEE.f She Forgot Something. C A Cogswell, of .Ixke Joint Senator you as well as we know how. TYPEWRITING FREE little woman, “one would think I had One of the Conjurer's Moat Startling Trick» fact, that’s the reason I’m here at this min­ S P Mo»«, of Lake Joint Representative “Now, you’re sure you have everything ip First-class facilities and best of teachers. ute. When the night for the party has ar broken one of the laws of the land! ................ County Judge W A Wilshire. Easily Explained. rived, where am I? Not in demand, certainly. the trunk, my dear?’ asked Mr. Younglove, Address, with stamp for retq>n postage, R L Sherlock .......... What have I done, after all? Waltzed For a number of years the masterpieces The guests, particularly the young people, lieforo beginuiug the back breaking prooeM THE PARISH MF’G CO., William Bariev. ... .. . (Commissioners three times with Mr. Harland in a public of some conjurers have been the cutting don’t come to see me; I find that I am con of roping his wife's trunk when they were PROPRIETOR W T Boyd ........ Clerk Parish, N. Y. ball room, and let him take me down to about to start for a little trip west. William Carli Sheriff off of heads. The most common one, per­ sidered to be most appropriately disposed of Full Supply • “ Yes, dear, ” she said, “ I ’ ve every single supper!” A McCallen Treasurer haps, is that where a countryman iwiii? in an out-of-the-way corner of my own li­ A >1 . iaher School Huperintendent "You have—flirted with him. You, a “a sorter buzzing” in his head lias it brary. Ali<| this arrangement is altogether thing in.” J E MeUonouglt. . Assessor “Well, be sure, now; 1 wouldn’t uurojxj as a man of my married woman, Mrs. Merrion, with cured by cutting off the offending mem­ agreeable to njyseil, W K Harry Stock Inspector age—although, as you aro weh awa^ffi, I am and rerope this thing again for a fifty dollar your husband standing by scarcely able ber. The subject takes a seat in a high bill,” ¿nd, half an hour later, when he was The circuit court for the First Judicial to believe the evidence of ltis own eyes!" back, upholstered chair. The long back socially inclined—can hardly bb expected to lying ou tho (loor paut...g pnd gasping from district sets in Jackson county on first I Choice Spare-ribs. Etc mingle congenially in a company chiefly com ­ Saddle Horses to Let. ‘But it isn't half eo bad as it would of the chair is thickly padded and has .Monday in April. Septemlxr and Decem­ I of giggling girls and young nincom- his efforts, Mrs. Yofinglovo wild sWcwtly; ber. In Klamath county on Second Mon have been if my husband hadn’t been two silk cords running crosswise on it, posed “ There, dear, I have forgotten something Corner Fourth and B streets. poops in dress coots. Where I come in is in day in June and first Monday in November. Can lie had in any quantity and of supe standing by, is it?” PAYS THE HIGHEST MA.Kh.KJ? after all. How careless of me! Would you one from the inner edge of either arm up paying fog tfisif’ fup.” In Lake county on the. third Monday in rior quality by applying to Special attention paid to freight tea;m>. mind opening the trunk, dear, and putting in ‘Fanny, will you be serious?” PRICE FOP. ’ ‘ ’ “You don’t go out much, dq -xV i—lL May and the second Monday in Octolier. to the ton corner of the opposite 6ide, ¡ In Josephine county on first Mondays in •I am as serious as I can be, Peveril, thus making a broad X. “To other people’s entertainment^! No. my dressing sacquei I entirely forgotit, and 5 I really can’t get along without it Jos. H ’ . Hockersmith, And Marrh and August unless I burst into tears! If you want Tlie subject being seated in a chair, a Why should I? They are nothing but tlie here's my box of handkerchiefs; auj tpy Overland to California For Jackson county the County, Probate same sort of thing—more nincompoops, more me to cry, I ’ ll do my best in that line. 1 ÂtiMand large helmet or “ receiver" is placed on and Commissioners courts meet every slippers are in the cioset — and oh, here Al-c -VIA— giris, dancing, (liytfttion, gobbling suppose you never flirt?" month, commencing with the first Monday'; Of Every LJescripMoji Saltali! fi , . hip his head This helmet is made of any giggling I n i n ices and -so on. It is fun for them, but an my cuffs and collars and my little shoulder > for Josephine county, the first Monday in *1, Mrs. Merrion?” U I I A i ' bright metal, lias a vizor in front, and is awful bore for me. However, this sort of shawl. I believe I left my box of ribbons in nicnt. Packing Ho^se on A slicetj oppti January, April. July and September; for Fanny went out of the room and closed open pt the back. After it is placed over thing represents the only object worth living the drawer—yes, hero it £s, aud my eomtnon site the dejxit, Ashland, Or. t take county, every alternate month, com­ I the door behind her with a degree of his head (lie yioog is lifted to show that for to my wife and daughters, apparently; it fan, too, and one of your shirts. Here's iny mencing the first Monday in January; for rubbers aud waterproof and my little black ForFenuile Irrcg:l«r emphasis that almost amounted to a tlie head is there, but in leaiity a dum­ pretty much absorbs all tho attention which Klamath county, the first Wednesday in • ties: uotliinclikeihem bang. March. June. September and Novcmlxr. my head is seen, made up to represeuji Otherwise I might hope for from them. When turban aud tho basque to mv blue suit, and on the market. AVrer fail. Knceesstnlly used ‘It’s too bad!” said she to herself, as, tlie subject As the performer closes the I come home iu th? afternoon, after iny day’s my watered silk sash, aud my little workbox that I’ll be sure to need before we get home. by prominent ladies safe behind the shelter of the damask­ Time Between vizor lie tilts the helmet forward a little, work is done, I find iny wife ui essjgg for din­ Hew careless I am, anyhowl Hurry and monthly. Guaranteed ----- An Institution Doing------ to relieve auppn sued curtains, she watched her husband strut while the subject at the sama moment ner, if she has returned from her usual call­ open the trunk, dear; it ’ s most train time! ” ASHLAND AND SAN FRANCISCO menstruation. ‘ down the street, his hat shining like draws iiis head out of it and presses it ing tour, and after dinner I am either drag­ —Exchange. I. ged off to some party or place of amusement A |:i,(HHi J’E.'i TEil III SIU is If ANI.'i.’.U), SUREISAFEI CERTAIN! 23 HOURS. satin, his silk umbrella buttoned up against the back of the chair, which —not because I am wanted, but to serve as -T'* I • - ' • PRESBYTERIAN J . X • - » » Hereditary Transmission. Don't be humbugged. trimly, and his very boot heels redolent gives way under the pressure and a tri­ an escort—or I am left at home aloqe to my For Sale ;it a Reasonable F igure. Save Time, Health, It is certainly very odd (says The Nation) Church, corner Main ami Helman streets. CALIFORNIA EXIREHH TRAINS BUN pAfl'T and mouey ;take uo oth­ of snug, middle aged respectability. angular space opens, tlie two sides of own devices. I do not see the ladies of my Regular Nervicea.—Sunday. 11 A. M. mid Any one meaning I uiiness < an find opt er. ■‘He’s getting to be a perfect Othello! whicli are formed by the lower portion family at breakfast, because they don’t get that tho popular faith in “blood” should, for Between Sunday OVI School. 0:30 A. M. 7 • . M. hwnuaiv furtlj'er particulars by addressing J. S., care (»liticai and social purposes, bo as strong as Sent to any address, And I won’t endure it!” out of bed until noon. It is only ou Sundays Young Peoria'» Mcetin; ig. 0 o’locck P M of the X in tlie padding, the base being it is, in view of the extreme rarity with of R k < gki > office, 4sld#fid <)r leeuro by mail o:i re- Portland and San Francis^, So to relieve her overcharged feelings on a line with the chair arm, where this that I get any chance at all to malto their ac­ which parents transmit either great mental ___ “ ____ j Thursday evening. Prayer Meeting, every celpt of price, 42.03. Good reason given for wanting to sell. ltilile Society l)epo«itory at ' Bolton's drug Address, and quiet the electric current of nervous swinging portion of tlie back is hinged quaintance, as you might say. Once in a or moral qualities to their offspring. Able store. Mouth I North THE APHRO CIEDICIKE COMPART, agitation Fanny put on her hat and went on On this flap, tlie opening of whicli while I venture to address a mild protest to sons of able fathers aro by no means un­ Rrv. F. <». H tmanoe . my wife on the subject, but she always says: 4 :f the globe. Prospectus post The receiver is how - j # efiacyed and Chun-h, corner Main and Bush streets. that tho popular mind is still so much affect SIKTETY DIRECTORIES. FREE, sent <>n application to Prof. as she came opposite the house of an old placed on a small cabinet, Hie idvVeJ amuoipg, you ai-e very much mistaken.’ ” Regular Services.—Sunday, 11 A M. and 8:00 a m Lv Portland Ar 10:45 a III A. Loisctte, 287 Fifth Ave. New York. ed by tho transmission of physical qualities G. A. K. 7 30 r. M Sunday School. 9.30 A. M. 12:10 p Ill Lv schoolmate, now married and settled "You axe in Juck io "e asked to serve that it infers from it tho transmission of the Albany Ar 11:35 a 111 being left at tlie neck of the subject in I Trayer Meeting, every Thursday evening; capacity.” ......... - ■• . ... 4:40 p Hl KN.S1DE PCHST SO. 23. Ar Eugene Lv 0:00 a Ill like herself the chair. In a moment tho receiver is in “ that nobler opes .also. The hereditary transmis­ Young People's Meeting. Sunday 6 r, M. STJLIRi No; that is not my line. My part is that Meets in Masonic Hall, on the 1st and ‘Good!” quoted Mrs. Fanny to herself. taken from tlie top of tlie cabinet, and sion of physical qualities js as common Ijuiie«' Aid Society, WAinesday 2 r. *t. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Id Saturday of each month, Visiting Com- ‘1'11 go in and borrow a hood and water­ tlie head is seen resting there; it moves of a cash distributor. I am regarded as a among men as among tlie animals. The R ev . C. A’. L ewis , radps cordially welcomed. sort of money bag, to dip into for coin when Pastor. largo men and |lie stroug men are apt tc proof cloak from Rosie Gilles, and then M ax P racht , Commander. and speaks and is the head of another anything is wanted. My duty being to serve f l or aecviiimodation of Second Class irr it’s only a couple of blocks to the cars, person made up to represent the first in that capacity no gratitude is felt tor what have large aud ’strong sons, mid may have J R Casey, Adjutant. BA1TIST. »fingere, attached to Express Trains^ and I shall be home in a quarter of ati one, and who sits behind the mirror in I bestow; I am merely considered an ill- I sons with as much brains, or tenacity, or in R. F, HIGH, Proprietor. dustry, or integrity; buj the popular pre hour.” Church, corner t'hi.rch iiik I High streets, KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. m J* Uu,'» Ferry mukfs eunnecftoti the cabinet and pops his head up through natured old curmudgeon if I do but occasion­ sumption is apt to convert tho “may” iute liegular Services.—Sunday. It A. M. and Rueio lent the hood and waterproof a hole in the top of it as soon as the re­ ally ask for a small accounting. One of my ‘must.” VTOTICE . IS HEREBY GIVEN TO with all the regular trains on the Ras; SU» GRANITE LODGE. NO. 23, Knights j L n the 7 F. M. Sunday School. 9:30 A M AN tlie people of Ashland and surround­ Division from root of F street. Portland. Pythias, Ashland, • Oregon, meets every cloak with ready good humor, anil her­ ceiver is placed there. This cabinet is daughters would not speak to me at the din­ ay them, and I express annoyance, little municipality. R kv . G. J WrosTiw, AXIil.ANII LODGE, NO. 23, A. F. A A. M. •Nonsense! As if I was afraid!” T 11 11 6 I <1 !1 Tit kt: TH toll point« sides. In place of the ordinary foot­ lie turns sulky and talks about the necessity Pastor. He came back after a journey and search And Fanny Merrion ran laughing down of living like a gentleman. Stated communications on the Thursday lights a row of gas jets is usually placed seiTii no Ein ing investigation that must have cost tbt “As well as 1 can make out his notion of tlie steps. CATHOLIC. of or before the full moon. across the stage just on a line with the living firm a few thousand dollars, but I have not A BARGAIN FOR SOMEBODY Via CÀLIF9BKI1. like a gentleman consists chiefly in E V M ill «. W M. As site entered the car, closely .veiled inside of the boxes, and another row foolish dissipation. Nevertheless, my son is heard of his finding any Kentucky Kohi I A C Caldwell. Secretary. Churvh, eonwr Nixtli nini I! streets. and wrapped in the dark folds of the carried around but outside of tlie arcbed considered an eligible party, matrimonially noors. Still, the fact stands that Tiffany & The undersigned offer their farm, fonner- For lull information regarding rates,maps, , ly known a* the Sardine creek nursery of Regular Service».—Every fourth Sunday, speaking, by other girls’ mammas, owing to Co. and the other great diamond firms watch | Ben Miller, two and one-half miles from etc , call on company's agent at Ashlund. waterproof cloak, a short, stout gentle­ i entrance to tlie black chamber. 18 A. M. Sunday Schixil. cvcrv fourth Al.PRA CHAPTER, NO. 1, O. E. 8. l:is expectatipii» ot inheriting money when 1 daily and carefully every chance that may R. KOEHLER, E P. ROGER«, man rose to give her his seat, and with Gold Hill, for sale. It consist* of 3<>0 acres Sunday, 3 I’. M. F ather F. S. N oel , The effect of this arrangement of light go off the l ooks, uiul likewise it iu with my Stated meetings on 1st and 3d Tuesdays Manager. Asst G. F 4 Pass Agt Pastor. an inward smile Mrs. Merrion recog­ and shadow throws the stage into irnpen- dliUghter», Of whom the young men say occur to find the precious stones nearer horn« I of land, forty of which is out in fruit, ns in each month. than in 1 the Routh African fields. ^n. O. F icality of the situation that impelled her as if he had jumi)ed out of space, but ward to it as a matter of course, and it is not A New Barumeter. day«. !« »". M. Rev. F. B. Tn know . in;irg. Or.i Churvh on Granite street. Regular Serv­ attend. J. J. S trut , N G i wife—yet for the time being perfect domino of the same material as the was made to him, but now it seems to bo al I hangs his purchase on a nail. You know April 15di. I i ers.— preaching everv Ktindav. 11 A. M. together different, and the only things sut K ort . T aylor , Secretary. VTirriCE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT | strangers to each other. stage hangings, leaving her arms and miite » to me by my family are the bills.”— the effect of the atmosphere on ginger 1A tin following mimed settler lias tiled ‘I'll get out the block this side of head free. Over this she now slips a IVasliiugton Star. PILOT BOCK ENCAMPMENT, NO. Ki. bread? The slightest moisture renders it notice ot hi-intention to make final proof Oregon Devtlopement Co.’s tome, and tlieu, if I run all the way. 1 Meets in Odd Fellows's Hall every 2d and framework of light wire, covered with a soft: in dry weather, on the contrary, it in -upport of his claim, and that -aid proof 4th Monday in each month Members in can perhaps get there before Peveril fine evening dress This framewoik baa Proving Tlieir Sanity. STEAMERS. will he made la-fore the jmlge, or in hl's ab ­ grows hard and tough Every morning good standing cordially invited to attend. i does, and thereby escape a lecture a yard sence before the clerk ot the county court According ¿o 4 popiewhat dubious tra­ on going out Clavelte asks his servant- no back, and she can slip out from it II. C. M teb , C P. of Jackson county,Or.,at Jacksonville, Or , long about the ‘propriety of married behind, leaving the shell with dress. dition, the Greek diamdtist, Sophccic^ R.- bt T aylor , Scrito. SHORT LINE TO CALIEOKNi A. “What does the general say?” on Friday, May 3bth, ISfiO, viz: ladies being out after dark.’ To hear For the lady to sit on, two pedestals at the age of 90, was accused of imbe­ The'man forthwith apphe» ids thumb Charlu Darit, HOPE BKBKCCA nKGREK I.ODGF, NO. 14. the blessed man talk one would suppose suddenly appear. These are white, and cility by his son Jophon. He rebutted to the figure and replies: ' • Homestead etfiry bo. i, foi the NW'; ASHLAND, : : : OREGON. Meets «.n the 2d and 1th Tuexluv in each that nothing in the world was improper appear by having a cover of black pulled the calumny by reciting before his of SE'4 A°d EJi of ft W'1,Se< . l.itndthe’b'Kp; “ The general feels flabby about the month in Odd ¡■'eih»w- s Hall, Ashland i for unmarried ladies.” judges, the Phratores, the magnificent of N WJi of See. !»,Tp. 37.S It. 2 E. W. M. ' from them quickly. One of these is chest; you’d better take your umbrella " Stpatnpf SaHtiig Dgre»; M rs . |; L . Btsu N. G. He names tlie following witnes es to She beckoned tothc conductor — tlie car passage in his tragedy of CEdfcus Colo- about two feet high and the other about On the other hand, when the symp Will Sell. Rent and Handle N. A. Jacobs, Sei reta prove his continuous residence utxm. anil 1 rom YaqUillA — Steamer Willamette ! stopped. five feet high. The lady sits on the neus, which describes the arrival of toms are “hard and unyielding,” our cultivation of said land, viz: William Coat- Valley. Saturday. March Rt»i; Sunday,Mar. A. O. V. W She sprang out, but to her surprise, not Real Estate on Commission smaller one, and Mephisto orders Herr­ CEdipus in the sacred forest of Colonna worthy colleague sallies forth in his new ney. Thomas Davis. Luduic Tonn, Joseph l’ith: Tuesday, March 25th. to say dismay, Peveril Merrion stepjied mann to cut her head off. E. Itamlles. ail of LakeCreek. Jackson Co., Having thus vindicated his genius, be hat.—Almanack de I’Atelier. From .San Francisco—Steamer Wiliam ASHI.ANu LODGE, No. (Mi. •Oregon. C has . W. J ohnston . Register. ette Valiev.Wed. March 12; Tliurs, March After some demurring he finally seizes ,eiire4 gmid applause. In the Seven­ A Choice Collection of City ar.d Meets in kxk'e room in Odd Fellows’ Hall nimbly out after her. 20: Sun.. March 30. every first and tuirk Wednesday in each “Don’t be in such a hurry, ma’am,” a carving knife, places a light cloak over teenth century, £&ya Lelanne, the Abbe A Striking Episode. The company reserves (he right to FINAL PROOF NOTICE. Country Property for sale. month. All brethren in gixxl standing are said he, in a low, insinuating voice. the lady's shoulders and cuts off her Cotin, having sold his property Io return : change sailing dates without notice. When the fortune of the White Ruse cordially invited to attend. “ Allow me to see you safe home. Pretty fora life annuity, was denounced by his Trains connect witli O. . A ndrews . M W. or Boat- at Corvalli» and Albany. i girls shouldn't be out alone after dark. .'.[rii i'tb, f B 8 R adcliff , Recorder. .4 Mt/ prr*nn irhhiiiO to ¡•‘ell /»rop- Taking it with one hand under the relatives as out of his mind. In self de the Earl of Warwick, thè king maker, in i The Oragon Pacific steamlxxits on the Aha! you think I'm a wizard, but such a chin and the other holding her hair, he fense the abbe invited the commission order to kindle the enthusiasm of his ’VrOTCE 1.« HERElMi GIVEN l HA j Witfamcne frtjf trill find it to thrir interest itivetUiyisimi ie«,e i llic following named • rttli-r Ims file'! little white hand as yours can only cor­ carries it across the stage and places it ers de lunatico inquirendo to come and soldiers, dismounted from his favorite -outb Ixiund Monday,' yj'edmGdt^ tocnll and »rr mm notice of his intention to make film' proof hin-1. A. !(• ‘ f respond to a pretty face. Take my arm. on the other pedestal, she walking along hear him preach. They went, they ¡is charger, and stabbed it in the presence in support of bls claim, and that sui.I proof anil Friday, CHOSEN FKIENDS. Arrive at (.'orvallis Tuesday, Thursday miss." tened, and decided in his favor.—All the of the contending armies. Then, draw­ ■ will be made before the judge, or In lib ab­ with lrim, having slipped out behind the F ideijty Cm sen. No. 1, of O regon and Saturday, at 3:30, v. M. Mrs. Merrion took his arm according­ framework, leaving it upright on the Year Round Aavdhrr .1Irtn ¡¡ung ing his sword, he kissed the cross at the sence before tlie clerk of tlie county court Leave Corvallis, north bound, Monday, o’ Jackson county. Or.,at Jacksonville,Or.. Meets the first aiul third Tuesdav even­ ly, convulsed with inward mirth. He Wednesday and Friday, at 8 a . m . said to his men: “Whoever , on Friday, May 30Lh, 1HIJ0. viz: small pedestal. She walks across the The Red Crops Cough Cure, made by handle, His “»Ux king l»v the cl.ininev with care" ings of each month in I. O. O. F. ball. Arrive at Portland Tuesday, Thursday stage in her black domino or behind a Chas. Wright • o., is especially arlapted for chooses to return lumie pjay do so, for 1 Memliers in pxxl standing resneetfuliv pressed it after a most friendly fashion. and was ti< klj-;i;l entry No. 4:f'3, for tlie W. *.2 On Monday,Wednesday and Friday lx>Ui Win. P attfrson .Sev’A'. *'ounveik r. hand wants and fillet! the stocking with me carry your bag.” bead showing, and finally stopping with chest, and tendency to pneumonia or pieu- like to remain with me!' This striking . of the S. V/. amt tin.- b. E. ;, of Hie : rt’i and south bound boa»« lie over at Standard See«!.«, grown and put up by It. Mrs. Merrion gave it to him. They her head on the pedestal that is about ri-v. It will top’a iiiv kin r nt dit cough episode is described with great spirit by | of See. 15. and NW*4 “■ * W^or Sec. I SaR In . Ij-avipg tbefc .-.m ». ,q M. Ferry A Co.. Detroit. Mich,, who on ap­ For rheumatism there is nothing better were nearing their own door when, to 1 reig’it and ticket office. Salmon strey^ lz>rd Lytton in his romance of the “Lasl I 22. iiiTj>. 37, 8. R- i E , W_ five feet high. To replace, the same plication will mail you free a copy of their than Cham’erlain's Pain Balm. The An extensive assortment of lady's and He names the iui'owin^ witnesses to wharf. Portland. Seed Annual for !«!•>. This t.« the most u-e- prompt relief which it affords is worth the surprise of the gentleman, who had gliding back is again employed, and she gentlemen’s shoes and Foots, direct from of the Barons -Ail the Year Round. prove his continuous residence upeti, and < H. H ASWELL, J r . lien! F. A P. Agt ful of all aneil l atalogiies, not only for ex- many times itsco.«t, which is but fifty cents perhaps expected to walk half a dozen again resumes her dress case and the Boston, at J. M. Met all’s. 4 I cultivation of -aid land, viz: William Goat- 34 Montgomery St., San Franciscu. pertenedi gardeners, but for the novices a a bottle. Many very bad cases have been Nocks or so further, his fair companion ney, Thomas Davis, Luduic Tomi, t'has. ’ ('. ( HOfii i;. Ar i GF. 4> 1». A.Q. P.JJ,, trick is over.—New York News. well. Send vour name and address tor a Dried nectarines, a line article in the fruit Davis, all of Lake Creek, Jackson county, entirety bv it. For sale hv Chitw. percale. ju^t jeveived at Blount -. Oregon. C uas . W. J oiixs T os . Register. “Yo”—v m're not stowing here!” he I Sc Holden’s Ethereal Cough Syrup. ONLY A BOX. Manufacturer. Ashland, Or WM. A. GROWE. Sulphur Springs Hotel DIRECTORY GRAINING and PAPER HANGING. WIFE VS. HUSBAND. Feed and Livery Stable A BARGAIN Sewing Machine. Exchange Saloon, R. STRAIT. DEPOT FEED STABLE. John Wheeler, Bacon and Lard los. W. Hockersmith, GRAIN & HAY FRUIT SHIPPER. CHOICE FRUITS 8 A Half Interest in CHURCHES MEMORY Barber Shop, Farm For Sale. W. N. LUCKEY, Real Estate Agent,