VALLEY RECORD. The People’« Paper. HUH k Í11IKB. "IT'S MAMMV'8 BED.” ••ft’* aiammy * bed: It'* mammy » bed!" Win MeCsll» Hall. t>p-stair»; stairs on Has recently bought out Win. Patterson, one is distinctively peculiar in his way—for Is the spiritual head of the great Mohamme­ An Rosy »-playin' around it. earth »id* of Masonic Milding. the Ashland flouse-Mover ami i« soliciting which be or »be was noted “when the pulse dan religiou, and 200,000,000 lips speak his Nas er adreamln' a »ingle bit the pa.ronage of the citizens of Ashiaa* ■ntrrcd in th* Po«toflJce at Aahland a* beat high with life,” and death wa* last in name in worship e»-ery day. Multitudes in That »be was tbar—Chat it was her, and environs; satisfaction guaranteed. Second Cla«» mad matter. thought. Who couldn’t speak nor stale nor stir India, North Africa, China aud South Europe Parties living outside and having .««eh Any one will attest to th* truth of this look upon him as the “Shadow of God." aud, ' work to do. arc requested to send their ad­ Tb'-n they moved the bed whar she had dle4 who has ever had the pleasure—it is a real like the Turks of Asia Minor, regard him as dress. when thev will be called upon. A/tMLAND. Oa...THr«en*». Nor. 21. 188 • An we belt our breath. for Rosy cried. pleasure to one with a taste for things out of Address: JOHN A. RAMBDRLL, the representative of Mohammed He has an With great big »obs an tear» she eed, the ordinary—of examiuing musty old rolls A shi . axd , O r . income of (10,000,000 a year. His treasury “It'« mammy's bed—It's ruanuny's bed:" of quaint and curious testamentary docu­ is filled with diamonds. His palaces are num­ U«r pap roulla t say a word to her. menta. The many oddities found in “last tiered by scores and he count» his Arab horses But tuk the child an' belt her tight, wills and testaments,” cannot with any assur­ by the thousands. He has countless servants An' went cross to the winder, wher' ance of infallibility be taken as an to satisfy his every wish. —VIA — The wind sung from out the night. index or criterion to the real ctuu-- ....... iSenators If physical comfort, sensual enjoyments J S D*lph He sn'L-t a thought with pain an' dread. acter of the person whose signature ............... 1 Jot.» M Mikheil and worldly power are the chief ends of life, The cold wet earth wua mam-ny's bed. Congressman is attached thereto. One may pursue Minger Hermann — Will« Harben io Epoch. this man, now in his prime, ought to be the Governor •ylvevler Pennoyer tae even tenor of his way and live out the happiest man in the world. He is, on the j Secretary of State •«orge W M' Bride LINE, afternoon, the twilight and the shady even­ OPPOSITE I. O. O. F. HALL, The Coant'» Wealth. contrary, one of the mest miserable. Every State Treaaurer G W Webb ing of a long life, and at last plunge into one of the roses of his life conceals a thorn, THE Th* Paris correspondent of The London MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. Public Instruction Athland, ~ ~ Oregon. and in each of his palaces the skeletons of fear State Printer Tim«* tells this romantic itory, which reads darkness which follow« it at its close, re­ . bide in the cloaeta. stand behind the marble like a chapter of "Monte Cristo:" Soin« spected for hi» sagacity, his good sense and FRESH BREAD & PIES daily ^Supreme Judges Time Between columns of the salons and poke their heads fancy that the Comt* de Paris' fortun* u good management, with provisions in his will E M Strahn out at him through the perfumed steam of ■mall and that be nee>la power to enlarge it, which, had they been given ante-mortem in­ ASHLAND AND SAN FRANCISCO, his luxurious Turkish batik Having absolute ria»* irticut •irraicr. but thia Is a mistake He ha* a considerable stead nt post-mortem publicity, would have 23 HOURS control over millions of lives, he exists in .Circuit Judge fortun*, the amount and origin of which ar« been the cause of bis last days being sper. L F. Wehster OF EVERY VAWKTY. daily fear of the loss of bis own and trembles William ._____________ M Coivi« _ District Attorney unknown »ven to hi» most intimate friends within the precinct* of some insane asylum. i some strange cases . Poe Jackson. Josephine. Lak* and Klam­ At least ten years ago a man, since dead, who u he spends his nights and days inside his Kept constantly on hand. CALIF ORMI A KXrRCSS TRAINS BVK DAILY These thoughts have been suggested prima­ ath counties. great palace surrounded by his guards. bore a high foreign title, wrote to the Comte ftrlers for parties promptly- executed, Between rily by recent events, some remarkable speci­ j*c«»*» C*VBTT. a guard or 7,000. I d* Paru "I owe my immenia fortune to your special prices given. mens of testamentary curios having quite grandfather, and 1 wish to show my grati Ho moves among his people ouly when he tjounty Seat .... Jacksonville All kinds of ornamental work neatly done. Wedding cake« a specialty. ... Senator tud* to him by offering you port of it, and lately b«en made public. I refer to the Nash­ A r Stantoy. »«forced to do so by the religious dwervances ville, Tenn., woman who left fie, 000 to her 'tread delivered daily at your door J T Bowditch thus enabling you to personify the monarchy which are incumbent upon him as the bead 8011th * Representatives 1 North Prices always reasonable. Robert A MIUer Give a trusty man five of your visiting cards two dogs as beneficiaries; to the Columbus, uf the Mohammedan religion, and his only 4 :tX> p 111 Lv Ar Portland 10:45 a iu W K Price 8. C., man who left a vast estate of 8,000 Bread bills must be settled m.inth He will present them to five stockbroker» outing is on Friday afternoon when be goe3 8:30 a HI Ar Ashland Lv 5:40 p m J k >*u .County Judge named below, and what 1 destine for you acres tied up in such a shape that it cannot in state to worship at the mosque. 9.00 a 111 Lv Ashland Ar 5 10 p m William Ray . . jCommissioners will be banded to him.” This wa* done. Th» possibly benefit the persons for whom intend­ The ceremony is one of the grand sights of 7a III Ar .Sani ranciseuLv 1 7:00 p m Phas W Taylor ed before the year 1989, and the Wabash. STJLZFò trusty man brought back a cabful of bond» I Constantinople. The people would riso in in ­ Mas Muller .County Clerk Local passenger train daily ( except Sunday) surrection if the sultan omitted it, and it James G Birdaev Sheriff to bearer 1 do not know the precise sum, Ind., woman who requested that her heart 8:00 1 ra Lv Portland Ar I 10:46 a m be removed from tho body, and that her R H Moore ....... .. .Treasurer but the insurance companies demanded 150, takes 7,009 troops to guard bun on his way 12:40 p 111 Lv Ar 1 11:36 a m Albany J M Childers Assessor 000 francs for the transport of the bond* to hands and feet be amputated and together from his palace to the place of worship. A 4:10 Eugene Lv 1 9 00 a ni 1’ ÜL Ar U H Mitchell School Superintendent England. The count thought this too much, be sent to and buried in France, the scenes of wide, winding road leads from the palace to Surveyor and be had the bonds put in tin boxes, which her childhood days, while the mutilated body J b Howard. the mosque, and at the side of this a house I PULLMAN BUFFET SLEErF.RS Or R Prye* .... ... ............... Coroner tpo trusty men took to England and deposited was to be consigned to mother earth near her has been built by the sultan for distinguished late home in the Hoosier state. JO« «Fill»» eoeitTT. 7 O f 11 is '1 SI.EEi’iXG CA RS at Coutu1 bank. The Comte de Pari* is sup foreign guests. This house is just opposite With those three extraordinary document* otice is hereby given to Cuanty Best Grants Pass posed to have 400,000 francs or 500,000 franc» For accommodation of Second Class Pas­ the mosque aud its windows command a lino the people of Ashland and surround­ sengers, attached to Express Train». Walter Sinclair. ... Joint Senator a year, which would be inadequate for th* as a text, I propose to trace the origin of will view of it and the roads leading to it. ing country that E .Sturgeon, the barber, C J Howard. ... .. . Representative head of a dynasty, and thus, perhaps, ho» making, and consider the most uncommon Armed with the card of the American min ­ has m. ved in with R. F. High, and we have Volney Colvig County Judge The S P Co.’s Ferry make» connection provisions in the hundreds of testamentary ister and accompanied by my Mohammedan tied up a nice shop. Everything is neat with all the regular trains on the Ea»t Bide J Hanaeth................... ¿Commissioners risen the supposition that he is in haste to in- rarities which have gone on record since th* cretue his resource*. But he 1* vastly richer guide, I was received by the officer in charge and clean and we are here to .«tav and all P Hansen Division from foot of F street, Portland. ... ( first property owner wrote: “I hereby will we ask is a fair share of the patronage. We when I called at this houso. 1 was given a Chas K Cbandor County Clerk than is supposed. Except th* glory of and bequeath.” are the only authorized agents to sell the seat at one of the windows, and for two hours West Side Division—Between J C Moss Hheri.i mounting the throne and restoring th* prin­ The father of all wills and the most ancient zennine sea foam. Call and see us and try J A Jennings Treasurer ciple of hereditary succession, be lacks noth­ preceding the ceremony I was interested in PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS. document of its kind known to the historian j Juries In England. us. Yours Respectfully, P C Ream .... .. Assessor ing which can constitute earthly happiness. the massing of the soldiers and in the prepa­ E. STURokos & R. F. H igh . and the antiquarian, u that of “the great W A Massie .School Superintendent In oue respect England is ahead of Ameri­ ration for the coming of the sultan. First MAILTRAIN DAILY (KXCKET SUNDAY.) king,” Sennacherib, mentioned so frequently ca in criminal court procedure. I refer to came a little army of carts drawn by donkeys W V Saunders ............................Surveyor The Castle of the Doaglases. 7 :30 a m | Lv Portland A ---------- -- Ari (¡:20pm Dr Flanagan ... ..................... Coronor in tho Scriptures by Herodotus and by Jo­ the selection of juries. I attended courts in lud led by bare legged men in turbans. A Coffin Full of Opium. 12:25 p m Ar Corvallis Lv | 1:30 p m But now, as we turn our back on th* Bass, sephus. Sennacherib lived and reigned be­ KLAMATH COrWTT. London and the assize towns pretty regular­ These carts were filled with soft yellow saud Recent Singapore papers report au extra- another ruined castle, grander and for mor* At. Albany and Corvallis connect with County Beat................... .Linkville massive and lofty than Dirleton, fills th* eyo. tween the years 702 and 080 B. C.—over ly for nearly twenty years, and can only re­ , and spread over the road to the depth of sev- • ordinary case of smuggling at Sourabaya, in trains of Oregon Pacific Railroad. 2,500 years ago. In the will, which was C A Cogswell, of Lake ■ Joint Senator member one case in which it took more than . eral inches. As time goes on the soldiers i Java. A Chinese passenger having died on B P Mow, of Imk* Joint Representative On a lofty, jagged cliff that seems to run out (ound by excavators on the site of the royal ten minutes to secure a jury. Then there . march up, division after division, and rank ! Ixiard a junk which was auchored in the ZXPRUMl TRAIN DAILY («XCKFT SUNDAY.) WB Moor* Coanty Judge into the sea, and is washed on three sides by library, the "great invincible” wills his son» were only niue jurors in atteudance, and the I roadstead, tho health officer of the port went W 0 Crawford (Commissioner» its waters, starnls the far tamed castle of Tan- certain “stores of precious things” at that judge, Baron Bramwell, fined the absentees . themselves along the highway. 4:50 pm Lv Portland Ar 9 00 s m 1 There are regiments of cavalry on tho : off and, after viewing the body, gave the nec- L B Kaeter tallon. Sir Walter's description of it in time on deposit in the Temple of Nebo. It ia i 8:10 pin Ar McMinnville Lv 5:45 a m A L I^avitt. Clerk “Martnlon," if not in the highest style of a sad commentary on tho crude civilization (250 each, and while he was having the fines finest of Arabian steeds, each regiment hav­ ! essary permit for burial. The master of the recorded tho sheriff secured three substitutes. ing horses of the same color, and new ly junk then came on shore aud ordered a large M D Childers . . Sheriff poetry, is a wonderfully correct word picture. of the times that these same sons should Such a thing as challenging a juror is al­ every regiment uniformed differently. Here coffin of the usual Chinese kind. During the THROUGH TICKETS t« *11 pial* «'has Grave«. Treasurer ............... The origin of Tautallon castle, the re­ John Smart SOITN AU KIST A «»essor nowned stronghold of the Douglases, is un­ so far forget their filial duties as to «.«assi most unheard of. Once I remember a roan is a troop of Circassians, with black caps six early hours of the morning, tho crew with the i nate their considerate parent while he wat charged with shoplifting protested against a inches high, upon the crown of which are coffin landed, and tho funeral procession I Has just received the biggest nnd liest P L Fountain School Superintendent Vi* CALlUlIli. known. For centuries it was the great citadel stock of goods ever brought to Ashland. busily engaged in worshiping his favorite brother of the prosecutor serviug on the white crosses. They are dressed in European passed along the streets amid tbe burning of J B Griffith ......... Surveyor J*ha W Siemens ......... ......... Coroner of the family on the east of Scotlaud, it! ast mistress in the mysteries An act for the sale of timber lands in the Meets on the 2roof to show that the land sought is more Meets in lodee room in Odd Fellows’ Hall ■nd then she went through the whole for­ per belt. .-»luable for its timber or stone than for Charles V, tho monastical watch collector, who was so exact about his eating that he through a face which is of tho same sallow Colo., who for many years was officer of gricultural purposes, and to establish his every first and third Wednesday in each Church, cor. Main street and Boulevard | mula of custard and crust, mixing and Regular Services.—Sundav, 10:30 A. M. ; baking, but never a word about the sweet made a will in which he left his watches and weighed every morsel which entered his hue and which has the same features as that a whaling vessel. “At one time,” he says, “J lai-.n to said land before the Register and month. All brethren in good standing are and 7:30 P. M. Sunday School, 12 M. rich tapestries to the monastery where he stomach. Mr. Collins bad in reality never of Jay Gould. He is, I judge, about 5 feet 9 was mate of a whaler in the Okohtak sea. teceiver of this office at Roseburg, Oregon, cordially invited to attend. potato. * T. O. A ndrews , W M. Prayer Meeting, every Thursday evening. cuded his days. Other famous historical ;>er- heard of such a man. He was greatly sur­ inches high, and he weighs about 150 pounds. One day I was off sailing in one of the ship's on Tuesday, the 17th day of December, “Now, aunty (anxiously), tell me how B S R adcliff , Recorder. R ev . G. J. W ebster . • His face is the color of old Jersey ci earn and boats with three of the crew. One of them , «»9. prised, one week after the appearance of his sonages have similarly dis]x>scdof their realty much sweet potato you use!'* Pastor. He names as witnesses: Squire Parker, book, by the visit of on utter stranger, who his eyes are large, black and restless. He has was an Irishman. I was at the tiller. Tbe “Lor’ bix-ss yer, honey, I uses jess as little and personal property. At Somerset house CHOSEN FRIENDS wished to know by what right Mr. Collins a high, narrow forehead; a long, thin face; a weather was cold and squally, and I must >f Keno, Klamath county Or . Wallace the will of the immortal Shakespeare, the one as poss’ble!"—Boston Transcript. j in which he bequeaths his best bed and bed­ made him ridiculous in print by mentioning nose just slightly incliued to the Roman, and have been careless, for a puff came along and Rogers. Thomas Mayhew and John F. Giv- CATHOLIC. a full set of short, luxuriant, glossy black she keeled over before I had time to let go ins, of Ashland, Jackson county. Or. Any F idelity L odge No. 1, of O regon . ding to his wife, rests beside those of John­ one of bis peculiarities.—New York Star. Motleru Conveniences. indall persons claiming adversely theaboie whiskers. His bauds are long aud thin, aud the sheet son, tho dictionary maker, Sir Isaac Newton, Meets the first and third Tuesday even­ Cbnrch, corner Sixth and B streets. iescribed lands are requested to file their Hotel Guest (Sunday morning)—I'd like u “We scrambled up on tbe bottom of the ! he has tho look of a man who lies awake at The Laugh at Time. Regular Services.—Every fourth Sunday, ■ Sunday pa[>er, but I'm a stranger hero and Van I*yke, and those of Wellington, “the claim« in this office on or before said 17th ings of each month in I O. O. F. hall. boat and waved our hands to the only vessel Members in good standing respectfully io A. M. Sunday School, every fourth i don’t know which paper is the best ij on duke,” and Nelson, the hero of Trafalgar. ■ lay of December, 1889. Nor has other rollicking fun and free play night. He does not look like a happy man, invited. T. W. L ynch , Bunday. 3 P. M. F athxr F. S. N oel , Of the hundreds of other wills of greater or of lighter merriment been altogether chas­ and his eyes wandered here and there as he in sight, about a half a mile off. Boys, that C ha ». W. J ohnston , Register. News Stand Man — Had your breakfast yeti was a pretty tight fix. The tide was ebbing Wtn. P atterson , Sec'y. Counceilor. rode slowly over the sanded way to the gates Pastor, i less historical interest, crowded at the rates tised out of the suu dial. Evidence of that is “No.” fast and there was ice aU around. If that of the mosque. As he passed tbe bouse of of 12,009 to 15,000 per year into this paper got in the supposed Welsh ¡ascription to the TIMBER LAND NOTICE. “Ordered it?" rantheon, space forbids mention, as a step sun, or to man, deciphered in Dean Cotton's entertainment he looked up and raised his vessel didn't see us it '•as good day. The THE “No.” EPISCOPAL. three men with me began to shout, although band to his fez cap in salutation. He then United States Land Office. Roseburg, Or. I i outside tho above named immortals would garden at Bangor: “Goa bou tyo uib us in “Well, you'd better take this paper; three there was no earthly use, for the vessel was drove on to the mosque, and going up a pri ­ Sept. 14, 1889. f only 0)>en the floodgates for an avalanche of ess.” The interpretation of which can be Services in Baptist church, cor. Church supplements, twenty-four pages. If the waiter vate stairway was soon hid from view.— too far away to windward. I saw they were ^TOTICE is hereby given that In compli- and High streets, second and fourth Sun- Í is spry he'll get your order filled before you’re •names, each of interest to some particular learned in the wholesome mirth attending the ' Frank G. Carpenter. getting rattled, and I suug out: ‘For God's A.N ance with the provisions ot the act of reader. — John W. Wright in St Louis Re ­ origin of another motto. When oue was day*. BP. M. Rrv. F. B. T icknor . through reading.”—New York Weekly. J uki Published. sake stop that noise. You’ll only wear your­ congress of June 3, 1878. eutitled "An act public. wanted for Inner Temple Terrace dial, and Pastor. selves out and there's no show to be heard. •or the .sale of timber lands in the states of Burr and Hamilton. the artist went by arrangement to bear what California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washing- The most interesting, intentiely fascin­ Sudden Death. HUMORS OF THE BENCH. A well known gentleman, recently deceased, Keep cool, boys, keep cool? was fixed upon, a testy old gentleman, to on Territory,' H. 8. Keeran, of Willows, ating and popular sulwcription book ever Sudden death in Indian gastronomical j>ar- “ ‘Begorra,’ spoke up tbe Irishman, ‘if wo county DUNKARD oue day related tho following incident: “ I of Colusa, state of California, has published. lanee is a broiled chicken—a spatchcock. How Fnr n Judge May Go in Joking and whom the question was put, cried: “Begone stay here much longer we’ll be cool enough? his day filed in this office his sworn about your business!” The artist took that was standing in my street door raising my B y J W DUEL, When a guest or traveler arrives unexpect­ Maintain the Dignity of the Court. “ Fortunately the vessel saw us." statement No for the purchase of tnc Church on Granite street. Regular berr­ os his answer and paiuted the worda They umbrella, and just about to issue forth on edly, the handiest riqiast to serve is a chicken, Thus it happens that the genial Irishman «W J4 of sec No 21. in Tp. No 40 8, range If a body of men are engaged in work of were approved by the benchers, and have important business iuto the midst of a sudden The most famous and successful Ameri­ ee«.—Preaching every Sunday. 11 A. M. which, struttiag about in the compound at, any kind aud their leader insists on playing and heavy fall of rain. An old lady at that will have liis little joke even when the sur­ No 4 E, and will offer proof to show that can Writer, and author of "The Beautiful say 1 o'clock p. m., is caught, decapitated, the wag, the moral atmosphere soon become* been repeated on a dial at High lane, Cheshire, the land sought is more valuable for its ” ‘Bea and Land,” “The World'» moment passed along the pavement quite un­ roundings do not happen to be so pleasant as timber or stone than for agricultural pur- Story, on the gable of a cottage between Stockport Wonder«.” Etc. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN plunged in Itoiling water, plucked, singed, entirely uusuited to the discharge of attain». protected from the drenching storm. 1 im­ they might be.—T. L. M. and New Mills, at the church of Bury St, I* ses. and to establish hi« claim to -aid It is a matehle:•« work of art . Over 1.- split, broiled, and sent to table by a quarter NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT past 1 p. nL, which is a sudden death, with a If, then, when lawyers are engaged in the Edmuuds, and at Chesterton church, War­ mediately sprang out and offered her the ‘and before the cgi-ter and Receiver of 200 magnificent spirited engravings, design­ solemn and important duties of a court of wickshire.—Gentleman’s Magazine. Lower London on a Holiday. À » the co-partnership heretofore existing shelter of my umbrella aud to accompany her this office at Roseburg, Ogn. on Friday, ed and executed by the best artists and en­ law, au example of frivolity is set by the per­ between C. W. Ayers, H. R. Barbour and vengeance.—San Francisco Argonaut It is a great review of the people. Ou the the 13th day of December. 1889. to her residence. Sho courteously accepted gravers on two Continents, embellish its R. T. Elviage. doing business under the son in authority, it is pretty certain that the He names as witnesses: 1 W Burris« and whole, bow respectable they ore, how sober, page« and add excitement to wonder. In the service. Having arrived at her home, They Were with the Judge. firm name of Ayers. Barbour A Elviage. Disraeli’s Advice. public interest will suffer. D D H Yeager, of Ashland, Or., J F Keeran addition to this incomparable feature is sup­ how deadly dull! See how worn out the px>r which was near the president's house, after When Judge Haskell was new to the bench contractors and hereby dissolved. and C E Keeran. of Will*ws,C'*Jusa Co,Cal. plemented many grund and beautiful fii . l - The late CoL Tomliue, member of parlia­ The principle which can be applied to de­ girls are becoming; bow they gape; what the most agreeable conversation along tbe C W. Ayers continuing the business, and ment, who, by the way, was one of the richest termine how far it is allowable for a judge he was accosted during a terra of court by a Any and all persons claiming adversely the rAGE coiuKKD bleograph flatek . The nine H. R. Barbour and R T Elviage retiring venerable old farmer juryman, who desired way, I had bidden her adiou and turned to listless eyes most of them have! The stoop iu tbove described land.« are requested to file brilliant colors used in the pictures produce V. W Ayers pays all outstanding debts men in England, bad not a very high opinion to exercise his gift of humor stands, there­ to show his friendliness. “Jedge,” said he, depart when she said, with all the sweet po­ tbe shoulders so universal among them merely heir claims in this office on or before said an almost dazzling effect, making them per­ of his colleague, DisraelL “Disraeli told me." fore, thus: Nothing should lie said by hiru liteness of olden times: ‘To whom am I in­ means overtoil in the workroom. Not one in 13tl> day of December, 1889. and collects all the money due the firm. fect gems of art, ano executed at a cost of he once remarked, "that flattery was the which can in any way destroy the essential “I’m an old man and have had more experi­ debted for this great kindness!’ ‘My name,' a thousand shows elements of taste in dress, IX W. A ters , 35000. C hab . W. J ohnston , Register. ence in court matters than you have. I ’ m 72 secret of his success in life. The higher a man sense of seriousness which should pervade a vulgarity and worse glares in all but every 1 replied, ‘ is Burr. ’ ‘ And mine, ’ she added- AGENTS WANTED. climbed," be said, “the higher it could be laid court of justice, or introduce a temper of years old auJ have served on the jury nine emotion overpowering her almost to fainting costume. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. Everywhere to sell this most remarkable on, until, if one could approach the throne, it jocular familiarity, such as must infallibly terms, and probably shall never serve agim —‘is Hamilton.' 1 had unknowingly escorted Observe the middle agod women; it would l>o k. Old exj>erienced agents grasp it at might be laid on with a trcweL” The gentle­ breed contempt. As a matter of fact it will I’ve got this much to say to yer, jedge. We’ve the widow of Alexander Hamilton, our first be small surprise that their good looks had United States Land Office. Roseburg, Or..) sight, for they realize there is big money in man to whom this was narrated by the colonel be found that such a rule is practically ob­ kinder taken notice of how yer managed secretary of the treasury, who was slain in a vanished, but whence comes it they are ani­ Sept 14th, 1889. ( it. In reality it is a marvel of Ixiokmaliing remarked that Di-raeli once gave a capital served by most of the judges and that its op things, you bein’ new to this business, and wt duel by one whose name 1 unfortunately mal, repulsive, absolutely vicious in ugliness! VTOTICE is hereby given that in conipli- art. If you want to make some nmney, like yer. All the jury like yer. We ’ ve talked piece of advice, namely, that scandal should eration does not in the least cut us off from Mark the men in their turn; four in every a A ance with the provisions of the act of here is a golden opportunity fur yog. An bear.”—Washington Press. never be replied to, but lived dowtL "Yes, I that species of judicial wit which is most the thing over and we’ve voted to stand by Will be open May 1st, five have vi-ages so deformed by 111 health ongress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An act agency for this work is v.-onh yer. Now, if any of them lawyers a tempt know,’’ said the colonel, with a cynic»d smile, worth preserving. It prevents the court that they excite disgust; their hair is cut or the sale of timber land« in the state« of Ojster Livers. From to $25 Pci- Day. alifornia. Oregon. Nevada, and Wa.-hing- For the accommodation of a limited num­ “that wm my thunder. I remember him from being turned into a bear garden, but to crowd you any, jedge, yer just give us the down to within half an inch of the scalp: It Is acknowledged by all publishers and word and we ’ ll be with yer every time. on Territory,” C. E Keeran. of Willow«, The liver of the oyster — if he will forgive a ber of guests. writing it down when 1 said it, and I thought leaves ample scope for snubbing an impudent their legs are twisted out of sliape by evil con county of Colusa,stat« of California.has this agents v. be the handsomest, fa«te-t selling We’vo taken an interest in yer and yer can reference to such a delicate matter—is his Board and lodging per week................. $10 00 at the time he was putting his pet theory into or restraining a tiresome advocate wittily, depend on us. That’s all, jedge." This wat most important feature, bo say tbe learned ditions of life from birth upward. lay filed in this office his «worn statement and cheapest book ever published. Send practice. ” — London Letter. aud for placing the results of an investiga ­ Ono of the livelier groups is surging hith No .................................... day..................... I SO for tbe purchase of the N J4 of NIC >4 immediately for illustrated circulars and delivered as seriously and honestly a3 if a men. The liver mass is very dark in color tion or of the application of a legal principle “ per day ......................................... 1 iX) er ward: here we have frolic; here we have ■nd the N % 01 NW <>f section No 10 in terms free, or the < pportunity a ill be lost. father bad been talking to his son. — Lewiston aDd can be easily seen with the naked eye Di'gu'ted with the Paper. in the shape of an epigram. Single meals ............................................. 50 humor. The young man who leads them bat r»wn«hii> No 10 South, Range No 1 East, To save time and to se< ure it instantly, Journal. The size and importance of this tissue, says Husband — No girl yet J For example, it cannot be said that the dig­ been going about all day with the lining ol .nd will offer proof to show th-it send 31.00 for a complete canvassing outfit Camping privileges will be 50ct« per week I “Ah—Chee—Ha!" Professor Rice, is what makes tbe oyster so Wife—No. And I’ve tried to get oue until nity of the court suffered in the least when or earn individual. liis bat turned down over bls forehead; for he land sought is more valuable for it« and name choice of territory. Ext* a Lib* grateful to delicate stomachs. A diet of raws Dr. Davidson, of New York, says that I'm worn out. <501 BYRON CVLE. PaormrroR. Bar< el Maule used his extraordinary power the thousandth time those girls are scream •imlier or stone than for agricultural pur­ eral lei ms and exclusive territory Husband—Look through the “Wants" in of humor to rebuke Mr. Cresswell's iuordinate sneezing is not an indication that you will cure dyspepsia he say», and he lays it to ing with laughter at tbe sight of him. Hal poses. and toe«tabli'h his claim to said land guaranteed. Working agents are coiniiig before the Register ami Receiver of this money and you can do the same. the paper! arrogance. Counsel had been treating the ire taking cold, but that one already se­ tbe liver. Speaking of livers, it is a curious ha! He has slipped and fallen upon the floor: office Authorized Agents. Neither experience nor capita! is required at Roseburg. Or., on Friday the 13th fact that although intended by nature to lead Wife—No. but 1 read every line in tho bench throughout his speech with tho utmost cured at bottom figures is breaking up his companions treat him like a horse that dav of December. 1889. to engage in tin« enterprise, as the book The following parties are authorized to a sedentary life the oyster thrives upon exer i “ Domestic Markets. ” The papers are too lack of courtesy. At last the judge could Thanks. Doc. You are only fifty years is “down” in the street. “Lookout for hit fie names as witnesses: I W Burris and will sell itself if properly presented, and receipt for subscriptions, advertisement', urg Bulletin. bear it no longer and stopped him: “Mr. late with your news. — Detroit I'ree Press else. If he becomes attached to the bull of a ’eels!” cries one; and another, “Sit on hi- i D It II Yeager, of A-bland Or. .1 F Keeran we give our Agents 3?» day’s time in which job printing, etc. Any favors shown them stupid for anything. — I vessel or the shell of some movable animal, Cresswell, 1 am perfectly williug to admit will he duly appreciated bv the V alley and H S Keeran. of Willow«. Colusa I 'o.Cal. to deliver and collect before paying us. A New York judge sentenced a highway­ like a lobster, for instance, he will be a bigger ’ed!” If this doesn’t come to an end we shal. Any and all person- claiming adverse­ Address RtCCBD: The ol I double log cabin long ago occupied my vast inferiority to yourself. Still I am a die of laughter. ♦ * * Ono of tbe party ii man to an imprisonment of sixteen years for aud healthier oyster iu cou.'equeuce. But be Ltnnkville R. B Hatton I by Andre". ly the above de«crilM‘d land - are requested ' i. uear Nashville, Teuu., vertebrated auimai, and for the last half an unusually tall man. “ When are yov Jacksonville ................ L. L. Jacobs. | i.ii' l.e-.n npa.;< i and preserved for another hour you have spoken to me in language stealing thirteen cents. The sentence proba­ can do a great deal of “settin’ still” and yet i to file their claims in this office on or before Central Point .. .. . W. A. Owen. I reuiwy at least by the enterprise of a local which G