ÎET& D1HEOTORY ............... ¡Senator» » f Dolph ............... ........... 1 /•tin H Mitchell Congressman •*f*r Hermann Governor •yiresi.r Feniw»y*r beeretary of btate • *orjr W Meß nd* btate Treasurer • W Webb 8u*t Public Instruction B B MrF.lroy Btate Printer Freak (' Baker W W Thayer )s*p**M* Judges WH'-em r I.*rd R ■ Hr »he ►»rev rv*ie!*z »«TdtT. L * W*M»er .rirenit Judge ltltam M »*g Attorney V J ■» k ,*■ JoM-phtoe Imke and Klarn- ■ th *o**ttea j*-. a»*« •*r»TV. . Jacksonville 4 m * ly 8»*4 Senator 4 C et»nl»y I T Bowditeh ftsb'rt A Miller • Representatives I W k Eric» i K Nri! .County Judge - . (Commissioners VZilhsm Ray 1 O**» W Taylor M m Muller .County Clerk limes ( Lak e Joint Representative W 8 Moore County Judge ff I! I riiwford .. ^Commissioners t, 1i Kester A I. L*avitt. Clerk M D Chihier» Sheriff Cha« Grave». Treasurer John Smart Assessor P L Fountain Hchool Superintendent J Ft Griffith ............... Surveyor John W Siemens .............................Coroiier LAKE ror«TT. Bounty Seat Lakeview c ' ..¿-.n. i:._ of Lak* JatatSenatoi * r Mo«, of Lahr Joint Representative W A Wit-hire Connty Judge Bi. Sherlock .. L - - william Bagley. (Commissioners W T B oy -4 Clerk Wtlli«ra C*rii Sheriff A M«Callen Treasurer a R i»her School Superintendent J F, McDonough. Assessor W X Barry Stock Inspector Th» eirrnit court for the First Judicial Cdnet act* in Jackion county on first •nflay in April, September arid Decem­ ber. In Klamath rnuniy on Second Mon 4*r ta J nne and first Monday In November, ta Lake county on the third Monday in Mar and the ««-ond Monday in October. I* Josephine connty on first Monday» in March and August For Jackson county the County, Probate tad Commissioners courts meet every month, commencing with the first Monday’; tar Josephine county, the first .Monday in Jannnry, April. Jnlv and September; for b*k* rnnnty. every alternate month, com- me*vinp the ffrit Monday in Jawnarv; for Klnmsth r.onni., the fir»! Wednesday in Hr*r*h. June, c’rptew'ber aed November. The Cherches. PRESBŸTERIAN Church, corner Main nnd Helman streets. B*ffulnr Services.—Sundav, It A. M. nwl 7 :M> P. M. Sunday School. 0:20 A M. Tonng Pcorle'» Meeting. 3 o’locck P M Prayer Meeting, every Thursday evening. Rxv. F. G. S traws *, Pastor. METHODIST. Church, corner Main and Bush »treets Regular Services.—Sunday. 11 A M. mid 7:30 P. M. Sunday School. 9.30 A. M Prayer Meeting, every Thiir»re running down the windward side of that island, and when we were near Craig’s cove—just as pretty a tittle landing a« you ever saw, on the edgo of a cocoanut grove, about six miles long and a tnilo wide—we were hailed by a white man In a I><>at, and when he camo aboard he told us he was Mr. Craig, that be had leased that plantation from the native chiefs for £20 a year, and ho and hi» partner had been doing businers thus for more than flvo years They got elong well enough until one of tho chiefs ot a little village with whom they had been trading all the time for copra (dried cocoanut moat) had grumbled about the [.rice that[was being paid, and had warned them that unless more trade was paid in the future someteidy would bo hurt—with the poisoned arrow» so silenfly and fatally used by that people. Craig said he know what that meant, for he bad often seen some poor devil struck by ono of these noiseless, venomous darts, and in a few hours die in dreadful agony. His native wife, ho thought, might be a protection to him, but he was very much afraid that hie partner was a doomed man. “Of course, we promised to do what we could for him, and soon after, meeting the English gunboat patrolling those waters, we reported what Craig had told us. We were assured the matter would be investigated, and we learned shortly afterward that the gunlioat visited Craig’s cove and the com­ mander had a ‘palaver’ with the chiefs of that district. They were informed that if they injured the property or hurt the persons of the two foreigners living there summary vengeance would be taken. Of course, they were assured that nothing of the kind was thought of, and so they sailed away. "A few days afterward Craig’s unfortunate partner, while walking through their cocoa- nut grove, was struck by one of those slen­ der, noiseless, poisoned arrows the New He­ brideans use, and in an hour was dead. “Then the second mate of a ‘labor vessel,' going in shore in answer to a friendly ‘smoke’ signal from the beach, was killed, with two of his crow, by a volley from tbe ambusbed natives, armed with rifles, and the boat’s contents plundered. TM WARRXK SISTERS. Church, corner Church and High streets Mrs. Tom Thumb, the wife of th* subject Regular Service,.—Sunday, 11 A. M. nnd of tbe foregoing, was, before she attracted the 7:30 P. M, Furulny School. 9:30 A M attention of her husband’s patron saint, little Uhristinn Endeavor Society, L:80 P 'i Prayer Meeting, every Thursday evening Betsy Bump. When put on exhibition bo­ Covenant Meeting, Saturdav before third ride her future husband, at tbe New York Sunday in each month. 2 I’. M. I.i.di.-.' museum, she adopted l-avina Warren as a Social, »econd T ucih I av eve in each mon b stage name She was married to tho little R»v f. K. V an T a - s : l . general at Grace church, New York city, in Pastor. 1863, and was, therefore, just twenty years a wife. Mrs. Stratton, when young, weighed any where from fifteen to thirty pounds As age Church, cor. Main street nnd Boulevard advanced she bocame quite portly, and Kcgulsr Services.—Siine,av, 10:30 A. M weighed, when she made tho last trip west, •ad 7:80 1’. M. Sunday School. 12 M. not less than fifty pounds Robust health, general portliness combined with a natural Frtyer Meeting, every Thursday evening. Rrv. G. J W ebster , rotund figure, gave hor quite a motherly ap­ Pastor. pearance, w hich earned for her the sobriquet o^the “Matron in Miniature.” After mourning the death of the ronowmed CATHOLIC’ i Tom for a year and nine months, Mrs. Strat­ ton tried abbreviated matrimony a second (Ttnrch. corner Sixth and B street- • egu lar Services -Every fourth Sunday, lime by a union with Couut Primo Magri, IB A. M Snndav School, even- fmirih April fi, IS35, The count is but thirty-two inches in height and weigh» less than his min­ Sunday,* P. M F' atuf . i F. S. N oil , iature bride Like her first marriage, this Pastor. second one was also performed in New Y’ork city at the Church of the Holy Trinity, Rev EPISCOPAL. Dr. Watkins officiating Since her second marriage the late Mrs Services in Baptist church, cor. Church Thumb has settled down to the enjoyment of and High streets, second and fonrlli Suu- an enviable reputation, but few inklings of <*y*. IP. M. R kv . F. R, T icknor , her everyday life are giveu to the public. Pastor. Minnie Warren was another celebrated dworfess. Sho wa* a sister to Mrs. Tom Thumb, and bciure being put on exhibition DUNKARD beside her sister was plain Huldah Bump Vharrh on Granite street. Regular .'•erv- Minnie was some ten years younger than Mrs. Thumb and weighod 42 pounds Bhe Preaching every Sunday. It A. M. wa* born on the Bump homestead, two miles out from Middleboro Center, Mass., and TurtO’ Notes. early began the show business. She was mar The children of poor miners in Illinois ried to Maj. Newell in 18— and died July 3:1, are reported to 1« actually starving from 1S78, eight hours after tbe birth of a girl hunger and w ant. This is hut another in­ baby weighing 6 pounds, one-seventh the weight of tho little mother ~ The ‘ uaby lived stase* of how the policy that fattens a few twit a few hours Mother and baby were monopolists is protecting our “infant in­ buried In the same coffin —John W W right dustries. The "fo'toring hand'' in Penn­ in St Louis Republic, sylvania and Illinois is largely engaged in <>«King grave* fur the poor.—, Boston Beneficence is a running stream. If cash Globe flows out of a good man's pocket, it will a! Tariff reform, reasserted and emphasized, most miraculously flow tn again. Just as will again be the absorbing is»ue. We can water rushes into a channel whoae waters hare to gush out Many * good man s purse not oscape it If we would, and I do not be- is like a siphon, the very emptying of which h*ve that any thoughtful man within the insures its refilling.—Arthur Edward* party desires to do so.—[St. I-ouis Repub­ I hry Agreed. lic. ’1 think." said one Detroiter to an­ other tho other day. "that what we need in tiie center of t ;e river, or somewhere along the riverside, iaagoodnatatorium, such as they have in the Seine in Paris." “1 don't know about that." said the other with some hesitation, 'I don't know that there is any public demand for the French thing that you spent about, but I do think that we ought to have along the river side some good While the manufacturers of New Eng­ |.rimming hatha " -Detroit Free I'rets. Governor Arae*, of Massachusetts, de­ mand» raw materials free of import duty, aad Chauncey M. Depew, speaking as pres- taan-. of the New York republican state m>av»ntioa, declares that the United Stales traasury surplus representa ju»t so much «nncc*-¿ary taxation, and that will be re da cad by removing unnecessary burilen». Th* republican policy of war tariff is break­ ing *f its own weight.—[Clevclftnd Plain Dra’ar. land are praying for relief from a form of protection that is crushing the life out of their industries, a republican convention tn Kansas has addressed a memorial to the president and congress complaining that their gram growers suffer hardship from th* duty on the fibres of which binding ♦wine is made, *nd demand the Abolition of that "oppressive tax."— [Providence Jour­ nal. Popular feeling against anything like a spurious article is always remarkable, though it is not aixvnys rational. A few years ago, when glffrose began to bo used in the manufacture of candies and sweet stuffs, firms which made no secret of the tact that they were using it. lost quite a large quantity of trade in consequence Tiie wiser ones had their cans klieled. “Italian sirups," and no one was any the wiser Ask any physician today why children suffer less from excessive indul­ gence in candies than formerly, and he will tell you that the substitution of glu- rose for what might i-e called more or­ thodox commodities is the cause. So aiuch for thecotntn.e tense of prejudice, Answer this Question. tinJuL'a Catarrh Remedy, a marvelous vare tur catarrh, diphtheria, canker month, and headache. With each bottle there is an agenious Na-al Injector for the more suc­ cessful treatment of the complaints, with­ out extra charge. Price 50 cent». Sold bv T. K. Bolton. -tntarrtew t* (Bern Until within tbe last 0v* year* It »» not •trung* m uncommon for buffalo con and ■alve* to lie firtmd herded with the wild nttle of the range*, mid the spring round ape always re[>ort.»i more or lem (port for the daring and reeklrre •cow punchers" with buffalo calves Western men bar* at last however berrin to realize, with mor* than a little regret. that tlia largo drove*of buffalo«» roaming at win over tha tracklees plains o< the territories formed sight« that are forever to be lost, and to realize aJso that the shame­ ful (laughter of these picturesque brutes lias been a waste of gold. The fact that the do­ mesticated buffalo and the cross breeds are both very valuable and easily herded is just now giving a new zest to the sport of buffalo hunting, and the danger* of the chase are tn creased ten fold by the fact that the object now is not to kill, but to capture To make prisoner* of the young or to bring upon one's self the fierce avenging fury of a buffalo cow, by throwing a rope over her I : calf, require* the utmost self possession as well a.« that peculiar daredevil familiarity i with saddle and horse which are found so i f“Uy developed in the range riders of the western plains. The hunt is profitless if the calves are injured, and the preparations for I | the care of the captives are not only minute. ! - 1 but necessarily expensive Domestic cows are provided as wet nurses, and a constant watchfulness is observed over these compul sory foster mothers until they have overcome a not unnatural repugnance to their new charge* Th* calves, however, when captured and placed in a corral with their nurses, dis . play no excessive modesty in foraging for milk, and their impetuous raids upon the new commissary are extremely amusing. An important element in the buffalo hunt ing of today Is the fact that the females give birth to their young very early in the spring, and the bunt must be accomplished before the beginning of the spring round up of cattle, or the calves become too strong to capture alive. A SPECtMEN RAID. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. The Roman Marriage. Independent of the legal forms that xSiates Land Office. Roseburg, Or.£ Sent. 23. 1 -9 > Tere the social observances of marriage A Partial Du*rriptl->n of the O:xuo—Dan* which were the same whatever was the "VTril'ICE 1? HEREBY GIVEA THAT .1A in comp iance with the provi»ions ’ At nightfall, of ger* from Picking the K.ir-4— Favorite legal ceremony chosen th-- ac> of Congress of June 3, when the star of Venus began to shine, 187», entitled “ An act for the sale Remedies Forbidden—Those Who rnder- the bride was fetched from her father’* of timber lands in the States of Califor­ staud Should Be Consulted. house. She was dressed in a white robe, nia. Oregon. Nevada and Washington The ears aro so often subject to disease, es | a symbol of her virgin purity, bound T;’:ritory." Thom*» W Lynch of Ashland, AN EXPERIENCED HOUSE MOTE» pecially in early life, that people should , round her waist with a woolen sash; her county <•' Jackson, state of Oregon, has this da-, filed in this office his swe-rn state­ Ih' ic -cully bnuehtout Wm. Patter»**, know more of them than they now generally hair i . lor tiie p:ireiin»c <■' ’he j the Ashland Hou e-Movcr and ia aoliriU** was plaited into six tresses after men’ No do A little, but not much, can bo said about SE of Section N->30, in Township No 40 , the cars they neoL . Too real apparatus of those of the Vestal Virgins; on her head .». Range N•' 5 E nnd will offer proof to 1, ihc patronage of the citiccna of A»h!anl and environs; satisfa -lion j narantaeff. hearing is fortunately so well constructed 1 she wore a flame colored veil and a fresh show tlint the land .»ought i» more valu­ ¡ar lie» living outside and having "*eb , and so well protected in Its situation, it docs wreath of the sacred verbena, for th* able for it» timl-ir or stone than for work to co. arc requested to send their ad­ ( very well, as a rule, under th* “let alone wife was priestess iu her family. Under agricultural purposes, and to establi-h dress, when tnc\ will be called upo*. treatment.” There is much, however, to lie the protection of Juno Domiduca (th* hi» cl.-.tm to sai I land before the Register Addres": JOHN A RAMSDELL, A skland , O*. said about « hat ought not to be «lone to the home leader) she passed through the and Receiver of this office at Roseburg, ■ Or., on Tuesday, the 17 dav of December. ears, for habius which lend to injure them are streets accompanied by her friends and 18'9. exceedingly common. Again, people should lighted on her way with torches. By her •i He names as witnesses: Tho» Mayhew, Overland to California, be better informed about the diseases of these . j Wallace Rogcrs.Jobn F Givans.of Ashland. Important organs, not only for the reason side there walked a young boy carrying ' Jackson county. Or.. Squire Parker, of —VIA— Klamath county Or. Any that many of thorn may be prevented, but an open basket, in which there lay a 1 Keno. because, as a general thing, they are improp­ hank of wool, a distaff and a spindle, for ' and m H persons claiming adversely the above erly treated. Considering these facts, it is spimiing was the great duty of the Ro­ described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 17 day assumed that a discussion of the Bubject will man matron of the republic. i of December, 1889 LINE, be of interest. To be a good spinner was a gem in ' C has . W. J ohnston Register Anatomists liave divided the ear uito three her crown of virtues, by the side of THU MOUNT HHASTA IlOUTW. parts. A description of two is comparatively chastity and frugality, and the emblems TIMBER LAND NOTICE. easy, but of the other is too difficult to under of this occupation were held in honor Time Between taka The drum of the ear is tho dividing United States Land Office, Roseburg, Or. J Sept. 23 1889. i i ASHLAND AND SAN FRANCISCO. line between the external and the so called even at a time when the chosen pursuits middle ear. The drum lies about an inch and of women were very different. Arriv­ -VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 23 HOURS. in compliance with the provisions of * quarter within the passage. Beyond the ing at the door of her new home sh* drum is the actual hearing apparatus. The found it wreathed with flowers in honor ' the act of congress of June 3. 1878, entitled “An act for the sale of timber lands in the outermost part of the external ear Is, as every of the festive occasion. On the door states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and EXPRESS-TRAINA RIB PAII.T one of course knows, trumpet shaped, so as posts she hung fillets of wool and an­ Washington Territory,” Joe Aiken of Ash­ Between to receive and collect sounds from all quar ointed them with oil as a symbol, it land. county of Jackson. state of tors. The middle ear, lying liack of the drum has this day tileie mode of congress of June3, 1878.entitled "An act MAIL TRAIN DAILY (EXCEPT BUNDAY.) Although the drum of the ear lies an inch its administration was then signed, and it for the sale of timber lands in the states of Ar I 6:20 p m and a quarter within the passage, it is very , banquet followed, during which five wa* California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing­ 7:3 Wednesday in each their village, where their womankind in a broathlng space, tho three hunters separated eorvico. Very generally that instrument is a big hat on his head and a monstrous month. All brethren in good standing ar* few hours returned everything to its wonted again, coming upon tho band from different small glass affair which is well nigh valueless sword dangling to the ground at hi* cordially invited to «'tend. aspect,” points. As they approached cautiously, in­ for the purpose to which it is put. To syringe side, a picture such as one seldom sees T. O. A kiirkws , W M. out the ear3 is a very nice operation, and one B 8 R adcliff , Recorder. Such is the real mode of procedure and its tending if possible to stampede the herd and can scarcely .io it properly without being in­ outside the comic collections. An aid effects in “shelling a village" in the New rope the calf a* it fell behind, one of the in­ structed by a physician. told Gen. Dow (perhaps he was only Hebrides, in punishment for tho murder of furiated cows made a sidelong dash, and in a Where there is any deposit in the ear, as of Col. Dow then) that the commander ASHLAND. JACKSON COUNTY, OR, CHOSEN FH1ENI1S. twinkling Wright ’ s long legs were in the air ono or more Europeans — F. L. Clark in San hardened wax, etc., s considerable quantity wished to see him. Gen. Dow strode and his horse lay kicking in the sage brush, Francisco Chrouici«. .»32. I while the cow was plunging away down tbe of water must be thrown into it in order to down the line the soldier* laughing at Scholarship, one year.......................... F idei . ity L odge N o . 1, or Onraott. do any good. Again, the stream must be the sight Commercial Course................................. 125. Meets the first and third Tuesday even­ plain with the speed of an unlimited ex­ properly directed or more harm than good Blio Lived to Spite Him. |15. ings of each month in I. O. O. F. hall. “Gen. Dow,” said the commander, Training School, per year press Chapman threw his rope on tho calf, result; instead of being dislodged and Members in good standing respeetfutly A certain maiden lady was twice in and as it bellowed, its mother turned upon will For further information address, “ you will march out into that opening washed out, the offending substance to be re­ invited. T. W. L ynch , her life engaged to l>e married, and each Chapman, who was forced to drop the rope moved will be driven farther in and become yonder, take a position on that knoll J. 8. SWEET, P resident , Win. P atterson , Soc'y. Councellor. to avoid a collision which would have been Ashland. Oregon. destroy her hopes of matrimonial bliss, packed against the drum. Then there are and hold it until further orders"—some­ time some unforeseen event interposed to certain death. other things to be considered in this connec­ thing to that effect THE Finding her calf free the cow fled and was tion. In using a syringe, if a stream of water Hero was a sad case. Time began to In sight of the entire right wing of I away from the calf by Chapman and is thrown against the drum with too great a wrinkle her fair brow, and no new suit­ run tho army, Gen. Dow went marching Gomez, while Wright, wbo had picked hlm- ors appeared. To add to her distress she | self up and got into bls saddle again, fob force, injury is sure to result.. In that way into the opening, his long, heavy sword )I became 6ick nigh unto death. The assist­ lowed, overtaking the calf, and throwing an- it is possible to rupture the drum, but if that blanking on the ground behind him, his I «Just Published. not done inflammation will very likely be ant clergyman of the parish—a bashful 1 other rope over it secured the last of tho is tha consequence. Again, water too hot or big hat making him look like a grass­ youth—was 6ent for. The sick room was three. One of the wagons was brought up too cold may set up an inflammation. There­ hopper under a toadstool. The com­ The moat interesting, intensely faarig- PROPRIETOR ating and jKipular subscription book ev»- well filled with sympathizing neighbors and the calves loaded into It Saddle horses fore, all things considered, tho rule is fixed mander heard the army Laughing and publinhed. when the young divine made his appear­ were again changed and the party moved th* that syringing the ear should never bo done looking for tho cause. Full Supply B y J W BUEL, ance, and, after some remarks, proceeded comp about twelve mile* to a corral, where unless a physician has advised it and given “ Who is that walking across tho open ­ oows were held awaiting their new ample instructions a* to all its details.—Bos­ to read a portion of the Scriptures. He domestio Ti e most famous ami successful Amfri ing? ” he asked. charges. can Writer, and author of "The f’-eautttal ton Herald. fell upon the chapter in which the wom­ “That is Gen. Dow," said everybody. The following day was spent in a fruitless Story." 'Sea and Land," “The World'* an of Samaria is introduced. When he search for other buffaloes, but on tbe third An aid was sent to bring him back. Wonders.” Etc. Saddle Horses to Let. Be Blands Alon*. read the words, "Go, call thy husband,” j day two other calves were captured, making “Gen. Dow,” said tho commander, It is a niatchle»» Mint or art . Over 1.« I shall never know him. I hope I have 200 magnificent spirited engravings, desigg- the sick woman groaned a little; but in ell live captives as tbe result of • ten days Corner Fourth and B streets. ’why did you go out thero alone? Why ed ami executed by the be-t artists arid ert- no foolish desire to know him. I spoke of did you not tako your command with when he uttered the word*. “The woman bunt—New York Herald. Special attention paid to freight team-. •rravers on two Continents, embellish It* answered and said, I have no husband," the harm I should undoubtedly do him in Tiie following is declared to be the work of you?” pages ar d add excitement to wonder. Ia the old lady rose upright in her lied, and. * pupil in an English elementary school: writing my chaotic ideas of him, neces­ uddition to this incomparable feature is sup­ “Dear me, general,” said Dow, “I beg Fall and Winter Clothing. plemented many grand and beautiful full - with flashing eyes, squeaked out; “I'm “Seamen are what wo call sailors, and cap sarily so far away from hia secret brain. a thousand pardons. I didn't know you i - age colobku fleourapii plateh . The nin* no’ gaun to staun sic impidence frae ony- tins, and training ship boys, Tho sailors you But I bear testimony in my life that for meant for me to take anybody with me. brilliant colors used in the pictures produce body, preacher or no. I winner yer no' see in the streets are nice little fat men, with twenty years David Swing has influenced You didn't 6ay so, you know.”—Wash­ an almost dazzling effect, making them per­ ashamed o’ yersel’, ye rascal. I’ve had red and brown faces. They ware boys’ coats my life. He stayed here. He survived. ington Post. fect gems of art, umt executed at a cost ef two chances for a man, an’ I’ll leeve to and hats, and their trousers are too tite for He is by all odds the fittest son the val­ John Newgate, of Boston, a merchant, AGENTS WANTED. see anither—see if I don’t.” And she did. them up above and too wide for them down ley owns. He is the father of our litera­ selectman and constable of tho town, below It makes them foel very riled. Sailors ture. He made his living preaching to Everywhere to sell this most remarkable — Liverpool Courier. OREGt )N. bo"k. Old experienced agents grasp it *t don’t ware coIlers, becose their necks are so the rich, the Anarchist orators say, but who was admitted a freeman in 1683, and elected representative at tho March sight, for they realize theie is big money in thick; and they always have their boot* Life Lengthening. David Swing says it is a lie. He goes Has just received the biggest and test it. In reality it is a marvel ot bookmaking and September sessions of the general blacked for fear the captain might see them Human life is estimated to have round a corner. They don't carry there best each summer to Lake Geneva, where the court, in 1638, and who died in 1665, stock of good» ever brought to Ashland. art. If you want to make some money, A fine stock of imported goods. I also car­ here is a golden opportunity f«-r you. An lengthened 25 per cent, during the 13st close in boxes, but they ty them up in big solitude is awful. left a will dated Nov. 25, 1664, in which ry all classes of goods, hence you cannot agency for this work is worth half century “The average of human red and blue handkerchiefs just like Christ- He comes in town to bury the dead. he gives to his wife Ann, his “farmo at fail suited. < all and examine the From $."> to $U5 Per Day. life in Rome, under Caasar, was eighteen mas pud-lens. Sailors are very fond of their His “church" hibernates in summer—if Rumly Marsh, with all my lands belong­ stock to for be yourself. Nothing 4>ut first-class it is acknowledged by all publishers and years," says Dr. Todd, of Georgia; “now mothers and sist.-rs, and you neerly always the reader will permit me. He goes out ing there vx£& .... sho the said work, a good lit and satisfaction guaranteed. agent» to Lethe hand» mest. fastest seilina it is forty The average in France fifty sec them taking them out for a walk. The to lecture as often as circumstances war­ Ann continuity in the state of widdow- Also line of a Conductor's Cloth. and cheapest book ever published. Henl years ago was twenty-eight; the mean reason why sailers 'ise to get drunk is becose rant and writes for the press whenever hoode, paying vnto the Colledge in Cam­ F. E. ZtELlSfX. immediately for illustrated circulars and duration in 1867 was forty-five and one- it makes them roll about like as if they was he finds the task agreeablo. Nobody can bridge the sum of five pounds pr ann. terms free, or tbe < ptx rtunity will be lost. on the ooheant "—True Flag. To save time and to secure it instantly, half years. In Geneva during the Thir­ get his fame away from him, for it is during the said time of her widdow- send $1 .<¥) fer a complete canvassing oLilt teenth century a generation played its founded in that need of humanity where if a ;adls ot iron is accidentally spilled it hoode, for the security of which pay­ ami name choice of territory. Extra Lib­ part upon the stage and disappeared in will, of course, almost inevitably jo some every soul looks for his master, and is ment my said farme is already bound and eral terms and ext<> jsof Window and Door Frame . Mold- ten, they averaged but one score. Now, iron workers should always take pain* to but the friendship and reverence remain for that the eaid annuall pay for I ^pid Brackets of all siyles. Feats built in tiie city of London, the average is prevent such a con;bination being possible.— —a song without words.—John McGov­ Colledge is after such marrite of ^r, - to order. The whole or one bun o.ieredt il. w- ! fbr 14 72S MftfkM BMi FrtrnvKFrf, Cifl. DOE .CD _ V-»- DLR1U" ern ot David Swing forty-seven years. ’--HentMef Health flfe ssra Ann. PJ beb ffim UVTHiutu’’ P. GRADY, PAINTER Barber Shop, N State Normal School DEPOT FEED STABLE I Living World. John Wheeler, GRAIN & HAY F.E.ZOELLNER, MERCH.4KT TAILOR, ASHLAND Peterman Bros. The History Co.