Senator Sherman h is made a ringing FIGHTING AT DISADVANTAGE FINAL PROOF NOTICE. ' protection speech in Ohio. In 1867 he It is inevitable that in war against United > ate» Land Office, Roseburg. Or.,) , said: trusts the attempt tocarry legislation into OcU23. ure. A sblasv , O«. T htbsday . O ct . 31.!*«<«. i If you converse with intelligent men cn- effect must tie in a considerable degree- in­ "VTOTI* E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ' gaged in the bus’ne».» of manufacturing, quisitorial. The combinations known as .xA the following named settler ha» tiled notice of lit» intention to make final pro* f they will tell you that they are willing to Jlauy defc* ts »e discovered in the compete with England. France. Germany trusts, in their nature, are not easily ex­ in »upport of hi» claim, and that said proof Those Big Values for the A. T. KYLE, Prop. will be made before the jndge. or in his ab- British navy, but liiere were more when I and all the countries of Europe at the old posed to the public gaze. Their managers , sence, before the clerk of the < ounty court Dollar. we ¡rot through with it in 1812. I rates of duty. • • • They do not a»k make their arrangements in private and of Jackson county. Or., at Jacksonville. Or., Cor. Mam Street and Hargadine Avenue. I protection against the )>auper lalor of Eur- liave the liest reasons for avoiding pub­ on Friday, Dec. 13tli 1889; viz Thomae If. Andrees, Editor Dana’s check for $10,000 to New | ope. but they ask protection against the licity as far as possible. If law is to reach Home»tead entry No. 4824. for the 8. W. _ as loue- i creation of vour own laws. I .»aid it, and I them, therefore, evidently the first thing All the vehicles are new. of latest styles York’s exhibition fond is plxving of Sec. 2. in Tp. 38, S. R. 2 E.. W. M. i and first class. Gentle horses and good Bome a aolo as that one Democrat in the »tend by it. that a» a general rule the duties I must lx* to find then: and uncover their He name» the following witnesses to drivers. A »hare of public patronage re- Waaliingtim senate. 1 uP°n in,Port" °’*rate « a Ux upon methods, and this is xrhat the secretary of prove hi- . ontimious re-idence ujien and ■ spectfully solicited and satisfaction and —■ — the consumer. cultivateni of ».nd land, viz: roilui-ed > the following price: For two or more ’VYOTCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT er, of the same narrow, despotic spirit which people, 50 cents apiece per hour. tician of Dakota. In view of the mete- j planted castles upon the Rhine to plunder or sold in the state; prohibits corjwrations Lx the following named settler has filed orologicat ilei«»te of the state, his popu­ peaceful commerce: every obstruction to from owning or issuing trust certificates, notice of his intention to make final proof HORSES BOARDED AND FED. Goods bought for cash away in »upjiort of his claim, and that said proof lar nickname should lw Blizzard. commerce is a tax upon consumption: and declares void contracts in violation of , will be made before the judge, or in hii ab- down below the regular price every facility to a free exchange cheapen- the law. The secretary of state of Mis­ i .»ence before the clerk of the countv court ASHLAMD One of our liest exchanges is the commodities, increases trade and produc­ souri, after some months of preparation I o' Jackson county, Jacksonville,Or., and sold on the principle of Marysville Ih-mocrat. It recently com­ tion and promotes civilization. Nothing is has now entered upon the task of enforc­ on Saturday, December 7th, 1889. viz: Joseph E. Randles, small gains and large aggre­ menced volume 11, and is deserving of worse than sectionalism within a nation, ing the law. With this end in view, he _____ __ entry No. 4223, for the W. % Homestead i and nothing is lietier for the peace of nation» the |atronage its columns show. of the S. gates is what does the busi­ has addressed a circular to officers of cor- ' of the 8. 'V. W /4, and the N. E. than unrestricted freedom of commerce and porations throughout the state, requiring W% of See. 15, and N W‘4 of NWJ4 of Sec. intercourse with each other. ness. j 22, in Tp. 37, S. R. 2 E.. W M. < ieorge Francis Train says he never en­ them to inform him, under oath,whether I ~jj“ Maine» the 'following witnesses to joyed Boston *o much aa he does now. Queen A'ictoria owns a considerable since the passage of the act the corpora- I ! prove his continuous residence upon, and He is in jail there for delx, or libel, or with which thev j cultivation of said knd. viz: William Coat- amount of real estate in New York City, , tion or corporations \ , .i. * i nev, ney, Thomas Davis. Imainc Luduic Tomi, Tonn, Chas. Cha» some other of his characteristics. ________________ | on which tenants pay the rent without are connected have merged all or any | UaTi8i an of Lake Creek, Jackson county, i-O-E C has . W. J ohnston Register. The GernLmi of the UnitciStateshave dreaming who their landlady is, whereat part of their business or interest in or Oregon. with any trust,combination or association FINAL PROOF NOTICE. •elo-teil ( s-tober (Jth as the olis: Adiland, - - - Oregon. u. no need of changing either governor or months' time he’ll have you reduced to The trouble is not in the number of II LSHLAII OFFERED FRESH BREAD & PIES daily superintendent of the asylum.—[E. O. a state of subjection compared to which appointments, but in the character of the meekness of Moses w’ould not be a them. There has been a lack of good Mayor Pond, of Kan Francisco, and circumstance. policy in all his selections, save in the Stephen M. White, of lx* Angeles, are I eases of John C. New, Albert G. Porter OF EVERY VARIETY. In the annual report of Governor On account of my having l«en crippled in prominent names in the democratic list and J. N. Huston. These are most ex­ a runaway some time ago. and not being Kept constantly on hand. for governor of California. Major A. F. White, he estimated the white population cellent arqiointments front a party stand­ able to personally supervise the business properly, I have concluded to dis|est stopping love with house and palace architecture rights, as well as irrigable lands, be giv­ seven months. Another and more im-1 places, as all the surrounding towns can be on the Japanese plan. portant factor for democratic success in en to the state of Montana. made by short, easy drives. Good teams can be had at reasonable rates to any ]>oint Indiana henceforth will be found in the Ex-Npeaker Baird, of the New Jersey in the county. The weeping tree is situated about a labor vote. It is surely coming over to i legislature, now drive« a horse cor on one mile east of Howe, Tex., in a cow lot us solidly on the tariff question. The . A IIXE SAMPLE ROOM I? —TO— -A.EÒ2E ZDJLILY YA LL ZELL VIHSTGr of the surface roads in New York, and owned by Rube Harold. Mr. Harold protection argument is worn out; its fals­ Is connected with the house and kept ex­ the incident is widely commented u|>on. tobl a Galveston News reporter that this ity has been established by the actual clusively for Commercial men. Also a good well lighted hall for traveling We «ee no reason why an ex-speaker phenomenon commenced three years experience of our workingmen; and. THE, shows , etc.,etc., etc. should not earn his bread honestly on ago, aneaker of the New York in hot, dry, sunshiny weather lari_e around the standard of reform and car­ wines and liquors. K ey W est . Imported legislature went once. drops come down which would soon wet ry it to victory. A repetition of the St. In this desirable location, wiih a frontage and the best brands of Domestic cigars a •f 50 feet on Alida avenue and a depth ; specialty. A fine new billiard table and one’s clothing through and through. The Louis platform is what we want. What the American brass band most of 160 ft. Centrally located and a beau- I everything new and first-class. tree has always l»een a profuse bearer of Ballot Kel'orni in Connecticut. Commencing April 1st a “brand new” tiful view of the surrounding needs is a managing editor. On the oc­ hack (fitted up especially for the business) Was awarded the only country makes these lots the leaves until the past spring, when it did The new ballot law in Connecticut, will connect with all trains for the accom­ Full Assortment always on hand, direct from the East, and casion of the serenade to Senator Sher­ most desirable and choicest not buil out at all and has every apjtear- which had its first test on Monday, modation of passengers between this place Residence Lots in Ash­ man by Ohio republicans, the kind play­ at Prices that defy competition. prove«! a decided success, but in one in ­ and Jacksonville ance of lieing dead, although the rain, or land. Prices low. ed Listen to My Tale of Woe, and (47) C. W. SAVAGE, Proprietor. whatever one may shoi«e to call it, con­ stance at least, it succeeded in a way not —{ AT THE Y— TZEELZNTS EASY. The Campbells are Coming. When anticipated by the Republican legisla­ tinues to fall from the dead branches. Climate free with each lot. Look at these P aris E xposition , 1889. General Mahone opened his campaign ture that passed it. lots before buying elsewhere. Enquire or the leader of the brass band got in his There is something remarkably incon­ Norwich is a great manufacturing 137tl] Call and examine them, now on exhibi­ E. E. Miner on the premises. fiendish work by playing Listen to the gruous in the lust act of the domestic town, and the mill owners have had tion at Mocking Bird. The brass band needs drama of Ferry vs Ferry. Mrs. Ferry ' things their own way there. If a mill DÆARTIN & HARRIS’, watching. gets her divorce, accepts $50,000 alimony ■ hand voted the Democratic ticket he ran A shland , O h . I and starts for San Francisco. Just as the risk of being discharged. It was no The married women who commit sui­ she was about to board the train Mr. I uncommon spectacle in days past to set*! Pacific Coast Main office, 1368 Market St.. ZDZELLTG-Q-ISTS. cide are slightly in the majority over the Ferry clasps her in bis arms, smacks her * a squad of thirty or forty ojieratives, San Francisco, Cal. ASHDAND, OREGON. unmarried. With men it is the reverse ; on the cheek until the welkin rings, and ' marshalled to the )»olls by an overseer, School Books, Stationery, mort* single men take their own lives then stands on the dejxit platform wav­ S whose business it was to see that the j H0T0GÂ ph s Clocks, Watches, and All work ordered will lie made to give entire than married men. Ont of every three ing adieus until the train is out of sight. men voted “right,” or in other words the married men who commit suicide two Either Mr. Ferrv is as much in love as J way their employers desired. Jewelry. SATISFAGTION- are without children, anti out of every ever or he ¡ b very glad to get rid of his The new law provides for substantially ; Main Street Corner, Ashland, Or. Rcpairing neatly and promptly done, four married women w ho commit suicide divorced wife and took a very sin :ular ¡the Australian system of voting. The: Prescriptions carefully put up by com ­ ami at Low Rates. voter« enter the small tooth alone, and ! three are without children; and the pro­ and public way of expressing it. petent bands. prepare th*-ir ballots. This beads off the I portion holds good among suiciding wid­ A speaker addressing a meeting of far­ | bulldozer anil the briber alike. ows anerN we hear a great deal aliout Fran­ you give more attention to party affairs For the accommodation of a limited num­ ber of guests. cis G. New lands, and that gentleman than to the weightier matters in which ballot reform to some purpose», and! I seems to push himself before the Neva-1 vou are immediately concerned. You do throws a flood of light on Republican J GREGORY & HICKS. . $10 00 Board and lodging per week. ... 1 50 .................... * “ day... da ]>eople as a self-constituted lienefaetor. not support the papers that represent professions ot their love for free insti- . ... 1 00 “ per day ......................... __ -CITY— The Silver-tongued Orator, Thos. Fitch, I your interest truly. You take collective­ tutions. Single meals............................ 50 The 1’rinting Office Towel. who once represented Nevada in congress ly six partisan political pajiers for every Camping privileges will be 50cts per week WHITE i - B. F Reeser s - When I think of the towel, the old- ’ is coining to the front.______ OREGON for earn individual. ASHLAND. I one of an agricultural character. (50) BYRON COLE, P roprietor . fashioned towel, that used to hang up by ; A Buffalo carpenter committed suicide the printing house door, I think that no­ IP.Í.NSFBR. Rumor in political circles says there is last week, and left a letter alleging as his body in these days of shoddy can ham­ a probable change to be made in the Is the place to buy reason for the act that, having been en­ mer out iron to wear as it wore. The1 Passenger Coach to Every Train. office of United States district judge, and R. R. STREET, FOOT OF FIRST AVE. gaged in the carpenter's trade for many Freight moved altout town at rates tramp who abused it, the devil who used I. W. BFBRISK, Proprietor. tluit Judge Deady’s visit east is very sig­ it, the comp, who got at it when these Ashland, Oregon. years, he had decided upon doing some­ LOWER THAN ANY ONE ELSE. This favorite resort is gaining in popu­ nificant of it. Judge Sawyer is nearly 70 two were gone, the make-up and fore­ C. W. GANIARD, Prop. thing higher and better. The bible, he larity every dav. Fire wood of all kinds delivered any­ years old and will soon lie retired from man, the editor the,poor man,each rubbed continued, says that In my Father’s ASHLAND,: : : OREGON. Will spare no pains in making this one the bench. Judge Deady is looking to some grime off while they put a heap where in town at lowest prices. The very best of WINES, BRANDIES, of the most comfortable and home-like house an* many mansions; and some of hotels in the place. The table» are supplied that vacancy and hop-s to fill it,in which on. In, over and under, 'twas blacker BEER and CIGARS, kept con­ them must need repairing. So, having with the best the market affords. Pleasant Will Sell, Rent and Handle ease C. A. Dolph, of Portland, will suc­ than thunder, 'twas harder than poverty, ¡ J. H. .M artin Wu. H arris . accommodations for families stantly on hand. been a good carpenter on earth, he could ceed Judge Deady. This accounts for rougher than sin; front the roller sus­ get along in henven. He then shot him­ Real Estate on Commission PORTER e<-t I “The Star that lead.» them all—the light­ Fruit and Ornamentai Trees "toXu’ "APHRODITINE-’ None bul the liest material used. do the promoters of this enterprise pro­ Daughter— in—law’s running D omestic . ” the stock. Is S old on a cousin ............ 3,000 12,000 pose to do with the thousands who at­ In KEEKER’S BJXX.'K, M esh . LACHENAL & GUKiON, OF ALL KINDS AT POSITIVE Nephew-by-uiarriage Croup can be Prevented. tend this fair? Put them to sleep in the —raoM P aris — i ASIILAMt. :::::: OKEtiON. GUARANTEE Parker ..................... 4,000 lti,<100 shadow of the Grant monument, perhaps. We want every mother to know that Father-in-law......... ... een done in Daughter's brother-in- form of uervou» Has an entirely New Method for washing Roliert J. Burdette, the professional thousands of case», and you may depend 3.0ened a of Woolens. Ladies Flannels ami other Wife’s niece’s hus­ generative or- AFTER BEFORE the Lower Morion Baptist church, Phila­ | i VANCOt’VEB NUItSI RIES. True cr* up never appear- with­ Wearing Apparel: also Gent's J'lothes 1,900 band ............. t.......... 7,t>00 gaus of either sex whether arising from the out due and timely warning; a few hour», delphia. during the past summer. On Ub- A General Assortment always on excessive use of Stimulants, Tobacco or Opium, cleaned on Short Notice. Son's father in-law's or a day or two liefore the attack, the child niece's husband. . . 2,000 8,000 Sunday evening he preached his fare­ I become» hoarse. This hoarseness is the hand, and prices reasonable. or through youthful iailiscrctiou, over indulg­ LACE CURTAIN ( LEANING A SPE­ -IN­ President’s " brother- well sermou, prior to setting out on a first indication of croup, and is a sure sign ence, Ac., such as Loss of Brain Power, Wakeful­ CIALTY. in-law No, 2. ,400 9,600 lecture tour. He recently remarked: that croup is to follow, unless promptly and ness, Bearing down Pains iu the Back, Semina) Satisfaction O ua ra nteed. CENTRAL POINT. properly treated. The free use of Chamliei- Weakness, Hysteria, Nervous Prostration Nocturn­ 1 think 1 shall some day give up lectur­ lain» Cough Remedy, a» directed with ea: b Total $35, KN $142.000 al Emissions, Leucorrhoea, Dizziuess, Weak Mem­ And will keep constantly on band a full bottle, under the heading “To prevent ing, and settle down in a little country croup, assortment of Hardware, btoves ami tin­ Should Harrison be ory, Loss of Power and Impoteucy, which if ne­ ” will dispel all symptoms of the DEALERS is ware. re-elected the above parsonage. This is my ideal life, and if disease. The first sign of croup, hoarse glected often lead to premature old age and insan­ A full supply of PAINTS, OILS, PAINTERS* TOOLS, ity. Price f 1.00 a box, 6 boxes for 45.00 Sent b; incumbents, if still 1 had known enough of theology I might ness. may be overlooked by young mother» We Will Not be Undersold or those not familiar wiih the di.»ea>e. Un­ C offins , C askets , R obes of ali . S izes WALL PAPER, GLASS, ETC., in office, would re- mail on receipt of price. House, Sign, Carriage, and Call have been a preacher now. der >neh circumstances, or when not projw ceive for the second G loves , C repes , E tc . and see us liefore purchasing ei»c- A WRITTEN GLAltANTEE is given for erly treated, 'he hoarseness becomes more where, fcr we -------- ■'» --- term......................... $142,01» Building Papers. Wrapping Paper» every' 15.00 order received, to refund the money if can suit you ■ in price and Decorative Painting. marked ami the child shows symptom» of TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN quality. ASHLAND, - - OREGON. Total for eight years $284,000 and Twines. a Permanent cure is not effected. having taken 1» Id, then a peculiar, rough Office ami wareroom a* rail road crossing, •/. c. shekidan . rOTICF. I> HEREBY GIVEN THAT c u"h is develoi>ed. Even at this stage Wc have thousands of testimonials from old Special Attention given tu Authorized Agent». the co-partnership heretofore existing t bamberlain's Cough Remedy will prevent Helman »treet and young, of both sexes, who have been perma­ All kinds of The following partie» ar? authorized to l>etween U . Aver». 11. R. Barliour and alter ti e cough ha- devel­ nently cured by the use of A chkoditine . receipt for subsenpti >n». advertisements, R. T. Elviage. doing business under the oped, the croup is liable t*> api>ear at any ARTISTS' MATERIALS. Circular free. Address Shiloh's Ca’arrh Remedy. job printing, etc. Any favor» shown them firm name of Aver», l*arl>our A Elviage, at an v moment. The projier wav. is to keep THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. ! will he duly appreciated by the V alley c ntra't< r» and builder».i» hereby di»»oived, a Imtiie of this remedy a: hand. It costs, Shiloh’» Catarrh Remedy, a marvelous CONTRACT'S FOR H oum * anvnch,it Sold bv T K Bolton, sole agent, Ashland, J I Medford .. .... Miller Jt Strang C. W. A yers , without extra charge. Bold by J. K. Dolton. Sture. Fur sale bv T. K. B olton . Ashland, Oregon. i Ore)tun.‘ tttS MhW BlfrffC VALLEY RECORD. BROADHEAD! BROADHEAD! imStaMi A Large Assortment of the .Vili’ GOODS ETERA WEEK. People are Com­ ing from a dis­ tance to Ashland to Buy at Dean’s. CELEBRATED B roadhead ) £ ( dress ) X R oods ?] LATEST NOVELTIES, NEW AND DESIRABLE Feed and Livery Stable Enquire or call and See Goods and Prices. SHADES AND COLORINGS JUST RECEIVED G. E. DEAN KBiiirj. LIVERY STABLE OCj I U I FOR For Sale at a Bargain. CHOICE CAKES E. B 5 ONLY PERFECT Sgj/IHG MECHANISM R esidence lots .F amily USB. Hunsaker Staple and Fancy Dry Goods T The Bar And will be sold at our well known LOW PRICES R oots ) ( and ) S hoes ) GRAND PRIZE! H. JUDGE CHITWOOD BROS. Harness & Saddle Manufacturer Colestein HARDWARE, STOVES & TINTA7 ARE. J. M. McCALL. Sulphur Springs W. N. LUCKEY, Exchange Saloon, Hotel Real Estate Agent, TIN STORE Hardware, Tin, Sheet-Iron and Copperware. Martin & Harris. JOB I Commission Merchants, SEWING*—MACHINES WORK, The Celebrated French Cure, FRENCH LAUNDRY H. S. EMERY Martin & Harris HARDWARE TRADE Funeral Director. EVANS Á BRUNK N WM. A. GROWE, GRAINiNG and PAPER HANGING. FOR SALE