VALLEY RECORD. Then hie horror turned to rage at the thought of being plundered and insulted by these brutal rascals, and he inwardly vowed that when he did get free he would spend all the money he had in hunting them down But. as we shall see, he never got the chance of doing eo The robbers laid their prisoner on the horse and led him up a steep, zigzag path to a kind of rocky platform, walled in on three side« by unscalable cliffs, while on the fourth lay a precipice at eeveral hundred feet Here about twenty more brigands were encamped; and Harry White, suddenly remembering his silver ernes, looked eagerly to see If the man who had given it to him was one of the band; but he could see no one in the least like him. “Has Capt. Gonsalves come back yet?” asked one of bis conductors. “No,” was the reply; “but we are ex­ pecting him every moment." Just then a hasty step was heard be­ low, and a tall, dark figure, springing up the rocks as nimbly as a mountain goat, came bounding on to the platform. “Up with you, comrades!” shouted the new comer, who was no other than the formidable Pedro Gonsalves himself “We have been betrayed, and all the soldiers from La Redonda are upon our trail We must retreat at once. Ha! who is this—a prisoner?" “We took him in the valley yonder, and have kept him for ransom,” replied one of the bandits. “There is no time to think of ransoms now, when our very lives are at stake,” said the robber chief, sternly. “Take what money he has on him, and then fling him over the precipice." Instantly a dozen eager hands were rifling Harry's pockets, and the brave lad, giving himself up for lost, prepared to die like a man. But, as his watch was dragged forth by the robbers, the silver cross that hung to its chain caught the eye of Gonsalves, who sprang for­ ward and asked hurriedly: “Where did you get that cross?" “It was given to me five years ago by a smuggler of these parte, whom 1 helped to escape when he was crippled by a fall.” replied Harry, looking fixedly at him. “And I am the man who gave it,” said Gonsalvez, grasping his hand warmly; “and for that good deed you shall de­ part free and unharmed. Comrades, give him back all that you have taken. Follow that path. Senor Americano, which will lead you to the village of San Tomas; and when you tell this story to your friends, tell them also that kindness is never thrown away, evon upon a bri­ gand.”—David Kerr in Golden Days way was streaked by the silhouette» nd ' An! the Dattle! there is the powder palm trees; farther yet, and the Kabyk which laughs, the lead which whistles village stood confusedly out from th« the steel which darts, the blood which THE VOICE SHOULD BE FORMED IN earth, with its mud hovels, low, narrow flows, the splendid shocks, the noisy In our times, France's great African 1 The People's Paper. THE ROOF OF THE MOUTH. colonies are subdued forever; but in windowed, whose doors wore too small death at will! But that great mouth. 6Uent, terriflo, waiting to suck one in- JICHI A lllllt. other days, during the attempts of a for human stature; and round about the no!—no!—no! impossible! never! inclosures for cattle, now vacant MN»re. Fabtteher» and Solé Projirietor». A Chapel Heater's Discovery—An Art Which laborious conquest, every moment held Thirty men had passed, had taken the At a brief word of oommand, the Md Ctaee malí inelter. Ha» recently bought out Wn>. Patterson, and would foUow to place himself at the A»hland House-Mover and is soliciting "Ninety per cent, of the peo; >ple of this romantic episodes, to be related later scenting the strangers, barked upon the their head again. None noted his appear the patronage of the citizens of Ashland dung heaps. The troop surrounded, at country be ------------- made to — sing -------- , - could ----- — ig bv proper Here is one of them. and environ»; satisfaction guaranteed. teaching." eaid Haydon TlJIa the other day Soft and wavering the wind blew up a walk, the village, still silent, still ance, none suspected his anguish. The Parties living outside and having such “Italy is a nation of singers because tbe peo­ off the scorched desert, the air freshened dark. Dismount! They entered the first “Uttle one" afraid! Bah! “Mademoi work to .!«>. n > reque»ted t» send their ad­ ple are taught in tho right way, and for no hut, and it was vacant; vacant, too, the seUe” Vaudras nervous! Indeed, that is dress. when thev will be called upon. other raw.:. .stover Moreover, very few suddenly and suddenly the night fell. seqnud; the third vacant; all were va­ enough to terrify. What is the matter: Address: JOHN A. RAMSDELL, aliens w! A shland . O b . ven the best Italian ma» Like a barrier upon the horizon the as­ cant—the inhabitanta had fl»d, taking “My lady rub-lieutenant is crying!” tars ev<: e benefit of the instruction cending hills gradually took on tints of their effects and »> capons. Thia was Forty men had gone forward; the balls FRE*4BYTEKiAN which is the native» It is an art gray or lilac; to the right and to the their guilty confession. More than that whistled harshly, scratching the granite which is preserved for the Italians. n left stretched the plain of reddish aaud, Church, corner Mein and rielman street» all farther search waa now tiMleo anti walls with terrible rebounds. The Ka Mr. Tilia eat in his tnusio room on Fifth —VIA— Keg-..1er Berviee».—Bunday, 11 A. M. and traversed irregularly by ravines of less without purpose. byles were firing volleys, continual dis­ avenue and explained a method of voice cre­ or greater darkness, according to their 7:39 T. M. Sunday ficliool.OJO A M. charges, rare that they were lo6t if the ating which Is at variance with the generally But what was thai> Lypig «ueves » Yenag Feople'e Meeting, 3 oTocck P M accepted laws of singing, and told tbe story depth, and by strange palm groves, doorway, with its face in a heap of filth, charging foe should reach them. Vau Prayer Meeting, every Thursday evening. dusty, yellow, sunburned. Twilight is Rev. F. <>. H tbasux . of tbe discovery of the Italian way of teach­ was the body of a man, with ite throat dras was exposing himself at a target LINE, unknown in Africa: darkness falls there cut, its face bathed in blood. It wai uselessly. Pastor. ing. '"They cal) Spain th» land of adventure," THX RECKDINO LOtVXB JAW. with a push, like a curtain, and this AH the fifty men had passed by him I MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. muttered llarrv White, aa he strolled "More than a century ago," he srtid, “a swiftness of change of setting is accent­ Hanrion. Then, on the vast night, arose He remained alone. He dismounted before break fast around the outakirta of METHODIST. a clamor of rage, which presently »ink: chapel master in Italy, while examining the uated correspondingly as the dry country a »mall Spanish town on the southern meaning to try the pass on foot His i Time Between vocal powers of a number of people who were is reached, in the heart of the desert, in into grief—a tone of unspeakable rkerch, corner Main and Bush At reels slope of the Sierra Morena. “and I've horse broke from him and hurled itsell \ ness, of supreme pity. Afar stretch candidates for membership in the reserve Reoilar Service».— Sunday. 11 A M. and ASHLAND AND SAN FRANCISCO. the unexplored lands. Here, past the choir, discovered a voice of remarkable vol- undulating plains; and the imperturha after the others. At a quarter the length T:M F. M. Bunday School. 9.30 A. M. been in it throe weeks, and not had on» High Plains, beyond Saida, Ain-Seffra, 23 HOURS. of the trail its shoes slipped on the rock. . adventure yet A man gets no show at umo and beauty Its owner was a peasant, a Freyer Meeting, every Thur« EAST prised, lifted his gaze from his roll book to follow Vaudras, since they could nev­ assailed unceasingly. Sally, ambuscade, Carving on Peach Stones. note." be discovered the loss of bis false hair While Mr. Tllla was speaking, one of his and repeated: DUNKARD __ IM CILIFCHIL Properzia di Rossi, a maiden of rare and beard, and met Horry’a eyes fixed be tho attack of what ilk it might, it er get before him; and they followed “Hanrion?” beauty, great refinement and unusual pupils entered the room. He was a tall wonderingiy upon him. meant defeat and death to the French him with enthusiasm, drunken with his For full information regarding rate»,map», young man of slight build and with rather a •bureh on Granite street. Regular Kerv- Nothing. “Well,” asked he, fiercely, answering education, gave herself very early in flat chest. He waa shy in manner, and not etc , call on company ’» agent at Ashland. wildness, and, above all, so that nothing cavalrymen. eee. - Preaching every Bunday. 11 A M “ Well! are you deaf, you Hanrion? ” Vaudras once more started to run for the boy's glance with a defiant stare, “do life to the study of art. “Minute trac­ thoroughly at sate when ho saw that strangers R. KOEHLER, E P. ROGERS, of ill should befaii him. He seemed pre­ No answer. ery” was her forte. The first work of were present Tho formation of his face was Manager. Asst G. F m Tree. I. R Webster ply: “A hair thrown to the winds!” but j Kabyle drivers, terrified by that corpse Friday evening Visiting Knights in good •Circuit Judge tell you how you can do it. Give me Irene di Spilimberg, highly educated, William There is an old man on rhe Upper Savan­ »tending arc cordially invited to attend, — — M ----- Colvig —-.o District Attornev your arm as far as the chapel of St. surrounded by luxury and with every­ But when Tllla sat at the piano and struck a here in this complete solitude, twenty they left behind them. chord tho young man opened his lips and let ret Jackson. Josephine. Lake nnd Klain- O. F. M c C own ell . C. C. nah, living on the Georgia side of the river, James, about half a mile down the road thing beautiful about her, devoted her­ out a tone of a quality and volume that made leagues from the last advanced post, ar The horses of the pursuers were pant­ who bos not lived in a bouse since tbo earth­ ath counties. H. T. C hitwood , K. of R. & 8. absent man might as well be counted self wholly to art. Some of her works —for 1 find I’ve sprained my ankle too the nerves of his listeners tingle with pleasure. JACRUON C»VNTY, ing. “Halt!” commanded Vaudras. The quake of 1880. An old oak, with inviting are still extant, ahd she must have used Then, at TUia’s request, he left bis place and dead at once. And in a squadron alone jhasseurB camped as well as they could Umbs, has been bis place of abode since tbe County Seat MASONIC. ............. .Jacksonville badly to walk alone—and then I'm ail ! stood against tbe mantel, with a spectator on ffiere, isolated, lost, and entirely depen­ A C Stanley............. ........... .... ben.itor right.” her time and energies to great purpose, shake up referred to. During tbe earthquake they lay down to sleep with an arm J T Bowditch aiSKIYOV CHA1TKK, NO. 21, X. A. M. “Como along, then,” rejoined Harry, for she died at the age of ID.—Harper’s either side, watching his profile and noting dent upon itself, a call without response through the bridle, and in spite of the his bouse was stirred violently, tbo chimney Robert A Mill or. ... tbe play of his jaw». Ho sang a number of was enough to chill the boldest. In the Bazar •Representative» offering his arm. Regular convocations on the Thursday tumbling in, and ho ran from it in fright, w K Price,. practioe phrases, sustaining a tone on B flat, desert, ranks are inevitably narrowed, ■ jerks and pulls of the animals their sleep and has never returned to it A negro was next after the full moon. And the strangely assorted pair set J * Neil ............ with a bit of recitative, and then dropping and individualities are allied; no one ie was deep and dreamlesa At last a fain: employed to bring him from the building ........... .County Judg< W H A tkinson , H P. William Ray............... ....... fCMMMMtoners forth. The Egg Dance. plumply to E flat. Then he repeated the mnsie white streak appeared on the horizon E B Myer, Secretary. Ch»» W Taylor .... A pleasing performance is the "egg done».’' transposed into tho keys of D, D flat and. C, unknown, all are comrades, and one oi lawn was breaking; and suddenly a such articles as he needed, and be lias built On tl» way our hero told his new himself a sleeping place in the limbe of the Max Muller................ ............. .County Clerk Men I who seemed in too much pain This is executed in thia wise.- The dancer, and surprised his listeners by dropping to these comrades bad disappeared. Ii ASHLAND MIDGE, NO. 23, A. F. & A. X. JameeQ Birdsev ............................. Sheriff io talk himself. Chut lie was traveling dressed in a corsage and very short skirt, > lower 0, with a full, round, vibrant tone like every group, whether the sleeves were growing light dispelled the shadows and tree, with a stout canvas as his only shelter RH Moor» .......................Treasurer Stated communications on the Thursday carries a willow wheel of moderate diameter that of on organ pipe, and ringing three or blank or braided, that disappearance war discovered distant objects. Then on th- from the rain. His cooking is done on the J M Childers ground, and his reception room is the grassy of or -before the full moon. ........... Assfsfisúr through Spain with his father, that he fastened horizontally upon tbe top of her four word» Any ringer knows that it is one discussed passionately, with the instinc | > dank of the hills appeared the tribe they spot under the shade of the oak. Tbe least R H Mitchell School Superintendent had picked up in Mexico what littleSpan- E V M ilia , W M, were pursuing, a long, gray line of men head. Around this wheel threads are fasten­ thing to sustain a very high or a very low J 8 Howard . ......................... Surveyor ish he knew, tiiat his tour hud hitherto tive horror of the thought—“If it were rumbling will cause his precipitate rush to »Win R Lawson, Secretory. ed. equally distant from each other, and at note, and quite another to pronounce three women nnd children, of sheep and oxen Tr R Pryce . .. Coroner I!” For human selfishness is never lost I firina, and he will instantly jump to the been provokiugly liaro of adventures, and the end of each of these threads is a slip or four syllables on that note. I climbing the heights in haste, and the tirra JOsEPUINR COUXTY. ALPHA CHAPTER, NO. 1,0. E. ». ground at the sound cf thunder or on seeing completely; all solidarity rests on per I that the one thiuj; in the world which he uooee, which is kept open by a glass bead. Tho young man sang for an hour for the air conveyed to them like a call the low a flash of lightning.—Macon (Go.) Telegraph. Oeenty Heat Cirants Pass most desired wa» to fall In with a gang Thus equipped, the young girl come» toward Stated meeting* on 1st and 3d Tuesdays sonal considerations. pleasure of the listeners. His voice was such Walter Sinclair. . of the oxen and the bleating of the Joint beim lor in each month. The country here was not, however ing the spectators with a basket full of eggs, a remarkable basso prof undo that tbe little C J Howard......... Pullman's Electric Hallway. ... Representative of real Spun: sh Iiriganda. sheep. M bs . J 1) C bockkb , W .'rt. ■vbk-h sl>e passes around for inspection to ▼oiney Col rig audience would bave kept him singing for openly dangerous, not avowedly hostile At last they reached the chapel, and Mi.»» Kate Chitwood, Secretary. ■County Judge The village of Pullman is soon to have an With one simultaneous shout the rid J Han»eth ............. )Comtui»«ioner> then, at a peculiar whistle from the prove that they are real, and not imitations much longer had not other duties claimed his the bands of nomad Arabs had been re­ ers spurred to a gallop, but if they saw slectrio street railway five miles in extent P Hansen. | The music strikes up a jerky, monotonous . I I. O. O. F. smuggler, five wild looking horsemen, «train, and the dancer begins to whirl around attention. Of course, tbe voice was not in pulsed, driven back to tbe mountains, j they were seen also, and the Kabyles The roadbed is now completed, the rails are Ches K Chanslor . County Clerk perfect state, nor was tho young man a thor­ and only a Kabyle village had its huts e all laid, and it wtll be bat a short time before J 0 Mo»» with long guns on their shoulders, start ­ Sheri.i abandoning already the heaviest of theii ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 46. with great rapidity Then seizing an egg ough master of its use Long practice and J A Jennings ............... Treasurer ed out of tho encircling thickets, one of «lie put« it tn one of tho slip nooses and, with training wtll be required to fit It for its best short distance awav. But the Kabyle; luggage, ran up the steeps in a revolt of the power is put in and the road furnished Hold regular meetings every Saturday with rolling stock. The roadbed is one of tbo P C Ream .... ......... Assessor whom led by the bridle a fine black horse, s quick motion, throws it from her in such are sedentary, of lazy habits, and the} confusion They were lost to sight in service, but the volume and quality were be­ W A Masrie neatest jobs of the kind ever done, a cut bar "Veiling at their ball in Ashland. Brethren .School Superintende-t regard witli indifference the foreigr a way as to draw the knot tight The swift in good standing are cordially invited to W N Saunders ........................... Nurveyoi on which they at once mounted the crip­ I turning of the dancer produces a centrifugal yond dispute. And the ease with which tbe iroops defiling past them in clouds oi the chaos of gigantic bowlders; one by Ing been made directly through tbs handsome atttend. N. A. J acobs , N <1. Dr Flanagan young man sang, in whatever pose be hap­ ............................. Corouor. pled Spanmrd, not without casting more one. as ants bury themselves in the parks of the village, leaving them in perfect R oot . T aylor , Secretary. force which stretches the thread out straight golden dust, and strike not, unless they pened to strike, with his lungs in their nor than one pu zzled and suspicious look at KLAMATH COUNTY. earth, they were hidden to the last one condition without a blemish. Ths bed is a like n ray shootiug from tho circumference mol state of expansion, not even contracted, are attacked in their own dwellings, un County Seat . I'll OT KOCK EXCAMPMKXT, KO. 16. ,lJnky:d" the wondering boy. in the hollows of the mountain. All that solid as iron and concrete can make it. The of tbe circle. set at defiance -all the generally accepted der their roofs of mud and stone. C A Cngewell, o( Lake > "Take t'uis for your good deed,” said ’ Joint Mnator Meets in Odd Fellows’s Hall every 2d and remained in sight were a few oxen, un rails are a modified form of T rail, weighing One after another the eggs are thrown out 8 P Moss, of Lake theories of ringing. Joint Repre.-entativi the tall smuggler, taking a small silver And yet, nevertheless. Cabarousse, sus­ .:r the First JudiciaJ I F idelity L odge N o . 1, of O regon . The s] eaker was no other than our zied by this danco of twenty-five or thirty prisoners. When we search Scripture we swaggerer, and he spoke after his kind. step, would send one rolling into infinite Macaulay, but not the fire of Carlyle or the K-nce beyond the Atlantic, are then broken in a dish to prove them real er to hold his sword that he might plunge upon desert is wide, and six months is a long T. W. L ynch , blanched and he shut his eyes. The read topically, with the aid of the index invited. In Lake county on tbe third Monday in -Iudian Letter in St Louis Globe-Democrat It; Samson, for the sake of being revenged Win. P attkrsom , Sec’y. Councellor. time. It is very hard—not to see a troopers paused in astonishment and th» This done, their reading will be fruitful of M»J aad tbe second Monday in 0« lober his former haunts in southern Spain. upon hie enemies, pulled down the bouse in woman for that long.” Then he went He had certainly good cause to feel {»Josephine county on first Mondar» in smoking horses panted heavily and re­ marvelous results." Teaetlan Dandlee. which they were reveling, and “died with March »nd August Among scholars the librarian's observation THK i uncomfortable just then To lose one's ceded. necks thrust over cruppers. Evi­ One thing in particular about the modern them;” and Judas Iscariot, after selling the on to say that the Kabyle girls wer For Jsekson county Ute County, Probate way in a gloomy forest among the Span- wont to go to wash their bright colored dently the Kabyles had known of that is commonplace; it is given here for the bene­ Venetian dandies perplexes me. Why, in the Saviour for thirty pieces of silver, was over ­ »nd Commissioners courts nfeet every fit of those who do not "know how to read." Month, commencing with the tirrt Monday; ; Ish mountains, with night nt hand and a name of proportion, do they wear such ab­ come by remorse “and went and hanged rags at a rill at no great distance from natural redoubt; the women and children —St Louis Republican. the camp, and "The devil! one gets a were hidden liehind the rocks in the rear, for Josephine county, the fir«t Monday In . st arm coming on. is not a pleasant expe- surdly large boots, and with toes ending in himself.”—Chicago Tribuna Just PubliHlied. January, April. July and September; for r ience in any case; but when to all this an upward curve like the prow of the gon twist in both eyes when one sees their and the men were on their knees or on A Cruel Froeecutiou. Lake county, every alternate month, coiu- j ifi added a very strong probability of dolal Heaven knows their coats are ill brown, round ankles, as they go down their breasts, sheltered from balls by Cancer Treated by Electricity. The anti-Jew crusade at Berlin has passed M»ncing the first Monday in January; for The most intereating, intuneelv faaein- fitting enough, but that is relatively a minor Several cases of cancer bare been success­ to the gully BHUthat is all! 'as to their great blocks of granite. They held th« its zenith and is slowly subsiding, quite tot*» iiting and [opular suborription book ever Klamath county, tbe first Wedne»attle and the joy of vengeance five, twenty; the One, two, four, on boiling milk, and last a little more boil­ art. if you want to make some money, go*g strikes nine— freely ‘ He shell never strike a Spaniard to their boots, and could not more without a the general brusquely. “I don’t know," said Madden; “but here is impelled the squadron: besides, any ex­ troopers thundered past him, shaking ing water and scalding one minute. It can here is a golden opportunity for you. An braco of crutches. One looks to find in them Mt and nine ruin- again!” citement is welcome which comee to their heads under that hurricane oí be mode with all milk and no water if de­ agency for this wore is worth Martin Ross’ carriage for Gen. Sherman." a common nnd bewitching characteristic, I time six minutes “Not sa Brother Juan.” said an­ as The general laughed over the reply all tbe break the monotony of long days of idle­ balls, but laughing and encouraging one sired, but it is too rich for mist people with­ From $.’» u> 9i25 Per Day. that eleven years other. ‘'He looks like an Englishman, that light red golden hair which is currently way homo.—Troy Times. ness. Then forward! Uprose and fled another with shouts. The sub-lieutenant out tbe addition of some water. Chocolate, It is acknowledged by all publishers and called Venetian, and which Titian gives his cost 11,900, but at and the English are all rich, from the rood the marauding jackals, remained immovable, with his eyes fixed cocoa, nor any such mixture should ever be agents to lie the hand- me»l, fastest selling We’D "Bella” in the Pitti Gallery It is, in fact, Oldcrts to Muzzles. watohee are sold for make h.m pay a fat ransom." whose shrill squeals insult from afar their on the summit, a cold sweat running ofl stirred with anything but a silver or a woxi and cheai«est book ever publi»hed. Send rarer in Venice than in London, and much Charles A. Case, of this city, has two fox natural enemy, man, once he is safely his temples. en spoon. A teaspoonful of chocolate to a immediately for illustrated circular» anil “And if he don't pay it quickly.” put rarer than in the United States Indeed, as terrier dogs, and one of them not only ob­ cup is the rule, and if the liquids are poured terms free, or the • pportunity will he lost. in a tldnl. with a significant whisk of the earlier Venetians gained the fame of it jects to wearing a muzzle himself, but dis­ past them. Now and then a salier Vaudras was smitten with vertigo. on while they are boiling and the whole To -ave lime and,to secure it instantly, his knif»» close to the prisoner's ear. “his by artificial means, it is but natural that, likes to see oue worn by his companion. Mr sounded against a stirrup, or a horse To be attacked by vertigo is almost aa scalded in porcelain—never tin—there will .»end $L00 for a compleie canvassing outfit Afrasot of much that ha» appeared friends won’t find him quite so hand unless they continued to practice these means, and name choice of territory. Extra I.ili. which left his place was by force of hand bad as to go mad outright. The horror ttaM *e Daff family, a book wUch re- some the next time they see him.” they should fail to confii-m their ancient Caso had leather muzzles made for the dogs, returned thither; but always the troop of it suffocates and paralyzes; and the be no doubt but that it will be a success. - oral terms and exclusive territ<-ry and fastened them on securely As soon as Exchange. guaranteed. W- rking agents are coining reputation.—Comhill Magazine. WBto» to be writton it a genuine and Harry's blood ran cold at the horrible their master was out of sight the brighter of continued advancing with spectral as­ man predisposed by temperament tc Sweet Girl fin a rowboat)—What is this money and you can do the same. fcitoery of the peerage of the United threat and the roar of brutal laughter pect, forming an ever retreating picture. that mysterious potency of empty space place in the bock of the boat for! Neither experience nor capital 1» required He is a groat simpleton who imagines that the two found a projecting nail, and by its Mtatgd»m The large volumee of ro- that followed it He was n<»w couipleii-l i The soldiers were content with the ex­ to that magnetic attraction from abysses, Nice Young Man—That is to put an oar in to engage tn thi» enterprise, as the liook the chief power of wealth is to supply wants. use twisted the muzzle ofT bis nose, and then will »ell itself if properly presented, and ■■Meaod fiction styled “Peerages,” at disenchanted, for tlie brilliant and ciiiv In ninety-nine cases out of a hundred it cre­ proceeded to relieve Ms less gifted brother pedition, perceiving that the death of loses all consciousness of himself and ali when you want to scud tbe boat. Rowing we give our Agents 3D day's time in which He did this by tearing the leather straps in one among them waa not to be pusse-1 will power; he pales, he trembles, he re­ requires both oars, one on each side, but in pMtont circulating in the kingdom, are alrous bandits of his txiyish dreams wen ates more want» »han it supplies.—Colton. to deliver aiid coiieci l«ef<«re paying us. pieces with his teeth Ro then drrg a hole In over indifferently, and that all bloody Mtnphitely ridicaloua and thoroughly utterly different from those ragged, har.g Address cedes, and flies from the mute summon? sculling oue oar only is used. That is placed Queen Victoria is the richest woman In the ground and was aiiout to bury the rem memories would find prompt vengeance. ■Mending With regard to modern ere dog ruffians, who almost choked him at tbe back and worked with one hand. of the invisible death awaiting him ir nauts of both muzzles when somebody dis the British ki'.gdom. She has accumulated Hweet Girl (after meditation)—1 wish you ■Mona. their audacious annihilation of with the stifling odor of garlic and bad covered what he was doing and put a stop to Little by little, a sparse vegetation spread the air. a fortune of iht'.OOO.iXX). would try sculling for a while.—New York i laato te sublime.—London Truth. beneath the feet of the borgw; then-th« tobacco. tt>— New Bedferd Btaaterd. I WeRfly. 7« Mark« PVt. ften F«n'cW: CSrt THE SMALL BOY'S JOYA CHURCH BIRECTORY THE IIOBBER'S CROSS. HOW THE ITALIANS SING. AFAR IN THE DESERT. RAISING, IIÍ1T10TJ0 MOVING nUUôfiû J. Ramsdell, Overland to California. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO.’S DIRECTORY. Ì Living World. The History Co.