9 VALLEY RECORB- VALLEY RECORD. VALLEY RECORD. PKEKMEI» BltHKS N. A. JACOBS. E. 1. X.«1*EB. A dull sermon i* a nod di-cour-e. JACOBS A KAISER. With the Esquimaux there's snow pfa< Publishers and Proprietors. I like home. 1 A Chicago newspaper »agge-t* the West I 8VRSÍ RIPTION RATES. em CyrV>ne a» a nati-nal air. ■ %» year »2 *• One D W. Matthew», formerly of Ashland, w I 1 SS Six months .. now in the grocery tm*ine*s at Salem VOL. II. ASHLAND. JACKSON COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 17. 1889. NO. 23 7« Three month* Tho*. Fargnar. formerly a resident of A«hland. ha* opened a «nio.n at Roseburg. Henry Drum, of Tacoma, I* the only ROBERT A. »ULLF.1I CURRENT COMMENT. MIRK TWAIN's OLD PIPE. WHERE MRS. MAYBRIf K IS. COMIT'LSORY EDUCATION. Democratic »tate »ecator elected in Wash­ I Tho Print, ro Objected to "The Ke- ington Cbiklreu ai*- Compelled to Attend Ohio seems to want a wool tariff high Her Daily Routine while Serving ATTURNEY-ANlMXn’NSEIjDR-AT- tnain*" in the Virginia City Office. Public School Twelve Weeks her Life Sentence. Corporal Tanner wa* the first Republican enough to make wool raising pay on land In Every Year. to discover that there was a surplus in the worth |00 an acre. J. II. Stebbins, an old printer, gives LAW, Fall Mall Gazette.,' United State* treasury. the New York World this unpublished The following extract is from the Mr«. Maybrick — almoat forgotten now M a ml f» is to try the turf once more. J acxsokvti . i . s - - - - •■■•oi. The rranl A houw committee is traveling in Ok­ DENTIST. for a periol of at least twelve weeks in was an inveterate smoker and smoked ‘ astodn-sain this prison, and as befits lahoma to learn th«- needs of that terri- day lari.—[Cre*cent City New*. ' tlie foulest-smelling pif>e in Virginia every school year, of which at least eight Nitron* Glide Gaa administered 1er th« a lady ’ s establishment. Even in prison, i torv. The principal one seems to I m - a Judge Day uxi ; and perhaps a Nihilist. He says “no prolsitioti class, in which women lor the lawyers, in the form of a will which I» i mon can live happilv without an object i the first nine months wear a lilac cotton | ish about pi|s.-s and things, this pipe was to prevent his or her or their attendance FRONT STREET- PHY8HOIAE AND 9VROKON. declared to be absolutely incontestable. I skirt in summer, with a blouse bodice, a breeding a revolution. It smelled so at school or application to study for the in lile.” period required, or unless such child or infernally bad that we always sjsike oi it ( a<]uare of serge for the shoulders, a check Aswtixe, . . . - . Osseey. Medford is considering the feasibility of Indiana men got most of the office» in •• boring an artesian well. Fur enterprise • [Late a Surgeon in V. S. Army.] j blue and white apron, small white linen as ‘The Remains ’ There were numerous children are taught in a private school or the new states, but an Ohio man in the commend u» to this thriving young city. : cap w ith goffered bonier, and a plain un- plots Siu'-, este 1 to get ‘The Remains’ out at iwtne in str h branches us are usually Office en Oak street, epposiu The Oreaea ET23! Columbus penitentiary lias fallen heir to Hotel. 11 V> Dr. Powell Reeve* ha* begun suit again»! : trimuie I white straw lionnet of what is cf the way, but we hesitated utiout put- taught in primary schools or have al __ __________ Nat L. Baker, proprietor of the Portland ; H/HO,000. _ ■ term«*! the “cottage shape,” and a very ' ting them into execution when we rci idy acquired the ordinary branches of | Larger Steck Larger Store. T. BOWDITCH. It ia proposal by an Ohio paj>er to set hideetis shape, to our mas’-uliiic mind, it learned that it was a pipe of considerable learning taught in the public schools; Time*, for libel. The Doctor claim* |10,0nt> J damage*. apart a s|n Sundays white aprons value and one that he cherished on ac­ proynled, in rase a public school shall ATTORNEY AT LAW.* At Capon spring*. West Virginia, is a tree i English sparrows. Let Uncle Jerry I and neckerchiefs arc worn. In winter the count of its associations or something. not'lie taught for the period of twelve A sh I.AS», ................................OBMOS-. bearing a mark which is *ainalty for her large size Chicago serge, with a neckerchief of the same hail to be done, and we finally concluded year, within two miles by tho nearest a surveyor. Collection* premptlv mad«. traveled ro.nl of the residence of any per­ ASHLAND, OREGON. The Ameriran people pay about *25,000,- has sixty-eight mem tiers of her citv coun­ material and a thick fawn-colored cajs- to present Clemens with a new pipe. We : had suffered so much from the old pipe ’ son within the school distrie, he or she OWt a year for »taking powder*, and the cost cil. She has also the sympathy of all is also allowed for the shoulders. GEO. W. COOPER, In the second nine months the woman of a th mssnd smells that we felt justified shall not be liable to the provisions of Carries one of the Largest Stocks in Southern Oregon oi Select t<> the manufacturer* 1» lea* than a third of kind-hearted people. this Act. i is a prisoner of the third class, and wears in making him the victim of a joke, ii that amount. The American Dvchess of Malhorough See. 73. Any parent, guardian or At the October *e«t«ion of the Oregon »tale has won the first prize nt a l»cncli show I in summer a plain blue cotton skirt with wecottl l.and so we scoured the town ■upreme court, ju*t itegun, tweuty-pne stu­ with her Blenheim «|iariiel. Time for n ■ stripes, and a square brown serge for the and bought the elieapest pipe we could other jierson having control of auy child Wiriie* to notify the public lb»t he ie dent* were admitted to practice in all the : prize. Her husband was no prize. shoulders. The bonuet and linen cap re­ find that would pass after night for a or children failing to comply with this prepared to TAKE CONTRACT'S far <»urt* of thi» state. main the same, in style, or distinguished, good one. I think it cost us thirty cents. Act shall l»e liable to a fine of not less DWELLINGS. BARNS. BRIDGES. A*., New York would like to have Colum- as the case may be, for want of style, One nil lit, after we bad the paj-er up, tlusi five nor more than twenty-five dol- anywhere in the country between Red Bln< Extreme cold weather is causing mu< h and Portland. Having a large crew at «altering among the survivor* of the Johns-i bus just now, that he might discover and white aprons and neckerchiefs again we all tiled solemnly out into the local lais.tor the first offense, nor less than good men with me all the time, I can pvt town Hood w ) m > have not been able to fully some way to raise the money neoled for smarten up the women on the Sablxitb room and presented Clemens with the twenty-five nor more than fifty dollars up building* in good shape and on shart Green and Dried Fruits, Confectionary. Stationary and a fine prepare for the winter weather. the ’(W fair without subscribing it. notice. In winter the third-class women wear pipe. We threw as much ceremony into for the second and each subsequent Reference given. Address J. It. Riddle's fine new hotel nt Riddle, line of Crockorywa.ro. In Maine, three of the largest factories brown serge dresses and fawn-colored the presentation as possible. One of the oifeoee, besides the costs of prosecution. fl»». W. COOPER. Douglas county, will 1« formally thrown Sec. 74- It shall lie the duty of the caj es. In the third nine months a female boys made an address that was really Yreka. Cal. Now Good* Constantly Arriving The Best Quality of Goods only Kept. open to the public on the 22d inst. with a of textile goods have failed, one of them coating |1,000,000 being Bold for |lo0,000. convict becomes a woman of the second alleetinz. He talked alxiut the toilers in directors and clerk of each school dis­ tree dinner and a grand ball at night. class, and is allowed the distinction of the profession of Journalism, their long trict to make dilligent efforts to see that Al lhe General Episcopal convention in Evidently more protection is needed. wearing a full cotton skirt with white nights of labor when all the rest of the this law is enforced in their resjiective Mssion in New York, Oregon was last Mon­ English fashion decrees the abolition 8|s>ts, a blouse Ixxlice of the same mate­ world was wrapped in peaceful slumber. districts. day admitted a* a diocese, and unanimous of the «hoe with a pointed toe. Then •■sec. 7 j . Justices of the peace shall consent was given to the election of Bishop English fashion proposes to raise a corn rial and a square of green serge for the Then lie worked in some of the poetry HOSLBY * FELTON. reel's. Morris. shoulders. In winter she wears a thick aliout tobacco and the solace it afforded have concurrent jurisdiction with the I crop. The ¡minted toe is easier than the court in all prosecutions under this Act. green serge gown, the other details of tho tired brain. He spoke of tlie warm California peach-grower*, who used to square too. ______ ______ _ — Wholerale and Revail Dreier* is -OR- throw away their peach pits are now getting I dress remaining the same as in the pre- friendship that existed between the local Wise Words to Farmers. Woman suffrage suffered in all the new | ceding class. In the fourth period of six dollar* a ton for them. They «re worth department and the comjiosing room, H. E. Hayes, master of Oregon State that for fuel. They make a hot and outo- 1 states. When lovely woman takes to I nine months she becomes a woman of the and hoped nothing would ever occur to ■ ■ • matic fire. i voting, and finds too late that men say first class, with little if any distinction ' sever these silken ties. Then he handed Grange, in a letter to the Pacific Rural The Democrat^ syndicate that own the i “nav, . . ” her only recourse is to whoop up from the second, an 1 this remains the ! him tho 23-cent fraud, wiped his fingers Press, writes as follows: 1 can only give a plain fanner's talk upon C ured Meat* «'»nMantlv Mead. New* levied an attachment upon the prop-1 prohibition and cut off hi« «wipes, same until she is within nine months oi J through his eyes and s it down. the great questions that burden our produc­ MAY ZB.E FrTAZD AT erty fast evening and the prerty isnow in “Clemens was knocked completely out ing Masses,as I view them,and the remedies Young Mr. Harrison'« cock-aure tele­ the expiration of her sentence, when— Terme. Cari., Paae-beok aceeuate HT" the hand* of Kheritt Vestal.—[ Red Bluff, grams to “Paw ” in Washington failed to happy time for the female convict, with i for a time, but lie pulled himself together, that 1 would resort to. Politicians an «ivo the Moritana kyinlaturo to the R<- liberty so close at hand again—she is ! and returned his thanks in a very feeling those that are so bound up in a party name to meekly submit to i manner. He said the pretty gift from that they arc willing ‘15 statement Uiat A. M Crawford,an attorney ptiblh’ans. lhe young man had letter dubbed a woman of the special class. an insult becau se it conies fronijthej aristo­ The two children of Mrs. Maybrick his co-workers on the paper touched him of Marshfield, ba* be«n appointed receiver 0,lt between acts and salt himself. have, by the consent of their deceased deeply, and he would retain it long as a cratic party leader, and those who try to' o' the Roseburg land office. There has been The New York Republican convention On Main street. 2d door frees Air* nite father’s brothers ahd the Baroness von souvenir of pleasant ‘lays. The old pipe cover up the tricks that their lords perpe­ a l.veiy fight for the position. trate upon the toiling masses, do not take was composed of 777 delegates, which street. U. W. Coker ha* sold his ranch near Med-! moves the Tribune to remark that aeven Roque, their grandmother, been adopted had long been a friend and companion. kindly to honest intentions and facts, it NICHOLS & RADER. by a lady and gentleman in London who It had been a comforter in lonely hours; win ford w to Batu .nurrny. Murray. n It cuiimniM contain.* tony forty I » 1 v v • 11 i FREI). II. ROWE. acre* «nd ha* quit. a number of fruit tree», ; “ a,>«Kv number. tiv^-in blocks- are in good circumstances and who will but this handsome gift from friends he is not because the people wish to be wrong­ JORX C. MOBK. ed that they subnut to the burdens that Proprietors. inciudimr one one thousand thousand soft soft shelled shelled almond almond 1 11 luckier number for the Repttlr- see to their maintanence and education. loved made the parting easy, and as a have been placed upon them; but corrupt including 4 ■Will antiply the public with the beat of fresh trees. Price T2.1 dollar he spent gave us a pang. ests us; and then, like honest jurymen, TVretchetl Rich Men. filled. brigadier. ________ “The very next nightF while Clemens give a verdict by our votes in a manner W. Colvig and Robt. G. Hmitb, of Grant's We are now stocketl up and are prepared to furnish a full line of The young men in New York w hoso Philadelphia Press.] Pae*, pacscd «xatuinations before the was smoking his new pipe, the bowl of that will wrest this government from the One of the saddest things in the world supreme court on the fah in«t., and received 1 proper and satisfactory marriage was the cussed thing split open from stem to grasp of the rich aristocrats who are fast uFthe^tate10 pr*cllv* *•* *M *Jl ***• cuurt” made the subject of a sensational news- next to real ¡xiverty or distress is the stern. We heard him growling to him­ and surely reducing our people to tenant 1 n>inA* u hioh so ttn nFT,»,d«*l paper urtiefa article, which affected him thiit that sight of a man who lias acquired bound­ self and, looking out of a hole in the wall system. Eugene snpport* seven large dry good* I A BARGAIN FOR SOMEBODY. less wealth and lost his happiness and through which he shoved copy, we saw In IMO agriculture represented 00 per he committed suicide, is another vicrim huu*e*. eight groceries with heavy stock, cent of all the wealth of our country, and his capacity to enjoy that which wealth The undersigned offer their farm, fonnsr- him brushing the ashes oft- his desk and in 18k0, only thirty yeans, it fell to 24 ]>er four drug »lore», five saloon.* and fifteen of sensationalism. secures. Such canes are by no means At lowest prices. Also any special sizes cut. Cellar also furnished. Bills lv known as the Sardine creek nur*eiy af dt* lor», with a large number of other stores, Tlie Democratic candidate for governor rare. They are very common. I saw a clothes and swearing softly in a very cent. Are we not in reality the poorest figured on and cut to or ler on short notice. Ben Miller, two and one-half miles fro«« picturesque manner. He didn't say a shops and professional uien, yet the people of Ohio once drew a pension, but when Gold Hill, for sale. It consists of 300 Sim man to-day w hose income is believed to word to ut, about the pipe or its fate, and people in the country, who represent one are almost highly prosperous and enjoy of land, lortv of which is out in fruit, «* of its greatest industries ? Should we not he found himself able to earn a living be abou $1000 per week whoee whole «lay good health. follows: 200 bearing peach trees. 350 1J^- you bet we said nothing to him. It was pause and consider whiter we are drifting, year peach trees, 900 young apple trees. It is affirmed that leprusy, the ancient without depending on the government was spoiletl because a cabman overcharg- and ask ourselves in what sea will we an­ At Ashland .TAMES NORRIS 300 young prune trees. 1000 grape vine«. loathsome disease that was. and is so much he complietl with the laws of snrrender- ed him one dollar for a short ride. Of evident, however, that he had done some chor this ship of state for our children ? Ditches and w ater privileges. dreaded, is .spreading all over the world. As ing the pension. He was too honorable , course the millionaire knew he could not thinking, for he appeared at the office B3 For further particulars and informatian I think we should impress upon our peo­ next night complacently smoking ‘The it* »pread i» coincident with that of the to obtaid money under false preteijses. inquire of B. r. Miller, at the premises. l>ossibly spend hie income, but neverthe­ Remains.’ He bad gone down into the ple’s miwis that the rich aristocrats want Chinese people, among whom it has always Gold Hill.Or. June 29. M bi . i . kbt Baoa. A. A. RAFRO*. I the massesof our people poor. Not four Montana seems to have coquetted witti less the idea of losing a dollar, of being backyard and hunted it up.” been rife, it follow*, as a matter of course, weeks ago I was told by a rich Jew in that it* spread is due to that nation. loth parties verv successfully, but her defrauded out oi it, of getting nothing in Portland that we must have more poor An exchange says that an editor once ap­ favors ure most decidedly towards the return for it, was almost agony to him. He got it at Last. people; that the people are too well off to plied al ttie door of Hades for admission. I < Democrats, sime the Republican major­ Many a man in making a great fortune Among the passengers of the St. Louis Practical Gunsmith. "Well," replied his sable majesty, “we let: ity of 5,0*10 has dwindled to 1,000 for completely loses the power of enjoying it. express yesterday was a woman very make our country prosperous. I asked why. He said capital would not cofne one of your prvf'ssion in here many years This is one of the world’s compensations, much overdressed, accompanied by a here, we could not manufacture, etc. Well, memlier of congress, analloon mourn the fall of Tanner. His latest re-! day nor healthy rest by night. kicks and screams, and his viciousnees will soon have a surplus of poor people. Office on Front street, in building with is pretty sure totally to suiter the same fate mark is this: John B. Wrisley, the real estate agent. 2-4 A private can no nore hold office than ! I saw on the ocean drive this afternoon toward his patient nurse. He tore her as the pitcher that goes often to the foun­ sliitoli's Catarrh llotuedy. tain. Here is the hero of u a fai nd red axcen- a leper or nigger. The promises of more one of Philadelphia's richest men. He bonnet, scratched her hands, and finally Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy, a marvelous sion* who became tangled 1 _ ___ it* the rope* of pensions which |>oor Tanner was trying is one of those wretched old millionaires spat in her face, without a word of re­ cure for Catarrh, Diptheria, Canker mouth, to carry out were intended only to lie and Head-ache. With each bottle there is his lialloon at Mount Vernon, Ind .and wa* who have spent the best years of life in monstrance from the mother. an ingenious nasal injector for the more dragged through die water and drowned. fa vid till election. They were all lies, getting control of a bank, or a brewery, Whenever the nurse manifested any successful treatment of the*e complaints He probably has as good command of the the men who made them all knaves, and or a boom of some sort. He is sitting firmness the mother chided her sharply. without extra charge. Sold by T. K. Bolton. aeronaut' art ae any one in the business, we all fools for relying upon them ! — AND— but the unexpected overcame him. back now in the corner of his swell lan­ Finally the mother composed herself for a Chewing tobacco, smoking tobacco and On Tuesday the Democrats gained a j Blessed m the man who rilteth not in the dau and wondering what he did it for. nap, and alrout the time the boy had cigarettes at the Soda Fountain* For information regarding prices on town lots, improved city seat of a kicker, nor mingles himself in the sweeping victory at Indianapolis and! He has a fine old face, heavy gray mus­ slapped the nurse for the filth time, a Many persons are returning from various Wil] congregation of the moekback, but his de- elected a mayor for the first time in fif­ tache, bushy eyebrow s and gold-rimmed w asp came sailing in and Hew on the win­ travels’ and different health rjisorts not property or lands, address as above, enclosing stamp. UNDER MASONIC TEMl’LE. light Is in new railroads, street car lines, teen years. Son Russell has just suc- eye-glasses. He is dressed carefully,and dow of the nurse's seat. The boy at once cured. AH expenso and trouble could have convey inquirers to their property and give them all the infor­ been saved by remaining al home; having mation concerning the country, free of charge manufactories and brick block*, and in eet-ded in reversing a Republican major­ Prop. entire rest, and using Wright's Iron Tonic B. F. SNYDER, tried to catch it. schemes to build up hiluself and his ow n ity of 5,l26> in Montana, and “Paw” his face is absolutely without interest in Hitters. Sold by T. K. Bolton. The nurse caught his hand anil said anything. He can ’ t even w ork ant- more. M eals , 25 C exts . town. And he shall 1« like an eveigreen comes up smiling with a left handed en- Because he has soniuch n-oney all motive coaxingly: tree planted by the river of water*; his leaf All we a*k i* the share of youx patrensge Logan, the Photographer, »hall not wither in th« early fall like i dorsenient from his own town. Tlie is gone. His wife! Oh, well, he loved! “Harry mustn’t touch. Bug will bite which we shall merit. cotton wood, tor the Eli of the boomer shall 1 tribe of Benjamin do not seem to be in will make you a fine Photo- Will serve meals at All Hours. get there, but the kicker shall l>e left to bold ' high favor just now in the place where i his wife long ago, ami he bows to her : Harry.” Board by the week. |1.00. grph at a fair price. BUT now when he meets her in the hallway J Harry screamed savagely and began to the bag. ' they are licet known. i of his house and they have never had a I kick and pound the nurse. In speaking of fast Monday's train wreck should you want a cheap Training and Breaking Horses tlie Albany Democrat says: "William ; Both the Dakotas have a majority for i quarrel. Children? Yes, several of i The mother without opening her eyes Picture he will make it cheap­ Ransom, the deceased nreinan, wa» a man prohibition, and both the congressman-' I ¿"'¿j OFEZEG-ONT MEDFORD, _____ They used to be pretty, and were ■ of lifting her head, cried out sharply, (• than anyone. Quality about thirty years of age; bis parents resid­ j eloct from South Dakt ‘.i go to Washing- L" fond oi him when they were babies. > “Why do you teasethat child so, Mary ? er t ing in the east, and having no relative* in i ton pledged to draft a National Prohibi- governs the price in Pictures ' ’ Then Itoarding schools, parties, balls and Let him have what he wants at once.” i Oregon. He was engaged to a young lady j tion party leaders. In Ohio the Repttb-1 checks, checks. Now he hardly knows ■ “But ma’am, it’s—’’ as surely as in groceries. of Eugene and was to be married on the j licans are trying to convince the Ger- AH sympathy is J “Let him have it, 1 say!” liith of this month. Mr. Ransom succeeded | mans that they are oppose«! to Probibi- anything about them. A11 ! thè I Thus encouraged, Harry clulched at Quint Guthrie, killed at the tram wreck in ! tion, and on the other hand are laboring i lost lietween them. Living under the AllMtnv. and the engine was the same one ! some roof, their hearts are wide apart, the wasp and caught it. Hie scream wrecked here, a I'ai t without any signifi­ I to prove to the Prohibitionists that the ‘ | In fact, he doubts whether he has a followed brought tears of joy to the cance except to superstitious people." KcpulJiean j>arty is really a prohibition sengers’ eyes. The following ca*e- appealed from Jack- | jmrty. On the liquor question the Re heart at all. The mother awoke again. ALL GOODS WILL BE SOLD COlt CASH AT IXJWEST PlUCEs. »on county will come up in the supreme i publican party is like the Hoosier peda- Two Line Jokes, “Mary!” she cried, let him have court during the present .-e.—ion; Bessie 4W“l'rescription* ('art fully Prepared by Experienced Hand».*^* Mary turned in her seat and said, I.. Messinger, et al. app., vs. II. C, Messin­ gogue who applied for a lose; county: Heaven help the rich! The poor can go ' to the poorhou*e. ger, et als. resp.; appeal fr< m Jackson , echool. fusedlv: county. C. C. Beekman, app., vs. Jackson I “Do you teach that the world is round j Nothing will so soon make a person hot “He’s got it, ma’am!” | «-ool treatment. county. re*p.; appeal iroin Jackson county. or fiat?” asked one of the trust if*. E. K. Anderson, app., vs. W. 1’. Ham­ | "I'll teach it rouud or flat, jnst as you | In a driving florin no one seems capable A Romantic Wedding. I mon, et al. re»p.; ap]>eal from Jackson i like; I have no prejudice either wav,” of holiiing the rain*. The lirst niarruigoof white lovers in the county. In the niatterof the estateof Julius II was the reply. was performed at great Klamath basin The undersigned is now ready io re­ Ju-rice is like a girl embraced behind the Kaepot. deceased; C. B. Itoetei, claimant: l.inkville. July 1;>, 1M71. Reub. Hatton i-- That is the way witit the Republican shutter—blind-folded. ceive horses either wild or tainc for re*p., vs. Raphael Murat, executor of said breaking or training purjiosc». Having estate, app.; appeal from Jackson county. party with regard to prohibition. It is ! The exodus of the lemonade season is an «tied a license to Simpson Wilson and Mi-* engaged the services of an experienced Ellen Hall. It was then Jackon county, With Oregon’» present mechanic's lien for the saloon or against the Haloon. just i ex-slraw-ehooves our citizens to keep their East I can give satisfaction or money .room, consisted <>; John Gottbrod, Mr. prejudices except fulfilling promises. tramp at the «Kid pile. eye» open when hiring strange painters ami | JCffTOESpLEAS^TlAXATIVE refunded. Call on or address me at th« Stevenson. Geo. Mecum, Mr. Ailsworth. car|>vnter». Ik» not pay fur the work until I Why should any search l>e made for a | When it «-oiues io cutting down eebbage fair grounds. Central Point, Oregon. Miss Wilson, now the wife of Geo. McDon­ ! Proprietor. it is ascertain«*! that the material lias l**-n ’ i man to sueceetl Tanner when that fiery, • tlw cook's word is »law. ald. Joliu Skein* and Mr. Couch. The Mo­ li<|Uidate«i for. else you ntav be called ou to ! Manufacturers of Hie Celebrated - the l>iic-u-brac gatherer never thinks that doc were around in those (lay* gathering |>ay tw ice A < s-e to the point. A painter ! i untame«l, holy man of w ar, Colonel Eliot ‘ lie is the worst for ware. the hair crop of '71. and spirit* were so I F. Nhe*pard, is out of a job. Surely the i named W. H. Pursley, recently in the ci:y. j A Ii ol'ess uttenipt—to get up stairs with- low in con fluence that it only cost fl 56 Water Rights Notice. dirt a jol> or two, and skipped on Saturday, ; i -•all.iut Colonel is eligible in all respects. | i out living heard by «our wife. to "treat lhe town." The wedding dinner, bupteniher Stith, leaving the meteiiai unpaid i He ia truculent to the relx-ls and humble Follow* the use of Syrup of l'ig., u it acts AU nartie« taking water out ol A*hl«ad for. nr-l getting pay lor painting a house or i to his sujaTiors. He is a millionaire by ■ Tlie skirts of a town are usually trimmed —rved under a I uneh of willows at the up- ’ gently oa tlu ]<-r gap i't Lost river, wa- discussed with a I . two. Now the owner <>i the house is n- I with scattered rows of populace. : and Beat creeks in ditches tor irrigating : marriage and a ] so. Lookout. [Alirany l*etuo- ; fears G«»l and adors Mammon, and is in I Autumn, like a modem Moses, »ti p* the The first white man s wedding! Laney wa- 1 I idolatrou- worship of young calves. requested to desist, s* we are fa need ot «11 Effectually Cleansing the System wlien erat. i favor of Prohibition, but against its en-; I trsy there, forming pretty images of count- ’ the water that l>elong« to tie al our I'hcenix Costivo or Bilious, Dispelling Wa'bingtoti, th-tober s. -Orders have I for» enient. He runs a newspaper that! The professional performer is generaily ! les* future wtsiding*. combining and mod ; I mill*. Our prior rights mu*t be respected. leen issued by the navy department tv lhe I publishes scriptural texts at the head of the chap who needs re:< nuing mo-t. P. W. O lwsll , ifying those weddings into innumerable fu- . A. .1. Warn Very uwtuiallv lhe reigning monarch* of ture births, mingling .mure generations of officer in command of tl e 1'en.saco’a to and permanently curing I its editorial columns and bulls or liears I’hoewix. tit .. Juae24th. . . . I Eunqie have mu di to do with war clouds. lover- and babies and presenting other sim­ take I'ruie-sor T«*ld and party to A'.rica to ►I HABITUAL CONSTIPATION observe lhe eclipse of the sun in Ifa-euilwr. ‘ stocks in its financial reports, according ; Galvanized Bess-.msr St «1 Wir® ple conceptions for the amu-ement of the ■ without weakening or irritating the organs Five Double Strands ESTE AT NOTICE. Answer this Question. The ve"d will -ail al*>u: tiic Liih inst. from J to whether the Colonel is “long” or party. Strange how man will joke in th< X— on which it acts. >hiloh's Catarrh Remedy, a niarveluu- mid-I of danger' Not a man in the party New York ami go to St. l’aul de Loando. , [ “short” in the market. In short? Col- q*MF. INDEEMGNED HAS TAKEN *Oe and »1.0® Bottle» by all 1 up at hi* place, on the Dexrl Iniiian. a on th«- west <*«L*t «»f Africa. Professor Tor*e. «tripe »tripe in fee», far», two white »kite and his a-s'-s iale- will gv al*>ut l.W miles man in this wicked world, a ‘‘holy ter­ and headache. With each tot tie there is an dough or his hair, and yet they all joke I a. XAxrr.-.CTtBZt* oxlt rr tnr. tore aliout » years veers rid. i AND SIZE PICKETS 'ore feet, f*e*- ■bout ofa NobraoA* ANY KIND into the interior to make lhe «»I'servation. ror” to Ifemoi'rats and a shining light in ng niuus Nasal Injector for '.l»e mere -u>•- the first wedding.—[Star. CALIFORNIA FIG SYEUP CO. perceivable, lhe owner will plea«» eceie perceivable. Returning the Pen»«. «1« will st«q> at t ape the synagogue. Mo.e Durable than Board*, »nd »trnager the» and take him away and pay the »barge» at President Harrison res «iul treatment of the complaints, with­ S a * F ujwa C' au . X&"' hen per than a Rail Fence, out extra charge. Price 50 cents. Isold by Tow n. St. Helena an«l Ascension island* to thi* at. > ■ w Y ork . N. Y Do you wish Pearly White Teeth, healthy Ixx ism.i.r.. Kr., Barb Wire Fence Handsome LAWN FENCES to Orfe>. Svld by T. K. Holton. i Subscribe tor the V allbt Ki.coae. ot it. — [8. F. Alta. cupy »tout tour im>nth*. i EDDINGS & MORSE. PUMPS, FA MING MACHINERY, AMMUNITION, ETC., ETC ASHLAND, OREGON. MILLER (ontretor & Builder. Groceries, Provisions, Vegetables CANTO GOODS, CfiJARS TOBACCOS, PICTURES of YOURSELF Ashland Market. FAMILY. Beef, Pork and Dlntton. Butcher Shop. RO AVE & MORE, -Mi bg -gS*" ■ "!T ? LUMBER! ...» - - - Beef, Pork or Mutto. Ox*e@;oxx« Farm For Sale Dressed and Finishing Lumber, Rustic, Flooring, etc. AUTHORIZED AGENTS. SMITH & BASHOR, R. STRAIT, Improved Farms. Fruit and Wild Lands, for Sale at Low Prices. 1 EUROPEAN Agents for the Townsite of GOid Hill I Restaurant Oyster Parlors. BRIGS AND BABB WARE, Machines, Toois. Stoves and Tinware. MILLER & STRANG. Ashland Fence Works! Il A Pleasing Sense of Health and Strength Renewed, and of Ease and Comfort 9 r- E M E R Y, N. C. BOYNTON. 1I11ÎÎ8 Olii Colds, Headaches and Fevers I s I