» VALLEY RECORD. X CURIOSITIES OF A* NATURE. Iotereetlng Lector« oa tbe Forms of Animal LUe. A Lower TUNDUKI-OOT'S LUCK. He Crept tp on tlie Herd, Blazed Away, aad a Noble Bull Bit tbe Dust—An Un­ profitable and Disagreeable Surprise- Giving an Indian a Chew of Tobacco. Tbe Oriental Mom**. It is rather a curious reflection that in those countries wbero women's rights are most completely non-existent, there tbe «peciolly womanly duties of women are the most grossly neglected. Travelers in Egypt, tor instance, tell us that n hen the bells rail the hour of pray er every man stops whatever work he is engaged in and prostrates himself to A!'ah. No woman takes any notice of tbe sound. She Is too low in t||B scale of human­ ity to make her tribute to the Almighty worthy of acceptance. She ranks in this re »peet almost with the brute creation. Sbe is not withdrawn from tier domestic duties by the claims of religion u|»->n her time aud thoughts And yet the »ume travelers tell us that one of the horrors of Egy ptian life is the fearful neglect frrmi which the children suffer The |xx>r little creatures are incrusted by lirtand sores ami are »warming with vermin. Children are frequently seen lying in their mother's arms with six or eight flies in each ?ye Ophthalmia aud various kinds of blind uess are, of course, very prevalent, although death releases an enormously large proportion af the children from their sufferings. Three out of every five children who are born die during Infancy, and of those who survive one in every twenty is blind. This is being “thoroughly masculine” with a vengeance, and points an instructive moral as to the con­ sequences upon the character of women of the denial of liberty, education and responsibil­ ity The harem lite of Oriental ladies of high rank is dull and vacuous to tbe last degree^ They play with their jewels, eat sweetmeats and smoke pipes, aud thus their day passe« If their children are ill they are hopelessly bewildered.and utterly unable to take care of them. They cling, with touching reverence, to any average English or American woman who may happen to visit them, and imploro her aid in doing the simplest kind of nursing and mothering for the ailing children. Noth- , ing astonishes Orientals more than the poci- I • lion of women in England. A Chinese man­ darin has lately published his views on this subject. Women, he says, are even helped at meals before men, in his own country tbo men are helped first, and when they have quite finished, if anything is left, the women are allowed to have it. Another eastern, Boyd Ahmed Khan, was amazed to find that :ho servant girl who waited on him in bis lodgings in London could read and write; and bo recorded his deliberate opinion that the little scrub In a London lodging, “compelled to work as a maid servant for her living,” was in reality superior in nearly all respect? to Indian ladies of the highest rank. “Such,” be adds solemnly, “is the effect of educa­ tion.”—Fortnightly Review. SOME NEWSPAPER BORES. I CalUoa at All Hour« Loaded with Q um - TIMBER LAND NOTICE. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. biteil States Land Office, Roseburg. Or.,I July 5th. 1889. < DIRECTORY. United States Land Office, Roseburg. Or.,I June 14, 1889. f tions—A Westerner Looking for a Son N otice is hereby given that Dr. W. L Johnson lectured in the hall of The People’s Paper. Notice is hereby given that in compliance Cooper Medical college. San Franciaco, tak­ in compliance with tlie the provisions of • with the provisions of the act of Congress J N I’olph................. Fra nr taco Fapei -A Capitalist Wants to -............ ^Senators J1CMI * IIIIEB, the act of Congress of June 3,1878, entitled of June 3, 1878, entitled “ An act for the John 11 Mitchell ing for bis tbetre, “Tbe Lziwer Forms of Borrow Tlie Boston Growler. j "An act for tlie sale of timber lands in the sale of timber lands in the states of Cali ­ Animal Life. ” He treated his subject m a Binger Hermann Liltor«. I'uMi-her- an*! Sole Proprietor-*. ........ Congressman One day, while 1 was ticket agent of the popular manner With allusions selected E ■ erybody has heard of the exchange flend. states of California. Oregon. Nevada, and fornia. Oregon. Nevada and Washington Sylvester Pennover ................. Governor Washington Territory, ” Barah E Savage, of Territory, ” \Vm. S. Williamsol Woodland, Offiee in McCall'* Hall. u|>-»tair», »tain on from clnmirsl authors, cot wholly devoid of Kansas Pacific railroad at Wallace, Kan. George W. McBride Possibly he Is regarded by many as a purely Ashland, countv of Jackson, state of Oregon Secretary of btate county of Y ’ olo, state of California, has this during the t ears that buffalo were still room north aide of Ma»onic Innldn.g G W Webb humor, be commenced tLe lecture by assert­ Mate Treasurer imaginary character, with no more real ex has this day filed in this office her sworn day tiled in this office his sworn statement ing in vast herds over tbe plains, the tele ­ E B McElrov Supt Public Instruction Entere*! in the I‘o*toffi* e at A »bland a« ing that oyxters, although having no bead, istenze than the John Due aud Richard Roe statement No , for the purchase of the No . for the purchase of the NW1.« of sec Fr ink C Baker graph operator at tbe station came into my Second Cla»» mail -natter. ............. State Printer were capable of being «iucated. of tbe old time legal documents or the Ker N'El« of Section No 34. in Township No 40 No. 22, in Township No. 40 8, Range No. 5 W W Thayer If tbe shell of the adult be examined, tbe office in a great state of excitement. smith and Bjones of tbe modern newspaper S Range No ."{E. and will offer proof to show E, and will oner proof to show that the William P la>rd A sh t«vi>, Oa , Tut bxi . at , At rotar 29. I«*» overlapping shoot» will be found to represent -Supreme J udges “There's a million buffalo feeding on tbe dialogue grinder Y'et he has a being, my that the land »ought is more valuable for its land sought is more valuable for its timber R S Strahn tbe year's growth, and thus tbe logic of na­ prairie only three miles below here,” be ex lords and gentlemen, as truly as tbe human timlwr or stone than for agricultural iiur- or stone than for agricultural purposes, FIRST JUDICIAL MSTUCT. MONEY IN BEARDS. ture is illustrated. The rings on the bole of claimed, “and not more than a quarter of a race, whose existen*- > was ronchad far by the • poses, and toestalilish herclaim to raid land and to establish his claim to said land be- la-fore the Register and Receiver of this of­ .Circuit Judge a tree are count»! to learn its age. and a mile fr«n tbe railroad track I^t’g go down disfigured hero of Victor Hugo's story of fice at . oseburg. Or., on Monday tlie 23 day , fore the Register and Receiver of this office L R Webster at Roseburg, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 27th William M Colvig District Attorney A PrufeMloa la Which Short and H hl»- jockey fixes tbe age of a horse by its teeth. and t«g a few ’ “Tbe Man Who Laughs.” ' of Septemlier, 1889. dav of August, 1889. For Jackson, Josephine, Lake and Klam­ b»rUw Mr a Are Haudieapprd. I wa» still a tenderfoot in the region, and Tbe lower forms of animal Life have as Tbe exchange «liter of a large daily new» She name- as witnesses: John Kimberlin. lie names as witnesses: Wni. Wallace. ath counties. “Oh, far a «baggy, tawny brer 1 and »i € keen an appreciation of tbe forces of nature was crazy to kill a buffalo 8o in less than paper has no sinecure. It is his business to C S Price. Jas S Rogers. Thos Mayhew, all C. A. Miller, W. G. Ervin. G. E. Gie,g, all JACKSON COUNTY. toebe* mors of stature.''' ssgherl a dimiButive as man. ten minutes after tbe operator brought me look through all tbo exchanges that come to of Ashland, Jackson county. Oregon. Any of Woodland. Y’olo county, Cal. Anv and ............. Jacksonville medical practitioner, as hs pocad along be­ The pbolades may be cited iu illustration the 110*1 we mounted a hand car, and, accom the office, to make selections ot miscellany and all persona claiming adversely the above all persons claiming adversely the a'liuve- County Seat A C Stanley. ..... ....... Senator side a toll, portly, full bearded neigblxT, Their teeth resemble in some measure a rasp pa tiled by one of the track rejiairers, were for various departments, to cut out and lay described lajids are requested to file their ' described lands are requested to file their J T Bowditch vainly endeavoring to regulate his stride* to or flic, end form a good weapon in tioring «pi-iii'.ig along toward tbe spot » here the buf j Representatives aside matter that may be of interest or im­ claims in this office on or before said 23 dav Í claims in this office on or before said 27tli Roliert A Miller. • day of August, 18s9. Umoeof bw lowering companion, "Such a and perforating the rociu. Bruner, the great fal .• were reported to be feeding. portance to the political, dramatic, financial, of September, 1889. W K Price C has . W. J ohnston , Register. C has . W. J ohnston , Register. beard m yours h oaid ursn grew' •eat money to engineer, gained valuable information from •BUFFALO GOVERNMENT. musical, sporting or other editors, to collect J R Neil........... .. .County Judge i me,” tee continued, "and each of _I your sur watching the habits of tbe ship worm, and The report hadn't been exaggerated, except William Ray . . material for use on special occasions or . (Commissioners TIMBER LAND NOTICE that tbe buffaloe« were feeding no nearer plus inches would be worth its weight in much benefit has resulted to man from closely TIMBER LAND NOTICE. Chas W Taylor certain days of tbo week, and often to pre­ Max Muller gold Ote! that the wind might blow through watching the habits of tbe lower animal than a mile from tbo track. That was the .County Clerk pare special departments consisting of the United States Land Office. Roseburg. Or..) my whnkers!'’ and the M. 5. fell a muting, i world. I saw many . ................ . Sheriff I first herd of buffalo 1 had seen. July 5th. 1889. Í United States Land Office, Roseburg, Or.,{ James G Rirdsev aggregated comment of ths press at large in R H Moore OTICE is hereby given that in compii-1 June 14th. 188». i ..Treasurer and meditatively stroked the scattering Tbo whelk is one of the class possessing a a big one afterword, but never one that could regard to matters of public interest He cuts NoU’ce is hereby given that in com­ J M Childers Assessor ance with the provisions oi the act of bristke that formed a scanty fringe about bead. It possesses a boring instrument cal compare in vastness with this great bison and snips, pigeon holes and arranges in piles. 1 H II Mitchell pliance wi h tbe provisions »( the act School Superintendent congress of June 3. 1878, eutitlcd “An act his chubby chin. pastes clippings on blank sheets of paper, for tlie sale of timber lands in tlie states of of Congress of June 3. 1878 entitled J S Howard. culated to fill the heart of an engineer with gathering. The prairie seemed filled with Surveyor Be had practiced medicine for a dozen envy On tbe sea beach you may find shells them. They formed one black, unbroken, un writes beads and credits, and occasionally ■ California. Oregon. Nevada, and Washing­ “An act for the rale of timber lands in the Dr R Pryce ....... .................. Coroner rears or mors, and was, in the t of perforated with boles, a certain sign they dulating ma.” that seemed bounded only at uses strong language when ho finds tbe ex­ ton Territory,” Roseila Parker of Bly,,-- states California, ;---- — of ------------ - Oregon. Nevada, and JOSEPHINE COUNTY Bis peers, a reliable and skillf i ton. _ county _____, of ......... .. ...... .. of Oregon, „„ ......... changes unusually barren of material Klamath, state has ' Washington Territory. Territory ” F. L. Thayer, of I County Seat have surrendered their lives to one of this ! the horizon and stretched eastward and west­ Grants Pass ward as far as the eye could follow it. The Be had w ' jc many prizes while a medical stu­ family At tho close of the day his table is covered this dav tiled in this office her .«worn I Kirksville, caunty of Sutter, state of Cali- 1 Walter Sinclair........... Joint Senator for the purchase of tne ' fornia, ha« this day file«i in this office Ins C J Howard....... dent, and had received high encomiums from with clippings and the floor in his vicinity is statemeht N > In the Liuqual ribbons the teeth are of tbe herd w as on tbe north side of the railroad Representative E *; of «ec No 3«>. in Tp. No 3!» S, range • sworn «tatementNo. for thepurchaseof the eld «nd wise I asi U. But to was in appear- moot extraordinary kind and number—It lias and feeding toward ft Derailing our hand littered knee deep with tbe mutilated remains i N . •County Judge N 5 E, anerintendmt N in compliance with tlie provisions of witli the provisions of the act of congress thought I was a great big man with a beard. “Havo you a file of San Francisco papers!” There are many varieties, many of which I posed monarchs, serving where they had J B Griffith. ............. Surveyor 1 stepped out with dignity, and ‘a great big ere on exhibition iu tbe state museum in this once ruled, and plainly showing that they the act of congress of June 3. 1878, entitled of June 3, 1878. entitled “An act for tlie j John W Siemens he asks. . .... Coroner I “An act for the sale of timber lands in the sale of timber lands in the States of Cali­ man with a beard’ stepped In. He didn't city. The sea urchin also contains eyes, but felt their degradation. By the inevitable “We don’t keep Gies of any papers.” I.AKK COCHTY. fornia. Oregon. Nevada and Washington I states of California, Oregon. Nevada. ;ind know beans from betodouia, but that made not so perfect as in tbe starfish Five teeth, and inexorable laws of buffalo government “Where can I find them!” Lakeview Territory,” C. L. McPhetridge, of Wood­ County Seat no diffsrsnoe. He had landed the good wo­ strong and symmetrical, work sad havoc, de­ they had been forced to abandon all partici­ “At the advertising agency of Winks & Washinrton Territory,” G. L. Matthews, of land, county of Yolo, State of California, I C A Cogswell, of Lake ......... Joint Senator l Jacksonville, county’ of Jackson, state ot man in a better world before the day was far spite the fact that they livo on a vegetarian pation in the. direction of affairs, and wero Bliiikem, probably.” Joint Representative I Oregon, has this day filed in this office bis has this day filed in this office Ms sworn ! S I* Moss, of Lake I spent There have been similar occurrences diet. now simply doing duty as outposts to the ‘•You ray you don't ke?p files! Have you sworn statement No ’ . for the purchase of statement No. ............. County Judge , for the purchase of the W A Wilshire....... hayofies Ptenonsstep in to ask for Dr of Sec No. 14. in Tp No. 39 S, Range R L Sherlock....... got the last ones on hand! Are they in this the BW '7i of NE b, and W % of NE ........ I The Englishman Was Silenced. Tho crab in fts early stages resembles the usurpers in their realms, watching out for and SW William Bagley. (Commissioners 8o-and-8o, aud when I walk into tbe room shrimp; but after losing its coat several signs of danger and keeping at a distance Air Englishman was being entertained in a pile! If you have no objection I’U take a , BE '/i of BW J4 of section No 34, in town­ No. 5 E, and will otter proof to show that W T Boyd ................................ Clerk twirling my boy’s mustache they suddenly times, its back becomes broad, and it attain* the packs of coyotes that hung about the Beacon street parlor one evening when tbe look at them.” ship No 32 8, Range No 2 E, and will offer the land sought is more valuable fur its William* Carll timber or stone than for agricultural pur Sheriff change their minds and decide that their tho well known form of tbe crab. Creeping herd on the lookout for a chance to run off conversation turned tipon the difference be­ He takea a look and finaUy goes away with proof to show that tbe laud sought is more poses, and to establish his claim to said > A McC’allen Treasurer valuable for its timber or stone than for ■ome stray calf or exhausted cow health la excellent. a scowl on bis face and without raying into tbo darkest places it can flud, the female tween English and American cities. School Bu]>erintendent agricultural purpose!*, and to establish his land Ixsfore the Register and Receiver of A II isher “Paucity of inches or of whiskers docs not with difficulty and pain loses ber shell Many As we lay there watching tho systematic “One thing is shocking to us,” the English­ “Thank you.” . ...................Assessor claim to said land before the Ilegister and this office at Roseburg, Oregon,on Wednes­ J E McDonough.. arrangement and conduct of the vast herd, necesaarfly imply scantiness of brain. There varieties possess very curious characteristics A capitalist worth half a milUou comes in. Receiver of this office at Roseburg, Oregon, day, the 14th lay of August, 1889. 1 W K Barry . Stock Inspector man observed, “and that is tbe many case« are innumerable pro*,fsot this, but tho laity Tho robber crab of tlie Mauritius, the land its divisions and subdivisions and line of out­ of violence in tho streets here. That, yon “Good morning. May I look over your on Thursdav, the 2Htli day of September, He names a: witnesses: M. II. Torrance, The circuit court for the First Judicial is slow to catch the idea. A young medicui crab of the West Indie* end the frog crab ol post», our attention was attracted by the po- know, is so different in tbe English city.” K. T. Lampton, John L. S|>ong, J. W. Grif­ district sets in Jackson county on first Boston papers a moment! Fine old paper, 18.8!). graduate, fresh from tbe lecture and dissect­ India are only a few of the peculiar varieties culiar actions of various members of one of lie n;ti>u-s as witnesses: C )•' Walland fin, all of Woodland. Yolo county. Cali­ Monday in April. September and Decem­ “Different!" exclaimed one of the young that Boston Growler I used to take tt, and Any ami all persons claiming ber. In Klamath county oil Second Moil Thoma-: 1*. Kahler of Deskins Jackson fornia. ing room, to apt to be much mors careful o( Tho oyster crab is considered a choice morsel tbo bunches which was feeding nearest to us. Ladies who was entertaining tho guest; “1 I feel lost i* I don’t see it once in a while.” his patients than an old practitioner who hut in the east, and is said to have been a favorite First one buffalo would give a sudden jump, I never raw half the violence in the streets “What do you do with tbeee papers when county, Oregon; Wilder Freel of Etna. adversely the alxive-dewribed lands are day in June and first Monday in November. re*pie ’ tcd to tile their claims in this office In Lake county on the third Monday in falton into a rut and relegated hls books to delicacy with George Washington. run several steps, stop and lodk book, and here that I have- in England. Why, when you rre done with them!” inquires the next Jackson county, Oregon; IL M Gill of on or before said lltli day of August, 188». Mav and tbe second Monday in Oetolier. Henlev, Siskiyou county. California. Any tbe library's dusty shelves. And yet it is an caller. Tbe hermit crab, not being provided by then, giving his body a thorough shaking, wo were in Liverpool last summer wo started C has . W. J ohnston . Register. i In Josephine county on first Mondays in I and all jier.soiis claiining.-iilversely the alnjte herculean task for even sbe cleverest young nature with a coat of mail, seeks a refuge in i would resume his feeding again, only to re­ out to tako a walk, and we had only got “I don’t know. Ask tbo janitor." describeil lands are requested to file their Man-Il and August medico to attract enough patronage for hi» the cast off whelk shells Being of a highl: peat bis strange maneuvers a few seconds across tho street from tho hotel when a hor­ “I’d be wUling to pay a little something claims in this office on or before said 2<>th TIMBER LAND NOTICE For Jackson county the County. Probate I support A fair average weekly Income for combative nature, their fights, while perbai» later Another and another were affected rible, great drunken flshwifo came up to mo for them. Of course t hey’re not"—— and Commissioners courts meet every I day of September. 1889. United States Laud Office, Roseburg. Or.,| tbe first year out of college is « or |30. The not according to Queensberry rules, are cer I in tho same way. and, one after another, without any provocation and offered to fight “I have nothing to do with the exchangee C has . W. J ohnston , Register. month, commencing with the first Monday; May 31, 1889. ) man who makes |1M is doing remarkably tainly “to a finish.” for Josephine county, tlie first Monday Ul j they finally fell abruptly to the ground, and mo for sixpence. I never was so frightened after I’vo gone through them.” Notice is hereby given that tn compliance TIMBER LAND NOTICE. January, April. July and Septemlier; for wall, and is regarded among his confreres a» “Don’t you suppose"----- The jelly fish ranges in size from tlie dimeu i lay stretched motionless there at full length. in all my life.” witli tlie provisions of the act of congress Lake county, every alternate month, com­ “I don’t tuppora anything. Talk to th« I a very Croseus. Eight or ten years mu.*t pa.-» sions of a coffee bean to a size as large as on To solve the mystery, we concluded to Are “What did you do! Call the police!” tbs of June 3, 1878, entitled “An act for the mencing the first Monday in January; for United States Land Office, Roseburg, Or.) before a young doctor can acquire a decently umbrella, with tentacle« 100 feet long. A into that particular bunch, which would was asked. Janitor.” sale of timlter la* ds in the States of Cali­ Klamatn county, the first Wedneiiday in Julv 5, 18.8». I remunerative practice. This period is short­ jelly fish that has bad tbe eye specks removed stampede it, and in turn send the entire herd Tho exchange editor is becoming slightly N otice is hereby given that fornia. Oregon. Nevada and Washington March, June, September and November. “Call the polico!” she echoed. “There was ! ened if a man has whiskers as a recommenda­ makes no effort to seek the light. A respot’ speeding away ovor tho plain. I was allowed no police in sight to call. I don't know what impatient. in compliance with the provisions Territory," B. 8. J. Hiatt, of Kirksville, tion, but it is miserably protracted if th« stve stimulus is distinctly manifested, and in ' the privilege of first (Ire. I crawled up to 1 should havo done if a coalheaver hadn’t “1 am compiling a book,” observes the ' of the act of Congress of June 3, county of Sutter. State of California, has SOCIETY' DIRECTORIES. bristles refuse to grow. It is not only the telligent action appears to denote a nervous within 800 yards of the bunch. A magnifi­ come along and volunteered to take the quar­ fiend who comes next, “in the preparation ot 1878, entitled " All act for the sale this dav filed in this office liis sworn state­ poor or ignorant who have this prejudice system. cent spike bull stood within easy range, broad- rel off my bands by fighting the horrible which I make use of a great many news- | I of timber lands in the States of Culifor- ment No. ... for the purchase of the NW J4 of Sec No. 20, in Tp No. 39 8, Range No. against beardless youths. Among the wealthy papera. I would Uke to make an arrange­ : nia. Oregon, Nevada and Washington 5 G. A. R. Every animal organism Is mado up of cells. I side to me. I aimed at him and fired. He creature for nothing.” and will offer proof to show that the ” Mary J Beebe, of Ashland, U is oftentimes much accentuated. If they Tho nerve«, ganglia and brain of higher life tell where ho stood His immediate compan­ ment with yon for the exchanges from the | ' ' Territory, “And you got away without harm!” BL'UNMDE FORT NO. 23. county of Jackson, state of Oregon, has land souelit is more valuable for its timber employ a youug physicien they must need» forms find their equivalents in tho cells of the ions fled. Tho alarm spread along ths herd, “Yea; but I never bad anything like that principal cities after you have”----- j this dav filed in this office her sworn state- or stone than for agricultural purposes, and Meets in Masonic liali, on the 1st and call iu a handful of differing doctors to tnak« I lower forms of animal life.—Alta California. and soon the vast body was thundering away happen to me on the street« of an American “We don't make any arrangement of that I ment So . for tlie purchase of the to establish his claim to said land before 3d Saturday-ol each month. Visiting Com­ amnrance of cure doubly sure. By this mean» to tho northward, shaking the prairie by city.” kind. This isn't a news depot nor an intelU I SE % of Section No 31, in Township No 40 ■ tlie Register and Receiver of this office at rades cordially welcomed. tbe patient naturally grows worse. Too ! their mighty tread. ¡8, Range No 5 E and will offer proof to ' Roseburg, Oregon on Wednesday, the 14th M ax P racht , Commander. “No,” the visitor responded dryly, “It gence office.” A Child'« Praj«r. many doctors spoil tho broth, and the young­ J R Casey, Adjutant. THE MYSTERT SOLVED. “Can you teU me where I will be likely to ! show that the land sought is more valu- 1 dav of August, 1889. couldn't, you know. An American coal- Reconler Price’s court was the scone of an He names as witnesses: James Wyckoff. ' able for its timber or stone than for est one tumble« into it head foremost.”—Phil­ Followed by my comrades, I rushod up to heaver would have charged you at least get access to the papers I wont!” affecting incident in the trial of Dulls« 1 G. W. Griffin, A. Wikstrom, D. A. Motsin- I adelphia Record. trophy I put my foot on his massive double for taking tho affair off your bands." “You may be able to find them at Winke i agricultural purposes, and to establish i guer, all of Woodland, Y’olo county, Cali­ KNIGHTS OF l'YTHIAH. Chrisman for assault on bis brother Wil­ | my her claim to said land before the Register neck, and felt proud of my achievement. 1 “Very likely,” coolly put in a young lady & Blinkem's advertising agency,” replies the I and Receiver of this office at Roseburg, fornia. Any and all persons claiming ad- liam. Tho brothers had quarreled over GRANITE LODGE.NO. 23, Knights of Tlie Staub Lawlne or Dus* Avalanche. • Or., on Tuesday the 24 dav of September. ■ versely the above-described lands are Pythias, Ashland, Oregon, meets every William's desertion of his wife. William looked bock at mv companions They were who had not yet spoken, “for tbe truth is exchange alitor wearily. i requested to file their claims in this office A young man with a lavender nocktie and 1889. This descends n lien snow Is loose and hat claimed lie wasn't married to the woman, standing stock still ten feet behind me, their that only in England are even coalheavers j Friday evening Visiting Knights in good a new suit of broadcloth appears. ' She name» ns witnesses: Thos Mayhew, ‘ on or before said 14th day of August, 1889 i standing are cordially invited to attend. recently fallen. It is attended with a whirl ; although ho had had two children by her eyes staring at something beyond me and fond of fighting with women.” C hvh . W. J ohnston , Register. Jas S Rogers. C S Price. John Kimberlin, all “ 1 should like to see tho Minneapolis pa­ wind, which lifts tbe snow from a whole He testified that she kept a disorderly house thoir jaws dropping I turned to see what Tbe conversation was found to be taking a G. F. M c C onnell , C. C. of Ashland, Jackson county, Oregon.* Any mountain side anti drives it onward through in San Francisco, and wasu't a fit custodian they wero looking at and my eyes instantly turn that would on the whole not prove con­ pers of yesterday,” he remarks. H. T. C hitwood , K. of R. 4 8. I • and all persons claiming adversely the above TIMBER LAND NOTICE. I became as staring wide open as theirs were. wants to see what they said . tba air. It advances in a straight line, over­ for her children. The woman wept and ducive to social harmony, and the subject There is no difficulty in “sizing up" this described lambs are requested to file tbeir whelming every olxtacle, mowing forest» eagerly besought the judgo not to believe I 1 never knew where bo could have come was therefore dropped.—Boston Courier. MASONIC, i claims in this office on or before said 24 day United States Land Office. Roseburg, Or.j from, but there at the other side of the buf­ youth. He is from Minneapolis, was mar­ ■ of September, 1889. down like sedge, leaping (as on old peasant hls statements, raying: May 31. 1889, f falo I lia'l shot stood an Indian. Ba was at ried tbe day before yesterday, has come to once expressed it in my hearing) from hill tc KlNKIYOl' CH AFTER, NO. 21, R, A, M. They Meant to Kill. C has . W. J ohnston Register Notice is hereby given that in compliance “I have raised tuy chiblren as they should least U feet 0 inches tall. He was entirely hill, burying men, beasts and dwellings, and be brought up.” with tlie provisions of the act of congress Something like fifty years ago two young Chicago on his wedding tour, as all Minnea­ Regular convocations on the Thursday of June 3, 1878. entitled “An act for the next after the full moon. TIMBER LAND NOTICE settling down at last into a formidable, com “Well," raid hls honor, “I’ll tost it, mad­ naked, except that he wore a strip of buck­ men, one a lawyer and the other a doctor, politans do who can afford it, and he wishes sale of timber lands in the State.« of Cali­ mass without color and without outline, am,” and he turned to tho little girl, not skin arbund hi» loinsand a quiver of arrows loved tho same girl in the town of Grand to see what the papers of his native city ray W H A tkinson , H P. United States Land Office, Roseburg, Or.,) fornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington mow which forms these Staub Lawmen moro than three years old, who was clinging I at bis back. His eyes flashed wickedly as he Gulf, Miss. Both could not have her, and of the wedding. E B Myer, Secretary. May 22, 1889. f Territory,” M. H. Torrance, of Woodland, drew himself up to his full height, placed bis The man who comes in every day for The is dry ; ud finely powdered. When it cooies to her mother, and raid: “You say your neither could live without her. It was to be Notice is hereby given that i’u compliance county of Yolo. State of California, has this | foot on tho buffalo, and smiting himself on a duel to the death. There was no insult to Jerusalemville Jumper and makes a facetious ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 23, A. F. & A. M. to rest upon the earth it immediately hardens prayers T’ with the provisions of the act of Congress i day filed in this office his sworn statement j into something very like tbe consistency of Then ensued a most touching scene. Tbe bis baro breast, exclaimed in a haughty and bo avenged by a discharge of firearms, no I comment on the weather or tbe latest police of June 3, 1878, entitled " An act for the sale No. , for the purchase of the BE >4 of Stated communications on the Thursday ice, wrapping tbe objects which have been i little girl climbed froui her chair, knelt on imperative tono: stain on a reputation to be wiped out by a mystery drops in about this tima He is fol­ i of timber lands in tbe States of California, Sec No. 8, in Tp No. 39 S, Range No. 5 E, ' of or liefore the full moon. I lowed a few minutes later by a somewhat an­ ! Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territo- borne onward by its blast tightly round in a the floor, with policeman, judge, and her I “Ma boofalo-o-o!” and will offer proof to show that the land ■ E V M ills , W M. few drops of blood. The lawyer said it was Before the Indian had fiulsbed making his to be a duel a foutrance. Tbo arrangements gular but self possessed young woman, who ' ry, J W Rogers, of Ashland, County of sought is more valuable for its timber or 1 Win R Lawson, Secretary.. firm, implacablo clasp. A man or horse seized father and mother around her, and, folding contributes to the cookery department of The ‘ Jackson. State of Oregon, has this day tiled stone th*n for agricultural purposes, and by a Staub Lawlne, If the breath has not her tiny hands and lifting her eyes to heaven, positive claim to tho buffalo 1 became pain- for a massacre wero complete. in this office his sworn statement No...., to establish his claim to said land before tbe Iteen blown out of his body in the air, has it I sho made tho grandest defense of a mother’s . fully aware that ho was not alone, but that AI.l'KA CHAITEB, NO. 1, O. E. 8. Tbe principals were armed with rifles, re­ Pasramaquoddy Banner of Liberty She is tne purchase of the N W J4 of Sec No. 29, Regis’er and Receiverof this office nt Rose­ •queesed out by the even, clinging pressure of word possible. Slowly but distinctly this . not less than six other Indians, as big and os volvers and bowieknives. They had more out west on a visit and would Uke to see a for Stat«! iiu-etiiig’ on 1st anil 3d Tuesdays in Tp No. 40 8, Range No. 5 E. and will burg. Oregon, on Weilnesday, the lttli day consolidating particles. in each month. child, born with the stain of shame upon her, ugly as tie was, had appeared on the econo as confidence in the continuation of their bate copy of the paper She is directed to Winks I oiler proof to show that the land sought of August 1889. A human victim of tbo dreadful thing, and discarded by ber father, lisped in child­ qulotly and mysteriously as he had. I had than in tho accuracy of their aim. The rifles & Blinkem's. M r ». J I) C rocekr , W M. is more valuable for its timber or stone than He names as witnesses: E. T. Lampton, no intention whatever of disputing the red wero to be discharged first at twenty paces. A young man, attired In a suit of loud for agricultural purpose», and to establish C. L. McPIietridgc. Jas. Wyckoff, John L. who was so lucky as to ba saved from its ish accents the Lord's prayer. Miss Kste Chitwood, Secretary. clutch, once described to mo tbs sensation he As sho proceeded, utterly oblivious of her thiefs claim, and 1 know that neither of my If neither combatant was killed they were to checks and stripes and wearing his hat on one his claim to said land before the Register Spong. all of Woodland, Yolo county( Cali­ I. O. O. F. Any and all persons claiming experienced. He was caught at tho edge of surroundings, rough men, who had not heard companions bad. I took my foot off the dead advance, firing their revolvers at will, and if side, conies in with a sniffing and sore eyed and Receiver of this office at Roseburg. fornia. Oregon, on Thursday, the 8th day of Au­ adversely the above-described lands are tbo avalanche just when it was settling down a prayer for years, bowed their heads, and bull, which was all tbe Indian I knew for re­ they still lived tbe battlo was to be continued pug dog. ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 45. requested to fils their claims in this office “Have you any English sporting papers!” gust, 1889. to rest, carried off his feet and rendered help many wept. Then the childish voice ended signing my right to the trophy The Indian with the knives. i He names as witnesses: Thos. Mayhew, on or before said 14th day of August, 1889. Hold regular meetings every Saturday less by the swathing suow, which tied bis with “God bless papa, mamma and Uncle , folded his arms and looked, I thought, con­ It was early morning when the party of is his inquiry. “Or, maybe you can tell me i D C Agier, E Moe, of Ashland. Jack»on C h •.». W. J ohnston . Register. evening at their hall in Ashland. Brethren temptuously at us, and then exclaimed: legs, pinned bis arms to his ribo and crawled Duliss, amen.” four men, principals and seconds, left tbe lit­ what I want to know. I’ve got a bet up— 1 county, Or.; C. A. Behlbrede, of Roseburg, in good standing are cordially invited to “ TabacF what year waa It that Yankee Sullivan and upward to his throat. There it stopped. His ; Douglas county, Or. Any and all persons tle town of Grand Gulf and sought a grove a The case was settled, and had William at (tend. N. A. J acom , N G. TIMBER LAND NOTICE- We interpreted this rightly to moan that few miles distant No effort at reconciliation 1-im Hyer”—— head emerged and be could breathe; but as Chrisman sworn to a thousand oaths that his ' claiming adversely the above-described lands J ohn M ay , Secretary. “Don't know anything about it Sporting ' are requested to tile their claims in this office United States Land Office, Roseburg, Or.,) the mass set he felt tbo impossibility of ox wifo was bad, he would havo been disbe­ tbe Indian wanted a chew of tobacco. Si­ I was made, no time was lost in tbo prelimi­ panding his lungs, and know that ho must lieved. It was several minutes before any multaneously all three of us produced a big naries Tho men wero placed, the word given editor is in the room at tbe farther end of th« on or before said 8tli day of August, 1889. June 14, 1889. > PILOT ROCK ENCAMPMENT, NO, 16, C has . W. J ohnston . Register. die of suffocation. At the point of losing one spoke, and then the recorder fined tbe , plug and reached it toward him. He took to fire, and tho rifles echoed the signal. The hall " Notice is hereby given that in compliance Meets in Odd Fellows’s Hull every 2d and with the provisions of the act of Congress . them all, bit off a chew from one and stowed A wild looking man in search of the city consciousness ho Is-came aware of comrade» two brothers |15 each aud dismissed court.— 411» Monday in each month. Meniliers in lawyer stumbled forward and fell, blood Timber Land Notice, of June 3. 1878, entitled “An act for tbe good stundinx cordially invited to attend. ' tho throe away somewhere in his breech streaming from bis mouth. Ho was uncon­ editor wanders into the exchange editor’s running to his rescue. They hacked the snow Fresuo (Cal.) Telegram sale of timber lands in the states of Cali ­ doth. Thon, with a wicked leer, be waved scious when his second raised him, and it was room and inquires in a menacing tone if the away around his thorax, and then rushed on R out T avlor , C P. rsiT«» S tatbs L and O ffice .) fornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington N. A. Jacobs, Scribe. hls hand toward the railroad We interpret­ found that tbe bullet bad entered one chock, feUow who wrote up that shooting scrape in to dig for another man wuo had been buried Roseburg, Oregon. July 5, 10*9 ) Territory, ” C. II. Ervin of Woodland, The Lite of Hallway Men. Notice is hereby given '.lint in compliance ed this to mean that wo hud better go, and Barney McGan’s saloon last night is about in the same disaster, leaving him able to countv of Y’olo, State of California, lias this with the |>rovi«i<>iis of the net of Cougress Tbo life of railway men does not seem to wo went. The mystery of the strange ac­ tore away a section of tho jaw, and had made tbe office* While he is waiting for the city HOPE REHECVA DEGREE LODUE, NO. 14. breathe, but w holly powerless to stir hand dav filed in this office his sworn statement its exit through tbe other side of bis face. of June:; >7* entitled "An net for the sale be a healthy, nor yet an enjoyable one, if tions of tbo buffaloes wo had seen fall was editor or reporters to appear lie sits down or fook No , for the purchase of the NWJi of sec Meets on the 2*1 and 1th Tuesday in each Of limber lands iu the Slates of California, There was no more fighting, although tbe Oregon, Nevada and Waslilngtou Terri­ No. 24, in Township No. 40 S, Range No. fl month in Odd Fellows's Hall, Ashland. This narrative reminded ine of an anec any reliance is to bo placed on the observa explained. The Indians had been in hiding doctor gave bis opponent more than the time and looks over tho exchanges. tory,” Sarah A. Roger», of Ashland, county K. and will offer proof to show that tbe land Mm-. M aggie S trait , N G. doto told by Haydon, tbe («inter, who nearly tions of medical men who have given some on tho edge of the herd, and were picking off allowed by the Marquis of Queensberry rules There is no escape from the exchange fleud. of Jackson, state of Oregon, Ims this day sought is more valuable tor its timber or Mas. C. E. M ay . Secretary sacrificed a negro's life by attempting to take attention to the subject. According to M. tbe choicest of them with their noiseless and Remorselesa, implacable, and inevitable ai filed in this olfice her sworn statement for Tho marksmanship of tbe physician did stone than fi r agricultural purposes, and to . the purelmse of S. E. 1« of Seciiou No, **S. an entire cast of tho man's body at one ino Duchesne railway men improve in health deadly arrows. not win tbe young lady. Some talk was the swarthy orangs peddler from sunny establish his claim to said land before the A. o. V. W in Township No. to S. Range No. 5, E. ami We never looked back until we had reacted made about tbe fight, and she was removed Italy, he will mount to the top floor of ths nient from the feet to tho chin. When Hie during the first four years, but at the end of Register and Receiverof this office at Rose­ will offer proof to show that the land planter of parts began to set tbe negro could ten years they are tired out, in fifteen they our hand car on the track and were ready to to another part of the state. The lawyer re­ tallest building if necessary and make his sought is more valuable for its timber or burg, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 27th day of A8HLAND IX'IHIF, NO. Off. stone than for agricultural purpoees. and nut breathe, and he was only saved from as­ are actual sufferers, and few can remain in start tor homo. Then we saw tho Indians covered and went to Holly Springs, where way into the most secluded room thereon, August, 188». Meets in lodge room in <)ers in good standing respeetiullv cellent reasons for both opinions. An im­ Notice is hereby given that in conipli»nce wife of each duly joined In tho conveyance, sort of cerebral irritation—with excessive clination to try any case Involving a question portant question is: With what class of I,, inspected supplies furnished the govern­ U nited S tates L and O ffice ,) T. W. L ynch , with the provision' of the act of (.'ongress invited. R osebvi -. c .O i :., July 5, l»s».l the acknowledgment setting forth that the nervousness and morbid sensation of fear.— of account. On ono occasion the counsel for women would it be a success! For not all of ment he would brand them U. 8., meaning Win. I’ attemon , Sec’y. Councellor. of June 3, 1878, entitled “An act for tlie the plaintiff, in a suit brought before his lord ­ Notice is hereby given that ill comnllauce United States, but the abbreviation, being wife freely awl voluntarily, and “without CUic.igttWduuue. sale of timber land» in tlie st:it«s of Cali those who want it would be the ones to make then new and not generally recognized, the with the provisions of the act of Cougrcss of ship, stated in his opening that bis client ’ s compulsion,'* relinquished her dourer and did June :t, 1878, entitled “Au act for the sale of j fornia. Oregon, Nevada and YVashington It successful aud it is just possible that after workmen supposed it to -'can Uncle Sam, the husband had gone to “bis long account.” Territory.” John Mull of Woodland.conntv timber lauds in the States of California,Ore­ not wish to retract such relinquishment. The tho novelty was worn off the members would Inspector. Afterward, the story was repeated A Little Confused. “ What is that! ” naked the learned judge, gon, Nevada, aud Washington Territory," i of Yolo, state of California, has this day purchaser, after paying taxes for thirty loco their interest in It, and tbe whole thing Mary M. Price, of Ashland, county of Jack- Ijleil jn this office hi» sworn statement No.’ pricking up hls ears “ A long account! I'm “What a fine expression that was in the and got into print, and roni that time ths years, now finds that he cannot rnako a deed, son, state of Oregon, has this day tiled in this would be a failure.—New York Star. for tfie purcli.-ise of the NEJ4 of_se<- No. 22, I name has been facetiously applied to the office her »worn statement, for the purchase ! in the examiner of titles refusiug to ]«ss the vrmoa today about the boy’s being father to not going to try a question of account I Township No. 91 8, Range No. 5 E. and of the NE'i of section 28. in Tp. No. 40 8 United States.—Chicago News. deed for record and bohiiiig that the acknowl­ tho thought, though 1 don’t quite agree with shall refer this case.”—True Flag. will offer proof to show that tlie land sought In 1645 the legislature of Virginia pro ltange No. 5 E, and will offer pioof to »how it when I look at our boys. ” edgment of tho wife of each grantor should » more valuable for its timber or stone Ilian that tlie land sought is mote valuable for He Was the Swearer. hibited dealing by barter, and abolished ths “Oh, uiy- dear, you are quite mistaken. An Electrical Coarse. havo been irt accordance with the Missouri its timber or stone than for agricultural pur- 1 for ¡igrii ultur.il purpose*, and to establish A small boy, not more than 8 years old, tolwicco currency. It established the Spanish I What he said was that tbe wish is tbo father 1KIM-S, im*I to establish her claim to »aid In view of the prodigious strides which l»is claim to said land liefore tlie Register form, or, in other words, that tbe acknowl­ was relating to his mamma tbe scheme of a dollar, at six shillings, as tbe standard of cur electricity is now making, it is but natural land U-fore the Register and Receiver of and Receiver of this office at Roseburg. edgment should bars set forth that it was of the man. But it was splendid, almost as this office at Roseburg. Oregon, on Tuesday -eiicy for the colony new society at bis boarding school J*?od as Browuing. ” Oregon, on Tuesday, the 27th day of Au­ that the necessity for tbe establishment of a made “without undue influence,” instead of the 24tli day of September. IMS». A Tiny Itopublic. "It’s the Amaranth,” raid he, “and you get gust. 188». She names as u ituesscs: John r. Glvans, means whereby it« thorough and systematic “without compultiau.” A suit is now pend He names as witnesses: Win. Wallace. fined one cent for slang and two cents for John Kimberlin, Thomas Mayhew, all of A Long Walk. A German traveler has discovered tho very study can be undertaken should havo engaged iag for decision of tho point involved.—St Asbli'lid. Jncksoi. co.. Oregon, nud Squire C. A. Mil er, J. F. Kelly. J. C. Charles, all There are no carriage roads La Africa, and swearing I owe two cents. 1 raid 'Damn.-' smallest republic in Europa. It is the ham­ tho attention of educational bodies in this Louis Globe-Democrat Parker.of Keim. Klamath co., Oregon. of Woodland. Y’olo county. Col. Any and all traveling is done on foot. The celebrated will you pay it I” let of Goust. in tbe lower Pyrenees It be­ country Columbia college, which has al Anv and all i-er.-onn claiming odvereelv nil person» claiming adversely the above “Yes,” replied his mamma; “tell mo more longs neither to Frauce uor to Spain. It ba» ways occupied a prominent position in scienoe, the above*! described lund» are requested to I described traveler Scbweinfurth had tho misfortune to He Took the Illat. lands are requested to file their tile theirclaims in this office on or before about it” somewhat over 100 citizens, Roman Catholic lose all bls scientific instruments an-i oven has now established a course of electrical en I claims in this office on or liefore said 27th ASHLAND, “Yea, J.-unie,"raid the young Italy's beau, I said 24th day of rteptember, 1889. OREGON “Well, we’ve got a president and a vice in religion, who live by silk weaving, and gineerlng. —Science. his watch. Tbo only way in which bo could CHAS. W. JonssToN. day of August, 188!». as he elaq ed her small hand in bis and gazed president and an editor—editors aro awful constitute a brave and self dependent com­ 5 lOt Register. C has . W. J ohnston , Register. reckon the distance be traveled was by count lovingly into her melting eyes, “although sharp—and a treasurer. ” monwealth. They havo no taxes nor any TIMBER LAND NOTICE I To Keep off Musquitoea. I'm in comfortable circumstances now. I've ing his pact*, which be found to <>eof very “And ycu, Charlie, what are you!" other public charges. They have no mayor uniform length, each being about twenty-five TIMBER LAND NOTICE I Take a small quantity of * 3 per cent car­ I >eeu tbe dav when I've be*.-u Lard pressod.” United State» Land Office, Roseburg, Or..» “Me!” with much surprise, “oh, Tm only or other civil official. They have not even inches. LU would count a hundred steps, bolic acid solution and sprinkle sheets, cover­ “Indeed!** she said. , June II, 1889. f , United States I.and Office. Roseburg, Or.j ' a swearer; 1 pay in.”—Now York Truth. hold up one Huger, count tbe secoud hundred an established church or priest of their own, lets, pillow and bolster on both sides, th« “Yes, toidoed, pretty liard pressed.” July flth, 1889. f i Notice is hereby given that in compliance ; as they have incorporated themselves eccle ­ and so on. When five hundred was reached I. W. Bl'RRISS, Proprietor. edges of bed curtains and tbe wall next th« “1 don't rememlier,” sho said, with a sly OTICE is hereby given that in compli­ with the provisions of the act of Congress It Was Largely Force of Habit. siastically with tho neighboring village ot be made a stroke in his note book. A trans ance with tlie provisions of the act of of June 3, 1878, entitled “An act for the look, “of ever having leen hard pressed." » verso stroke, forming a cross, denoted a thou I “Papa,” said tbe fair girl, wifn a touch of Laruns, where their children are baptized, bed. Tbe face and neck may also be slightly This favorite lesort is gaining in popu­ sale of timber lands in the state« of Cali­ congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An act wetted with the solution. Not a single gnat She was • moment after.— Boston Courier sand steps. sadness in ber tones, “1 have received a note their betrothed couples married and their or musquito, it is said, will come near — larity every day. for the sale of timlier lands in the states of fornia, Oregon, Nevada ami Washington At the cud of his journey be was enabled from William saying you kicked him as be dead buried. The citizens of this republic Scientific American. Tlie very best of WINES, BRANDIES. California. Oregon. Nevada, «nd Washing­ Territory." J. F. Kelly, of Woodlund, ton Territory,” Lucinda Parker of Keno. county of Yolo, state of California, Lu? live to a very great age. There are said tc to tell bow far lie had walked by counting left tbe house last night.” The III sliest Volcauo. BEER and CIGARS, kept con­ county of Klamath.state of Oregon, has this this day filed in this office lii« sworn state­ "Yes,” replied papa. “I have always paid be both male and female centenarians among GENEFAL JACQUEMINOT. The lugbest active volcano in the world is thceo little crosses. Tbo counting of tbe steps day fifed in this office her sworn statement ment No , for tlie purchase of tlie SEli of them. They always marry “foreigners’ — stantly on hand. Popocatepetl, thirty-five mike south of Pue­ must have been almost mechanical, for bis your expenses, and 1 foot«! this Bill merel No for tbe purchase of the NW *4 of sec No. 21. in Township No. IOS. Runge that is to ray, inhabitants of tbe neighboring What conflicts you drew your Made to blo, Ohl Mexico. It is 17,784 feet high; the eyes and his mind were busy with tho strange to be consistent ” fir iu..’« Meraxine section No 30, in town»liip No 3!) S. Range No. 5 E, sixl will ofler proof to show that PORTER &c JLLE. I know not if any one knows; states of Franco and Spain. Nobody ii things bo saw about him. His journey from crater is throe miles in circumference and No 5 E. and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its Nature Arraijjeii IU But I know that tbs queenliest maiden I either rich or poor, noble or churl, master or LOU) feet deep. When Cortes conquered the interior back to tbo coast occupied six the land sought is tuore valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural pur- Fine Billiard Table, Says yours is the queeuliest rose. “ When the -ar ended i guess there *ert servant. — C hicago Times. ______ months, in which a million and a quarter ! timber or stone than for agricultural pur­ iwiscs and to establish his claim to sal*! Mexico Popocatepetl was in a state of active poses, and to establish her claim to said land land licfore tbe Register and lhs eiver of And who would not envy, on seeing eruption, the wuoke ln-ing visible tor 500 steps were made and counted. One of the erbqut fifteen or twenty girls to every fellow Remedy for Hay Fever. The very best lieerof Anaheim, wine and before the Register and Receiver of this this office at Ro»el>urg, Oregon, on Tues­ it blush from her booom of snow. chapters of his book, “Ln tbe Heart of but now the thing is erbout even ergin, I miles in every direction. We give you tbe latest alleged remedy tor Hennessy brandy, which will I k - sold by • office ¡it Roseburg. Or., on Monday the 23*1 day. the 27th day of August. 1*89. Tbe exquisite pleasure of being One of Cortex’s men, Francisco Montano, Africa,” closes with tbo following words reckon, for I uever seed tbe like of boy babiet hay fever Try it and kindly report: Vapor Renames as witnesses; G. E. Gregg. W. dav of September, 18»!». Tho red rose of Jacqueminot! the quart or gallon. was the first white man to ascend to the sum­ “On tho 19tb of February I greeted my old m my life as there ba» oeen since the war of camphor and steam is recommended. The She names as witnesses: Tho» Mayhew G Ervin, Win, Wallace, C. A. Miller, all of < lur tables ¡re «applied with the latest pa­ mit, Up to 1S75 but two white women, Mrs. friend Cbaltl, after an absence of forty-nine aud its er provision of uatur, 1 reckon.” — vapor is made to come in contact with the Whence came tbe deep hue of your flower.1 pers. Come ami see us and we will treat and John Kimberlin of Ashland. Jackson Woodland, Volo county. Cal. Any am! all Was it tinged by the blood of tbe foe John W. Faster and Mrs. Arthur Terry, bad days and a journey ot eight hundred and Plunkett in Atlanta Constitution. county. Oregon; S*piire Parker of Keno, ]ier»ous claiming adversely flic above-de­ vou as well as wc know how. outer surface of tbo face, surrounding tho Who felt in dream battles your power. •evenly-six thousand paces. ” — New York ever gazed into the aw fui crater. Since that Klamath county,Oregen; John F. Givans, scribed lands are r<»pie.»tcd to file llieir nose by means of a paper cone placed with U« «Fas a Messaager Boy. O General Jacqueminot! Home Journal. of Ashland. Jackson county, Oregon. claim» in this office on or la-fore said 27th time several lady tourists have made tbe as­ V allf . y R ecord . Omaha Mother—W). Bobby, bow you tbo narrow end downward In a vessel con­ Anv and all persons claiming adverse­ day of August. |8'est Advertising Medium in Southern ly the above descrilied lands are requested C has . W J ohnston , Register. Iiavq grown uu.ee you » re home Last I owner of tbe great smoking mountain, show In history's pantheon to pose! to file their claims in this office on or before Oregon. Son -a messenger b> — Yes, it’s been • powdered or shredded camphor If this ii Tin sweeter to hear the world saying: it to be 19,523 feet high, 17,78«, tbe figures i «aid J3-1 duv of September. 1889. three letters sine« continued ten or twenty minutso at a time, l-’ag tinte I’v deliver You gave us a beautiful rose. given above, ore tk'#2*^ I N HARDWARE, STOVES & TINWARE. Exchange Saloon, N