VALLEY RECORD. ROCKS OF THE EARTH. How They Are Formed-Ume AU Ma4a by Animal». ELECTRICITY OX SHIPS. I Overland to California. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Land Office. Roseburg. Or.,) United States Land Office, Roseburg, Or..I U uited States Land Office, Roseburg, Or I May 22,1889. I x. ..... . . Mv *8. May 31. 1889. ) Notice is hereby given that in compliance [Und» t»f Oce Man—toarvb Lights Ma- Granite i» tto lowest rock in the earth’s N otice is hereby given that i Notice is hereby given that in compliance Notice is hereby given that in compliance with The People's Paper. the provisions of the act of Congress of * trust. It u tto bed rock of the world It in compliance with the provisions of with the provisions of the act of congress with the provisions of the act of Congress ■il|H>lstcd. Gnn« Fired. Torpedoes Steered the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled of Junes, 1878, entitled “An act for the of June 3,1878, entitled “ An act for the sale June 3,1878, entitled “An act for the sale of •bow« no evidence of animal or vegetable life. Jitm k time. Ship» Piloted bj Electricity. timber lands in tlie States of California, Or­ “An act for the sale of timlier lands in the I sale of timber lands in the States of Cali- of timber lands in the States of California, It is from two to ten tune» as thick as the LINE, egon. Nevada, and Washington Territory.” Editor*. Publisher* and Hole Proprietor». < united tafi> knew**- of ail tto ottor rock» It Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territo ­ states of California. Oregon. Nevada, and I fornia, Oregon. Nevada and YVashington Electricity ou shjja of war is purely an F. C. Wvckort', of Woodland.countv of Yolo, Office in McCall a Hall, ap-stair»; stair» on 1« tto parent rock from which ell tto other American idea, and wsa first tried on the THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. YVashington Territory,” Sarah E Savage, of Territory,” J. Z. Graff, of Woodland, coun- ry,” A T Kyle, of Ashland, County of State of "California, has this day fifed in this Jackson, 8tate of Oregon, has this day filed Ashland, county of Jackson, state of Oregon ' ty of Y ’ olo, State of Califorjiia, has this day north »ide of Masonic building. rocks have been either (Brectly or indirwtly United States steamer Trenton in 1883 Soon has this da_y filed in this office her sworn hied in this office his sworn statement No. in this office his sworn statement No. ., office his sworn statement, for the purchase J-- : —- -Z Entered in the Poetoffice al Ashland a» fierivw. after tbe system bad *>een tested tha vessel Time Between statement No . for the purchase of the ! .... for the purchase of the N E W of Sec for the purchase of the N E % of Sec No. of the N E of see. No, 24,in tp No. 39. 8 Hvrond Cla»» mail matter. It is true that it does not C’ontAiD lui*p, while sailed on a three years' cruise, and attracted NE'4 of Section No 34. in Township No 40 1 No. 8, in Tp No. 39 S, Range No. 5 E, and 28. in Tp No. 39 8. Range No. 5 E, and will R No. 5 E, and will oiler proof to show that ASHLAND AND SAN FRANCISCO. iinxstonea do contain that substance, but it much attention as tbe first war vessel afloat 8 Range No ,'JE, and will offer proof to show will offer proof to show that the land otter proof to show that the land sought is the land sought is more valuable for its tim­ that the land sought is more valuable for its sought is more valuable for its timber or more valuable for its timber or stone than ber or stone than for agricultural purposes, 23 HOURS. Jr LT 25, 1889 funushes tto foundation for vegetable to be lighted by electricity The success of Aiaiuüo, O«.. timber or stone than for agricultural nur- ' stone than for agricultural purjioses. and for agricultural puiqioses. and to establish | and to establish his claim to said land before growth. Vegetable growth furnishes tto tbe Trenton1» experiment practically settled Cies, and to establish her claini to said land to establish his claini to said land liefore his claini to sain land liefore the Register j the Register and Receiver of this office at , foundaten for animal growth, and ajiima! the quest! n in naval circle*. Through the ore the Register and Receiver of this of­ | the Register and Receiver of this office at and Receiver of this office at Roseburg, I Roseburg, Oregon, on Friday the 26th day CALtFliKNlA LXPRKHS TRAINS BIX DAILY »U4EAHE ANI» ELECTRICITY growth brings lime into existence. It is exertions of Lieut. Commander R. B. Brad­ fice at Roseburg, Or., on Monday the 23 day Roseburg, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 14th Oregon, on Thursday, the Sth day of Au­ of July, 188!) Between claimed by a-ientista that all tto lime in the ford, who was the Trenton's executive officer, He names a» witnesses: T. 8. Spaulding, of September, 1889. gust, 1889. dav of August, 188!). laspeVtMSee at Kaowiag How te Lae It* world has, at some time, been a portion of electric lights were placed on the Vermont, She names as witnesses: John Kimberlin, He names as witnesses: SA Parker, of C. M. Casler. G. W. Hollingsworth, Gilbert fie names as witnesses: J. M. Griffin, of Portland and San Francisco C S Price, Jas 8 Rogers. Thos Mayhew, all Woodland, Y’olo county,California; B 8. J. ■ Keno, Klamath county. Or.; L E Moe, I' C Collins, all of Woodland, Cal. Any and all Health bp the Trteyele— What Eminent wmie animal. Tto same atom of lime lias New Hampshire, Omaha, Dolphin and Chi­ some time, ao doubt, Ixen a jiortion of miny cago Each cruiser baa about 500 lights, and of Ashland, Jackson county, Oregon. Any I Hiatt, of Kirksville, Sutter county, Cali­ Agler, J W Rogers, of Ashland, Jackson persons claiming adversely the aliove-de- PfeyaSriaM Hava to 8ay of It—l »ually South different animals, and jKieKbly of human be­ the gunboats about 250. with sufficient tap- and all jiersons claiming adversely the above fornia; M. H. Torrance, A. Wikstrom, of county, Or. Any and all jiersons claiming scrilied lands arc requested to file their |_ North Neater« (then mat l»m. ings ale i. plies to last three years. All the cutouts aud 4:00 p in Lv Portland Ar 10:45 a m described lands are requested to file their Woodland, Y’olo county. California. Any adversely tlie above-described lands are re­ claims in this office on or liefore said 20th Tto force» of nature ar>* gsadnally level­ switches are made water tight and tested by 8:30 a m Ar Ashland Lv 5:40 p m claims in this office on or before said 23 day and all jiersons claiming adversely the quested to file their claims in this office on day of July, 1889. Although etact next y is now recognized a« C ham . W. J ohnston , Register. above described lands are requested to file or before said 8th day of August, 1889. ing down the mountains and hill» aud are as turning a stream of water on any part of the 9:00 a in Lv Ashland Ar 5:10 ji m of Septemlier, 1889. ■n efficient in the treatment of di»- gradually C has . W. J ohnston , Register. C has . W*. J ohnston , Register. 7:45 a ni their claims in this office on or before said Ar SanFranciscoLv 7 :00 ji m and surely filling up the valleys circuit « TIMBER LAND NOTICE. 14th day of August. 1889. saee, heyood doul>t its true value as meh is and “low place* ' of the earth. There are innumerable devices by which Local passenger train daily (except Sunday) TIMBER LAND NOTICE. F has , W. J ohnston , Register. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. yet to be estimated. Until within a few j Chemical changes are constantly going on electricity is made useful on board ship. The 8:00 a m I Lv Portland Ari 10:45 a m United States I.and Office. Roseburg. Or.) i yean ita use was practically limited to pa- in the rocks. Tto sudden contact of sub­ value of tbe search light cannot be estimated, 12:40 p tn ! Lv Albany Ar I 11:35 11:35 a in m United States Land Office, Roseburg. Or.,i May lti, 1889. J TIMBER LAND NOTICE. United States Land Office, Roseburg. Or.,) : 4:40 j> m I Ar Eugene July 5th. 1889. ) Lv I 9:00 a ni tn raly»>*. joint» .tiffenwl by aprain* and chronic stance in tto interior of the earth that have as sci.uting parties, torpedo boats or swift Notice is hereby given that in compliance May 22, 1889. i United States Land Office, Roseburg, Or..» OTICE is hereby given that In compli ­ rbeataaltom. a»! a few like morbid condi- great affinity or repulsion for one another is »team launches can be detected a mile away Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress May 31. 1889. )* with PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. ance with the provisions of the act of the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the tlcML Now tbe list uf affection* in which ft aom«tim«< sufficient to cause volcanoes and on tbe darkest night. As a motive power for Notice is hereby given that in compliance of June 3, 1878, entitled “ An a-*t for the sale sale of timber lands in the States of Califor­ congress of June 3, 1878, eutitled “ An act hat proved itself efficacious i* quite long, and earthquake- As a rule, however, chemical small machines it is invaluable, and on the IO VRIST SLEEPING CARS for the sale of timber lands in the states of with the provisions of the act of congress of timber lands in the States of California. nia. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter­ Il growing longer every year. It la, of ! change* are wrought silently and almost im­ Chicago will be brought into play for train­ California. Oregon, Nevada, and Washing­ of June 3, 1878, entitled ‘ An actjfor the - Oregon, Nevada, and YVashington Territo- ritory,” Grace Howard, of Woodland. For accommodation of Second Class Pas ­ eoarw, pw-uharly ada|4ed to nervous dia- perceptibly. ing the huge guns of the main battery. It is ton Territory,” Rosella Parker of Bly. sale of timber lands in the States of Cali­ : ry," 8 A Parker, of Keno, Countv of Klam- County of Yolo, State of California, has order», and, naturally, in them is inoet often Tbe oxygen from water is daily and hourly used also for discharging tbe rifled ordnance sengers, attached to Express Trains. countv of Klamath, state of Oregon, has fornia, Oregon. Nevada and Washington ' ath. 8tate of Oregon, has thix Jay filed in this day filed in this office her sworn state­ eaapioyed. Isit there are a number of other combining with iron and other substances in and the entire system is under the absolute The 8. P Co.’s Ferry makes connection this day filed in this office her sworn Territory,” G. W. Griffin, of Woodland, this office his sworn statement Ko. . for ment No.. .., for the purchase of the N W diemara and derangement« of entirely differ- tbe earth, and forming oxide« that ajip '-ar as control of the commander from bis position with all the regular trains on the East Side statement N» .... for the purchase of the county of Y’olo, State of California, has i the purchase of tbe 8 E >4 of Sec No. 28, *4 of Sec No. 32, in Tp No. 39 8 R No. 5 E, N E J4 of sec No 39, in Tp. No 30 8, range this day filed in this office bis sworn state­ I in Tp No. 39 8, Range No. 5 E, and will and will oner proof to show that the land sit clause» in which it has been found of cura­ ochre«, mineral paints, colored clays, etc. in tbe fighting tower He require« no uncer­ Division from foot of F street, Portland. N 5 E, and will offer proof to show that ment No. . , for the purchase of the NE offer proof to show that the land sought is sought is more valuable for ita timber or tive value. A», fir Instance, to tbe treat Attention is called to tto agency of unl­ tain asBistauta to place him in communication the land sought is more valuable for its >4 of Sec No. 20, in Tp N’o. 39 8, Range No. more valuable for its timber or stone than stone than for agricultural purposes, and to West bide Division—Between it of jaundice and torjiidity of tto liver it mala. Pawavely, a» observed above, all aui- with the various dejjartmeuta of the complex timber or stone than fur agricultural pur­ 5 E, and will offer jirooi to show that the 1 for agricultural purpose.«, and to establish establish her claim to said land before the ajtpeared to sc. well by stimulating the mal» increase the amount of lime and limc- machines. Electrical devices perform all the PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS. poses, and to establish her claim to said land sought is more valuable for its timber his claim to said land before the Register Register and Receiver of this office at Rose­ »*<««» of nt tto« imrwwtsnt resren «tul in- in. «tone material liy digi-sti n, assimilation, ex­ duties, transmit the orders and control the fuoctwo» that important organ and land before the Register and Receiver of or stone than for agricultural liurjxises. and and Receiver of this office at Roseburg. burg, Oregon, on Friday, the 3>th day of MAILTRAIN DAILY (EXCZPT StNDAY.) rrnaHng the secretion of Idle. Certain ca«ü< cretion and death. movements with far greater accuracy and this office at Roseburg, Ogn, on Monday, to establish his claim to said land before Oregon, on Thursday, the 8th dav of Au­ Julv, 188!). the Register and Receiver of this office at gust, 1889. of jauiwlá'r which restated all othar treat- Some animals bring about rock changes as safety than would be jxjssible by the old 7:30 am I Lv Portland Ár | 6:20 p m , tlie 23d day of September. 188!). she names os witnesses: J K Smith, C 12£25 p in I Ar Corvallis Lv | 1:30 p m She names as witnesses: John Kimber- Roseburg. Oregon, on Wednesday, the 14th uwut hate y lab led very readily to this. active agents. All burrowing animals bring methods. He names as witnesses: A T Kvle, L E M easier, F C Wyc’toff, Giltort Collins, all dav of August, 188!). lin, Thomas Mayhew and John F. Givans NOT A tXiltSHTlC REMEDY materials from beneath tto surface that lho simple pressure of a button endows Moe, D C Agler, Thos. Mayhew, all of Ash­ of Woodland, Califoi i:ia. Any and all per­ At Albany an m Lv Portland adversely the above-described lands are re ­ Ar 9:00 a m claims in this effice on or before said 23d i day of August, 188!). eúu» bare found it of value in baldnew, «mi pul agencies in the disintegration of hard swing noiselessly aside and huge apertures K:00 p m Ar McMinnville Lv 5:45 a ni day of September, 1889. quested to file their claims iu this office on C has . W. J ohnston , Register. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. «vveral observer» have liad happy rreulta rock and the formation of soils and lighter are disclosed, filled tho next instant by power­ C has . W. J ohnston , Register. I or tofore said 14th day of August. 1889. C has . W. J ohnston , Register. from it in chronic ulcerv, one reporting the i clays, if angle or “fish" worms were all de- ful rifled breech loaders. There is a hush, a United States Lund Office, Roseburg, Or.) TIMBER LAND NOTICE. cure of a badly ulcerated tongue which had I stroyed it would indeed to a great calamity, moment of expectancy, as the commander TIMBER LAND NOTICE. Mayl6,1889. f TIMBER LAND NOTICE. muted treatment for nine year«. Elec­ i It is probable that they do more to preserve appears through the little slot on a level with Notice is hereby given that in compliance United States Land Office, Roseburg, Or.,) I United States Land Office, Roseburg, Or.,) I tricity, while an admirable agent, capable of the fertility of the soil than does any other bis eye iu the tower, touches a third button, United States Land Office, Roseburg, Ur.,) May 16, 1889. I with the provisions of the act of Congress Julv 8,1889. f , Notice is hereby given that in compliance of J une 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale May 31, 1889. ( doing much good to certain dúeanea, i» yet agency. and the cruiser vomits forth sheets of flama x For full information regarding ,u«.- >UB ** N otice is hereby ’ hiven rate.«,maps that Notice is hereby given that in compliance 1 with the provisions of the act of Congress of of timber lands in the States of California, sapalile of much harm. _______________________ It is a notorious fact I <_________________________ ____________________ Coral reef»afford a iieautiful __________ sample _ of tto 1 he long steel shot dart through space at the I etc^cadon CTnutany’s'agent"«® A^Sand1."’’ in compliance with the provisions of, with the provisions of the act of congress J June 3, 1878, entitled “An act for the sale of Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Ter­ that white ouly a few aucceerful case» art- rock cbangoi brought ulmut by animals, rate of 2,000 feet in a second; bow, stem and I R. KOEHLER. the act of congress of June 3,1878, entitled of June 3,1878, entitled “An act for the timlier lands in the states of California. Or­ ritory,” A. M. Elston, of Woodland, count}* E P. ROGERS. ■eeaaaary to make any remedy popular with An example of the combined agency of broadside retrjxmd in one terrific roar, and, ; Manager. Asst. G. F. & Pass. Agt “An act for the sale of timlier lands in the sale of timber lands in the 8tates of Cali­ egon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," of Y qlo, State of California, has this day oon-proieauouahi, they are exceedingly «low wind, tide«, waves, plants and animals u crash! the fabric trembles Meath the simul- states of California, Oregon. Nevada, and I fornia. Oregon. Nevada and Washington John Hollingsworth, of Woodland, county filed in this office his sw orn statement No. to rncognise that it i» also posuble for the found in floating islands. First, immense j taneous explosion of of 0,000 jiounds of pow­ Washington Territory,” G. L. Matthews, of Territory,” C. L. McPhetridge, of Wood­ of Yolo, State of California, has this day . for the purchase of the 8 W X of sec WHITE Jacksonville, county of Jackson, state of land, county of Y’olo, 8tate of California, filed in this office his sworn statement for No. 12, in Tp. No, 40 8, range No. 5 E, and Mme under certain condition« to do more or drift« of seaweeds are formed by the motion der, and 12,000 jxiunds of metal are sent Oregon, has this day filed in this office his will offer proof to show that (he land sought lao injury of the water. Ou these drift« great colonies whizzing through the air by means of the I has this day filed in this office his sworn the purchase of the N E K of section No. 14, sworn statement No , for the purchase of I statement No. , for tbe purchase of the in tp No. 40 8 R No 5 E, and will oner proof is mere valuable for its timlier or stone than Electricity as usually taken in disease 1» of sea birds make their nests from year to [ electric slave of the dynamo. the SW % of NE % and W W of NE M, a,ul SW of Sec No. 14, in Tp \o. 39 8, Range 1 to show that the land sought is more valua­ for agricultural purposes, and to establish now held by people at large to be harmless, year. The egg shells and other excrements Tbe merest motion of the little jxilisbed SE % of SW % of section No 34, in town­ No. 5 E, and will offer proof to show that ble for its timber or stone than for agricult- his claim to said land liefore the Register and not a few of them have totteries and ap­ of the birds, together with their remains a hen ■ lever directly in front of tho captain brings ship No 32 8, Range No 2 E, and will offer the land sought is more valuable for its ural purposes, and to establish his claim to and Receiver of this office at Roseburg, ply it to themselves aud friends for every they die, in time form a soil in which plants tbe powerful scorch light into action and proof to show that the land sought is more I timber than - for agricultural ___ _ or stone ______ _____ , pur _ : said land before the Register and Receiver Ogn.. on Friday, the 26th day of July, 1889. comwivabie ailifieut. A» naturally expected, can grow. sends a dazzling beam through the dark void. R. R. STREET, FOOT OF FIRST AVE. valuable for its timber or stone than for : poses, and to establish his claim to said of this office at Roseburg. Oregon, on Friday, He names as witnesses: John Hollings­ Fridav, in ita indiarriminate use, it is often abused. | Some of those islands liecome heavy enough : To the left protrudes still another concave agricultural purposes, and to establish his worth, Daniel Wallace, J K Smith,Gilbert Athland, Oregon. , I land before the Register and Receiver of the 26th day of July, 1889. claim to said land before the Register and this office at Roseburg. Oregon,on Wednes­ and not only rarely ever does tbe good it is to settle to the bottom in shallow water, and I innocent appearing globe, which controls a Collins, all of Woodland, California. Any He names as witnesses: David Wallace, Receiver of this office at Roseburg, Oregon, day. the 14tli day of August, 1889. capable of, but in many instances it doe« ma­ form permanent land adapted for the homo silent, though potent and death dealing aux­ J. K. Smith, Gilbert Collins, C. M. Casler. and ail persons claiming adversely tbe C. W. GANIARD, Prop. on Thursday, the 26th dav of Septeniber, He names as witnesses: M. II. Torrance. ' all of Woodland, California. Any and all above-described lands are requested to file terial barm. Electricity can never lie uuni . of men.—Kansas City Times. iliary A slight click is heard, a puff of E. T. Lampton, John L. Sjiong, J. W. Grif­ • persons claiming adversely the above-de- their claims in this office on or before said bered among tbe doouatic reuwslie» It is al­ Will spare no pains in making this one 1889. i white smoke and tbe Whitehead torpedoes He names as witnesses: C F Walland July, 1889. A Cauiu« Mall Carrier. together too powerful, and for ita correct ajs glide from their smooth tubes and are driven of the most comfortable and home-like Thomas I’. Kahler of Deskins, Jackson fin, all of Woodland, Y’ol-j county. Cali­ J scribed lands are requested to file their 26th day of C has . W. J ohnston , Register. Any and all person: claiming | claims in this office on or before said 26th plication i» demanded nut only an intimate As a reporter was standing in the post­ through tbe water at tho rates of thirty hotels in the place. The tables are supplied county, Oregon; Wilder Frecl of Etna, fornia. the above-described lands are day of July, 18t9. knowledge of the agent himself, but the office a day or so ago, hi.» attention was at­ miles an hour An electric bell signals the with the best the market affords. Pleasant Jackson county, Oregon; B. M Gill of adversely C has . YV. J ohnston , Register. requested to tile their claims in this office TIMBER LAND NOTICE. thorough knowledge of t'ue human system tracted by a diminutive but very pretty dog j officer in charge of the quick firing and ma­ accommodations for families Henley, Siskiyou county, California. Any on or before said 14th day of August, 188!). and it» change« in health and disease. One carrying a couple of letters in its mouth. chine guns when to play bis part and ere the and all persons claiming*adversely the above THE NEW MANAGEMENT. C has . W. J ohnston , Register. TIMBER LAND NOTICE Unitevi States Land Office, Roseburg, Or.i described lands are requested to file their may know just the clawof diseases it iasuite,I Tlie little fellow would rub up against the gong has ceased to vibrato, thousands ujx>n May 16, 1889. f Having leased the above house and thor­ claims in this office on or before said 26th TIMBER LAND NOTICE. to, and yet more often do harm tliau good I scribe serine and an i tuen tton ri run to tto slot provided for thousands of explosive projectiles are flying oughly United States Land Office, Roseburg. Or.) Notice is hereby given that in compliance and renovated the same. I day of September, 1889. with it. In certain case« of neuralgia, for in­ I de|xoiting letters, , which was Just beyond his through the air at tbe rate of 1,900 feet per am now refitted May 16, 1889. f with tlie provisions of the act of Congress prepared to ofTer first-class accom­ C has . W. J ohnston , Register. United States Land Office, Roseburg, Or,,i Notice is hereby given that in compliance of June 3,1878. entitled “ An act for the sale stance, it would prove a cure; in other«, how­ (Teach, turn arouN around and energetically wag his second. modation to the traveling public. May 31, 1889. i with the provisions of the act vf Congress of timber lands in the States of California, ever, tbe disease would bo made much worse I tail. ___ After tto the annual t had repeat«! tills A FEAWLL PJCSPONS1BILITT. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that in compliance of June 3, 1878, entitled “An act for the Board and Lodging, $5 to $6 per week. Nevada, and Washington Ter­ by It. performance several times the reporter The latest electric appliance is a system of with the provisions of the act of congress | sale of timber lands in the States of Califor­ Oregon, Meals, 25c ; Lodging, 25c and 50. I Now, to discriminate lietweeu them would grasped the situation, and, taking tho letters I engine room telegraph, invented by J. B. United States Land Office, Roseburg, Or.) of June 3, 1878, entitled “An act for tlie nia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Ter­ ritory,” Flora Elston, of Woodlanu. county Julv 5, 1889. f sale of timber lands in tlie States ef Cali­ ritory," David Wallace of Woodland, Coun­ of Y dio. state of California, has this day tax the »kill of the most accomplished physi ,'rom the dog's mouth, put them in the letter Wallis, an * Englishman. It has been thor­ Tl’LPHUR WATER BATHS, 25 CENTS. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT fornia, Oregon, Nevada and YVasliington ty of Yolo, State of California, has tliis'ciav filed in this onice her worn statement No. clan. Again, it cannot be known that there box. With a thankful lark tho canine mail oughly tested in tbe royal navy, and adopted Hot and Cold Baths at any time between in compliance with the provisions Territory,” B. 8. J. Hiatt, of Kirksville, tiled in this office his sworn statement No, . .. , for the purchase of the N E yt of sec are several kinds of electricity and each carrier darted out of the door and across the on her majesty’s ships Camperdown, Rodney 7 o’clock a m and 10 o’clock p m . One Bath No. 32, in Tp No. 39 8, range No. 5 K, and of the act of Congress of June county 3, of Sutter. State of California, has for the purchase of tbe 8 E X of bee No. 14, have their special action. One kind might street into a cigar store. and Aurora. It is also fitted to the Magici- room reserved for ladies use. (37) 1878, entitled “ An act for the sale this day filed in this office bis sworn state­ in Tp No. 40 8. R No. 5 E, and will otter will oiler proof to show that the land sought to used in a case and prove a benefit, where­ Upon inquiry it was learned that Fannie— enne and the Marathon, two second class of timber lands in the States'of Califor­ ment No. ... for the purchase of the NW proof to show that the land sought is more is more valuable for ita timber or atone as were another employed tbe disease would that is tho sagacious animal's name—is the twin screw cruisers. Tho Wallis system com­ nia. Oregon, Nevada and Washington % of See No. 20, in Tp No. 3!) 8, Range No. I valuable for its timber or stone than for ag- than for agricultural pun>oses,and to estab­ HO TOGAPHS Territory, be much aggravated. Beyond all that, it property of Mr». C. H. Mason, the proprietor prises an engine room telegraph, a revolution ” Mary J Beebe, of Ashland, 5 E, and will offer proof to show that the ; ricultural purposes, and to establish liis lish her claim to said land before the Register must lie understc»«I that uga suitable case, of a trunk store at tbe ronier of Johnson and order telegraph and a steering telegraph, the county of Jackson, state of Oregon, has land sought is more valuable for its timber ! claim to said land before the Register and and Receiver of this office at Roseburg, with a proper batters, yet an uninformed Fultoti streets, and that liesides carrying tor principle being tbe same in each case. The this dav filed in this office her sworn state­ or stone than for agricultural purposes, and Receiver of this office at Roseburg, Oregon, Ogn., on Friday, the 26th day of Julv, 1889. 8he names as witnesses: FC W’yckofl, ment No .... for the purchase of the operator may do harm »imply by wrongly owner's mail she is also useful in a numL'i* of engine room telegraph consists of a combined establish his claim to said land before on Friday, the 26th day of July, 1889. J K Smith, of Woodland, California; Thos M kb . M. K TYLER, SE of Section No 34, in Township No 40 to the Register and Receiver of this office at applying tbe current.». other ways, and, it is somewhat jtainful to transmitter and reply indicator, inclosed in a He names as witnesses: John Hollings­ Mayhew, of Ashland, Oregon; C M Casler, 8, Range No 5 E. and will offer proof to Roseburg, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 14th worth, J K Smith, T 8 Spaulding, C M As every mw knows, there are two, what state, has several vices, the most pronounced case mounted on a jieJestal. This instru­ of Woodland, California. Any and all show that the land sought is more valu­ dav of August, 1889, Casler, all of Woodland, California. Any and persons claiming adversely the aliove- are called pole", to every tottery. Hold th* of which being tor fondness for smoking ment has a dial, around which the orders to able for its timber or stone than for lie names as witnesses: Janies Wyckoff, all persons claiming adversely the above-de­ handle« on these bi the bands, aud the cur­ cigars—and just hero it may be stated that be transmitted ore distinctly marked, and a Artist* agricultural purposes, and to establish G. W, Griffin, A, Wikstrom, D. A. Motsin- scribed lands are requested to file their described lands are requested to file their in this office on or before said 26th rent of electricity patMe« from one to the noue but the best brands will suit her. Fan­ handle at the back turns a jxiinter to the de­ her claim to said land before the Register gner, all of Woodland, Y’olo county, Cali­ claims in this office on or liefore .»aid 2tiUi claims day of July, 1889. other, through the arms ,UI¥l upper pari nie is proficient in all the usual dog tricks, sired command. and Receiver of this office at Roseburg, fornia. Any and aH persons claiming ad­ day of July, 1889. ’ C har . W. J ohnston , Register. of tbe body. Now, Mi]ipuaing a person has a and besides has some es[»-cially her own. Or., on Tuesday, the 24 dav of September, versely the above-described lands are The moving of tbe handle or lever gives C has . W. J ohnston , Register. 1889. neuralgic pain in some part of hi* body. He She will kiss her friends with a resounding tbe “attention” signal to the engineer. Tbe Corner Main and Granite Street». requested to file their claims in this office TIMBER LAND NOTICE. She names as witnesses: Thos Mayhew, on or before said 14th day of August, 1889 puts one handle to the affected spot mid I human smack, and will »mile in a human engineer putting his lever over causes a bell TIMBER LAND NOTICE. C hvs . W. J ohnston , Register. holds the other in Ida baud, or has it placed %*ay when plea»«!; but her chief acco.nplish- to bo sounded on the bridge, which calls at- : PICTURES COPIED AND ENLARGED Jas 8 Rogers. 0 8 Price. John Kimberlin. all Ashland, Jackson county, Oregon. Any United States Land Office, Roseburg, Or.l United States Land Office, Roseburg, Or..) •laewhere in contact with his skin. He find» l nient is carrying messages and parcels, in- tention to tbe fact that ho is acknowledging^ Bromides made in all sizes. Call and of May 22, 1889. f and all persons claiming adversely the above May 16, 1889. f TIMBER LAND NOTICE. that a few application» made several times I eluding her owner’s mail, and liaving once the order and rejieating it back. The revolu­ examine our work. is hereby given that in compliance described lands are requested to file their Notice is hereby given that in compliance wi Notice precisely in the same way tiring him relief. : been showu a place to which Mr. Mason ha­ tion telegraph is a simple means of transmit­ h the provisions of the act of Congress claims in this office on or liefore said 24 day United States Land Office, Roseburg, Or..l with tlie provisions of the act of < '(ingress But now were he to reverse matters and bitually «ends a certain kind of messages or ting to the engineer tho number of revolu­ I June 3, 1878. entitled “ An act for the sale of September, 1889. May 31, 1889, i of June 3, 1878, entilted “An act for the of of timber lands in the States of California, apply tbe other pole to tbe affected spot, I parcels, Fannie never fails to make accurate tions at wbicli the commander wishes the en­ To the Farmers of Jackson Co C has . W. J ohnston Register Notice is hereby given that in compliance sale of timber lands in the States of Califor­ Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territo­ very likely instead of being benefited he j delivery, in this being far sujierior to tbe or- gine to run. Tho admiral may signal to the with tlie provisions of the act of congress nia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter­ ry,” Thoma» Mayhew of Ashland, County Timber Lotud Notice, The undersigned have ojiened a would be made worse. ' dinar}* boy, and owing to which fact she re­ fleet that be is going at seventy revolutions, of June 3, 1878. entitled “An act for the ritory,” C. M. Casler of Woodland, Cupnty of Jackson, State of Oregon, has tliis day Dr. Oscar Jennings, a prominent English ceives this notice. Fannie lias a remarkably which signal has to bo rejieated to the en­ sale of timber lauds in the States of Cali­ of Yolo, State of California, has this’ day filed in this office his sworn statement No. U nitzd S tatus L and O ffice J physician who practice« in Paris, has recent- intelligent face and wears a costume of dark gineers, in order that all the vessels may keep fornia. Oregon, Nevada und Washington filed in this office his sworn statement No. .. , for the purdiase of 8 E U of the Sec No. Roseburg, Oregon, July 5, 1881).I ,for the purchase of the 8 E % of Sec No.14, 20, in Tp No. 40 8, Range No. 5 E, and will Territory,” M. II. Torrance, of Woodland, T: written an interesting little work, en­ 1 brown silky hail*. She i« as pretty as she is in line with tho (lagship The steering tele­ Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress county of Y’olo, State of California, has this in Tp No. 39 8. Range No.5 E,and will offer offer proof to show that the land sought is titled “Health by tbe ^ricycle,” Tbe dis-tor I good, barring tlie little vices referred to.— graph is another application of the same of June 3 1878, entitled “An act forthesnle -IN day filed in this office his sworn statement proof to show that the land sought is more val more valuable for Its timlier or stone than himself has had much penexud experience in . Brooklyn Ktaudard-Union. i principle. Tbe transmitt jr and receiver are Of timber lands In the Slates of California, No. , for the purchase of the 8E J4 of ill hie for its timber or stone than for agricul­ for agricultural purposes, and to establish the u«e of the machine, and beside bis own Oregon, Nevada and Washington Terri ­ similar to those of tho engineroom telegraph, Sec No. 8 8, m Tp No. 3!) 8, Range No. 5 E, tural purposes, and to establish his claim to bis claini to said land tofore the Register CENTRAL POINT. 8ec tory,” Sarah A. Kogers, of Ashland, county conclusions, be to» eiuliodied in his work Seliubert's love. the latter being ingeniously attached to the and will otter proof to show that the land said land liefore the Register and Receiver and Receiver of this office at Roseburg, of Jackson, state of Oregou, has this day those of other writers on the subject. It ap The Countess Caroline, an enthusiastic girl rudder, which makes the record automat­ sought is more valuable for its timlier or of this office at Roseburg, Oregon, on Fri­ Oregon, on Thursday, the 8th dav of Au­ tiled in this office her sworn statement for And will keep constantly on hand a full pears that be is the first to call attention tc i of great beauty, became tbe object of Schu- ically. the purchase of S. E. Ji of Section No. 28, stone than for agricultural puriioses, and day, tbe 26th day of July, 188!). assortment of Hardware, Stoves and tin­ » in Township No. 10 S. Range No. 5, E, aud tie names as witnesses: G W Hollings­ I gust, 1889. the medical uaeaof the tricycle, previously I tort's romantic jatssioii. His exterior was to establish his claim to said land before tlie ware. In connection with the steam steering He name» as witnesses: L E Moe, J W will offer proof to show that the land worth. T 8 Spaulding, Gilbert Collins, David Rogers, Register and Receiver of this office at Rose ­ told to be a mean« of sport, or. at the most, anything but that of au ideal lover. Rude, I wheel, which in tbe fighting tower of aniron- of Ashland. Jackson county, Or.; sought is more valuable for its timber or Wallace, all of Woodland, California. burg. Oregon, on Wednesday, the 14th day of exercise. Ho recommends it hi cases of , unshajiely features, thick nose, coarse, pro clod is directly under the commander’« con­ Btone than for agricultural purposes, and C A Sehlbrede.’of Roseburg, Douglas coun­ Any and all jiersons claiming adversely We Will Not be Undersold of August. 1889. to establish tor claim to said land toforc varicose veins, hernia, hemorrhoids, chronic truding snouth, and a shambling, awkward trol, bo has at bis disjwsal a terrible and de­ ty, Or.; 1) C Agler, of Ashland, Jackson He names us witnesses: E. T. Lampton, the above descrilied lands are requested to county. Or. Any and all jiersons claiming the Register aud Receiver of this office at gout and rheumatic gout, otiosity, aud, in a i figure were redeemed only by eyes of uncom­ cisive weapon once it is put in motion. fi’c their claims in this office on or liefore adversely the above-described lands are re­ Roseburg, Oregou, on Tuesday the 24th day C. L. McPhetridge, Jas. Wyckoff, John L. Call and see us tofore purchasing else­ of .September 1889 general way, to all wto are growing more mon sjilendor and dcjith. Tlie inexjierienced Projecting a number of feet in advance is Spong, all of Woodland, Y’olo county, Cali­ said 26th day of Julv, 1889. quested to file their claihis in this office on she names as witnesses: C. 8. Price, Johu than middle aged. Men who follow seden­ maiden, belonging to a haughty family, tho ram attachment, its proportions and where, fcr we can suit you in price and C has . W. J ohnston , Register. fornia. Any and all persons claiming or liefore said 8th day of August. 18M). quality. Kimberlin, Thomas Mayhew, John F. Glv- tary occupations liegiu to feel increasing stiff­ bardl} ¡uuderstool tto devotion of th" humbly deadly qualities concealed under water. adversely the above-described lands are ans, all of Ashland, Jackson co., Oregon. C has . W.’J ohnston , Register. 1:2 A. C. SHERIDAN. ness about the joints, or have chronic consti­ bom genius. Only once he was on tbe verge Emerging from whirling clouds of battle, requested to file their claims in this office TIMBER LAND NOTICE. Any and all persons claiming adversely pation, derive much g<»xl from ‘cycling. the above-described lands are requested to on or before said 14tli day of August, 1889. ^of a full revelation. She asked him why he guidod by tho will of the commander, the TIMBER LAND NOTICE. flic their claims tn this office on or before C has . W. J ohnston , Register. I United States Land Office, Roseburg, Or.,» Tbe machine, all know who have visited had dedicated nothing to her. With abrupt, I great fabric, imjieLled by the combined SOCIETY DIRECTORIES. said 24th day of September, 1889. June 14, 1889. f London within a few year», b now a familiar jsuMouate intensity of tone Schubert an- strength of tbe immense engines, with fur* 5 Chas. W. Johnston Notice is hereby given that in compliance 1 United State.» 1-and Office, Roseburg, Or.,) TIMBER LAND NOTICE. sight in ita street«, Messeugers, newspaper ‘ swered: Register. . naces glowing and steam hissing, the cruiser with the provisions of the act of Congress G. A. It. May 31, 188!). f carriers, bundle boys, even tbe plumber, “What s the u-e of that! Everything be- rushes straight onward projiared to crash of June 3, 1878, entitled “An act for tlie Notice is hereby given that in compliance i United States Land Office, Roseburg. Or.,) Timber Land Notice. Bl'RNHIDE rOHT NO. 23. tinker, and men of numberless other trades, . longs to you.” into its opponent. sale of timtor lands in the states of Cali ­ with the jirovisions of the act of congress June 14,1889. i now journey about tbe city on tricycles, in- Meets in Masonic Hall, on the 1st and This brink of confession seems to have A single hand guides tbe modern engine of Notice is heieby given that in compliance fornia. Oregon, Nevada and Washington of June 3. 1878, entitled “ An act for the U nited S tates L and O ffice ,) geniuusly made convenient for holding their j frightened him from any further intercourse war that the noxt instant may be tearing 3d Saturday of each month. Visiting Com­ Territory, ” J. F. Kelly, of Woodland, sale of timtor hinds in the 8tates of Cali­ with the provisions of the ai t of Congress RosEBvna.OK., July 5, 18S9 < wares. tpular; one reason of course, being I Cassell's Magazine. fornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington ment No . for the purchase of the 8E% of ty of Hutter, State of California, has this dreds of brave men. To inflict such a blow timber lands in the Kt ate» of California, Ore­ Territory,'' IL Ervin of Woodland, 'sec No. 24, in Township No. 40 8, Range drty filed ill this office hi» sworn statement that tho streets of Iamdon arc so well |aved gou, Nevada, and Washington Territory,” Involves the life or death of the entire ship’s , for the jairchase of the 8W *4 of countv of Yolo, State of California, has this No. 5 E, und will offer proof to show that No. Mary M. l’rice, of Ashland, county of Jack- end well cared for, riding over them b easy KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. company, and with the destruction aud sink­ How It Work». day file»! in this office his sworn statement the land sought is more valuable for its Sec No. (I, in Tp No. 39 8, Range No. 5 E, son, state of Oregon, has this day tiled in this aud a pleasure It is »aid that there are over ing of the ironclad bundredsof human beings timber or stone than for agricultural jiur- ' and will offer |iroof to show that the land GRANITE LODGE, NO. 23, Knights of office her sworn statement, for tlie purchase Tbe inter state con nerco law presents a No , for the purchase of the NW% of sei' 300,009 English veluei|fedbta. The Prince of of the N E *4 of section 28. in Tp. No. 40 8 aro ushered mto eternity it is a fearful re­ Pythias, Ashland, Oregon, meets every No, 24. in Township No. 40 8, Range No. 5 |H>ses unil to establish his claim to said ¡ .«ought is more valuable for its timtor or greut many curious questions to managers of Wale» and hi« three daughters are among the Range No. o K, and will ofl'er ptoof to show E. and will offer proof to show that the land land tofore theeRegister and Receiver of stone than for agricultural jiurposes, und sponsibility to assume, a tremendous power Friday evening Visiting Knights in good I that the land sought is more valuable for number, and clergymen, lawyers and doctors theatrical companies. It may not allow dis­ to to vested iu tho bands of one man, and standing are cordially invited to attend. sought is more valuable tor its timber or this office at Roseburg, Oregon, on Tues- I to estublish his (dgiiu to said land tofore its timber or »tone than for agricultural pur- criminât iuu between individuals but it cer ­ are well represent«! lu st. tlie Register and Receiver of tliis office at G. F. M c C onnell , C. C. stone than for agricultural pur]>oses. and to [ day. the 27th day of August, 188!». iHises, and to establish her claim to said well may the commander of a modern cruiser He names us witnesses: G. E. Gregg. W. . Roseburg. Oregon, on Wednesday, the 14th H. T. C hitwood , K. of K. & 8. establish his claim to said land before the It appears that a large number of persons, tainly does as between sections. For in­ jnuse, weighing all tbe mighty considera­ land before the Register and Receiver of stance, my company jumps from St. Louis G. Ervin, Wm. Wallace, C. A. Miller, all of ! (lav of August, 188!>. this office at Roseburg, Oregon, on Tuesday Register and Receiver of this office at Rose­ including tudny doctors, among them the tions involved era bo immures himself in his I the 24th day of September, 1889. fie names as witnesses: John 1- 8]H>ng. burg. Oregon, on Tuesday, the 27th day of Woodland, Y’olo county, Cui. Any und all late Dr. Mahomed of Loudon, who bad va- to Detroit, while n company at uuother house lighting tower wherein lios life or death, MASONIC, She names a» witnesses: John F. Givans, goes from here to Chicago. We both go by jiersons claiming adversely the atovc-de- ! Jas. Wyckoff, A Wikstrom, I). A. Mots- August, 1889. ricoce veins, derived much benefit from tbe John Kimberlin, Thomas Mayhew, all of only to to let loose at his will and bidding.— i He names as witnesses: G. E. Gregg, C. scrihed lands are requested to file their ' inguer, all of Woodland. Y’olo county, Cali- Ashland, Jackson co., Oregon, and Squire KIHKIYOI* CHAITER, NO. 21, R. A. M. tricycle. As to hernia, it is not pretended one lino, the Wabash, aud make our arrange New York World. Any mid all persons claiming A. Miller, Wm. Wallace, J. F. Kelly, all of ' claims in this office on or tofore suid 27th ! fornia. Parker, of Keno, Klamath co., Oregon. that tbe use of the machine will cure it, but ments in the same offieff aud with the same Regular convocations on the Thursday ■ adversely the above-described lands ure re- Woodland, Yolo county, Cal. Any and all day of August, 1889. Any und all ]»!rsons claiming adversely rasas are given of doctors who had hernia agent. I get a rate of 2'^e . while the man­ next aftçr the full moon. C has . W J ohnston . Register. i quested to tile their claims in this office on the aboved-described lands are requested to persons claiming adversely the iil>ove-de- Halves aud Quarters, lile theirclaim« In this office on or before W II A tkinson , II P. and found it gone after riding for a time. ager of the company going to Chicago pays scrilied lands are requested to file their or tofore said 14th day of August, 1889. It is strange how long some men will live full fare. He learns the rate that has been said 24th day of September, 1889. E B Myer. Secretary. claims in this office on or liefore said 27th An English medical journal, while recogniz­ C has . W. J oiinxtiix , Register. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. C has . W. J ohnston , without ever waking up to the perception of g 'ven to me, and very naturally protests. day of August. 188!». ing the value of the tricycle as curative in 5 lot Register. sertaia truths which to tbe common mind e is silenced, however, by the information * C has . W. J ohnston , Register, TIMBER LAND NOTICE. ASHLAND LODGE, NO. 23, A. F. & A. M. i United States Land Office, Roseburg, Or.,) many affections and an excellent form of ex­ seem self evident. I June 14, 188!). t i ercise, yet considers it as an exercise inferior that the Chicago ride comes under tbe ter­ An old bachelor, who was quite • wit, I Stated communications on the Thursday Notice is hereby given that in comjdiance United States Lund Office, Roseburg, 0r.,< TIMBER LAND NOTICE. to rowing aud horseback ridiug. Many will ritorial jurisilietion of one association, while lived alone in a very uncomfortable looking of or before the full moon. . May 22. 18S). ) with the jirovisions of the act of Congress diment from such a verdict, an 1 os for the the Detroit trip is under another. The latter place, and his apartments were always in I E V M ills , W M. United States Land Office, Roseburg, Or.,> of June 3, 1878. entitled “An act for the Notice is hereby given that in complianic Wm R Itewson. Secretary. curative effect, certainly in the matter of allows a 2 '*<•. rate for parties of teu or more, great disorder. June 14, 1889. )’ I sale of timber lands in tbe states of Cali­ with the provision - of the act of Congress hemorrhoids riding the tricycle aires them, while the former provides ouly for full fare, Notice i» hereby given that in compliance fornia. Oregon. Nevada and Washington of June 3, 1878, entitled " An ai t for the sale “Why don’t you get married!” «aid a with the provisions of the act of Congress * Territory,” Wm. 8. Williams of Woodland, of timlier land« in the States of California. ALPHA CHAITER, NO. 1, O. E. 8. while horseback riding will often produce «nd there is no budging it.—St. Louis Globe- friqpd one day. “Then you would have some Democrat. June 3, 1878, entitled “ An act for the county of Y’olo, state of California, has this Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territo­ them. Stated meetings on 1st and 3d Tuesdays ASHLAND. JACKSON COUNTY, OR, of one to Ox up things here, and make it look sale of timber lands in the states of Cali day filed in this office bis sworn statement | ry.” J W Rogers, of Ashland, County of According to Dr. Jeunings a person must in each month. Eggs arc valuable remedies for burns and home like.” .»30. fornia, Oregon,, Nevada and Washington No . , for the purchase of the NWJ^ of sec I Jackson. State of Oregon, has this dav tiled I Scholarship, one year....................... M rs . J I> C rocker , W M. be well stiffened up by rheumatism who can­ may be used in th*» following ways: The ! Territory.” John Mull of Woodland,county t No. 22. in Township No. 40 8, Range No. 5 in this office his sworn statement No. . , “The »act is I’ve never thought of it,” «aid Miss Kate Chitwood. Secretary. not use tbe machine and be cured by it. He white of the egg simply used as a varnish to he, "but it es look reasonable that a better Commercial Copr >e............................... $25. of Yolo, state of California, has this day E, and will offer proof to show that the for the purchase of the N W of Sec No. 99, tells of a man who had cousulted twenty exclude the air: or. the white beaten up for hidf would make better quarters.”—Canners »15. filed in this office his sworn statement No." land sought is more valuable for its timlier | in Tp No. 40 8. Range No. 5 E, and will Training School, per year................... I. O. O. F. for the purchase of tlie NE% of sec No. 22, or stone than for agricultural purjxises. : oiler proof to »bow that the land sought. physicians and failed to receive any benefit, s long time with a tablespoonful of freeh lord acd Grocers' Gazette. For further information address. i in Towusjiip No. 49 8, Range No. 5 E. ami and to establish his claim to said land lie- ' l » more valuable for its timlier or stone than and yet at last was cured by tbe tricycle. He till a little water separates; or, an excellent AKHLANIl LOIXIK, NO. 45. J. 8. SWEET, P bexident . will offer proof to show that the land sought fore the Register and Receiver of this office | for agricultural purpose», and to eOublisli These Are Dr. Pohlman's Views. also gives the case of a man 50 years old who remedy is a mixture of the yolk of egg with is more valuable for its timber or stone than at Roseburg, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 27th j his claim to *aid land liefore the Register Hold regular meetings everv Saturday was paralysed ou ouo side, and yet roded.OOO jlycerine, equal parts: put in a bottle and “When you boil eggs,don't boil them.” So Ashland. Oregon. anil Receiver of this office at Roseburg, for agricultural purposes, and to establish day of Ajigijst, 1889. mites last year. It would appear that in se­ Jork lightly; shake before using; will keep says Dr. Pohlman, the Buffalo chemist. In i evening at their hall in Ashland*. Brethren liis claim to saiil land liefore the Register in good standing are cordially invited to lie names a.» witnesses: Wm. Wallace, 'Oregon, on Thursdav. the 8th dav of Au- lected cases of consumption cycling might lor some time in a cool place. a recent lecture he said, to lie digestible, eggs atttend. ' gust, 1889. and Receiver of this office at Roseburg, D estin H* ioh . N <1 i C. A. Miller. W. G. Ervin, G. E. Gregg, all properly to advised. Undoubtedly tbe vic­ sh' nildn't reach a higher temperature than He names a» witnesse*: i'hos. Mavhew, Oregon, on Tuesday, tlie 27th day of Au­ of Woodland, Y’olo county, Cal. Any and W C Roberts. Secretary. tim« in the early stage would be much bene li'<> degs., but they should be plaod in water gust, 188!). all ixrsons claiming adverselv tbe alsive- l D U Agler, L E Moe, of Ashland. Jackson Spoiling tbe Show. He naipes as witnesses: Wm. Wallace. descrilied lands are requested to file their 1 countv, Or.; C. A. Sehlbrede, of Roseburg, from 140 to 1*0 degs.. ami allowed to cook on filed if not abaolutely cured by it.—Boston I1I.OT B(K*K EN«*AM1*MEXT. No. 16. C. A. Miller, J, F. Kelly, J . C. Charles, alj claiuis in this office on or tofore said 27th Douglas county, Or. Any and all jienioiis Bishop Temple, of London, says that he the back of tbe stove. Then the various ■mH. Meets in Odd Fellows's Hall every 2d and | claimingadversely theubove-descrilied lands of Woodland, Y’olo county, Cal. Any and (lay of August, 1889. was ouce worshiping in an East End church methods of cooking meats were taken up and 4tli Monday in each month Meiiiber* in are requested to tile their claims in this office Rubber, which i*. the coagulated sap of a where a hearty musical service is a distin­ explanations given for putting soup meat good standing cordially invited to attend. all versons claiming adversely the above C has , W. J ohnston , Register. on or liefore said 8th day of August, 1889. 1 described lands are requested to file their tropical trw, comes from nearly all equa­ guishing feature, and lie joined in the sing­ into cel l water, putting roasts into a hot R oet T avloz , C P. C has , W, J ohnston , Register. I claims in this office on or before said 27th torial regious, but Brazil is ita chosen ing to the best of his ability. He Las a sten­ oven, and broiling «teak directly over a hot N. A. Jacobs. Scribe. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. day of August, 18U8S). home In tbe valley of the Amazon there torian voice. an’|»T inetln»lsof preparing the differ­ United Htates Land Office, Roseburg, Or.,) employing hundred of laborers each. Th* June 14th, 1'889. ( At tto «inclusion of tbe second verse of the ent meats. Dr. Pohlman said the object of Meets on the 2d and 4th Tuesday in each I nited States Land Office. Roseburg, Or.,) TIMBER LAND NOTICE. crop h*»*liout doubled in the last ten yearn Notice is hereby given that in com­ hj mil the |atieu<»’of a workingman ou hi» prv|»iribx f'»*l wae not to preserve the nutri­ month in Odd Fellows's Hall, Ashland. Si ay 22. 1 «89. j I United States Land Office, Roseburg. Or.,» pliance with the provisions w( the act M rs . A nnie L obo , N G. Lord CliurehlU in the House of Common*. immediate left seemed fairly exhausted. Notice is hereby given that in compliance ment «u much as it was to prepare it for easy July 5th. 1889. ( of Congress of June 3, 1878 entitled John May, Secretary. with the provisions of the act of Congress 'Not recognizing tlu- dignitary beside him di. -stiou. " A pound of bard wood contains It may not be generally known that the NOTICE is hereby given that iu compli­ “An act for the sale of timtor lands in tbe ¡of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the state of Lord Randolph Churchill'« mind can the poor man. in sheer dcsjieraticti, gave a precisely as much" uutrinient as a ] »Mind of ance with tlie provisions of the act of i 'states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and OKE< KIN. A, O, V, W ASHLAND, sale of timber lands in the 8tate» of < ali- ba etualy gauged by those who «it near him sharp dig in tbe ribs of the bishop, who, on flour, but I would rather be excused from I congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An act Washington Territory.” F. C. Thayer, of j fornia. Oregon, Nevada and Washington in the bouse of commons and hare watched turning round fur an explanation, was thus eating it,’’ said he. A word was said against ■ for the sale of timber lands iu the states of Kirksville, county of Hutter, state of Cali­ Territory,’’ C A Kehlbrede, of Roseburg, \8HLAXI» X<>. (id. mothers who torture infants by their contin­ his proceedings pretty closely. When he is addressed in subdued but distinct tones: California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing­ fornia, has this day filed in this office bis i County of Douglas; State of Oregon, has Meets in lodee room in Odd Fellows' Half “I say, guv'ner, you dry up! You're spoil­ ual cry of "eat slowly,” "chew it fine." uninterested ba sits with xia leg loosely ton Territory,” Lucinda Parker of Keno. sworn statementNo forthyiurchaseof tlie this day filed in this office hi» sworn state­ every first and tuiri > Wednesday in euch ing tto whole show. ” — Youth's Companion. - gouiitv of Klamath,state of Pregon, has this SW14 of section No 2<>, in Townshiji No 40 ment No. ., for the purcha-e of 8 W ' , of crossed over the ether, which is turned in so The lecturer said be believed in the natural month. All brethren in gissl standing are l. W. BURRIS8, l ’ rojirietor. day iiliid in tliis office her sworn statement 8, Range No 5 E. and will offer jiroof to J8ec No. 14, in Tp No. 40 8. Range No. 5 E. as not to obstruct the passage of liis neigh­ processes of mastication, and that when a cordially invited to attend. for the purchase of the 8W y of show that the land sought is more valuable and will offer proof to qliow that the land This favorite i esort is gaining in popu* No . child felt like swallowing his food in chunks bors; but w ben ha is excited or has mado up W m P attersox , W M. ; section No 30, in township No 39 8, Range for its timber or stone than for agricultural 'sought is more valuable for its timlieror larity every dav. he ought to be allowed to do so. "This pam­ his mind to execute one of ths extraordinary T hos L ynch . Recorder. THE ISLAND OF STATUES. No 5 E, and will offer juoof to .«how that purpose«, pud to establish his chum to said stone than for agricultural purposes, and to coupe with which be occasion illy startles the pering to old ideas, the fallacy of which has the land sought is more valuable for it» land tofore the Register and Receiver of e-taliiish hi.- claim to »aid land liefore the The very best of WINES. BRANDIES, timber What f O regon . Shall be tto cloak » Sorrow. stantly on hand. Wm. 8. Williams, John Mult, J F. office at Roseburg. Or., on Monday the Zkl coutrol, and when we think tlial the stomach, out, ia «uch a way that any oue who want- He names as witnesses: J W Roger* Meets the first and third Tuesday even­ In all Bien'«» Kelly, all of Woodland, Y’olo county. Cal. Tlios, Mayhew. 1) C Agler, I. K Moe, all oi of Sejitember. 1889. nine cases out of ten, is the root of al! the ings of each month in 1.0. O. F. hall. to pam must coast round it cautiously, for PORTER & ALE. ions Lord Randolph, in fact, seems county. Oregon; Squire Parker of Keno, to file their claims in this office on or tofort scrils«l land* are requested to lile their Wm. P atterson . Sev’y? Councellor. chunks if they waut chunks, salt if they want to I om > all thought of everything but the Klamath county, Oregon; John F. Givans, said 27th day of August, 1*89. ciaims in ibis office on or ¡»ifore said Mb Saih th tto rover torn »alt. vinegar if they want vinegar, they won't matter immediately on his mind and is per­ C h ’ a *. W J ohnston , Register. day of August, I k W i . The very tost beer of Anaheim, wine and of Ashland. Jackson county, Oregon. .Ml day aud uigiit. want what they don’t need.” Dr. Pohlman fectly regardless of tbe convenience of every­ Hennessy brandy, which will be sold by Anv and all persons claiming adverse­ C has . W. J ohnston , Register. When a calicovont wash you can dejiend the quart or gallon. H I'M do you v eave » it It wool so wls-te’ said that a life l< iig experience with boarding ly the atove described land« are requested body It is this cliaracteristic, earned to ex- V alley R ecord . Tbe saudals th*-fiC of n jrrow. bouse cooks tod led him to infer that those upon it it isn't a certified check. cess tu speeches, which has earned bun the Our tables a*e supplied with the latest pa­ , to file their claims in this office on or before . The tort Advertising Medium in -*>utheni The V »Li.« R ecord contatos all the touudF-.. shill be th e è.-wfall light bi'iB iduals know httl* about the chemistry cf pers. Come and see us and we will treat ' said 2'4d day of Sejitember, 1889. reyutatun of l.i ipg one of tbe rudest mot: ue*/—subscribe fur it. la .X'bmau t eus of Sorrow, Uiegun. C has . W, JoHEeioi. Register. you as well as we know how . cookfnfc. — Hft-ald ci Health. Du you t«Kc the V alle » R lcvbd .' u I the house of c- 'turnons.—London Modern Sujilen jnd ¡¡zht. —TV. P. Yea’» Ttii* New lurce Puts a Vestel United States Land Office. Roseburg, Or.,i Julv Sth. 1889. i* Into tbe SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO.’S N Sulphur Springs Hotel N HARDWARE TRADE HARDWARE, STOVES & TINWARE. Exchange Saloon,