VALLEY RECORD. THE RT»N1> CARRIEM. MEIlFOKI) I>OI NOS. BREVITY BASKET. ir jut I Artists materials at Evan- A Brunt’s. kn«l ts«ilanrk—-24N for ¡«xi-je a« Yreka. to Miller & Strang's A-HUSO. «ta. again*«. atfrky a'rl |H»i-on .ly-paie-v:-: ■ hitwoo,!'s. JvXK 13, |w«f E. J. t'u.ti» iia- ofie,.ed ami’l-er mi - o u R. T. lajuton. the real estate agent, ha» Accident ¡Ti.-u>an«'<- ‘-y the day. mouth or The election Tuealay on the profgM- recovered ho far a» to walk around an*! restaurant at the de[»ut. ; yrer in the Pa.-iilc Mu ual b.r a nominal t»on of liomling tl»e city of Asldaml to put Grant's Pass is to have another exetirsiou I rItlll. M. A. Bren tana, manager ut the Grund PKHMONAL AND IKMJIAU in a system trf water works to »xx witLin Central Hotel. 1» spending -everat ut in Lake ami Klamath selling buggies E. V. Mills'. Townsend, W . T., Tuesday. hail such a Joug S|x-)l of »ickness, is able tmenced more by previous prejudice*— for horses. Ten -hades all wool Henrietta at D. R A W. K. Ilayne» is working on a farm al tin- iinw-vri result of old quarrels and biek- to la* up ami around m»w Miss Blanton and Mrs. Chas. W. Ixigan E. V. Mills'. •umner. Coo- county. Ja». Brandenlmrg’s new residence is captured eringz tliat sliould Iiave lieen coomgned the g«>M watches at the W«xxl- . ti’V.1',1'.'?.’ 14c- , H - 25t’- and 35c at D. R. ('• B- '’tone returned Tuexiay from a »lx tothe grave long ago rather than the de­ alrout completed and will cost somewhere thorpe show Saturday. i n a business trip this morning. tlie good fortune of Iiaving his name on of Talent, was the contractor. Gent's all wool summer caps: -ometliing Daniel Walker ami John Grubb are sup- Frank MUer» is teaching a m -I wo I on Big tlie tax roll of tlie city Th*- vote stoo«l Jai-olw & Bigham will soon lx- prepured • laying the market with ice from their Dead , new at D. R. .V E. V. Mills'. Butte, commencing ia»t Tuesday. as follows: to take orders for lulling liay. See them Indian ranch. Handsome stationery in tin- latest style- CoL Robt A. Miller is at Portland, at­ For Bonding 248 if you want to get any hay baled. tor society u»e at Burclihalter A Hasty's. Henry Repp, who ha- lieen blacksmith ­ tending the Masonic grand lodge. Against Bonding 38 Misses Ethel Walrad and Gertie Smith ing in ) reka fur the past twenty-five years, Lace curtain- in pairs, lace curtains bv J rank W. Bea**h. of th«- l«akeview Ex­ of Ashland, are visiting their grandmoth­ died last baturday. the yard, scrim in color-, at D. R A E V aminer. will visit Ashland in a few «lays. Ttffal number of votes cast ... 2811 er, Mrs. A. S. Jacbhs, of Lone Oak. Mills'. I. W. Burris- is having his residence on The vote was light on account of j»eo- i Henry Barnel»urg’e new cottage rem- Pine street lathed anti pla-tered throughout 8. J. F.van» left ve»terdav f<»r Walla Wal­ Fire. Life ami Accident Insurance in the la. after a stay of several month» in Ashland. ple knowing ar, well that the question *lenc<- on his farm l*s miles east of Med­ by 1’cdgrift A Stone. Reading «xmipani*- at lowest rates. G. F. Billings. 3-49 Mi»» IJMsie hwift returned Tuesday from would carry without opposition. J.H ford has just lieen finished bv the con­ Rev. A. M. Russell, of Chico. < al.. »ill a visit at Parker'» -tation. out on tlie Llnk- Russell, w. AV Felts, N. H Clayton tractor, 1. A. Webb. preach in the Baptist «-linrcli of this place Parasols. i>erfect t beauties, just received and P. IXmn actren visiting Bolton is completed ami the family will People going to Jacksonville will find Ashland that has yet been pro|wisee dtv the lubricator which her residence on C street. Medford. Ask for tlie bes: coach — Plv- Engineer McCarty. E. B. Hunsaker. Mis­ will make tin- next wheel that our pro­ J. A. Anderson lias let the contract to Tlie three S. I‘. lxiinters have finished their x' ses Lydia Ree»er ami Hadi«- Kist »pent Tues gressive population puts its almuldcr to Imild his tine two-story n»si*lioenix to H. F. W»xxl A Co. come easier Wo-k w ill lx* <-<»mni«iiiced soon. Mi»» Flora Cowie» is visiting her sister at The oflii’e of Miss M II. Stone, railroad cents, and delicious icecream at 15cent- |»er dish. 50 cent- per quart and $2 per gallon. CENTRAL POINT NEWS. < cntral Point, the wife of Dr. A. J. Miss Hattie, daughter of Frank Gallo­ agent at Siuis. Itelow Dunsmuir, was roblied Ice cream parlor open every evening until latppeu». j of aiiout Sion by a Chinaman Saturday Ilto'el i» th«- guest District Attorney Colvig and Judge Well- J- * • Sheridan, the Central Point hardware place to Coh-stein next Sunday, the agent of Mr. amt Mr». K. E. .Miner, at their re- ’ Gramlma Constant ami Mrs. Martin IC. K. Frank, having Ix-en guarantee«! 50 | | ster are holding circuit court for Klamath man. Call around arouiai ami and let Joe give you -wiener in this city. Peterson are gradually improving. The rtaMHciigers. The ronml trip will cost only county, which convened at Linkville Mon- some pointers al »out this wagon and Wliite- j day. ley’s solid steel mower. * Archie Pennington, who has ls.-en at health is moderately good generally. $1-75. , Ta*<>iiia some month», returmd to Ashlaml Martin Peterson, ailministrator, lias A miner on Sucker «-reek. Josephine eotin- !' Miner s addition to Ashland is tlie choicest Medford Lodge No. 83, I. O. O. F., at la»t week. tv. recently picked pi- kc-l up a gold gold nugget m worth an Port­ ing on. large buihling 24x60on his lot near E. G. ice will lie necessary soon. ware man. is sole agent for Whiteley's solid land on a visit. Mr. Kellogg, we. and 11 will fishing and bunting the past week in the Bigham will have one bore*! as soon as gus A Harris. I. A. Webb had the con­ lx? oik -ms I in a few days. It is one of'the $is>. Several improvement-* are noticeable 1 And they are only patented last year. * Sacramento rivrr canyon. Kellogg’s is done. tract. «o.-tlie-t saloons in the state. The Helman farm in the city of Ashland II. B. Miller ami J. C. < Camplx-ll, busi­ Mr. Ray of Gohl Hill is in our town, | Ciiihler» A Sun have just finished Irnrn- amplili, bu»i* R. A. Bowman has just completed a neat ness men of («rant's Pas», ami Rev. T. L. aiding J. E. Harvev to erect his ni»-e | ing a kiln of brick and work will now job of painting on the exterior and interior I has been subdivided and is now ottered in tracts at very reasonable prices. If Jones, were in the i-ity this week. dwelling west of J. \V. Hays’ n-sidence. be commenced on I. A. Webb’s new brick of the residence of L. Martin, on the hill­ j small you want a pleasant home or a good invest­ furniture store. He will occupy the; side in the southern end of Ashland. Comlm-tor Morgan is l>ack on his run I They have it up ami jiartly enclosed. ment in a good part of Ashland don't fail again between Ashland ami ltetl Bluff, his J. B. Williams of AnteloiM- puri liused Chihler» brick until his building i» com­ -crm< ipal oi the tending H. 8. Evans' painting contracts, Elder Peterson, who belli a meeting at the farm east of Mt*dford, last Sunday, has gone into the business on his own hook, saw a number of fish with white tails and Ashland public scb«x>ls, left Friday to »pend the summer at his home nt Aums­ Woodville last Lordsdny, called on Tims. June 9th, of spinal meningitis; aged 20 and his caryl apjiears in this issue of the white heads, which they wagered were dis- I eased. On further inspection they were Haymond while then-.’ He is far gone years, lie had Ix-en sick some 40 days R bcokd . llis work speaks for itself. ville, in the Willamette. infornietl that the fish had run counter to ami Huffereil untold agonies. The funeral Mi»» Eva Price, of the Ashland public with disease of the liver and kidneys. was at Jacksonville cemetery and a large | some of the numerous hot springs in th»» E. P. Rideout has resigned his connection - c I too I m , is visiting friends in Marion and He is now using water brought from with the Wells, Fargo *t Co. express. E V : lake, which produced the scalped condition concourse of friends were present. The ________ _ _ appointed i______ °f local their tails and and heads. John Wheeler Multnomah counties, having went thither Bylxx-’a sulphur springs on Evans creek, Carter has __ lieen agent n. John Penneliaker left for that pla<-e of the physicians rejiortixl, and another Jack Dempsey was on yesterday's north i they could. Tlte White Sulphur Springs and a decMed improvement to the aj>- yesterday to try bis luck there. bound train, lie denies the rejiott of being I , hotel, under the management of Professor su . vh ineningetiH, Iieoranee of that part of town, ami will on the San r ranetsco streets by a ' I Ganiard is doing a good business, and is a Ed Swan came over from Yreka last week Haying la now going on rupidlv and Htmid as a inonmnent to tlie enterprise of j whipped health-seekers from with one of Swan < McDvmmgh'» Alta­ considernblc grain is lx»lng ent for hay— its proprietor, John J. Strait. It occu­ Montana kid while intoxicated. McKan- i- j popular plan«; for the ............................ lass, the negro minstrel, was also on the e I abroad. At the large l)e[>ot . hotel, Manager ___ mont trotters, which he left in charge of as a large quaiitity of it looks as if it was pies a frontage on Main street in the < same train. ]J, vans reports Evans re|>orts a picking“up of travel, and Jaiue» MeDunough of Willow springs. not going to fill well for want of moist- I heart of the city of 66 feet. Tlie w-eond Capt. W. F. Songer, county stock inspec-' The Arlington opened under the manage- Judge of Iatkeview was ---- AV. ... A. — Wilshire ---------------------------- — tire ami on account ot the hot weather. I floor contains 14 commodious l»ed rooms, tor, and . Mrs. JI. ......... E. Shjcuin, was over on Rogue river last week in-i j meat — of — Mr. ---- ---- _.—* re­ resente«l him with a ....... being * ” “ pas- his’ hawkeye June 11, ltWIi. ' M. P. $1.00 to $1.50 reduction. last meeting of Ashland lodge. No. 45 I. O. ! iqthout noricisl to )>e closed out at 50 cents. will lx- used as a saltxm by Jesse Houck Ixnincing kid at San Francisco recently. iS*’*.***’ Here is one from ami Mort Ablx-y. The iiext is the hall­ O. F., to serve for six months: N. A. I ___ ____ “AVe heard a queer Those Extra Fine PERCALE SHIRTS, regular price l*rolMte Oiurt. Miss Gertrude Brooks arrived from Fram- way and ofllee, immediately liehind lMÌ'v I Mav R R See • : a J '’ ’ ' d J ‘’ - ’ hc 1 m‘»'ó V ’v G': I — nl,“or "eek to ’ the effect that a few ingtou. Mass., yestanlay, to spend the sum­ |1.50, to be closed now for 75 cents to $1. I i \AT ’ 1»T lientnor Tren» ’ * an , *•--«*. , : Ashland jxxiple were busying themselves Hie following I m the proceedings of the which is the dining room anJrwio mer with relatives in this valley. She is a ZMLEJSTS SUITS. ’ ’ ' ! negotiating for the consolidation of this Tin- intention is to open the hotel on Those Fine WHITE SHIRTS, regular price $1.25, to be daughter of K. C. Brooks ami a sister of Mrs. ; I prolmte «-ourt for the June term: The grist mill at Ft. Jone.-, Siskiyoucoun- mid Jacksou counties. This would centrul- Petition of Hanih N. Beover, adtniuis- the 4t h of July when a big spread will lie Examine those suits for $4.15 only. T. K. Bolton. closed out at 75 cents each. I ty, owm-d by J". W. Reynolds anil other-, ize Ashland ami her next move would Ix- tratrix of th«- estate of R. N. An­ given was «lestroveii bv fire Saturday. Total Joss for the establishment of the county .-eat at _ . Total loss for the establishment of the county seat at W. AV. Felts and Rev. J. Rice are home derson, deceased, to sell jx-rsonal Ixjok at those Fancy Light Colored Suits, to lx-closed The «yirpenter work w as done by U.S. Those Fine NEGLIGEE SHIRTS, regular price $2.50, to books and a few thousand thousund that point. {»oint. AVe Lave no fear of any pro- from their pla«er mines in the Rogue river pru|H'rtv, was granted, ami the «-ourt Nearhoff, Isaac Hughes, E U. Payne $25J»«i. The fxx>ks out at $8.00, lie dosed out at $1.50. | pounds of flour were saved. The entire ’ ccedings of this nature, but in case casé tneir ><*etion. They have two experien<-e«l miners »’ ’^ " ... ■'_ , the __ designs are forme«! into a proposition, employed aiitl think they have gcxxi pro»- ordered the same sold at private and others, (’has llosley had the con- I town Imrely escaped destruction. Take a peep at our PLAID SUITS, something grand, Those Haiidsonie SILK MIXED SHIRTS, regular price Hah- in the 'manner preacrilxxl bv law. tracts for the plastering, brick laving and people of Klamath county le-ta for a fine mine. li rwv L* ” ’ they must all go at $10 per suit. The sar. Singer, who hud lieen at the Hot Judge and Mrs. P. P. Prim, and leaves a do not want you in our charmed circle (ter­ i Amanda Bilger, guar-lian of «aid estate, J Wileox ami John Wagner the plaster ­ spring». host of warm friends to mourn her untime­ ritorially sjieaking.) In fact there is more MIDDLESEX BLUE SUITS, cheap at $18, to lie Those Fine WHITE KNIT UNDERSHIRTS, regular lx- authorize«! to sell th«- inten-st of the ing and John Wimlers ami others the ly taking off. . | 1 likelihmid in the future of Jackson county closed out at $12 jx-r suit. price 75 «-cuts, to be closed out at 50 cents each. Mrs. II. A iluhbell, of San Fram-is«»», has minor heirs of siii certain lathing being divided into two counties, than of It lieen vititing relatives ami friends in th«- A. T. Kyle inform- us that he ha- with ­ Th«- furniture is being »liipixsl from drawn from the ra<-e for Deputy internal taking to Mormon proclivities by adding on Ami hundreds of other suits, which we iiave not room That Fine RED WOOLEN UNDERWEAR, regular price valley. .Mr. llulibell is holding a resptm- brick house and lot in Jacksonville. I another. to enumerate; l»ut they must all lie closed out. $1.00, to lx- closed out at 50 cents. sible' (»xition on the San Francisco Ex-; First Hcmi-annual report of Mrs. C. E. Han Francineo. ; revenue «.-oltector Owen’s place. ' A. T. has Porter, administratrix of th«- estate of nminer. probably Ix-en reading the list of “Uncle Mr. Shultz's Cannery. PioHcer Meeting. That Fine CANTON FLANNEL UNDERWEAR, regular I Buy your OVERALLS now, regular price 75 cents; we i Ben’s" relations id the demócratie paper- E. M. Miller, ilie grocer, went to Cote- DenniH P«wter. detx-amxi, examined and an- closing them out at 55 cents. price $1.25, to lie closed out at 75 cents. A. F. Shultz went to l’Ortland Tuesday ami d«x?sn't want to lx? kept in sus|»ense At the meeting of the Pioneer Associa­ steiu -ssla springs Tuesday morning for u appeuved. tion of Southern Oregon held at Jackson­ Semi-annual report of Alfn-d Carter, evening for the purpose of perfcx-ting the till they are nil provided for. I season of rest from business. Miss Alta Men’s WORKING BOOTS, good tap sole; to dose out Men’s CANTON FLANNEL UNDERWEAR, for Sum­ Miller, the assistant js>»tiuistress, ai-eoui- adniinstrator «>f th«- estate of Henry Car­ plans timl sjx-cifieationx for his projiOBtsl Foreman Casey says w«x>l is coming in at ville, June Otli, the following oflicera were I at $2 per pair. mer, to close out at 75 cents. cannery for Ashland, which will lx- sul>- a lively rate at the Ashland woolen mills elected for the ensuing year: P Dunn, l>anied him, returning m the evening. ter, deceased, examined and approved. I president : J H Russell ami Col J N T the (xist week, 40,000 pounds having l»een niitted to J. M. McCall and G. F Bill ­ Men’s WORKING SHOES, good and durable: to clow- Men’s HATS, at Bargains althrough the lines. C. L. Jlussev of Sacramento, Cal., who Congres-man H«*rniann writes as follows ings, and U|x»n their approval thereof receivetl up to Tue-dav night. The best Miller, vice-presidents; S J Day, secreta­ owns the blackleg inoculation remedy. out nt $1.50 per pair. mm-erning the necessity of immediate sur­ Mr Khnltz wil! commence the arrange­ wool is worth 18 cents per ]>oiind. wa died ry; J II Ilutter, treasurer Men’s MANILLA HATS, regular price $2.25, to dose quartered at The Oregon with his family, veys of public lands: "I called upon the wool 3x to 40 cents ; 25,000 more lias x-eii Committee?» were appointed as follows ments of |Hitting in th«- plant immcdiatc- w ho have lxx-n afflicted with malaria ami dej»artn»ent ami earnestly urged that a Ills Men’s DRESS SHOES from $2 up. out at $1.50 each. to draft resolutions on the death of mem­ Whenov«-r this plant, which alone engaged but not yet delivere«!. are here for their health. eral allowance lie made for Oregon from ly Don ’t forget that those fine DRESS SHOES, which un­ Men ’ s Nobby FELT HATS, regular price $1.25, to close the meeting at Medford yesterday, bers: Engineer McCarty wa* oil' duty a few the re«-ent appropriation for surveys of the will i-ost $4(H)0, is in running order and Dr. At Adkins and (1. F. Billings were ap­ sold every where for $6, we are closingont at $4 a pair. out at 7.5 cents each. Mrs Martha M +lanley— Metwlainex .Alesdames J day-the past week. an«i wax around shak­ }>ublie domain. The unsurveyed lands in canning this summer’s crop of fruit, ami pointed «-oiunnttee to re>pie.-f the county I. M Plymale, Rebecca McDonough and ing his friend- bv the band. Jas. Porter Iregon now in demami for actual settle­ . everything is satisfnctiirv to time«- named pai»ers to a ask all the gcxxl citizens to eolle«'t Men ’s Fine DONGOLIA SHOES, regular price $5; we i All the STRAW HATS, this season ’ s stock, to dose out lia«l » barge of his engine on the Ashlan«!- ment. and for timber tmrhease, amount to agent» of the |t!irtles signing forth«- bonus, I specimens of grain, etc., for exhibition at Jane Kubll. are dosing them out at $3.50 a. [wur. at least two miUtonx oi acre-, with another the sum of $1500 will be paid to Mr at ••out. Grant s Pass run during the interim. S Clark Taylor — E D Foudray, John G 1 tlie G. A. R. Encampment at Milwaukee. ixirtion equally as large soon to lx- in de- ( VanDyke and Wui M Mathes and also at Portlalid. [AVe ask it.] Prof. J. H. Street, president of the Ash-1 ' mand. The rates, as pres«-ribed by the leg-1 Sliultz Mr. Shultz is u shrewd, pushing and John Beeson—C K Khun, F. K Amler land state normal ».-hool, left for the north islation of last session, are libera), ami will On circus day the AVhite Sulphur Spring.- Sunday for a week’s stay in the Willamette. insure contracts by «ximpetent surveyors wide awake business man, who has plen­ house will give a big chicken dinner to all son and John Holton. Tlie treasurer reported no money on He will take in the exercises at the Mon­ of the most rugged’ixirtmn which may lx- ty of “tin” and will build up a thriving [ its old and new customer». Prof. Ganiard. mouth school before he returns. selc«-t«xl for survey. business that will make for hiinst'lf and the manager, will see to it that you get all hand and the association $15.75 in debt Tl te 13th annual reunion of the associa­ this community a name fur ajid wide uh you want, umi he won’t raise the pri<-c be- A. W. ( ormack, John A. Olxmchain and Hemoval. 0O0 the 1»-st conned fruit section in thia cause it is circus day. either. Give the tion will lie held in Ashland, Sept 12th AV. .Sinclair, oi Big Butte, were at the W. G. 8im-lair. A P Bal), the saddler, has removed his reiaildk-. AVhite Sulphur Springs'hotel a call. * »•ountv Saturday on land business. tv -eat last .Saturili Antelope Angling-. Joe E‘ Randles and anti Henry l*ech, Pech, of Butte shop to building north of E M Miller’s 1*. Grady, the skilled painter, finishetl the grocery store, where he is better prejmred Ashlan«l-Litikvillc Dail) Mail Houle. creek, were also there «»n l»usiness. work la-t week, and Mr. Oscar Ganiard Mr Hoxie preaches at the church next 'than ever to wait upon his many customers. A Wn-bington di.-patvhof June6th says: ! moved into his new East Lake residence. Sunday. . W. E. Price returned from Tehama «xran- Senator Mitchell,of Oregon, has pro-ured eon-truct«xl ami designed l»v the firm of New Hamess Bhop. tv yesterday, where he has lieen s|»endiiig Born—June nth, to Mr ami Mrs Mau- an order from the post office department in ­ Avers. Bavlxiur »k Elviage. This adds an ­ Mime time at th«- mineral springs, twelve The undersigned ha-* established l»u>4nes> miles from R«xl Bluff, lie is now improved i in Sonmcbsen’stmUding. opposite thig-staff. viting pro|a>-als for mail service seven other to the numerous fine dwellings built I zey, a son Isaac Williams ami wife went to Cen­ in health, although joirt of th«- time he wa- No (Kiln* will he M>ared to plea.«e customers. times |>er week, each way, from Ashland, . bv them in Ashland. Its cost wa* alxiut Or., to Linkville. Or., via Barron. S»xla : $35fiO. tral Point last Friday very ill. Respix-tfully, ' . A. I’.R all . Springs, Shake, Kero ami Ptevna. Mr. Alinxl AV. Bordon, the Pullman car cou- ’Every one is busy haying. The hay Mitchell is assure«! that if a reasonable bid I A R Ricky, known in Ashland during Progress. Is re* eived. a contract will be ordered for • I ductor, well known in Ashland, died in a crop is very good tills year. lhe railnwal liuihliiig ami surveying time- It i- very important in this age of vast the servi«.-e in lieu of the present service via i1 Portland hospital last week of typhoid as •• Rickety Bliss." who now iiiimage- A. Miss Sarah Howlett is staving on Butte fever. His body wa- enilialiue*! anil sent to P llolaliug A Co 's wholesale wTiiskv material progress that a remedy l>e pieusing northern California. We miss her blrtli place'. Nova Scotia. He had his creek with Mrs Lewis huuseat Itaker City, wa« marrieti there re­ to the taste amt to the eye, easily taken, ac- Thus it will lx- seen that the powers that ' ' his ceptible to the stomach ami healthy in its lx- are moving in the right direction. Cer­ life insured la-t winter in the Pacific Mutual from our midst cently to Miss Nellie St Martin nature amt effects. Possessing these quali­ ran make a ! b>' T P- ®°.vd> for Johnnie Matney and George Wiley Th«- family of lion. Geo. W. Healdl of ties Syrup if Figs i~ the one most perfect tainly when private individuals c He without LodtJ’,f he d,d ,UM‘ were quite sick but are convalescing we tri-weeklv stage )»ay over this route without Montana, who Iiave ixien in California ■ laxative and most gentle diuretic Known. other IxK-king (not' even a mail contract) .. A. Getz _____ of _____ ___ __________ P. Hazelviile, l’eun.. has lieen are glad to say several months. i»assed through Ashland is l.u-ine-s enough for tin- govern- engaged to take the principal-hip of the lx>uml for home Tuewlay, ami enjoyed a Al Hammond, of the civil engineering there Several of the young men went to Mml- ■ • ■---• — «-•« schixd- l . -----1— Ashland publi«- for the coming pleasant visit with their ohl friemls. tne department of tlie N. P. at Portland, was nient to put on a dail*- mail service. f »rd Sunday to hear the “Sam Jouett” selnxil vear, at a -alarv of $12110. He is. 29 ■ family <»f Dr. J. B. Newman. on yesterday's south-bound train for San C ouih -H Pro<-ecut hi» railroa«! running from Marysville to Iw marrieil next Sunday. Mi»ses Emma toscli spirituous liquors for the term «>( one aiediate << Monday train accompanied by hi- wife. He i- an as t'olestein with him. Mr. and Mrs. Ham­ $5ia> with Cha-. E. Beel»e and A. T. Kyle a- mond (to lie) expect to arrive in Ashland unde of E. P. Rideout, of this city. Granite lodge No. 23. Knights of Pythias. 'Miss Fannie Knowles is preparing to • Tuesday to remain here for a visit, when -ureties accepted. Petition ot H. C. Myer to tap the water Ashland, elected the following <>t1i< er> re­ have a concert in the afternoon ami jmrty Miss ( onia Smith, «laughter of Captain they will receive the congratulations of a cently: Past I'bancelvr, W. It. Million: a: night on next Friday, it lx-ing the last t main was granted. Thus. Smith, returned from her trip to San host of friends. The committee previously appointeil to Cbatieelor Commander. G. F. M«-Connell; of her sei tool FnuiciMx» ami other California towns yester- Vice <’p*n<-el«ir. Win. Patter»>n: Prelate, «lav. Mi— Aila Horton came withheras lar Hon. A. F. Snelling, late regi-ter of the prepare a li-t of rates for licensing trades, I B Williams I las sold his home place Eubanks; Master at Anns. Wm. as'Siskiyou «-ountv. where she will visit be­ laikeview land office, w:|s in the city so yer ul callings, etc., rejiorttsi a schedule of rates, Johnny Otto. The unter is in a nourishing condi­ ■ of 120 acres to Hugo C A von der Hellen, days tlie jxist weyk. visitipg old trieufis and but ttie matter was referrwl buck with in- tion. now fore «x>iiiing to Ashland. having a member-hip «•» son c of Florida, for $2500 Mr Williams will relative-. >lr. Snelling Im* Ix-eii honored stni«-tions'•<• prepare an ordinance embrac­ s’xtjr knights. I move to Central Point as soon as he can J M loiwrence. of the ciit.-rial arp with many publi»- pmdtions during hi- long ing and enfon-ing said s«-hedule. On motion N. 11. Clayton wa- ap|x»inte«i ment oi U»e "West Shore." »alle«i dnu« re-Hleme in laiki- conntv, which h<- has C. 11 l.udernuin has an important ar.. build on bis lot there Satunlav. l|e ww* in Hie city gathenng tilkd in gn able, th*»n»uglily cvnscientxxi- as clerk of -|XH'ial election for June IHh. noum-enient in his advertising space in this The literary society is lnH>ining The »lata f.-r'an A-lilaisi " write-up” in the July manner. He is acw i«f the diildren. They left Monday for Orting. W. Surgeon-Oculist ami Metlica! Spwialist, i as he gives his entire attention to this one th?ir brotlie:-Dee ami Miss Jxita Walsh J*y. T-, which place’they will undoubtedly make oi of Portlund, will > I*' at the Oregon hotel, : • line of trad»-, he can rive the public better have become memb ts Hue of the most i iinuiiui. «»'n k - a» mt vrrvpow their future reshtetiee, Mr. Snelling move** A-hli«nd. all day Sunduy. June 23d. l.-s’t. ¡nduceiuent- for their money than can be enjoyable events ever had here was the - Ja-. G«Hxlra b, formerly of A-hlaml. wa­ there on a*ssmnt<>f his health, which hi- s ixx-ialties of Eve, Ear. Bronchial or Lung, ^ad anywhere else. The onlv complete and literacy picnic down at the “old camp in town tlie first oi the week and inferm- ntiiiienm- friend- h«ipe will inipreve in M« tii hrotiic. Fterine,_ and Rectal diseases. fir-t-c!a<- bout ami -Ime -tore in southern I ground" on Rogue rive- on Saturday. u-. Ilia? hi- eigiit-t|ioi|th»-«»ld i-hihi »lie«l pew home- Sp*. ial examination and opii i >n free. I oregoti. Nearly all getting there r.loiit 1‘) o'clock Fridav al llentey from typhoid malaria. Mr-. Chas- Mil-ap, who lias lxx-n visiting It is rumore«! that a new tiineear*! will A. W. Soil, the i-uutructua and builder, aud after fsliing and having various Ashland imui«- a ten strike towards draw­ her sister. Mrs ' the go into »-ffect on th«- S. P. by th«- 1st of was down from Portland this week on a games all were called to partake of the About 4 o'clock bitii! Momlay. Fourth, by having t’ongre'-intin Binger July, ami one re|»»rt says th«- sonth Ixiund business tri.-, The fine residence he con- i excellent basket dinner strueted for II. B. Carter in thi-city at a in the afternoon the society was called to- Hermann deliver the Fourth oi July ora ­ tiain will arrive lu re at noon in place of W, 11. Mill-, general hm«i agent of the — lx— i*l<- bringing tlii-ir fniidlies, every 8;;». and tin- north isiund will conn- in cost of alxmt $O<»> has lx-en accepted. Hi- ! getlier and had a very inti-resting order >. P.. pa—*«• imrthwanl in a private <-ar tion ha- the contnu-t for an $18,<*D schoo hull c Tuesilay. F. C. Delx-ug and Fred Hobbs liungrv cxmliilnte for the )a>sti>|lbe will lx- at the usual time 5: It). Another is tliat ■ at Corvallis, which A. C. Ewart will build. of exercises which lasted alwut an hour. ' After having supper started and came and «laughter, of Marin «»-«inty, two of here to -ee Binger— which -eein- to he the there w ill he no change here at all. The i > and another " ■ IHO.’W one ut Portia?»«!. Pait home in the e*H.»lof thceveningall feeling the large-? luml owners ill California. *-ame toii|l Keputilh-gn vote uf that place. Ri-ddiug l«x-a1 will »•ommemx- running to 1 cf ' hi- g. is gun-z •»( carpenter-. AV. J. S hmidt far a- A-hlaml with him. Mr. Hold»-i- that the pi-:ni • was th*.- i-iCrst enju'al-lc Free hack to tlie llclman »«i1|»hur bath-* Sisson on Sunday, ami it is re|xirted that and Mr. . Iu- bard, and ..tuii«.-iiia->-ns Fcr- the* ever attended an old-time (rieml <>f A. II. Lian-«a the A R kuh k v ", return with him to-*lay. it will be extcmlvl on t«j Asldaud. ' gusoti A 1 aud a» tuimiiic* rink. JH pol huti-1. AND Circus Bay! Is Hound to Dress Up Now C losing O ut OUR ENTIRE STOCK, STEP IN AND EXAMINE 3 5 i ? 1 IN BOYS’ CLOTHING OUR ASSORTMENT IS And PRICES VERY LOW in Order to CLOSE OUT. ALL NOTIONS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, ETC., At Less Than Cost to Close Don't be backward about examining our stock, as we never urge any one to buy. D. B. BLOUNT