VALLEY RECORD. THE K. OF P. BALL. SAGE BRUSH SPRIGS. < ENTK\b POINT ITEMS. Three B:*.<1 Accidents. BREVITY BASKET. I — '1 he weather at this writing remains Eddie Wagganer, a little sou of A. ! Valentine’s day Enoch Gale is improving. unchanged.—too nice for any practical Waggoner, received a severe cut above C. W. Nelson, the r< d front merchant utility The pay ear will be here in a few Aaai*st>. (Ja .. T mvbopat . Feb. 1». 1*0. the left eye by being at the dc|>ot yes­ days The »upper will be an elegant ooe, of our town Jias kicked up quite an ex­ The “Modoc” brass hand at this terday morning- While the train was probably the best giveu in eouth>-rn citement in bis bueintM failure. Jos. White has notices posted fur a personal am » m » cial . ASHTJAND, OREGON. place is in full hlset. we are sorry to coming in at a raj id gait the mail liquor license. Oregon. " Mr Wardlaw, who purchased a trai t say, and cattst s those who arc inclined clerk threw tbe mail sacks out ou the Over 500 invitations have been sent of land of Amy arta of southern Ore­ aon’s, baa been indi»]»iee be nervous, to almost wish that Bis­ the sack locks apparently struck him 19th of February. marck would ei nd one 01 his must Grant Ah!*irom is now < l«rk at the ot gon and the Pacific coast. OFFERS FOR but is on tbe gam now. in the head. hotel * Board *4.00 by the week, at the Eu-' t flectivegun boats to tins (mint. I A stall will be put in at tbe lmll.and The Mi»*e» Fox returned from Portland Joe Guigon, aliout 14 years old, and ropean Restaurant. Tbe farmers bereabouta are very busy Friday, Jimmy Lewis,wlio saws w < mm ! around son of the proprietors of the French a fine line of choice and appropriate sowing grain. This month hae been Wait for the wagon—D. R. Mills is town for a living, was found dead in Mr». Nquire Parker has bam qiiite ill at refreshments will l>e served therefrom. 0 most favorable so far for putting in his cabin Monday wrapped up in an laundry, met with a severe accident filling it to day in Chicago Parker'» »tatiou. The grand march will be led by an Taesdny. He is employed at Wm. M. THAT MOST D. R. Mills is in Chicago buying Geo Mover wo up from Grant * Pss» experienced hand at the business at 9 grain and particularly this ia true of. old blanket. He died about Saturday. Gilroy's planing mill on H Iman street, spring goods for D. R. & E. V. Mills. Sticky. last week, vuiting. An empty whiskey bottle at his side o’clock, and will undoubtedly be an in­ ■ near railroad crossing and was caught j A. L. Rolen, of Uniontown, was over to i' resting spectacle. J. A. Hussey returned from southern told the story ' in the belting of the line shaft of the i J. H. Williams, a Gold Hill mer­ Hornbrook thi« week. California yesterday. That country is It is noted with much satisfaction,, mill and run through several times. chant, was attached by the sheriff Fri­ Grand music, a good »upper and a W H Atkin*on returned from a lobbying day. tine attendance, it will be a party long too dry fi>r him, so Jake didn’t lake the that the jack rabbits are becoming The belt was immediately thrown off.; tour at Salem Tueadayr. position offered him by Porter, Slewriu- EROS TING ON quite scarce, and it is an unsolved ; He was badly bruised lip generally,tile ; It was Horatio F. Hicks who was tf> be remembered. Everything will be Cassias and Milo Walker have returned ger A Co., on tbeir stock ranch in San granted a patent for a vehicle wheel in mystery, how, why and whence they j worst of his injuries being about the I made a» agreeable and pleasant as pos­ from their trip to Seattle. disappear so suddenly, which exodus' hip and side and his right arm broken place of Peck. sible, and no efforts will lie spared to­ Luis Obispo county. . ^7 daughter of H. D. Taylor, wards that end. betwe« 11 the ellaiw and sh< ulder. Dr. | Up with the times not one year be­ occurs every few years. Charles Hoxie and Mr. Galbreath left for '»aland, Cal., yesterday. Songer dressed bis wounds, and al-1 hind, are the goods D. R. Mills will had meeting here in the Baptist meet­ At tlie grand ball on the weather, ing a particle. He is in a dangerous J able. Clerk John May’s office is in the THE MOST CENTRAL Grande, eastern Oregon, yesterday. condition. morning and night in the church. I. 0. O. F. block, up stairs. the prospects of a railroad in Klamath j The *.ou'ige»t daughter of Geo. H. Lynch conducted there by ushers. None of the genus “kid ’ will be admitted. is very low with lung fever at Talent. Martin Peterson,who is well stricken county, and the Samoan unpleasant-: Ed. Chiles, a son of J. M. Chiles of | I thought I was cut out for a big Grant’s Pass,ran away from home this gnu, they say I resemble Mataafa, the i l»vers of good music should hear in in years, wants to bring liis farming ness. Mis« Ida Wbemore, who ha» been visiting week and Was beating his way north, i A-hland friend», returned h< me Sunday. mind that besides an imported Italian into a smaller compass, and otters for The people oi Klamath and Modoc ' Despite the efforts of Conductor Kear-1 Samoan king.—Bill Mayfield. sale liis fine st half of the W. C. T. U. —TO THE Fort Bidwell soon, on a leave ot absence. from a trip in California and says Ash­ in the Central Point cemetery. He ranean, and only outlet having by nat W. Scott for the erection of a nice res­ Prof. Ganiard’s orcbcs'ra gave a val­ idence on his property on east Main entine ball at Talent U. M. L. Hall Oeo. E Yoiile, late of the planing mill land and Redding arc the two towns was a much respected citizen and firm of Yonle A Gilroy, left for a trip to leaves a wife and quite a number of ural causes become enlarged, thus I i street. It will cost with other improvc- yesterday evening, and will give an most talked of on the overland route, Beattie and Washington Territory Munaay. giving a greater esca]>e for its waters. and the general impression prevails grown children to mourn hia loss. He In a few years more, if its present rate ■ men Is, about *2000. other at Medford to-night. J. H. Brown, a mining expert from Man was in his 59th year. There were a The resilience of Geo. C. Eddings, Francisco, arrived in the vallev recently that Ashland will enjoy another season large number utttended the funeral. of decline should continue, there will Charicy Dodge is now running the \ cost about *3,500 is about com­ and in operating with J. B. Trombly, of Tal­ ot general prosperity this year. The be many thousand acres of good avail­ which Asliland-Shake express, having bought ent. pleted by Col. Jas. Norris, and will be mill» at Mutt are running in full blast, Items from Metlford. able land for settlement. out Mr. Younian’s interest—the fourth J. M Scott returned Monday from O. H. and their facilities will be increased occupied in a week or so. change from the original contract. Medford’s proepects for the coining Blount's brunch store at Siason, and is again mod . The Yreka railroad is doing an Joint Senator C. A. Cogswell’s bill The residence of H. B. Carter, to at the headquarters of low prices and good season are lerous business for In the ease of .*». L. Willey vs. Mrs. cost between *4,000 and *5,000, is in ­ foods. ' from the state to construct a wagon closed by A. W. Scott. this season of the year and haven ’ t yet M. U. Hartwell, which had been con­ The A. O. U. W. lodge is gaining in F. A. Hunt, of Dead Indian, returned tinued several times before Justice from Oakland. Douglas county. Monday, made a trip that did not pay more membership, several having joined road from Lake county, down the The framework of B. F. Reeser's res ­ ' Kia math river to the state line, would idence in his Highland Park addition ; Berry, plaintiff was given judgment by his folks having about recovered from their than expenses, and have sent for an­ lately. late illness. other coach. A piece of residence J. C. Elder’s general merchandise ' certainly have been better directed, is up, and it will soon be ready for the default Monday. Jas. Carvpn and wife, Linkville. registered property at Yreka that had no price at business was attached by Wm. Ulrich and more in accordance with wishes of plasterers. G. H. Jones, of Sain’s vallley, who is the people generally, had it called for I at the White Sulphur Springs hotel Monday, all, and was offered for *20*) before the a full-bloomed book agent, was iti the ..... .......... ...................................... H. J. Clark ’ s residence near the: also W. P. Jucoby unq Chas. N. Lambert. | railroad was built, is now held at *2500. last week. I such an appropriation to build a wagon | at Gold Hill. Miller ad employe, at Hornbrook turned Tuesday from British Columbia. ing well under way. Friday, - the t1r«t l»»rn to them for 11 period , He says outside of re il estate and bus­ doubt, and without much difficulty, lodging house, *1800, by the 6ame ship with David Payne in the old meat Jim Culleen was at Ashland Tues­ of sixteen years. market stand over the bridge. iness, the main thing discussed by the ‘ day as a witness in a case before the had our senator been differently in­ firm, is being painted. Dan. Gaby, who entered the profession (leople of that section is the propositi« n structed by the ‘’bulls” and “bears” of J. Corliett is building a barn on his SOLE JLG-E2STT. Street Commissioner Pattersun re­ justice of the pea< c. in Ashland several years ago, has tbe big­ Lake and Klamath counties. lots in eastern part of town and will quests us to give notice through the gest law practice of any of the attorneys at of annexation to the United Stales. Linkvillc, Or. L yxn C. D oyle . Childers A Son have rented their commence erecting a residence later columns of the R ecord , and warn all ASHLAND, OREGON. Ellensburg, W. T. The people are about equally divided brick store, now occupied as a hard ­ on. IRtomlauil Burstetl. parties pruning their orchards, etc., H. P. Payton. of the tailroad force of on the subject, the Britons and French- When money gets a little “looser” carpenters who were in Ashland all la«t Canadian» are strong royal subject», ware store, for *50 per month, it is said. As an idea of how the bottom lias we know 01 a number of solid and sub­ not to throw any brush or briers in tbe summer, was in the city the first of the but the Americans, Irish and others of | A. Childers ifent to Hornbrook yes ­ streets or alleys. dropped out of southern California, a week visiting friends. foreign descent are strongly in favor of terday, hi* contract for the budding of gentleman just from Han Diego, in- stantial business blocks, as well as a Lew. Johnson's minstrel troupe dis­ M. J. Mniail, H. L. MteveiiHon, Macrumento, ¡it. ' He visited a se|top| there, when Horn & Jones’ hotel and store having J forms the R ecord that the depot re- host of .fipe dwelling houses that will and A. D. Kilbourne. Dunsmuir, of the me­ banded at The Dalles some time ago, go up" this coming season. the teachef asked her pupils to sing ■ just Ixen finished. chanical department of t|>e 8. f. system, ; ceipts of the railroad office, which for and last week Lew. passed down the for the visitor. The songs, as well as were in Ashland Tuesday. The Proposed E. O. Railroad. a year had averaged from *1:5,00 • to Work has commenced on Angle peratioiis have been sus- tion through F.dl^ River valley on to : an,| j’8 the result of Mux Pracht’s liat- Islands. : sanctum sanctorum and snatched the all to be completed in June. <" I J. Goul-pendc I indefinit* ly on account of the Gen. E. L. Applegate left again Sunday j reporter baldheaded. The price of j 1 smith who owns the lol adjoining in ; company not being able to get proper eastern Or gon. I cannot say how | pegging tour, . He will leave next week loiHuo" ” has naw n a strong . .... for Xaieni. Tim The xil.ied ‘‘third house soon work will commence on this road,| on his wav to Washington to carry it attachment for 'Li»h. At the sittings of tickets, including aa excellent supjier, tend« to build later on. title t<> their land. Ii is s lid the hig­ but they say they have discovered a ’ in the inaugural procession. ______________ this omnipresent body in Ashland this ven­ is *3. Wrigley A Gotldard report: hest part of tbeir land, about 30000 good practicable route for a railroad I erable old politician is, by general consent, • JI • Miner’s Addition to Ashland is tbe 33 acres of the Roland place to J . acres, was ceded to the state, which and they seem to think that the road chosen the "speaker.” H. 8. Emery, who is always up with choicest and best located for residence ' Evans; consideration, *1590. ; gave a swamp land title to the parties will be built with all possible haste the times in liisbusiness,received one of Fred. Ryan, in the employ of the railroad 5 acres in i|arbaqgh tpict to John i from whom they purchased it from after the road is all surveyed and lo­ Clarke’s latest improved embalming I I at San Diego. Cal., and brother of Ed Ryan, pur|x>aes. Consult your own interests of the V. 8. geological surveyors, arrived and l«xik at this property before you A. Morey; con,*22q. As it is a tine belt of sugar and y lb>w cated.” leases this week, which is one of the MENS FINE SUITS. REGULAR PRICE, *15, yesterday, to remain till his brother arrives, invest in outside property. Low prices. 7.1 acres, same tract, to Wm. Shover; i pine, plainly without auv taint what- 1 best in the country. This is one of the in about'» month. Harry C. Mills, former­ Easy terms. Call on the premises for W iM.diille Whisperings. To be Cloted out al flO suit. ; eon. *337.50. I ever of being swamp, it is said the gov- ly of Topeka, Kun., is also with him. handiest things in the way of under-, information* Horace G. Fitch, of Woodville, is a acre», same tract, to Monroe > ernment lias notified the company takers ’ furniture, and Mr. Emery is j Ässt. Agent Lvle Rice will have charge of MENS SUITS, REGULAR PRICE, *18, that the titles were procured through happy milter if he can’t ground sluice now lietter prepared than ever to pre-. the Ashland railroad office trom Sunday, The best cakes and cookies ever of* | Owin; con, *337.50. when K. C. Kane will leaye with bis wife fered in Jackson county at the U. 8. —it'sa boy. 5 acres, same tract, to 8. M. Morie; fraud, and will be revoked. ! pare bodies for interment. To be Cloted out at fid suit. iot a trip in fhc »nutherh states for the ben- , Bakery opjaadte Odd Fellows Hall, x con, *225. ----- —— ------ ----- J. W. Robinson took Chas. W. Riggs elit of the latter's health. C. H. Fuchs The weather, which has been excep-1 ----------------------- Postmaster E. J. Farlow received a an old miner to the - county hospital MENS SUITS, REGULAR TRICE, *12. came up this week to take Lyle's place. tionallv mild and dry for a number of J ( Dunkards— Habits aad Brier History. i Mining Strike. > new delivery window with a number last Tuesday. Pierce Ryan, the conductor who has been ; They call themselves brethern, but from To be Cloted out at fS suit. weeks, began getting cooler yesterday. : Enoch Roten and Jack Morris, pros-i of ^« attached ou the sides last sojourning in California for some weeks. ; The miners are looking downcast, and in the evening a slight shower of I of . inducting into (lectors,struck a rich quartz vein, three il,,,k *?* ln The »here he w»’ ottered the nswition of train ! : their manner -j . .c . . i, members .. MENS SUITS REGULAR PRICE. *14. *n'. .;•> vi.J.i r .i (»it it will their church, that of baptism, they were feet in width, in the old Bla< kwell ^'livery window w mueh smaller than ! 1 while the farmers are speeding tlw • snow scooped down form the Siskivutis, I CTKVwdl T«..k.p «»■ l™’m U.e plow and are happy. ¡neatly covering the ground. It has | To be Cloted out at fit tuit. ÄiA-u.,.,! o„ u.. mining district near Gold Hill la4 old one and has inm bars running a lot wee*, from which they extracted sixty- j “P and down. . On " both • ■ sides - are ............. » ; Bro. Peterson was unable to till his turned dear again this morning with j Reit Btun and lastly to t-nnkards, by which name , of call boxes—118—made for people to I appointinen at this place, being called i no signs of snow except in shaded t MENS WHITE KMT UNDERWEAR, REG PRICE 50 CTF. Daniel Richards, who recently sold his I they are'generallv known.’ Meetihg with eight ounces of gol«l in a few minutes. ■uf places. A small shower of snow also I ti|Hni to preach the funeral sermon of »ee if there is any mail for them; and place near Ashland to Perry Mellin and Mr i -evere ]>crsecution in Germany they net! to 1 At a dejith of nine feet the gold is in To b' Cloted out at £5ds. fell in the Willamette vallev last night. 1 Hoagland at Central Point. Rhodes, lias decided to remain in the valley. J America and nettled in Pennsylvania in rieaf, like letter (miier, and is in layers also eight more lock boxes. , , , These - im- . j. , ' Mi. 1 /. 1 1 — -* : and lias purchased a place of *3 acres from ! 1719. According to late statistics they now in the seams of the qnartz, and is be-; Pro'e''.K‘,,,st a,n ¿»«f «Cedni MENS GREY KNIT UNDERWEAR REG PRICE 50CTS. Following postal changes have been ‘ Remember the invitation ball to he Ja» McDo.ighal. near Oald Hill. Forty ; number about mu.taju communicants, have nualati'.ni of the public at Mr. Farlow’s announced from Washington for this' acres is cultivated land, and tbe consider»-i about 2.UOO ministers and five colleges, tn lieved to lie permanent. To be Cloted out at Zo de. expense, as the government does not given by the Knight« of Pvthias on tion was fltvxi. 1X29 their members were nearly all in Penn- section : The mail service on the route . Feb. 19th. Pemonal. pay for them. ................... . . _ , .. „ „„ , I svlvania. but now thev have societies in 25 from Sam’s valley to Spikenard, Jack- : MENS HEAVY RED KNIT UNDERWEAR . ,V "...................................................................! »««•« >n<» territories. They have no fixed C. B. Watson returned from Astoria A barrel of fresh New Orleans mo­ son county, will be increased to twice Rice—Dunn. ; horseisan. arrived ironi1”i"Anfr salaries for their ministers but their needs To be Clveed out at 7icte. day evening, accoinpaiiied by h » must be supplied, and their |>oor who can- this morning. D. Lyle Rice, the popular assistant lasses on tap, and all kind« of syrup on a week, commencing February 15. * * Mr. Evans to make uot support themselves arc provides! for. A. S. Jacobs and family have moved railroad agent of this city, and Miss hand at E. M. Miller’», E. Whitney, postmaeter at Tule Lake, home, the Dr. having nia<_ liaptisiu is ferformed by trine immersion to to the farm again. HEAVY GREY BLANKETS, REG PRICE, *4, Ella Dunn were married yesterday af- Klamath county, has resigned, and W.; to purchase M- 1 b**»*"1 only. The Lord s supper, feet- Seed Potatoes. near the ( ongrrgational (hunh, 11 i washing and communion, are celebrated in Col. Nye, the hone buyer, is in the i ternoon, at the home of the bride’s To be Closed out at fd.oO. Jackson Hockersmith, who raises a D. Woodcock lias been appointed post- j street. .... ! the evening accompanied with the saluta- valley trading buggies for horses. ; parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Dunn, by master in his place. W. Gray, of Dakota, arrives! in the city tu,n o( a kk«. They are non-combatant. quality of potatoes every year that are MENS HATS, NOBBY STYLES, REG PRICE, *1. Capt. H. J. Teal, who has been in Rev- F- grange, only the relatives noted for their excellence, has 201)0 lbs. Sunday and is regi'tered at the Central ! non-swearing .opposed to going to law with Al a business meeting Saturday eve­ Hou»e. Mr. G is on a tour of inapection,; each other and abhor pride in its various southern California for some month, b°th families .being present. Their of choice Early Rose potatoes for sale, ning, Co. D decided to select tbe Grove To be Cloted out at ¿Octe. and lieside» a number of »täte» visited, he ; forms; hence thev are a plain dressing peo- returned to Ashland yesterday. numerous friends extend congratuk-i cno“c ^r,v P°MlUX* .K Hall for their armory and appointed ° ! at a cent and a half )>er pound. has been in southern California for some . .,|e similar to the Quaker». They have MENS BOOTS REGULAR PRICE, *2 50. ------------- - ------ ■ time. Mr. Gray will remain in Ashland for _ four societies in ___ the Willamette, Miss Lott« Lowden arrived yesterday tions. Lieut. Logan and Privates Ayers and _____________ .. illaniette. one in the Woo.Iyaixl in Ashland. some weeks and think» he wilt locate in the ] Coquille and one in the Rogue River valley from Siskiyou county, for a short visit Notice to Fruit Growers. Scott a committee to sec about fixing j i To be Closed out at fl pair. : in this state. They ar** a plain, unostenta­ with her sister, Mrs. R. Beswiek. valley. i A regular meeting of the Southern : There is a well stocked wood yard up the hall and building on an addition |le and make the best of citizens. Mr and Mrs. H. M. Roberts have return- ; tious back of the Novelty Block, corner MENS HEAVY WORKING SHOES, Frank Sifers, one of tne Ashland Oregon Fruit (»powers’ Association will Main and Hargadiue streets. Dry, 16 for meeting purjioscs and to store; ed from Forlw-stown. Cal. Mr R.wentthere . May their membership never grow less — lie heleeh flowing d'Alene lake Tlie water is so warm there trees this season. MENS LONGLEG GUM BOOTS, steadily the vear round for tbe past twenty that the eggs wouht all have been batched ens the grip «in the penholders and office of C. W. Avers at the alsjvc nize the fact that Ayers, Barlxiur &. Prof. 0 F. Nesse, of the chair of pen ­ Reduced to f3M pair. vear» are now plumb dry In t|ie way of ; out in a short time, and a» all his cans have Elviage can, and do build good bouses, [ eases the fingers from cramp and fa- corner. (37) quarts mining he brought along some very' twen sent off to Lake Klamath he could not manship of the Ashland state normal as Oscar Ganiard has contracted with For side at Burcklialter A „ , , , . . .- . rich specimen», on one of which there was have taken care of the young fish. So he school, left yesterday for California, to tigue. MENS KNEE BOOTS, GUM, « Burcklialter A Hasty can forward them to build another duplicate of Mr. treats them to a dose of arrested develop­ teach classes there. He will return Hastv’s about ¿io worth of gold in sight. ' • ' ------------ | the subscription of your pa|ier or mag- ment and will have them hatch out near Ayers’ handsome East Lake cottage on Redvced to fZM. Our fellow townsman. W. E. Price, re­ where they arc to be planted. After getting again next fall. Men’s red flannel underwear *1 00 azine cheaper than von can do it your- 1st avenue. Nearly everybody coming turn«» 1 from California Sunday and looks rid <>f the white fish Sir. Ellis will g> south t The wife and family of T. E. Godfrey at O. H. Blount’s. self. Don’t wait until too late if you want a Bargain to our city and seeing the bouse are : as if that climate agreed with him He on the O. A t'.. to bring a million and a half »pent coii-lderuble time at i*a.«o Ruble- in of salmon and trout fry from the McCloud arrived from Minneapolis this morning, Fresh bread delivered at your door ¡attracted by its beauty and tbe style Boy ’ s suits from *2 75 up at O. H. southern California. While al Auburn, river to place in the Rogue and Unq«pia and will move to Butte ereek valley, every morning by 9 a . m . Orders left of architecture, and wc predict in tbe Blount’s. x where he has landed intere-t». be sold 10 1 rivers, and will then go to Washington. YOURS TRULY, where Mr. Godfrey has erected a dwell- at Bakery, opposite Odd Fellows Hall near future to see them plentifully acre» at a good advance «1 the purchase Fresh compressed yeast for sale at iing house on his land claim. J. H. price. He was very much infatuated with will be promptly attended to. ‘ sprinkled over our city. The above BORN. Orange Vale, in Sacramento county, and I Challen and J. B Boynton, the latter the U. 8. Bakery. firm of builders are all first class me­ 1 Blankets *3 00 pair at Blount’s. purchased two 10-acre lots all set out in I HUBBELL—In the city ot San Francisco, secretary of the Those *21 working boots at Blount's Russell-Boynton chanics and guarantee to give satis­ young fruit trees for 1150 per acre, and I Cal.. Feb. 2d, to Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Hub­ steam filters, uncle and cousin, respec are tbe boss. • I i All kinds of oils at H.S. Evans'. X faction in all cases, to those who em- expects to realize handsomely from this bell, a daughter—t) lbs. lively, of Geo. C. Eddings, the hard­ invesiment Thi» property is about 22 Water proof building paper, wrap- ploy them,and wili l»c pleased to have Artists materials at H. 8. Evans’. mile» of Sacramento and wa» formerly TAYLOR—In Ashland. Feb. 9th. to Mr. ware merchant, also came with them ping pajier and twine at H. S. Evans’. an any y O11C intending to build to dome oome 12 doz. Switz Conde underwear re­ . grain farm of 3.2U0 acres, which was and Mrs. Kobt. Taylor, a son—10 lbs. to look at the country. -ÆSLÏUTAlSrTD OTÒ- Take a look at those *1 50 shoes at and examine U^ir work. The Gan- bought bv a company and divioots *1 50 pair at Blount ’ s. and Mrs. R. L. Andrii«. a son. Items of Interest aixl Information About the Social Event Tuesday Evening. MAX PRACHT, I SALE OR LEASE DESIRABLE BUSINESS PROPERTY M A l \ Street and IIARGAIHNE Avene. Location in Ashland, I PENNSYLVANIA City of Ashland. The Choicest Lots, The Finest View, The Lowest Price, The Easiest Grade. MAX PRACHT, DON’T MISS I Only 30 Days More Grand Clearance Sale And during that Period Bar gains Unprecedented will be offered. Our stock must be Reduced before ¡spring stock arrives. i 0. H. BLOUNT, i fruit tree-