VALLEY RECORD. VALLEY RECORD I8HUED EVERY THURSDAY. K. J. KAIHKK *. A. JACOBA. I JACOBS & KAISER. * Pubbxhen aad Proprietor». SUBSCKLTiON RATES. Ona ya . ....................................................... 9t » »1* month. ......... 1» Thraa mouth» .... ............. Î3 Tvmw u> advance. VOL. I. Central House E. K. BRIQTHMAN, Prop. ASHLAND. JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 14. 1689 EU no E’E-V X SCHOOL AND CHURCH, MECHANICAL AND OPERATIVE DENTIST. RESTAURANT A eh I and. Oregea. -----AND------ —The clergy of the Chu ch of En­ gland of all grades, from archbishops to curates, number 23,900. —A good authority states that the Methodists in the United States are now building churches at the rate of five per day. —Mexico is called a Christain cor n- try, yet Bishop Hurst, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, says that iu Mexico 8,000,000 have never seen a copy of the Holy Scriptures. —Rollins Chapel, the Dartmouth College building, so badly damaged by fire a short time ago. was the gift of the late Hon. Edward A. Rollins, of Philadelphia, and cost $30,000. —Co-education has proved such a great success at Cornell that Sage College, the women’s department,' is -rowded, and the faculty are puzzled where to find accommodations for all •he applicants. —The twenty-fifth anniversary of the introduction of Sunday-schools into Germany was recently celebrated. There are now more than 1,000 Sun­ day-schools, with 1,100 teachers and 230,000 children, in the German Empire. —The money given by the women of the Presbyterian church in the United States during the past sixteen year« amounts to $2,150,000, representing me entire support of more than 201 women missionaries, 200 native Bible readers and more than 150 schools. —The first school census taken ir Georgia since 1882 has just been com­ pleted. It gives the total number of children of school age as 560,281, a» against 508,722 in 1882, and shows that in the country districts the boje outnumber the girls, while in the citiei and towns the girls predominate. —Buddhist opposition in Ceylon i: becoming more and more virulent; and one of the greatest hindrances tc the Gospel, writes a missionary, “it the coquetting with Buddhism which has become fashionable among manj *iu:-opeans. Buddha's birthday is now . government holiday in this island of Queen Victoria.”— Spirit of Missions. —Mr. Williamson, the Philadelphia millionaire who gave so many million dollars to establish a manual training school for poor boys, denies that col­ ored boys are to be excluded. This statement was recently made in one oi the Philadelphia papers. Mr. William­ son maintains that the word “white” can not be found in the deed of trust —The pupils in the city schools of Des Moines, la., express their affec­ tion for their teachers by bringing them presents of fruit As the amount of fruit brought indicates the intensity of the affection, some of the teachers are talking of quitting their present occupation and of going into the wholesale fruit business. Several of the scholars, to show their originality, contribute pumpkins, red peppers and potatoes. —Seven miles from Yankton, D. T., is a farming community where several young home missionaries labored off and or, and finally gave it up as a bad job. “Father” Nicholls, a Congrega­ tional clergyman, Over seventy-two years old, went out there a year ago and the result ot his work was that a few weeks ago a neat brick chapel, en­ tirely paid for, was dedicated, and he was installed pastor over a congrega­ tion of twenty-five church members, not one of them of Congregational an­ tecedents. .. C. IALDHÏLL I I OREGON. ASHLAND, Nitrous Oxide Gas administered extraction of teeth. Renovated throughout and newly fur­ painless Office over the hank. ai abeti. ter the B. VeFBATT. I Will practice in all Courts of the State. Office in brick bl jek, Main atre t. C. D. Van Dyke Hai located lu A »bland for the Manufacture of FtafrClaaa BROOMS, Wtilrh he will furnish to dr«Ieri only at «ati«- fartory pri<*e» Under Masonic Temple. Proprietor MEALN ti*"» CE>TS All we aak is s aliare of your patronage, which we aludí tuent. Will serve meals at all hours. J. T. BOWItITtH ASHLAND HOUSE ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT- LAW. Opp. Oddfellows' Building. Ashlaa*. Oreps. Main Street. Ash'and. Oregon. Will practice in all Courts of the State. Collections promptly mads. Examine Ashland Brooms OYSTER PARLORS M. F. MN YI1KK. Afoul sample room for commer­ ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOBAT LAW. cial travelers has been fitted up in «onuectiou wiiii the hotel. Ashland. Orel»». J. C. PLUMERTH, Before placing your orders. Samples sent to dealers when de* i nd. Fhop lu Myer building east »hie of Main •Creel, Ashland. Oregon. 1 33 ASHLAND, OREGON. his well - known house under the new m.inageiiient. will be conducted on the beat and inuul popular plans no pains being spared to give general »»tisfaetion. It contains conift rtable sleeping a-artmeuts anp- l>li d with single and double beds, making il a desirable place for the entertainment of both travelers and families. T THE TABLES I will give eatimatee to erect all kinds of buildings in and out of the eiiy, fur n'shina labor, materia), plane and »peait- calloua, upon naaouable terms. All work guaranteed. llaaldet.ou on Spring slrtot. H. S. EVANS. n>AI.Ka IN Faint«, Oil«, Painters’ Tools Wall Paper, Class. Etc. ASHLAND, OREGON. All Kind» of CONTRACTS FOR Elr Ktc. Cur. MAIN AND GRANITE STS., ASHLAND. OMKUON CEO. W. COOPER, i 'JTIIE NÍEVV WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS HOTEL, Is prepared to GIVE ESTIMATES and TAKE CONTRACTS on all Railroad Street, foot of 1st Avenue, classes of Brick and Wooden Build­ AMHUXD. OKIGOX. ings in and adja -ent to Ashland. Can be Lund at the New Hotel C W CANIARD, PROPRIETOR Building. 117 ILL SPARE NO PAINS IN MAKING Artists’ Materials P m peri Mg.. Will always be s'lpplb-d with the best the market atrxds. served in style that will be sure to please the most fastidious taste Matra reasonable and saiisfaetlon guaran­ teed. J. J. STRAIT, Proprietor. A. W. SCOTT, Contractor and Builder, H m I mi I mr . French Laundry Mead Lachanal A Culgon, (From Fart».) Flrat Mtreet, Near Mprlas. Aahlaad. Contractor and Builder 11T18HU TO NOTIFY THE PUBLIC THAT W 1« pn tiarrd to take contract« for <1 welling b , Imms, bridge«, etc., anywhere lu the country betweeu Red Hluff and Portland. Having a large crew of good men with me m H the time, I I ran put up building« In g >od uh ape and on «hurt notice. Reference given. Addre«« AN ENTIRELY NEW METHOD FOR washiuK Un« embroideries, lace rurfalm. H AM frill«*-». inii»lln», lare», (white and black} all kind» of woolen», ladie«' Bauuid» and other wearing apparel; alio pent*’ clothe» cleanetl i on short notice. lace curtain eleaninc a »pecialty. Hatlafac- . tion guaranteed. Geo- W. Cooper, Yreka. Cal. H. H. LITTLE’S Ashlaad. Ore(«>. Ashland Market, HOSLEY & PELTON, Prop's. U.S B akery ! OKKGON AMNLANII. FRESH BREAD AND PIES DAILY. CHOICE CAKES! Paints. Oils and Varaishes KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND ! W hlch he will .ell in large or .mall quan­ tities at luweai rate«. Painting of all Kinds BEEF. PORK and MUTTON Including carriage work, contracted for at lowest figures. NATIMFA4TION Cured Meat« constantly on hand. able niouthly. The Xrw Management Having leased the above house and thorough­ ly refitted and reuovated the same, I am now prepared to offer first-class accommodations to the traveling public. Board and lodging, |5 to >6 per week. Meals, 25c: lx>dgiug, 25c and 50c. Sulphur water baths, 25c. Hot and cold baths at any time between 7 o'clock a. m. and 10 p. in. One bath room re­ served for ladies' use. [37 j Has a complete stock of the eat Hues of Who'ssal« an 1 retail dealer in Terms Cash. Pass book accounts pay this oue of the mo«t comfortable and home­ like hotel» in the place. The tables are NUpplled with the best the market affords. Pleasant ac­ commodations for families. Opp. Oddfellows’ Hall, New Store, ou Third Avenue, near the Depot, UVARANTERU ! f»l 11. »ILJDGE, If Every Variety Or ler» for parties promptly < xecuted. Special prices given. Al1 kinds of ornamental w ork neatly done. Wedding cakes a specialty. Bread de ivered dally at your door. Prices always reasonable. JOHN WEXLER, Propr. £1^Bread bills must be settled every month. New la the Tinse ta pm Lv t;.» p.m. 1 Ar PortlHnd Albany Empire PULLMAN BDFfEC SLEEPER J. TOURIST:-: SLEEPING.-.CARS. WILL BUY AND SELL HORSES. Estes & Williams CITY For accommodation of Second (law Passen­ ger« attached to K n the steam full force, would let the as one distinct grand division; accord­ than any thing we shall have in this plaster ove1* the prick their conscience ponderous weight above fall until at: ingly. we have tho Department of State. generation, The constraint that bands gives them when they say they are not certain distance, and then shut tht The coinage, currency, revenue, and and tapes and the weight of cloth arJ to the neighbor of the oppressed negro, steam off. In this way the hammei general fiscal affairs suggest anotl o a baby’s pulpy form and butterfly and like the priest and the Levite, has been kept for several minute- great branch of wotje: hence, we have strength can hardly be understood by pass by on the other side. For every gently tapping the glass and egg with the Departmeht of the Treasury. The us “grown up3,” but they are quite slave they carry off the slave raiders mention of armi s suggest work that enough to deform in frequent cases. murder about twenty, and of those out breaking them. in time of trouble is likely to tax the Carrying a child too much on one arm they do drive away not a fifth come But now the Government itself i* will make it misshapen. Babies ought into the hands of the humane (?( slave going to throw all these marvelous energy of a separate division; thus, we to be held with their breasts against owners of Morocco, Fez, Tuat, Tripoli very appropriately have a Department achievements in the background by the the mother's, and an arm at their back, and Arabia. The ivory trade has improvements at the navy yard in of War. The prosecution of offenses supporting the back of the head by a been blamed with causing most of the against the Unite i States, and other Washington City. They will transform hand carefully, as it rests against the that quiet place into the most power­ judicial matters wherein the interests shoulder. They should lie on their slave hunts in Central Africa. This is no longer the case. In several regions of the Republic a e c ncerned consti ­ ful workshop in the universe. For in­ stomachs a good deal, on a pillow or stance, there was not found in the mills tute a general division, represented by across the knees, for change of position the stock of ivory is nearly or quite and foundries of the whole United the Department of Justice. The postal and the ease given by warmth and exhausted, and still villages are hourly burned and their inhabitants murdered States “traveling cranes” big enough service, as one of the most intricate pressure of the little abdomen. or put into slave chains, clogs and | and important branches of Gov ­ to move about the immense castings and Babies’ limbs are made symmetrical forks. The only difference is that now, work, certainly forms wrought iron parts of large cannons ernment and vigorous by leisurely, tender strok­ the able-bodied men being no longer which the war and navy departments another grand division; therefore, we ing, and if they will get bow-legged have projected. These cranes are very i have the Post-office Department. by dancing on their eager feet too soon, required for the painful and laborious work of ivory porters, they, along Maritime protection, like the military familiar objects in the yards of iron there is no need to torture them with mills everywhere. They are simply a I or land defense, forms a separate di­ surgical appliances and steel boots. with the aged of both sexes, are block and taekle arrangement so fixed vision; and thus we have the Depart­ The surgery for such cases is daily, slaughtered in cold blood, while their wives, sisters, daughters and young upon a steam-car that they will pick ment of the Navy. The various mat­ hourly stroking the legs with both children are dragged away to become ters of domestic concern, not covered up a heavy piece of metal and rush eff hands, and gently moulding them into the slaves, concubines and worse of do speedily to any part of the building in these other departments, but con­ straightness. Clever doctors discour­ pt-aved and debauched mongrels.— with it. The largest of these “travel­ templated by the Constitution, such as age the use of appliances for straight­ National Review. ers” in Pittsburgh will carry a burden the census, public lands, patents, and ening young children, prefering the FLOWERS* AT NIGHT. of thirty tons with safety to the ropes “odds and ends,” may be conveniently gradual traction of the mother’s hands, The Nature of tlie Nocturnal Movements and rigging. In the M id vale steel grouped into another general division; which will be found all-efficient. You can and Attitude» of Plant». works, ] Pen nsly vania, a traveling and thus we have the very miscel­ do any thing with a baby, except keep The clovers are indeed a drowsy crane of twenty-six tons capacity laneous, yet not misnamed. Depart­ him still, when awake. And there is one family; they keep regular hours and has been erected to facilitate the ment of the Interior. To some of these executive depart­ rule which ought to be the Draconian make a thorough business of their handling of castings for the new ments are intrusted matters which, on code of nurseries: Never wake a child slumbers—red clover with their heads war ships. These are n*>w the two for any thiug less than a lire or an In­ tucked under their wings, as it were, largest apparatus of the kind iu the their face at least, do not strictly be- dian attack. the young blossom clusters completely ong to the grand division to which country. But work will soon be com The babies who have the best chance, hooded beneath the overlapping upper they have been assigned by law. For meneed on a traveling crane for the I really believe, are those brought up pair of leaves, and every individual Washington navy yarJ which will have instance, the "Weather Bureau” is a in homely ways, in the warm and neat leaf below bowed with folded palms. a carrying capacity of 110 tons. This bureau of the War Department; the living-rooms, along with kittens and The white clovers were similarly well is intended for use in the manufacture work being intimately connected wilh house plants and singing of kettles, in brought up, and continued their ves­ of a 110-tonyjun, which, when finished, the peaceful interests of agriculture the sunshine of the mother’s constant pers through the livelong night, their will be the largest in the coast defense and commerce, it is very generally de- presence, comforting voice and ready little praying bands to be seen every­ of the United States. To “turn” this nanded that it should be taken ft out tendance. Most of our great men and where along the path. The yellow wonderful cannon a lathe is now being military control and placed elsewhere. greatest beauties have been reared so. hop-clover played all sorts of antics By Rule and Measure, made which will surpass all other —Edmund Alton, in St. Nicholas. The child is apt to get more of the con­ with its leaves without seeming rhyme Undoubtedly some harm is done oy lathes in size. The machine will have ditions for healthy development in this or reason. The tall bush clover, rising Witchcraft in Germany. those who insist upon bringing up all to be 120 feet long and will have a unstudied way than in formal, secluded here and their among the slumlterous children after one cast-iron pattern, j A farmer in Germany lost several “tread” of nine feet. 'The gun itsell beds, presented a complete surprise, nurseries.— Shirley Dare. In a certain sense it is true, as an old head of cattle within a few months, and will be fifty feet long and to turn and being entirely changed from its diurnal lady once said, that “ if you have thir­ bore it the lathe will of course be re­ itis family agreed that this could only ANTIQUITY OF SUGAR. aspect, the ordinary geneFous leafy teen children, you’ll find io two of quired to be double that length. be the result of witchcraft, exercised spread of foliage now assuming the Process of Making the Sweet Sub ­ them can be managed alike.” But, The All the tools and machinery to make by a neighbor with whom they were stance of Chinese Origin. shape of an upright wand, each three- after all, the worst harm, and a great this big cannon are being made pur­ not on friendly terms. A miller from The Chinese, who invented almost foliate leaf being raised upon its stem, deal ot tho most of it, is committed by the vicinity, famed for his power over those who say: “ There is no use in posely for the Joo, so large and strong evil spirits, was< onsulted, and ordered •very thing before any body else heard with the leaflets folded inward, clasp­ must they be. The contract for de ­ of it, claim to be the original discover­ ing the maternal stalk. It had its trying to bring up a family by rule.” the doors to be painted with a certain livery of the necessary steel forging ers of the process of sugar-making, and arms full indeed, and seemed conscious Complain as you will about it, the ointment. The evil-doer, he said human frame is a machine, and all has been concluded with the Bethlehem would be the first person to enter it is said that sugar was used in China of its heavy responsibility. The human frames are pretty much alike, steel works of eastern Pennsylvania. thereafter, and could only be kept from as long ago as three thousand years. trailing ground-nut vine and the deli­ and, as Mrs. Browning says: “need But before that company could make further mischief by having his or her This is misty, but the fact is well estab­ cate wild bean were hardly recogniza­ one flannel, with a proper sense of the forgings they had to erect a new nose squeezed between the door and lished that it was manufactured in ble in their odd night-dress; and the difference in the quality.” The vast plant large enough for the big sizes. the jamb until the member was China under the Tsin dynasty two hun- desmodiums at the border of the majority of children should be brought The 110-ton gun will be of 13-inch crushed. The first person who entered 'dred years at least before the Christian woods presented a singular contrast up to go to bed early; to rise early; to caliber, will require a charge of 1,000 was the neighbor’s wife, who was era began. India has put forward a of drooping listlessness, with each eat three wholesome, abundant - meals pounds of powder, and will throw a duly cap'ured, and who, though the claim for priority of invention, but the leaflet hanging as vertically as a plum­ per day, and absolutely nothing else; projectile weighing 2.000 pounds. To attempt at crushing her nose was un- probability is that the Hindoos learned met. I sought the familiar plumy beds to be scrupulously- regular in main­ even make these projectiles will neces­ Buccessful, received some serious the art of sugar-making from the Chi­ of the little partridge-pea, wondering taining both inner and outer cleanli­ sitate larger machinery in that line wounds on the head in her attempt to nese and that through them the knowl­ what sort of a reception I would meet ness; to live as much as possible in the han is now in existence. Then, to escape her torturers.—< hicago Times. edge finally spread to the Western na­ r >m that quarter, but I found theso tions. Nearchtts, when sent by Alex­ plants even more fast asleep and trans* open air; and to abhor idleness. There transport the gun finally over the dif­ ander on an exploring voyage on th< formed than their drowsy neighbors, are said to be exceptions to this rule, ferent lines of a railroad (if the ocean What They Eat. route is not taken), would require Indus, brought back reports of “honey’ and had trodden on a number of the but the writer has never k n one. The tailor—Roast goose. which was made by the Asiatics from plants ere I discerned them, for, like There may be children who are al­ stronger iron bridges than are now in use. So the work of enlargement goo- The builder — P.umb pudding. cane without the help of bees. At this the sensitive mimosa, which they sa lowed to break one or more of these The druggist— "I’izen” things. time neither the Greeks nor the Jews much resemble, and which regulations habitually, and who yet on almost indefinitely.— Pittsburgh Cor. “oprned ts fan-lke leavrs to the light. The base-ball man—Fowl. nor the Babylonians had any knowl­ maintain unbroken health from year’.s Cleveland Plain Dealer. And clo-ed them beneath the kisses of night,” The carpenter—Plane food. edge of sugar, but later the art ot mak­ these tiny leaflets were now folded in end to year’s end, but we never saw Origin of Electrical Terms. The stock-raiser—Bred. ing the artificial “honey” became a long flat ribbon for each leaf, pre« one. — Kate Upson Clark, in Hann The actor—Supe. known and practiced, though its prog­ senting thin edges to the sky, hardly The technical terms used in regard Maker. Tho printer—Pi. ress and development was exceedingly distinguishable from the thin seed­ to electricity refer to units of variou.- —Pascal Porter, “the boy preacher,” nature. Thus the unit of capacity is The singer—Oyster Patti slow. It was prescribed as a m^dicin« pods among them. is really what his title claims. He is one farad; the unit of activity, one The old maid—To mate. O. by Galen in a . d . 150, and up to the j The nature of the nocturnal move- only twelve years old, and he has watt; the unit of work, one joule; th* The Quaker—Peas. seventeenth century it had become ' ments and attitudes of plants, b >th in been preaching for two years. He not □nit of quantity, one coulomb; the unii nothing more than a costly luxury, to I leaves and flowers, has long been a The prisoner—Cell-ery only expounds the Bible text, but of current, one ampere; the unit of re The profane—Cussed hard. be used only on special occasions. theme of speculation among botanists. quotes poetry-and argues with all the sistance, one ohm; the unit of mag Even as late as the beginning of the In the case of many flowers the night The acrobat—Turn ups. force of a logician. His father says he netic field, one gauss; the unit of pres Ti e smoker—Pipe eighteenth century the annual con­ attitudes have been conclusively began preaching before he le . off ■>ure, one volt; the unit of force, one The real-estate man—Coffee grounds sumption of sugar in Great Britain had shown to have relation solely to their pinafores. The dry-goods clerk—Flannel cakes reached only 20,000,000 pounds, where­ fertilization by insects. dyne. These names are mostly de­ —An absent-minded Georgia traveler rived from the names of men who have- The tramp—Rag out of veal. as it is now more than 2.001),090,000 The drooping attitude of leaves at put his only coat in his traveling bag been famous in the field of electrical The debtor—Owe it meal. pounds. Refined sugar was not made night was commonly supposed to indi­ before retiring for the night The research. The public speaker—Toast. in England till 1659. The art of refin­ cate an aversion to moisture, many Thus Michael Faraday, next I orning he couldn’t remember James Watt, and James P. Jo.tle. The funny man—Chestnuts.— ITasA- ing was learned by a Venetian mer­ plants assuming the same position what he had done with the garment, famous English discoverers, give theii ington Post. chant from the Saracens, who sold the during rain as in the dew, thus seem­ and consequently, oa the train arriv­ names to the first three units men secret to him for 100,000 crowns.— ing to verify the conjecture; but when the sarre pranks were played in a - She (looking over the autumn Good Housekeeping. ing at Atlanta, h-î walked coat less to tioned; Charles A. Coulomb and Andre cloudy day or a dewless night, the ex­ -------- * • ■■ — the hotel. Some time afterward, M. Ampere. French inventors, to the landscape)—"Isn’t it perfectly be uti- —A Danish officer has invented a planation had to be abandoned. In the a-hile searching for another missing two units following; G. S. Ohm and ful. George?” He—“It is 6imply de- portable bullet proof shield for two clover tribe the nocturnal positions al­ icious! I could gaze on it for hours. article, he found the coat Carl F. Gauss, Germans, name two soldiers, which may be easily carried ready described seem to be assumed —Count von Moitke's house at Ber­ more units; and the volt is named iron: Do you know that every time I look on only in the darkness, and this invar­ and fixed, and the men then cooly blaze iably, dew or no dew, while the leaves th se gloriously tinted autumn leavc- lin is a large one, with no less than tae Italian discoverer, Volta. The thirty windows looking on the street, dyne is derived from the roct word of they remind me of you?” “In w a; away from behind, either with rilles cr seem to rerel in the rain, remaining but the famous old General lives al­ dynamo, itself meaning force.— Chicaai way?” "They look as if they appealed machine guns, without being picked off freely O/en. — M'. Hamilton Gibson, in any thing less than a iauuon bait Harper's Maaazine^__ to one to I k * nr*-ssed.” -Boston Courier. most exclusively in two rooms of it Inter Ocean. —Freshly—“Betwten you and me, One ishis bedroom, t he other his study. —The Duke Confucius, a lineal de­ —Verestschagin, the Russian paint­ Springley, Miss Rosalie is a charming The chief ornaments of the former are —A brother of Millet, the eminent scendent of China’s revered sage, is er, when presented to the girl studeots girl. I’m really quite gone in that a large photograph of his wife and a French artist, lives in Boston and one of the greatest personages in Pe­ of the Normal College in New York, quarter.’’ Springley—“O, you don’t picture of her tomb. These are always earns a modest living as a sculptor. kin. He is about twenty, and of singu­ the other day. said: “Young ladies, know how that will please her. She wreathed with palm leaves. —Ezekiel Sankey, father of the larly aristocratic and prepossessing you are indeed very charming, and, in —Coralie Cohen is claimed by the evangelist, died recently aged eighty- appearance. His nose is of a kind very obedience to one of our Russian cus­ told me ti*e other evening that when European Jews as a second Florence one. He was the first man to run a uncommon among the Chinese, being toms, I would like to salute you all in­ you called she always thonght you Nightingale. She is a Jewish lady, canal boat on the Naw castle (Pa.) of the type knewn as the Roman, but dividually. But since I can not I will would ne”er go.”— Boston Post. —It is taid that in eight cases ox e£ who was an angel of mercy during the canal. small and finely chiseled. He has a kiss Professor Dunden instead, and he late Franco-German war, and passed —Among the students at Miss P< m bright and intelligent expression. He will give you the kiss in my place;” ten if a man gets $50,000 all of a sud­ unharmed among the wounded in the tor's school. Farmington, Conn., are a rides in a large green chair. His suite and, suiting the action to the word, he den he will either go cracked in the two hostile camps. She is a Knight oi daughter of James G. Blaine, a niece are well dresscJ and well moutiU-l. turned to lite blushing and dignified head or make a laughing stock of him- the Legion oi Honor, and has been of the late ex-President Arthur and a Any obstruction to his progress in the professor and. wilh a hand <>n ouch . self. That's doubtless the reason why elected president Of that patriotic body, daughter of ex-Goveruor_ lger, of I treets is quickly cleared al the cry, shoulder, imprinted a resounding Providence keeps $50,000 away frou : to many of us.— Detroit Free Pres* . the Association des Dames Française*. Michigan. T™vk on his cheek. [ "The son of Conf udons comes!”