r BREVITY BASKET. ALL SORTS. CLOSING EXERCISES. Interesting locals, marriages, etc., ' ......- ' on editorial page. I ' I—I- ♦ Mills’s $3 calf sewed shoes. The commencement exercises of At the meeting of the Pioneer A mo Ashland polled 552 votes. The R ecord is on sale at the news elation of Southern Oregon held in the closing of the Normal School The Eagle Point school lias closed. stand of Burckhalter A Hasty. Plenty of bacon at Sutton A Miller’s. THURSDAY thia place last Thursday, the following year of 1888, were held at Granite Hall Friday evening. The first thing on Waverlv school shoes at D. R. A E. | Anderson, the tailor, is turning out R. M. Boynton will build a residence proceedings were had, to-wit: some good suits. • the program was the opening chorus,1 V. Mills’s* . on his choice lots in railroad addition Elec ion of < ffi -ers being in order personal , and social . ' resulted in choosing K. Kubli, presi- “The Harvest Muon” by eight young Ashland will celebrate in becoming to Ashland. Come hear the “Warblers” Wednea- ’ dent; Thus. G. Reamea and J. C. Tul­ ladies and four young men. Otis Hel-1 day ev-iiang. style on the fourth. Peter Simon, of Eagle Point, was in H. Allison, of th« Jacksonville lime in tn, vice pre id -nta; J. H. Huffer, man’s rich baas voice was a specially town yesterday on his way to Sissons Why don ’ t you? buy an organ or quarry, wm in town last week. pleasing feature of this, as well as the A Mr. Dickison is building a new treasurer and 8. J. Day, secretary. on business. piano of E.B. Hnnsaker. • The president appointed tlie follow­ ' other vocal music of the evening. hotel in Medford. T. B. Kent and family have gone to Miss Emma 8avre delivered the Salu ­ A jolly crowd of young folks from ing committees to draft memorial res­ Cabot W sheeting at 7|c by bolt, at Douglas county to reside. De' Graham holds forth at Stephen­ Ashland were picnicing at the Soda olutions on the death of mem ben of tatory in an amiable and entertaining son's Hable« again. ID. R. & E. V. Mills. f 4 Mre. A. Lunb, of Gold Hill, is visit­ | the association: Dr. J. H. Cliitwood manner, for which she receivetl a mer­ Springs Saturday. New black dress goods this week at ing in Ashland thia week. Blackberries will be plentiful in Ash-1 I — P. Dunn, J. M. McCall and J. C. Tol­ ited applause. A song "The Shoemak­ C. A. Nutlev, fruit and commission D. R. & E.V. Mills’s. ♦ Prof. H. L. Benson, of Grants Paes, man; Jos. W. Satterfield—J. H. Rus- er," by the little oues of the training land this year as usual. merchant, talks through the co I uihiis i Matthew H. Coleman, of Phoenix, of the R ecord this week. 1 sell, Jas. Thornton and W. W. Kent- i school was rendered very prettily. In was in the city thia werk. Grass is doing nicely in tlie moun­ lias been granted a pension. ner; Mrs. Helen M. Colvig—Mrs. D I her recitation "Pussykins” little Gertie tains ud stock doing well. Miss Minnie Clift has gone to Klam­ * N. Birdseye, Mre. Jas. McDonough and Engle’s cuteneM struck a popular chord A fine colt belonging to T. Stanley Isaac O. Johnson of Linkville was was badly injured this week by becom ath county to visit relative«. Life is not unlike a box of strawber­ Mrs. Anna Dean; J. B.Thomas—E. D. in the heart, of the audience, which granted a pension last week. ing entangled in some barb wire. J. R. Howard, ol Medford precinct, Foudray, Daniel F. Fisher and David gave her a volume of applause. Lov­ i ries—the big ones are on top.—[Life. Don’t forget about your taxes, but i Peninger; D. L Hopkins—A. M. Ber- ers of instrumental mui-ic were pleas­ was in town during the week. Laird, Schober A Mitchells shoes in Prof. W. C. Roberta left last week ' ry, R. 8, Dunlap and J. N. T. Miller; antly entertained with a piece of high­ four widtlte at D. R. A E. V. Mills. . see to it that they are paid at once. for his home in Aumsville where he J T Kelley, of I lie 8 P D A L Co., Mn. Kate Birdseye— Mrs W. J. Ply- grade music, “Mid Summer Night’s $250 in gold coin given away! See will spend the summer's vacation. of Grants Paes, was in town to-day. The turning point in every maid ­ 1 male, Mn. Enieline Turner and Mn. Dream,” skillfully executed by Mre. what Hunsaker says in another col­ A. E. Parker, a farnierof Polk county, L. N. Roney, the architect of Eu­ I H. V. Helms; Mn. Elizabeth Myer— Eddings and Miss Millie Giikiings. A en’s life is the interrogation point.—Ex. umn. " \ hr in Ashland looking around, and ex­ gene City, has been in town this week. Mre. J. H. Russell, Mrs. J. C. Tolman very difficult recitation,“How Reuben Tlie Portland Hotel Co. have raised Prof. C. F. Nesse, the penman, is at pects to bring his family here to reside. Played,’’ by Miss Bertie Russell, was their $500,000 and the big hotel there Ira Phelps has returned to Medford and Mre. Jacob Wagner. Yreka teaching penmanship, of which well rendered and received a good share is an assured fact. The treasurer ’ s report showed the Messrs. Bigelow, Davis, and Hursher to resume his position on the Ad- he is a master. . i < t i ¡ I . I amount of $1605 oh hand. The of well merited applause. Misses Ab­ are traveling over the county taking vertioer. Gen. Phil. Sheridan is still lingering amount on band at List report and bie Goodyear and Emma Sayre saug photographic views and a description The Dead Indian country is settliug Janies Bigham, of Centra) Point pre­ collected during the year $86.70, and a very la-autiful duet, “Summer Flow­ but the chances are against him sur­ up rapidly. They will soon need a of the country. cinct, has returned from a trip to Coos the expenditures for Hie same time ers.” Mire Etta Johnson delivered an viving many days. $600 worth of Mens fine Shoes just received this sc bool district out there. Max Muller and J. G. Birdseye county. interesting review and history of the A fire in the electric light works at amounted to $70.65. county clerk and sheriff-elect of i The association will hold a grand re­ (-lass work of the school. A sextette, 8alem Thursday caused a loss of $75,- Marshal Walrad’s new house is in week. Price $1.50 to $5.00, Ex-Gov. Me given at the his son in Ashland J. 8. Houck, left also $5 refunded to Gen. M. Parkinson I pointed aud full of practical remarks, : acres will be planted in orchards this Fraley building next Wednesday eve­ OUR LINE IS THE FINEST EVER EXHIBITED IN THIS LOCALITY. The Headlight has made its appear-1 for California this Week. which received applause and a bunch ancc at Tillamook, and now every fall. lor fish and poultry market license. ning for the benefit of the Congrega­ Finance coinrhittce reported bills of flowers from the audience. Prof. county in the state has a piqu-r. The ■ Chas. II. Veghte has moved liis tional church. Wm. Reeves left Saturday for Sac­ Tickets twenty-tive Sweet mode some very appropriate re­ first copv was put up at auction and band of sheep to their summer range ceuts, for sale at G. C. Eddings’. ramento where he is engaged to do corn ct: OF MEN’S BOY’S STRAW AND FELT HATS, WE HAVE OVER several months brick work. A.8. Hammond examining records $125.00 marks in a practical talk to the grad­ sold for $12. in the vicinity of Green Spring moun­ Col. J. N. T. Miller, of Jacksonville, $2.000 WORTH IN STOCK. WE CAN GIVE ANY STYLE OR .52.50 uating class when awarding them the tain. , Geo. T. Baldwin of Linkville was on M L. McCall surveying.......... Judge DePeatt went out to Linkville passed through town yesterday with Diplomas. “Good Night,” with Miss Wallace Rogers, special police ...2.00 Tuesday evening’s train, en route for AND PRICES « D. H. Hawkins is disposing of a several head of horses on his way to PRICE YOU WANT. Wm. Mayfield, ..2.00 J uli i Goodyear, the pianist of the eve­ Saturday to attend the circuit court Portlaud on a business visit. large amount of cherries, the May which met there this week. Judge Klamath county to look after iiis band ning nt the forte, peeled out the dis­ ’WAY DO'W'Nn Prim aud WiM. Jackson were also on Duke, the best canning cherries ex­ of horses near Wood river in that Total ......... ................................. »1st 50 missal of the audience. Mre. Colonel White has been visiting tant. the same train. county. Mutter of laying out and owning with Ashland trie nils this week. Mr. llill street was laid over for further White is exj-ected here soon. Burglary. Milton Berry and S. D. Taylor were Advices from New Zealand state B . F. Reeser will have tlie floor in consideration, and the ofieuing of Ilan elected Justice of the Peace and Con­ the store room adjoining his hardware that the estimated yield of the wheat Some burglars broke into the hard ­ P. W. Ol w« l|, of Phoenix, was on the I gadine street was referred buck to We make a ware store of Geo. C. Eddings last crop in the colony this season is 9,424,- stable, respectively, of Ashland pre- store lowered and have the sidewalk south bound tra.(u Sunday, en route to. ! street committee. raised. By doing this and putting in Friday night. They made their way 059 bushels, giving an average yield of cincL California to reiiu.m some time. Report of appraisers on damages to into the rear end of the building 26.13 bushels per acre for the whole Dennis Porter, the saw mill man, a new front it will be a desirable room Jas. Coyle, the Postal telegraph ' Miller lot In opening High street must through a apace where a window pane colony. has plenty of good lumber and wood and should rent readily. oficrator at Cole's station, made his be corrected, the mutter was laid over was out. and after gaining an entrance for Kile. Leave your orders at the The Washington Territory Supreme Dr. Will C. Brumfield, of Missouri, ' to next meeting. Ashland friends a visit this week. into this room they took a chisel and Court has decided that tlie owner of post-office. . ,, arrived iu Ashland last week, on a tour Council adjourned to June, 18th. T. E Godfrey has arrived in Ash­ broke a piece out of the bottom of the front land controls the tide land in Raspberries raised here were placed of inspection, lie is a cousin of Mr. land from the East on a visit to his next Monday. next door aik I reaching through turned front of his projierty until the Terri­ on the market at 15 cents a quurt, but Wallace Rogers of this place, whom brotber-iulaw, Geo. C. Eddings. the key on inside which unlocked the tory becomes a State, when it passes to I Delinqaent Taxes. the price will fall soon to about that he has not seen for a number of years Dr. J. L. Hardeman, a gentleman from M. N. Long will start next Monday Chas. W. Logan, deputy sheriff for door, giving them entrance to main the State. much a gallon. tlie same state, is traveling with him. with his family for Washington Terri­ this precinct, has received the tax list | ' |xirt of building. They took the mon­ The grand lodge of Masons con­ The Helman baths arc neat and tory, on a visit of several months. ami is busily engaged in hunting up ey drawer out and stole some ]>ocket vened in Portland Wednesday, the In­ Sanderson Smith, the mining expert knives and four pistols (the ¡»oorest in clean, and the swimming rink is in ex­ J. Q. Willits, of Lakeview, is in the delinquents. It is necessary in order the show east*.) The till was found dian War Veterans Thursday, and the cellent condition. For particulars see and real e state ugent, was in town Sat­ > urday. lie says lie will have his quartz city on a visit. Time deals gently with that Sheriff Dean can make a settle­ next morning in the lot near bv. At Pioneers Friday of this week. Rev. I. the card in the R ecord . ment with the county before his term D. Driver and John F. Caples are the mill at Gohl Hill running in full blast Quin anil he looks as natural as ever. expires that these taxes be paid. At­ time of robliery it contained only a orators for the latter. Prof. J. T. Hover will be in Jackson­ in a few days and exjiects good returns Mre. Price who h w l>een visiting her tend to thia matter promptly and it few dollars. Nothing has us yet been ville this week representing the Bank­ as he thinks he has good paying quartz. Sheriff Chariton of Like county parents at this place, Mr. and Mre. may save you expense for the taxes found out that would give any clue to j the robbers. They made some cuta in passed through Friday with John ers relief astoeiation, a reliable com­ We wish liim all the success jtossible. John Beek, returnod to Portland Tues­ must be collected and that at once. ■ pany of Portland, Oregon. J. 43. McCully was in town this week day. Mr. Ijogan will receipt you for the the back door of O. H. Blount’s cloth­ Brown, who is sent to the “pen” fifteen A tight rope walking exhibition was being on his way home from a trip to ing house also, but for Home reason did years for manslaughter in killing one amount you are delinquent to Jacksou Col. D. II. Haskell, general town site not go any further. Why the burglars Po)>e, of California, in a saloon row at givsn yesterday afternoon on Main tlie Cinnabar. lie started from Jack­ MWt of the 8. P. R. R., has been in county. streel by Davison Bros.,, of Ripley, O. sonville with two mining experts as did not steal more after going to the Lakeview several months ago. J u KS um T Una week on company buri- They are-nrtists in this-^ioe.- >-<• A Grand 4th of July. trouble of getting into the building is guide and after piluling them through A. A. Marshall, who has represented a mystery, us there was a large qunii- that country and arriving at Cole’s in Ashland is to celebrate the coming DePeatt A Kyle report tlie sale last Chicago houses on the coast for several Wm. Brown, who has a place near 5th of July with unusual pomp and j tity of cutlery that they could catilv years at an annual salary of $3000 and week of $11X10 worth of horses to a par­ good shape, the gentlemen diaiwnsed Linkville, was in town this week after with Jim’s services and took the train display. The citizens this year have , have carried away. $4000 a year, is a defaulter. Luxurious ty east <>f th« mountains, in Klamath and weiit Southward. a load of freight for merchants of that taken an earlier start than usual thia ■ county, belonging to A T. Kyle. living and a young woman of “striking ]-lace. The Deput lea. time, and with $75 left over from luat i Work on the Railroad eating house C. W. Ayers, the agricultural imple­ E. T. Bartlett started Sunday fur year will be able to give all the ]>e<>ple I The sheriff-elect was up last week beauty” is what knocked Lili). is progressing. W. H. Wickham, lias ment dealer, handles the celebrated the head of Empire creek in Siskiyou who come to Ashland the best enter­ from the county seat. He was awfully C. K. Chiinslor and T. G. Patterson, the stone foundation well unJer way. county, where he is pro« pee ting some tainment they have ever ex|>eriened. enamored of the Republicans of Ash­ county clerk and sheriff of Josephine Red, While and Blue mower, which is The lumber for the building is arriving considered the best iu the market. quarts ledges. Besides the usual prngMmmc some land precinct anil as a token of hii love county have been re-elected by hand­ and is nearly all fir, the timbers are YouleA Gilroy received by Monday's of sugar pine. The estimated cost of Mre. R. V. Beall and son Vintie and special features of interest will !>e in­ and appreciation told them they could some majorities. They have well de­ M rs. Ann Beall, of Central Point, have troduced, which will be mentioned have anything they wanted; at least served this compliment as they have.. •freight a car load of tine rustic floor­ the building when completed is $11,* gone to Cow creek to pay relatives and Inter on. Negotiations are under way take a deputyship, and for them to made faithful and competent officials. ing from Portland. Most of it will be 000. The rumor tliat it would cost used in Mr. Miner’s new residence. to have the beat 4th of July orator in name their man. An excellent young $30,000 is without foundation. friends a visit Every dollar of the 25 jier cent, as­ the country imported for the een Chas. Faith paaaed through town on so tl>e |a*op!e will be served with an tions was named, and the sheriff-elect ¡n the piazza was cut down been paid up, and notes given fur style on the 4th of July. Capt. H.! his way to Klamath county with his oratorical and literary treat. asked him what salary be wanted,when the second payment of 25 per cent, in Kelly will deliver the oration and Miss ! yesterday. The oldest inhabitant when family last Saturday, where he has a The executive committee met June a very modest sum W;is given. The how long it has been there said 60 da vs, which shows that Yreka means Amelia Otter will read the Declaration. ■ good land claim. 11th, and transacted the following: - said s. e. replied he couldn’t stand it, mi -w> • > ■ 1 ■ I «4 tvin business in building the road to Mon­ it was there when 41inu they ztn came and lrwklrcazl looked The Postmaster-General lias estab ­ Gen. E. L. Applegate cominitte on which gives him a chance to offer it Jerry Nunan brought bis family up tague. — [Journal. as large as it does now. A represent­ Continues to keep on hand a large and well selected stock of lished u tri-weekly mail service between grounds, n-|>orted having s-cured the to the next man — who is capable of from Jacksonville Sunday for a stay The Ea»t Oregon Herald is the name Ashland and Shake, via Barron und ative of this pa ja r counted the rings commanding a larger salary—and hav­ with friends here, and to rusticate at grove from F. Roper for $20 Moved that the finance committee ing him refuse till he comes down to of'a new Democratic jmper published Soda Springs, to commence the first of oil it, which is said to be a correct the Suda Springs. way to find out the age. It showed Consisting of fine custom and ready made Clothing raise $500 the chronic office-seeker’,who will gulp at Burns, Grant county. It is a seven next July. Miss Eva Price, who has been en­ 121 rings. column folio, full of news and gives Moved and carried that the commit­ I ! it in and be thankful for the chance. Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Fine Cloaks, etc.; Alder bark wanted — We will pav I gaged as tear liar In the Ashland pub­ tee on music be authorized to engage Several gentlemen of this precinct evidence of a long life. D. L. Grace $12 00 per ton for Alder bark for tan- . The Ashland Hoee Co. at its meet- Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Canned Goods lic schools this winter left Tuesday for the Ashland braaa band for $100. have been mentioned in connection is the publisher and editor and John ning pur|MMMU It must not be taken i >nS Tucsilay, elected the following of- I Cigars, Tobacco, etc., etc., etc., etc. her lionie in Salem. Moved and carried that the commi’- with the deputyship of the precinct, E. Roberta associate. from the tree later than the last of I Beers for the ensuing year: G. F. Me- tee on grounds be instructed to put the but it is generally conceded that Robt. Mr. Ed. Donaghy is in Siskiyou G raves & S onnichson . i Connell, President; H. C. Myer, Vice- The town of Ritzville, W. T., was June. county, visiting his friends there. His grounds in order and leave room for Taylor, of the firm of High &. Taylor, ' laid in ashes last Thursday morning. „ ■ . , - , . i President; C. H. Gillette, Sec.; Geo. G. A. 8. Jacob« ha«»fine farm alx>ut i Eubanks, Treasurer; 0. H. Blount, health has not been good of late, we stand purpiwea, swing und amuse­ will secure the honor. Few of the business houses of the town five miles north of Medford that lie de- J Foromftn; Joe Million, Asst. Foreman; ments, pay expenses and turn balance »re sorry to re|a>rL were left standing, and a number of sires to sell to some man wanting ajE J Kaiser, Sergeant-at-Arms. The 4th of July Committee Meet Infra. over to finance committee. people were left hemetess. The mer­ gextd home. Black alluvial *>11, 160 officer» elect will take cl arge at next E M. Miller, of the enterprising gro­ Moved and carried that the commit­ The various 4th of July committees chants seem hopeful and many signify cery firm of Sutton A Miller, started tee on programme ask for special rat>s acres, title • rfectand crop growing on ■ llleeting Mondav evening, are requested to meet without fail nt their intention to rebuild. «■ii yesterday’s train fur Alliany where the place. ' . on the railroad for the occasion. the city council room at 10 o'clock A. „ awazwx waa i The teachers of the county should lie goes on business. A cave from the 200-foot level to the Lor $1600 yon can secure 160 acres not f or g e t the state teacher's associa- M., Saturday, June 16, to ¡terfectall The ltascban Game. 400-foot level of the St. Lnvrence mine of.land in Sam s \ alley. Only one I tion, whicli meets at Salem, Oregon, John Fitzgerald came up from arrangements. By order of Com. at Butte, M T., which has been con­ mile from Antioch school house and i Tlie base ball game at Million's Marysville, Cal., last Friday to spend - - ----- ... sidered unsafe by the miners, Saturday about five miles front Moonville. If' on the 5th, 6tli and 7th days of July. some time with his Ashland friends grounds Sunday was the most interest- Religious Notes and News. All the transportation companies have buried five miners, who are known to you want this bargain see Luckey A I ing game played in Ashland for several and kaik after his farm. granted reduced rates, and the hotels The social entertainment nt Weptist be still alive, but with a pros|>ect of Co. at once. I years. The “San Fran« iaco" nine is A. 1» Reuter, a capitalist of Jack­ i the old Ashland team, anil although church Tuesday evening was a pleusant af­ dying before they can be reached. in Salem wil’ eiiterLuii teachers anil sonville, accomi'unieil by his brother others attending, at grcntly reduced An overcoat was found on the Cove ■ ■ fair for those present. i out of practice for a long time, tlu-y Winters, Cal., June 8: NoL less Peter Reuter of Wisconsin, made this can play a good game yet. The other rates during the day « of the associa­ Bev. P. 8. Webster, the Congregational than 100 armed men, with blood road, just after leaving the Dead In­ place a visit last week. nine is conipoeeil mostly of the vouug minister, holds services at the parsonage on hounds, are searching for two men dian road, this week by Anson W. Ja­ tion. Jackson county should be well 3ÆJLY BE HJLJD -A.T Miss A 3 Rev F XV Goukin. the pastor, holds regu­ G F MeCoiiiiell.lb 1 lar services at tLe Bapti-t church every of the Southern Pacific railroad passed ner, who is somewhat of an architect • We are sure Dick will come back think- day to spend a few days in the eountrv. KC Carey, I» ... 0 over the new work iu Cienega to-day himself, is superintending its construc­ i ing there is no place like Rogue river J R Norris. 2d b. 4 0 F G Carev, If. H Gide one waving mass of fruit Children's day was celebrated at the M. ' ty commissioners; M. ______ , ’ plenty of good homes for sale and some trees. Fruit is being raised now on Mre. J. 8. HowoM and daughter Win- agent: i E. Church Sunday evening with a concert ■ sheriff; A. L. Leavitt, county clerk; government land to be taken up. We ground that but a short time ago was nic of Tsnai«, W. T» who sjient sev­ i ' John Smart, assessor ; Charles Graves, i of singing and recitations by the little Maximum Miuiinum Rainfall afe informed that there is a good open- considered utterly worthies» and brings eral months in Asldaad m«utly, have And variouB builders’ material. .11 ' ones aud others. Cot, Jas. Norris, Rev. treasurer; P. L. Fountain, school sn- : ing there for some energetic man to handsome returns to its owners. With 47 67 Jun« 7 returned from BortioU springs, Cal,' ------------------- :o: — ■ .(U 50 Mr. Satchweil and the Supt. Rev J. Hand- ■; perintendent; J. B. Griffith, surveyor; 7H 8 I our delightful climate and happy and i put up a saw mill. and are stopping at A- " '.Ucy’s in .11 52 » 74 saker made appropriate remarks. The s I J. W. Siemens, coroner. '1 he county prosperous homes we shou d indeed be .15 46 72 10 'Ashland. Warehouse at R. R. track, foot Send or call for prices, Organs! Organs! at Hunsakers, church was beautifully decorated with flow­ judge, clerk, one coinniiseiouer aud .60 78 I a contented people. 1 he famous 11 fi | and more coming ; organs for old or ers throughout and presented a tine ap- coroner are republicans. Dr. Robertson, of Yrek i, aaeom-! • lil 52 73 12 Rogue river valley is a most desirable of Helman street .01 , [tearance. 7ó young, rich or poor, married or single, «7 U jainied liis sister to Seattle, where she place to build a home and live ,n. A lot of the biggest salmon ever « • organs for everybody. Come buy an will reside. They hud a ma-ial cfiat at Ashland has a Sunday School population taken on the Columbia river was re­ • ••• 0A7 Total rainfall. • • We are informed by Mr. Jenkins, organ, honestly made and honestly tlw deput with some of Doc's A<&Lwd 340 enrolled members. They are divided ceive«! at Cathlamet last week. _ _ _____ In the ■ who is agent for The Banker ’ s Mut- t'bangt «1 Hand«. sold at live and let live prices. Make friends when they passed thria*gu as follows: Methodists, IM; Congrega- of 4500 pounds there were forty ual Relief Association of Portland, Thursday. ______ The O. _. & _ ___ C. R. R- — » now r in the tionalists, 34; Baptists, 60; Presbyterians, averaged fifty-five pouuds each, I your home luippy and cheerful and : I that he is succeeding beyond his ex- , likewise E. B. Hunsaker . * bauds of its real owners, the 8. P. R JL i 110. This does not include the Punkards and four that averaged sixty-eight Prof. E. E. Smith, of Central Poiut. J. U. WRITSMAN, cePretidea 1 peetations in increasing the member­ CHAS. K. WOLVERTON. President. is in town this week. He has just The final legal action was taken in whose school is not organized this season. pounds. When a sixty |>uund salmon I Rev. Ezra Haskell formerly engaged ship in this part of the valley. J. W. CUSICK, Treasurer. j / k . EI.DERK1N, tiec’y, and Mr. sc«««, «............ closed a successful school at that place, Portland last week when Judge Deady Last season they numbered 20. All the is regarded as a monster, some idea ' in mining and preaching in thiscoun- The benefits offered are the most lib- but was < compelled to adjourn two disaus-ed the suits against the Oregon i Sabbath schools are in a flourishing condi- can be gained of the extraordinary ! ty and who gave lectures on astronomy 1 eral—from $15 to $25 per week for ac- size of this catch, which is without a with stereoscopic views, is now pastor • cident and $5 to $12.50 for sickness— Weeks «artier than expected on account A California Railroad Company. The ■ tion and increasing rapidly. suits were to recover the mortgages parallel in the history of the salmon ot Plymouth Congregational church, ‘ at a nominal cost of $10 per year, pay- of scarlet fever. The concert exercises given last 8unday against the road aud wire dismissed business on the Columbia. ! Portland, and is trying to arouse the evening at the First Tyesbyterian church ■ able in installments of $1 at a time, Hank Giddings and Isaac Deiner , upon the j>etitu>n of the Southern Pa­ CAPITAL STOCK, $300.000. T ~ . .. . people ptiou there o{ on tf, the abuses . and which enables the laboring man, and W. Ragland has on exb.bitmn at ■ ^ e ci glaring fy of fortUlld caqi« over from their Hungary creek cific R. R. Cu^ substituted for plain- ! of this place by the children of the Sab­ _ the man of moderate means to pro ­ bath Sidmot wm • very pleaaant affair and J. W. Nonn.n ’ s saloon a fine lot of ' wrra l ” *« ol w,e OI minra last week. Hank will leave this tiffs, Harrwon et al. The dismissal of week for a visit in the vicinity of Mt. these suits takes the railroad out of the proved to be enjoyable and entertaining. furs, including eight silver gray fox' Judge DePeatt and Commissioners tect hie home circle by assuring them Shasta, ag‘1 Ike expects to go pros- : receiver's hands aud places it under The recitations and songs by the tittle folks skins and forty-nine cominou fox, fish- Haymond.and Carlton will hold tlie a fixed incoms, should he l»ecome in­ pectiug for quartz. the control and management of the were good, and the talk bv the pastor, Rev. 1 er mink, otter marten, eta. They were ! adjourned June term of the Cominis- jured or laid tifion a bed of sickness It is a home comjiany, and the F. G. Strange, was practical as well as in- caught the past winter about 18 miles 1 sioners Court on the 29th of this month, Lieut. Jas. A. Swift who has been in Southern Pacific. Monday at mid­ structive and Was listened to very atten- southwest of here. Mr. Ragland is sev-; at which time all the business of the names of its officers, who are all prom­ night was the time set when the change California some time looking after the ; lively by all present. The superintendent, I enty-eight years of age and baa been county will be settled up and every- inent business men of Portland are a 1 interests of the government in some took place. The employes of the road G. F. Billings, made a few appropriate re- a trapper over forty years. He claims thing will be in readiness to be turned guarantee of its reliability, and we are ' ‘ have all signed their papers of dis ­ of the U. 8. contracts there, has been glad to note that Mr. Jenkins is meet- marks, after which a collection was taken to have a null rich goiu gold” 1U1I1U mine 111 in 111U the neigh- ( over to the uvw new AUUiririDviativu, Administration, which UJ liMvv vw«««v B|M-nding some dais with his family in missal and hire ami started to work ! up for home._mLssiona, j ing with such marked success. .» | borhood of liia < ‘ abiiLwr[8isson Herald. ’ take charge of affairs on July 2. liis cabin.wr[Sisson Herald, will I just Ute suite next day. Ashlaad but *■;!! «t’>nj so-x VALLEY RECORD PIONEER MEETING. 0. H. BLOUNT. THE LEADING Clotiisr anfl Hatter, OF THE PACIFIC COAST! We Sell Shoes for $1.50 per pair which are not Offered for less than $2.50 by any other House in Ogn. Men’s Summer Clothing, SPECIALTY § MEN’S GOODS GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. Call and examine the largest stock of STRAIGHT CLOTHING OUTSIDE OF PORTLAND!! 0. H. BLOUNT.’ ASHLAND, THE BEEHIVE! a zivaai J. D. Fountain, - GENERAL MERCHANDISE, - A Specialty. OREGON. ASHLAND, PICTURES of YOURSELF LOGAN’S GALLERY, Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Varnishes ASHLAND, ii OREGON. The Farmers and Merchants Insurance Co. CASH PAID UP 860,000.00. ) WM. ULRICH, District Agent - MEDFORD OGN. -i. J. .‘.CL . 'll