COOKING UTENSILS. Cr*«l S.mpUolty o< Thaw Male»** Fo»r. NOVELTIES Am»a| SOME ENGLISH IDEAS. IN FAIENCE. ! lowers and L*avrs of Gold and Color«« to Take the TROUBLES OF TOURISTS, GOOD SECTION CASES. A Brief DeecripUon of the B mi Make Them. Way t* The IMMeolUm la the Way ot Obtaining a Parcel In N'aplee. HOW TO MAKE JELLIES. THE POWER OF LC5VE, How Dr. Joliiuon, Goethe and OtAor* Wrote to Women They Admired. H^pa and Hint* for Y oobj and Inez] iMteeO Housekeeper*. 8ISMAROK-S WIFE. Appearance and Character of the German Chancellor** Better Half. A friend who, during a visit to Hom­ Let us suppose that on reaching In no part of the preserving doe* burg, has met and frequently dined The new designs in faience ware will ' Dr. Johnson was not a letter writer After trying nearly all the section home the visitor hears that a parcel In our anxiety to find remunerative * decorated more lienntifully than any cases advertised in our bee papers, and from England awaits him at the rail­ in the true sense of the word. His t’.4 inexperienced housewife have as with Bismarck’s wife, kindly sends me employment for women, we aeem to hing ever produced in tills ware by many not so advertised, I have come to way station. Unable to go himself, he balanced stylo lacked flexibility; his many discouraging failures a* in the an Interesting description of her. lose sight of the fact that we are in­ American manufacturer» Some of the the conclusion that wide frames, hold­ sends his servant with the money, the I strong nature abandon; but hi* epistles making of jelly. She follows the rule Princess Bismarck, who alone enjoys juring the prospects of Eugland's ew patterns were seen by a reportci ing but one tier of sections, give th* official receipt and a written request breathe the sincerity of his piety, the explicitly given her by a woman whois the privilege of telling the master of famous for making clear, firm jelly, trough the permission of the managei young sons, who, after all. are the best results with the least work, trouble to the station master to hand the parcel loftiness of his spirit, the dependence t>ut even then does not succeed, and Europe that he needs to change his legitimate supporters of the national f a leading manufacturing company. and annoyance. Wide frames, two or to the bearer. That ought to suffice, collar or to be more careful ab< ut his prosperity. Surely there are sufficient Ie said the new feature of the trade is more tiers of sections high, to be used he thinks; but no one accustomed to of his heart on huina'i affection. He she wonders why it is. The experienced personal appearance in general, was occupations to employ our surplus 1st the American production has b<<- in the upper story of a two-story hive, Neapolitan ways will be surprised to could write with picturesque, some­ housewife comforts her with: “Iliad originally Fraulein Von Puttk.amer. a population of women, without enter­ - me so well known that the retaib-r* do not work at all satisfactorily with learn that it does not The bearer of what ponderous vivacity, as may be just such a time when 1 first undertook member of a noble Pomeranian family, ing them in the labor market as the rive no difficulty in selling it It is me, so I have discarded them entirely. the note is unknown personally to the seen by the group of letters addressed to make it; don't get discouraged; and she is a most interesting woman, rivals instead of the helpers of men. »bserved, also, that the taste of the However, I find them very handy when station master, and lie must be identi­ to Mrs. Thrale during his journey you'll get the knack of it by and by; it although probably not one in a thou­ On every side we hear of the scarcity people is more cultivated than for­ hiving very large swarms, where such fied. Fortunately this is not a difficult through the Hebrides, which the lady needs just so much practice.” This is sand readers has ever heard any thing of domestic servants. Would it not be merly. In the common or “printed” frames of sections are placed at each task, and a mutual acquaintance is un­ thought were more delightful than his poor con sola uon to her, after wasting about her. She jjvi not be called so I well if women, who have tho time at ware there can lie no artistic work. On« side of the hive to take the place oi earthed close by. But a new difficulty books. How pathetic and solemn is t me, lalior and fruit, to lie told, that if lovely. She is past sixty, very tall.and their disposal to develop this industry, ,f the pieces of faience recently made dummies in contracting the hive from is at once forthcoming. The parcel is the glimpse we haw of the sick man in she live* long enough, and throws very gray. Her f; cc is very s'rung, would use their efforts to persuade their cost $275. It is a bowl-shaped vase, an eight-frame hire down to five declared to be of value, (though ob­ the following, written to his friend, away enough of time, labor, etc., she with large cheek bones. Shj is rather sisters of the working class to send thirty-eight inches high, of Pompeiian frames. These wide frames are bung viously only a suit of clothes,) and the Mrs. Boothby: “It is again midnight will succeed in the end. The house­ what a character of Dickens desc ibes their daughters to service in-lead of lesign. The entire body is covered in the hive with separators towards signor must either present himself in and I am again alone. With what wife told her to boil it probably ten or as “a fine figure of a worn in.” inclined into factories? Many would gladly do with a heavy coat of bronze and on the combs, and it is a rare instance person or appoint an accredited agent meditation shall I amuse this waste fltfeeu minutes, and is surprised when perhaps, to jbe bony. Her acquaint­ so if they only knew how to obtain the this is traced pond lilies and leaves in that I get either brood or pollen in to deliver the parcel at his house. hour of darkness and vacuity? If I told that by tdlowing this rule, she ance with the people at Homburg and situationa, and would welcome warmly heavy gold work. The cover bears the them. These wide frames are left in Next day, accordingly, the signor pre- turn my thoughts u;>on rayself, what does not succeo.i. The neighbor here Frankfort d tes from the time long ladies who would find good, comforta­ diape of a Turkish fez and both cover the hive for twenty-four days, when sunts himself; but here again identifi­ do I perceive but a poor, helpless body, -i:ys: “I’m not so sure about the time, ago. whet. k. not in thy least reduced by a blast of wind to weakness for you see I never go by time; I am so a great man then, was simply au offi­ ble homes for their giria There are and handle are perforated. they are taken out to give place to four cation is required, and this time it is A novel ground work is malachite empty combs, which are used to fill out attended with so much trouble that in and misery?” How touching is this used to making it that I know when cial at Frankfort She made friends thousands of good situations in Eng­ land, and in Canada a girl is, without green. It is a deep sliado and shows the hive so there will be stores enough disgust he accepts the services of an request to Mis* Porter: “1 shall take it is done by look ng at it.” Afe.v theu to whom she has always rema ned doubt, at a premium, either as a serv­ to best advantage under a strong for wipter. and when taken out are accredited agent. The following d iv it very kindly if you make it a rule to more consoling remarks. trite, and whom sha goes every year to write to me once at least every week, A young housekeeper writes to one see. ant or a wife. Fur women of the edu­ light It is decorated only in gold. In generally filled. If all are not so tilled, this gentlemin presents himself for 1 am now very desolate, and am of our household publications: “Will cated classes there is hospital nursing tiie new decorations beautiful flower that portion of them is placed on top. with the parcel, and Wherever Mrs. Bismarck is she rules. the satis- loth to be universally forgotten.” some one tell me what is the matter When she enters a house every window patterns will prevail and colors and (which kbould be undertaken entirely in the one-tier wide frames and left to faction is tempered by tiie little Mr. Lewes has thrown discredit up­ with liy jelly, which isn't jelly at all,” must-be closed tight, and no door can by them), taking charge of charita­ gold will take the place of the bronze be finished. Thi* makes some work account produced with it. There is, ble institutions, various kinds of uni gold of last year. An exquisite but as such are only used on very large first of all, the cost of the carriage; on the correspondence of Bettina; he and received in reply, from one house­ remain needlessly open, as she shares parochial and philanthropic work, effect is produced by a wild rose pat­ swarms, but little of this changing ol then tiie ordinary customs; then the treats it as a romance of Bettina’s, ad­ wife: “You haven’t boiled it enough;” with the French their morbid dread of teaching in families. middle tern iu pink and palo blue, set off by sections is required, as they are gener- ( , town dues; theu a charge for every ding that: “How much is true, how ind from another, “You have boiled currents of air. At the table she is and upper class schools, na- gold and shaded by gold and medium I ally complete at the end of the twenty- I ' day that it lias been lying at tho sta­ much exaggeration, and how much it too much.” Now she knew that one fond of talking, and speaks very loud tional and board schools; and for the brown. Another decoration is a thiti­ four days, so that it is no more work tion; then the agent’s charge, his pure fiction. 1 am in no position to or tiie other of these two things 3he bad and decidedly. She gets very much lower middle class there is dressmak­ le in full bloom, in gold, with foliage to handle wide frames of sections than tram, an extra sou or two because it is explain.” The book wheu it appeared done, and her object in asking the excited in discussion, and to contradict ing, mantle - making, millinery and in pale brown. Pond lilies form an­ it would be dummies. Some one may . | a warm day, and a glass of wiue to two years after .tiie poet’s death question was to try and find out which; her is not safe. She is very fond of many other light occupations, unsuited other new design, tho blossoms being ask. How about liering up? I do not wash it all down. On the next occa- threw into a ferment It but she is no nearer the truth than she music and discusses it learnedly, al­ to men. Among women workers teach­ red. ~ith leaves in deep and light like tiering up, nor never did for by j , -»ion when a parcel is sent from E d - was the story of the passionate feeling was before asking, and the would-be though she really knows very little with which Goethe, at sixty years of jelly is very likely long ere this thrown about it ing has not hitherto taken the position green, the whole on light yellow this plan 1 am liable to have too many I This causes many wordy i gland, our visitor determines that it age, had inspired a young girl of away as a miserable failure. She evi­ battles between her and her old friend. which is its due. A lady will undertake ground, There are also bunches of partly finished sections at the end ot shall not be s»»nt as a tiling of value, twenty, and of the half-tolerant half- dently expected that they would tell tho life of a governess in a private fam­ wortleberries in raised gold on • the season, especially should the sea­ and that it shall take its chance, but eucouraging response he hat1, made to her just how long she ought to have Baroness Willie Rothschild, one of the ily at a stipend which a cook or house­ groundwork of pale cream color, or son be a little poorer than we expected. friend* gained iu Bismarck's less im­ only to find that it makes no difference it The poet seemed a god to Bettina. Isiiled it, which theyr, uot k iowiug the portant days. Tho Baroness ¡sold, and, maid would flout with soorn; but she berries in red against a white ground, ! However, the wide frames, as I uss A new set of excuses is framed, and it This orphan girl, half German, half has, as a rule, considered teaching in with foliage to match. . them can very easily be made to tier is not until the authority has made his Italian, sentimental, mystic, ardent kind of fruit she had used, could uot like most Rothschilds, not remarkable do, hut gave her their answers accord­ for beauty, but she is bright, really a national or board school, with a oom- There is n new craze for lamps mad* ! UP- little profit that the parcel reaches its loved the poet with all the strength of fortable stipend, as quite beneath her of faience ware. An extremely hnnd- knowi something about music, writes A brief description of what I prefer destination. We have ourselves never her soul before she saw him, and wheu ing to their own individual judgment Some housewives contend that the dignity. Therefore, this most import­ some design is a lamp which stands i is as follows: Make wide frames to nc- yet been able to discover whether this she knew him she worshiped him like chief art in making jelly is to boil it French songs and com|>oses a great ant factor in our national life is rele­ 16} inches high; it is vase-shaped. The i commodate the number of sections you is legaliz«:d or illegal robbery, but on a votary in an abandonment of devo­ continuously, slowly and gently, for deal. She plays and sings her own gated to the working classes, who are body is formed like a bowl and the desire, consistent witli the top of youi work, and she ami the Princess Bis­ one occasion we endeavored to escape tion. “I lie on the ground on the half nu hour, while other* aver that the marck do a great deal of talking about the least fit for the work. If the girls neck is nearly as long as tiie boily. The hive and size of section. I use four the blackmailing by directing the par­ •pot where thy feet rested; I am well best, jellies are boiled about five min­ of the educated classes who are obliged, latter is oovered witii wild rose deco­ sections in a frame. Next make two ed to ba sent on by post. This was no there and nowhere else,” she writes. utes. It is hard for the housewife it from adverse circumstances, to earn a ration* in red and gold, and the body | boards the same length and height ol The Princess shares her husband'* advantage; the gain appeared to be Goethe answered letters full of such having such rules before her to know digestive tr-mbles. and relies, like him. living for themselves, would go into decoration consists of live trumpet flow­ I tho wide frames, cieating them to pre- transferred from the statiou-m ister to outbursts in a manner that showed training to fit them for teaching in ers In heavy raiseil gold on cream i vent warping. Drive a nail into each which to follow, ;tnd the most sensible upon the advice of the ex|>ert Dr. postmaster, though perhaps they went that his vanity was flattered, his im­ tiling for her to do is to follow neither, Schweininger, but, like her grand hus­ church or board schools, they would groundwork. It is worth 860. A new I end of oue of these boards, letting it halves. This latter was almost a gen­ agination stimulated, his intellectual Theie cun be no rule as to the boiling receive a remuneration which would feature is the making of Easter novel­ i project one-fourth inch, and a large tleman in appearance, but he was not curiosity (which was ever ou the alert time of jellies, as it must depend upon band and the old Emperor, she quit* make them independent of their friends ties, among which are swans, full-har­ lie-ado»! tack into each end of the other, al>ove accepting an extra three sous, for manifestations of character) what kind of fruit is used. The juice refuses to be governed in her living by and confer an incalculable boon on the nessed elephants, a Imat-shaped shell, driving it in so that by winding a which the steepness of the hill had aroused. “Thy letters,” he writes, of some fruit, such as the quince, coa­ medical advice, and my correspondent nation. The refinement and culture of bell-shaped olive jars and fanciful bon­ string around once or twice it will hold , given him the excuse to ask for.— Mur- “are like a braid of a thousand colors gulates in much less time than the writes me how she drinks champagne their life and manners would do more bonniere*. All are decorated in flow- the board as in a vice. Now procurs almost frozen, in spite of the entreaties which I unbind in order to classify its juice of others, consequently it requires to raise and refine the life of the masses er* of gold and bronze.— N. Y. Mail some coil wire springs, about three- I ray's Magazine. of her lady companion. beautiful wealth.” He bids her go on less boiling. Then, again, some house- than any other agency whioh oould be and Exprese. “The only unfavorable thing about sixteenth iuch in diameter, and tie a THE TYPICAL AUSTRALIAN. confiding her feelings to him so that employed.— Woman» World. shor* string by making a slipnot oi Hospitality of the WeJI-to-Do «roaiar* ar ho may translate them, put them into keepers us > more sugar than others, Princess Von Bismarck,” say* my cor­ CABBAGE* RATIONS. which also makes a great difference in respondent, naively, “is that she neg­ otherwise to the spring and to the nail squatter, of Mie Antipodes. rhyme, use them. Another time he INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION. A b Excellent Food For Cow* Wheu Given driven in the first little board, nn»l No man is more hospitable than the writes: “Thy letters are read and re­ th;* time of boiling. The only reliable lect* to consider how youth should be In Moderation. rule to follow, and one that never fails, talked to. and even ut tables, where How Boya and Giri* Are Benefited by the then tie a longer string to the other In reply to the question: “To what end of the spring. I use one eighteen well-to-do Australian. A visitor arriv­ read with a great deal of pleasure; is the old-fashioned molasses-candy young girls may be, does uot repress Knowledge It Imparts. ing well introduced will be passed on what my pen could answer fails to test, of dropping a spoonful into cold Thanks to several courageous men extent cabbages may be given to cows I : inches long. Put your wide frames on from villa to villa, from country house her tendency t» relate tales with a taint and skillful women, industrial educa­ without proving hurtful, I would say the hive, two, three, five, seven or tea to country bon ,e. and from run to run, convey the immediate impression they water, or upon a cold plate, and if it of Boccaccio.” produce, and to which one allows one­ “jells” it is done, but if it doesn't it tion is here to stay. It has its place, that, having fed with cabbages for as you wish, set one of the little board* sharing every where the most profuse Priu<‘ess Bismarck has brought her well taken and strongly maintained in many years, 1 never knew of them up on each side, draw the springs at kindness, lu a f< w weeks he will self so willingly to yield; feeling, not­ requires more boiling. lioys up in the way they should go, and, withstanding, that those are all In extracting the juico some uso a although she lived a long time in a lit­ the kindergarten, primary, grammar, “proving hurtful;” but. then, they each end till a strong tension is made, hardly know who first started him on illusions, for who could reasonably little water to hasten the process, and high and special technical schools were always given—as every kind of and wind strings around between head the progress he is making. tle hotel on Kiselcg»tras»e. they camo believe in so much love? It is best to with the larger fruit, such a* apples, Hereafter no child will go out into life food should be—in moderation. This of tack and board to fasten, when you I There is little snobbery in the coun­ frequently to *ee her. Herbert, from accept it all as a dream. ” Another etc., this is very good, but with the Koenigstein, and William, who call* from any well-regulated city or large I would consider to be two large cab­ have an arrangement that you can en­ try, but as most of the people are “self- tune he writes: “Thou art like a smaller fruits (with the exception of town without knowing some new bages, or three smaller, if given once a large or contract, invert or tier up. made,” the parvenu is, of course, not lovely light, softly brightening the the gooseberry, which is said to be bet­ himself and likes to be called “Bill” things, the delay in teaching which day; and if given twice a day, two as you please, and one which I consid­ an unknown personage, though the evening of my life. ” Did the great ter with a little water) no water should Bismarck, from Hainau, not far from makes the schools of yesterday look middle-sized ones night and morning er superior to any thing yet brought circumstances of the country and of the Frankfort, where ho is Laudrath. man tire of his votary? Did Goethe's be used. Pick the berries over care­ Neither of the boys resembles hi* stranga Industrial art is certainly would be sufficient A good cabbage before the public in the shape of a sur­ people prevent him—or her—becoming wife cause the sudden rupture that at fully, put in an earthen or crockery to tie a permanency. Little children will weigh from 5 to 7 or even 8 plus arrangement for comb honey. quite so objectionable as he or she mother, but they take after their tiie end of four years rid the poet of will hereafter know form and color as pounds, so that the ration would stand For practical work I use it as follows: would be iu an older condition of w- Bettina’s rapturous devotion? Long dish, mash well, cover, place in a ket­ father, especially William, who i* a tle of boiling water, and keep it boiling no grado of public school ever taught thus: Once a day, from 16 to 18 pounds; When vv the honey season opens 1 ^'11 put ciet.v. afterward they met again, just once, until all tho juice is extracted. Remove wonderfully exact, though mentally ill- them in olden times, and they will twice a day. 9 to 10 pounds each serv­ from two to five wide frames on each | The sqnatto.-s or graziers are the used. repnaluction.— London t'or. A’. F. "■ » WORKERS IN MINES. a short time before the poet’s death. from the tire, strain through a fine Herald. know how to oriticize, measure, esti­ ing. There are tw»* good reasons for colony according to size, being careful aristocrats of the country, though some Ot the love letters of illustrious men, sieve or flannel bag. The best author­ Th« Two Groat Dangers to Which Coal mate, describe and draw them. Of this not over-feeding with cabbage. They not to give too much room at first, so of tiie successful of them have been Miners Are Kvpoaert. none are more exquisite or tragically are generally a limited crop, and, if DURATION OF UFF.. - Tlite mine, while (Liu of the largest, there ean be no queitiou. Sewing, used sparingly it goes without saying as to discourage the bees on tho start. batchers and drovers, possibly even of pathetic thau those of Keats to his ities say that to have clear jelly it should be allowed to drain slowly and all that is indispensable in the The Stage to Which Manboo* Hu at Pres­ In a week or more nd I two more wide was also ono of the most dangerous in they last longer, and so tide off the frames, one at each side, and soon, un­ humbler or less reputable antecedents. “leopardess," as the boy-poet called through a flannel bag without squeez­ ent A i taino*. needle-work accomplishment of every They are imbued witii extremely terri ­ the valley, lu order to keup the Work­ the woman he loved. There is nc play­ ing it. as the squeez ng is apt to make necessity of having recourse to less in­ til the full capacity of the top of the woffian, will be taught the girls as Compared with the period 1838-1855 ings supplied with pure air. in quantity nocuous substances: and also they are in hive is used, putting the empty sec­ torial instincts, and will refer to the fulness in those letters. They are it muddy. In the amount of horoughly as numbers and language. (the enrliest (or which there uro trust­ small fanner, “ who selects ” under the siitlicie it to render barinleS'i the e> ’ >- written from the shadow of the tomb sugar to bo used, housewives differ, themselves so nutritious, and contain so As 1 use colonial land laws a bit of the run he worthy records), the average of a •ive gases released ly opening » Of this there can be no doubt There high a percentage of gluten, that they tions on the outside always. with the despair of an all-absorbing but the majority agrees that a cupful is every philosophical slid practical chaff hives largely, this gives me man’s life is now 41.9 years, instead of coal-seams, an immen-e f in had bee are better given as a mixed ration than room for twelve wide frames, should leases from the Government, or the ir- love, making life a rapture. of sugar to a cupful of juice is the right 39.9. and of a woman's 45 3, instead of reason for the former, as there ii every reverential gold digger, as an English constructed wliich, during every min- Balzac's letters to the Comtesse as a sole or even a preponderating uto that it was in action, drew forth sensible reason for the latter. It now food. Of the value of cabbage either occasion require—as a rule from s'.x to 'squire would speak of a poacher, or a Hanska, the lady whom he afterward proportion, though in the case of black­ 41.9 years—an addition of 8 per cent berries and whortleberries, a little less to the female life and 5 per cent, to the looks as though the girls would be eight are all that are used. As soon as from the mine over two hundred thou­ for man or beast there is little doubt. (he first are completed they are taken many-acred pecrof the “city man" who married, are marvels of expression of sugar eau be used. Put juice and sugar males. Of each thousand male born taught the science and art of cooking, builds a “ snug box ” overlooking his sand cubic feet of impure air. Even the sway of love over a rich nature. in a kettle, and boil, removing carefully Paterson, in his book on gardening, of the present day, 44 more will attain with this gvoat air-current, there were and the boys the art of handling tools says: “Nothing on either garden or off, the other wide frames crowded te park wail. ’• I have in the treasure of your let­ the scum as it arises, until it is done. in wood-work. Both of these, how ­ the center, and the empty sections put Yet while the English ’ squire is like ­ still very dangerous parts of the mine, ter*, in the no less iucomparable one 1 Place in jars or tumbler* and put away the age of 35 thau used to be the case farm will make a better return. Tha As the sea­ ly to talk of every thing rather than of previous to 1871. For the whole of life requiring •.he utmost vigilance from ever, are thus far experimental, so far late cabbage is the most valuable crop on the outside as before. of my recollections of you, in my the miners To bear of some miner as the public schools below the high­ for cows which can lie produced. All son draws toward a close, calculations his rent roll or the balance he has at grateful and constant thought of all 'o cool. The old way of putting a the estimate now is that of 1,000 per­ or laborer firing the ga* in his cham­ school grades are concerned. * * ÜV e summer the leaves are inexhaustible, are made so as to get all as nearly com­ the banker’s, the squatter will hardly good you have done my soul by your piece of paper soaked in brandy on top son* (one-half miles anil one-half fa­ ber and being burned theroby wa* a frankly confess that we very greatly and then the hu e, solid, and savory pleted as possible, and to accomplish fail to tell his visitor of what he has advice, your example, sovereign reme­ of the jelly, and pasting over the top of males) 35 survive at the age of forty- matter of almost weekly occurrence. hope the experiment will be so univer­ bolls cause the brutes in very gladnest this no empty sections are put on to got last summer for his wool, or what dies against all misforture; and I bles* the glass a paper cover, is fast going five, 26 at fifty-five, 9 at sixty-five, 3 at In pit* of this character, where there sally successful ns to load to their thor­ to overflow with milk.” But it is in take the place of the full ones taken off, he expects to get this winter for the you often, my dear and beneficent star, 1 out of use. Cotton batting is au ex­ seventy-five, and one at eighty-five. 1* a plentiful air-current, it is often a ough engrafting upon the school system the autumn and enriy winter, when so that at the end of the season the (atoxen which are grazing in tiie pret­ in the silence of the night and in the cellent thing for covering these tumb­ To put the case in another way, every custom with miners to “fire” the as low down as the upper two classes the pastures begin to give out, that number will be about the same as it ty but roughly kept paddock you can stress of my torments.” Balzac had lers, used in the same way as for pre­ thousand person born since 1870 will gas in their working-places before a of the grammar school. We do not they come so conveniently to the front, was at the beginning, all of which are see from the veranda surrounding the written a few years befoie to a woman serves. Melted paraffine is used with live about 2,700 years longer than be­ quantity sufficient to render its com- believe the intellectual work would keeping tiie cows in heart and health, generally finished. — G. M. Doolittle, tn country house, which lie built when he friend: “ Friendship goes further than 1 good success for the covering of jellies, fore. In other words, tiie life of a ;ot beyond the “hut" stage of brush- love; for to me it appears to be the nl for durability and cleanliness thousand persons is now equal in dura­ bastion dangerous accninulates. When suffer; we think the moral gain would without spoiling the flavor of the milk, American Rural Home. should commend itself to all tion to that of 1,070 persons previously; ttruggling existence. thi* I* done, the ga* will take be great — Journal of Education. last stage of love, quietness and se­ house-keepers. ns is too often the case when root feed­ Melt the paraffine, and 1.000 births will now keep up the THE COWARDLY CYCLONE. The ladies are well educated, but fire with a noise not unlike that made curity in happiness." When love ing is resorted to. Therefore by all Disposing of a Nuisance. ihough charming company for a visit­ touched his heart he wrote no more and when tho jellies are cold, ponr growth of our population as well as Any Thing of Its Owe in lighting « common gas-jet There means feed with cabbage, if you have <• Never Tackles and Strength. Emile Augier called on Jules San- or they are as a rule somewhat “loud” of the superiority of friendship.— Lon­ it over the tops, and in a little while it 1,070 births used to do. This is equiv- is such an excess of air that the ex­ them, but see that you take due care of will form a thin eru«t. Over this, al ent in result to an increase of “I see,” said the old fellow who ii ind inclined to exact the utmost defer- don Queen. plosion of the gas is very weak and deau one day, and hardly taken a them, for there is nothing so good to cross the mouths of the tumblers, tie our population, and in the best much acquainted with the ways of the seat when an organ-grinder posted jnee from all the male world around harmless. The flame, often three or take their place when they are gone.— West, “that the cyclone has been taking paper covers, to keep out the dust, and ;hem and to repay it by as little vener- four feet deep, will travel along the himself under the window. Sandeau, Car. Agricultural Gazelle. —A highly-lmportant discovery has put your jellies away. Wheu they are form, viz.: not by more births, l.ut by fewer deaths, which means a turn in the South. Do you know that who was very nerroua threw him a ition as possible. Nobody awes them, uneven roof, showing beautiful colors been mr.di at Athena In the soutlv- there's nothing more cowardly than a ks are the mistresses so arc the maids, eastern corner of the Parthenon a wanted for use the paraffine can be fewer maladies and better health. varying from a deep, dark bine to a half-franc piece and begged him begone. cyclone?” vho have much of the pertness of such large statuo has been found, which ery easily removed, and can be put What is more nearly seventy per cent THE SULTAN'S FAVORITE. brilliant crimson; and in it shine stars Angier considered this» a bad way of • •Cowardly!” r'oung persons, as exhibited in plays scientists think may belong to one of away for use again, for the same para­ of this increase of life takes place (or of dazzling white light, showing that disposing of a nuisance, and told him Abdul Hamid'« Pet Workman Who Meas­ ffine call be used a number of times. how he hnd Oleared his neighborhood is lived) iu the “useful period,” “Yes, cowardly. Did you ever know ind on tiie stage generally.— Countries the missing figures which formerly fine particles of coal-dust suspended in ured Ibe Sultana*» Foot. Perhaps many housekeepers do not namely, lietween ths age* ot twenty if the World. occupied positions on the eastern a cyclone to tackle any thing of its the sir are burning in tho great heat of of organ-grinders. One day an Italian Besides collections of stuffed birds pediment of the temple, about which know that green grapes make a much and sixty. Thus of the 2.700 addi­ the gas. Sometimes tide flame will played before his house. Augier open­ ind impaled beetles, of modern arms size? Did you ever know a cyclone He Took It Coolly. many volumes of learned conjecture nicer jelly than riper ones. They tional years livod by each thousand of travel clear up against th* roof, slowly ed the window, listened attentively, did costly mouth-pieces, one of the to make a dash at a great city? No, should be picked just before they com­ our population, seventy por vent. ot and applauded. Another piece was A Chicago traveler tells the follow ­ have been written. to anil fro, several times, until all the Turkish Sultan’s favorite “fads” is a for that’s not the nature of a cyclone. mence to turn. They make, a beauti­ played and applauded, and still an ­ gas has been burned away. —A powder is used in the German ful. clear jelly, and have a delicious 1,890 years will be a direct addition to passion for art carpentry and wood­ When is a cyclone happiest? When ing on a Philadelphia man : the working power of our people, It other; but when the musician took off They were sitting together on the it can slip up on some little weather- When the flame dies out, the burnt army tor sifting into the shoes and carving. He has a regular workshop, flavor, that the ripe ones do not pos­ is to be remembered that there might gases (the “black" or “after-damp”), his hat and held it under the window, n which he practices both these haudi- boarded town that has just gone to front steps of the Philadelphia man’s stockings of the foot-soldiers. It is sess. Another nice jelly is made from be a great addition to the births in a being heavier than the air, fall to the Augier quickly shut it and pulled rafts. A Mecklenburg German, Carl sleep. Then it dances a jig of furious residence when a tire engine dashed called “Fusstreupulver," and consists one-half whortleberries (huckleber­ down the blinds. The Italian looked floor. So the coal minor is ever ex­ Jenssen. owed his gr*at favor to glee. It dashes at the court-house and >y, leaving in its wake a train of smoke of three parts salicylic acid, ten parts ries) and one-half green grapes.— Boe- country wit.i little addition to the na­ tional working power—nay, with act­ posed to two great dangers: the first, first amazed, then angry, and never Abdul Hamid's taste for fancy uphol- scatters it about the public square: tnd sparks. Horses and wagons wen- starch, and ciglit»-seven parts pulver­ Lon Budget. ual reduction of the national wealth that ot being burned; the second, that played again before his house. The n the frolic of — Father Ma 1 thew Ryan, tho Cath ­ tole confidant — the molt influential — The Arehbisliop of G ail, the Hun ­ A Curious Marine Monster. - '»> * » i ■ersonage in the household. Jensscn general destruction. Bat how does it rying down, the horses fairly leaping olic priest of Herber.stown, Ireland, garian primate, ha* an income of passed the age of three-score. On the other hand, as already said, only oue- Not long ago a curious marine mon­ gradually develop«d a variety of other act when it strikes a great citv? It is to reach the conflagration which wa- Who was recently sentenced to a 8400 030 a year. The Old Lady Caught Him. ster was captured near Tampico, For now reddening the sky. Nextthi Imo! like the cowboy who, having shot out alcnts—fitting up looms, looking mon'll’s imprisonment for supporting —The dama re from the phylloxera qunrter of the longer or additional life A patrolman who was going up iftcr the Prince’s wardrobe, grooming the lights of a frontier saloon and ind ladder wagon came thunderin', the Pian of Campaign, was carried in France *o far is estimated at 82 000 - now enjoyed by our people is passod in several days a school of unknown creat­ the useless periods of childhood and ures were seen disporting in the gulf, a Macomb street the other night w»> It rsea, cleaning carriages, etc.; iu made himself m ister of the place, goes lown the street. The Philadelphia nru away to jail amid a scene of excite­ 003. WO. old age, and more than one-third of it short distance from the shore; but all joined by a resident of that street who diorL be bocamo quite i d spendable, to a big town and piteou-lv begs for a watched it till it was out of sight an' ment seldom witnessed. Women cried —Tiie S -anis'' Government will set efforts to capture any of them proved was on his way home. When the two rine day when Carl, as the Prince drink. It gathers up dust and throws il.en turning to his companion quietb and kissed the hem of his cloak, and apari 8100,000 yearly until 1892 to is lived at age* when life is in its high­ reached Aie house it was nearly mid ­ futile, till one was caught by accident held up their children to be blessed by create a fu id for tho Christopher est vigor ami most predui tive alike of i «ays called him, had made an i'- in the eyes of the pe >p'.o, but it does i-enmked : wealth .-.nd eujoy mviiL - - t'arn/’iif/ Mt.j- in a fishing seine. Ropes were then night, and the citizen jokingly said: “There must be a tire somewhere. musually lucky hit in his pur not demolish the chamber of com- him. It was with the utmost diffiuclty Columbus celebration. “ 1 guess I can get in without the ■anses. Abdul Hamid resolved to uierce. It howls with cowardly rage, thiswn around the struggling monster, ■ UerdM—'1 traced*'' that a collision with the immense —Tiie Volunteer returns for the year and by the aid of horses it was dragged old lad}' hearing me. Some Wives are .nfer an unprecedented favor upon and then dozes in a vacant lot ‘Newt force of police and military was 1887 show the total enrolled strength — 1 he Benin i oticszeuiing complains I to land. It was a ei'jfhaleptera vam- mighty particular, you know.” im. The Prince opened one of h.s mind,’ it says to itself. T know what 1 —The fattier of a family, becoming avoided. of the Britisli Volunteer army to be about the extraordinary high prices of He pa*sc4 around to the side door pyrue, also known as the ‘-devil fish,” ¡«r 1 robes with his own hands, took am doing. Yonder is a countryman annoyed at the fanlt finding of his child­ 228 038 In Scotland the enrobed school-books, which is due to their or ocean vampire. It measured fifteen with a key in his hand, but in about a herefrom some “Frankish” clothes with a blanket about his fhouldors. He ren over their food,exclaimed in a rage —General S. D. Lee, the presid nt of strength is 51,272 multiplicity, discrimination in favor of feet long »nd seventeen feet wide from minute the officer heard a terrible veil, vid gave them to Jonssen. Lit any lives in a little village out in Iowa. I’ll at the table: “You children are intol­ the Mississippi Agricultural and Me­ certain publishers being made by the — The *o-Cnlled “ American ” trout the edges of the pectoral fins, and its followed by shouts for help. A chamber o y acquainted with Oriental eti follow him out home, atid. after he has erable; yon turn up your nose* at everv chanical College, at Starkville, says is thiIvi'ig in waters, and teachers. The old and tried school­ mouth was five feet across.— City of window was thrown up and a head quelle just reflect for a moment whai gone to sleep. I’ll pick him up and thing. T- tisn I was a boy I was often that fifly-six per cent of all tiie grad­ attempts are to be mado to acclimatise books, says the Volkszeitung, have been Eextco Letter. thrust out and the officer askod what in as ounding condescension it was beat his life out against the ground. glad «nongh to get dry bread to eat.” uates of that institution, up to date, crowded out by new ones which arc blat what time he got home to-night pair of Paris-made breeches with his No, sir,” the Westerner continued, ma and us.” should not be afraid to keep. If ever court* next year, and it 1* probable Prussian Minister of Public Instruction —Women are curious creatures, a y<>U are going to be a C.irist an, don’t I hat he will be in Lindon in June. ©orn. with potatoes added. They are and so I set a stee.-trap oa the door­ own hands to a Giaour journeyman “there is nothing more cowardly than to bring system into this matter. the cyclone.”— Arkansaw Traveler. wife who will that her husband *et out to be a gl omy-eyed, twilight­ also very hardy if not inbred, and step. I think it caught him. Ton can carpenter. —Btron H.rsch de Girenth, who go on about your business and DI go ' Such trust, however, had Abdul shall not go out of the nouse without Hand our cold winter weather remark­ faced. bat-like Christian.— Beecher. iias been raised to the Austrian Hamid in the honest M cklenburger —Sever In one season was there such ably well. They arc early layers, and down and let him in.” —New hansom cabs in London are two undershirts, a liver pad and a —Morality apar f om religion is but House of Puvri Ity the Emperor that he even allowed him t.» en er the muffler on — in addition, ot course, to a demand for oak to go into house The officer a’nyed the suggestion continue with only short intermission provided wiih small silver whistles for nnother name for d< ceacy in sin. It Francis Joseph, is the first Hebrew until late in the summer. They thrive and was heard to say as he promen­ apartments ot her H ghneas, the chief the use of lady pas*eiigei*s to direct his other clothes—will rush out of a is j st that negative species of virtue to receive such an lioior. It cost finishing and furniture as the present. wife. Jenssen had one day bought the driver. One whistle signifies turn hot kitchen on a Monday morning, Bed and white oaks are particularly rapidly and when matured will ordin­ aded his beat: which o nsists in n t doing what is him 830 000,030 in charity. wanted. arily weigh from twelve to fourteen “ It beats all how many pointers a some sh< es for the Princess which did I to the right, two to the left, and soon; bareheaded and barearmed, and pad­ scandalously deprave I an I wicked. —Tennyson has a large dairv, per­ —A lady of Greensboro, Ga., In one pound* per pair. feller can pick up after ten o’clock at not exactly fit, but were so well cut something like the pilot signal of a dle around half an hour hanging out But there is no heart of holy pi in iple sonally managed ‘ by ~~ Mrs. ~ Hallam night killed eighty-nine snails which and finished that the illustrious lady steamboat. clothes, trying to get ahead of the wo­ in it, any mor fan the e is in gr "-er night!”— Detroit Free Preen Tennyson, and the butter, cream and had crawled into her kitchen. It wasn’t could not bear to send them back. —In Pennsylvania rabbit hnnting —There is Ta tailoring academy in man next door. sins. — Horace Bushne'. nil k produced therein are In great de­ She sent for her husband, and. after a Beilin at which public examinations with ferrets is forbi Iden by law. A —The desire of more and more rises —It is a well-known fact that a deaf —To a mind whic i jus ly es im tes mand iu the market* of th* Isle of a good night for snails—at least not for Cochranton boy evades the law by person can tell you what you are talk­ long discussion, Carl was called in are now going on, and which was at­ by a natural gradation to most, aul those that she found. the weight of et rn 1 hin •*, it will ap- Wright. catching a rat alive, tying a string to ing about by the motion of your mouth. and requested to sector himself where tended last year by 912 students of all after that to all.— L' Eetra ige. —“I hear that Genera’ Lightfoot is yea a gr- ater honor to have converted —Miss Tattleton (entering suddenly ’ the shoes did notcxnetly suit the Prin­ its neck, taking it to a rabbit's hole, going to run for Governor.” said the Therefore the deaf are thrice blessed cess' feet, so that he might have them nationalities including Japan. Medals — Be thyself blameless of what thou a sinner from the e ror of h s ways, — “ It ’ s raining, girls! ” De S;»oonville anls imooth on the one side and slightly concave from outer edge t< center. This is elevated up-n stou *t> no peg* to an at»gie of about fortv- five degrees. .A pi».* cf hard, fine­ grained stone, about th* length an» size ot th* ordinary rolling-pit in modern use. thick in the mid­ dle and tapering to the end» furnishes th* “upper millatone,” a* it were. The corn to be converted int< meal la first Beaked in water. Tlx earthen jar containing this ia place» alongside of the r.»ill, the female wh> supplies the motive power rolls up lie' »¡•even if she is so encumbored. kneel* down in front of the slab, and taking n handful of corn out of the jar, throw* it with a deft hnnd across the surfsc» ot the slab, and then, with a gract fu up and down movement, reduces i' witli the stone rolling-pin to a paste. When this is ground fine enough it i tiiken between the hands anotent of all Mexican in­ toxicants. pulque. The filled goat­ skin is slnng over the shoulders with a broad simp, and nt the end of one of the fore legs tied with a thong is need ns a spigot to draw off the contents. It takes one some time to get accus- lomevl to the p'tchy taste of tiie con­ tents of the*e ]>rim tivo vessels, yet it w e rather a novel experience to take a drink out of one of them.— Filteburgh Diepatoh. ■AMld VMM Kaier ife* FlaM aa lb* Coar- p»Utor* •< Maa T a