« • VALLEY RECORD TUlítóDAY THE COUNTY DEBT AGITATION. FKL'IT PROSPECTS. BREVITY BASKET. W. H. Wickham and a gentleman from Portland will start a box factory here Boon. Mills's 23 calf «ewed shoes. Hon. C. C. Beekman anti Prof. J. W. Tbe fruit prospects in Southern Ore-, Merritt write and alien e Doc»- Wavcrlv school shoes at. D. R. A- E.; Four tramps were arrett d yesterday Oregon were never letter. The trees mrnl that Spikes the Republican -JINK 1, 1888 • in this vicinity are loaded with fruit, V. Mills’s. by Marshal Walrad for breaking into i - Pea Gan.** Young Mrs. Winthrope Illi A DRAMA IN FOUR ACTS, GRANITE HALL, 0. H. BLOUNT. Ashland,1 much of which has been knocked off Marshal Walrad’s new residence is a freight car, and stealing therefrom. > Thurxday, June IJ. They will be arraigned in Jus­ PERSONAE AND HOC1AU An Official Document that places our so as to give the fruit a chance to at­ looming up. tice Helman’s court to-day. Judge I eotem. in the role of an Arrant Dema­ tain some size. From a conversation Cabot W sheeting at 7|c by bolt, at • Prim m in town and will assist in tlie CHARACTEIIS .’ )> gogue and Wackguard—The Republican with a fruit deal r this week we learn D. R. self with J. II. Martin,and the new Herbert............................ Mr F Wagner 1. 4 k i • s a • • . » » • i week for a visit with relatives aud sou county. State of Oregon, gcntlnien— I to tlie many new orchards that conn II. B. Reed is rolling the combina-1 firm of Martin &. Andrews will wait I YOUNG MRS. WINTHROPE. t . > . i t « t « in this year, and a large number <-f old MISS GILLETTE friends in Linn county. We have the honor to acknowledge the t U|on the people and explain the ad ­ orchards, that did not bear last year, I tion fence out by tlie yard. I Mrs Ruth Winthrope - - - Miss Giddings ' vantages the New York and Helpmate E. B. Hunnaker was confined to his ■ receipt of uftii ia! notification of the ajqxiint- have been pruned up and are full of : Mrs l»ick Chetwyn. a society lady. Several creeks in the valley were not \ ment. by your honorable Ixxiy. at the De- fruit new. 8|>cculation on the pros- have over all others. room with the measles thia week. Mrs Willard ; fordable during the late storm. j cember session, of ourselves as members of Aaron Wyland, of Chimney Ri ck ; Edith - - - - - - Miss H Russell Simeon Farlow was over from Butte ! an investigating committee to «xamine the |x-cU of the prices of picadles the com J. C. Plumerth sold his fine Jersey­ j precinct, was here this week and was Maid ing season is this: The completion of . . - - -------------------- creek this weekend reports everything - public records and investigate the official the railroad leaves the Californians a cow to Clay Dullarhide for |75. talking up the road question with our in that section as flourishing. I acts of the public officers of Jackson county. chance to send their peaches in*o this Laird, Schober A Mitchells shoes in ■ : citizens. It would lie a big eonven- General Admission....... 50cts. Mrs. C. W. Vrooman.of Medford, is We understand the anticipated duties of market in better condition than before. four widths al D. R. A E. V. Mills. . , iencc to the people of that section to visiting her daughter,Mrs. N. A. Jacob« | «u< h cxHumittee to lie a complete and criiic- If the peach crops in the Wood river Reserved Seats.............. GOets. For the b^at photos in Southern have a road out this way, not to say of this city. I al inspection of the history of all proceed­ I and The Dalles district is good, and Children.................. Half Price. anything about the benefit that would Oregon go to Herrin’s Gallerv at Med-1 Profs. O. H. Watt and F. R. Keil, ings <»f the several county boards relative to there is a glut in the eastern market ford. result to the town. Make a move Mr. ’ 2* , the financial affairs of the county through for California peaches, and the demand of the Jacksonville ptlldic school»,Were Wyland, we second the motion. Doors open at 7, curtain will rise Mrs. B, F. Reeser has our kindest up to witness the match game of b.us- promptly at 8:15. C. A. Inlow was down this week : in the several books for that purpose pro­ j»ects for gixxl prices arc ¡xxir. But in thanks for a bucketful of delicious ball Saturday. from his plaa-e, anil says they have had vided, and the tin d presentation of a report the last two principal reasons there is strawberries. fiTSPECIAL ATTRACTION, see Mrs. K. Kubli and d prices too. Chicken raising on E. B. Myer’s If J. H. Miutin cau find the fellow Ira Kime aud Bud Lacy were in > and from such information relative thereto, The impression has prevail-.-d hereto­ that shot liis dog, we will be furnished farm east of Bear creek is lieing car- to witness the game of base bait las we have been able to obtain from the fore that when the peach crop of Cal­ i ried on quite extensively. Ed. has with a first-cl iss item. Will be found the finest line of Prof. W. H. Gore has just closed various gentlemen who constitute the pres­ ifornia is about all gone, the Southern several incubators and brooders at E. E. Miner has some fine lots left work bringinffBut chicks by the hun a successful wh s>l in Medford. He is ent county court, we are persuaded that Oregon peaches would la-gin to come one of our most progressive educator* ; the length of time of consecutive davs and in. This is entirely erroneous, us last and is selling very reasonable. Secure j dreds, and intends keeping it up until and intends to afend the National uninterrupted work required of such a year’s crop there lasted as long as it one before it is too Lit«. ! he bus a thousand. teachers’ association, which convenes cominiltee,in the successful and satisfactory did here, the peaches of the higher al­ Grant Helman lias made some neat George Stephenson received two fine in San Francisco, commencing uqjhe ' discharge of its duties, is greater than our titudes coming in in the latter part of improvements in his bathing rixinis at new carriages this week, a single.and personal bu«ii>ess intere»la will permit 11.« , the season, thus continuing in -the ■ the ¡x>p|ilar sulphur baths. 16th day of July, 1888. double on«.*, to supply the trade. This to devote to this matter. 1 market as long as we can. IN T11E LINE UF Mrs. J. B. Russell and hereon, came Our office is in the rear if McCall's gives you a chance to take either your Appreciating the honor which your ap- Particular Attention to over from Yreka Sunday, lor a visit (»>intment of ourselves to a porition so i hall up stairs and we invite you to call family or vour best girl out in us grand The Baseball Game. with relatives and friends here. style as the rich “ who ride in the : and subscribe for the R ecord . . unusual ami of so great responsibility has The return game of baseball lietween bronzes in their fine »hazes, etc.” Royal G. Brown, of Yreka, tarried | conferred iqion us; amt recognizing the Logan, the photographer, w:;nts to the Ashland and Jacksonville nines in Ashland one day this week, on a - degree of confidence which you have niani- Mr. Levi Morris was up from Win­ take your picture. See his line speci­ (tested in your own official integrity, by ap- was played in Million's field north of mens on display at liis gallery. Brief visit to liis friends here. ters, Cal., last week, to look after his Which will be done in a workmanlike manner anil at prices that | pointing two men, known to entertain Ashland last Saturday, and resulted as husi.iess interests in this valley. Mr. OUR LINE IS THE FINEST EVER EXHIBITED IN THIS LOCALITY. David Horn, one of the leading citi­ L Stacy came over from Siskiyou M. went to California again, and will I |»>litical opinions antagenistie to those of a I badly for the Ashland nine as the game zens of Henley, was in AzliLind on ■ majority of your laxly, ns metr.liers of n at Jacksonville. Following is the county last week with his Hereford return in aliout two weeks with his business the other day. bulls and some Shorthorn cattle. : committee a part of whose necessary duties score: wife and family, when he will build a OF MEN’S BOY’S STRAW AND FELT HATS, WE HAVE OVER Runs. Outs. Mrs. Headrick, accompanied by her will consist in reviewing your offh ial acts. Jacksonville nine. residence in town for his home. The Chas. Kahn ciime in from Klamath ft 1 two children, li ne gone to Tide Like ' und thereby inviting the most rigid and Geo D Mini. 3d b. Capt peojJe of Ashland lire pleased to note county with a car load of fine beef ft 1 WE CAN GIVE ANY STYLE OR Miller, e f................. Full stock always on hand and made 12.000 WORTH IN STOCK. to rja-nd the rummer with her daugh­ searching criticism; and recognizing, also, Wni ft cattle, which he shipped to Portland. this. 1 K Rubli, c....................... to order. ter, Mrs. Crawford. 4 2 and with pleasure, your confidence in the M Hanley, r f.................. PRICE YOU WANT. AND PRICES Joe this . place in- Max Pracht has finished moving his . - — Hockersmith ----------- ------ - of .......... 1...... ••• --------- x--------- 5 4 McKenzie, p.......... A. T. Hcliultz, of Canyonville, was integrity of the men so appointed and to Percy 6 house back from its old location, and forms us that he has. been busily en- 1 Knowles, If............. None but the best material used. whom you voluntarily entrusted your Ed 0 in town this week. 1 Fred l’ape. 1st b............. will fix it up in good shape to live in. g>iiy Gu"ni"'on. c f. Capt''. .. was iu Ashland this week. ft .. 2 Luckey A Co. have on their list a ' year. 2 2 160 tract of land near the Antioch ' •- H. G. Fairclo and Janies Ehler, two! ceived in the same spirit in which it is Jn<>. Landem 3d b................ .. 0 J. M. Wagner, the genial Nnsby at ! Maurice Howell. 1 f............. .. 0 offered, we are, Very truly yours, prominent teaebersol the county, paid school house, they are offering at a I ( the Soda Springs, was down Monday 3 Chta Judge, r f.................... .. 1 C. C. BEEKMAN, 4 the K kcokd office a visit this week. I I A! Swift, short stop .......... .. 1 bargain. and informs ns that the waters of J. W. MERRITT. ! Bert Swift, 2d base............. .. 2 2 2 creek were higher at one L Bliideler, one <>f Jackson county’s B. F. Reeser has just received an j Emigrant : .. 0 ' Jesse J McCall, pitcher .. . J acksoxvii . i . k . O bf . uos , D ec . 11,1837. 2 , invoice of Mason's in proved fruit jars I time during the hut ruin tlmn at any | Harvey Martin, 1st base----- _ •» well-to-do farmers, was in town last AND------ Tuesday. Jacksonville Jottings. 11 27 1 with pcrcelain immersers. They are 11 time last winter, lie thinks there must have been a cloud burst some- telling fast . Il J. K. Van sent, ot Red BlufiT, Cal., is J. B. Welch, of the Meadows, was I . where ’hove the Springs, No damage After the first inning Bert and Al The enterprising firm of Clayton A ‘ here looking for a localion for a gro- j at the county seat Monday. He han Swift took their places its pitcher and I Gore have found it necessary to run a was done, however. eery store, and in iy conclude to stop his saw mill in operation and is turn­ catcher. The Ashland nine is com­ delivery wagon of their own. They We pre pleased to call attentimi to in Ashland. ing out the best of lumlier. posed of the younger Imseltallistu, and, the “ad” of J. C. Sheridan in this issue A. F. Shultz, of Canyonville, who it I i ' C. W. Taylor, our next county com- U not a picked nine of the town. I are doing a rushing business. I A practice game of baseball will lie I of ' the R ecord . He has just com­ talking nlsiul building u flouring mill niMsiuuer, was in town this wet k. George Wadlin acted as umpire and menced business at Central Point anil played at the baseball ground in Mil-1 at Mediord, was in the city Tuesday. George Eubanks and Prof. Watt were opens out with good prospects, and we J. 1). Fountain, one of the lending ' lion’s field next Sunday. All old base- i Anyone wishing to buy or sell L. W. Moore, who is living on the merchants of your city, was here Mon­ scorers. bespeak for him a lively trade. He is bullists are specially invited. { property will do well to call place he piirvlmsed of If. Oviult, was day. one of the firm of Sheridan Bros, of Central Point Depot Building. —on or address us.— Uixgle John Murphy, the extensive ■ Roseburg, the noted hardware men, down this we»k and we are | luasetl to Henry Pupa sr„ our new P. M., lias wool grow» r,was in town Saturday and i and only asks a trial at the hands of know that ho is regaining his health Work on the depot and wan house which has been very jourly fur soute- taken charge of the office here. 11c building for Central Point commenced left his measure for the R ecord . He the people of Rogue river valley. | makes an excellent official. lime. in full blast last. Monday, under the : is for Cleveland for pnsident. Mr. Geo. Brown, of Eagle Point, re­ The Jacksonville district school sti|M ‘rvisioti of the foreman of wooeen since Express Office. on a visit, aecoiwpHnied by hie family. picnic down on Rogue rivi r Saturday. lie 20x60, and contains an office, wait­ stage betwec'ii Sisson and McCloud, j last Marc' , under medical treatment. A pleasant time is a nt it i pitted. ing room and warehouse, al-c a tide for the benefit of pleasure seekers. 1 While there he had a stone, aliout as ASHLAND, : : : : : OREGON He tells Us that country is settling up .(nidi pliitform 580 feet long, and is to j pretty fast and i< japidly gaining iu large as a goose egg, removed from his ■ Mrs. Fink who has Is'eil visiting her Jacksonville and Medford are talking > i importance. parents Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cardwell lie finished Tit first-class style, to be j about celebrating the coming 4tli of ! i Lladiler. Since its removal Mr. Brown ________ _____ -v— com|leUd and icudy for busiuess General Winslow, of New Yerk, for sonic time |>a»t, returned to her about the firet of July. The town tile, July jointly in one of the groves be­ has been improving in health steadily. Ho speaks in high praise of the sur­ home in Tacoma, \V. T., last week. paes<4i up llie road Saturday. He is owuer pays for the building, and the j tween those two places. A11 excellent geons who performed this remarkable president if the St. Lottie A San Fnm- The Sister» of the Holy Names are salary of the agent for two years, who. idea. operation. ciaco R. R., and is traveling in his pri­ making great preparations for the com­ will lie apixiinted by the cumpanv. ! W. II. Shepherd and eon who are vate car, the Catooea, which is a hand-1 mencing exercises which will lie given Rev. I. D. Driver, the chronic bride­ CHAS, HOSLEY, Propr. The Cooksey and Harbouih tract, working on their quartz ledge about j groom of Oregon, was to speak in •oine and conveiiieut otie. sometime the fore part of next month. ■ two iniks south of Ashland, will soon ’ has been surveyed and ti.wn lots in ’ Prof. C. 9. Price, of the Ellriisburg. j ' »hip a ton of the rock to the Portland j 1 At-hland Tuesday, on “Temperance,” that addition laved out. ; but on account of riekness in his fam­ Weather Report. I reduction woiks. W. T., Normal school, arrived her* ily did uotarrive. This “Temperance” Rainfall Minimum Maximum l.u>t week, to remain all suiniiier, for Condition «.f Sheep. Abler bark wanted—We will pay subject is only u blind which Driver M 0.34 «M May 24 a rest and L» recu|x rate. He owns ten 212 00 per ton for Alder bark for tan- j 41 1.13 25 51 acre* of tin. Moore tract, fronting ou W. M Stanley, rountv stock inspec­ ning purjaNies. It mu»t not be taken I | is working to lead Prohibitionists, with 0 07 •n »I 47 the Bonluvard, which Dr. Beebe pur- tor, was detained in finishing the work I from the tree later Ilian the last ot whom he is supposed to lie on good 48 0.02 75 27 terms by reason of his ]x>»ition, into cliaaed fur him «oine months ago. 0 00 28 47 of inspecting the sheep i f this section June. 82 Continues to keep on hand a large and Well »elected stock of G raves A S uknichson . the Republican ranks. But it is too M) 49 0.00 2» Wholesale and Letti il Dealer ill nf the county on account, of the late M:a. M. J. Wilkinson, of Sacramen­ 0.U0 39 33 82 thin a dodge to work these days. The brick work on Mrs. Houck's storm. There were a few bunds around to, Cal., who Ima bcm visiting her new building was commenced yester­ here somewhat diseaw d, whose owners An accident to a buggy containing Total rainfull, 1.56 brother, O. Coolidge of this place, re-: Consisting of fine custom nnn the receipt of the news to j Cigars, Tobacco, etc., etc., etc., etc. I CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Hr. Stanley informs us that last year, J. C. I’lumertli, and Cha«. Ranous, the horse became frightened at some attend the obecquies. Mr. Wilkinson ports »lie following sales: Car-Terms Cush, Pass-book Accounts the county over, 82 |»er cent of the children playing in the road, and whirl ­ J. W. Alnutt, lots 23, 24 and 25, blk go over to Hornbrook t his Week, to leaves a wife und four children to L, <235, lots 38, 39 ami 40, blk P. sheep were diseased, while this year ] build a residence there for Chas. Bar­ ing around threw them out and turned Payabie Monthly. mourn his untimely death. 2235; Julia Markle,lot 19, blk A. $115; "?2| per cent were diseased—quite a num, one of the engineers on the pas­ over the buggy. John held a good F. W. Ewing, one of Modoc county's H. B. Payton, lots 23 anil 24, blk B, benefit ulready. senger train between Ashland and grip on the lines, which saved consid- wealthy lawyers, tarried in town yes­ 2300; John Winders, lot 21, blk K, able damage. The buggy was badly Hornbrook. terday, shaking bunds with ,his many ' 270. injured, l>ut the occupants luckily es­ Liberal I^ctares. The Oregon state teachers’ associa­ caped unhurt. friends. He is on his way to Portland G . F. Billings repot ts: W. A. Pat ­ CATON A GARRETT, Prop’trs, on Liiainers. Samuel P. Putnam .the noted free thought tion meets at Salem on July 5th, 6th rick to H. M. Foote of Illinois, two W. M. Stanley, while riding near I and 7th. An excellent programme Miss Currie Rojier returned yester­ acres adjoining “Chrisman” place,2525. lecturer, who »]M>ke here last summer, will TLE MOST POPULAR RESORT IN commence a «erics of lectures in this val’ey : has been selected and we huj>e to see Ashland a few evenings since, was oc- I SOUTHERN OREGON. day from Califuruia, where the Ims a good delegation from this county in costi’d by a man who step)>ed upto the at Granite Hall next Sunday, June 3, 1888, Item attending Mill's Seminar), to horse, and with his hand in his back , attendance. ; The Bar is Always Supplied With F. II. Page, the Portland fruit mer­ at 2 o'clock P. I»., and also at 7 o'clock in the spend the summer at home. ]>ucket, demanded that he get off and 1 evening. Putnam is a very eloquent speak ­ M. L. Whitsett wlio is engaged in chant, was in Ashland tliia week. He T1IE BEST give him the horse. Mr. Stanley at Mr. Ed. Donaghy has hem quite ill i thinks everything looks first rate here er, and will doubtless be listened to by 1 hauling | roduce of all kinds to Klam- WINES, til st thought it was some acquaintance, for several days putt. many. LIQUORS, i nth county, made another successful ' for a big yield this year. CIGARS, Dr. York will also lecture here during the 1 trip list week, and »ays everything • bat when he insisted on it, Mr Stan­ Mita Sadie Kist, of Etna, is visiting Supt. A. F. George, of the Mt. Shasta ley pulled his hand, which he had in BUDWTSER, summer, and ex-Rev. C. B. Reynolds, who ; lcx>ks brighter for our neighlxirs over B. F. Reeser’s family. i division, came up on yesterday’s train. his coat pocket, toward the amateur BOCA, has created quite a stir in the east as a lec­ i the mountain since the rain. L B. Tinker, Wm. Nutl.y and others, highwayman and told him to “ git ” — A. J. Barlow, the hotel man of Gold turer against orthodox religions, is also ex- : MILWAUKEE, NZE.A.Y BE ZETJLJD JLT were in front the Drad Indian country thi. An official statement of the assets and he more than got. He tried the Hill, is in town. i pected to lecture in A-bland later on. week. -------- AND OTHER REBUS ------------- ; and liabilities of the firm of W. T.! wrong man to “run a blufl’” on. Gen. P. H. Sheridan .«till sttrvies but ! Cole-man A Co. shows the firm to be . Ed. Gore is clerking iu Clayton A Gore's Fourth of July Celebra*ion. Finished in Style Equal to gro. vry store. is not expected to last many days. . badly wrecked, but his individual stir-1 If. V. Loy, the extensive lumber of- plus will pay all liabilities an ! leave a dealer of Northern California, was in The Executive Committee met at the AVm. A. Abernathy, representing the The largest rose of the season comes Ashland List week on » business trip, Fine Brunswick Jc Balke Billiard Table.’. ♦hui Francisco •• Examiner" was in Ashland from F. Roper’« residence. It meas­ flee of the Woolen Mi'ls last Wednesday I respectable fortune. and appointed the following committees and and made arrangements to deliver wvzcral days this week. ured six inches across the top. A “station car” containing a dining­ shingles in this market. This is the £9~W'e. Also Keep on Hand the Very officers : BEST QUALITY of On spanker—W II I nu n engaged in railroad woik. A tool the Siskiyou« being too high and it did H Currey. by they»dor. Rev 11 P Sotcbvrcil. 8umlay : the dancing pumps, for the beat im­ Grounds — Fountain, Lucky, A Bish. 1 house has also been erected. Are now Belling at bottom prices everything in the line of not make any special rates. Lumlier provement in dancing. H-l><»l M» JU. Music—Dr Parson.l’rof Sweet.T K Bolton. cannot be shipped from there now at ! All the lending pajier.i on file. Every Dr. A. C. Caldwell, tlie dentist, is L. A. Simons informs us tnat W. E. Rev F G GaAoti. Hie pastor, holds regu­ Decoration— K V Mills. Il T Chitwood, E present rates. Mr. L>v is pleased with : laxly used alike and everybody invited to : call. lar .«c»vii*es at the Baptist < hurch every Ankeney is building a title residence I, Freeland: Mesdames Eddings, E V Car-. going t<> have built on his property on the appearance of Ashland. ter. Butler. Roper, Misses Mattie Russell, High street, a neat four room cottage. Fu ik Uy murning and evening. The Sab- , at Sterling. J. C. l’luiiierth, the contractor, will We are pained to chronicle the death bath acilovl JioUr 1.« 1<> A M. John Landers came out from the Flora Cowies, Ella Dunn, Emma Howard, do the work, the price being 21000. of Mr. Riley Commons, who lias been I.ida Reeser, The o wulirr<.i>f *lie G. A. R. Post are East recently, and is at work with his Amu-enients —Walters, McConnell, i Jas. It. Neil, Benj. Haymond, Hor­ living on a farm near Yreka ior some­ well pleased «Ml the memorial sermon brothers iu the Ashland roller flouring Blount- Mesdames Alford. Gilroy, Willard. ace Pelton, Robt. A. Miller, W. K. time. Mr. Cummons was a steady and preached by Rev. II. P. Satchwe'l at the mills. Refreshments—Geo Engle,W Harris, C A Price ami J. T. Bowditch, who are to \ industrious young man and was well Methodist church Hunday nioruing. And various builders’ material. V. L. Snelling, who was reported Nutley, A D Helman, Dr Songer. J Thomp­ MA N UFA CT I It ER, hold the several official positions inen- respected by all, and leaves a wife The meetings at die Duukurd church on missing by the San Francisco paj^is ------------------- :o:-------------------- son, G L Dean. Mesdames Coolidge, J M tioned at the top of editorial page, ar­ and three small children to mourn his Granite street are still going aw. »he several last week, was found safe and sound. McCall, Casey. Dunn, Russell, Walter, j rived in Ashland yesterday. They ' departure. Deceased w.is a son of Mr. ministers still reiimiuiug in town. Last It was a false rejsirt. Warehouse at R. R. track, foot Send or call for prices, Goodyear. ______ have been tliroughout the county talk­ and Mrs. John Cummons of this city, Saturday eveniug the LunJ’s sujqwr was i His remains were brought over here Program and Advertising — Billings, Has- : All orderet! work will be made to give ing to the ¡*eople for several weeks, and Mrs. Jane Watson and daughter, of Helman street celebrate»!. ' on the train and interred in the Har- Mias Dalev, 1« ft thia morning for Lake­ ty amt Alfltrd. will sp-ak in Ashland this afternoon. -¡-ENTIRE SATISFACTION -:- • • Sabbath awrrieea at First Presbyterian , gadine cemetery on the 26th inst. The Treasurer—E V Carter, view, win re tin y will spend the Bum­ • ••• Oliurch. Rev F U Strange, pastor: Preach­ • • afllicted ones have the sympathy and A drama, Young Mrs. Winthrope, Marshal of the Day—Dr Beebe. ing morning and evening. Sabbath »’houl mer. President of the Day—Gen. J M McCall • will be produced to the show going condolence of our people. Misses Maggie Linn and Ida Prim at 9:30, Young People’s meeting at 3 r. a. I Neatly und promptly done, and at These committees are requested to meet population of this place two weeks 1 Avail yourself of this golden oppor­ <>eneral Prayer meeting Thursday evening. are up from Jacksonville. at the City Council room in Masonic block, from to-night. It is in the hands of ■ low rates. J. R. WHITEMAN. ce-Preside n Sermon subjects for next Sunday: “The' C J Stewart, the popular general travel­ next Wednesday, at 9 a n. CHAS. K. WOLVERTON, President. good players, and is certain to be a tunity to protect your home circle by I joining the Banker's relief association, J. K. E1-DF.RK1N, Bec’y, and Mr. i Nation's Plague." and *' The Marvelous ing agent of the O P road, is in this section J. W. CUSICK, Treasurer. ! success. Read the cast of characters which offers a lil>eral indemnity per Success of Christianity.” at top of ad. column, on this page. on euiujHiny business. As go to press the band is out play­ week m case of accident or sickness Thecentennial of the Presbyterian church The M E Church is having a vestry ve«try room O dd F ellow ' s B lock . . from natural causes. When you are The following named persons were ing some jKipular airs, and the Demo ­ was ce.ebrated a. Philadelphia la«t week, i^ju j|X32 for the accommodation of the sick and your family needs your assist ­ present at the teachers ’ examination cratic nominees will soon discuss the The southern a: d northern as»» mblies were Suj|ce. Miss ou a »twiners np. DIED. Alpha McDowell, Edith Porter, Kat«* policy ou husband and wife for 27 00. Mary Gwendolen CakHreH, who donated Ruftitf Cole, of Colei station, made BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, Hansen, Matilda Black, Mrs. W. P. Mr. C. 8 Jenkins, the agent, will tie for the university, was predated Ashland a visit Ibis week. CAPS, ETC., ETC. I CUMMONS—Near Yreka. Cal., May 23. Counts, Frank Sifars, C. A. Dickitou here for a few days and will lie glad to with a Mdid yoid medal, sent by the lope. Which T a’a offering at prices that defy The celebration was a nieiuorable event iu i The real estate nales have taken a 1888, Kiley Cum limns, aged about 30 ' and L. A. Simons. take your application for membership. Coinperirion. . the history of Uiithu!ici«ui in America . years. rest till aller « lectiou, it tetina. THE LEADING Clatter aaä Hatter, OF THE PACIFIC C0AST1 NEW TIN SHOP We Sell Shoes for $1.50 per pair which are not Offered for less than $2.50 by any other House in Ogn. Hardware, Tin, Sheet-Iron and Copperware JOB WORK, Men’s Summer Clothing, DEFY COMPETITION. NEW FIRM. SPECIALTY g MEN’S GOODS INSURANCE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. Call and examine the largest stock of BUSINESS. STRAIGHT CLOTHING OUTSIDE OF PORTLAND!! DePEAT & KYLE 0. H. BLOUNT ASHLAND, i THE BEEHIVE! J. 3. Fountain, Beef, Pork, and Mutton - GENERAL MERCHANDISE. - Billiard Saloon. A Specialty. OREGON. ASHLAND, PICTURES of YOURSELF IiOGAN’S GALLERY, ALE AND PORTER. A3XTY IIW THE STATE Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Paints, Oils, Glass, II. JUDGE. Putty, Varnishes HAOEsTaiid SADDLE Ashland and Linkville. REPAIRING M. L. ALFORD, C Dress Ms, Trimmings ASHLAND, OREGON. The Farmers and Merchants Insurant« Co. CASH PAID UP $60,000.00. WM. ULRICH, District Agent - MEDFORD OSN