Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, August 28, 1917, Image 4

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    ■ V
Pian to Direct Airmen as Ocean
Mariners Are Aided.
D r . W a l c o t t of S m it h s o n i a n In sti tu tio n
Ca lls A tt e n ti o n to the Fa ct T h a t
N o t h i n g Is K n o w n of
In W h i c h
M il li on s of Doll ar s and h u n d r e d s of
L iv e s A r e Invested.
S h o w s W h e r e It W a s Burisd and
Offers H a lf to F in d s r .
Centralis, Wash. ‘This is a will of
my own construction, uud us a man of
good health and sound mind do I, W. F.
ISryun, colored, give aud bequeath to
the finder of this will one-ha If of a gal­
lon glass jugful of gold coins which
Ue buried live feet deep and thirty
feet east of the sectlou corner of my
old homesteai
“The finder must publish this before
any work begins on its recovery, but
the finder must get another party to
dig Jor it, and the digger gets one-half.
I do this to keep my lazy kinfolk from
getting it. If they make any fuss about
it after it is found, give them $1 each.
There is ulso another Jugful buried n
few rods west of the old dwelling
house. I can’t locate it, however, ns
the murk is lost. Dated tills second
day of October, 1888.
“W. F. BRYAN."
Bryan, who Is well remembered by
the old residents of Centralla, died in
the early nineties. Allan Miller, a pres­
ent resident of Centralla, was a nephew'
of Mrs. Bryan, who died about six
weeks ago.
Wushingtou.—One of the most im
portuut steps In uviatiou preparedness
undertaken Is the effort of the National
Advisory Committee For Aeronautics
to establish an aerological survey de-
■igned to serve uviatiou much the suiue
as the hydrographic office of the coast
and geodetic survey advises on ocean
During the past twelve months the
committee has been exercising every
means possible to advise and assist the
ucrial arms of the government, both
for land ami sc 1 operation. This com-
mil tee has been able to assist in stand­
ardizing aeroplane construction to a 8hs Is O n l y T w e l v e Y e a r . Old . bu t H a .
G r o w n Pha no me na lly.
certain extent, has met with manufac­
turers of aeropiunes and aeroplane mo­
Iialtlmore, Mil.—A girl who bus been
tors in an effort to expedite the deliv­ j growing for the last three years at g
machines to the government and phenomenal rato and Is uow over six
has been of great assistance In the so feet tall, although only twelve years
lution of many other problems.
; old, Is being given the expert attention
Now it proposes the serious consider­ I of medical men of the Johns Hopkins
ation of the vital necessity of recording hospital, who expect to sco her becomo
a prodigy, a veritable giantess, with­
out loss of mental power».
For the last three years her growth
has-been phenomenal, surpassing all
records at the hospital. Until she was
nine years old she was simply a largo
girl, but not likely to attract attention.
Occasional pains accompanied her sud­
den growth, hut her health remained
unimpaired. She weighs 117',-j pounds.
Developing a fondness for hooks, she
has read many more than an ordinary
child of her nge, and the severe teat of
her Intellect made by the experts In
that line at tlie hospital gave this ver­
dict: “She Is ubove the average In in­
* i
and charting the Irregularities of the
atmosphere so that our aviators In
peace and war may have the beuellt of
exact information both for their own
safety and as an expedient to efficient
operation of aerial messenger, recon-
noissance and fighting service.
The committee believes the time ha i
come when aerological stations should
bo established and maintained, espe­
cially in conjunction with military sta­
tions maintained for the instruction of
In u telegram read by President Al­
an It. Hawley at the Aero Club of
America banquet In New York Dr.
Charles D. Walcott, secretary of the
Smithsonian institution und chairman
of the executive committee of the Na­
tional Advisory Committee For Aero
uuutics, advised its members to urge
most strongly the establishment and
maintenance of the aerological surveys
over North America und adjoining wa­
“At present,” said Dr. Walcott in his
telegram, “practically nothing is known
of tlie movements of the Uuid In which
shortly thousands of aircraft, repre­
senting millions of dollars in invest­
ment, will lie floating, and, what is far
m-*ro Important, they r ill be operated
by thousands of our finest, specially
trained young men.”
8end s M a n y of the Y o u n g Men Into the
Wilmington, Del. One-lmlf of Vida
has gone to war. and two-thirds of the
remainder ure preparing to enlist. Vida
is a peaceful little town near Mont­
gomery. A recruiting officer of the
regular army arrived aiul found thir­
teen young men of military age. Six
joined and went to Montgomery with
the recruiting officer, leaving behind
four others who promised to Join them
when their private uffnirs could be ar­
ranged. %
Those who enlisted are C. F. Wright,
N B Wright. II B. Hedgepeth. B M.
Durden. B. I), nedgepeth und John C.
Adams. They were accepted by tlie
Montgomery recruiting office The post­
master at Vida will be given $30. $5
for each man, under the rule of the
government allowing a postmaster $5
for every person he persuades to Join
Wel l In an
Ab an do ne d
Greenfiek!, Iml.-Fussing u vacant
house In this city some time ago Sam­
uel Bulkin heard a dog burking, and a
week later, passing the place again, he
heard a sound us of a dog In distress.
He and others went on a search of
the premises and found the animal in
an abandoned well eighteen feet under
the Hour of the house.
Boards had been placed at that depth
to hold the pump stock in place, and
the dog was on these boards a few
feet ubove the water. The men low
ered a basket into the well, but this
failed, and they finally contrived a net
that brought the animal to the surface.
After expressing his thankfulness to
b4s rescuers In n dog's way he ran with
all strength remaining to the north
part of the city and to a two-year-old
baby In the home of parents tlint had
been advertising und looking for the
playmate of their children.
Defeat T h e i r Eld ers
School Contest.
Tacoma. Wash.—Members of the
eighth grade of the Jefferson school
defeated their parents in a geograph­
ical or “railroad” spelling match held
in the school.
Mrs. Clarence Bituey, who had stood
alone on her side for thirty minutes,
retired when she could not think of a
geographical name beginning with “0 “
after her daughter Ruth, on the oppo
site side, had finished spelling “Dar­
ling/’ one of the largest rivers In Aus­
When the match was over three of
the eighth grade pupils were still
standing. These were Johanna Mad
seu. Rene Lecbner and Ruth Bltney
Gales Stri pp ed Sh ip W c st ga te of C a n ­
vas, but Shu G ot Hore.
Mr*. M i l l a r H a , a Racipa F o r A tt a i n i n g
O ld Ag a.
K ills Sheep end Pige and Eecapee Into
a S w am p.
Sheliiyvllle. Del. A large cinnamon
bear Is terrorizing the iidinbttants of
Costen Station In several Instances
In the past few weeks the boar has
made its appearance at farmhouses,
frightening the women mid chasing
away the men.
The weather evidently lias cut off Its
food supplies, und It Is killing sheep
and pigs on ninny farms It has been
bunted several times, hut Its trail In
variably lends to a swamp which Is
practically impervious to man. It Is
supposed that the bear is one that es
caped from a circus about seven years
ago near Princess Alice.
opening a bank account for your wife. Give
Wu a cheek book anil teacli her the use of it.
PM the butcher, the grocer, the baker, with
n Sheck. Then at the end of tlie month
you’ll find out just how much it co-ts you
to run the Itanie. When payment by check
is made there never is any doubt as to whether or not
a bill is paid. The cheek is a receipt.
Besides, a checking account will give your wife a
business education. The number of ordinarily bright
women who know absolutely nothing of banking i* sur­
prising. If you are a husband, father, brother, you
cannot tell when death mav overtake you, and it is
well that vour wife, daughter and sister know some­
thing of banking.
Chronic Constipation.
It is by no means an easy matter to
cure this disease, but it can be done
in most instances by taking Chamber­
lain’s Tablets and complying with the
piain printed directions that accom­
pany each package.
State of Ohio. City of Toledo.
Luc&a County, as.
F r a n k J. C h e n e y m a k e s o a t h t h a t h e
i s s e n io r p a r t n e r o f t h e fir m o f
F . J.
C h e n e y & C o ., d o i n g b u s i n e s s in t h e C it y
o f T o le d o , C o u n t y a n d S t a t e a f o r e s a id ,
a n d t h a t s a id fir m w ill p a y t h e e u in o f
O N E H U N D R E D D O L L A R S fo r e a c h
an d e v e r y c a s e o f C a ta rrh t h a t c a n n o t be
c u r e d b y t h e u s e o f H A L L ’S C A T A R R H
F R A N K J. C H E N E Y .
S w o r n t o b e f o r e m e a n d s u b s c r ib e d 1«
m y p r e s e n c e , t h i s 6 th d a y o f D e c e m b e r ,
A . D . 1886.
A. W . G L E A SO N .
( S e a l)
N o t a r y P u b lic .
H a l l s C a t a r r h M e d ic in e Is t a k e n i n ­
t e r n a l l y a n d a c t s t h r o u g h t h e B lo o d o n
th e M u co u s S u r fa c e s o f th e S y s te m . S en d
fo r t e s t im o n ia l, free.
F . J . C H E N E Y & C O ., T o le d o . O.
S o ld b y a ll d r u g g i s t s . 75c.
H a ll 's F a m il y P i ll s fo r C o n s tip a tio n .
Tlie Oregon
Agricultural College
F O R E ST R Y , in c lu d in g L ogging E n g in eer­
in g:
% HOM E ECONOM ICS, with 4 major d epart
in cut a, in clu d in g tra iu in g in the P r actice
H ou se;
M IN IN G , w ith th ree departm ent», luclud
Ing C h em ical E n g in eerin g ;
PH A R M A C Y .
T H E S C H O O L OF M U SIC . o i f . r . in .t n ie -
lio n in the prin cip al departm ent» of vocal
and in itrn n irn tiil m usic
T H E M IL IT A R Y D E P A R T M E N T , enrolled
lOfti cadet» in 191ft 17. und won recom m en­
dation for O. A. C. from the W estern D epart-
raont of the U. R W ar D epartm ent n» one of
th e fifte e n " d m tin g u ish r d in- *il itio n s " of
h igh er learn in g. All c a d e ts will be fu rnished
com p lete uniform s by the U. S. G overnm ent
and the junior aud se n io r cadets, en rolled in
the R. O. T. C., w ill be given com m utation for
su b siste n c e , as w ell us all tran sp ortation and
s u b s iste n c e at th e six w eek »’ Sum m er cam p.
In form ation on request.
A d dress,
R eg istr a r ,
O regon
A g ricu ltu ra l
C ollege,
C orvallis, O regon.
The Celebrated
Bergmann Shoe
Awarded Gold Medal
P. P. I. E. San Francisco, 1915
The strongest and nearest waterproof
Shoes made for Loggers, Cruisers,
Miners, Sportsmen and Workers.
The Bergmann Farmuse Shoe
To Keep Your Feet Dry Use The
Bergmann Water-l’roof Shoe Oil.
Theodore Bergm an
Shoe M anufacturing Co.
621 Thurman St.
Portland, Oregon
L u m b e r - S i1 os—Shingles
Wisconsin or Stave
Any size from 8x2(1 ft., 15 tons to
16x36 ft., 155 tons
Prices on lumber and any informa­
tion on lumber and silos cheerfully
One side of your Pass Book will show all the money you have
received. The other side will show all you have paid out, and
ihe cancelled checks are your receipts.
This fine arrangement is yours if you will open your check ac­
count here.
Your accourt will be given careful and considerate attention.
F I R S T N A T IO N A L . B A N K
CAPITAL and SURPLUS $60,000.00
A. J. SHERWOOD, President-
L. H. HAZARD, Cashier
R. E. SHINE, Vice President
O. C. SANFORD, Asst. Cashier
W EEK E N D F A R E S on sale
Saturdays and Sundays between
all station s Cushm an to Pow ers
and liandon inclusive.
lim it follow ing Monday.
i in
i.nncnstor. O.-"Eat plenty of saner,
krmit anil (jot lots of sleep " Tliat’s tlie
rei ipe for a long llfe*>f Mrs Anna Mil­
ler. who celebrated her one buiulredtb
birthday anniversary by dancing a
mUtuet with a great-g reat-grin id child.
Mrs Miller teas born In Germany
and came here In 1830 She lias lived
on a farm near here for eighty seven
years. She has five children, twenty-
six grandchildren, twenty-one great­
grandchildren and two groat great­
Walter Laird, of the Sitkum section,
District Attorney Hall is over on
was in town Wednesday.
lusinesK for the county today.
A very long complaint was tiled
here Tuesday in the Circuit court in
the case brought by Goss, Kendall and
Murphy, of Marshfield, against Fred
Hollister, of North Bend, and F. K.
Shores, of this city, by Mrs. Alice
Coach, as administrtaor of the es­
tate of Joseph W. Coach, deceased,
and also in her own name.
She alleges that a couple of years
or so ago when Coach was deeply in-
! volved in litigation and believed ef­
forts were being made to ruin him
financally and send him to the peni­
tentiary and when the late J. L.
Kronenburg hud just secured a judg­
ment of $4,500 against him and a cou­
ple of detectives were sueing him for
alleged services, he gave a deed of
trust to Hollister in the sum of $15,-
000 covering all his property except SHERIFF’S SALE OF REAL PRO­
his mineral rights. She goes on to
charge that Hollister took $1500 of
this money as a bonus and $1500 more That under and by virtue of an Exe­
cution and Order of Sale issued out
as advance interest for a year.
Then, as her story goes, Coach got of the Circuit Court of the State of
only a small sum though Hollister Oregon for the County of Coos on the
18th day of July, 1917, in a certain
paid a plenty for commissions to par­
cause in said Court pending wherein
ties who had been instrumental in C. T. Skeels is plaintiff, and J. v\.
making the loan.
Rutledge, in person, and J. W. Rut­
When the Portland detectives got ledge us Aministrator of the estate
a $2620 judgment against Coach, she of Clara E. Rutledge, deceased, are
defendants being case No. 4”S4 ot
says that to stay execution and se­
the said Court and commanding me
cure an appeal to the Supreme court, to sell the hereinafter decribed real
Coach gave Hollister a deed to the property to satisfy the sum of $270.00
property that was already covered by with interest at 6% from 25th day
the former $15,000 first deed, to make of June, 1917, anil taxes $2.58 and
fee of $50.00 and costs and
the latter safe on going surety in the attorney
disbursements $16.00, together with
appeal case.
accruing costs. I WILL ON SATUR­
When Coach’s sister, Mary E. Cary, DAY, THE 1st DAY OF September,
was about to get a judgment against 1917, at the hour of 10 o’clock in the
forenoon of saiil day at the County
Coach for $525, it is averred, he got Court House in the City of Coquille,
scared and executed a conveyance of Coos County, Oregon, offer for sale
all the rest of hi3 property to F. R. and sell at public auction to the high­
This property consisted of est and best bidder for cash in hand
the right, title and interest of the
“mineral rights” and Shores was rep­ all
said Defendant in and to the follow­
resented as loaning to Coach $9,000 ing described real property, to-wit
Beginning at a post marked “C. S.
to clear up all that was due to Hollis­
ter by the latter under his first deed. on the quarter section line 5.94 chains
east of the quarter section corner on
And in this connection it is alleged the
west boundary of section 31, i u
that Hollister and Shores have been township 27 South of range 12 we t
working under an agreement to make of the Willamette Meridian in Ore­
an even division of all they got out gon; and running thence east 5.C!
chains along the said quarter section
of the Coach properties.
line; thence north 9.72 chains to tb 1
Mrs. Coach here charges that she south boundary of a roadway 45 linl s
had threatened to leave Coach and wide; thence west 5.02 chains alor
that her husband was conspiring with the south boundary line of said roa -
way; thence south 9.72 chains, moi j
Hollister and Shores to defraud her or
less, to the place of beginnin .
out of her dower rights in their pro­ containing five acres of land, more 1 1
less, all in Coos County, Oregon.
Said sale being made subject to re­
On the 23rd of August a year ago
she says Shores executed to Coach an demption in the manner provided ly
option under whose terms Coach could
W. W. Gage,
within one year re-purehase all the
Sheriff of Coos County, Orego .
Dated July 24th, 1917.
property he had conveyed to Hollister
and Shores by paying them $25,600;
but that the property was worth much
Court of the State of
more than that.
Oregon in and for the County
She also alleges that at the time
of Coos.
Coach executed these instruments he
was of unsound mind and all the
while under the influence of liquor
James B. Lewis, Defendant.
and drugs.
To James B. Lewis, the above nam­
Mrs. Coach asks that all the in­
struments executed by Coach be de­ ed defendant:
In the Name of the State of Orego
clared void and usurious, and that af-
you are hereby notified that you aie
Quick carries the Wisconsin vegeta­ required to appear and answer tl e
ble and meat cooker, the best on the complaint filed against you in the
market. Will take 14 half gallon jars above entitled suit within six weel-s
or 21 quart jars at a filling and cooks from the date of the first publication
meats in two and one-half hours—a of this -immons, towit: within six
saving of over an hour on each filling. weeks from tne 17th day of July, 191”,
and if you fail so to appear and an­
swer on or before the 28th day of Au­
gust, 1917, the same being the date of
the last publication of this summons,
Rates:—One cent a word, each in­ for want thereof the plaintiff will ap­
ply to the court for the relief demand­
sertion. No charge less than 15 cents.
ed in her said complaint, a succinct
WANTED—Second hand furniture. statement of which is as follows: That
Highest prices paid. Coquille Fur­ the bonds of matrimony heretofore ex­
isting between the plaintiff and de­
niture Company.
fendant be annulled, set aside and held
DAIRY RANCH FOR RENT, stock for naught; that plaintiff be awarded
for sale. Enquire of F. B. Phillips the care ar.d custody of the two minor
at the Ladies Bazaar, Coquille.
children, Asa Lewis and Kathryn
Fruit jars in stock at Quick’s—Easy Lewis; and for such other and further
Seal, Mason, Economy, Schram and j relief in the premises as to the court
Knowlton. Both new and second hand. may seem meet and equitable.
New York.—After a passage of 110
days from London, the British full
rigged ship Westgnte arrived here re
ceutly. She was loaded with «balk
and sailed Dec. 11. Encountering gales»
almost nil her sails were blown away,
and she drifted about tlie Atlantic,
finally managing to make Barbados
There she was fitted with new canvas,
with which she put to sea again.
She was off Barncgnt March 24 and
she tried day after day to get here, but
failed. Captain Steele finally decided ft V f t t l t f l t i l V t i t t m III ■
she was tired out. and he bailed the ■
tug Marlon Lee, which towed him here
One of the crew was taken off ut qwar ,
kw YSTEMATIZE your household expenses by
antlne suffering from fever.
the army.
Service of this summons is made
upon you by publication thereof in the
Coquille Herald, r newspaper publish­
ed in Coquille, Coos County, Oregon,
for a period of tux weeks beginning
with the 17th day of July 1917, by or­
der of the Honorable James Watson,
County Judge of Coos County, Oregon,
dated the 17th dav of July, 1917.
Summer Complaint.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
During the hot weather of the sum­
Addres. : Coquille, Oregon.
mer months some member of almot. 44-50
every family is likely to be trouble I
with an unnatural looseness of the
bowels, anil it is of the greatest im
portance that this be treated prompi-
Iy, which can only he done when^ the
medicine is kept at hand. Mrs. F. 1 .
Scott, Scottsville, N. Y., states, “1
W hore train ed s p e c ia lis ts w ith m odern lab ­
first used Chamberlain’s Colic and Di­ o ratories and adequate equipm ent c iv e in-
arrhoea Remedy as much as five year , ■truction lead in g to c o lle g ia te degree» in the
ago. At that time 1 had a severe at­
w in g sch o o ls:
tack of summer complaint und w n; fo llo
A G R IC U L T U R E , w ith 15 departm ent»;
suffering intense pain. One dose ri
COMMERCE, with 4 d epartm ents;
lieved me.
Others members of my
E N G IN E E R IN G , w ith 6 departm ent», in
family have since used it with like »lu d in g C ivil. K le c tilea l. H ighw ay. In d u alrial
Art», Irrigation , and M echanical E n gin eerin g;
iter the defendants have shown ex
lactly how much they advanced t
Coach and what the interest on
would be, the money due by the e s­
tate be turned over to the state o ’
Oregon and the rest of the property
returned to her as administratrix o’
the estate.
Round Trip T ickets, at very low
fares, will be sold on Sundays
only, between all sta tio n s M arsh­
field to Pow ers inclusive, lim ited
to date o f sale.
Ask your local agent for tick ets and further infor-
m ation.
JOHN M. SCOTT, General P assenger A gen t, Portland.
■ a ttu titi
Farmers and Merchants Bank