Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, August 21, 1917, Image 4

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St. I.ouia Men Ready For the Work of
Submarine Chasing.
8t. Louie.—More than a score of
motorboat owners of this city have of­
fered their services «mi their boats to
the navy, It was announced by Nelson
Thomas, secretary of the St. Louis
Yacht club. Some of the boats ure
large and swift enough to be used for
submarine chasers, and others ure of
such construction that anti-aircraft
guns can be mounted on them for hur-
bor duty.
Albert Bond Lambert, a wealthy avi­
ation enthusiast, and 125 other expert
fliers o f this city are at the service of
the country, the offer having been made
a short time ago.
A number of St. Louis manufacturers
are advertising for girls to enter their
factories and learn the work in order
that a large number of men may be re­
leased for service. The Western Union
ha* established a class for the training
oi girl operators ami already lias an en­
rollment of fifty, which will be raised
to 500 if possible. The chamber of com­
merce began the enrollment of all able-
bodied men in this district.
With Closing of Postoffice There
Is Now Nothing Left of
Grand Itaplds, Mich.—Final steps In
the dissolution of Laprairie were tuUert
when Eugene Arnold, postmaster, sent
In his fiuul reports and locked the doors
of the office for the last time. Village
organization long sinco lias been dis­
con tinned.
With the removal of the name from
the books of the postoffice department
Laprairie as a village will become only
a memory.
In the early history of tbut portion
of the stute Laprulile because of Its
location ut the Junction o f the Missis­
sippi and Prairie river became the
largest town in it3 territory.
In the days when the logging indus­
try was at its height and the rollicking
lumberjacks of the old type were going
luto or coming out of the camps La­
prairie was a “ roaring'* town, with a
population fluctuating between 1.000
and 3,000. Millions of feet of logs were
driven past it both on the Mississippi
and the Prairie.
But it was not long before men with
foresight recognized the latent power
of the Mississippi grand rapids several
miles up stream. Grand Itaplds was
born. Slowly the lusty new town
supped the vitality of the old, business
changed its hunting place, and many
of the buildings were moved. Then
caiue the courthouse contest, which re­
sulted In tlie establishment of the
county’s business ut Grand Rapids.
Since then Laptuirle's decline itas
been rnpid. And so Mr Arnold, the
town’s chief booster, after locking the
door of tlie old postoffice building,
crossed tlie road, once the principal
street of the village, to his little white
cottage thereafter to devote his time to
the cultivation of his small farm, which
comprises the greater portion of the
town site.
Half Breed Wanted to Get There as
Soon as Possible.
Alumosa, Uni. There is no place like
home even i it is only the penitentiary.
“ I want to go hack home again as
soon as 1 can,” mu id Juan Medina, a
half breed Pueblo Indian, when haled
into a justice court here on a charge
of burglary.
“ I have served twenty-seven years in
si k terms within the penitentiary,”
said he in good English. ” They always
treat me well there, and I want to get
Medina, fifty-six years old, his face
furrowed and shriveled with time, with
straight black hair and every up(iear-
ance of a criminal indifferent to his
fate, was bound over to tlie district
Snow of Harvard Combines Unusual
Qualities Demanded.
Cambridge, Mass. - William B. Snow,
Jr., of Stoucbam was awarded the
Francis II. Burr scholarship at Har­
vard university. lie Is tlie first under­
graduate to answer the requirements
since its establishment four years ugo.
The scholarship was founded in mem­
ory of Frank Burr, former football
captain and a distinguished scholar.
The yearly income from the fund is
$325. to I k ? paid an undergraduate who
combines ns nearly as possible Burr's
remarkable qualities of character, lead­
ership, scholarship and athletic ability.
Dean Yeomans nnd Dean IU'I l - ks .se­
lected Snow for the honor The re­
cipient played guard on the football
team. Is the university’s champion
heavyweight wrestler nnd boxer amt Is
a defenso man on the lacrosse team
Kills the Bear; Gets Cubs.
Marinette. WIs. Attn, kod by a larpe
mother boar Willie Matson seventeen
years old. son of Mrs Mattie Matson of
A ill berg shot nnd killed her and look
captive four little cubs, lie met the
hear while on his way home from his
father's camp at Am hen; The hoar
rushed him. standing upright. Then
Matson killed her on the first shot. The
four little cut* takklns behind the
mother were brought to Amber*
Henry Huggins and Fred Hollister
were hi town on business yesterday.
Chronic Constipation.
Careful, painstaking canning is the SH E R IFF'S S A L E OF R E A L PRO­
only kind o f canning that pays, de­
It is by no means an easy matter to
clares the United States Department
cure this disease, but it can be done
of Agriculture in a statement warn­
in most instances by taking Chamber­
cution and Order of Sale issued out
How ths P o w o r i A rs Fash­
ing housewives against carelessness
lain’s Tablets and complying with the
N ew
Trou sse
in putting up fruits and vegetables.
plain printed directions that accom­
Oregon for the County of Coos on the
“ The faithful following o f approved 18th day of July, 1917, in a certain
pany each package.
The couturiers are busy preparing methods and directions is the only cause in said Court pending wherein
Blanche Sweet, Mae Marsh,
costumes not only for tlie trade, but safe road to success in canning,” says C. T. Skeels is plaintiff, and J. W
Robert Harron, Dorothy and 8tate of Ohio. City of TcUdo.
the most interesting of ull customers— the statement.
“ Housewives who Rutledge, in person, and J ..W . Rut
Lucas County, as.
the bride or the future bride-ami this carelessly practice methods that are ledge as Aministrator of the estate Lillian Gish and Henry B. W al­
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
of Clara E. Rutledge, deceased are
Is senior partner o f tlie firm of F. J.
work is as Important as for a proml-
new to them, or who attempt to ‘ im­ defendants being case No. 4,tM ot thall, in the six-act drama.
& Co., doing business in the City
uent actress, for the costumes receive
o f Toledo, County and State aforesaid,
prove’ on the methods, or to make the said Court and commanding mo
almost ns much attention.
and that said firm w ill » a y the sum o f
O N E H U N D R E D D O L L A R S fo r each
One suit of silk serge, combined with short cuts, are taking a risk of spoil­ to sell the hereinafter decribed real
and every case o f Caturrh that cannot be
self colored, had an inter­ ing good food. Canning is essentially property to satisfy the sum of »270.0,
cured by the use o f W A L L ’S C A T A R R H
with interest at 6% from 25th da.
F R A N K J. C H E N E Y .
estingly cut Jacket, the blouse front a scientific process, however much it of June, 1917, and taxes »2.58 anil
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
continued over tills to form a cape, may have been simpified for home use. •attorney fee of $50.00 and costs •no
my presence, this 6th day o f December,
while the skirt showed a hem and panel Method Should Be Followed in Detail. disbursements »10.00, together wit
A. D. 1886.
A. W . G L E A S O N .
N otary Public.
down the front of tlie serge. Beige
H all s Catarrh Medicine is token in­
In the canning methods which the accruing costs. I W IL L ON S A T U R ­
was tlie color of this charming suit.
DAY, THE 1st D A Y OF Septembei
ternally and acts through the Blood on
the Mucous Surfaces o f the System. Send
An interesting feature noticed on a department advocates careful study 1917, at the hour of 10 o'clock jn th
for testimonial», free.
suit created by Itedfern was tlie finish has been made of the essentials for forenoon of said day at the t ount
F. J. C H E N E Y & CO.. Toledo. O.
Sold by all druggists. 75c.
of tlie neck and sleeves. Deep gauntlet the preservation o f food products, and Court House in the City of Coquillj ,
Fum ily Pills for constipation.
cuffs were found of charmeuse, while ill steps not absolutely necessary have
the tight fitting part of the heavy silk keen eliminated. There is good rea- and sell at public uuction to the high
serge w"s braided. There was a high ron, therefore, for each step which is est and best bidder for cash in. han 1
all the right, title and interest of th
collar wub a turnover o f white linen, advocated. I f home cannert profess said Defendant in and to the follow ­
and the epaulet effect over the slioul
ing described real property, to-wit: ^
ders was carried out with braid, on to follow a department method, they
Beginning at a post marked “ C. S. 1
tlie otherwise severe Norfolk ja< ket. should follow it in detail; and if they on the quarter section line 5.94 chains
The skirt was formed of alternate
east of the quarter section corner on
ly recognize that not the method but the west boundary of section 31, ill
plaited panels of charmeuse and silk.
That boleros of various descriptions the application o f it is at fault. Es­ township 27 South of range 12 wes--
are to be worn for spring Is an accept­ pecially there should be no mixing of of the Willamette Meridian in Ore­
The strongest and nearest waterproof
ed fact. One recently seen was most methods, whether those o f the depart­ gon; and running thence east 5.02
chains along the said quarter section
effective, for the collar oa|>e. which
ment or others. One method should line; thence north 9.72 chains to th ■ Produced by D. W. Griffith, the Shoes made for Loggers, Cruisers,
bung down to the hips in the back, was
south boundary of a roadway 45 link = producer o f “ Intolerance” and
Miners, Sportsmen and Workers.
a distinctive feature. A wee |H»pluiu be adopted and followed carefully in wide; thence west 5.02 chains alon.- “ The Birth o f a Nation.”
extended below tlie cape collar several
the south boundary line of said road­
One-I’ eriod Cold-Pack Method.
Inches, while tlie front ended al the
way; thence south 9.72 chains, more M ATINEE, with Orchestra, at 2:30
The Bergmann Farmuse Shoe
waist proper. Wee tabs on each side
sharp as we don’t repeat.
“ In the one-period cold-pack meth- or less, to the place of beginning;,
of the front looked like pockets.
xl of canning, in particular, canning containing five acres of land, more or Matinee Brices
10 and 25 cents
To Keep Your Feet Dry Use The
There Is hardly a doubt tiiat has not has been simplified greatly as com­ less, all in Coos County, Oregon.
Said sale being made subject to n -
been quelled by now that the short
Bergmann W ater-Proof Shoe Oil.
pared with some other methods. For demption in the manner provided by
Jacket will be very smart for spring
Short, chic, boxy affairs they are, too.
W. W. Gage,
and very good for the slender figure. in the directions is essential, and not
15 and 25 cents
Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon. Prices
There appear on several imported one shouVl be omitted or performed
Dated July 21th, 1917.
models noticeably high collars, but otherwise than as indicated. Special­
Music by the Orcht stra
521 Thurman St.
Portland, Oregon
whether they will be worn closed or ists who have worked out and demon­
open is a disputed question. There are strated this method o f canning fo r the
In the Circuit Court o f the State of
also to be seen several very high turn­ last five years have investigated all
Oregon in and for the County
over affairs, but these are usually worn,
reports of the spoilage of products
of Coos.
oik .* n iii the front and are at least com
anl have found in every case that the Vesta Lewis, Plaintiff,
trouble was due to faulty equipment,
including poor rubbers and containers, James B. Lewis, Defendant.
to failure to follow the directions care­
To James B. Lewis, the above nam­
Additional Local.
fully, to the use of old or spoiled v e g e ­ ed defendant:
tables or fruits, or to the local occur­
In the Name of the State of Oregon,
Attorney General Geo. M. Brown,
rence in certain vegetables of unusual you are hereby notified that you are
who has been spending the past few
spores which prove troublesome even required to appear and answer the
Jays here, stated this morning that
under commercial canning practices.
ie would probably visit at Marshfield By following the simple directions ex­ complaint filed against you in the
and other coast cities before returning
actly the specialists themselves have from the date o f the first publication
to his home at Salem. He has busi­
put up with homemade water-bath of this summons, towit: within six
ness matters needing his attention
outfits, without loss, thousands of jars weeks from the 17th day of July, 1911,
there. Mr. Brown ¡3 well acquainted
and cans o f various products.
and if you fail so to appear and an­
in Coos county and he is looking ahead
'The following points especially swer on or before the 28th day o f An -
to a delightful visit there.— Roseburg
should be kept in mind when canning gust, 1917, the same being the date of
by the one-period cold-pack method: the last publication of this summons,
L. P. Maury is back at the mill a f­
“ Test jars, and use only those free for want thereof the plaintiff will ap­
ter a two weeks' trip to Medford where from flaw.
ply to the court for the relief demand­
he visited relatives. L. P. returned
“ Use only good quality live rubber ed in her said complaint, a succinct
by auto by way o f Crescent City, com­ rings.
statement of which is as follows: That
ing as a member of a fam ily party
“ Use only fresh, sound vegetables the bonds of matrimony heretofore ex­
■omposed of his brother and sister, II. or fruits.
isting between the plaintiff and de­
C. and Miss Mary Maury, and his wife
“ Wash products thoroughly.
fendant be annulled, set aside and hcl 1
and daughter. The other members of
“ Blanch in boiling water or live for naught; that plaintiff he awarded
the party stayed in Coquille Sunday stem— hot water or vapor will not do.
the care and custody of the two minor
morning and left Monday for Med­
“ Dip into cold water— not tepid or children, Asa Lewis and Kathryn
ford. Mrs. Maury and Miss Bess will warm water.
Lewis; and for such other and further
leturn to Coquille next Sunday.
“ Dip quickly into and out of cold relief in the premises as to the court
A party composed of Mr. and Mrs. water— do not soak.
may seem meet and equitable.
H. N. Butler, A. M. Woodford, Mes-
“ Pack |into jars immediately— do
Service o f this summons is mac1
dames F. S. Slagle, J. A. Lamb and not let the dipped products stand un­ upon you by publication thereof in th-J
O. C. Sanford. Mrs. Jennie Williams, covered while you attend to something Coquille Herald, a newspaper publish­
Miss Sadie Mulkey, Miss Claire Sher­ else.
ed in Coquille, Coos County, Oregor.,
wood, Irving Lamb, and Morris W il­
Be sure the jars are hot when the for a period o f six weeks beginning
liams were passengers on the morning product is put into them. They can with the 17th day of July 1917, by o -
train Sunday for Marshfield where be kept hot in vessels of boiling w a ­ der o f the Honorable James Watson,
One aide o f your Pass Book will show all the money you have
they took the Coos river boat ter.
County Judge of Coos County, Oregon,
received. The other side will show all you have paid out, and
and went to the Frank Rogers farm
“ Place the top and rubber on each dated the 17th day of July, 1917.
the cancelled checks are your receipts.
and spent the day. The party return­ jar as it is filled— do not wait until all
J. J. S T A N L E Y , _
This fine arrangement is yours if you will open your check ac­
ed by the evening train the same day. the jars are filled.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
count here.
“ Place the jars in boiling (not mere­ 44-50
Address: Coquille, Oregon.
Your accourt will be given careful and considerate attention.
ly hot) water deep enough to cover
them entirely (not merely part way
Summer Complaint.
Miss Edna Price is visiting her sis­
up the side of the jars).
C A P IT A L and SURPLUS »60,000.00
ter, Mrs. Thos. Hayes.
the hot v’eather of the sum­
“ Sterilize for the full time indicated
A . J. SHERWOOD, President
L. H. H AZAR D , Cashier
Mrs. W. W. Gage has been spending
mer months some member of almo; t
in the directions.
Count time after every fam ily is likely to be troubled
R. E. SH INE, Vice President
O. C. SANFORD, Asst. Cashier
a few days with her daughter. Ml
boiling point has been reached.
with an unnatural looseness of the
F. J. Fish, lately.
“ A fte r sealing, turn jars upside bowels, and it is of the greatest im ­
Game Warden Thomas and wife arc
down to cool, so that those with leaky portance that this he treated promp'-
visiting the Warner fnn ily and in­
ly, which can only tie done when the
seals may be found easily and so that medicine is kept at hand. Mrs. F. F.
cidentally showing off the* • new car.
their contents may be resterilized in Scott, Scottsville, N. Y „ states, ‘ J
Miss Mae Lund and Miss M.
first used Chamberlain’s Colic and D -
tight sealing containers.
Schrocder are spending a part of
“ Store in a cool place— not in a hot arrhoca Remedy as much as five years
their vacation at the Lund ranch
ago. A t that time I had a severe a t­
kitchen o^ attic.
tack of summer complaint and was
laying up strength for theii winter
“ Above all, plan so that you will suffering intense pain. One dose re­
Others members o f my
not be interrupted. Then work quick­ lieved me.
Russell Yoakam lost his black trot­
ly and devote your whole attention to fam ily have since used it with like
ting horse on Thursday. C. S. W ar­
the work in hand. Let ail other house­
ner’s bull gored him so badly he had
work go, if possible, until ail the jars
to be killed.
are in the sterilizer. Any delay in
Joe Evernden sustained a few
performing the steps between blanch­
bruises and his horse a scare over
ing and sterilizing means risk of loss.” \
the grade at the hands (o r horns
Nick Starnhone, over at the Bay, is
Wh.rp train«) «p'-rinti-t« with m >d. rn i* ■
rather), of the same playful Bovine
nursing a litter o f seven baby rabbits orntorln nnd «dt-quitr -iuipm<-nt
on Thursday eve as Joe was return
degree* in t)ie
which lost their mother, by using a j ,,ru'',lon
*° co" e*i,,‘l
ing from the hills in his care. Wc
following sob. .1*:
medicine dropper as the nipple fo r a j AGRICULTURE, with IS departments;
predict that there will be a dehorn
diminutive nursing bottle.
He is go- j COMMERCE, with 4 departments;
ing bee at the Warner ranch if no­
ing to succeed in doing his bit to con- ! ENGINEERING, with 6 departments, in
thing more serious.
Binding Civil. Electrical. Highway. Industrial
serve the meat supply.
The Celebrated
Awarded Gold Medal
“Her Cordoned Sin” P. P. I. E. San Francisco, 1915
with comedy
Monday, Aug. 27
Theodore Bergman
Shoe Manufacturing Co.
Lumber—Si os—Shingles
Wisconsin or Stave
Any size from 8x20 ft., 15 tons to
16x30 ft., 155 tons
Prices on lumber and any informa­
tion on lumber and silos cheerfully
The Oregon
A g' ‘cultural CeHege
Arts, Irrigation, and Mechanical Engineering;
FORESTRY, including Logging Engineer­
Ask Anyone Who Has Used It.
ing ; .
HCME ECONOMICS, with 4 major depart
In order that the public may know
There are families who always aim monts, including training in the Practice
how much food is available in this
to keep a bottle o f Chamberlain's
MINING, with throe depart on nts. includ­
country from all sources the Bureau
Colic nod Diarrhoea Remedy in the ing Chemical Engineering;
of Crop Estimates, the Bureau of
j house for use in case it is reeded, and i PHARMACY.
Chemistry, and other branches of the
THE SCHOOL OF MUSIC, offer« inatrne
| find that it is not only a good invest­
department o f Agriculture, with funds
ment but saves them no end of suffer- lion in the principal department» of voc*l
and instrunx ntal music.
provided expressely for that purpose
j ing As to its reliability, ask anyone
by Congress, expect to begin imme­ | who has used it.
1085 cadets in 1916 17. and won recommen­
diately a country-wide survey of food
dation for O. A. C. from the Western Depart­
The aim of this survey j timates also will be made of average ment of the U. 8 War Department as one of
will be to disclose the quantities of j family consumption. As a basis fo r the fifteen ' 'distinguished institutions" <>f
various foodstuffs on farms, in fac­ .these estimates careful studies will be higher Warning. All cadet* will he furnish* d
complete' uniforms by the U. 8. Government
tory and storage houses of all kinds, made of the holdings and consump­ and the junior snd senior cadeta. enrolled in
in stores and shops, and in the homes tion of representative families in cer- tbs R O. T. C., will be given commutation for
subsistence, as well as all transportation and
o f consumers.
Actual inventories ! tain sections.
Subsistence at the six weeks' Summer camp
will be made o f holdings by large con­
cerns, nnd surveys will be made of
Fruit jars in stock at Quick’s— Easy 1977. Information on request. Address,
supplies on farms, in homes, and in Seal, Mason. Economy, Schram and Registrar. Oregon Agricultural College,
the hands o f small retail dealers. Es- Knowlton. Both new and second hand. Corvallis. Oregon.
Saturdays and Sundays between
all stations Cushman to Powers
and Bandon inclusive. Return
limit following Monday.
Round Trip Tickets, at very low
fares, will be sold on Sundays
only, between all stations Marsh­
field to Powers inclusive, limited
to date of sale.
Ask your local agent for tickets and further infor­
JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland.