Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, August 14, 1917, Image 4

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    « r*
The Cremieux
S t a t e of Ohio, C ity o f T o led o .
L u c a s C o u n ty , •».
F ta n k J. C h en ey m a k e s o a th th a t he
Highway Construction, Coos County,
In talking with the Sentinel about
s e n io r p a r t n e r o f th e firm o f
P . J.
e n e y & C o., d o in g b u s in e s s in th e C ity
the charge that the Grant Smith That under and by virtue of an Kxa-
Sealed bids for macadamizing a por­ o f T o led o , C o u n ty a n d S ta t e a f o r e s a id ,
a n d t h a t s a id firm w ill p a y th e s u m o f
company is stringing out the work
the Circuit Court of the State of tion of the Empire-Sunset Bay Road; O N E H U N D R E D D O L L A R S fo r e a c h
it is doing on force account on the i of
Oregon for the County of Coos on the Tar Heel to Charleston Bay, in Coos a n d e v e ry c a s e o f C a t a r r h t h a t c a n n o t be
Mrytle-Point road and other projects j 18th day of July, 1917, in a certain County, Oregon will be received by c M u E r e D d I C b y I N th E e . u s e F o R f A H N A K L L J S C C H A E T N A E R Y R . H
in this county, Mr. Murdock says cause in said. Court pending wherein the County Court of said County at S w o rn to b e f o r e m e a n d s u b s c r ib e d in
y p re s e n c e , th i s 6 th d a y o f D e c e m b e r,
there is nothing to it. In the first ' C. T. Skeels is plaintiff, and J. W. its office in the Court House, Coquille, m
A . D. 1886.
A. W . G L E A S O N ,
N o ta r y P u b lic .
place the compensation that company Rutledge, in person, aad J W. Rut­ Oregon, until 10:00 A. M. Aug. 18th, (S e a l)
H a ll 's C a t a r r h M e d ic in e is ta ile d I n ­
receives for superintendence of the of Clara E. Rutledge, deceased, aie 1917.
t e r n a ll y a n d a c t s th r o u x h th e B lo o d o n
t h e M u co u s S u rfa c e » o f th e S y s te m . S en d
work is not a percentage of the defendants being case No. 4784 of
No bid will be considered unless ac­ f o r te s tim o n ia ls , fre e .
F . J . C H E N E Y & C O .. T o led o . O.
amount expended, but a fixed s u m - the said Court and commanding me companied by cash, bidder’s bond, or
S o ld b y a ll d r u g g is ts , ?5c.
eight per cent of the preliminary es­ to sell the hereinafter decribcd real certified check for an amount equal H a l l 's F a m i ly P ills f o r c o n s tip a tio n .
On the Myrtle Point road property to satisfy the sum of $270.00 to at least 5 per cent, of the total
with interest at 67c from 25th day
this amounts to $2730. This amount of
June, 1917, and taxes $2.58 and amount of the bid.
The Celebrated
is a percentage of the preliminary es­ attorney fee of $50.00 and costs and
A corporate surety bond will be
timate of the cost of the work and disbursements $16.00, together wi h required for the faithful performance
will not be increased in any event. accruing costs. 1 WILL ON SATUR­ of the contract in a sum equal to one-
THE 1st DAY OF September,
Besides this there is the rental of the DAY,
1917, at the hour of 10 o’clock in tl'e half the total amount of the bid.
Awarded Gold Medal
Grant Smith equipment,
which forenoon of said day at the Coun y
Proposal blanks and full informa­
amounted to about $400 in July.
Court House in the City of Coquill ', tion for bidders may be obtained at P. P. I. E. San Francisco, 1915
This company has offices in New Coos County, Oregon, offer for saie the office of the County Clerk of said
York, Chicago and other large cities, and sell at public auction to the high­ County, or at the office of the Road- The strongest and nearest waterproof
est and best bidder for cash in hand
as well as in Portland, and is engaged all the right, title and interest of the master, in the Court House, Coquille, Shoes made for Loggers, Cruisers,
in construction work all over the said Defendant in and to the follow­ Oregon.
Miners, Sportsmen and Workers.
country. To ‘string” their work (o ing described real property, to-wit:
Plans and specifications and forms
Beginning a t a post marked “C. S ”
protract this rental charge wouldn’t
the quarter section line 5.94 chains of contract may be seen at the same
The Berginann Furmuse Shoe
begin to pay for the extra expense on
east of the quarter section corner on place or may be obtained upon the
the company incurred for superinten­ the west boundary of section 31, in deposit of $15.00.
dence, for which they would get no ad­ township 27 South of range 12 west
The right is reserved to reject any To Keep Your Feet Dry Use The
ditional money in any event.
Tho of the Willamette Meridian in Ore­ or all proposals or to accept the pro­ Bergjnann Water-I’roof Shoe Oil.
and running thence east 5.02
charge is not only untrue but absurd. gon;
chains along the said quarter section posal or proposals deemed best for
As to engineering costs, Mr. Mur­ line; thence north 9.72 chains to the said County.
Theodore Bergman
dock says the work on the bond pro­ south boundary of a roadway 45 lin,.s COUNTY COURT OF
Shoe Manufacturing Co.
jects in this county is all being done wide; thence west 5.02 chains along
COOS COUNTY 621 Thurman St.
south boundary line of said road­
Portland, Oregon
by the State Highway Commission the
James Watson
way; thence south 9.72 chains, mo e
and paid for by the state. It is under T>r less, to the place of beginning,
County Judge
Mr. Murdock's charge as Deputy containing five acres of land, more or
G. J. Armstrong
. .pARKUrt’S
State Highway Engineer, and though less, all in Coos County, Oregon.
County Commissioner
A t'-»ilot p r e p a r a lio u o" m e r it.
H e lp s to e r a d i c a t e d a n d r u ff. <
he has not suggested anything of the demption in the manner provided hy
archie Philip
F o r R estoring C olor and ,
sort, we can’t see how the county law.
F e e u ty to G ray o r F ad ed M airi
County Commissioner
60c. an d $1.00 a t D ru g « iste.
court could discharge him from that
W. W. Gage,
L. V . Oddy,
I N D £ . R luO R N S Removes Corn«, Cal­
Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon.
position even were it disposed to dis­
louses, e ta . stops all puln, ensures comfort to the
County Clerk.
feet, naked walking easy. 16c. by mall or a t Drug*
pense with his services at Roadmas-
Hiecoz Chemical Works, I’atchoguu N. ¥
Coquille, Oregon, August 6, 1917. 2t
Mr. Murdock does say, however, In the Circuit Court of the State of
that all the engineering work that is
Oregon in and for the County
being done by the State Commission
of Coos.
is in accordance with the instruc­ Vesta Lewis, Plaintiff,
tions of the Unite '. ..ates road de­
partment, and tiiat just as few men James B. Lewis, Defendant.
are being employed as could possibly
To James B. Lewis, the above nam­
do the work.
ed defendant:
The charge that time and money is
In the Name of the State of Oregon,
being wasted because engineers go you are hereby notified that you a 'C
over the project time and again only required to appear and answer the
indicates that those who make it don’t complaint filed against you in the
know what they are talking about.
above entitled suit within six wee..s
In the first place, a party goes over from the date of the first publicati n
the ground and plats the preliminary of this summons, towit: within six
line of the road with all its turns weeks from the 17th day of July, 19)7,
and curves. Next another party gets and if you fail so to appear and an­
the elevations and depressions and swer on or before the 28th day of Au­
outlines every bjjmp and drop to as­ gust, 1917, the same being the date of
certain the exact grade. Then another the last publication of this summons,
party comes along and maps the for want thereof the plaintiff will ap­
route, making notes of the topog­ ply to the court for the relief demand­
raphy from 100 to 300 feet on each ed in her said complaint, a succinct
side of the road in a way that will statement of which is as follows: That
show just how much cutting and fill­ the bonds of matrimony heretofore ex­
ing would have to be done to shift isting between the plaintiff and de­
the road anywhere within those boun­ fendant be annulled, set aside and held
fo r naught; that plaintiff be awarded
Then the office force takes hold of the care and custody of the two minor
these field notes make the plats and children, Asa Lewis and Kathryn
works out the problem where the Lewis; and for such other and further
road can most economically be built relief in the premises as to the coui.
and how much dirt will have to be may seem meet and equitable.
moved. That done, it remains for the
Service of this summons is made
engineers to go out into the field upon you by publication thereof in the
again and set the stages at short dis­ Coquille Herald, a newspaper publish­
tances to show the working force just ed in Coquille, Coos County, Oregon,
where and how much to cut and fill. for a period of six weeks beginning
This requires considerable more fig­ with the 17th day of July 1917, by or­
uring and when the engineers sit der of the Honorable James Watson,
One side of your Pass Book will show all the money you have
down to do this necessary work some County Judge of Coos County, Oregon,
received. The other side will show all you have paid out, and
people think they are loafing on the dated the 17th day of July, 1917.
the cancelled checks are your receipts.
This fine arrangement is yours if you will open your check ac­
Road building is a science and re­
count here.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
quires scientific accuracy if the best 44-50
Your account will be given careful and considerate attention.
Address: Coquille, Oregon.
results are to be obtained. Under the
old rule of thumb or hit or miss me­
Summer Complaint.
thod it might be possible to spend all
CAPITAL and SURPLUS $60,000.00
the hot weather of the sum­
our road bond money without getting
A. J. SHERWOOD, President
L. H. HAZARD. Cashier
R. E. SHINE, Vice President
O. C. SANFORD, Asst. Cashier
half as much for the money as we can
every family is likely to be troubled
by employing the right methods at with an unnatural looseness of the
the start.
bowels, and it is of the greatest im­
portance that this be treated prompt­
ly, which can only be done when the
Homer Leep Not Hurt.
medicine is kept at hand. Mrs. F. Ti’.
Scott, Scottsville. N. Y., states, ‘I
After all the stories told about first used Chamberlain's Colic and Di­
Remedy as much as five years
the death of Homer Leep, of Myrtle
Point, in an aeroplane accident at ago. At that time I had a severe at­
tack of summer complaint and was
New Orleans, it transpired first that suffering intense pain. One dose re­
he was fatally injured but not yet lieved me.
Others members of my
dead, then that he would recover, family have since used it with like
next that his wife could find no trace
of him at New Orleans, next that he
had suffered no such accident, and
lastly that he was not a member of
the aviation corps.
AgricultiL al CcIleg-3
About the Road Work.
N e v e r S o P ic tu re sq u e , C h i f ­
fo n S c a r f# A r o th e “G o ."
Antoine and Francois Cremieux,
brothers, were in the same regiment
of Infantry in the trenches fighting
the Germans. Antoine was a robust
young man, Francois the reverse. The
latter was very delicately made—in­
deed, too delicately made for a soldier.
Soldiers are disposed to resent any­
thing like cowardice In a companion.
Francois' inability to bear without
starting the explosion of a shell about
his head drew down upon him the con­
tempt of his fellow soldiers. Antoine
defended his brother, but a defense
served no purpose, for “one convinced
against his will is of the same opin­
ion still."
One evening the command was or­
dered to make a raid on the enemy’s
trenches. The Cremieux brothers were
In the same company and marched
out shoulder to shoulder. The French
drove their enemies out of their
stronghold and some distance beyond
to the second line. Then the Germans
turned upon their enemies und drove
k \ \ %m §
*them back.
It was impossible to see in the dark­
ness who fell In the engagement. It
was not till the roll was called, or,
rather “noses were counted,” who had
returned. Then it was discovered that
Antoine Cremieux had beeu left be­
Motor veils are now drapy u(fairs
hind on the field.
strikingly bordered with vivid or con­
Great was the distress of his broth­ trast lug colors. It’s a dull woman that
er. Indeed, he shed tears. Ills com­ cun'l improve her looks in one. The one
rades endeavored to cheer him, but to pictured here has a white base with a
no purpose. Those who were permit­ green, white and black border hem­
ted to sleep slept, but Francois Cre­ stitched mid picot edged
mieux remained awake bowed down j
with grief.
Later In the evening Francois was
missed. The captain of his company j
caused a search to be made for him, P u t t in g W o o le n s A w a y Is O n e of th o
but he could not be found Some one
H o u s e w if e 's Jobs.
suggested that he had deserted to the
Economy has become almost us great
enemy. Since he was not popular on a virtue as patriotism or industry.
account of his want of manly strength, Indeed, economy nowadays is almost
this explanation of his absence came synonymous, to many of us, with both
to be believed.
a love of country uml a determination
During the night the groans of those to work for what we get. Nobody
who had been left wounded on the kuows in just what state tills country
field were distressing. The commander and the world at large may be by lhe
of the force called for volunteers to time we open our cedar bags and chests
go out and bring some of them in, but next autumn. Even if the world Is ut
the Germans were supposed to be very peace, as we all hope it will1 be, we can
near, and the men who had encoun­ be sure of this—wool is going up So
tered a murderous fire on their sally the preservation of all our winter
were in no mood to encounter it a clothes is a duty that devolves on
second time.
About 3 o’clock in the morning, when
The spring precaution to make sure
it was still dark, there was quiet on that autumn will find nil of our woolen
the line. One of the French soldiers possessions in good ol der is this—pack
saw a dark object which seemed to be away everything clean. Moths are
coming from the direction of the ene­ much more likely to eat soiled gar­
my. There were some trees left that ments, and dust is in itself destructive.
had not beeu torn away by shot and If you put perfectly clean woolen gar­
shell, or, at least, the trunks were still ments away as soon as they have been
standing. The soldier saw the dark washed and pack them in a clean, air
figure move slowly as though stagger­ tight receptacle, moths cannot get at
ing between two of these giant tree them.
trunks. At first he was about to rouse
The two things to guard against In
the command, thinking that he saw washing woolens are shrinking and
one of many who were skulking for stiffening. Choose a bright, sunny
ward to make u surprise attack; but, day for tho spring washing of woolens
seeing no others, he concluded to of all sorts—sweaters, blankets and
await further demonstration. Present­ bath robes and the other winter com­
ly he saw the figure again or another forts that do not go regularly to the
—he could not till which—rise slowly laundry. Use medium hot water and
from the ground and appear at full use water of the same temperature for
length. The upper part of the body all the rinsings. For the first water
was very large as though a mantle dissolve a tablespoonful of borax in
were wrapped around it. Put, since it every twelve quarts of water.
wus only a dark mass, nothing further
Use neither soap nor scrub board,
could bo distinguished.
but agitate the wooleu articles in this
The soldier watching concluded to solution. Then prepare a second water
call some of his comrades, who were of the same temperature, in which a
sleeping under arms, but when they plentiful amount of pure soap has been
strained their eyes for the figure it dissolved. Never use soap directly oil
was not to be seen. Hut while they the wool, but agitate tlie garments in
pierced through the darkness it again the suds until they are clean. Never
rose up like some large animal on its wring violently in the hands or in the
hind legs and resumed Its staggering clothes wringer, but squeeze the water
forward movement. Some of the men gently from them. Then put them in
leveled their rifles at it, but no one a third water, slightly soapy and blued.
Rinse them thoroughly in this water.
Nearer and nearer approached the
unseemly mass till it was within a few
K e n t u c k y C o lo sla w .
yards of the trench. Then it fell in a
Soak a head of white cabbage for
heap. Several sprang over the pro
tecting embankment and took up two several hours in cold water. Cut in
meu. One had been carrying the other half and dry on a cloth. Shave very
on his shoulder. Both were carried fine and put in a cold place.
Dressing: One large tablespoonful of
into the trench, and when a light was
brought to beur on their faces they butter, n third of a tablespoonful of
were found to be the Cremieux broth­ celery seed, a pinch of mustard, a tea-
ers. Antoine was greviously wound spoonful of salt, four tablespoonfuls of
vinegar, two tablespoonfuls of water,
ed, Francois was exhausted.
And now It began to dawn upon the a tea spoon ful of sugar, one egg
Cover over n very slow fire until
command that this weakling, Francois,
had dared to do what they had not thick. When cold mix with the shaved
dared. True, he had gone for the cabbage. If a very tart salad Is pre­
brother he loved so well; nevertheless ferred add the juice of half a lemon.
he had performed a deed of heroism Two tablespoonfuls of olive oil will
improve tho dressing. This should bo
from which they had shrunk.
When day came again the general added just before mixing with the
commanding tlie division was inform cabbage.
The greatest critics of modern
ed of Francois’ act, and the young
C le a n in g T in t e d C e ilin g s.
times declare that the most perfect
soldier was ordered to headquarters.
There the general complimented him have black spots over the radiators and photography ever obtained in a mo­
on ills deed of heroism. What did the gas jets, while the other parts will still tion picture is to be seen in D. W.
boy do but burst into tears.
Try this method of cleaning Griffith's notable six-act super-pro­
Something entered the general’s he clean.
soiled spots: With a very soft cloth duction, "Her Condoned Sin,” which is
head, a suspicion that this youth was | the
remove all the loose dirt, wiping al­ to he the featured affering at the
a masquerader. He spoke soothingly ways
In one direction. Then dip n soft,
to him. Then, having sent nil but | dry cloth into some of the dry cal- Scenic Theatre on Monday, August
27. The stars of this unusually ap­
Francois away, he suid:
! cimine powder of the same shade ns
“You are not n man Yon are a wo­ i the ceiling, finish and rub gently, strok- pealing drama, which deals with a
; mg away from the wall and toward the woman’s struggle to choose between
Francois, or, rather, Louise, confess­ 1 center and renewing the powder dress­ the life of her lover or the safety of
ed. She had been married to Antoine ing occasionally.
her people. include Mae Marsh, Robert
Cremieux Just before lie marched to
Harron, Blanche Sweet, Dorothy and
tho war. Unable to bear the parting,
Lillian Gish and Henry B. Walthall.
T h e H a irb r u # h .
she had donned man's attire and had
! The best way to clean hairbrushes Is More than 11.000 persons appear in
enlisted In her husband's company.
The general sent for more suitable with spirits of ammonia. No rubbing some of the spectacular battle scenes
clothes for her and directed her dis­ Is required, and co’d water can he used I of “Her Condoned Sin.”
charge from tile army. He also men Just as suecessfu!’; as warm Take a
Ask Anyone Who Has Used It.
tloned her act of heroism In orders teaspoon fill of ammonia to a quart of
and decorated her. Then the regiment water and dip In the hair part of ib*
There are families who alw’ays aim
In which she had enlisted adopted her brush without wetting the wood: then
rinse in cold water, shake tho brush to keep a bottle of Chamberlain's
as its daughter.
Antoine Cremieux recovered from well and dry In the air. but not In the Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy in the
bis wound and continued to tight for sun Soda and soap soften the bris house for use in case it is needed, and
France His wife was sent home
find that it is not only a good invest­
District Attorney Hall is over on ment hut saves them no end of suffer­
F. B. Schow was a business visitor
ing. As to its reliability, ask anyone
lustiness for the cour.ty today.
to the bay Saturday.
who has used it.
Bergmann Shoe
L l mber—Si1 os—Shingl es
W isconsin or S tave
Any size from 8x20 f‘t., I5 tons to
16x36 ft. 155 tons
Prices on lumber and any informa­
tion on lumber and silos cheerfully
Thfe Ocgcn
W hore tra in e d sp ecialists with m odern la b ­
o rato ries and adequate equipm ent give in ­
stru ctio n leading to collegiate degrees in t ie
follow ing sch< «Is:
A G R IC U LT U R E , w ith 15 d e p a rtm e n ts;
COMMERCE, w ith 4 d ep a rtm en ts;
EN G IN E E R IN G , w ith 6 d ep a rtm en ts, in ­
titu lin g Civil. E lectrical. H ighw ay. In d u s tr al
A rts. Irrig atio n , and M echanical !■ tiginet r in g ;
FO R E ST R Y , including Logging Engineer-
In g ;
HOM E ECONOMICS, w ith 4 m tjo r depa t
m ents, in cluding tra in in g in the l’r a c ic e
H o u se ;
M ININ G , w ith th re e d ep a rtm en ts, in clu d ­
ing Chem ical E n g in eerin g ;
ph arm a cy
T H E SCHOOL OF M USIC, o ffers in s tru f
Hon in the p rin c ip al d ep a rtm en t! of vo- h I
and instrum> ntal music.
T H E M ILITA R Y D EPARTM ENT, en ro l’ d
1085 cad ets in 191»’>T7. and won renomim n
dal ion for O. A. C. from the W estern D epart-
m ent «f the l T. S W ar Dcpartm« n t as one of
the fifteen ‘ ' distin g u ish ed in stitu tio n s* ' of
h igher learning. All cadets will be furnished
com plete uniform s by the U. 8. G overnm ent
and the ju n io r and senior cadets, enrolled in
the rt. O. T. C.. w ill be given com m utation for
su bsistence, as well as all tra n sp « 'rtatien and
•u b s is te n re at the six w eeks’ Sum m er camp.
In fo rm atio n on request.
A ddress,
R eg istrar.
O regon
A g ricu ltu ral
Corv. llis. Oiegon.
Saturdays and Sundays between
all stations Cushman to Powers
and liandon inclusive.
limit following Monday.
Round Trip Tickets, at very low
fares, will be sold on Sundays
only, between all stations Marsh-
held to Powers inclusive, limited
to date of sale.
Ask your local agent for tickets and further infor­
JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland.