Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, August 14, 1917, Image 1

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    îh e
VOL. 35,
NO. 48
Contractor Harris, the man who is
said to have stated that he was will­
ing to wager $100 that no man could
open the doors of the Coos county jail
unless he had the master key or the
regular key for the same, was cer­
tainly wise when he confined his risk
to words only as it has been satisfac­
torily proven the past week that it is
but an idle boast.
Members of the sheriff’s office force,
either the jailer or one of the deputies,
Saturday found a small bunch of wire
inside the jail and upon a careful In­
vestigation it was found to be so bent
and twisted that it will unlock any of
the loors of that "prisoner proof dom­
icile.” George O. Leach, one of the
clerks in the office, after a few mo­
ments’ practice became so adept that
it took him less than one minute to
open the outside door and even less
time to handle the cell doors.
And this is still further proof that
Raicy and Weidner are in the jail
merely because they wish to be there
and not because of any precautions it
is possibly for the sheriff or the jailer
to take to keep them there. The young
men say they wish to have their trial
and be acquitted of the chage placed
against them. They also say that
this will be far better for them than
to escape from the jail and have to al­
ways in future avoid re-arrest for the
crime of embezzlement which they
seem assured they can be acquitted of
if tried on the charge.
Through their attorney, L. A. Lilje-
qvist, an effort will soon be made to
raise the necessary bond so they mav
be released until the date of their trial
is set. They say they will work on
the roads of the county and will re
main in call of the county seat until
such a date is set. Their bail has been
placed at $500.
C oquille H erald
Many From Interior Enjoy Outing
and Sports.
A party composed of between 25
and 30 individuals, from Green, Ore.,
a small town near Roseburg, is en­
joying the attractions of the local
beach. The members of the party
came over in autos from their homo
section, and a peculiar coincidence is
the fact the meeting on the local
beach was not premeditated, the
neighbors finding when they met here
that they had apparently conceived a
trip to the coast about the same time.
They are camped at the City Park
camp grounds, and at other points
near the beach. A number of the
men have been fishing from the rocks,
digging for dums, catching crabs,
bathing in the surf, and everyone re­
ports the time of his life.
Fred Renner, one of the members,
states that this is the first trip to the
coast at this point for him and ft 1 -
ily and for a number of the othe ,
but several have made trips to Ba -
don each year.
“It is one of the nicest outings we
ever had,” said Mr. Runner, “and we
certainly will tell our friends back
home about Bandca beach.
scenic attractions are great, and the
fishing, crab hunting and camping fa­
cilities here are excellent. There is
only one mar to the joy of the trip,
and that is the bad road between here
and Roseburg over which we must
About twelve miles of the
way is almost no road at all, it is so
rough and mountainous.”
Among the members of the party
are: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Winston,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pemberton and
two sons, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Renner
and daughter, Miss Lloyd, Howard
C'arns and wife awe* son, Eugene
Howard and family,. Mr. and Mrs.
John Wilson, Floyd Wilson and two
sisters, Clay Smith and family and
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ott and children.
The majority of the party are pros­
perous ranchers of the Roseburg vi­
cinity, while Miss Lloyd is deputy
county clerk of Douglas county, and
Mr. Ott is one of the prominent musi­
cians of Roseburg.
According to Mr. Renner, there’ is
a movement on foot in Camas valley
now to improve the road through
that section, and probably $30,000
will be spent this year.
county people want a good road to
the coast and will do their part in
making it. That county voted bonds
for roads, and at last election gave
a substantial majority for the state
good road bonds.
“The automobile is what make us
farmers take an interest in good
roads,” said Mr. Renner.
“The ma­
chine ha» given us an opportunity to
use the roads more and has made us
Impatient with the mud holes and
l:ump%. We are going to have good
roads now or know the reason why.”
The road to the coast would be of
considerable commercial value to
Douglas county. With a good road
to Coos Mr. Renner and other fruit
growers ot his section could then
market their peaches direct to the
consumer here at a price considera
bly more attractive than they now ob­
tain in their local market.
have sold fruit to people here in
many instances but have always
found the trip over the rough roads
discourages all but spasmodic at­
tempts to sell here.—Western World.
Gold Beach Reporter.
G. B. Stafford this week vompleted
putting in the concrete of the vault
for the treasurer’s office and it will
soon be ready for use, thus insuring
adequate fire protection and much
needed room, as well as safety for the
treasurer’s records.
A forest fire which has been raging
on the head of Brusnes and Euchre
creek during the past week burned
over 3,000 acres and consumed some
of the homesteads of the Whitworth
brothers, each of whom lost a build­
ing or two.
The lease of T. H. Estes, of the
Southern Curry Telephone line, has
been secured by other parties, and it
is understood the company has chang­
ed ownership. While no definite an­
nouncement has yet been made, it is
reported that local men are in the
deal, with a possibility that the Coos
and Curry Telephone company may
yet take over the lines, which extend
from Illahee, up Rogue river, down to
Harbor on the Chetco.
An epidemic of land buying seized
the populace here Friday and Satur­
day last, when Sheriff Tolman -cold
the Lakeport property recently bid
in by the county for taxes. Prices
went from five cents to upwards of a
dollar for a lot or bunch of lots, and
now a large part of the population of
this section owns a summer home in
Invited to Red Cross Meeting.
the viqinity of Floras lake. The sal?
Mrs. Kate Lando, chairman of
will probably net enough to clear the
county in its expense of foreclosing Marshfield Red Cross Chapter, has
and selling the lots besides the taxes notified Miss Clare Sherwood, chair­
man of Coquille Auxiliary, that sam­
ples of work, sent to San Francisco,
have been approved.
The State School Fund.
Some time during the coming week,
The interest on the state school Mrs. Kate Lando and Mrs. Carrie
fund just apportioned by the state Stauf will come to Coquille to instruct
treasurer is $382,012.38, which is high us in the work. All ladies interested
water mark in the history of Oregon. in the Red Cross work are requested
Of this amount each county will re­ to be present at this meeting to be
ceive $1.86 for each child over 4 and held at the Red Cross headquarters.
under 20 years of age. Last year the Placards will be placed in the post-
interest totaled $369,660.95, and each office and store windows announcing
county received $1.77 for each child. the date of the meeting.
While the interest on the fund is
New Phone Line.
larger than in the past, the school
Supt. W. E. Gates, of the Coos and
population is less. The total popu­
lation is 205, 383, which is 3465 less Curry Phone Co., yesterday started a
crew building a new lead from Myr-
than last year.
The figures for the counties in this j tie Point via Gravel Ford to Dora.
The new line will take the place of
section are as follows:
6,764 $12,575.40 I an inadequate farmer’s line and will
1,588.44 cost about $5,000, and will carry eight
6.407 11,917.02 lines.—Times.
Marshfield Officers in Reserve.
It is reported W. G. Chandler, John
C. Kendall and Arthur K. Peck, of
Marshfield, who have been training
in the officer’s reserve school at the
Presidio, have been given active com­
missions. but have been placed on the
reserve list on account of the great
number available.
Insane Patient Escapes.
William Malee, an inmate of the
Oregon State hospital, who was com­
mitted from Curry county in July of
this year, escaped from the hospital
yesterday by walking away from the
kitchen where he was employed. He
has not yet been found by the ho'
tal authorities.—Salem Statesman.
PER YEAR $1.50
Contracting Sales to Selling Concerns
Declared Poor Business.
bean growers of the Willam­
Newspapers to be Given Names of Shirkers and Their ette Valley
and western Oregon art
contracting the sale of their 1917
Excuses for Not Serving Uncle Sam
beun crop on a commission basis.
This has come to the attention of
For the month of July 852 warrants
All the light that publicity can give torney—will investigate.
If he finds the claimant has wrong­ Dr. Hector Macpherson, head of ru­ were drawn Ly the county clerk’s of­
is to be turned on applications for
ral economics at the Agricultural Col­ fice, totalling $52,909.55. Segregated
exemption or discharge from military ly stated the facts, the government
representative will inform the local lege, who says thut the practice is these warrants were drawn as fol­
service under the draft.
entirely one-sided and unbusiness­ lows: 239 on the general fund, 408 on
The United States government be­ board, and, if necessary, carry the
'.he C l ...Ly road fund and 205 on the
lieves a man’s neighbors can some­ case on appeal to the district board.
Thus the interests of other men 1 “This one-sided contract,” said he road b >nd fund. The amounts of the
times supply some interesting infor­
after a tour of some of the bean dis­ road bond warrants was $22,293.91;
mation as to the real motives behind I v-ho would be called up for service
an application for exemption or dis­ | ahead of their proper time if exemp­ tricts of the valley, “guarantees the on the special road fjnd $3,281.68; on
growers nothing and still they have the gt neral road fund $3,949.47; on
charge. So the government is taking tions were granted to men ahead of i
to pay for it. -That is, there is no the road district funds $16,058.89.
steps to see that the neighbors, and them not entitled to exemption, will j
guarantee that the bean crop will bo Warrants for $26 were drawn us scalp
the public generally, have every op­ be protected.
In explaining the reasons for mak­ sold for any more than the grower t ountii for July. The balance of the
portunity to find out, through the
could get for it—or even as much- - $52,909.55 was drawn from the gen­
newspapers, what men have asked ing this order to local boards, the I
and a considerable percentage of the eral fund against the following ac­
exemption, and the reasons they have provost marshal general said in part:
registration and election,
“The names of all registered men market price will go to the selling counts:
assigned for asking it.
$6.00; salaries and expenses of offices,
To insure the necessary publicity, are on a list arranged in the order in
all exemption boai'ds, by direction of which they will be called for mili- j “Although the acreage has been $2,980.20; court house expenses, in­
greatly increased in this and other cluding salary of janitor, $163.70;
the provost marshal general at Wash­ tary service. Wherever any registered |
states there is no indication that the circuit court, $52.05; justice courts,
ington, have received positive in­ person imposes upon a local board {
structions from the adjutant general and improperly secures a certificate price will be forced down. The de­ $86.35; insane, $26.50; county school
mand is enormous and continues t superintendent, $165.05; vital statis­
at Portland immediately to make of exemption or discharge, he ad­
grow. For this reason the growers tics, $33.25; indigent soldiers, $12 j .0O;
available to the press the names of vances the time of call of all other
had best keep the marketing in their widows’ pensions, $652.50; care of
all persons claiming exemption or uncalled persons on the list.
“For this reason every. registered own hands and get' all the profit poor, $1,328.67; jail, including board
discharge and the grounds on which
of prisoners, $124.45; juvenile court,
and, to ‘ some extent, every there is to be made.
uch claims are based.
“Going prices at the time of mar­ $91.20; and miscellaneous, $1,461.50.
If any person has information con­ person in the community ,js more o:
trary to the facts as alleged'by the less directly interested in seeing that keting can be learned by farmers and
In checking over the various war­
daiinnnt, the government «representa­ the true facts are brpught to the at­ dealers by watching the big bean or­
and their amounts for the above
tive—who usually is the county at­
and Coloralo. The Michigan growers figures Deputy Collier announced
really lead since they produce a large when he came to the road bond fund
percentage of the bean crop of th< that there was uu apparent error in
country and the prices they agree on the figures published from the Senti­
will be followed by the organizations nel in another column as coming from
the Roadmuster’s office. This appnr-
The financial report of the Road- and the additional $15,000 comes from in the other states.”
Increased acreage is indicated in nt error'exists in the amounts of the
master made for August first contains the premium paid for the bonds and
letters to Dr. Macpherson from com­ original funds for the various pro­
some very «interesting and instructive the accrued interest on the bonds at
mercial clubs throughout western Or­ jects as well as in the fact that the
the time they were sold.
The Roseburg club reports special fund contained in the table is
The following table shows the total egon.
From . it .we learn that the amount amount available for each project; the 100 tons. Riding through the valley really tak.en from the other funds
available for the five road projects of amount already expended and its per­ one seas from an acre to 5 acres on though not so appearing in the table.
The analysis of the various accounts
the county«to be.constructed from the j centage of the total; the amount re­ nearly every farm.
shows their standing as follows:
road be^d fund, is $377,811.
The maining in each fund and likewise its
road bond fund itself was $362,000, ^ percentage of the total;
The original amount of the Co-
Churches May Unite
quille-Marshfleld tund was $149,979.-
Amount Spent Per cent To be spent Per cent
The Quarterly Conference of the 77; $1.350.72 was deducted for the
83 M. E. Cnurch South here last Tues­ special fund, leaving a balance of
Bandon-Curry *Co
82 day evening was one of the most im­ $148,029.05; Bandon-Curry County
Coquillc-Myrtle Point
portant in its history. A proposition fund, $66,197.97, special fund $005.17,
was presented from the M. E. Church balancer v: -,692.80; Coquille- Myrtl*
Coos Bay-North
85 for a federation of* the two churches. oint, $47,579.79, special fund $430.44,
Special Fund
The proposition came as the unani- balance $47.149.35; Coquille-Bandon,
desire of the M. E. people and $ 19,648.48. special funds $44 1.83, bal­
then -t n't a dissenting voice raised ance $49,203.65; Coos Bay-North, $61,-
The fact that less than a quarter of Bandon road, on which only engineer­
by t! i topic of the M. E. South 026.25, special fund $551.10, balance
the road bond fund had been expended ing work has yet been done and where
though it was the opinion of $60,475.15.
up to the first of the month might be it may be that nothing further will be
the latter that in order to allay all
Of these original amounts $9,050.00
taken to indicate that road work is done until the war is over. In all but
factional feeling and to make union was paid out by the county court last
dragging in this county; but such is one of these projects it is only expect­
more perfect and harmonious the pas­ December as the first interest pay­
not the case.
July was the first ed to put the roads on line and grade
tor for the united church should oe ment on the bonds. This interest
month in which full time had been put with the amount of funds available.
some man who has hover been pastor fund was taken from the various pro­
in, and with good weather thjs month On the Bandon South line, however,
of either.
jects as follows: Coquille-Marshfield,
and next the statement for October there will be $25,000 of these funds
The two churches will maintain $3,629.05; Bandon-Curry County, $1,-
first will show a surprising change in
their individual organization only so 592.80; Coquillc-Myrtle Point, $1,149.-
all the projects except the Coquille- grade has been finished.
far as their reports to contributions 35, Coquille-Bandon, $1,203.65; Coos
for and connections with the confer­ Bay-North, $1,476.15.
ences of the two churches are con­
After these deductions for interest
cerned—and, of course, it is well and the percentage of the special fund
known that plans for a.union of these were made the amounts in the various
County School Superintendent Ray­ months’ school; three ten months; two conferences have been underway for funds for actual road work were as
mond E. Baker has favored the Sen­ had eleven months; one had 11% some time and will probably be con­ follows: 'Coquille-Marshfield project,
$145,000; Bandon-Curry County, $64,-
tinel with a copy of his annual report months; and one kept school going summated in the near future.
Locally the federation agreed upon 000; Coquille-Myrtle Point, $46,000;
for the year ending Junel8, from continuously for the entire year.
which we gather the following infor­
This is the financial statement for will mean that the preaching services Coquille-Bandon, $48,000; Coos Bay-
will be held in the M.°E. church South, North, $59,000. In addition to these
the year:
and that the two Sunday Schools am la! ter figures there remains the spe­
Number of persons over fapr and
under twenty years of age, 6761, of ■Cash on hand...................... $ 62,584.87 Epworth l eagues and prayer meet­ cial fund of $3,382.26 which was set
whom 3430 are boys and 3331 are ¡District Taxes .................. 105,431.64 ings will be united. Some meetings aside by the court for the purpose of
I County school fund............ 54,024.00 will be held in the M. E. church for taking care of such expenses as might
Number of pupils enrolled in the | State School fund.............. 12,016.53 the time being, for insurance reasons be encountered for all the projects
400.95 if no other. One of the parsonages but which could not well he segregat­
public schools of the county, 4768, of Tuition below high school.
whom 2258 are boys and 2510 are 'Sale Bonds and Warrants. 18.L36.55 will be rented and the proceeds ap­ ed to the various accounts.
As an explanation of the amount of
5,563.11 plied for the payment of the pastor’s
g ’rls. Though there are fewer girls High School Tuition..........
this specinl fund it might be well to
6,031.64 salary.
than boy8 more of them attend school. Other Items ........................
As the conference year of one of stati that the original bonds were for
In fact two-thirds of the boys are en­
Total .................................$264,789.29 the churches ends within about a the sum of $362.000. The bonds were
rolled ami three-quarters of the girls.
month, and the other in two months, sold for $374,432.26, which was $12,-
The number of pupils by grades is
as follows: First, 744; Second, 686; Teachers' wages .................$117,167.19 it is expected to effect the proposed 432.26 more than the face of the
union very shortly.
bonds. After making the first pay­
Third, 595; Fourth, 504; Fifth, 472; Rent of rooms etc.....
ment of $9,050 there was a balance of
Sixth, 428; Seventh. 362; Eighth, 301; Fuel and Supplies.... 12,732.19
Ninth, 186; Tenth, 168; Eleventh, 147; Repairs, Janitors etc.......... 29,018.29 had two years and one has had one the premium and interest remaining
7,295.00 year. Fifty-one have had two years of $3,382.26 which was set aside as
Twelfth, 86.
The striking fact here New buildings and S ites..
is the dropping out at the end of the Bonds and Warrants paid. 48,608.72 of normal training and thirteen one above explained ns a special fund.
2,038.08 year. The remaining 110 range from This left an amount equal to the face
Eighth grade, only 61 per cent of Insurance ............................
seven who have only gone as far as of the bonds intact for road purposes
those graduating from that grade en­ Clerks’ Salaries........
Library books ..................
266.56 the eighth grade to 38 who have com and it is from this fund that all the
tering high school.
9,082.50 pleted four years’ of high school bond moneys so far spent on the bond
The number of teachers employed All other sources ..............
projects has been drawn, excepting
in the county is 246, of whom 46 arc
Total .................................$230,622.08
The superintendent has made 192 ¡the sum of $499.05 which has been
men and 200 women. One man and
Cash on hand.............. 34,167.21 visits in 67 districts during the year; | drawn from the special fund.
51 women hold Normal sdhool certi­
The principal error in the figures as
The bonded indebtedness of the dis­ the supervisor made 255 visits in 78
ficates. Eighteen men and seven wo­
j published lies in the fact that the
tricts of the county is $248,565.92; the district».
men are college graduates.
The number of standard rural and amount of the specinl fund, $3,382.26,
The number of pupils who complet­ amount of district warrants outstand­
ed the Eighth grade work during the ing is $47,821.44; all other indebted­ village schools is 22. The number in ; has not been deducted from the funds
which sanitary conditions are unsat­ represented in the various projects,
year was 277, of whom 119 wort boys ness, $10,130.59.
The estimated value of school isfactory is about 20, The superin­ which makes the grand total just $3,-
and 158 girls.
The average number of days taught grounds and properties is $456,465.79; tendent devoted an average of an 182.26 greater than the amount re­
during the year was 145%.
The the estimated value of furniture and hour and 15 minutes to each visit to ceived from the sale of the bonds.
whole number of days’ attendance apparatus, $48,640.89; the insurance schools, and the supervisor an hour Again the expenditure of the $9,050
j according to the roadmaster’s office
during the year was 649,180%. The carried on school property is $259,167. I and 24 minutes.
The number of children in districts report is credited to that office as ex-
The total levy or school district
number of days’ absence of enrolled
of the third class is 3,089 or nearly ■ pended upon the various road projects
pupils was 36,948%.
The average taxes is $138,284.01.
which is not the case.
The average salary of principals in half the total.
daily attendance was 446, and the
There are 260 children preparing
buildings of more than one room is
per cent of attendance 94.
j exhibits for county or state fairs.
A dollar apiece was distributed the
The number of organized districts $109.44.
There are seven children of school other day to the firemen and volun
The average salary of men teach­
in the county is 84, with 104 school-
age in the county who are unable to leers who went oat to Cedar Point a
houses, of which 97 were in operation ers is $82.61 and of women $58.72.
Twenty-six teachers have completed attend school on account of infirmi­ couple of weeks ago to put out the
during the year.
Two new school
jfour years of college work; six have ties. Five of these are deaf, one is (ire at the log dump there. The Smith
houses were built.
Lumber Company put up for the boys.
districts had nine had three years in college; four have a cripple and one is feeble minded.