Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, August 07, 1917, Image 3

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H L ?*
I 'H E Ansco Vest-
P ocket Speedex
catches swiftly moving
figures without a blur.
It gets into action
quickly when every
second counts. You
can change the focus,
the speed and opening
of the shutter instantly
and accurately while
viewing the image in
the finder. Let us show
you this camera.
Other Anscos $2 ti
Vosi-D ucket
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mears, of
Powers, visited friends in Bandon sev­
eral days last week.
Miss Mulvihill, local telephone man­
ager, went to Portland on her vaca­
tion Sunday morning.
Have party who wants to borrow
$1000.00 on good security.
The Title Company.
Mrs. Mabelle Ford left Sunday
morning for Portland where she will
purchase her fall stock of millinery.
C. J. Fuhrman yesterday received
four new Columbia music makers
which are now on display. They arc
Dr. Hamilton reports the birth of a
ten-pound girl to Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Waits, who live in the north end of
town, on Wednesday.
Mrs. W. S. Hall is again at the
switchboard of the local telephone of­
fice, while the various members of
the force are on their vacations.
R. A. Wernich, of the Sitka Spruce
Company, has recovered from his re­
cent illness and went to Portland on
business the latter part of the week
R. O. Bayley, who was for some
time employed at the creamery, and
who has been attending the Anderson
Business College, leaves tomorrow
for Eugene.
Banker Lowney, of Powers, was in
town yesterday as a member of the
proposed investigating committee of
the Roadmaster's office, returning
home in the evening.
A card was received the other day
from Mike at Portland in which he
says he is still kicking and requested
that the Herald be sent to the boys
so they would have nothing else to
kick about.
The new flag pole for the city hall
was erected yesterday and Old Glory-
thrown to the breeze for the first
time from this edifice.
The entire
force of city officers were present but
no ceremonies were held.
J. E. Norton left yesterday morn­
ing for a two weeks’ “vacation” which
he will spend in Portland and San
Francisco interviewing wholesalers
and in buying his fall line of canned
and other goods.
Mrs. L. P. Branstetter, who has
been at Foley springs for her health
for some time, will leave there to­
morrow and, after a visit with friends
in Portland, will return to Coquille,
arriving here some time next week.
Miss Ines Bunch resumed her duties
at the clerk's office yesterday after
an absence of several weeks, part of
which time was spent in a Portland
hospital and the last two weeks at
the home of her parents near Mc­
The Billings party passed through
town last week after a week spent on
the beaches between Empire and Port
Orford. They spent Friday visiting
relatives here and left Saturday morn­
ing for Roseburg, going out by way of
Brewster where they will camp one
day and have a try for some of the
famous Brewster trout.
C. E. Schroeder and Philip Johnson
will start Sunday morning for Crater
lake in a new bug which Philip ex­
pects to receive this week. They go
to attend the big initiation conclave
of the Knights of Pythias which is
scheduled to take place on Wizard Is­
land in the lake next week.
W. C.
Chase and Jap Yoakam also expect to
attend the conclave, going out in Jap's
L. P. Branstetter, of the R ust In­
vestment Company, last week lost a
valuable horse, which he will have
some trouble in replacing at this time
The animal had been turned out to
pasture at the McAdams place on
the Marshfield road and had layed
down to roll. She was found on her
back in a small ditch and had appar­ were sent away as happy as it would community will fall far below the pro­
ently been unable to roll out and re­ I a possible to make them. Most of per sum when the books are finally
gain hei feet after rolling into the them were inquirers as to ways and closed so our readers are urged to
Mr. Branstetter stated he means of obtaining title to property see that their slate is made clean of
would not have taken $300 for the an­ which had been taken over by the the July and August payments at
imal and that it might cost him more county on tax sales and in each in­ once.
stance the following terms were offer­
than that to match her mate.
New stoves and ranges at Quick’ .
Jno. L. Gary was in town Wednes ed by the court: That they pay the
day. He is now located at Myrtle emount for which the property was Also a full line of second hand wool
Point with his family where he will sold together with the costs of the and coal stoves.
be principal of the nigh school the sale and six per cent interest on the
Notice to the Public.
entire sum from the date of the sale.
coming year.
There will be a big open air dance
A. D. Smith, manager of the new This offer was in the main satisfac­
tory and there will be several tracts at the Pastime Pavillion at Coquill
Portland house of the Keystone Type
Jolley’s Oi -
Foundry of Philadelphia, was a caller ledeemed soon as a result of their in­ Saturday, \ugust 11.
chestra. Good lights. Good floor and
Thursday. It was his first visit to terviews with the court.
Everybody come.
In addition to the work of enter­ refreshments.
Coos county in ten years and he com­
mented on the great improvement taining the various delegations rela­
Quick carries the Wisconsin vegetr
tive to the closng down of the county
here in that time.
load work the county court was in­ ble and meat cooker, the best on th
The city school board met Thursday
market. Will take 14 half gallon ja<
night and accepted the resignation of terviewed by a delegation of Myrtle
or 21 quart jars at a filling and cool-
C. A. Howard as superintendent. Some
meats in two and one-half hours—a
applications for this position, if n va­ more successful than the others. The
saving of over an hour on each filling.
cancy should occur, were already on Myrtle Point contingent came with a
i .¡quest that the county join with their
file, and were considered by the board,
city and Binger Hermann in ihe im­
but it is not probable that an imme­
provement of the stieet near the de-
diate selection will be made.
i .it. The offer of the delegation was
Mrs. Henry Lorenz has been en­ that the city would pay $250 Binger
Rates:- One cent a word, each in­
joying a visit from her uncle, R. D. Hermann would pay $200 if the coun­ sertion. No charge less than 15 cent .
i Dickson, from Arizona, who came up ty would pay $250 toward the im-
on the Elizabeth last Saturday. Mr. provemeilt of the street, the entire WANTED—Second hand furniture.
Dickson is an old-time resident of Co­ cost of the project being $700. This
Highest prices paid. Coquille Fur
quille, having left here 22 years ago the court agreed to and the order was
niture Company.
when Front street was all there was entered on the journal. It is under­
to the town, and he has not been back
ood that the railroad company will
for sale. Enquire of F. B. Phillips
pave their ground and connect with
at the Ladies Bazaar, Coquille.
A letter received from R. A. Jeub, the contemplated work by the other
formerly in the county clerk’s office parties.
Semi-folding Baby Sulkies—new-
here, says that hot weather and poor
O. C. Sanford stated yesterday that at Quick's. They are beauties.
1 usiness conditions make them wish
they Were back in Coos.
They are in checking up the figures relative to
Doing Good.
now located in Minneapolis, Minn. the Red Cross payments he had been
Ray was one of those drafted in the deceived by the aggregate sum when
Few medicines have met with more
first call and said he was to be ex­
or accomplished more good than
he stated that the payments were j favor
Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea
amined this week.
coming in satisfactorily.
He went Remedy. John F. Jantzen, Delmeny,
The Coquille W. C. T. U. requests over the subscription cards Saturday Sask.. .¡ays of it, “I have used Cham­
donations of old sheets, pillow cases, end found that there were quite a berlain’s Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy
and white cotton garments, old out­ number of subscribers who have made myself and in my family, and can rec­
ing flannel, white or colored, old table no payments at all on their subscrip­ ommend it as being an exceptionally
linen and flour socks—all for use in tions and that but a very few have fine preparation.”
Red Cross work. Contributions may made their August payments.
be left with Mrs. S. V. Epperson or f rst payment was due on July 1, the
Mrs. II. L. Jqfinson. If more conven­ s. cond on August 4, and the third
T H E D IA M O N D H i t AN 1».
< a
I, tul I cm f A m I» y o u r D r u g g is t for
ient, the goods will be called for.
< h l-fh e H -to r’r» D ia m o n d Ttriim L
and fourth payments on the first day
I 'l l In in K e ll and G o ld m etallic'
boxes, sealed with Blue Ribbon.
Jno. Quick, who was last week mov­ of September and October, respcctve-
T a k e n o o th e r, lin y o f y o u r
U rugfflH t. A s k fo rC III.C T rh M .T E K ’«
ing his second hand store to the El- ly. All who signed the cards on the
D IA M O N D II H A N D 1’ ILI.M , for C 5
years known as B eit, Safest, Always Reliable
lingsen building opposite the Mason- installment plan
is Hall, has added a line of new furni­ promptly to their payments or this
ture and stoves to his well equipped
stock and is consequently reaching
out for a larger and more varied pa­
tronage. He has fitted up the east
half of his former location for living
E. D. Graham, who has been on the
river and harbor survey work at the
Umpqua for several weeks, came in
Sunday evening and went out to Rose-
1,urg to join Mrs. Graham at her fa­
ther’s place near there. The survey
work at the Umpqua has been partial­
ly abandoned this year owing to the
henvy weather but will be taken up
Will burn Coal Oil, Gasoline or Distillate and give uni­
as soon as weather conditions are fa­
form results.
The only stove on the market that
will successfully deliver the goods without changing
T. B. Currie returned from Tekoa,
Washington, Sunday evening and re­
the burner.
ports that the I. W. W. organization
They are convenient—work like gas, have large cook­
put him out of his job owing to the
ing surface and are absolutely safe.
fact that they have the lumber camps
and mills of that section so nearly
They are simple, easy to clean and are odorless and
out of business that the local yard
where he was employed had to be
closed. He does not know when they
They are quick bakers—as fast as gas—and are intense
will have matters in shape so the
heaters, the heat being directly under the utensil. The
yard can be reopened.
heat is confined by a specially patented appliance.
Stanley Bartlett arrived in Coquille
last Saturday from Fort Withycombe
Ask our satisfied customers about the Detroit Vapor
and immediately proceeded to the
court house where he received the nec­
essary papers which enabled him to
lake Miss Christine McIntosh as his
helpmate on the balance of life’s jour­
Guaranteed Odorless and Fully Satisfactory or
The marriage ceremony was
Your Money Refunded
performed by Rev. Law that after­
noon and the happy couple proceeded I
to the bride’s home at Bullards for
a few days before his return to camp.
Miss Mary E. Lucas returned to Co­
quille Sunday evening and has again I
taken up the teaching of shorthand
and typewriting at the Anderson Bus- \
iness College. Miss Lucas nas been :
in Portland and Albany since leaving!
last month but will remain permanent­
ly with the local school. Hei
was received with enthusiasm by all
the pupils in these classes and she has j
been spoken of as one of the best if
not the best teacher in these branches
who has ever come to the coast. Mr.
Anderson is to be congratulated on !
securing her services for the school.
The graveling of the Cunningham
project has been completed as far as
the Fred Nosier place at the north
YSTEMATIZE your household expenses by
side of town and, one layer of gravel
opening a bank account for your wife. Give
has been put on to the city limits.
her a check book and teach her the use of it.
This gravel surfacing is being layed
I’av the butcher, the grocer, the baker, with
in the most approved modern way.
a cheek. Then at the er.d of the month
three layers being rolled on separate­
you’ll find out just how much it costs you
ly, thus insuring a firm, stable road­
to run the home. When payment by check
way which shou’d last for many years
is made there never is any doubt a- to whether or not
with but little attention or repairs.
a bill is paid. The cheek is a receipt.
The fill at the long trestle at the Wat­
Besides, a checking account will give your wife a
son place has been completed and will
business education. The number of ordinarily bright
be either planked or gravelled before
women who know absolutely nothing of banking is sur­
fall. All the new work will be grav­
prising. If you are a husband, fa'her, brother, you
elled if the funds are sufficient but
cannot tell when death may overtake you, and it is
well that your wife, daughter <fnd sister know some­
in case of a shortage the old plank
will be put down for this winter. An
thing of hanking.
ample supply of these plank which are
in good condition are being held for
this purpose.
Several disgruntled taxpayers call­
»♦•ft* M
ed on the county court Saturday with
grievances pertaining to delinquent
taxes but it is understood that all
The Elliott & Sherman Film Corporation Presents
m a ster fu l
A m e r ic a n p l a y
Math ?e at 2:1b Pric-s25c hildren, 50c Adults
Evening at 8:15 Prices 50c Balcony, 75c Main Floor
Accompanied by Special Musical Score
3 Hours--T >:i --Laughter--Tears
Millions h a v e sc -n it c ly to come again and again
The Mastercrar of Film Perfection
Seats on Sal at Theater Beginning Saturday, Aug. 4
D etroit
Just Right for Summer
Let the G-E Motor ti
the grind out of your cl res.
Motor-driven mncE.i: < s v. iiI ¿ til!:, separate cr am, churn, grind tools,
pump water, cut feed a: ! . a ,
! r ;.1 shell coin, split ami saw kindling,
thresh grain and p < mi , »
i»ur\ u k . i ¡ ting stu idy applica­
tion of power. A (i-L ;
F. r itself i 1 1 ! r and time saved.
Ask our power man to show you just where a motor will help on your farm.
Oregon Power Co.
Coquille, Oregon
Prices Up to $72.00
H. O. A n d e rso n i
Furniture a d Hardware
Farmers and Merchants
Cut Out the Lost Motion
Southwestern Oregon has come through patriotically in response to
every appeal to assist in the Great War. O.ur young men have gone
in great numbers, our people have invested in Liberty Bonds and
given freely to the Red Cross.
The slack in our business must all be taken up.
We must cut out
the lost, false and waste motions.
Make every minute and every
move count.
The telephone will assist greatly in making for efficiency.
But re­
member not to use the phone unnecessarily.
1L is lost motion for
you and for the punyr rvants who have more important calls wait­
ing on you.
Efficiency Will Win the War.
Coos anti Cur.y Telephone Co.
The Best Prices
If you want to realize the best prices for
Chittam Be rk, Oregon Grape Root, Dan­
delion Root, Rose Leaves, Foxglove
and all other drug plants, write to
Geo. Schumacher
Only First Class Hotel in the City
We cater to the best trade and our service
leaves nothing to be desired. Special writing
room and sample rooms for Commercial men.
The Patronage of the Traveler is Solicited