T he C oquille H erald VOL. 35. NO. 47 NEK MOTOR VEHICLE LAWS COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON. TUESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1917. YOUR COUNTRY CALLS. THEY DID COME BACK CURRY WAS INCLUDED. PER YEAR $1.50 WOAT WILL IT COST TOO Coast Road Improvement Will Soon War and Peace Needs for Trained Begin in Curry. Engineers Doubled. Recently the various highway pro­ The most lucrative as well as the jects in Oregon on which national most patriotic service young men can money would be used were formulated perform for the next ten years or end sent to the Secretary of Agri­ more is training and practicing en- j culture for approval by our state gineering, says J A. L Waddell, Con­ “ When you hand a newsboy a nickle The new law governing automobiles sulting Engineer, New York. Raicy and Weidner came back voluntarily to their cells Sat­ highway commission, under the pro­ for a morning newspaper,” says R. J. visions of the Shackleford bill. The throughout the state, doubling license Mr. Waddell is well known in Port- I fees, and making several other impor­ land business circles, where he was urday morning and are again steady boarders at the Hotel de list as approved was published. The Clancy, Assistant to General Manager tant changes, became effective last supervising engineer of the great I’eart. The boys seem to have enjoyed their outing immensely Curry county project was not speci­ of the Southern Pacific, “ you have fically mentioned in the list of ap­ spent almost twice as much as the Wednesday, August 1. Columbia interstate bridge and also and say they had a fine fishing trip and outing. It was reported provals, and it was feared that it railroad receives for transporting a Most important from a financial the O. V/. R. & N. railway bridge that they went as far as Portland while away but conflicting had been left out. To clear up the de'icious canteloupe and a sun-kissed standpoint is the doubling of the li­ across the Willamette. A summary orange from the fields and groves of censes of all automobiles. It is es­ of his reasons for the statement fol­ stories are told relative to this point. Especial precautions will uncertainity Judge Wood wrote to the California to the breakfast tables of State Highway commission, and S. timated that for the first year un­ lows: be taken that their sojourn at the county bastile will be prolonged Benson took the matter up with the New Y’ ork. der this law about $250,000 will be More than half of the world will “ It costs more to send a letter available for use by the State High­ have to be reconstructed after the to the time of their trial and Sheriff Gage assures us that they head of the Forestry Department at through the mails from New York to Portland. way commission, this being for the war. America’s railways and bridges will be there vhen the!, names are called. Monday evening Judge Wood re­ San Francisco than to ship a $5 Dun­ payment of interest and redemption of will have deteriorated from over use ceived a copy of the reply sent to Mr. lap, Knox or Stetson hat the same the $6,000,000 bond issue for good and lack of upkeep. Benson, which is to the effect that distance by freight. roads throughout the state. Their reconstruction is almost “ At some factory in the East that the Curry project has been approved For the first time In Oregon, mo­ wholly the work of engineers. pair of shoes you are wearing, and and that preliminary work of survey tor trucks are defined. Slow going European engineers are being 1 ’lied and location will ' begin as soon as which doubled in price, was loaded in­ vehicles must keep to the right boun­ off by the ‘ thousands and large num­ arrangements can be made. The first to a car and hauled 3000 miles to the Coos River fire is under full control dary line of the road. Signal must bers of American engineers serving “ The four big forest fires in the Pacific Coast for one-third of be made by drivers before making a in Europe will be kiiled or incapaci­ Coos county section of the state are and but one patrolman is now neces­ work to be taken up and completed will be that portion between Hub­ your burber would charge you for a sary there. Many small fires on turn on any road tated for work. now under full control,” said Fire ranch and bottom land are now burn­ bard’s creek and Corbin. When t' ■ shave. Complete lists of registrations and The supply of new engineers in the “ That suit of clothes you have on Warden Crouch in an interview this ing on the lower river but these are is completed other portions of the transfers are to be furnished law o f­ warring countries has been cut down was hauled in freight trains one- ficers and are to be on file with coun­ fully one half by the call to arms, morning. “ The Cow Creek fire, which being carefully watched by the ran­ route will be considered. There will be $55,000 available for eighth of the distance around the The trains are setting small ty clerks for public inspection. Dim­ just at the time when it should be was the largest and which was really chers. world at a total cost of about 19 ming of lights is required for safety doubled. three fires very close together has fires every Jay on the South Fork but this work, $5000 to survey the route cents. and the balance for its construction. of road traffic. The demand for technical special­ now been headed and with fourteen I have three patrolmen there who are “ If living in San Francisco, Oak­ This will be good news not only to The provisions as to the dimming ists by munition factories and ship men watching it we think we have constantly on the watch to prevent land or any other Bay points, you of lights is as follows: When the yards has already taken all available it safely within bounds. This fire . these fires spreading. A brush fire is residents of Curry but to all people would have to eat four Petaluma eggs convenience or safety of the users of men, and will become more insistent has burned over an area of over 5000 | reported on Halls creek in the Fish- who use the coast highway, which is every day for two months before the fast becoming a popular route of any public highway demands, the as the call increases for more ships, acres and has destroyed upwards of i trap section but as there is no timber cost of transportation thereof would front lights of every motor vehicle guns, amunition, aeroplanes, automo­ 12 000,000 feet of merchantable tim­ ' near it can cause but little damage. travel for those who would avoid the equal the price of a two cent postage “ At the present time I have 22 reg­ heat of the interior valleys in summer shall be dimmed so as to prevent any biles, and other war supplies. ber. Old fires which burned through stamp. and at the same time have a trip re­ glare therefrom, or shall be so di­ ular patrolmen in the field and about Lack of trained men will make this this section many years ago left “ A pound of live beef from Nevada plete with fine ocean views, cooling rected that the center rays thereof country miss the golden opportunity small tracts of timber which have an equal number of men hired whole- is hau'ed more than 300 miles to San bhall strike the ground at a distance for largest service in the world’s re- been burned by this fire. ly to fight fires but this number will breezes, the best of camping and Francisco over a mountain range a not to exceed 75 feet in front of such contruction work. “ Three other fires which have been be materially reduced this week as the fishing spots, which go to make tour­ mile and a-half high, and lowered a ing most enjoyable.—Gold Beach Re­ vehicle, providing that nothing in this most of the fires are under control. With an adequate supply of proper­ urning in the county for the past few mile and a half to sea level for about subdivision shall be construed to ren­ ly trained young assistants the old days are now under control or entirely The Cow creek fire is the only one porter. one-third of a cent. der inoperative the provisions of sub­ engineers of the country could do five extinguished. The two fires on the •which has done any material damage “ In view of these facts do you won­ county where the Smith-Powers lum­ division B of this section relative to or even ten times what they are now Middle Fork are burned out and the so far this season.” ber industries pay $80,000 in taxes a der that, burdened by increased the the plain visibility of the lights doinf y - -■ •v’ j ' „ .he European en­ year (and have never been delinquent wages, increased taxes, increased cost in the direction in which such ve­ gineering work of Europe through even though for years they have had of capital, and increases of from 100 hicle is proceeding. their assistants. to borrow the money to make the to 500 per cent in the cost of fuel oil, There are sections providing Engineering for the next ten years payments) and where they provide a material and supplies, the railroads against any person throwing glass or or more will be the most lucrative of sought relief through the medium of payroll of $100,000 a month. any other material which might work all professions. and tell how Mr. Powers declared With President Hall in the chair, But hi demands that the road work a 15 per cent increase in rates? injury to a car; prohibiting the tak­ “ It is thus evident,” says Mr. Wad­ the Coos County Good Rouds Associa­ that the work ought not to stop in “ And did you ever stop to compute ing of any part of another’s machine dell, “ that we must manage not only tion last Wednesday discussed the the Coquille-Marshfield road which should be ¿hut down sad been so mod­ or consider how much such increase ified aa he w.nt along that it iB hi ruly and the entering of another's car ex­ to prevent any falling off in the atten­ question of what action to take in re­ was closed while it was under way. would nmouflt to? Well, on a $35 cept by an officer of the law or by dance at our technical schools both gard to the petition Mr. Powers had Of course, he said, it didn’t carry ton­ necessary to detail the arguments suit of clothes, $5 hat, $8 pair of the consent of the owner or person during and directly after the war, presented from the logging compan­ nage like the Bandon-South road, and made by Messrs. Tonney, of Myrtle Point, Topping, of Bandon, and others shoes, 30 dozen eggs, and 7 pounds of lawfully in charge of the car. but also greatly to increase it.” ies and mill men of the county re­ there was a railroad to take the traf­ live beef, shipped respectively from on t! other side of the question. Unless accompanied by parent, This can be done he thinks by urg­ questing the county court to curtail fic and travel between towns, but still W. i it came to an expression by New York, Petaluma and Wabuska guardian or owner of car, no person ing more young men to go to college and discontinue road work in order it should be finished. At the same to San Francisco, the total 15 per cent under 15 years of age shall drive a and by showing their parents that it that their industries might be able to time he thought work on it might be the meeting on the question, the first increase would amount to less than motion was made by Mr. Tonney motor vehicle upon any road. is their duty, both to the boys and to get men enough to keep running. curtailed and the time for its com­ the cost of one trip in a jitney or that the road work should not be dis­ No truck of more than five tons' their country, to send them; by induc­ In regard to the road north from pletion extended. continued; but after considerable dis­ street car from the Civic Center to capacity may be driven over any road ing freshmen with aptitude for tech­ In answer to the objection by Judge cussion the motion was superceded by the Ferry Bi ilding in San Francisco Coos Bay, Mr. Christianson stated without first obtaining a written per­ nical courses to take them; by having that of the 65 men now at work Watson that it must be completed as another by Mr. Topping that no ac or in other words, less than 5 cents.” mit from the county court of the coun­ drafted students assigned to some on it, there were twenty transients, soon as possible in order to secure tion be taken on this question until ty in which operations are to be car­ branch of engineering service where and all the rest were ranchers and the state aid and the paving provided ried on. they will be more effective and also ranchers’ sons, who would not go to for by the six million road bond bill, the committee to be appointed to in­ get experience for future work; and work in the mills or logging camps if Powers had fortified himself with a vestigate the engineering and the fi­ nancing of the county road bond ” '0-k by granting government aid to youths the road work were stopped. letter from two of the state highway had made its report. of special ability but insufficient mon­ Smith and Benson Instead of soldiering at the work as commissioners. Though nominally it was a Good ey for college work. Powers had claimed the men in the both united in promising that if the Roads Association meeting we have By taking these steps the country road were doing, Christianson said he grading of this road was not com­ will not lose its opportunity to lead was doing all he could and so were pleted this year or next year, it been reporting, it was really a sort Those present the world in activity, effectiveness the rest. They had waited for years should still be surfaced by the state of composite uffair. were Charles Hall, of Marshfield, and wealth. In order to get the matter before for a wagon road up in that country, bond fund money. president of the County Good Roads Mr. Waddell concludes his state­ and now they saw no w»y to get one (Just here it occurs to the reporter Association; A. II. Powers, represent­ the meeting C. A. Howard moved that The ways and means committee, ment by imploring all youths ready except to pitch in and build it them­ to remark that Powers and the com­ ing the Powers Commercial Club as it was the sense of the Coquille Com­ made up of members of the various for college to take up some branch of selves. missioners have missed the main point well as the lumber interest, also as a mercial Club that u committeeman commercial organizations of the coun­ engineering or technology unless un­ By the time he had presented his in relation to this improvement. The vice president of Good Roads Associa­ should be appointed to participate in ty met at the court house yesterday fitted for it, atid by entreating par­ case, Mr. C. had won it, for A1 Pow­ law states that as soon as twenty tion; Peter Loggie, who carries on the investigation of the roadmaster’s and held an extended meeting for the ents to induce such youths to choose ers himself declared very emnhatical- miles or more of the Marshfield-Myr- half a dozen or more different lines office and the expenditure of road purpose of formulating plans for the these subjects for rtier life work. ly that work on that project ought tle Point road is put on line and grade of business at North Bend; Edgar funds. L. H Hazard said that personally investigation of the county roadmas- This for the good not only of the not to be stopped but must go on in the state shall pave it. But much de­ McDaniels, of the Coos Bay Harbor, pends on that “ as soon.” More pro­ of the same city; J. E. Norton, pres iie was not favorable to an investiga­ tcr’s work in this county. Several country but of the young men them­ any event. hours were spent in discussions and selves. It was a good deal the same when jects by long shot are provided for ident of the Coquille Commercial tion because he was convinced that Roadmaster Murdock was called into Mayor Geo. P. Topping, of Bandon, in this bill than the six millions are Club, and the Sentinel man; Judge there was nothing to the talk which Vessels Must Be Licensed. consultation as to the probable cost of is being indulged in of waste and ex­ made a plea for the continuance of going to cover, and if we wait two In conformity with an order of the the contract work on the road from, or three years to prepare the road Colvig, of San Francisco, represent­ travagance in road expenditures. He the contemplated investigation with ing the S. P. railroad; Geo. T. Ton­ the result that the meeting adjourned Secretary of the Navy all vessels of that city south to the Curry county for paving, in spite of the law and in ney, of the Myrtle Point Commercial said that a big majority didn’t know at 4:30 and the various members went three (3} tons bur len or over are re­ line. spite of the promises of the commis­ CluL; Mayor Geo. P. Topping and what they were talking about nor home prepared to report to their re­ quired at once to be licensed by the He said that the outlet for the sioners, there will be nothing doing Editor L. D. Felsheim, of the Wes­ whether the work was costing too spective organizations that the cost Commandant of the 13th Naval Dis­ cheese, the ties, the poles and most if that fund has already been spent.) tern World, representing the New Era much or not. If the expense of an of the proposed move will be in the trict. Provided, that vessels not un­ of the Curry county products was over Mr. Powers, however, had it in hard Club of Bandon; A. N. Christianson, investigation could be borne by the neighborhood of $800 and that this der crew or in commission need not that road, that a Coos county port for two or three road projects. Com­ of the North of the Bay section; Jack people who wanted it, let them go sum must be raised and on hand be­ be licensed. This license is in addi­ was the market place for all these ing down on the train that morning he Conlogue, of the logging camp down ahead; but he objected to its being fore anything can be done toward ar­ tion to all other licenses required products which they sent to us from had counted forty men at work on the the river that bears his name, and Mr borne by a few. heretofore by Masters and Owners ‘of Curry in such large amounts over this Coquille-Myrtle Point road, which was ranging for the work. Jack Lamb remarked that if this Davidson, of Bandon. It will be necesary to secure the vessels. __ _____ • investigation was made and every­ road, and that they were all the while a good road to travel at all seasons, All applicants are required to fill protesting against the terrible condi­ and he was also sure that he could services of a competent engineer from Wednesday afternoon the men who thing found as satisfactory as those somewhere outside the state and this out in ink, or typewriting, a form tion of that road and begging or in­ call by name lots of men working on attended the Good Roads Association present thought was the case, there will be a very expensive proceeding which may be secured at the office sisting that it should be put in better this and other road projects in the meeting in the morning made th was nothing to prevent an investiga as his expenses must be paid as well of the Licensing Officer, Room 409 condition. And among the hardest county who had formerly worked fo ’ same talks over again to the court, tion every three months as long as as a wage equal to perhaps twice his Custom House, Portland, Oregon, be­ kickers on this acount was the Ban­ him in the lumber camps. with slight variations. One of these the road work continues. present salary for the short time he tween the hours of 9:00 A. M. and don manager of the Fyfe Wilson Everyone was agreed th at'a thor­ The Newport project on the Co­ was the strong indorsement or ap­ 4:30 P. M. will be here. This man must be se­ Lumber company, which got the larg­ quille-Marshfield roan, where a long proval that A. H. Powers gave Road ough investigation of all road matters Upon being licensed vessels will be est share of the Curry county busi­ fill is being made across a stretch of cured from either Washington or Cal­ master Murdock. He emphatically would be the beat thing possible for ifornia in order to secure a verdict assigned an Identification number ness, and whose name was appended bottom to replace an old bridge, didn’t stated that be is the right man in the all concerned—the roadmaster’s office, which will be immediately painted up­ that will be fully satisfactory to all the county court and the people— but to Mr. Powers’ petition for stopping have a redeeming feature for him. right place. parties and that his decision will be on the vessel licensed accordng to the road work. Neither did he look with any favor on A full report of the talks made was they were opposed to the Commercial unquestioned and he must be a man of instructions sent out with the license. It was here, too, that Mr. Powers the contsruction of the Coos City- taken by the court stenographer, Mrs. Club’s standing for a $50 to $300 bill unqestioned integrity and standing in Any other information in regard to declared with intensity of conviction j Sumner road where dirt is to be Scott. for the expense of making it. the licensing of vessels may be ob­ his professon. This will be insisted that there ought to be no stoppage ] moved at 31 cents a yard. In fact M. O. Hawkins told of the afternoon After listening to everything the upon both by those at the head of th< tained at the above office. but that work should be kept up on Powers has been fighting the Coos visitors had to say both for an meeting of the county court at which movement and by the court and Road ter after the agitation it has received that m id. over which he said four | City bridge and road proposition all against continuing the road work in Judge Watson said the court would master Murdock. will be an injustice to the roadmas- times as much tonnage was hauled along the line, whenever he could get this county, the court went on record welcome a complete and thorough in­ It was suggested at the meeting ter’s office as well as to the court and as over any other highway in the a whack at it. vestigation of road affairs, but not a j to the following effect: that the county court be asked to ap­ there should be a way of compelling I .ounty. Of course, Mr. Powers’ words car­ No new projects will be undertak- garbled and incqmplete travesty for propriate $800 to pay for the investi­ those who started the agitation to This is largely a Powers’ story be- ried a good deal of weight. Much of | on this year; the wages now paid for the sole purpose of “ getting” some­ gation but this was voted down, put up the necessary funds so Mur­ | cause Mr. Powers was the spokes­ [ the materia) needed for ship building work on the roads will not be in body. Another point made by the and it is now up to the or­ dock could be either exonerated or man for all the lumber firms and cor- in this war emergency comes from ceased; there will he no change in judge was that $6,000,000 was not ganizations of the county or to convicted of the charges. It will be I porations that were asking the cou '- his camps and the associated mills the work now being done on force ac­ going to pave all the roads in the popular subscription to raise. the rank injustice to both j f the matter ty court to ease up on the road pro­ and to compel them to shut down count; no more time will be given s ate and that if Coos county was not necessary funds to carry it out or it is allowed to drop without a final de­ jects and let them have more i .bor­ would he a calamity from the nation- i contractors on the projects now under ready to pave, the money would pro- must be dropped. To drop the . u cision one way or the other. (Continued on fourth page.) ers. So it is the place here, to go on ¡al point of view, as well as for Coos (Continued on Page Two.) Raicy and Weidner Voluntarily Return From Their Short “ Vacation” ALL FOREST FIRES UNDER CONTROL U N I T WORK 10 OF CONTINUER WHOTsTo PAY THE BIG BILL SAY EXPENSE TOO GREAT