The following account of the attack the commander crazy. “ Why,” said he, “ he ran her right ' along the lines of bubbles like a American fleet which was transport­ hound following a trail.” 1 said, “ God ing our army to France, was told by help ’em! The next one will get 'em one of the gunners of the fleet to a for sure!” correspondent of the New York But that young naval officer knew what he was about. As he flashed Times: It was just past midnight. The at nearly forty miles an hour across flotilla was sweeping through a calm the spot where the Commander sea, miles from the point of debarka­ judged the submarine was hidden, he tion, and tense nerves were beginning gave orders, and this one certainly fulfilled expectations. A column of to relax. The sky was cloudy and the moon smoke and foam rose a hundred feet obscured, but the phosphorescence of in the air, and in the waterspout that water, common in those latitudes ut followed it the soldiers on the near­ this season, marked the prow and est transport (she had swung in a wake of the advancing ships with headlong curve to the le ft) distin­ lines of smoky flame. It was this, guished clearly pieces of wood and perhaps, that saved us from disaster steel, and some dark-blue fragments — this and the keenness of American that a moment before had been liv ­ eyes and the straigtness of American ing men. shooting. Any uncertainity was impossible. From the high-flung superstructure Transport after transport passed of a big ship one o f the eager look­ through floating oil, streaked with outs (the watch had just been changed slimy red and patched with wreckage. and the newcomers were on the qui This submarine, at least had timed vive for danger) noted an unwonted his hour too well. He had had met shining foam <5n the port bow. In a the American flotilla as he was order­ second he realized that here at last ed, but never would he report his ac­ was the reality of peril. It could be hievement. nothing else than the periscope of a As in all tragedies, the note of com­ submarine. edy was not wanting. It was supplied The Germans were not less sw ift in by a negro stevedore on one of the action. Almost at the moment that largest transports. This darky had the alarm was given a gleaming line been throughout the voyage especial­ o f bubbles, scarce twenty feet from ly apprehensive concerning submar­ the bow of one of the transports, ines, and when the supreme moment wherein thousands-were sleeping un­ came he, at least, was determined to conscious, announced the torpedo with miss no opportunity. its fatal burden of explosive. Then, As the cry of alarm rang out a as my informant said: black figure made one huge leap to “ Hell broke loose. Our (the big the mast and shinned up the rigging ship’s) helm was jammed over. F ir­ as if the devil was at his heels. When ing every gun available, we swung the excitement was over an officer in a wide circle out of line to the left. called up: “ Hullo, there, you come Asmaller ship slipt into our place and down. I t ’s all over now.” from what the lookout told me I think But the occupant of the masthead one of her shells must have landed knew better. Said he: almost right over the submarine. But “ Me come down there? Man, 1 they are impossible to hit when sub­ won’t never come down. You can be merged and the periscope is no tar­ drowned if you likes, but I stays here. get anyway. 1 tell you sah, I ’se going to save mah “ They fired three, if not four torpe­ life, I is.” does. It was God’s mercy that they Americans should be glad, says the all went estray among so many of Times account, that her soldiers and our ships. One passed just astern. sailors were not found wanting when As you see, our helm jamming was they met for the first time this cruel- absolutely providential. est of war’s alarms; and a French offi­ “ Naturally the old - — acted quite cer remarked when he heard the story differently from what the Boches ex­ of the voyage o ' the transports: pected; otherwise they might have “ I f your boys can come through got us. It was simply extraordinary. such experience without losing their We drove right at them (really, I heads, we can be sure there will be suppose, the safest thing to do, as the no panics in the American army. bow gives the smallest mark to shoot This .var is terrible for new troops, at) and it seemed to have rattled and I know it, but I would sooner Brother Boche considerably. A fter pass through a Verdun battle a sec­ all, we draw enough water to smash ond time than be waked from sleep a submarine at a level of the peri­ by a submarine alarm on the Aatlan- scope awash, and no doubt he did not tic.” care to wait for us. Or perhaps a lucky shot disposed of him. We can’t BOON FOR S M A LL CREDITORS. be certain either way. Anyhow, he One of the most important acts of disappeared, and we saw no more of him. the last legislature, which has just “ The whole business lasted only gone into effect is the Small Claims about a minute and a half. I know, Act, which renders it possible to col­ because one of those Easterners from somewhere in Maine (the speaker lect accounts of .$20 or less through boasted California origin) cooly timed Justices’ courts at a slight expense. the mix-up, with a stop-watch. But, It does away with the usual court for­ believe me, it udded more than that malities and really creates a Small to my life. Claims department in all the Justices’ “ While the thing was happening 1 had no time for anything but to at­ courts of the state. The notice of the made by German submarines on the County Agent Smith has been go­ ing over the county with Dr. C. M. Gardner, assistant state veterinarian, during the past two weeks, and they have in that time tested 27 herds of cattle fo r tuberculosis, ten in the Co- quille section, eight on the lower Co- quille and nine in the Coos Bay sec­ tion. Only one animal out of 184 in the latter section was found to be in­ fected. On this side of the county, however, the returns were not so sat­ isfying. O f the 0*41 cattle examined, 61, or nearly ten per cent, were found to be affected, and in one herd on the lower river there were 21 out of 29. In another there were 29 and in a third ten. O f the affected animals about forty were in the early stages o f the dis­ ease which had only attacked some glands,and the meat could be used for canning, it is thought, without dan­ ger. The disease may manifest it­ self first in the glands, the joints or the lungs. A cough is no criterion, as sound animals will often cough while some that are seriously affected may not. When animals react to the tuberculin test, however, the quarters in which they have been kept must be disinfected before any indemnity can be obtained. The -tate and county to­ gether pay the owner of an infected animal that is over two years old $25 when it is killed if it is a grade, and $37.50 if it is a registered animal. In this connection it may be noted that two valuable registered bulls were found victims of the disease in herds that had become seriously in­ fected. Often a single animal will infect an entire herd. This test was not compulsory and only about one in ten of dairy cattle of the county were examined. There is a test coming soon, though, that cannot be evaded. Under the provis­ ions of a state law enacted last win­ ter, every herd must be tested once a year, and this law will be put into e f­ fect just as soon as the necessary number o f veterinarians can be se­ cured. Mr. Smith and Dr. Gardner found many dairymen who were not willing to have their herds tested now because this is the height of the producing season and butterfat commands an ab­ normally high price at this time. Of course this is a very short sighted view to take when the disease spreads so rapidly once it is introduced in a herd. It is like letting a little fire grow to a big one because you are too busy to stop to put it out. It is said that the winter is the worst season for the spread of this disease, because then the cows being dry are not kept in so good condition, and with lowered vitality and stormy weather they are much more suscep­ tible to it. In a very large proportion of the herds only a single infected cow was found; but to allow that one cow to innoculate the rest would be a ruin­ ous policy. Another thing which goes farther than any dollars and cents proposi­ tion is the fact tnat most cases of tu­ berculosis among men, women and children are of the same type of the disease that prevails among cattle. For some reason infants are especial­ ly susceptible to it. Are you sure that the milk you are feeding the baby you love so well is not from a tubercu­ losis cow? You cannot be unless the cow has been tested for tuberculin. The only safe way is for the dairy­ men to test every year and know that his animals are all right. Otherwise he may wake up too late and find that all his cattle are infected. Quite a number of men in this county who had been warned in time neglected the warning and have had a very un­ pleasant awakening. tend to my job. Afterwards I found claim is issued by the justice of the myself sweating and my breast heav­ peace and the defendant is required to ing as if I had run five miles. T,i pay a fee of only $1 for such proced­ other boys told me the same tiling, ure. In courts where the justice of but we got a compliment on the ra­ the peace is given no salary, the ex­ pidity with which the guns were pense is met by the county court. served, so I guess it didn’t interfere An additional BO cents is paid to the any with our action.” officer who serves the notice, which A second attack was made the next is added to any judgment given the morning. Every one on the trans­ plaintiff. In case the defendant fails ports was excitedly talking 01 i, to appear before the court in not less thrilling events of the night, says the than 5 nor more than 10 days, de­ Times correspondent when— cision will be made in favor of the Suddenly there came a wild yell plaintiff. Witnesses are not necess­ from one of the leading transports. ary but will be allowed to give evi­ Coquille Red Cross Auxiliary. Though the “ jackies” affect to dis­ dence, although the taking of testi­ pute it, I was assured that it was mony will be informal. I f the de- A meeting was called July 11, by a far-sighted yungster from Arizona (a “ blessed new-joined rookie,” as a fondant is dissatisfied with the deci- J. E. Norton, chairman of the Red sion, the case may be taken to the Cir­ Cross Drive, at the Red Cross rooms. comrade here who told me, termed cuit court, providing the defendant A Red Cross Auxiliary was organ­ him) who first descried and thus an­ pays an attorney fee of $10 extra, if ised and the following officers elected: nounced the deadly line o f bubbles. the judgment is not made in his favor. Chairman— Miss Clare Sherwood. No periscope was visible this time, and for the first moments those on the bridges o f the attendant destroy­ ers were incredulous. Then an unmis­ takable bubble line, clear across the bows, put the certainity of danger be­ yond question. Once again fortune favored us. The submarine was in front instead of in the deadliest position, on the flank toward the rear. Perhaps the U- boat commander was rattled by the magnitude of his opportunity. Per­ haps one o f his excited pirates let fly toe soon. Anyway, it is agreed by experts that he would have been far more dangerous had he waited un­ seen until part at least of the flotilla had passed beyond him. Dearly did the Germans pay for their error. Like a striking ra ttle -' snake one o f our destroyers darted between a couple o f the transports. Her nose was so deep in the sea as to be almost buried, while a great w a v e ! Photo by American Press Association. The Pennsylvania, one of the most powerful wursliii* »float, of 31,-00 tona, at the stern threw a shower of spray Itoeeedod the Wyoming as flagship of Hie Atlantic fleet. She carries twelve on soldiers massed at the transport’s fourteen-inch gum and coat more than S7.u0ii.ixk). bow. One o f them told me he thought Ua cd S a cs I la h p Pennsylvania Vice Chairman— Mrs. Ruth Candliu. Secretary— Mrs. Mamie Slagle. Treasurer— Mrs. Marvin Lyons. Chairman of M ilitary Relief Com­ mittee— J. E. Norton. Chairman of Co-operation Commit­ tee— Mrs. Virginia Lamb. Chairman o f Com. of Hospital Sup­ plies— Mrs. Mabel Hazard. Chairman of Packing and Shipping Committee— Mrs. Georgia Richmond. Miss Sherwood visited the Red Cross headquarters at Marshfield ard conferred with Mrs. Kate Lando, ar 1 Dr. Mingus, chairman of the Military Relief Committee. Dr. Mingus suggested ways and means of conducting the work, simi­ lar to the way it is being conducted elsewhere. Mrs. Lando will come to Coquille to complete the organization as soon as samples of approved work are re­ turned from San Francisco. Auxil­ iary headquarters will be established where the work will he done under the supervision of three each day. It is to be hoped that everyone will come forward and do his little “ bit” in this great work. Estrayed. Lost or Estrayed— Shepherd pup, black with gray spots around head $10.00 reward for return to Jap Y o a '- am. 2tp S H E R IF F ’S S A L E OF R E A L PRO­ P E R T Y ON FO RECLOSURE. NO TICE IS H E R E B Y G IVEN, That under and by virtue of an Exe­ cution and Order of Sale issued out of the Circuit Court of the State