Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, July 31, 1917, Image 3

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' I 'H E A n sco Vest-
P o c k e t S p eed ex
catches swiftly moving
figures without a blur.
It gets in to a c tio n
quickly when every
second counts. Y ou
can change the focus,
the speed and opening
of the shutter instantly
and accurately while
viewing the image in
thefin.’ er. Letusshow
you this camera.
Other Anscos $2 to
V est-P o ck et
L. A. Liljeqvist was a business vis­
itor here Saturday.
A. E. Seamen was in town Saturday
on busines for clients on the bay.
Miss Esther Asplund was a week
end visitor at her home in Marshfield.
Clifford Kern was discharged from
the hospital at North Bend Wednes­
day morning.
Claud Nosier returned yesterday
morning to his Bridge home after a
few days spent in this city.
Dr. Low reports a baby girl born
to Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hauser at Con-
logue’s camp Thursday morning.
Mrs. E. D. Graham left Wednesday
morning by auto for Roseburg where
she will visit relatives for a few
The Eleventh Company, Coast Ar­
tillery, left Coos Bay Sunday morn­
ing for training camp, probably* at
Fort Stevens.
The dirt train is now hauling for
the fill for the Standard Oil ware­
house spur which will be put in this
coming month.
Mr. I. Hacker and his grandson,
Austin Hazard, are here from Pasa­
dena for a three weeks’ visit with
the Hazard family.
J. J. Freeze, the Powers hotel man,
was taken out to the Salem institu
tion for the insane yesterday morn­
ing by an attendant.
Mrs. L. A. Liljeqvist and daughter
are visiting Miss Claire Sherwood
during the absence of the Sherwood
party on their auto tour.
Painters began work yesterday on
the outside of the Coquille hospital.
The building will receive a pure white
dressing which will greatly add to its
pleasing appearance.
F. C. Pursley returned Friday from
a few days spent in Portland on busi­
Mrs. Pursley and son accom­
panied him as far as Eugene where
she visited her parents.
Cunnie Johnson was up from the
lower river Wednesday and stated
that the shingle mill began its 3teady
run that morning.
The market is
good and a steady run is expected.
W. A. Geisy, of Aurora, is now the
third helper in the local depot for a
Mr. Geiny came over from
Marshfield yesterday and will remain
here until a permanent man for the
place is available.
The work of painting the local de­
pot was completed last week and the
building now presents quite a pleas­
ing appearance with its bright yel­
low dress with darker yellow trim­
Rev. Jennings left this week for a
vacation in Los Angeles and will re­
main in the south until he is called to
service either in the Canadian regi­
ment or is drafted by the United
J. S. Barton yesterday moved his
family to Bandon where they will oc­
cupy the beach residence recently
erected there for Mrs. Nicklin. Jess
expects to be able to spend Sundays
on the beach the balance of the sum­
Mrs. C. A. Boyrie left Satur­
day morning for Turner, Oregon,
yhere she goes as a delegate to the
state Convention from the C. W. B. M.
and Endeavor of the Christian church
She will also visit relatives in Port­
land before returning.
The M. E. church choir will give an
ice cream social on the Fiaedricks’
lawn Friday evening of this week, be­
ginning at six o’clock. Ice cream and
cake will be served. Orchestra and
other music will help to make the eve­
ning pleasant f jr those In attendance.
Rev. H. M. Law and family left yes­
terday for a few days on the lower
river. Mr. Law will call on parishon-
ers on the river and they expect to
spend a day or two on the beach en­
joying the surf and rock fishing and
the sea breezes, returning Friday eve­
L. E. Mieth, manager of the Port­
land Bridge Company, and L. S. Duff,
his foreman, arrived here yesterday
to begin work on the county bridge at
Myrtle Point. They need a large
number of men and say this is a good
opportunity for anyone who wants to
get work.
Mrs. J. A. Collier and daughter,
Alice, and Mrs. T. B. Currie returned
last evening from Moscow, Idaho,
i where they spent a month visiting rel­
atives and friends. T. B. remained in
Tekoa, Washington, where he has
identified himself with a local lumber
; and coal y ard.
The agreements pertaining to the
overhead crossings to be built at Over­
land and Myrtle Point were received
- from the S. P. offices at Portland yes-
! terday and will be approved and
signed by the county court after which
they will be returned to the company
for its signature.
The street construction equipment
of Moon & Gidley which has decor­
ated the vacant parts of the block
northeast of the court house for many
months was moved yesterday to the
mill yard and loaded on flat cars for
shipment to the bay where that com­
pany has a large street contract.
Miss Laura Wilkins, who recently
was forced by illness to resign as
teacher in the Roy district, was suc­
ceeded last week by Miss Ella Hamlin
who will finish the school. The ex­
act length of the term will depend on
the fall weather and the spring term
will begin as soon as permissible in
the spring.
Either the writer had his wires
crossed or Mr. Sherwood changed his
plans regarding his tour of the state
as he went south from here by the
coast route instead of north by the
Columbia highway.
They will pass
through Crescent City and thence
around to Crater Lake and then back
to the Klamath country before re­
turning home.
Four more gravel wagons were re­
ceived this morning by
Strang for use on the Cunningham
haul to take the place of the farm
wagons now in use.
This increases
the regular gravel wagons on this
unit to seven and will allow for the
handling of a considerable increased
yardage on this work. The wagons
were shipped over from Marshfield.
“ Neptune’s Daughter” at the Scenic
last night was well attended and was
as fine a picture as has been shown at
the local movie house in many months
The management deserves great cred
it for hringing good films like this
and the attendance last night proved
their justification at the hands of the
Coquille people.
night will give us “ Birth of a Nation.”
Mrs. E. A. Brenner and daughter,
Faye, returned last evening from a
visit with her people at Hutchinson,
Kansas, where she was called by the
serious illness of her father. She was
accompanied by her sister, Miss Jetta
ittle, who will remain here for the
Mrs. Brenner's father is
much improved in health and they
hope to have him here for a visit this
Word was received here Sunday
telling of the injury in an airplane
accident at New Orleans of Homer
Leep, formerly of this city.
first message stated that Homer was
killed but a later dispatch said it
was his partner who was killed and
he was perhaps fatally injured. His
mother left from Myrtle Point Mon­
day morning on her way to his bed­
A fire at the old rollway at the
Cedar Point log loading plant last
week caused the local fire fighters
considerable trouble and has not yet
been entirely extinguished.
autos were called into service two
days last week and yesterday morn­
ing a phone call stated that the fire
had again broken out. The rollway
is the property of the Smith-Powei'3
Logging Company and they sent an
engine down one day lust week after
the local boys had put out the fir»
The county board of education met
last Saturday and elected C. E. Mul-
key rural school supervisor for the
ensuing year which begins August 1
and continues for ten months. Sev­
eral aplications for the position were
before the board but the qualifications
of Mr. Mulkey were considered the
best so he was given the appointment.
He is a young man wha has met with
uniform sucess with his teaching in
various parts of the county and will
no doubt justify the confidence of the
This week workmen will dismantle
the old shed roof at the south side o f
the local mill and will immediately
begin the construction of new deck­
ing and a new roof. This will mark
the end of the old mill as it stood at
the time E. E. Johnson purchased the
property. The new structure will bt
set on new piling so far as it neces­
sary to insure stability and will cov­
er practically the same ground as the
old shed. Two hundred feet of new
. re hose arrived this week for the
mill and Mr. Johnson assures us it tinued.
County Clerk Oddy expects to keep
will be always ready for service un­
til the rain puts an end to the present his entire office force busy next wee .
drawing up warrants to pay off the
dapger of fire.
men now working on the county road ,.
Bill Billings, his wife and son, and
The number of warrants will probably
Mr. and Mrs. E. 0. Howe passed
exceed those drawn for the recent
through town last week enroute for a
election expenses, although the amount
week’s trip down the coast. They
will be far greater.
expect to go as far as Gold Beach
“Fats” Collier, the genial deputy
where they will do some salmon fish­
county clerk, expects to spend his va­
ing and will also do some trout fish­
cation in the hills in the neighbor­
ing in the intervening streams. The
hood of the Sixes river. He will go
former members of the party live at
out in two weeks and attend to tl,
r ugene while Mr. and Mrs. Howe now
assessment work on some minin
have their home a few miles from
claims and kill his ailottmcnt of buck
Roseburg on a fruit ranch recently
before he returns to his court hous
purchased by them. They just finish­
ed the harvest of 8,000 pounds of Bing
County Clerk Oddy returned Frida
cherries some of which found their
from a two weeks’ vacation spent in
way to the editor’s table. This trip
Willamette valley points in their car.
is a relaxation between the cherry and
Vi hile away they visited Portland an I
the prunes of which he has several
traveled over a part of the famou,
acres, and which will produce a heavy
Columbia highway which Lloyd sa\
rop this year.
is the finest driveway in the world.
The Elliott & Sherman Film Corporation Presents
Marriage Licenses.
If in need of a baby buggy see those
nice second hand ones at Quick’s.
During the past seven days the fol­
lowing marriage licenses were issued
by County Clerk Oddy.
July 30—Charley Orvul Willard, of
i arshfield, and Ruby Tilton, of Ban­
Rates:—One cent a word, each in­
sertion. No charge less than 15 cents.
July 30— Louis Arnold Reeves, of
Marshfield, and Nita Ethel Tucker, of WANTED—-Second hand furniture
Highest prices paid. Coquille Fur­
niture Company.
C ou rt H ou se N otes.
Juvenile matters were up before the
county judge Monday and the case
against James Emery and Hal Tyrrel
on a charge of stealing a motorcycle
from Edwin Campbell was heard and
decided in favor of the defendants. It
seems that Campbell owes both of the
boys for work they have performed
and that they felt they had an inter­
est in the motorcycle until the bill
was paid. The judge assessed a slight
■'■image to the machine against them
and turned them loose.
Testimony was taken in the J. W.
Coach estate matter Monday to reach
a definite conclusion as to the amount
of property left by Mr. Coach. Sev­
eral witnesses were examined as to
the valuations and the case was con-
Matinee at 2:15 Prices 25c Children, 50c Adults
Evening at 8:15 Prices 50c Balcony, 75c Main Floor
Accompanied by Special Musical Score
Semi-folding Baby Sulkies—new—
at Quick’s. They are beauties.
3 Hours-- Thrill --L a u g h ter-- Tears
Doing Good.
M illions h a v e seen it o n ly to c o m e a g a in n nt^again
Few medicines have met with more
favor or accomplished more good than
Chamberlain’s Colic and Diarrhoea
Remedy. John F. Jantzen, Delmeny,
Sask., says of it, “ I have used Cham­
berlain’s Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy
myself and in my family, and can rec­
ommend it as being an exceptionally
' fine preparation.”
The Mastercraft of Film Perfection
— —
111 ■ —
Seats on Sale at Theafex Beginning Saturday, Aug. 4
t iik d ia m o n d
O ffl* t-
‘ Daily ,
irin d
--------------------- ------------- ---------------
D IA M O N D It R A N D I’ lL L S , for * 5
years known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable
m il k in g
Just Right for Summer
Belt a G-E Motorio ÌL *
W ill burn Coal Oil, G asolin e o r D istilla te and g iv e u n i­
fo rm resu lts.
T h e on ly sto v e on th e m a rk et th a t
Let the G-E Motor take
the grind out o f your chores.
w ill s u cce s sfu lly d eliver the g o o d s w ith ou t c h a n g in g
th e burner.
Motor-driven mnTuii' :
pump water, tut i :
T h e y a re con v en ien t— w ork like g a s, h ave la rg e c o o k ­
n . 1 11
thresh grain and perform]
tion of power. A ti-L motor will
in g su r fa c e and are a b solu tely sa fe.
T h e y a re sim ple, easy to clean and are o d orless and
n.i.k, separate cream, churn, grind tools,
and saw kindling»
u p:c f r itself in I ah r and time saved.
Ask our power man to show you just where a motor will help on yo u r farm.
econ om ica l.
Oregon Power Co.
T h ey a re qu ick ba kers— a s fa s t a s g a s— and are in ten se
h eaters, th e heat bein g d irectly u n der th e utensil.
Coquille, Oregon
heat is confined by a sp ecially p a ten ted a p plia n ce.
A sk ou r satisfied cu stom ers a b ou t th e D etroit V a p or
S toves.
O. A n d erson
I fhe i elephone- -
A Community Builder
Furniture a :d H ardw are
It lin ks c it y and c o u n tr y t o g e t h e r ;
A n n ih ila tes dista n ce and elim in a tes tim e ;
M akes a w id e r m a rk et f o r th e fa r m e r ;
R ea ch es p ra ctica lly ev ery b u sin ess h ou se and resid en ce
in th e C ou n ty .
O u r p olicy is serv ice an d cou rtesy .
Coos and Curry Telephone Co.
L .
Y STE M A TIZE your household expenses by
opening a bank account for your wife. Give
her a check book and teach her the use o f it.
Pay the butcher, the grocer, the baker, with
a check. Then at the end of the month
you’ll find out just how much it costs you
to run the home. When payment by check
is made there never is any doubt as to whether or not
a bill is paid. The check is a receipt.
Bcsidi s. a checking account will give your wife a
business education. The number of ordinarily bright
women who know absolutely nothing o f banking is sur­
If you ar? ’ husband, father, brother, you
cannot tell when death may overtake you, and it is
well that vonr wife, daughter and sister know some­
thing of banking.
Only First Class Hotel in the City
We cater to the best trade and our service
leaves nothing to be desired. S o cial writing
room and sample rooms for Commercial men.
The Patronage of the Traveler is Solicited
l-armers and Merchants Bank
CH ARLES B A X T F R , Proprietor