Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, July 31, 1917, Image 2

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    The Coquille Herald
Published Every Tuesday.
J. C. Savage
Editor and Business Manager.
Entered as second-class matter
May 8, 1905, at the post office at Co­
quille, Oregon, under act of Congress
of March \ 1879.
The publisher’s principal business
is opening deadhead mail that is sent
out from an army of publicity officials
which no one prints and no one reads,
and the business man and private cit­
izen pay the bill.
And the end is not yet.
East Fork Items.
Geo. Mathcson is logging on Sec.
Devoted to the material and social
Mr. and Mrs. Franklyn Leatherman
upbuilding of the Coquille Valley,
went out Friday for their home at
particularly and of Coos County gen­
Mr. Houstin who lives ten miles
Subscription $1.50 per year, in ad­ west of Eugene and has been work­
Phone Main 381. ing for Perham since the middle of
May went out Thursday with his
team bound for home. Ho has got
all he wants of it. One of his neigh­
bors who came in with him quit the
job some time ago and went back by
the way of the beach.
Mr. Lindsay and son, of Josephine
county, came in Friday with a good
four horse outfit. He says if he gets
a job he wants he will work, if he
Just because you can afford to joy don't he don’t have to and will go
ride is no reason you should not help home via Crescent City.
conserve the oil resources. Curtail
Three two-horse outfits came in
your personal pleasures and help save Friday.
the fuel for war purposes.
The misty rain Friday morning and
the real sprinkley rain Friday night
Each day’s mail brings to this of­
gave fragrance to the earth and a
fice from two to ten columns of mat­
needed drink to the crops. The earth
ter pertaining to enlistments and food
was refreshed and became more beau­
prpaganda with the request that we
publish it. Did we do so the new pos­
Dr. A. M. Mars, of San Francisco,
tal rates would bankrupt a Rockefel­
ler in six months, as the paper would an escaped prisoner from Germany,
of necessity be eight or ten pages ex­ gives evidence of German hellishness.
Not the “Unspeakable Turk” but
tra a week. Sorry, but we can’t do
it and follow the conservation rules. the German barbarian is the stench
of the earth. The strench spot will lie
According to a communication re­ wiped out and fumigated. It is about
ceived last week by Postmaster Len- time for Uncle Sam to give spi medi­
eve all men who have been selected cine that works a permanent cure in
for the National Army but who have each individual case.
not been notified to appear before an
examining board may enlist in the
Volunteer Army.
After these men
have been notified to appear for ex­ A Thin Frock For Wee Girls Is on
Your List.
amination they cannot be accepted in
White lawn made over a pule blue
any branch of the service except the
: silk slip to bring out the tucking and
National Army.
Chas. Hall, president of the Coos
County Good Roads Assn., informs us
that a competent committee will be
appointed soon to investigate the con­
dition of affuirs in the Roadmaster's
office. The committee will be assis­
ted by a representative of the State
Highway Commission. The charges
preferred by the Myrtle Point con­
tingent will be s^.ved to the bottom.
The report of this committee will be
made public through the newspapers
of the county.
The true idea of conservation does
not seem to have percolated through
the ivory dome of the great majority
of the people of the United States.
As we see it, the intended conserva­
tion means to save food, but the gen­
eral idea seems to be that this conser­
vation should only be practiced by
those of limited m.>«ns. TKo people
who can spend seem to thinx if they
can pay for it they may U3e as much
and waste as much as they can a f­
ford to pay for. A course in conser­
vation education should be given to
those of moderate and plentiful
means It would do good.
Every day the mails are cluttered
with hundreds of pounds of franked
matter from congressmen which have
nothing more to do with the general i hand embroidery makes a fascinating
welfare than the loss of a smoke | live-year-old size Flat collar, cuffs
house in Podunk, and we believe that I and belt have scalloped edges and
a little conservation on their part | surely the rosebud ruche of a bat Is
would not only relieve the postoffice ' most ultra.
department of a great burden but
B r e w in g Tea.
might enable it to carry the essential
Tea improperly made is capable of
mails considerably cheaper than plan­ I doing so much harm to the digestive
ned. Someone has to pay for this and nervous systems that emphasis
deadhead stuff and it would be far must be laid on the necessity of proper
better *.o entirely eliminate it for the ly making this infusion. The water
should be freshly boiled and the tea
term of the war, at least.
pot heated so that the water will be
maintained at the I .» ling |>oIn<. ¿"he
This Week’s Mail.
tea is measured out, put in the ten,
and the requisite amount of hollin
While proposing to increase news­ water poured over St. It should then
paper postage, the mails continue to he allowed to stand on the ta! h\ no
be loaded down by the congressional the range, for two or thtee in mi
franking privilege, and the press bu­ after which it should be strain I int
another teapot for the table an I rv;
reaus of all the departments.
Here is the morring mail with press Unless the tea leaves ire
off the iufuslou is apt to coi.liiua’ for
matter in twelve large envelopes, all
some time, thus extnuting the t r ui
without postage, most of them stamp­ aeld and the bitter principles. In ad
ed “letter mail,” and all asking space ditiou, prolonged infusion dissipates
of the newspapers to boost what?
the volatile oil to which much of th.
Another Treasury department bond fragrance of a good cup of tea is dm
issue, the bureau of Entomology (bug-
ology), department of Agriculture on
Cause of Despondency.
cold storage of potatoes (the game of
the middlemen), and one boosting the
Despondency is often caused by in­
national parks.
digestion and constipation, and quick­
Department of Commerce sends us ly disappears when Chamberlain’s
These tablets
ten sheets on exports to Russia; Geo­ Tablets are taken.
the digestion and move
logical Survey boosts oil production strengthen
the bowels.
while the legal department prosecutes
drilling for oil, while another tells
Some fine second hand baby carts
how high coal may go.
at Quick's.
Then one bulletin tells how to hold
cotton for the highest price and an­
Sinaloa Safe in Port.
other tells how we must exterminate
the pink boll worm to win the Euro­
The Norwegian steamer Sinaloa,
pean war all information to help cot­ which went ashore near Cape Blanco
ton speculators get wiser.
a few days ago. was floated Thursday
The Bureau of Markets is given night and was towed to Port Orford
$2,000,000 merely for a starter, the for temporary repairs before being
emergency extension is given $2.522, towed to San Francisco, where she
000 for the home demonstration sys­ will discharge her cargo of nitrates,
tem. we are swamped with informa­ preparatory to permanent repairs be­
tion and expenses soar and soar.
ing made.
A Press G ang
This is the Picnic Season!
The question, “What shall we have for E
lunch?” can be answered in our store. We *
carry an extensive line of Lunch Goods.
1 S------------------------------------------------ *
It was during the war of 1812 with
England that the British government
claimed the right to Impress seamen
into Its naval service.
During this period there was a Con
nectlcut farmer mimed John Clough
living on the shores bordering on Long j
Island sound, ills wife, Katherine, j
dearly loved her husband and their ■
union was blessed with ten children.
One evening when Katherine had
prepared John’s supper and was wait- '
lug for him to come home and eat it |
a small boy with eyes a stare came |
running to the house crying:
“Mistress Clough, >our man's carried
“What d’ye mean?" asked the fright
eued woman
“Some men came along while he was
a seedln’ and took him by the arms and
run him down to u boat. They put
him in and are rowin' him out to u
“Oh. my gracious—the press gang!”
Sho ran out of the house and on to
nu eminence In time to see the boat
pulling for a ship at anchor bearing the
British ensign from her peak.
John Clou h
been pressed Into
the British service. Katherine was so
fond of him that she could not bear
the Idea of waiting for him to come
home after a long term of service and
resolved to join him If possible. The
ship remained at anchor that night,
and the next morning, leaving herebil
dren in the care of her sister. Mrs
Clough cut off her hair, put on a suit
of John’s and. taking a boat, rowed
out to the man-of-war. There she of
fered herself for enlistment. Sho was
gladly accepted without a physical ex
aniinatiou and donned a sailor’s uni­
form. She was soon recognized by her
husband, but she gave him a look of
warning, and be did not betray her.
The Britisher sailed about for some
lime In American waters, her captain
Phone 691 and 541
here and there Impressing a man into
bis service, desiring to fill up his crew
which was incomplete.
As soon ns possible John and Kath
erine concerted to make their escape Chamberlain’s Colic and Diarrhpea
Katherine’s plan was to assist John to
get away, after which she might do
Nov/ is the time to buy a bottle of
dare her sex and get discharged. But this remedy so as to be prepared in
they both knew that so long as the case that any one of your family
ship remained on the American cons! should have an attack of colic or di­
a very sharp watch would lie kept on arrhoea during the summer months
those Americans that had been im It is worth a hundred times its cost
pressed, so this task would not be easy when needed.
of accomplishment. And if they made
an attempt and failed one or both
would lie put In Irons.
They kept a sharp watch for an op
portunlty. but so strict was the watch
that none occurred. Finally prepara­
tions making for a voyage warned
them that the ship would soon sail
away and If they were to put any
can get rid of the hard­
scheme into execution they must do
and most disagree­
so without further delay.
able part of the week’s
One day Katherine left the collar of
her sailor Jacket open Just low enough
w o r k by sending the
to betray her sex. A petty officer was
wash to us.
the first to discover the fact and re
ported it to the officer of the deck
Katherine was summoned before the
commander and acknowledged her de­
ception. The officer would have put
her ashore at once, but sho begged to
bo allowed to remain, for a time at
If it can be washed we
least, ns cook. Her request was grant­
ed. nml she was transferred to the gal­
do it.
ley. But ns there was not a woman’s
garment of any kind aboard she must
needs retain her sailor togs.
One evening when the ship was at
anchor off New* London John told his
wife tlmt he could swim ashore if he
could only get away from the ship.
But that was impossible, for marines
were on watch, and any one jumping
overboard would bo shot. If he were
Regular as the Clock
not shot n boat would l>e lowered, and
he would be captured before he had
swum a hundred yards. The sailors
I uh I got wind of the intention of the
captain to sail the next morning for
England, and the Englishmen of the
First-class fare or..,.......
crew were much delighted at the pros
Up freight, per ton......... .... .”».00
pent of going borne.
Though the night was not dark, the
Cloughs determined to make an at
tempt About eight bells a great flare
E. & E. T. Kruse
of light appeared In the galley, and
24 California Street, San Francisco
Katherine, who had secretly collected \
as much Inflammable stuff as she could j
conceal and bad touched a burning •
For Reservations
brand to it. raised the cry of “Fire!”
A fire on shipboard, especially on a
J . E. N O R T O N
wooden man of-war, where there are a j
Coquille, Oregon
u razine and more or less ammunition I
al ays read; for use. is a danger need- i
Ing paramount attention
All bauds j
v re called either to the galley or to j
the pumps, end all hands except John !
Clough obey-d. He was on the fore- j
cast’e at the time watching the marine
Office over Farmers & Merchants
nearest him. The m:in was too good a \
soldier to leave his post, but was too j
Residence Baxter Hotel
much Interested in the tire that might j
cost him his life to think of anything ■
el- . John Clough scuttled to the bow
sprit, got down on to the chains,
i : <»ppcd noiselessly Into the water and
D kntibt
swam for the shore.
Office over First National Bank
The tire in the galley was soon ex­
Plione Main 431
tinguished. and unfortunately as it at
first appeared for Katherine there
were evidences that she had been an
324, Office
514, Fes.
Incendiary. Mad she been n man she
would have probably been hanged to
the yardarm. Even had the ship been
P h y s ic ia n a n d s u r g e o n
In an English port she would have
been turned over to the civil authori­
Office over Farmers & Merchants
ties. As it was. she was considered a
fit iierson to get rid of and was sent
Meanwhile John had landed safely
without even having been shot a t The
next evening the pair met at their
Graduate of the American School
farm, embraced, hugged their children
of Osteopathy of Kirksviile, Mo.
and enJo; cd a good supper
Office in Eldorado Block
Wanted Man to cut brush, $2 25 per
day. Enquire at this office.
Sliced Bacon
in glass.
Sliced Tongue
Large glass for 30c
Highest grade and ready to use.
as any good bacon now.
As cheap
Very reasonable and fine for the lunch.
Try that Morris Corned Beef
New process, mild flavor, not full of salt
—just right. We have the other Brands
but want you to try this one.
All our Canned Meats
and we have a full line, are being sold at
the old prices in effect before the war. No
ch; nge. We don’t say this will last for­
ever but we have it now.
Ripe Olives in Pint, Quart and Gallon Cans; also in Bulk
Special for Saturday
Oro Brand Ripe Olives, Pints 10c per can
The Busy Corner Grocery
The Busy
H ousew ife
Str. Elizabeth
San Francisco
Front and C Streets
fl ■
Coquille, Ore
on your
Add a new pleasure to your
vacation with an Eastman.
Let us explain how easy it is
to Kodak.
$1 to $60
Knowlton’s Drug Store
a n d Bandon
M otorists and Mechanics
A remarkably effective cleansing soap paste; contains
just enough grit to carry the cleansing properties deep
into all skin seams and crevices, driving out every atom
of grease, grime, stain and scum. Works quickly and
thoroughly, without smart, scratch or irritation; leav­
ing the hands smooth and soft.
per can
For sale by
First National Bank Building