Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, July 17, 1917, Image 3

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Mrs. C. E. Schroeder. The party mo­ fect vacation and that he is much rest­ because, for years, this soil has been
tored up by the Pacific highway and ed and fully capable of standing the accumulating leaf mould ami decay­
will return by the coast road some strenuous work of his office for an­ ing vegetation of all kinds. It is
other six months or so. Those in the literally a gold mine.
time next week.
j E. J. Gallagher, postal inspector party were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fol­ In this time of high prices, Amer­
for this district, with headquarters som, of Marshfield, Mr. and Mrs. Sam ican farmers must utilize every bit
at Eugene, visiteu this section last Tuttle, Misses Laura Watson and Eva of ground. If you have a small
week and inspected the books of the Schroeder and the Judge from Co­ patch, clear it for cultivation—for
local postoffice. Postmaster Leneve quille. With the exception of three crops and profits. Many families de­
feels rather proud of the fact that his days when he was compelled to come sire a home acreage or small farm
books were found in perfect order and in to attend to court matters he was but are deterred on account of the
out fifteen days. The party were expense of clearing logged off lands
that they balanced to a cent.
at “Hell’s Half Acre”—a beau­ for this purpose. It is not an insur­
H. E. McVay, of Smith River Cor­ tiful spot
at the upper end of the mountable difficulty when you con­
ners, Del Norte county, California, is Brewster valley
about a mile and a sider that these cut-over lands can
here undergoing treatment at the half above the Walter
be purchased at a very low figure and
'T 'H E Ansco Vest-
Grace hospital as a result of a similar During the last year, Laird
with a little energy, be made ex­
Pocket Speedtx
successful treatment given by Dr. the number of accidents in Oregon, ceedingly
catches swiftly moving
Richmond to his brother John of this subject to the workmen’s compensa­ Stump pullers
with a pulling ca­
figures without a blur.
tion law has averaged over 38 for pacity of three hundred thousand
It gets into action
each business day, while the fatal pounds costing about $150 and up
quickly when every
from his love of Del Norte county. accidents
subject to the law averaged can be used, several settlers sharing
second counts. You
one for every four days of the calen­ the expense of same or the stumps
can change the focus,
A. Haberly, who was formerly pas­ dar, according to a statement issued can be split by dynamite and then
the speed and opening
tor of the Coquille Presbyterian at Salem by the state industrial ac­ burned out. The “char-pitting” me­
of the shutter instantly
church, left recently for Kansas cident commission. At the close of thod it often employed, which con­
and accurately while
where he has accepted the pastorate June the compensation law had been sists of trenching around the stumps
viewing the image in
of a Presbyterian church. He has in effect three years. The total num­ and
the finder. Let us show
filling these trenches with limbs
been pastor of the churches at Pros­ ber of employers subject to it at and chunks near at hand and then
you this camera.
Other Anscos $2 to
the end of the first year was 5088, covering with soil and burning. This
charge of the Bandon church also. the second 6594, and the third 8863. burning not only consumes the stump
The Oregon Power Company has The total number of accidents re­ but the fire eats into the roots and
the Ford army and now has ported during the three years were completely destroys the same. One
a full fledged jitney in service be­ respectively 4545, 7162 and 12,134, man can look after the “char-pitting”
tween town and the construction sta­ and the fatal accidents 71, 72 and 90. of about 20 stumps at the same time
tion on the high power line. The jit­
and the cost ranges from $.75 to about
ney is equipped with an extra length
$1.50 per stump. This cost is neg­
Held W ithout Charge.
truck body and is used in the hauling
ligible, however, when the labor is
of both poles and other material as Deputy Sheriff Clyde Gage Thurs­ performed by the owner at odd times.
well as transporting the crew from day apprehended J. Beckham, of Oak­ When time is no object, the best
land, California, who has been for way to clear the land from timber
Miss Goldie Child spent Sunday vis­ town.
iting friends at Marshfield.
Mrs. R. H. Mast will return tomor­ some time past engaged in mining growth is to let nature and live stock
J. M. Garri«an, of Salem, was a row evening from a three weeks’ visit down in Curry county. The arrest assist. When the growth is removed
business visitor yesterday.
with relatives and friends at Portland was made here at the request of the and the brush burned off clean which,
U. S. authorities and District Attor­ with most growths, may be made a
J. C. French, of Port Orford, was in and Vancouver. She will be accom­ ney
Reames directs that he be still profitable operation by the sale of fire
panied by her youngest sister, Mrs.
town on business yesterday.
No charge has been made wood, clover and grass seed may be
J. F. Polley, of the surveyor’s office, M. Wilson, of Winnipeg, Canada. Mrs. held.
though the impression is sown and while cattle and sheep are
spent Sunday in Marshfield.
of his carrying fire arresting and eating out the sprouts,
L. J. Cary spent Sunday in Marsh­
Though not a citizen, he is a the stumps will slowly but surely de-
field on business, returning yesterday will remain here for their summer va­ arms.
declarant and under ordinary circum­ J cay and their removal becomes an
H. B. Thompson and wife, of St. Five of our local boys leave next stances his privileges in that line easy operation. This process, howev­
er, will require 10 to 12 years before
Joe, Mo., were registered at the Bax­ Sunday to report to their company at would not be restricted.
clearing can be completed.
Portland and train to become “Sam­
ter Sunday.
Long Fill is Begun.
In times of usch stress as the pres­
Herbert Armstrong was over from mies.” The five are Harry Oerding, The The
work on the Fairview road be­ ent, the farm cannot afford to wait.
Empire Friday on Southern Oregon J. P. Michels, Carl Larsen, Matt Ker­ tween
the Henry street bridge and the Every inch of tillable soil should be
rigan and C. R. Kinsey. A rousing McCurdy
Company business.
place north of town is pro­ utilized. GET BUSY NOW AND
O. J. Seeley spent Sunday with his farewell has been planned by their ceeding
the big fill across the HAVE YOUR LAND READY FOR
family here, returning to Marshfield many friends and a special invitation Cunningham bottom
to take the place NEXT YEAR’S PLANTING.
is extended to all (especially the la­
yesterday morning.
the trestle work about 800 feet
C. L. Starr, attorney for the Boutin dies of the younger set) to bid them of
long has just been begun. Travel
timber interests in Coos county, came farewell at the depot Sunday morning. will
not be interrupted there, as a
Arthur Ellingsen, proprietor of the temporary
in on business yesterday.
road has been constructed
Marshfield has secured the 1918 Coquille Hardware Company, accom­ across
bottom beside the bridge.
Rates:—One cent a word, each in­
meeting of the State Editorial Associ­ panied by his family leaves today for The the
of the new grade sertion.
No charge less than 15 cents.
ation through the efforts of Editor St. Martins Springs, Washington, by from the gravelling
Henry street bridge north is
auto. They will remain at the springs now in progress,
McDaniel of the Coos Bay Harbor.
it is not pro­ WANTED—Middle aged woman to act
County Judge Watson performed a couple of weeks and then proceed gressing ns fast though
as intended, owing as housekeeper on small truck farm.
the ceremony Monday which made down through Central Oregon and en­ to
in gravel shipments, but Wages, a share in the product and
Mathew D. Coy and Genevieve Louise joy a months’ outing and fishing. They four delay
carloads have already everything furnished. Address J2,
Brown, of Bandon, husband and wife. made the Central Oregon trip last been put on where
they will do the care Herald, Coquille.
H. H. Wilson has completed the year and Arthur says he never enjoy­ most good.
work of erecting several tombstones ed such fishing in his life. They will
MAN and his wife wanted to work on
in this and the Fairview section and return by the coast road early in Sep­
ranch. $50 a month and expenses.
returned to his Marshfield home yes­ tember.
Inquire at this office.
Car! Taylor, the new travelling pas­
WANTED—Second hand furniture.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rotnor, accom­ senger agent of the Southern Pacific,
Highest prices paid. Coquille Fur­
panied by Mr. and Mrs. A. R. O’Brien, who succeeds W. H. Jenkins, was a
all of Marshfield, passed through here pleasant caller at this office Wednes­ A series of investigations has niture Company.
Sunday en route to Washington points day afternoon. He thinks it will be shown that the stump land of Ameri­ FOR SALE—Three delivery horses,
another year before the soft spots in ca, if it were cleared and ready for
by auto.
and double harness. Call at
The 1918 convention of the Swedish the Willahiette Pacific tracks are suf­ cultivation, would be worth more than wagon
Singers wall be held at Marshfield ficiently settled to attempt to shorten the average farmer’s best paying land Lyons & Jones.
through the efforts of the musicians the schedule between here and Port­ but stump land, that is logged-off Semi-folding Baby Sulkies—new—
who attended the convention at Seat­ land. But Coquille has nothing to land, in its “loafer” state, is worth at Quick’s. They are beauties.
kick about as it is now—except the nothing as far as actual profits are
tle last week.
Ed Lyman, an old Coquille resi­ force at the station, and the postoffice concerned and is, in fact, a direct loss
Doing Good.
dent, was down yesterday to visit his and the mail carrier.
to its owner. “Wasted Energy,” is
partner, Harry Neal, who is taking Today the Coquille Women’s Re­ what some land experts call this Few medicines have met with more
favor or accomplished more good than
treatment for heart trouble at the lief Corps are entertaining the Ban­ loafer” stump land and it is a good, ¡Chamberlain’s
and Diarrhoea
don, Myrtle Point and Coquille G. A. true expression, too. When we real­ Remedy. John Colic
Coquille hospital.
Mrs. Leslie, who injured her ankle R. veterans. The entertainment will ize the amount of good, virgin soil | Sask., says of it, F. “I Jantzen,
have used Cham­
at the chutes on Bandon beach the consist of one of the fine banquets for going to waste, year after year, when berlain’s Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy
and in my family, and can rec­
Fourth, is reported improving slowly which the local organization is justly it should be working and bringing dol­ myself
ommend it as being an exceptionally
but that she may not be able to walk farqous and speaking and reminiscenc­ lars and cents, it is plain to be seen j fine
es by the various members present. why “loafer” stump land is called
for several weeks.
E. D. Graham and Bird Nosier re­ These entertainments are of an in­ “wasted energy.”
turned to their harbor survey work formal character and a general good It is really a shame that progres­ CHICHESTER S PILLS
yesterday morning. They will go to time is the order of the day. About sive American farmers permit this
I,inti*-«! A«k your II
Chl-clien-ter'ii IMum
the Umpqua where they have about thirty guests from Bandon arrived virgin soil to loaf, especially in these
I boxes, sealed with B!
this morning on the Telegraph, the high priced times. Statistics back
six weeks of surveying.
T a k e no o th e r. Tiny o f your
l>rii|Tfrl«t- A k f r i III.» IIK H -T E H U
A. Lassen and wife, of Lovelock, Myrtle Point contingent coming down us when we say that “your ‘loafer’
k nown as Best, Safest, Always Reliable
Nevada, were Coquille visitors last
stump land is the best virgin soil we
week and it is hoped that they were so A. Y. Blaisdell, an attorney of Lew­ have.’” It does not need fertilizer
well impressed that will return here iston, Montana, arrived in this city
last Friday and may make his perma­
and remain permanently.
F. B. Anderson, of the Business Col­ nent location here provided general
lege. visited Gravel Ford in the inter­ conditions are satisfactory. He is at
est of the school yesterday and suc­ present making a thorough investiga­
ceeded in enrolling four new pupils tion of matters pertaining to his call­
who will begin their studies this week. ing and hopes that the promises of
The Royal Venetian Band and Mrs. the first impression are carried out by
Wilson, one of the lecturers, all con­ the facts. Mr. Blaisdell is seeking a
nected with the Chautauqua, passed more congenial climate than that of
through town this morning en route Montana and stated Friday that this
to Bandon where they will entertain country and the climate suited him
perfectly and if business conditions
YSTEMATIZE your household expenses by
Mrs. L. P. Maury, Miss Bessie Mau­ were equal to the climate there was
opening a bank account for your wife. Give
ry and little Miss Jean Pierce depart­ no question of it being his future
her a check book and teach her the use of it.
ed Sunday merning for Medford home.
Pay the butcher, the grocer, the baker, with
where they will visit a month or two In a letter received from Roy Avery
a check. Then at the end of the month
with Mr. Maury’s brother and other by Mr. R. H. Mast he states that the
you’ll find out just how much it costs you
soldiers and sailors in the San Diego
to run the home. When payment by chock
Chas. Harlocker returned last eve­ camp are being treated in the best
is made there never is any doubt as to whether or not
ning from Seaside where he attended manner possible by the people of that
a bill is paid. The check is a receipt.
the convention of the State Pharme- city and that they feel themselves
Besides, a checking account will give your wife a
ceutical Association. He reports a
business education. The number of ordinarily bright
fine time and many instructive lec­ than as soldiers. Entertainments,
women who know absolutely nothing of banking is sur­
tures by various members of the as­ dances, motion picture shows and all
prising. If you arc a husband, father, brother, you
the social life of the city is open to
tell when death may overtake you, and it is
O. R. Willard has started a stage
well that your wife, daughter and sister know some­
line between Bandon and Roseburg. arranged for both the soldiers and
thing of banking.
This makes four lines running over sailors every week. Roy says that,
the Middle Fork to Roseburg, one since getting out of quarantine which
m a k e u p y o u r m in d t o d a y t o g iv e
ending at Myrtle Point, one at Co­ lasted over two weeks, they have been
quille. one at Marshfield and the Ban­ having a fine time. He states there
are 1500 there and 5,000 expected.
don line.
in t u ii*
E. 0. Ttrask and family and Miss Judge Watson returned Sunday eve­
Alice Dunlap, of Modesta, California, ning from a two weeks’ camping trip
Fa rm ers and M erchants Bank
are visiting with the latter’s sister. to upper Brewster and reports a per­
Are You
Right or W rong?
THIS SCHOOL, although locat­
ed in a small town, has been so
fortunate as to assemble a fac­
ulty of trained teachers that its
success has been remarkable.
Our students are learning to DO
something. Each of them have
some DEFINITE purpose in view
when they attend this SCHOOL.
Headmarks, credits or ho? orary
grades have no value to them
T h e y re aliz e th a t a c o lu m n
o f fig u r e s added up m u s t be
e ith e r IO O per ce n t R igh t o r
10 0 p e r ce n t W r o n g .
N o t p a r tly rig h t an d p a rtly
w r o n g , but all w r o n g o r all
And so it is with the remainder of their stud­
ies. They must be able lo DO something
Isn’t it time for your boy or girl
to come to this decision? To­
day the Government and Com­
mercial houses are calling for
help. Let us train your son or
daughter to become independ­
ent of any adversity that might
befall YOU.
Every day of delay means a de­
lay in their earning capacity.
Andersons Business College
Coquille, Oregon
“Learn It Right ’
G rin d ”
1*111» in I * «• «1 a.ifi
Belt a G-E Motorio it
Let the G-E Motor take
grind out of your chores.
Motor-driven machines will milk, separate cream, churn, grind tnols,
pump water, cut feed and t i . gu l and shell corn, split and saw kindling,
thresh grain and p-rf-im pra ti ally ail ordinary »as! s requiring steady applica­
tion of power. A C j -L mot ;r will v. >n pay f r itself in labor and time saved.
Ask our power man to show you just where a muter will help on your farm.
Oregon Power Co.
F. E. McKenna, Local Manager
I O T Only E First
L Class B Hotel A in the X City T E R
We cater to the best trade and our service
leaves nothing to be desired. Special writing
room and sample rooms for Commercial men.
The Patronage of the Traveler is Solicited