Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, July 17, 1917, Image 2

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    The Coquille Herald
Published Every Tuesday.
J. C. Savage
Editor and Business Manager.
Entered as second-class matter
May 8, 1905, at the post office at C'o-
quille, Oregon, under act of Congress
of March % 1879.
Devoted to the material and social
upbuilding of the Coquille Valley,
particularly and of Coos County gen­
Subscription $1.50 per year, in ad­
Phone Main 381.
permeated with the poison that it ing him so it is impossible to do other
than stagger and stumble around the
cannot be successfully coped with.
corner. How this light has “got by”
This office acknowledges the receipt for so long a period is beyond under­
from Ben Olcott of pumphlets contain­ standing.
ing the election laws (1917 unabridg­
ed), abstract of the votes cast at the
special election held in June, and the
Lila Smith, Grace Krantz, and
statutes relating to roads, highways
Gladys Krantz attended the National
and bridges, 1917. These pamphlets
Education Association in Portland.
contain all the laws relating to these
James Allen and Mrs. Allen, Mr.
subjects, inclusive of those enacted at
and Mrs. Swerenger and daughters, of
the last legislature and are open to j
North Bend, were some of those who
anyone who wishes information on
were enjoying the beautiful scenery
these matters.
of the East Fork.
Oscar Bunch was elected director
This paper is not fighting the bat­
and Mrs. Geòrgie Bunch was elected
tles of County Roadmaster Murdock
school clerk of School District No. 32,
nor is it standing back of the county
school election day.
court in its various ramifications, but
Ed Abernethy is getting his mill in
we do feel that there should be a thor­
shape to saw lumber.
ough consideration of facts before
W. H. Schroeder, Mrs. Schroeder
definite action is taken by the rank
and all the children were enjoying an
and file of the county taxpayers.
outing on the East Fork Saturday and
Make haste slowly will be a good mot­
Sunday. Mis. Schroeder does not
to to follow in this matter. Be sure
think the world is going fluey or that
that you are not jumping from the
things are getting worse ^)d worse,
; fry pan into the fire.
for this summer is the first for three
years that she has been able to take
With the chance good that the unit these trips, and get the personal
of the county road between this city touch of the beauties of the river and
and Cedar Point will be impro\ed in the glories of the mountains.
the very near future it is now up tq
the city of Coquille to carry out a plan Learning More Ilespect for Law.
made several years ago to open Tay- ;
lor street through to the Burkholder
In these war times the people of
corner in order that the through road America are learning a new respect
may be as straight as possible. The for law and authority.
Even disre­
period of service of the T-bridge is gard of such things as the city reg­
nearly over and a new structure to ulations as to the time to use city
take its place should be on Taylor water for irrigation are not passed
unnoticed as they have been at times
in the past.
In two recent cases
It would give the writer great pleas­ where the water has been left running
ure to sit on the bank and watch the as late as 11 and 12 o’clock at night
members of the city council do the the offending parties have been ar­
pedestrian stunt around the Burk­ rested and contributed $5 each to the
holder corner at the north end of the city treasury.
T-bridge every night for a week or
Still it is remarkable what a differ­
two. We will wager the month's sub- ence the new regulations have made
scrpition receipts against one-fifty in the amount of water consumed.
Phone 691 and 541
that the light at that point would be When there was no limit a week ago
changed to the proper location before it kept the pumps going eight and
the second week was many hours old. ten hours a day to keep the reser­
In its present location the roadway is voirs filled. Since then it has been
black darkness and the light shines unnecessary to pump at all except af­
over the bank and strikes the foot ter the water had been shut off for re­
passenger directly in the eyes, blind- pairs at the reservoir.
Indeed, the Chamberlain’s Colic and Diarrhpca
flow down the high line has been at
Now is the time to buy a bottle of
times so abundant that the water ran this remedy so as to be prepared in
over the spillway.
case that any one of your^ family
should have an attack of colic or di­
during the summer months.
Some fine second hand baby carts arrhoea
It is worth a hundred times Hs cost
at Quick’s.
when needed.
Again in Stock
Rolled Barley,
Coos county’s part of the draft may
be twenty-one men and it may be less,
tut it cannot well be more than this.
And if each county is made a unit with
its own credits we may not send a
man under the first draft.
The movement against the I. W. W.
order has grown to enormous propor­
tions in the past week and has ex­
tended over the entire west. May it
be successful and the organization ab­
solutely eradicated is our devout wish.
“Hang the German spies without
ceremony” would be Chamberlain’s
method of dealing with them when
found, and this may be the fate dealt
out to perpetrators of all kinds of
treason before this country is many
months older. That, or some equally
effective remedy, must be found soon
or our country will be so thoroughly
Middlings, 90s,
Rolled Oats,
Front and C Streets
.szwmmo tBË'J’O
You’re beaten to earth? Well, well, what’s that?
Come up with a smiling face.
It’s nothing against you to fall down flat,
But to lie there—that’s disgrace.
The harder you’re thrown, why the higher you bounce;
Be proud of your blackened eye!
It isn’t the fact that you’re licked that counts;
It’s how did you fight—and why?
And though you be done to death, what then ?
If you battled the best you could,
If you played your part in the world of men,
Why, The Critic will call it good.
Death comes with a crawl, or comes with a pounce,
And whether he’s slow or spry,
It isn’t the fact that you're dead that connts,
But only how did you die?
—Edmund Vance Cook in Portland Live Stock Reporter.
H. M. Shaw M. D., Eye, Ear, Nose
Throat Specialist, will be at Bax-
| ter Hotel, Coquille, Friday, July 27th.
I Glasses fitted.
Cause of Despondency.
j and
Despendeney is often caused by in-
I ; digestion and constipation, and qulck-
8 ly disappears when Chamberlain’s
I I Tablets arc taken.
These tablets
strengthen the digestion and move
| the bowels.
If in need of a baby buggy see those
1 1 nice second hand ones at Quick's.
Wanted Man to cut brush, $2.25 per
day. Enquire at this office.
P 0 L K 9 5
The Busy
can get rid of the hard­
est and most disagree­
able part of the week’s
w o r k by sending the
wash to us.
If it can be washed we
can do it.
¿ a Business Directory I
I f f A D i r e c to r y o f e a c h C ity , T o w n » n il B
I jjf V illa g e , g iv in g d e s c r i p ti v e s k e tc h j f B
(inch p la c e , lo c a tio n , p o p u la tio n , t e l e - n
I .
. p in # a n d b a n k i n g p o in t; I
* a ls o C la ii; d D ir e c to ry , c o m p ile d b y 59
Sir E rnest Shackleton Says M aw son 's A n tarctic P ictures Best E ver Taken
o ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- O
Office over Farmers & iMerchants
Residence Baxter Hotel
D e n tist
Office ove r First National Bank
Phone Main 431
324, Office
514, Res.
6. EARL LOW. M. D.
P h y sic ia n
and su r g eo n
Office over Farmers & Merchants
In semiring them. They are the moat
thrilling mid most unusual pictures
ever thrown on the screen With the
picture« nt Chautauqua, the atory will
also tie told of the Expedition Inst as
it was told by Sir Douglas Mawson
on your
Add a new pleasure to your
vacation with an Eastman.
Let us explain how easy it is
to Kodak.
$1 to $60
Knowlton’s Drug Store
' - • *
Shackleton Lauds M awson
Mr Ding..,.-. daws, n I . ¡„led the Ant-
arctic F.x;„ Mil ion which -cured tin-
wonderful pi, 'turps wl Ii are to be
shown at Chautauqua The.-e films are
among the tn st , ■ > ever taken, rep
resenting the expenditure of about
fJUKi.uOO and the l o s s of several lives
Coquille, Ore
O------------------------------------------------------------------------ o
a r tic le on M r Douglas Mawson in
the London Daily Mall, says:
"Science has everything to lie grate
ful for In Mawaon'a achievement ami
nothing Ir. which to find disappoint
meat. I consider his pictures of the
Antarctic the best ever taken.''
The Busy Corner Grocery
Did you tackle the trouble that came your way
With a resolute heart and cheerful?
Or did you hide your face from the light of day
With a craven soul and fearful?
Oh, a trouble’s a ton, or a trouble's an ounce,
Or a trouble is what you make it,
And it isn’t the fact that you’re hurt that counts,
But only how did you take it?
per sack
W heat,
L Scratch Foo l,
A second war bond issue is expec-
ted shortly and Coos county will no
doubt be ready to do her bit owing to
the educational campaign conducted
in floating the Liberty Bond Loan.
Graduate of the American School
of Osteopathy of Kirksville, Mo.
Office in Eldorado Block
| Marshfield
Oregon j