rHE C oquille H erald VOL. 35, COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 1917. NO. 40 PER YEAR $1.50 RED CROSS DRIVE BEGINS TODAY COOS AND CURRY PIONEER PASSES WHAT PRESIDENT WIESON THINKS Local Force Has Seven Days to Raise Twenty-five Hundred Dollars A. H. Thrift, one of the very oldest mercantile business at his place in the pioneers of Coos and Curry counties, early days and combined that with 1 in point of residence, passed away at ’ dairying for many years. In 1899 he retired from active life and purchased | his home in San Jose, California, on a home at San Jose, where he has Saturday, June 16, 1917, at the age of since lived. 81 years and 9 months. Mr. Thrift He was married in 1865 to Mary came to Coos county with the first Jane Goodman who survives him, to­ party of settlers in the year 1853. gether with ten children. Their Other members of the party were names are: Mrs. Haney, of Arizona; j Captain Harris, Perry Marple, Mr. 'f. J. Thrift, of this city; E. B. Thrift, Foley and others. This was the first of Langlois; Mrs. Belle Lowe and A party of actual settlers to come to G. Thrift, of this city: Miss Harriet this section. Mr. Thrift followed the Thrift and A. A. Thrift, of San Jose; usual vocation of hunting, trapping Mrs. Eva Dolkstrom, of Oakland, Cal­ and gold mining for many years, was ifornia; Mrs. June Edwards, of Oak­ the discoverer of the Lane mine at land; and F. R. Thrift, of San Jose. Randolph, and mined in that locality The latter were twins. One child for several years. He had also worked died in infancy. on both the Sixes river and in Jackson Mr. Thrift was one of the best county. I known men of northern Cur^y county He crossed the plains with an ox and vas always at the head of al’ pro­ team party, arriving at Portland in gressive movements in that section. 1852, coming to Coos the following He was highly respected and honored year. He settled in Curry county, by all who knew him; had no enemies near Langlois, buying the place he ! and had never beer a party to a law- has since owned in August, 1869. This ! suit in his entire life. Mrs. Thrift is ranch comprises 840 acres of valua­ also a pioneer of Oregon, ha ing corne ble dairy land and is one of the best to the state with the Waldo party in in that section. He entered into the 1843. She is now 78 years of age. The meeting at Bandon Friday ■ from 1 to 4 p. m. and from 8 to 9 p. m. night was an enthusiastic one and the | Any information may be had from prime mover, L. J. Simpson, stated those in charge during those hours, ! subscriptions may be made or reports Saturday that he was more than pleas­ | submitted. A little later pamphlets ed with the attendance and the spirit bearing oi. the work and purpose of shown there. Mr. Simpson gave one the Red Cross will be available for of his enlivening talks and was met distribution. A telephone, No. 493, with a hearty round of applause at has just been installed in the rooms. each of his pauses. The work on the Following is the personnel of the part of the various committees at local organization: that point is going ahead in tine shape Executive committee:—J. E. Nor­ and, while some of them think their ton, L. H. Hazard and L. J. Cary. allotment is high, they are going in Team Captains:— W. H. Lyons, A. to win and without doubt will find at T. Morrison, F. E. McKenna, C. W. the close of their campaign that the Endicott, C. E. Baxter. amount has been far over-subscribed. O. C. Sanford was made treasurer The Fairview meeting was a fortu­ of the organization and the team cap­ nate one. The ladies and gentlemen tains have appointed their helpers as of that enterprising section were fore­ follows: gathered at the schoolhouse for the W. H. Lyons:—C. A. Howard, John purpose of clearing the ground for a Aasen, Fred Slagle, J. W. Miller. A. T. Morrison:—J. S. Lawrence, new church and had a most bounteous lunch spread in the shadows of the J. A. Lamb, R. H. Mast, F. G. Leslie. beautiful evergreen grove at the F. E. McKenna:—V. L. Hamilton, school house. The delegation which H. A. Young, R. B. Murdock, Chas. Coquille’s subscription to the Lib Henry W. Young. accompanied Mr. Simpson, Dr. Dix Schroeder. Coquille Valley Mercantile Co. and Chas. Hall arrived at the oppor­ C. W. Endicott:—A. N. Gould, E. E. erty Loan was below what it should tune moment and assisted assiduously Johnson, A. J. Sherwood, L. Harlock- have been by many thousands of dol­ ^H. A. Young. W. D. Champion. in the disposal of the viands and a er. lars, but it is thought by those who Talent Greenough. Chas. E. Baxter:—James Watson, couple of crates of fresh strawberries were in touch with the movement Mrs. A. A. Young. after which the assemblage repaired Charles Harlocker, J. S. Barton, T. J. here that had the time been a few days Marvel Skeels. to the school room and listened atten­ Thrift. J. L. Smith. The following have been appointed longer this subscription would have tively to a half hour’s talk by the been many times greater than it was. Farmers & Merchants Bank. prime mover of the Red Cross move­ for precincts outside of this city: At the last moment the local banks The majority of those who sub­ Beaver Hill— Hal Baxter. ment in Coos county. hud many calls for the bonds by local scribed to the bonds were men and Coaledo— John Yuakam. That his talk was well received and people both in person and by phone women who have an assured position Leneve— W. P. McKenna. taken to heart by his hearers was tes­ but it was too late. No records were in the work of the community but Aasen’s Camp— Harry Kelley. tified by the furtive use of handker­ kept as to the wishes of those who there are one or two instances in the Riverton—-W. A. Bean. chiefs by many of those assembled, same too late but that it would have above list which deserve especial men- and many were the hearty hand­ Dora—Edd Marcey. materially swelled the total is certain. | tion. One is that of W. D. Champion, Fairview— Albert Bettys. shakes he received at its termination. Should another issue of war bonds be a stranger in our midst, an elderly Lee— Claud Waters. That the Fairview section will re­ The young ladies, who have assist­ made Coquille and vicinity will re­ man, who approached a local banker spond nobly to their country’s call for Red Cross funds this week goes ed in the work of compiling and tabu­ spond more liberally than to the first and made his subscription out of a without saying. Mr. Simpson’s eluci­ lating the names deserve credit for issue, just closed. In all $7,350 was saving fund set aside for his old age. dation of the movement and the pur­ their part of the good work. With tubscribed through the local banks. Another is that of Talent Greenough, poses of the Red Cross were so clear no exceptions they have given freely Following is a list of the subscribers: son of our old friend and townsman, K. E. Hodgman. F. L. Greenough, now of Bandon. This and pointed that not one of his hear­ of their time and have accomplished Coquille Lodge No. 53, I. O. O. F. young patriot had a savings account ers failed to get the pertinent point wonders in the short time allotted to L. H. Hazard. at one of the local banks which of his arguments, and, with their loy­ them in which to complete the work. O. C. Sanford. amounted to but few cents more than alty and patriotism never questioned, Following is the list of those who First National Bank. the necessary sum but it was drawn their response to the committees have aided in the work: Mildred Nor­ Leo J. Cary. and invested without a quaver. And when interviewed this week will no ton, Muriel Landreth, Maude Toates, A. J. Sherwood. he has not yet passed his fifth birth­ Cunningham, doubt meet with the expectations of Mary Pike, Myrtle H. W. Young. day. This is the patriotic spirit which Maymie DeLong, Mrs. V. L. Ham­ even the most sanguine. Marian D. Young. will win the war of Liberty. Here’s Saturday evening Mr. Simpson ilton, Ada Downs, Doris Tyrrell, and James Watson. to the youngest Liberty Bond Investor spoke to a large crowd on the street Carol Rahskopf. in Coos county! F. E. McKenna. The entire crew of solicitors vfill end later addressed a packed house at the Scenic for a short time. He has work together so far as possible, com­ not tired out a single audience as his pleting each section or precinct be­ remarks are concise statements of the fore proceeding to the next. Follow­ facts of the matter without oratorical ing is the itinerary so far as it has Following is the registration list ard; Boyle, James Ford; Berrie, embellishments. He is eloquent but been arranged: Tuesday—Coquille and immediate for Coquille and vicinity of the male James; Brewer, Guy; Elwood, Cecil far from oratorical. He impresses population between the ages of 21 John; Epp, Charles; Fisher, Raymond his hearers as speaking from the vicinity. It will be from the Denic; Gillman, George Alfred; Hin- Wednesday—Lee, Dora and Burton and 31 years. heart and for this reason reaches the Thursday— Fat Elk, Riverton, Aas­ names on this list that the draft for ricksen, Andrew M.; Kime, Leslie hearts of his hearers. Every person the first great army of liberty will be Homer; McAdams, Roy Allison; Guil- who hears him talk on the subject en’s Camp and Conlogue’s Camp. iani, Nax; Peterson, Oscar Moon; Of- Friday—Cunningham, Coaledo and chosen: finds it impossible not to immediately field, Charles Perry; Robison, Rock; become a convert to the Red Cross Beaver Hill. Precinct No. 28. Burton. Saturday—Coquille. Barker, John Ledston Jr.; Benham, Racklcff, Lawrence; Shull, Roy Lee; cause, and could he but speak to ev­ Next Monday will be everybody’s Thomas Henry; Hatcher, Clarence Se- Strang, Jesse; Williams, Clarence ery person in the county there would be no need of subscription commit­ day and everyone who has not already mour; Holverstott, Harry Harrison; Claud; Weekly, Vance G. tees. The money would pour in and subscribed will have an opportunity Hatcher, James Andrew Jr.; Hatcher, Precinct No. 35. Dora. the amount of Coos county’s allott- to bring or send in their gift on that Archie Vernen; Johnson, Linus Adolf; Bobbio, Tona; Bennett, Alvene Ver­ ment would be a mere bagatelle be­ day. Headquarters office in the Laird King, Winfred Paul; Martin, John non; Dugger, Cecil; Glenn, George side the funds which would be raised. building will be open all day and some Adolf; Miller, Roy Edward; Norris, Bane; Heller, William Charles; Har­ On Sunday the party went to one will be in attendance to receive Walter Boone; Norris, George Ray; ry, Alva Even; Krewson, Ernest A l­ Bridge where representatives of the all contributions. Sage, Russell. va; Krewson, Thos. Oliver; Leathe- entire section had gathered and made Precinct No. 31. Coaledo. man, Samuel Lloyd; Lawhorn, Ratcliff another of his strong appeals to their The United States Civil Service Cantril, Odist; Coleman, Earnest; Harold; Laird, Ivan Callfax; Mayse, humanity and patriotism with the Commission announces that an exami­ Conlogue, John Francis; Donovan, Lester Leland; Mayse, Emmett Mil- same results as in the former instanc­ nation for stenographer and typewrit­ John; Hagstrom, Ellis; Hakala, Wil­ ton; Nickason, Winfred Arven; Olsen, es. He received the assurances of er, Field Service, will be held in forty liam Edward; Leneve, Vern: McEwen, William Oscar; Padgett, John How­ support from a majority of those who different cities throughout the Elev­ William Walter; Morras, Leo Lenard; ard; Padgett, William Franklin; Vo­ heard him and the Bridge allottment enth Civil Service District June 30, Rudberg, Oxel William; Rogers, Ira gel, Henry; Wilcox, Mason Archibald. is an assured fact. 1917. Both men and women will be Fenwick; Sleep, Albert; Wison, Frank Precinct No 37. Lee. Sunday evening at Myrtle Point admitted to this examination. There Hiram. Berkey, Victor Hiram; Byers, Rob­ was held the final meeting of their is an urgent need of male stenog­ Precinct No. 32. Beaver Hill. ert Eldridge; Byers, Clay Evan; Gant, whirlwind campaign and the results raphers and typewriters for all Boutin, Clifford Charles; Barnett, Andrew Ben; Gant, Mack Wesley; of this meeting were equal in every branches of the service in the Elev­ James; Brown, James; Bessi, Filber- Hawley, Neil Orin; Johnson, Lorin particular to those which had preced­ enth District, but particularly in the to; Ekholm, Carl Sig; Fredericksen, Dalles; Jensen, Harold; King, Elmer ed it. The church services of the en­ Quartermaster Corps of the United Harold Felix; Fry, Clarence Oliver; Ray; Kirkruff, Evert Bert; Myers, tire community were merged into a States Army, at an entrance salary Gorslund, Ernest Alexander; Holmes, Grover Cleveland; Myers, Walter gigantic Red Cross meeting and Mr. of $1,000 per annum. Typewriters David Wittaker; Lento, Antonio; Lee; Randleman, Claude Aretus; Simpson addressed the largest meet- ' without a knowledge of stenography Mansell, Albert Hadwin; MacKay, Sumerlin, Mike Griffin. ing he has faced since the campaign j are in demand and every eligible on William Daniel; Norman, David Hjal- Precinct No. 38. Coquille N. W. began. Mr. Simpson is very enthus­ the male typewriter register willing mer; Shido, Seichi. John Juza. iastic over his reception at the dif- j to accept an entrance salary of $1,000 Precinct No. 33. Cunningham. Precinct No. 39 Coquille N. E. ferent points at which he has spoken per annum will be appointed. Male Byers, Charley Arthur; Culbertson, Abell, Robert Edward Lee; Alexan­ but is particularly so over the Myrtle j typewriters willing to serve their Robert; Collier, Archie B.; Cornwell, der, Lewis Elvadus; Crouch, Clinton Point meeting. country under the conditions named i James Franklin; Clinton, Clarence Al­ B.; Carter, Joseph Aaron; Chamber- Today the real campaign of secur- j should apply for this examination. exander; Cook Ernest Eugene; Childs, lain, Ira Dorvell; Crouch, Charles ing the actual subscriptions begins Applications and full information will James Loren; Davison, Lyman Steph­ Houston; Goodrich, Charles Addison; and the various committees of this be furnished by the local secretary, en; Denton, Will; Miller, Alfred By­ Gisholt, Lars Jorgensen; Haskins, section are as busy on their part of Board of Civil Service Examiners, ron; Miller, Roy Frederick; Newton, Fay Dee; Hodge, Walter Stanley; the work as Mr. Simpson and his pai - Post Office, at any of the offices where Archie Jay; Newton, George Henry; .Kern, Andrew Clifford; Kerrigan, ty have been on the prelimi tary edu­ the examination will be held, or by Nichols, Joshua Leverage; Newton, John Nelson; McKenna, Frank Eu- cational work. However, where Mr the District Secretary, Room 303, Charles W.; Robbing, Edson Meade; jgene; McQuigg. Grover Cleveland; Simpson has spoken the work of the I Post Office Bldg., Seattle , Wash. Thornton, Clarence James; Thrift, McEwen, Burton; Nosier, Eugene El- teams will be far from arduous as | Frank Lester; Vogel, Carl; Wilson, ¡mer; Peart, William; Peart, Ray. each of his hearers has become an ar- I In a communication received from Frank G.; Watson, Irvin; Yoakam, Precinct No. 40. Coquille 8. W. dent worker for the good cause. Roy Avery this morning, he states Jasper Rowland. Ames, Wilbur Lester; Bayley, The Red Cross headquarters in the that he has been transfered to the Precinct No. 34. »Fat Elk. Ralph Olaf; Bums, Raymond Edgar; Laird building, opposite the postoffice, naval training camp at Balboa Park ; Aber, Delno Goldie; Aber, Wilbur Bishop, Ashley Hasbaw; Cunningham, will be open from 9 a. m. to 12 m.. i near San Diego. Farris; Aber, Harry Leo; Bock, Rich­ (Continued on fourth page.) COPILLE’S LIBERTY OOND HOLDERS REGISTRATION IN COQUILLE VALLEY I V Gives Reasons W h y Americans Should Support Red Cross One of the most notable arguments Oregon’s biggest business men, Or­ in favor of the Red Cross comes from egon’s most prominent women—thou­ the hand of Woodrow Wilson, who au­ sands of them are devoting practical­ tomatically became president of the ly full time to the campaign, regard­ American Red Cross when war was less of personal sacrifice— believe it will be done. declared. "To avoid unne' essary duplications Very soon the story will be done. of effort and wasted effort, it is nec- Red Cross Week began yesterday and tssaiy for all humanitarian work to ends next Monday. In a short seven be iencentrated under one organiza­ days the state generally must raise tion,” declared tLs president. “ That $85,914 a day, $10,475 for each hour organization is the Red Cross." of an 8-hour working day. The president’s letter to Secretary It will be done. The task is great, of War Baker v a s read at a recent but Oregon's willingness is greater. u ee'ing of the American Red Cross Never has Oregon failed in full re­ at Washington, D. C., and is as fol­ sponse to the appeal to generosity lows. and now the Universal Service of “ A large, well organized and effi - 1 Mercy pleads, cient Red Cross is essential. It is j The President of the United States both a patriotic and humane service | proclaims Red Cross Week and asks that is rendered by every citizen who in behalf of the nation at war that the becomes a member of the American $100,000,000 be given. The wounds Red Cross. and agony awaiting the soldiers that “ In order that the relief work which we send across the sea beg that we undoubtedly is ahead of us should be furnish the Red Cross hospitals, phy­ made thoroughly efficient, it is most sicians, nurses, stretcher bearers, desirable that it should be co-oruinal- medicines and bandages in time to ed and concentrated under one organi­ serve their terrible need. And the mother whose yearning zation. “ Having been made the official vol­ arms reach emptily after her soldier unteer aid organization of the United boy who has marched away, holds States, the American Red Cros3 out those arms pleadingly toward the comes under the protection of the patriotically generous of Oregon; her treaty of Geneva, and has received full, tender heart questions anxious­ due recognition from all foreign gov­ ly, “ Will you give the Red Cross abil­ ernments. Its status, both at home ity to save my boy’s life when he is and abroad, is thus definitely deter­ wounded, and to care for m e?” mined and assured. It is an appeal that Oregon can “ The Surgeons General of the War not, will not, refist. Red Cross Week offers Oregon an and Navy Departments are members of the executive committee of the opportunity to complete her splendid American Red Cross. By act of Con­ record. Remember that the American Red gress medical officers of both branch­ es of the service are detailed for ser­ Cross is financed out of private sub­ vice with it in order that its military scriptions because if financed by the relief may be so organized as best to government it would cease to have supplement the medical services of the status of a neutral on the battle fields and its work might be handi­ our fighting forces. “ The civilian relief is under a train­ capped or destroyed. Remember, that ed and experienced personnel, espec­ scriptions made now may be paid in ially fitted to care for soldiers’ fam­ 25 per cent installments, July 1, Au­ ilies and other non-combatants. The gust 4, September 1 and October 1. To all committees, L. G. Nichols, accounts of the association are audit­ ed by the War Department in order State Campaign manager, says: “ Ev­ thoroughly to safeguard the funds ery campaign organization must come up to Monday with its full comple­ contributed by the public. “ Recent experience has made it ment of workers. Any worker not more clear than ever that a multi­ willing to put in four hours straight plicity of relief agencies tends to time a day should be relieved of duty. bring about confusion, duplication, The finiuh is harder than the start. delay and waste. Moreover, it af­ Set yourself for a long race and a fast fords temptations to dishonest per­ one and accept nothing less than suc­ sons to take advantage of the general cess.” “ Every report from every Oregon willingness of the public to subscribe to such agencies to defraud subscrib­ community is encouraging,” says Mr. ers and rob the soldier of the assist­ Nichols. Oregon will show that the people ance he so much needs. “ Wherever in the present war suf­ realize the Red Cross appeal comes ficient volunteer aid has been ren­ from an emergency that must be met. dered, either to soldiers or non-com­ batants, it has been rendered under a President Wilson’s Appeal. well organized central body. Ex­ The following communication was perience is certainly the most con- \incing teacher, and we should learn recently received by Mr. L. Pierce, l y these European examples how to Western Executive Secretary of the conduct our own relief work with the Red Cross. President Wilson is ex-officio Pres­ most thorough efficiency and system. With its catholicity and democracy ident of the Red Cross of America and the Red Cross is broad enough to em­ is putting the full force of his office brace all efforts for the relief of our behind the hundred million dollar soldiers and our sailors, the care of campaign. The White House, Washington. their families, and for the assistance May 19, 1917. of any other non-combatants who My Dear Mr. Pierce:—You and the may require aid. “ As the President of the American western members of the finance com­ Red Cross, our branch of the great mittee of the Red Cross War Council, international organization, I most Messrs. Miller, Corbett, Croker and earnestly commend it to your confi­ Phipps, are about to undertake a dence and your support. Upon your great public service. The enterprise aid, upon the amounts and prompt which you will present to the leaders ness of your gifts and co-operation, of the business and professional life must depend the” fulfillment" of the duties that are imposed upon it It serves so noble and beneficent a pur­ pose that it must appeal to all who love their country and all who love humanity.” WOODROW WILSON. in the West is at this time one of the most ‘ mP°rt«nt contributions to the country's welfare which any patriotic citizen can make. Will you not convey to the patriotic citizens of the West my very earnest hope that they will deny you no ser­ vice which they can render? Cordially and sincerely yours, Oregon first in army and navy en­ Woodrow Wilson. listments. Oregon first in Liberty Bond over­ TEACHERS’ EXAMINATIONS. subscription. Now add the third great entry on Notice is hereby given that the the National Honor roll. County Superintendent of Coos Coun- Pre8on first to_ over-subscribe its ty, Oregon, will hold the regular ex­ $600,000 quota of the $100,000,001) amination of applicants for State Cer­ Red Cross emergency war service tificates at the High School Building, fund. Coquille, as follows: H. L. Corbett, general chairman of Commencing Wednesday, June 27, the state campaign committee, which 1917, at 9 o’clock a. m., and continu­ is responsible for raising $400,000 be­ ing until Saturday, June 30, 1917, at lieves it will be done. 4:00 o’clock p. m. W. B. Ayer, general chairman of the Portland campaign committee, Buy your season tickets now for which is responsible for raising $200,- the Chautauqua. July 15 to 22. Price 000, believes it will be done. $2.50 for adults.