NEW COUNCIL OBLIOATED The new council, not one of whom has served m ore th an one y ear in the p a st five, was called to order by M ay­ or Johnson a t nine o’clock, M essrs. B arrow and M iller taking the chairs vacated by N osier and Sanford. The first business was the approv­ ing of R ecorder L aw rence’s bond for $1,000 w ith L. H arlocker and Geo. T. Moulton a s sureties. M. 0 . H aw kins and W. H. Mansell were nom inated fo r chairm an of the bourd, but Mr. Mansell declined and Mr. Hawkins was elected unanim ous­ ly- On motion by Mr. Mansell the sa la r­ ies of city officials were m ade the same as la st year, viz: Recorder $80 per m onth; C ity A t­ torney, $50; M arshal, $70; Deputy M arshal, $05; N ight M arshal, $70; F ire Chief, $5; T reasurer, $200 per annum ; H ealth Officer, not less than $10 per annum . M ayor Johnson then announced his appointm ents, which were approved by the council as follows: C ity T rea su re r—O. C. Sanford. C ity A ttorney—J . J. Stanley. M arshal and W ater Superintendent —S. V. Epperson. D eputy M arshal—Dayne Hudson. N ight M arshal—J. A. Jackson. H ealth Officer—Dr. Ja s. Richmond. F ire Chief— H. O. Anderson. The bond of the tre a su re r was fixed a t $1,000; th a t of the m arshal a t $500; and those of the two deputies a t $250. Mr. Sanford subm itted his bond with L. H. H azard and A. J. Sherwood as sureties and it was approved. The Coquille Valley Sentinel was n.ade the official city paper a t the sam e price— 4 cents per line—as has been paid for the p a st four or five years. M ayor Johnson then announced the com m ittee appointm ents: Ordinance— Barrow, Haw kins, L or­ enz. Finance— Haw kins, Lorenz, M an­ sell. S tre e t—Mansell, Barrow, G ardner. l ire— Miller, G ardner, Mansell. W ater—G ardner, Hawkins, Miller. L ights— Lorenz, Miller, Barrow. I t was decided to follow the same plan as fo r the p a st year—th a t no bills be paid until approved by the Finance com m ittee. This completed the organization of th e new body and then followed a ses­ sion of felicitations, acknowledgm ent of appreciation, etc. Mr. H aw kins said th a t he had e n ­ joyed the work of and w orking with the form er councilmen—Sanford and N osier— and moved th a t they be ex­ tended a vote of thanks and ap p recia­ tion, which w as voted unanim ously. In p u ttin g the motion, M ayor Johnson said th a t one m ain reason he had fo r m aking a change in the office of city tre a su re r was the faith fu l, high order of service rendered by Mr. Sanford for several years, and he thought he had earned recognition by the city of a m ore su b stan tial n atu re th an the m ere honor of holding office. Recorder Law rence also thanked Mr. Sanford fo r the assistance he had giv en in various m a tte rs of city business and Mr. Sanford fittingly expressed his sincere appreciation of the sen ti­ m ent shown by the council, m ayor and recorder, and volunteered his services to the new council in any w ay in which he could help in the considers tion of old m a tte rs of city affairs. The newly elected councilmen all m ade sh o rt talks, expressing th eir de sires to work fo r the best in te rests of the city. The m ayor called on Leo J . C ary— “the sage of F ro n t s tre e t’’— and a fo rm er councilman. Mr. C ary said he hadn’t m issed the first session of a city council for fo u r years and didn’t w ant to slight th is one was the reason fo r his presence. He then asked for inform ation about the F irs t stre e t case which had been finally decided th a t day by Judge Coke. In order to secure the inform ation it w as decided to adjourn till next Tuesday a t 7:30 p. m., when the F irs t stre e t property ow ners, the a tto rn ey s and the council would m eet fo r an amicable a d ju s t­ m ent of the m inor points left by the ju d g e's decision for settlem ent. Before adjournm ent W. J. Longston aske 1 for and received perm ission to proceed w ith the work and finish his c o n tra ct for the im provem ents in the e a s t p a rt of town, subject to the sup­ ervision and direction of the street com m ittee. F R U IT SU B ST ITU TE . S tr e e t C a s e D e c is io n NOTICE TO CREDITORS. R hubarb is Easily Grown and Can Bo Bought Cheaply. The value and use of rh u b a rb as a p a rt of the diet a re stro n g ly em pha­ sized by dom estic science experts. It is pointed out th a t th is fru it is easily raised and can be obtaned a t a re aso n ­ able price on the m arket, and is th e re ­ fore w ithin the »each of every fam ily. In general, the effect of the use of rhubarb is the sam e a s th a t of o ra n g ­ es, except th a t it contains oxalic acid which m akes it unsuitable for people afflicted with gravel. A lthough it is botanically a vegetable, it is g e n era l­ ly used as a “ fru it.” R hubard is e s ­ pecially beneficial in the sp rin g when the system has been nourished on heavier food, and because it becomes available earlier than m ost o ther veg­ etables. Suggestions are also advanced for the preparation of rhubarb for table use, and several recipes a re given, two of which are as follow s: - R hubarb Fie 1% cups rhubarb sta lk s cut in % inch pieces, % cup sugar, 2 eggs. 3 tab le ­ spoons cracker criftnbs. Mix sugar, cracker crum bs and egg, add rhubard and bake in open c ru st as for cu stard pie. M ake a m eringue of the egg w hites, cover pie and brown in slow oven. Steam ed R hubarb Sauce. 1 q u a rt rhubard c u t in % inch piec­ es, 2 cups sugar. C ut off the leaves and the root and w ash the stalks, and cut in one-half inch lengths. P u t the rhubarb into a double boiler, add the sugar, mix well and cover the boiler tig h t.— B ertha Davis, In stru c to r in Home Economics a t 0 . A. C. The follow ing is in substance the decree filed W ednesday by Ju d g e Coke in the F irs t s tre e t paving case th a t has been a bone of contention fo r the p a st four or five years in th is city: T hat the to ta l cost of th e im prove­ m ent of F irs t stre e t in E llio tt’s A ddi­ tion to Coquille City and N otley’s A d­ dition was am is the sum of $10,113.91 and which is properly chargeable to the property benefitted by such im ­ provem ent a n d described in Ordinance No. 106 levying the assessm ent and passed Nov. 24, 1913. T h a t the dis­ pute as to $400 held back by the city should be d et irm ined by the Common Council of the city of Coquille as pro­ vided in Section 64 of the c h a rte r of said city, upon a hearing a t which the property ow ners and the contractors should lie given a chance to be hear,^ and such portion thereof as to the council m ay seem equitable should be paid to the con tracto rs and th e bal­ ance should be repaid to the property owners when paid in the m an n er and as provided in Section 64 of th e c h a r­ te r am endm ent of the city of Coquille of May 12th, A. D. 1913. T h at said assessm ent of $10,113.91 should be p ro rate d am ong th e pro p er­ ty owners in the sam e m anner and in like proportion a s the original asse ss­ m ent of $12,059.75 was p ro rate d to them by O rdinance No. 106, and when prorated the sam e shall be a lien on the p roperty benefitted and th e own­ ers of the respective tra c ts shall pay the sam e in ten annual installm ents commencing w ith the tim e it w as or­ iginally due w ith in te rest from th a t tim e a t 6 per cent as upon the original assessm ent. T hat w a rra n t No. 0138 in sum of $250 held by J. P. Beyers and pleaded in his answ er w as a t the tim e of its issuance and now is hereby declared illegal and void. The sam e decree is m ade a s to w a r­ ra n ts No. 0140 in the sum of $500, la st known by the testim ony to be held by A. F. B ergon; as to w a rra n t No. 0147 in the sum of $1,000, w a rra n t No. 0160 in sum of $400, w a rra n t No. 0162 in sum of $100, now held by Leo J. Cary, which a re all declared illegal and void. T h a t th is su it be and the sam e is hereby dism issed w ithout prejudice as to the defendants Jesse P. Beyers and Leo J . Cary, w ith costs ag ain st the city of Coquille. T hat th e plaintiffs, d efendant City of Coquille and defendants E. Ellin»-; sen and A. F. Bergon pay one-third of the m ileage and w itness fees of the w itness F. E. Hobson, and each pay its other costs and disbursem ents. T hat the tem p o rary injunction is­ sued herein should be and the sam e is hereby vacated and set aside, and the city of Coquille m ay take such action for the collection of said assessm ents corrected in compliance w ith th is de­ cree, as is provided by law in the c h arter provisions of the said city of Coquille. Notice is hereby given th a t th e un dersigned have been duly appointee executrixes of the e state and of the last will and testa m en t of E lizabeth Thomas, deceased, and th a t all p e r­ sons having claim s a g a in st said es­ ta te are hereby notified th a t they arc required to present the sam e duly ver ified and with the proper voucher: therefor, to the undersigned a t the office of A .J. Sherwood, in Coquille Coos County, Oregon, w ithin sir m onths from the date of this notice. D ated this 2nd day of June, 1917. L illian Stew ard, E dna Stew ard, Executrixes of the E s ta te and of the la st Will and T estam en t of E liza beth Thomas, deceased. 38-5t; I Red Cross 1 onight A p a rt of preparedness for w hat w ar will necessitate for our people is the nursin g in hospitals and on the battle fields which the Red Cross is organized to provide. This is som e­ th in g th a t the people of the nation are expected to put up for, aside from all the governm ent does. A cam paign is now on to secure an av erag e of $1.00 each from the people of the U nited S ta te s for Red Cross w ork. A m eet­ ing to s ta r t the ball rolling for Co­ quille and vicinity will be held here on Tuesday evening next, Ju n e 12. Some fu rth e r inform ation in reg ard to th is m eeting and the cam paign for funds to be undertaken in this county will be found in the follow ing day let­ te r which F . E. M cKenna received W ednesday from C harles H all, of M arshfield: A t a m eeting of the W estern D ivi­ sion of the Red Cross, held in P o rt­ land Monday there were in attendance rep resen tin g Coos County, H ugh Mc­ Lain, L. J . Sim pson, Dr. Dix, J. T. Brand and m yself. T hree of us re ­ turned yesterday and the oth ers are re tu rn in g today. The qestion of financing the Red Cross for its activities in F rance is the problem for consideration. The apportionm ent for Oregon, for Coos county and for Coquille and the contiguous te rrito ry has been made. The g re a t drive for these funds will be m ade during the week of the eigh­ teenth to tw enty-fifth of June. All details will be subm itted a t a prelim inary m eeting which we will hold in Coquille Tuesday night, the 12th. None of those who a re about to en te r the service and a re liable to be called a t an early d a te should be asked to particip ate in the work. A t this m eeting, it is planned to p erfect a u n it of the county org an iza­ tion. Mr. L. G. Nichols, m an ag er for the sta te will be present. A t this tim e it is desired to form an organization so com plete th a t every individual in your te rrito ry will have a n opportunity to subscribe to this hum ane undertaking. It is the plan of the Red Cross to have available com plete equipm ents, sufficient sup­ plies and w ell-m anned units on the battlefields of France p rior to the real need which is sure to develop. In fact our Allies a re now suffering from in­ sufficient Red Cross activities. Sac­ rifice will be the keynote of the cam ­ paign. This is an o pportunity for those who will not or can not serve on the battlefield, to m ake th eir small contribution to the continued exis­ tence of Democracy and I.ibery. Buffalo Bill Buried. Cholera Morbus. The la st trib u te was paid Sunday to the m em ory of Colonel W illiam F. Cody (Buffalo Bill) by a vast assem ­ blage, when the body of the famous scout and plainsm an was laid to rest in a grave blasted from the solid rock rn top of Lookout m ountain, tw enty m iles from Denver, Colorado. T his is a very painful and d an g er­ ous disease. In alm ost every neigh­ borhood som e one has died from it b efore m edicine could be obtained oi a physician sum m oned. The right w ay is to have a bottle of C ham ber­ la in ’s Colic and, D iarrhoea Remedy in th e house so as to be prepared for it. M rs. Chas. E n y ea rt, H untington. Ind. w rite s : "D u rin g the sum m er of 1911 tw o o f m y children were taken sick w ith cholern m orbus. I used C ham ­ b e rla in 's Colic and D iarrhoea R em e­ d y and it gave them im m ediate re ­ lie f.” The total re g istra tio n of men of s e r­ vice age last Tuesday in the county w as 2,055. Of this num ber 1106 claim exem ption for vnrious reasons, 15 a re alien enem ies, 182 alien friends, 4 are colored and 1855 w hite citizens. W ith an ordinary d ra ft as suggested in press dispatches re la tin g to th a t subject Coos county will have a pl->n- ty, even w ith all exem ptions, to more than fu rn ish the required num ber ac­ cording to her population. County A gent Sm ith is m aking a r ­ rangem ents for a num ber of D airy­ m en’s picnics in Coos county the last of this m onth. One of the a ttrac tio n s to be staged in th is valley is a base­ ball gam e betw een the crack Norway and Sum ner team s. NOTICE OF FIN A L SE TTLEM EN T. Notice is hereby given th a t the un­ dersigned, a Im in istra tc r of the es­ ta te of Nellie J. Skcels, deceased, has filed his final account in said estate, in the County C ourt of Coos County, Oregon, and th a t said C ourt has a p ­ pointed the 16th day of July, 1917. at the hour of 10 o ’clock A. M. of said day, at the C ounty C ourt Room in tije Court House of said Coos County, O r­ egon, in Coquille, for the hearin g of objections to said account and the fin­ al settlem ent of said estate. Dated this 12th day of June, 1917. C. T. SK EELS, A dm inistrator of the e state of Nellie J. Skeels, deceased. C. R. Barrow, A ttorney fo r A dm in­ istrato r. 39-5tp SP E C IA L NOTICE Proposals Invited. IN TH E D ISTRICT COURT of the U nited S tates fo r the D istrict of O re­ gon—-In the m a tte r of K. F. Clark, bankrupt— Request for bids: I will receive sealed bids for the follow ing stock of m erchandise and fixtures, form erly the p ro p e rty of the above- named ban k ru p t, situ a te a t Coquille, Or., up to and until 12 o'clock noon of the 18th day of June, 1917, a t my office, 740-47 M organ bldg., P ortland, Or.: Stock of goods, w ares and m erchandise, consisting principally of groceries, canned goods, etc., of the inventoried value o f...........$1366.00 \ F ix tu res p e rta in in g to the same, of the inventoried value of ................................ $ 392.40 T otal ....................................... $1758.40 The highest bid received will be accepted, subject, however, to the a p ­ proval of the court. All bids m ust be accompanied by certified chock for 10 per cent (lOVr) of the am ount of­ fered. Inventory of the above stock and fixtures m ay be seen a t my office and a t the store of the bankrupt a t Co- 'ulle. O r. w here the property may also be inspected. R. L. SABIN, T rustee. K YSTEMATIZE your household expenses by I opening a bank account for your wife. Give her a check book and teach her the use of it. 1^ vi P m 1 1,.- butcher, the grocer, tha baker, with a cheek. Then at the end of the month you’ll find out ’just how much it costs you to run the home. When payment by check is made there never is any doubt as to whether or not a bill is paid. The check is a receipt. Besides, a checking account will give your wife a business education. The number of ordinarily bright women who know absolutely nothing of hanking is sur­ prising. If you are a husband, father, brother, you cannot tell when death may overtake you, and it is well that your wife, daughter and sister know some­ thing of banking. NOTICE OF F IN A L ACCOUNT. In the County C ourt of th e S ta te O Oregon, for Coos County. In the m a tte r of the e sta te of Wil liam Bradley, Deceased. Notice is hereby given th a t th e un dersigned, the duly appointed, quali lied, and acting ad m in istrato r witl the Will annexed of the e state of Wil 'iam Bradley, deceased, has filed hi: j final account in the said e sta te in th< county court of sai It., 155 tons Prices on lumber and any informa­ tion oi» lumber and silos cheerfully SUMMONS In the C ircuit C ourt of the S ta te e. Oregon for the County of Coos. F ra n k A. G ardner, Plaintiff, vs. E unice G ardner, D efendant. S uit in E quity for Divorce. To E unice G ardner, the above nam e defendant: In the nam e of the S ta te of O regon: You a re hereby notified th a t yo are required to a p p ea r and answ er th com plaint filed a g a in st you in the above entitled suit w ithin six week from the date of the first publication of this summons, to -w it: w ithin si. weeks from the 8th day of M ay, 191’ , the sam e being the d a te of the firs-, publication of th is sum m ons. And if you fa il to a p p e a r and an sw er on or before the 19th day ot June, 1917, the sam e being the la s , day of the tim e prescribed in the oi - der of publication, the plaintiff wi.i apply to the C ourt fo r the relief de m anded in his com plaint, a succinct sta te m en t of which is a s follow s:— T h at the m arriag e c o n tra ct h e re to ­ fore and now ex istin g betw een t h i plaintiff and the d efendant herein b i annulled, set aside and held for naught, and for such o th er and f u r ­ th e r relief as to the C ourt m ay seem ju s t and equitable. Sendee of th is sum m ons is m ade by publication in pursuance of an o r­ der m ade by the Hon. John S. Cokv Judge of the C ircuit C ourt w ithin and fo r the County of Coos and S ta te of Oregon, dated May 4th, 1917, d ire c t­ ing th a t service th ere o f be m ade by publication of said sum m ons in the Coquille H erald, a new spaper pub­ lished a t the City of Coquille, in said Coos County, Oregon, once a week fo r a period of six weeks. C. R. B arrow , 5-8-7t A ttorney fo r plaintiff. given. FOR H EALTH TAKE MANY WEEK-END TRIPS TO TEN MILE LAKE # NORTH LAKE BANDON BEACH Where you can enjoy Fishing, Boating, Bathing, Camping Low Week-End Fares Between all points in the Coos Bay Country Sour Stom ach. This is a mild form of indigestion. It is usually brought on by e a tin g too rapidly or too much, or of food not suited to your digestive organs. If you will eat slowly, m astic ate your food thoroughly, e at b u t little m eat and none a t all for supper, you will m ore than likely avoid th e sour stom ­ ach w ithout ta k in g any m edicine w hatever. When you have sour stom ach take one of C ham berlain’s T ablets to aid digestion. A m erica is calling fo r financial vol­ un teers—buy a L iberty Bond. O V E R 65 YEARS* CPER IEN CE Ask our local agent for inform ation. John M. Scott, G eneral P assen g er A gent. SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES T h e C elebrated Bergmann Shoe Str. Elizabeth Awarded Gold Medal P. P. I. E. San Francisco, 1915 The stro n g est and n earest water- proof ! Shoes m ade for Loggers, Cruisers, Miners, Sportsm en and W orkers. T rade M arks D e s ig n s C o p y r ig h t s A c . M en’s C om fort Dress Shoes A n y o n e s e n d in g a a k e t r h a m i d e s c r i p t io n m a y q u ic k ly a s c e r t a in o u r o p i n i o n f r e e w h e th e r a n I n v e n tio n is p rt.h a b ly p a i e n ta b l e . C o rn m u n le a - t In n a s t r i c t l y c o n f id e n tia l. HANDBOOK o n P a ten t* s e n t f r e e . O ld e s t a g e n c y f o r ae . u r t n g p a t e n t s . P a te n ts tak e n th ro u g h M an n «% Co. receive ip ec ia l n o tice, w ith o n t c harge, in t h e Scientific Hmericait. Strong Shoes for Boys M anufactured by MUNN & Co.3®,Br»“h~»New York T h eo d o re B ergm ann S h o e M a n u fa c tu r in g C o. B U W ai b in ato o . D . C. 621 T h u rm an S i P o r tla n d . O re g o n for the B ergm ann shoe Oil. A sk Regular as the Clock San F rancisco an d Bandon First-class fare o r ............... ♦10 * 0 U p freigh t, per to n ................. ».On E. & E. T. K ruse 2 4 C a lifo rn ia S tr e e t, S a n F r a n c is c o I.nrtrest r l r • u: io n o f n n y s.-icn tiB o J o u r n a l. T e r m s , f 'l a y (' i r ; f o u r m o n th s , S o ld by $.11 n e w s d e a le r s . r g iv e Farmers and Merchants Bank LEGAL NO TICE. 6 r .n e t! O ffice m to H -,« In the County C ourt of the S ta te of Oregon, for Coos County. In the M atter of the G uardianship of Iva Freem an and L aw rence F re e ­ m an, Minors. Final Account. Notice is hereby given th a t the u n ­ dersigned, the duly appointed, q uali­ fied and acting guardian of the e sta te of Iva Freem an and Law rence F re e ­ man, m inors, has filed his final ac­ count in the said e sta te in th e C ounty C ourt of said county and sta te , fully show ing his a d m inistration of said e s ­ tate, and W ednesday, th e 27th day of June, 1917, a t the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day has been set as the time, and the County C ouit Room of the Court House in Coquille, as the place for the h e arin g and set tlcm ent of said final account. All persons having any objections to the said account or to the settlem en- th ereo f m ay presen t them a t th a : time. I. CHA NDLER, 37-5t G uardian. t h a n d s o m e l y Illu stra te d w eekly. today YOUR WIFE A CHECK BOOK. W aterproof F o r R e s e rv a tio n s J. E. NORTON A g e n t, C o q u ille , O re g o n /