V The Coquille Herald Published Every Tuesday. J. C. Savage Editor and Business Manager. not pay cash then see your banker and perhaps a solution of your prob­ lem can be arranged. Those who, be- j cause o f infirmities or age, can do their bit in this way better than any other, should invest at once. Entered as second-class matter That the business college in this May 8, 1905, at the post office at Co­ city, entirely aside from any commer- quille, Oregon, under act of Congress cial basis, will be a success is con­ of March 1, 1879. ceded by all our business and profes­ sional men. It will do much for the Devoted to the material and social younger people of the town in fitting upbuilding of the Coquille Valley, them for their future work in the particularly and of Coos County gen­ community and the school work can erally. be taken while the students are at the same time “ doing their bit” in other Subscription $1.50 per year, in ad­ walks of life, owing to the night vance. Phone Main 381. . school features. --------------------------------- — fe Do your bit and make arrangements McNary for Senator to take up at least one Liberty Loan The appointment by Governor Bond before June 15. It is your pat­ I Withycombe of Charles L. McNary to riotic duty. | the position of United States senator Indications now are that the road ! to fill the vacancy caused by the death bonds have carried and now the ac­ of Harry Lane was well received by tual work of pulling Oregon out of [ the entire press as well as the politi­ cians of the state. Mr. McNary has the mud will be begun. j served in the capacity of Supreme Those who have fuiled to make the court judge with honor and has had enlistment when they went to Portland the necessary training to qualify him need not be discouraged. Their work j as a worthy man in the high place to may possibly be in another line but which he has been called. In accep will do the same service for their | ting the appointment McNary pledged himself, country. “ To support the Nationed Admin­ Why don’t Koosevelt enlist in the istration in every legitimate effort i ranks the same as any other patriotic may employ in ending the war to the American if he is so anxious to aid in credit of America, and in bringing the war? The probable answer is about a lasting and honorable peace that if he cannot occupy the front of to all nations involved and to co-opei I ate with any movement that has for the stage he will not be there. its purpose the suppression of gam­ Many who saw “ Civilisation” yes­ bling and speculation in the necessi- terday have since expressed the ar­ | ties o f life, to the end that the con­ dent wish that the Kaiser could be suming public shall pay a fair profit compelled to sit and see the entire to the producer only.” It gives the writer great pleasure film and then have a radio photo­ graph of the thoughts that passed to note the appointment for the rea­ son that McNary was an old school­ through his mind. mate, graduating iri the same high The younger element of our coun­ 1 school class at Salem twenty-five Charley was always a try are now in a position where they years ago. will have but little choice as to their progressive student and soon after service for their country, whereas, his graduation entered the law office had they volunteered for service they of his brother and has since steadily could virtually have chosen their own climbed the ladder to fame. We wish field. Many of them will regret their him every success and all the best that the future can possibly hold for lack of foresight at a later date. him. Koosevelt wr.s, and always will be, Ladies Attention. a “ grand stand player” and not even his most ardent supporters can say You are missing a good thing by that he ever stepped into the rank not looking over our stock of Oxford and file of any movement unless he shoes and getting prices. Lyons & saw a good chance of getting into the Jones. front rank, lie must ut least be file leader or he will not be there. To Trade The presentation of the film pro­ duction “ Civilization” at this city yes­ terday has made many of our citizens more thoughtful regarding the war and its possible personal results, but v/e have heurd no one say that they would refuse to give their best to their country in this crisis as a re­ sult of viewing the film. Ten acre Base and Comice pear or­ chard in full bearing, on electric car line, one mile from city limits of Med ford, Oregon. Beautiful modern bun galow. Will trade for unimproved land. Value $10,000. Address C. A. Bird, Medford, Oregon, R 26. 36-tp Some fine second hand baby carts at (juick’s. Remember that all subscriptions to the Liberty Loan Bonds must be made Semi-folding Baby Sulkies— new— not later thnn June 15. If you can- at Quick’s. They are beauties. 0 W H i ■ a o n a B W ar Time Efficiency | In order to place in the fieltl and back up with snpplies the immense armies which our Govern­ ment leaders are planning, this country must prac­ tice economy and attain efficiency as it has never done before. The telephone is the great economizer and contributor to efficiency. Have you one? Have you as many as you need? Get a telephone and put the time saved into the garden. L » Coos and Curry Telephone Co. j i i To Bo 3ui't by *“ • Fodorsl Govern mont In th* Auacho National Forest. The secretary "f agriculture bus au­ thorized the location survey of u sec tton of the first project lit rond con- structlon submit! 1 under the “ nation­ al forest section” of the federal aid raid act. This section Is the only ouo In the law which provides for actual construction of roads by the federal government. [loads built under au tborlty o f tills ¡curt of the law are de­ signed primarily to proinoie economic development und to serve public ton voniciice hi localities where much of the laud is In national forests. The proposed road er- In the cause of good roads the ques \ of the titiles. This trend is appraised iiialietit rond building is under way re- tloii o f financing road building Is of ' by students ol c nouiy as the prime venls a surprlsiiig eontrust to tbe old first Importance How roarl building reusou why country roads occupy a meihnds o f roud Work. W’ here in tìmes cun be paid for is not the only serious leading position !u the field of con posi a few farine!'« witli tennis were question, however, but which one of structlon today. H was this trend that ocattere:! ui"Ug tbe lane, ongaged in several possible methods of construe found expression iii the $7.000,000 bond Keraping ditello« and ulliiig up deprcs- tlon will best suit the needs of the issue recently passed hi New Jersey siotis. legnini- eonalruetion ganga afe community and give the people the under the term of the Egan "good now ut work. not merely mi mie lane. licit rone’ s at us sniull r si as pc - s' • roads" bill. In the *15.000.000 highway I b n ii io W i^ y it o * within the limit of the available funds bond issue In t'nfifmnla and iii the suc­ BcisnvTW W ^W iW riiotlon begins lit­ The first cost may lie only sms cess of sin blur (in.incluí propositions in tle narrow gauge railroads are usually part of the total. Roads must be main other parts of the country. built along the country road, and ma­ tallied In good condition, and Ike Taxpayers are learning how easily terial, surli as cement, sand and crush­ cheapest road Is tin* one that costs capital may be had In a large volume ed stone, is ra| idly transported from least per year to build and keep In ut low linen st rates to build roads the railway freight station to points shape for travel. In New York stat that will last and earn their own cost where the roadbed is being laid. Thin it was found cheaper to expend h!.h In the reduction of hauling time and material, measured to right proportion, IKK) n mile In tin* construe*!an o f lirk'i in the lessening of wear and tear on is loaded In lump ears and drawn by highways than to pay from J7.5DO to vehicles. The old idea that borrowing donkey engines to machines, where It $10.000 a mile for macadam because ¡ money to build hard roads meuus is mixed into a quaky mass am? there ■*f the difference In cost o f upkeep greater tux* * without a sufficient tan­ spread over the road As construction To save maintenance expense tin* gible value In return Is being dispelled extends oia into the county the dinky idea o f present economy must not be by the experience of communities railways, ks they are railed, are ex­ illoweil to overall:: low tli • Importance where permanent highways have been tended until tli ■ entire system o f main ef building permanent highways As built. Rural communities are learning market roads has been covered Tbe a rule, the roads which cos; ¡lie nnist that it Is cheaper to Issue bonds and county highway engineer or superin­ at first will be the cluapes; t> main borrow un...... on the outside In large tendent Is usually supplied hy the lain.—It. \V tiny. Mississippi Agrieul amounts at I or 5 per cent to build a comity "vttn an automobile, und he nctv road system and be done with it makes the rounds of the entire section rural Station. and ride ns you pay rather itnin use each (lay. visiting (listHits In which their own money and dribble it along construction is under v.uy. Good Road Itflovomcnt In Texas The construction o f good roods Is not In a pay us you go or pay us you ride Buy a Liberty Bond today— do not confined to the more populous sections ¡Kilicy. They are fust finding out that of Texas, but lias s| rend to I1 e i mule the botid pltin, according to Its sup- put it off until tomorrow. porlers, is simply one way of bringing and newly settled par's of the vl.iv more capital Into the county or com­ In t!ie Panhandle and Font!* Plains re Whooping Cough. gion. where road Improvements e l munity ami applying that capital to In this disease it is important that Imme labor and tbe purchase of home heretofore received llllle atleiition. Hi, supplies during the period In which the cough be kept loose and expector­ different counties have become inter ation easy, which can oe done by giv­ construction Is under way . And when ing Chamberlain’s Cough Remqdy. (■steel iii the propaganda and much this construction Is done upon a per progress Is being made III constructing Mrs. P. H. Martin, Peru, Ind., writes, Qiancnl basis, as iu the case of con "My two daughters had whooping first class hlghwuvs crete, tin* whole process of hiring out cough. I gave them Chamberlain's 11th Annual AND We GOOD LOCAL INVESTMENTS Facts About Liberty Loan Rose Festival cnic Season Is Now Here HIGHWAYS Your money will be spent wholly in America. llttW TO BUY TBPSE BONDS—Every hank is authorized to take sub­ scription* for the government. You can subscribe now by paying to your bank only 3 per cent of your purchase, and the hslanct as follows: 18 per cent on June 28 20 per cent on July 30 30 per cent on August 15— 30 per cent on August 30. Have you bought a Liberty Bond? COQUILLE LAUNDRY & U CO t 's R i . l i f r f i ’-A I R b A L S A M I • t Irt )*rft^r»u..a o l mntt . H_ P» to t ^ fid lc M f d t i a d n l F or R n t o r ia c C o l o r M ^ H . O . A n d e rs o n Furniture a *.d h a rd w a re Pnone 496 Coquille " Pwuty lo Gray orFad«d r itr j h ÎN D E R G O R N S Your Duty—Buy a Liberty Bond « . Before the opening of the sale. Sale will begin at 6:30. Look them over and be here on time before they are all seid. t t w%lkin* ____ -n*un«* c o m fo r t to U fi li«, hj n-.v] or at lana Try the Herald W an t Ad Columns