Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, June 05, 1917, Image 1

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C O Q U IL L E , COOS C O U N T Y , O R E G O N . T U E S D A Y , J U N E 5, 1917
Eastern .Man lias Options on Large
Ti ra her Tracts.
Geo. H. Chaney, of Duluth, Minn.,
of the Edmund Hall Land Co., which
is the owner of approximately 100,-
000,000 feet of standing timber in
Coos county, arrived in Coos county
$11,380 Paid to Dairyit;. n last week from the east and will make
Yesterday for Cream
his headquarters in Marshfield.
Mr. Chanty is here to buy up tim­
and Milk
ber land and already holds options on
several timber tracts in the county,
lie is buying in his own name, not as
a representative of the company. lie
is accompanied by Mrs. Chaney, and
Meeting Tomorrow to En they have taken apartments in the
deavor to Solve This Pro­
Myrtle Arms, where they will make
their home during their residence
blem for Summer
here, at least through the summer.
Mrs. Chaney is the daughter of Sen­
The registration on the War Cen-
That the O. & C. grant lands in
Eleven thousand three hundred and
ator Alger, one o f the wealthiest and sus is going ahead in fine shape in Jackson, Josephine, Klamath and
eighty dollars was the total amount
most influential men in Michigan.
this city.
A t the various polling southern Douglas counties v ill be
of the checks signed for miln and
places judges and clerks are giving ready for entry in ninety days was
cream at the creamery in this city
Banking Laws Changed.
voluntary service to the work of reg- the statement made this morning by
yesterday. The resulting amount of
The following change in the bank­ istering the youn^, men and, while the Gus Lovegren, chief cruiser for the
manufactured product was 30 -.89
ing law of the state of Oregon may be number registered does not seem large land grant classifiers who b rvi .n
pounds of butter and 12,520 pounds oi
of interest to some of the readers of the clerks are moderately busy owing charge the work of classifying all
cheese. The butter production for
the Herald:
to the large number of details made this land which has recently reverted
the month was about the same as
Any person who, with intent to de­ necessary by the information wanted to the government. Whether or not
last year and in addition the dairy­
fraud, shall make or draw, or utter or by Uncle Sam.
the commissioner will open them for
men of this section received their pay
deliver, any check, draft or order, for
Several peculiar features of the entry is another matter, although it
for the butter fat content of the whole
the payment o f money, upon any master developed today in some of the is believed by some that he will !o so.
milk which went to the production of
bank or other depositary, knowing at precincts of the county. A t Coaledo It may be possible, however, ' ial he
the 12,520 pounds of cheese, which is
the time of such making, drawing, ut­ it was found upon investigation that will not decide to take this a-:.ion un-
an increase o f their earning power
il ang or delivering, that the maker, there was not a male resident be- til later.
o f this total amount as a result of the
or drawer, has rot sufficient funds in tween the required ages, while in pre-
A t the present time there ace a
establishment of the cheese factory at
or credit with, such bank or other de­ cinct 38, which is CoquilL Northwest, large number of cruisers working in
this place.
positary, for the payment of such the only man of elig’ble age, J. A. this county.
Six are stationed at
This sum represents only the first
check, draft, or order, in full, upon Juza, was named as registrar, hence West Fork, two at Glendale, four at
payment for the milk received during
its presentation, shall be guilty o f a his duties were onerous.
] Millwood, six at Peel, while in the
the past month. A second payment
misdemeanor, and punishable by im­
In the main the judges and clerks northern part of the state, Columbia
will be made to the same parties when
prisonment for not more than one of the various boards are giving their county, there are six or seven more,
re complete returns are received
year, or by a fine of not more than services gratuitously and in this way ' this number completing the fie!-! force
kcom the cheese after it is marketed,
one thousand dollars, or by both fine doing their bit toward a conserva- now in service.
fth e company, this month, ,-aid 55
and imprisonment.
tion o f the government funds.
In this county the men are merely
J nts a pound for the butter fat con-
As against the maker or drawer
----------------------- 1 finishing up the small amount of work
K t of the milk, two cents me»-o than
thereof, the making, drawing, utter­
Liberty Loan Bonds are safe in- left last summer when they were
paid at other creameries in the
ing or delivering o f a check, draft, or vestments. It’s Uncle Sam’s promise forced to stop on account of the
ty and this sum will no doubt oe
order, payment of which is refused to pay.
weather. There remained very little
i augmented \\ii.-n the complete
by the drawee, shall be prima facie
; to do and the task should not take
Spurns are in.
evidence of intent to defraud and of
New Game Laws
them longer than Wednesday of next
■ Five thousand pounds of cheese was
knowledge of insufficient funds in, or
H p[)cd to San Francisco Saturday
The following from tne new game week- As soon as they are completed
credit with, such bank or other de­
mws which weut into effect Monuay, the classification for all of Douglas
K ir n in g in addition to the usual ship­
pository, provided such maker or
m ents of butter. The daily receipts
may 21 , are ol interest to residents county w,1> have been completed and
drawer shall not have paid the drawee
ui inis section:
¡as soon as the office work is finished,
B f milk has swept up from the 9000-
thereof the amount due thereon, to­
pound mark to over 10,500 and the
\ no person or persons shall make the Iand wiU l,e ready to be thrown
gether with all costs and protest fees,
management is assured that a still
within two days after receiving no­ -ae oi a dog in hunting, pursuing or i °Pen to entry-
silling any of the game animals ot | Indications seem to lead to the he­
further increase will be made this
tice that such check, draft or order
me suite oi Oregon.
I *‘e^ tbat tbe 'ands will be opened im-
week. Freeh Jjpws are being added
has not been paid by the drawee.
r. license is re
¡mediately after their dass.tic^tion,
and,-that tne cum-
The word “ credit” as used herein,
paily's figure' o*25,000 pounds before
shall be construed to mean an ar­
the season is much further advanced
rangement or understanding with the
bids fair to be realized before the end
bank or depositary, for the payment
of the month.
of such check, draft or order.
L The work of remodeling the interior
These changes took effect on May
B the building is also going ahead as
21 and it will be in order to carefully
■ pidly as possible with the limited
check your bank balance before draw­
H w available. Three more carpen-
ing too close to your known balance.
M rs were imported last week from
■he bay and as many of the local men
Injunction Papers Filed
B c u n possibly be secured are 'it work
^ B h e construction of vat - and other
The papers in the injunction ease ti
^ B . l work about the plant.
stop the logging of lumber on the
mils l ran -porin' ion
is Boutin tract were filed in the County
^ ^ B m e which is now < mfronting the Clerk’s office yesterday. The parties
BEnager of the creamery. And this made defendants in the case were the
promises to be almost as serious as Coos Bay Lumber & Coal Co. and
‘that of increasing the production in Ausen Bros. District Attorney Hall
the territory. A t the present time and requested that the papers be sent to
for all past time the milk has arrived nim as soon as filed, so it is presumed
at the creamery at a late hour in the here will be little delay in getting to
morning. With the cream this has irial.
The granting of this injunc­
worked no hardship, but with the tion would tie up the Aasen Brothers’
cheese factory it is different. The operations and interfere with the op­
milk must not stand in the cans dur­ erations of the Johnson mill here.
Buy Your Liberty Bond. We Shall
ing the hot weather and if it does so
Know You.
Several hundred
it will deteriorate rapidly.
There­ last Thursday.
fore it is up to the management to names were received and are on file,
put on a special boat which will make and the successful competitor w ill be
an earlier trip with the whole milk announced later.
This delay in announcing the win­
fo r the cheese factory.
With this
idea in view a meeting will be held at ner o f the contest is necessitated by
the creamery tomorrow morning at 11 the fact that whatever name is se­
o'clock to discuss this feature and if lected by the company as most desir­
possible make plans that will do away able must be submitted first to Wash­
ington. D. C., to learn if it is already
with the difficulty.
A meeting along the same line will registered, in which case it cannot be
clerk on the morning and evening
be held at McKinley school house used. A list of names in the order of
through train. 1hi- will gi c all the
Thursday . It will be the endeavor their desirability w ill be submitted to
po.stoffiees on the line from Eugene
o f this meeting to put on an auto Washington, D. C., and the winner
to i owers a i.iily mail service, where­
truck to bring in milk and cream from will be announced when returns from
as, heretofore, but the principal towns
Fairview and cream from McKinley this have been received.
Names were submitted from every
ha.e been getting a Sunday service.
and Dora and the upper section of the
western state, Oregon. Idaho. Wash­
To counterbalance this benefit the lo­
cal mail ser .ice has been taken off
The prize name contest inaugurat­ ington, California and from several
the morning train and there will be no
ed by the company last month closed states east of the Rockies.
way pouches for either this city or
Myrtle Point.
The reason for the change may lie
in the fact that there has been a con­
tinuous kick made by the towns north
of .Marshfield for a Sunday mail and it
is thought the Sunday mail clerk is
thi result.
The next innovation expected by
the wise ones will be a mail e'erk on
the Sunday boats leaving thi« city
for Bandon. A t the present time no
way pouches are sent out on the Sun­
day boats and no town on the river
except Bandon gets a Sunday ser­
vice. Many kicks have already been
registered because of this fact and
now that the north o f the bay towns
nave their Sunday service the others
will no doubt get their wishes.
Just what will be the final fate of the measures on the ballot voted yesterday is
still in doubt in the main, but is conceded by those in the know that the bond issue is
assured of parsing by a fair majority.
Other measures on the ballot are without
doubt defeated. Coos County promises to pile up a healthy majority for the bond issue
and this with the help of other vitally interested counties and the Multnomah County
vote should carry the measure.
Later advices from Portland state that the bond issue has carried over the state
by a good majority in t he districts heard from. Even adverse reports from outlying
districts cannot change the result.
United States Battlesh p New Jersey
P h oto by A m erican Presa Association
The New Jersey is of the “B " type of battleship and displace
In her main battery «he rx tries four I »
eight eight-inch guns. Her complement 1* 812 officer» ami men.
P E R Y E A R $1.50
l-e'.r,e +41 feet long.
A Liberty
Property Purchased and A l­
terations Will Be Begun
This Week
Competent Corps of Trained
Nurses and all Modern
The ship Uncle Sam needs most is
your partnership.
Preparedness Campaign
pital work. The grounds will also
Preparedness receive their share of the improve-
Many Graduate
Campaign, which is being waged all ntent work and the doctor contem-
Randolph, No. 21— Daisy Russell, ’ over the United States, was taken up plate.; a fine lawn and flower garden
Hazel H. Fahy, Robert S. Fa'ny, Dor­ by the Commercial Club last week us or.e of the adjuncts of the estab-
othy Jarmen.
and a partial organization effected. It lishment. The establishment of the
Norway, No. 43— Iiarl Keith Clin­ was the result of the visits of J. Percy hospital here will mean that many
Wells, of O. A. C„ who has the same hundreds of dollars will remain in
Coquille, No. 8— Alice Cunningham, line of organization in the towns that | this city that has formerly been sent
James Albert Mockler, Melvin Poin­ J. L. Smith has in the country dis-|to the bay cities. Dr. Hamilton stat-
ter, Catherine Robinson, Ruth Spang- tricts, to perfect.
pd yesterday that there would of
ler, Joe Varney, Beryl Woodruff, Mar­
With so much more vacant land course be no restrictions on the use
tha Cartier, Reta Lane, Camilla Lor­ planted this year than ever before the of the hospital by other physicians of
enz, Helen Sherwood.
| next problem is the proper harvesting ihis city or of the county and that all
Prosper, No. 60— Gladys Schneider. ' and caring for the crops that there who come will be served with the
Bandon, No. 54— Sylvia Marshall, • may be no waste.
Canning clubs, same regard for the profession.
Hazel Marshall, Wilbur Jurgensen, ’ dryers fo r apples and other fruits
------- - * —— —
N ellie McAdams, Melba Barrows, and various other methods o f preserv-
Police lor Shirkct'3
Charles Elliott, Edward Haberly, ing the crops to be raised were dis­
Austin Haven, Henry Meyer, Elva cussed by the committees which gath-
May ° r Johnson has rece.ved the fol­
Webb, Harry Watson, John Wilson, d ed in response to the Commercial ‘«wing from Adjutant George A.
Helen Waldvogel, Ray Bates, Lillian Club invitation. From the J. G. W. White at Portland:
Belle, Alma E. Hunt, Clarence John­ club the committee consists of Mrs.
You are advised that paragraph 16
son, Eddie Lowis, Anna Leuthold.
J. S. Lawrence, Mrs. F. W. Jones and of the Registration Regulations pre-
Riverton, No. 14— Anna Lenberg. Mrs. M. O Hawkins. From the Hon- scribed by the President, reads as fol-
Lakeside, No, 66— Paul Anthony or Guarj there is Misses Inez Bunch lows:
Menegat, Buell Lawrence i Magee, and Katherine Mulvihill and Mrs. G.
“ Police officers of any grade or
Bessie Van Burger.
E. Low. The Boy Scouts had pies- class, of town, township, county or
Bill Cun- enj Gordon Hanscom, Fred Harlocker state, and ull officers or agents of the
Catching Inlet, No. 12— 1
nell. .
and Welman Bell; while the Commer- Federal Government are required to
11— Howard cia| club committee consists of J. L. render every assistance in the execu-
Smith, F. B. Phillips, W. H. Lyons, C. tion of this law. It is especially made
A Howard, J. E. Norton and H. A. the duty of such police officers to see
Marshfield, No. 9—Joseph Lapp,
that all male persons within the desig-
Erwin Charles Yake, Robert Graves, y oun(?.
, A r-
Pending the selection of a chairman nated ages have registered and to re-
Anna Friberg, James A
Hall, for this combination of committees, port those who have not registered to
tbur Ilillstrom, Charles
Viola who will be expected to take charge the proper registration hoard for such
Mabel Brown, Lcora Me
M. Johnson, Ruth Sandquist, Bernice 0f the Agricultural Defense progrum action as may be necessary. Police
Jane ¡n Coquillc, nothing further has been officers may require any person sub-
ject to registration to exhibit his reg-
Francis McLain, Frances Lyons, El- done hy the committees.
istration certificate.”
mer A. Hilderhrand, I, Margaret Pow-
Newman Moon> o f the contracting
Greeted hy Governor Withy-
1° request that you notify all
Koontz, Rudolph Johnson, Spencer firm of Moon & c;idieyi was in town
,hl. matter o f concerned of their duties therein.
Carlson, Louise Gidley, Ernest Immel.
Myrtle Point,
No. 41— Howard
Rackleff, Nita Arnold, Mabel O. Pier­
son, Mary A. Pierson, Hilda L. Carter,
Mildred L. Drake, Mabel L. Barklow,
Blanche C. Lee, Ala 1’erkins, Ethel
Excelsior, No. 67— Emmett Ham-
North Bend, No. 13— Gunner An­
derson, Edith Cavanaugh, Clara Ke-
hoo, Gladys Klockers, Madaline Lar­
son, Neva Balcom, Tenecia Sandinc,
Myrtle Thomas, Dorothy James, Deb­
orah Frost, Claude W. Tacha. Alvira
Lackstrom, Rudolph E. Sandine, Thel­
ma Cecilie Olsen, Dorothy Estella
Dutch, Inez Kjelland, Harry Wilson,
Letha Thornton, Edward William
Laird, Ivan W. Ingraham, Cecilia
Bridge, No. 77 Thomas R. Roo',:-
ard, Alta Lenora Rookard, Pearl Ford,
M er'3 Endicott.
Hermann, No. 2— Franci* N. Hart
ley, Roland Warner.
Etelka, No. 47— Robert Wise.
Johnson's Mill, No. 63— Viola M.
Roy, No. 44 Teresa Willard.
Arago, No. 3— Pernia Mae Root,
Grace N. Schroeder.
Fishtrap, No. 20— Lester Leroy
Sitkum, No. 05—Clifford Laird.
If You Can Buy a Liberty Bond and
Coos River, No. 36— Henry H.
You don’t. Don’t Talk Patriotism.
Smith, Milton C. Harquist, Charles F.
County Agriculturist 8mitb joined Smith, Mary S. Smith, Ada Dorothy
the Ford brigade last week and is now Dungan, Lucy L. Bessey, Ruth O. Bes-
experimenting with his new car. So «y .
Catching Creek. No. 34—Oswald S.
far he ha* been fortunate and has not
Adams, William Raymond Endicott.
even marred a mud guard.
United States Battlesh;p Rhode Island