Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, May 29, 1917, Image 1

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    F he C oquille H erald
VOL. 36,
NO. 37
W m. Cox of Langlois Dies
A t A dvanced A ge of
First M an to Discover Gold
In Paying Q uantities on
Sixes River
Fifth Declamatory Contest
The F ifth D eclam atory C ontest of
the Coquille public schools was held
a t Masonic H all T hursday evening
w ith the usual large attendance.
E ach one of the p a rticip a n ts ac­
quitted herself or him seii creditably
and th eir efforts showed careful prep­
a ratio n and coaching.
As is the custom , the F o u rth grade
scholars presented the diversion from
the serious n a tu re of the declam a­
tions. In th eir H aym akers and D ai­
rym aids’ costum e song "they w ere fine
en te rta in ers and a t the close about
. dozen little g irls of th a t class, g a rb ­
ed in night gow ns and n ig h t caps,
with dolls in th e ir arm s, sang “ The
Dolls L ullaby.’”
In the first section of the contest,
the fifth and six th grades, M erle Lan-
d re th won the medal, his subject be­
ing, “Out on th e O ther T rain .” T rav ­
is T yrrel, K athleen Siler and C lara-
bell P e a rt w ere not f a r behind Merle
in points .-.cored.
In the second section Beryl Wood­
ruff w as aw arded the m edal. • H er
recitation was “ E ngineer Connor’s
Son.” K enneth S tan n in g er and Ches­
te r Howard w ere the o ther co n test­
a n ts and it w as no easy m a tte r to
m ake a selection between th ree speak­
ers, all of whom did so well ns they
iSeiiie Johnson, L eanna C urry, Ru­
by McDonald and M arvel Skeels a p ­
peared in the H igh School division,
M arvel w inning the m edal w ith the
selection “ How the Ghurch W as Built
a t Kehoe’s B ar.” If four m edals could
have been provided for th e th ird sec­
tion, it would not have been out of
place to have preesnted each contest­
a n t w ith one, for th e ir w ork was
Mrs. W. (!. Brandon, M. O. H aw ­
kins and W. C. Chase acted as judges
and th e ir decisions were generally
concurred in by the audience.
The H igh School orchestra f u r ­
nished the m usic while J . W. Noblet
conducted the exercises.
Register or Risk Imprisonment!
Such Is the Mandate Which All Between Ages
of 21 and 31 Must Obey June 5
M any Questions Must Be Answ ered
List of Queries W hich Will Be Propounded in Fullfilling Plan
for Complete W ar Census of United States
The follow ing a re the questions to
be asked a t the d ra ft census re g is ­
tra tio n Tuesday, Ju n e 5th, w ith the
in stru ctio n s furnished by the go v ern ­
m ent officials in re a g rd to the way
they should be answ ered:
Study these questions.
P re p a re the answ ers in your m inds.
This does "not ask w hat you once physical disability, sta te th a t briefly.
did, nor w hat you have done m ost of If you claim exem ption on any other
the tim e, nor w hat you a re best fitted ground, s ta te your ground briefly.
W illiam Cox passed aw ay a t
home one mile from Langlois, Curry
IS RIGHT NOW. S ta te briefly, as
Conscription Rules
county, S aturday m orning, M ay 2d,
“F a rm e r,” “ M iner,” “ S tudent,” “ La-
a t the advanced age of 79 years and
Selective conscription is now the
1 borer (on farm , in rolling mill, in a u ­
13 days. Cause of death was h e art
tomobile, wagon, or o ther fa c to ry ),” law of the land. It was adopted by
failu re, deceased having been in the
M achinist in autom obile facto ry ,” the House and S enate a fte r full dis­
best of health up to the very day of
cussion and the settlem ent of various
Questions will be asked for you to etc. If you hold an office under S tate
his death.
m inor points of d isagreem ent betw een
an sw er in the order in which thew
the tw o branches of C ongress I t is
Mr. Cox was the fa th e r of Mrs. J.
ap p ea r below.
These questions ure fice you ho'd.
W. Leneve, of this city, who w ith Mr.
set out. below w ith detail inform ation ■ 8. By whom em ployed? W here em ­ now the duty of all to a ssist in c a rry ­
ing out its provisions and m aking it
Lenovo departed for L anglois S a tu r­
to help you answ er them .
effective as possible.
day afternoon upon receipt of the
All answ ers will be w ritte n on the
14 you are w orking fo r an individ- ,
Only those men who are betw een
news of her fa th e r’s death. He was
R e g istra tio n Card in ink by the Reg- ; ual, firm corporation, or association,
found dead in bed by h is daughter-in-
i: tra r, who should be careful to sped sta te its nam e. If in business, trade, the ag es of 21 and 31 are subject to
law, M rs. E ugene Cox, who w ent to
all nam es correctly and to w rite le g ­ 1 profession, or em ploym ent fo r your- 1 d ra ft. The pay of enlisted men will
the home to deliver his mail from the
self, so sta te . If you a re an officer be increased $5 to $10 according to
box a t th e road. Mr. Cox w as lying
1. N am e in full. Age in years,------ of the S ta te or F’ederal governm ent, j the base pay, those receiving the lea st
in bed in such a position th a t it is
This m eans all your nam es spelled ay w hether your office ts under til 31 w age to be given the larg e st income.
supposed he was in the a ct of arisin g
United S ta te s, the S ta ir, th e county, | S :’e o r delivery of intoxicants to sol­
c u t in full.
when d eath overtook him.
In the
S la te your age today in y ears only. or a m unicipality. In answ er to the diers in uniform is prohibited; also
mail M rs. Cox delivered th a t m orning
D isregard additional m onths or days. juestion as to w here you a re em ­ the im portation of liquors into cam ps,
were le tte rs from th ree of his four
Be prep ared to say “ 19,” or “25,” not ployed, give the town, county, and b arracks and re cru itin g stations.
U nder no circum stances a re boun­
d a ughters.
S ta te w here you work.
’19 yrs. 3 mos.,” or the like.
W illiam Cox was born in Illinois in
9. Have you a fa th e r, m other, wife, ties to be paid to recruits, or su b sti­
2. Home address.
1838, moved with his p a re n ts to Polk
child, under 12, or a siste r or tu te s accepted in lieu of the m en con­
T his m eans th e place w here you
The proposal to exem pt
county, th is state, in 1845 and in 1865
brother under 12 solely dependent scripted.
have your perm anent home, not the
moved from Polk to C urry county
upon you for support (specify medical students w as stricken fiom
place w here you work. Be prepared
the bill. Those who m ay not be d ra ft­
w here he has ^ince m ade his home.
which) ?
to give th e address in th is w ay: “ Co­
A t the tim e of his com ing here there
quille, Coos County, Oregon.
Consider your answ er thoughtfully. ed a re specified as follow s:
The V ive-President of the U nited
In a letter received la st week by 3. D ate of birth.
w as only a horse tra il into this coun­
If it is tru e th a t th ere is another
try and th ere were practically no s e t­ Lanson Leneve, Mark Shelley says he
W rite your birth d ay (m onth, day, m outh th an your own which you alone S ta te s, legislative, executive and ju ­
tle rs in C urry county. He first se t­ has ju s t received orders to re p o rt a t and y e a r) on a piece of paper before have a duty to feed, do not let your dicial officers of the U nited S ta te s
He has been since en­ going to th e R eg istrar, and give the m ilitary a rd o r in te rfe re w ith the wish and the sta te s and territo rie s.
tled on the Sixes river, la te r moving Vancouver.
R egular or duly ordained m inisters
to the sm all stream w here he died. listm ent stationed a t Y um a w here his p a p er to him th e first thing. E x ­ of the N ation to reduce w a r’s m isery
religion and stu d en ts of the m inis­
He sp en t the first y ears of his re si­ reg im en t has been engaged in ta rg e t am ple: A u g u st 5, 1894.”
to a m inm um . On the other hand,
M ark w as second in his
dence th ere in hunting, prospecting practice.
If you do not rem em ber th e year, unless the person you have in nypd try now p re p arin g in recognized theo­
and m ining and w as the first m iner com pany a t practice, being beaten by s ta r t to answ er a s you would if som e­ is solely dependent on ;*ru, do not logical schools.
All persons in m ilitary and naval
to discover pay d irt on th e Sixes riv ­ eight points by the high m an. The one asked you your b irthday, a s “A u­ hide behind p ettico ats or" children.
er which was a fte rw a rd extensively h e at affected him, so he sta te s, and g u s t 5th .” Then say "on m y b irth ­ 10. M arried or single (w h ich )? Race service of the U nited States.
A ny m em ber of “any w ell-recog­
mined. He had a m ining claim in his but for this his score would have been day th is y ear I will be (or w as) ------• (specify w hich)?
As it was his y e ars old.” The R e g is tra r will then
back yard on th a t stre am th a t paid considerably b e tte r.
This does not a sk w hether you were nized religious sect or organization
score qualifies him as a m arksm an.
him from four to six dollars a day.
fill in th e y ear of birth . ^Many peo­ ra ce m arried, but w hether you a re a t p re sen t organized and existing and
He w as m arried while in Polk coun­ days of C urry county, having killed ple do n o t c a rry in m ind the y ear m arried now. In answ er to th e ques­ whose ex istin g creed or principles
ty to K atherine F riend. E ight chil­ over a hundred of these anim als and they w ere born. T his m ay be ob­ tion as to your race, s ta te b riefly forbid its m em bers to participate in
dren survive, the m other having p ass­ is reputed to have killed the larg e st tained by the R e g is tra r by s u b tra c t­ whether “ C aucasian,” “ M ongolian,” w ar in any form and whose religious
convictions are a g ain st w ar or p a r­
ed aw ay several years ago. Of the m ule deer ever killed in th a t county. ing th e age in y ears on th is y e a r's “ N egro,” “ M alayan,” or “In d ian .”
living children four are boys and four
11. W hat m ilitary service have you ticipation therein in accordance w ith
He hod enjoyed the b est of health i irth d a y from 1917.
girls. They are Mrs. J. W. L'eneve, of fo r years and b u t a few days before 4. A re you (1) a natu ral-h o rn citizen;
had? R ank?
B ranch?
Y ears? the creed or principles of said re lig ­
ious organizations.”
this c ity ; Mrs. J. Crowley and Mrs. his death walked th ree m iles to the
N ation or S ta te ?
(2) a naturalized citizen; (3 ) an
B ut no person th u s exem pted “ shall
Wm. C larno, of P o rt O rford; Mrs. place of one o f his sons fo r a few
alien ; (4) or have you declared your
Della Renno, of V entura, Calif., and hours’ visit. The evening before his
intention to become a citizen (spec­ served, you m u st give com plete in­ be exem pted from a n y service th a t
Cleveland, E rnest, Leonard and E u ­ death he w as seen by a neighbor's
form ation. In answ ereing these ques- the P resident shall declare to be non-
ify w hich)?
gene, all living n ear L anglois in C ur­ child sp littin g his wood and every­
(1) If you w ere born in th e U nited . lions, first nam e your rank, usin g one c om batant.”
The P resid en t m ay exclude from
ry county. Mrs. Renno has been in th in g about the house was in p erfect S ta te s, including A laska and H aw aiia, of the folowing words: “ Com mission-
Coquille for some tim e and was pre­ order the body w as found, i n ­ you a re a natu ral-b o rn citizen, no ; ed officer,” “ Noncom missioned officer,” the d ra ft, or call fo r p a rtia l m ilitary
p a rin g th e Leneve fa rm on the M arsh­ dicating th a t he had no prem onition m a tte r w hat m ay have been the c it­ I “P riv a te .”
N ext, sta te b ranch in service, th e follow ing:
County and m unicipal officials, cus­
field road as a fu tu re home fo r h e r­ of coming death.
izenship or natio n ality of your p a r­ I which you served in one of th e follow­
self and her fa th e r at’ th e tim e of his
The funeral services were held a t ents. If you w ere born in P o rto Rico, ing w ords: “ In fa n try ,” “ C avalry,” tom house clerks, postal service em ­
“ M edical,”
“ S ignal,” ployes, artificers and workm en in
D enm ark Sunday and w as one of the you a re a citizen of the U nited S ta te s, ! “A rtille ry ,”
Mr. Cox was one of the best known la rg e st ever held in C urry county. unless you were born of alien p a re n t­ '-“A viation,” “Suply,” “M arine,” “ N a ­ governm ent arm ories, arsenals and
and m ost liked men am ong the re si­ Rev. H aberly, of Bandon, preached age. If you were born abroad, you vy.” N ext, s ta te the num ber of y e a rs’ navy yards.
Such o th er persons employed in the
dents of C urry county and w as known th e funeral serm on, 'n t e r i ’e n t took a re still a citizen of th e U nited S ta te s service, not counting tim e sp e n t in
hy all a s Uncle Billy. He w as a not­ place a t the D enm ark cem etery.
if your fa th e r w as a citizen of th e the Reserve. Finally, nam e the N a ­ service of the U nited S tates as the
ed h u n ter and prospector and has for
If you P resid en t m ay designate.
Mr. Cox will be m ourned by a host U nited S ta te s a t the tim e you w ere tion or S ta te you served.
P ilots and m arin ers actually em ­
m i ly y e ars acted as guide to m any of friends and his surviving children born, unless you have e x p a tria te d served under the Onited S ta te s or one
of the S ta te s of the U nited S tates, ployed in the seu service of any c iti­
outside sportsm en who cam e to th a t have the sym pathies of every resident yourself.
zen or m erchant w ithin the U nited
section fo r hunting in th e fall. He of th a t section who both knew and
(2) You a re a naturalized citizen u nam e your service in one of the fol­
S tates.
was a g re a t elk h u n te r in the early loved him.
you have completed your n a tu ra liz a ­
Persons engaged in industries, in ­
tion; th a t is, if you have “ taken final such and such a S ta te ),” “ M ilitia (of
cluding ag riculture, found to be nec­
p a p ers.” B ut you a re not a citizen such and such a S ta te ),” “ V olunteers
U n ited S tates S u p er-D read n o u g h t N e w York if you have only declared your in ­ of U nited S ta te s ” or “ R eg u lar A rm y essary to the m ilitary establishm ent
or the effective operation of the m ili­
U nited S ta ts .”
ten tio n to become a citizen ( th a t is, (N av y )
ta ry forces or the m aintenance of n a ­
if you have only “tak en out first p a ­ 12. Do you claim exem ption from
tional in te rest during the em ergency.
d ra ft? Specify grounds.
p e rs” ); in the la tte r case you a re
Those in a sta tu s w ith respect to
Because you claim exem ption from
only a “d e claran t.”
persons dependent upon them for sup­
You a re also a natu ralized citizen d ra ft, it by no m e a n ; follows th a t you
port which renders th e ir exclusion or
if, although foreign born, your fa th e r arc exem pt.
F o r the info rm atio n of
d b .'h arg e advisable.
or surviving p a re n t became fully n a t ­ the W ar D ep artm en t you should m ake
Those found to be physically or
uralized while you w ere under 21 a claim now if you intend to prose­
m orally deficient.
Some persons will be ex ­
y ears of age, and if you came to the cute it.
It is stipulated th a t no exem ption
U nited S ta te s under 21.
em pted on accout of th e ir occupations
•hall continue “ when a cause th erefo r
(3) You a re a d e clara n t if, a l­ or offices, some on account of the fa ct
no longer exists.”
No m a tte r how
though a citizen or subject of some th a t they have relatives dependent up­
few or how m any exem ptions, the
fo reig n country, you have declared on on them fo r support. Y our answ er
quota in regard to population will be
c a th before a n a tu ra liz atio n court touching these things will be im por­
insisted upon.
your intention to become a citizen of ta n t in supp irtin g the claim you now
the U nited S tates. R eceipt from the intend to m ake in your an sw e r to the
Splendid I’rize Offered.
j clerk of the court of th e certified copy pi .ent questions. Be sure, therefore,
A t high school assem bly la s t F ri-
of such declaration is often called th a t the grounds you now s ta te are
, “ ta k in g out first p a p ers.”
You a re in conform ity w ith your answ ers to day, Rr. Richmond sta te d th at, begin-
not a d eclaran t if your first paper questions 7 and 8. In s ta tin g grounds nig with next year, a prize of $200
w as tak en out a f te r Septem ber 26, y o j claim as exem pting you, use one would be offered to the m em ber of the
1906, and is m ore th a n 7 y ears old. of the follow ing term s: If you claim senior class who had m ade the m ost
(4) You a re an alien if you do not to be an executive, legislative, or j u ­ sa tisfac to ry record during his high
fall w ithin one of th e th ree classes dicial officer of the S ta te or Nation, school career. The prize will be giv­
above m entioned.
nam e your office and say w hether it en h t th e ra te of $100 each y ear fo r
is an office of the S ta te o r N ation. If two y ears following graduation and
5. W here were y o j born?
F ir s t nam e ihe town, then th e you claim to be a m em ber of a re li­ will be aw arded only to some stu d e n t
S ta te , th en t b ; country, a s “Colum- gious sect w hose creed forbids its who is continuing his education, the
bur , O hio;” "V ienna, A u s tria ;” P a ris, m em bers to p a rticip a te in w a r in jn y 1 idea being to a ssist w orthy and am ­
form , sim ply nam e the sect. If you bitious students to go through col­
F ra n c e ;” “ Sofia, B ulgaria.”
Definite rules in connection
b. If not a citizen, of w hat country a re employed in the tran sm issio n of lege.
the U nited S ta te s m ails o r a s an a r t i ­ w ith the aw ard will be draw n up be­
a re you a citizen or subject?
T his need be answ ered only by a l­ ficer or w orkm an in an a rm o ry , a rse n ­ fore the opening of the next school
iens and d eclarants. Rem em ber th a t al, o r navy yard of the U nited States, year.
It is seldom th a t so liberal an offer
r. “d e c la ra n t” is not yet a citizen of or if you a re a m ariner em ployed in
the U nited S tates. I f an alien or d e ­ the sea service of any citizen or m e r­ is ever m ade to high school students
c la ra n t, s ta te the nam e of your coun­ ch an t w ithin th e U nited S ta te s, so and Dr. Richmond’s generosity is
try , as “ F ran ce,” “Ja p a n .” “ C hina," sta te . If you are a felon o r o th er­ g re a tly appreciated.
P h o t o b y ,t i .e n o a n P r e s s A s s o c i a ti o n
wise m orally deficient and desire to
T h e u io n -te r N e w York is a 27,<H>0 ton w arsh ip , 57.*t feet Ion«. She carrie# 7. W hat is your p re sen t trade, occu- claim exem ption on th a t ground, sta te
your ground briefly.
I f you claim
ten fo u rte e n inch guns. T h e re are 1,014 otiiceis am i m en in h e r crew .
1 pation, or office?
Your Patriotic Duty—
Buy a Liberty Loan Bond.
PER YEAR $1.50
Creamery Doing Fine
« i n n FUG
R. u. i.ayiey, who will a c t a s m an­
a g er 1 .r Ine d a iry C om pany’s plant
in this city, arrived here S aturday
m orning and took charge of the plant.
Mr. B aylej expresses him self a s well
satisfied w un the show ing already
m ade by the new com pany and also
with the prospects to r a big increase M uch Thoughtless Disrespect
in the production or m e plu n t as the
May be A voided by Fol­
sumi.-. r pi ogresses.
lowing these Rules
Tit r cnecse shipm ents have already
eeen m ade from the p lan t and as soon
us re tu rn s a re received from these
ihe w ork can go ahead on a strictly
business basis. H eretofore the com­
pany has been som ew hat handicapped
0 y not knowing the exact dem ands of
the present trad e , w ar conditions hav­ M ust Conform as to Union
ing changed requirem ents to a cer­
A nd M easurem ents to
tain extent.
be offical
The m achinery is now all installed
and in p erfect w orking order b u t some
sm all a lte ra tio n s a re still being made
The flag of the U nited S tates had
in the a rra n g e m e n t of the p lan t to ac­
comm odate th e rapi.V.y grow ing busi­ its sta tu to ry beginning on Ju n e 4,
ness of the cheese dep artm en t.
A t 1777, w ilh thirteen stripes, a lte rn a te
the presen t tim e over 9,000 pounds of red and white; th irteen sta rs, w hite
m ilk is being received daily while the in a blue field, the sta rs five-pointed.
o utput of b u tte r still holds above the On A pril 4, 1818, “An act to establish
the flag of the U nited S ta te s” provid­
600-pound a day m ark.
A t th is tim e th e p lan t is m anufac­ ed for the addition of one s ta r on the
tu rin g the Ja c k cheese and the local adm ission of every new state, to tak e
p lan t is the first in th is s ta te to un­ effect on the next succeeding F o u rth
d ertake the m an u factu re of these of July. On October 29, 1912, P re si­
H eretofore this industry dent T a ft established the proportions
of the flag, its length one and nine-
has been confined to the neighborhood
ten th s tim es its width, in executive
of M onterey, C olifornia, w here this
order No. 1637.
cheese originated. In fa c t th is brand
Today the union, (th e blue field)
is nearly alw ays spoken of as the
contains forty-eight sta rs, “six rows
M onterey cheese.
The c uring tim e
of eight sta rs each, w ith the corre­
of this brand is som ew hat less than
sponding sta rs of each row in a v e rti­
th a t of the cheddar cheese, taking
cal line.” The union is in the upper
from one to two m onths a t M onterey
left-handed corner, is tw o-fifths of the
and perhaps a less tim e ir> th is cli­
length of th e flag, crosses seven
m ate.
strip es and re sts upon the eighth,
As soon as th e stock or c uring room
which is white. The rules are fixed.
is filled shipm ents will be m ade about
No o th er arrangem ents, no other p ro ­
three tim es a week and th ere will be a
portions can be called the U nited
co n stan t stream of cheese going fo rth
S ta te s flag.
a t all tim es. Mr. Bayley, a fte r look­
M any who keep w ithin the le tte r of
ing over the field, said he believed
the law to prevent desecration of the
there was a good chance to build the
flag nevertheless show it g re at dis­
m ilk production to the 25,000 pounds
respect, usually thoughtlessly.
a day m ark before the sum m er is ov­
m isprinting, its m isproportionm ent,
er.. It will n o t be the policy to take
its misuse, its careless soiling, its ne­
from other established p lan ts but to
glect, m ay be avoided by observance
create a la rg e r production am ong
of these five sim ple rules:
those who a re already p a tro n s of the
1. Display Old Glory from its own
local plant.
pole, by day only, w ith union a t top
Mr. Bayley had his first experience
of pole.
in d airy work in A ustralia, com ing to
2. If no staff or pole is available
A m erica fo u r years ago and tak in g a
hang the flag undraped a g a in st a
tw o-year course a t the C alifornia
wall, rig h t side out, which will bring
school. He then cam e to O regon and
i the union in the upper left-hand cor­
has ju s t finished tw o y ears of study
n e r if the' stripes are horizontal, or in
a t O. A. C. He comes w ith th e h igh­
the upper right-hand corner if p e r­
est recom m endations from th e heads
of the sta te school, which, together
3. P u t it higher th an your head.
w ith his previous experience, places
4. See th a t (he flag you sell and
him a t the head of th e profession.
the flag you w ear is not of a type ob­
And he has a field in the Coquille v al­
solete since 1912.
L et it have 48
ley which is well w orthy of his g re a t­
sta rs in even rows, with its length one
e st efforts.
and nine-tenths tim es its w idth and
tw o and one-half tim es the length of
Remem ber th e L usitania and
the union.
Buy a Liberty Loan Bond.
5. For draped decorations and p ro ­
fuse expression of the patriotic sp irit
L iberty Loan Bonds.
use the red, white and blue w ithout
W hat special ad v an tag es have these
sta rs. Give the flag itself an elev at­
L iberty Loan Bonds?
ed, conspicuous place.
One especial ad vantage no other
L iberty Loan Bonds.
bonds, N ational, S ta te , m unicipal, or
How are L iberty Bonds obtained?
corporate, have is th a t if the United
Blank form s of application fo r the
S ta te s du rin g the continuance of this
w ar shall issue o th er bonds a t a high­ purchase of these bonds can be ob­
e r ra te of in te rest, the holders of tained from the T reasu ry D epartm ent,
these L iberty bonds have the rig h t to any Federal Reserve Bank, any N a ­
exchange th e ir L iberty bonds for tional, S tate, or p riv ate bank, any ex­
bonds bearing the higher r a te of in­ press office, and any post office in the
U nited States. Any bank o r p o st­
tere st, dollar fo r dollar.
m aste r will aid applicant in filling out
his blank and th e o th er a cts necessary
Your P a trio tic D uty—
Buy a L iberty Loan Bond. to obtain these bonds.
United States Battleship Louisiana
Photo by American P ress Association.
T h e L o u isian a cost $7,425,613 and baa a d isp lacem en t of 16.000 tons, being
«913 feet In len g th . H er big guns co n sist of four tw elv e In rh era and eight
eig h t Inrhera. She la m an n ed by a crew o f 856 officers an d m en and can go
18.8 knota an hour.