P 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 THE VALUE OF FINE HIGHW AYS O • o EARTH ROAD MAINTENANCE. 25 DOLLAR PRIZE OFFERED NOTICE TO# CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned has been duly appointed O A R G U M E N T FOR GOOD ROADS O A Never Ending Job and Has to Be Administrator of the estate of John O — O Done Over and Over. Wultermier, deceased, und that all O Meet arguments for road im- O Earth road maintenance uow is und | persons having claims against said O provements as an aid In trana- O will continue for some years fo he the estate are required to present the O porting farm products are based O same, duly veritied and with the prop­ o ou hauling grain, cotton, timber O reul road problem of Kansas, since it er vouchers therefor, to the under­ o and other heavy materials, saya o is uot likely thut more than a very signed at the law office of C. R. Bar- o the American Highway assocla- o small per cent of the highways will be row, in Coquille, Coos County, Ore­ o tiou. There is another class o paved iu this genertitlou, asserts W. S. This Is the Prize Offered For the gon, within six months from the date o which Is Important in some sec- o Gearhart, professor of highway engi­ of this notice. Needed Name—Can You o tions to which attention was re- o neering in the Kansas Stale Agricul­ Dated this 8th day of May, 1917. 5-8-5tp James Waltermier, o cently drawn by Fred W. Davis, O tural college aud state highway engi­ Supply It? Administrator of the estate o f John o commissioner of agriculture of o neer. Waltermier, deceased. F. E. Conway is experiencing con o Texas. This is the class of per- 0 “ Practically al! the work done on an O ishable products which it Is very o siderable difficulty in securing a name earth road, except reduction of grades, SUMMONS o important to deliver in good cou- G correction of horizontal alignment, for the new D aily Products Compa­ o dition ai the shipping station. o building of drainage structures und ny which he is organizing. The In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Coos. o Many shipments have been re- o A 15 Par Cent Increase In the Propor­ o jected by consignees for bad con- o elimination of railway grade crossings, new company will manufacture, Frank A. Gardner, Plaintiff, vs. is tem|>orary and should properly tie deal in and loan on dairy tion of the Available Children Attend­ o dition, started while hauling the o maintenance,” said Mr. products. Several names have been Eunice Gardner, Defendant. o produce over rough roads. Such o considered ing Schools Took Place Following Suit in Equity for Divorce. Gear lian. selected but in each instance it was To Eunice Gardner, the above named Construction o f Good Roads In Eight o rejections are usually ascribed to o "Doing permanent work is a eonipar- . . . . , , . . , o the crookedness of the comm is- o , .. - , ... found they were already registered, defendant: Counties. «lively easy matter, for when once it is . J o si on merchant, hut Mr. Davis o done correctly it will last for a number ^ name is needed to complete the or- In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby notified that you A 15 per cent Increase In the propor­ O says he has observed tomatoes o of years. The maintenance of uu earth gamzatlon. arc required to appear and answer the tion of the available children attend­ o and other produce loaded Into o road, however. Is a never ending job. Pending the selection o f a suitable complaint filed against you in the ing schools took place following the O cars in such a damaged condition O It is like milking tbe cows aud doing name, Mr. Conway has already pur- above entitled suit within six weeks construction of good roads in eight O that they could uot possibly be O other chores, for tbe builder knows chased and taken over in his own from the date of the first publication O accepted at their destination. As O counties studied by the office of public of this summons, to-wit: within six o a remedy in a poor roads district o that the work of maintenance will have name the Coquille Valley Creamery weeks from the 8th day of May, 1917, roads and rural engineering of the de­ to be done over and over agaiu and on behalf o f the new company, The o many farmers fit their wagons o the same being the date of the first partment of agriculture, it is shown in o with springs, which reduce their o cun never feel that it In in any sense Daisy,” “ Mead- publication of this summons. words “ Buttercup,’ a recent publication of the office. The o capacity, aud in this way Incur o permanent And i f you fail to appear and an­ For this reason the earth roud has a owlark, ’ “ Bluebell and Darifood Improvement in roads was followed o an expense to overcome the bad o bad reputatir Tbe trouble Is not so were selected but a search o f the rec- swer on or before the 19th day of also In several of the counties, the re­ o conditions which would go far O June, 1917, the same being the last _____________ _________________________ ords revealed the fact that these day o f the time prescribed in the or­ port shows, by consolidation of a num­ o toward paying the taxes needed o names were already registered. In der of publication, the plaintiff will o ber of the little one room schoAl Into o for good roads. fact, it was learned that practically I apply to the Court fo r the relief de o graded schools, which give the pupils o all the suitable names of flowers and manded in his complaint, a succinct better educational advantages; by a de­ o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o statement of which is as follows:— | birds were registered. velopment of various industries and That the marriage contract hereto­ From a commercial standpoint, the fore and now existing between the by social Improvements due to easier FEDERAL AID FOR ROADS. Intercourse These Improvements are j selection of a suitable name fo r the plaintiff and the defendant herein he related closely to increases In laud Nearly 5,000,000 Square Yards Super­ brand o f the manufactured products annulled, set aside and held for naught, and for such other and fur­ values and decreases in hauling costs, is a very important matter. In view vised In Last Fiscal Yaar. ther relief as to the Court may seem effects also traced to the construction of this fact the F. E. Conway Mort- just and equitable. Nearly 5.000.000 square yards of | of Improved roads. , gage Co., on behalf of the new Dairy Service of this summons is made In Spotsylvania county. Va.. the roadway, tbe equivalent of 501.9 miles j I Products company, is offering $25.00 by publication in pursuance o f an or- i Average dally school attendance In­ of road flfteeu feet wide, were con- | in gold for a suitable name. The new der made by the Hon. John S. Coke, creased from 57 per cent o f the enroll­ structed under tbe supervision of fed Judge of the Circuit Court within and ment before the road3 were Improved eral road specialists In the last tiscal ; company will manufacture butter, for the County o f Coos and State of to 77 per cent after. Several small year, according to tbe annual report of cheese and condensed milk, and what Oregon, dated May 4th, 1917, direct­ schools were consolidated Between the office of public roads and rural en­ it wants is a name for the brand of ing that service thereof be made by 1901), the year preceding the building gineering o f tbe United States depart ... . -V I these products. The name or word publication of said summons in the Coquille Herald, a newspaper pub­ of good roads, and 1913. the year fol­ nieut of agriculture. This is more than . \ J*'., ’ . submitted for the brand of the prod- lished at the City of Coquille, in said lowing their completion, the shipment : pivi double the mileage so constructed la ! ucts must also be a suitable one for Coos County, Oregon, once a week for of forest products, the principal prod­ ; the name o f the new company, such a period of six weeks. ucts of the county. Increased more previous years. The roads constructed C. R. Barrow, ! as Meadowlark Dairy Products Co., than 78 per cent. The Increase during under supervision of the office include 5-8>-7t Attorney for plaintiff this period in the poultry business In experimental roads, post roads, county | or Darifood Products Company. the county was 77 per cent and In roads and roads In national parks and It is required, i f possible, that the Road to Happiness. forests. The expenditures of the office dairying 110 per cent r v .. name fo r the brand and the compatr Be amiable, cheerful and good na- for this purpose were chiefly for en­ In Dinwiddle county, Va.. the aver­ be one word, reasonably short, easily tured and you are much more likely AN EARTH ROAD. age daily attendance for children for gineering services and supervision, the spoken and remembered, universally to be happy. You will find this d if­ thirteen schools on the Improved roads communities, except in the case o f for­ much with the material of which the known, suggestive of Dairy Products ficult, if not impossible, however, when was G3.4 per cent of the enrollment In est and park roads, meeting the bulk of the costs for material and construc­ road is composed as with our system and one that has not already been you are constantly troubled with con­ or lack of system of management tion. registered or is not in use, but whic stipation. Take Chamberlain’s Tab­ A special appropriation was made Other types of roads, when treated us is registrable. The name may be a lets and get rid o f that and it w ill be tor tbe construction of the post roads we treat the earth roads, are mucli in the postoffice appropriation bill of more expensive and serve tlie traveling “ coined” word. It is more likely that easy. These tablets rifct only move 1912. Eight of tbe eleven post road public little, If any. better. Tlie vast a “ coined” word such as U-Need-A- the bowels, hut improve the appetite projects remaining at tbe beginning of improvement that can be made on our Biscuit would not be taken and there­ and strengthen the digestion. the last tiscal year were completed by present earth roads by intelligent di fore less trouble encountered in regis­ tbe end of tbe year, bringing the mile­ rection in their construction and main tering it. Notice of Final Settlement age of the completed roads under this tenance is little realized by the public An idea for a brand should accom­ Notice is hereby given that the special project to 097.0. Three of the and the serviceability of a properly pany each name, although not abso­ County Court of the State o f Oregon original seventeen projects, aggregat­ maintained earth rood is not npproei Anybody anywhere for Coos County has. by order made ing 59.17 miles iu length, remained un ated when compared with oilier typ^s lutely required. this 24th day of April, 1‘>17, 9et the is eligible to compete, and there is no hearing of objections to the final report completed at tlio end of the year. The of roads as to cost of construction. “ Successful construction und main limit to the number of words or names of K. Halverson, administrator of the eight projects completed are in seven tenuuce of any kind of a road do; cr.o anyone can submit. A ll names must estate of Henry Halverson, deceased, stutes and traverse fifteen counties. The demonstration maintenance work upon the recognition by the public and be in the office o f the Darifood Prod­ to be heard on the 31st day of May, undertaken In 1914 on a through route the builders of a few fixed and fund;: ucts Company’s office, Coquille, Ore­ 1917, all objections to said report to be filed before said date. mental requirements. from Washington to Atlanta was contlu gon, not later than June 1, 1917, in K. H alverson , “ One practical, well paid roue; ued during the year, tile mileage under Administrator of the Es­ supervision increasing from 724 to 870. builder should he made responsible fo: order to be considered. tate o f Henry Halverson, The cumulative efTect o f continuous I he upkeep of a certain section of ror.i! 4-24-5t deceased. maintenance, saya the report, has been, and should be employed throughout th lo u r Patriotic Duty— demonstrated by the fact that from year, his tenure of office being made , Buy a Liberty Loan Bond. IN TH E C IR C U IT COURT OF TH E March 15 to the end of the fiscal year, dependent entirely upon tlie chnractci S T A T E OF OREGON, FOR June 30, 1910, tbe road was not closed of services rendered. The graded por T H E GHADED SCHOOL TAK ES T H E PLACE OF COOS C O U N TY. ployer liable for ten times the amount tion of the road snould be elevated to traffic at any point. A NUM BER OF LITTLE ONE ROOM COUN­ In tbe national parks and national and crowned so that tlie water from of the difference between the actual A. T. Lewis, Piaintiff, TRY SCHOOLHOUSES. vs. forests the office supervised construc­ every section of the road surface will payroll and the payroll represented. 1912-13, while the average attendance tion of approximately 170 miles of Mow into the side ditches.'* Interest and penalty charges are pro­ Robert Wyatt, Smith Powers Logging for all other schools In the county was road, of which about seventy miles Company, a corporation, D. How­ vided for payments overdue or in de­ 60 per cent. Several school consolida­ were completed. One of tbe roads un­ Your Patriotic Duty— ard Savage and C. A. Langworthy, fault. tions have been effected, larger school der construction—tbe Esenteute- Win­ Defendants. The amendments make it possible Buy a Liberty Loan Bond. buildings have been constructed, and der road in the i’owell national forest. Notice. for individual employers and for mem­ pupils have been transported to school Utah—will open up communication Notice is hereby given that pursu­ bers o f firms under the act to secure Liberty Loan Bonds. at the expense of the educational sys­ with a settlement In the valley of the tem since the road Improvements were upper Colorado river which has here for themselves, through application ant to a writ o f execution issued out made. Truck gardening and dairying, tofore been practically cut oil from the I f these bonds are so desirable, why to the Commission, tne benefits o f the o f the above entitled court, I will, in which were profitable only within rest of the world. is it necessary to advertise them ex­ law should they be injured while en­ the 30th day of May, 1917, at the hour three miles of the principal market of ten o’clock of said day, at the front gaged on the work. tensively ? town of tlie county beforo the road Im­ Employers hereafter engaging in door of the court house, in the City of It is not necessary to advertise INCREASE iN ROAD DUiLDINQ. provement. are now carried on profit­ these bonds to sell the whole issue, hazardous occupations are required to Coquille, County o f Coos, State o f Or­ ably within a seven mile radius. Iu Lee county, Va., a considerable in­ Expenditure or» Highway»- f»howe 250 but it is earnestly desired that this file notice with the Industrial Acci­ egon, at public auction, in satisfaction Per Cent Gain In Decade. dustry has beeu built up following the loan shall be a popular loan, a loan by dent Commission within ten days a f­ of said execution, sell the following An enormous Increase in the total ex­ and from the people at large of the ter commencing work, givin g the na­ described real property, to-wit: Lot road improvements in the shipment of tanbark, extract wood and puli» wood, penditures for road building and bridge United States, and not alone from ture of the work, and where it is the Sixteen and the South half of Lot F if ­ products which could uot he profitably construction, marked the development hanks, trust companies, and finan­ desire of the employer to reject the teen, Townsite of Powers, according : hauled over the unimproved roads. The of highway work In the United States ciers. To that end bonds are to he law, notice must be sent to the Com­ to the plat thereof on file and of rec- j during tbe past twelve years. Statis­ Improved highway system has attract­ issued of small denominations, and mission within three (3 ) days after ord in the office o f the County Clerk tics compiled by the office of public ed buyers of farm products who travel The of said Coos County. from farm to farm and furnish a new rouds show that the expenditures for subscribers for small amounts are to commencement of the work. Witness my hand and seal this 30th cash market for the farmers. There this work Increased from approximate­ he supplied before the subscribers for same period of rejection also applies day o f April, 1917. has been a 25 per cent increase in bug­ ly $80,000,000 n year in 1901 tc about large amounts are granted their full to the workmen. $282,000,000 In 1915, or more than 250 gies sold by a county vehicle factory. W. W. GAGE, Other amendments deal with the subscription. In Wise county, Va., social conditions per cent. State expenditures Increased Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon, j administration o f the compensation from $2,500,000 to more than $53,000,- have been bettered since the good roads law in the distribution of benefits, and Date of first publication May 1, 1917. N E W A M E N D M E N TS . were constructed, many farmers ulong 000. Iu addition, more than $27.000,000 provide that the making o f false rep­ Date o f last publication May 28, 1917. the Improved highways having built of local funds were spent under state new homes or Improved old ones, add­ supervision in 1915. bringing the total Workmen’s Compensation Law Is resentations to the Commission for ing sanitary conveniences. School at­ road and bridge expenditures managed the purpose of securing benefits shall Materially Altered. tendance bus Increased materially, hut by the states to $80,514,899. W AJ- T IIK D IA M O N D B R A N D . a he punishable as a misdemeanor. The rapid growth In Importance of (B y authority of State Industrial Ac­ since compulsory attendance regula­ Copies of the Workmen’s Compen­ cident Commission.) tions went into effect about the time state highway departments Is shown When the amendments made to the sation Law, with the amendments in­ the improved roads were completed by tlie report. Since 1891. when New the Influence of the two factors could Jersey established the first of these State Compensation Law by the last corporated, can he obtained on appli­ D IA M O N D B R A N D I’ ll.I.H, for 25 years k nown as Best, Safest. Always R el iahte not be determined separately. Several agencies, every state except Indiana. legislature became effective on May cation to the Industrial Accident Com­ South Carolina and Texas now has SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHEPr mission, Salem. Oregon school consolidations have been made. 21st, operations carried on by the Automobile registrations in Franklin some form of highway department state, or by counties, cities, towns, county, N. V., increased from 371 be­ The falling off In value of road work school districts, irrigation listricts or fore the road improvement In 1912 to performed by statute and convict labor 853 after road Improvement in 1914, was from 25 per ceut of tbe total In ports and port commissions, may se­ and two automobile bus lines connect­ 1904 to less than BVfc |>er cent of the cure the benefits o f the law through proper application made to the In­ ing distant towus In the county were total in 1915. established as noon as the Improved dustrial Accident Commission. Many Buy direct from the factory. roads were opened. Road Building In Paru. cities and counties have recognized There has been a notable stimulation The government of Peru has adopted the value o f this application of the of dairying and general diversification a scheme of road building to apply to compensation law; Coos county, fo r! on the farms of Dallas county, Ala., all parts of the republic. Projected since the Improvement of the roado of roads are classified In four groups— example, having stipulated in making that county. national, departmental, provincial and contracts for road work with private j In the section of Ier cent In 1913, will be In charge of depart mental, pro after the completion of the work. Sev­ vlnelal and district authorities. A staff and logging and lumbering operators eral school consolidations have been ef­ of road engineers will be organised is that which makes payments due fected. and provided for In the annual budget the compensation fund by employers a lien upon real property upon which the labor was performed, and also up- Liberty Loan Ronds. Liberty Loan Ronds. cn sawlogs, spars, piles, ties or other What is the security for a Liberty timber, and upon lumber in yard U n d e r N ew M anagem ent What is a Liberty Loan Bond? Loan Bond. A Liberty Loan Bond is a solemn where manufactured, labor liens only The faith and honor o f the United having preference over the compensa­ States, hacked by all the resources of ProfttiS€ of the United States to pay tion fund lien. Payments due the the Nation and the American people, at maturity the amount of the bond fund are also made preferred claims A Liberty Loan Bond is a mortgage to the holder thereof, and to pay in- in bankruptcy and trustee proceed on all the resources and taxing pow- terest semiannually each year from j ings. and in the administration of os­ era o f the Government and all o f the the date o f the issuance o f the bond tates and receiverships. Misrepre resources of the American people. until it is fully and finally paid. jsenution o f payroll makes the em- D E P O S IT S / I i M tum .......n» w «y»nim n m « tn t« m m m im t t i im im m H B ni N youth is the time to start a bank account, licad the lives of the successful men in every line o f endeavor. In the recital of their life stories they proudly relate how they earned their first dollar and how they opened their first bqnk account. Youtli for many is a-prodigal time. But it is the time when the young man who wants to be a success in life should lay the cornerstone by opening a bunk account und adding to it. The ambitious young man needs no urging to open un account. It is to the young man who is scattering his money foolishly that this appeal is made. BETTER SCHOOLATTENDANCE BEE P IL L S HI VES Hive complete, knockdown, $1.90. Crate of five, knockdown, $9.25 Empty Hives, knockdown, $1.20. J. H. OERDING & SONS HOT E L BAXTER Having1 leased this well-equipped hotel, I propose to conduct it in such a manner as to merit pat­ ronage and give satisfaction to the traveling public. CHARLES BAXTFR, Proprietor i ; r — -------- Í1 Improve Social CondKions and Business Transactions. CHICHESTER S m* LAY THE O P E N IN G A CORNERSTONE BANE OF S U C C E SS BY ACCOUNT TO D A Y. Farmers and Merchants Bank M ih Put a “two-C” In Your Pocket It Fits It I>: The New 2C Kodak Jr. Fur pictures of th- «on cwl.at elongated post-card shape, but just a tri­ fle smaller, 2 7 8 x 17 8 in. And this elongated shape in the picture makes possible a s n, thin camera, that fits the pocket. A Nev Kodak at a New Price $ 14.00 Know.lton’s Drug Store PARAMOUNT PLAYS For a Month Date Reelsi Production May 5 Woman in Case 10 The Stronger Love 12 Little Lady Eileen 17 Rolling Slones 19 Public Opinion 24 Honorable Friend 26 Each Pearl a Tear 31 Victory o f Conscience 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Star Pauline Frederick Vivian Martin Marguerite Clark O. Moore & M. Courtet Blanche Sweet Sessue Hayakawa Lou-Tellegin Fannie Ward at the SCENIC THEATER m i USE THIS PAPER AS A > o c < v<» o o o c o o o < > c o < > o c q W H E N Y O U H A V E A W A N T T O FILL T U R N to the advertising columns of the Herald and see what sugges­ tions they have to offer. Before you start on a •'hopping trip as­ certain what the stores are «howing. Look at (he advertising from time to time for new ideas. It pays to patronize advertisers because they n.ust back up their advertising or it will not be profitable. N> > manufacturer or merchai t can afford to spend money advertising a lie. Printed promises are the light to square dealing. :>ocoo c >oc >oc>>ooooo< READ THE ADS IN THE H E R A L D