Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, May 22, 1917, Image 3

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    B ea u ty L o v e s It
because it enhances beauty
VIOLET DULCE Vanishing Cream
Beautifies, softens and heals the skin, making the complexion
delicately pink.
Does not show
Contains no oil
Whitens the skin
It is triumph in the art of making cosmetics. Cooling, sooth*
ing and healthful in its attributes, it tends to whiten the skin
and cleanse it from roughness and impurities. It is a real ne­
cessity in the complete equipment of thesdressing table. Con­
tains no oil, will not grow hair, and can be used in the day time
without detection. Price 50 cents.
Other Violet Dulce Preparations are:
Talcum Powder........................................................ 25c
Toilet Water............................................................ 75c
Pace Powder............................................................ 50c
Dry Rouge................................................................ 50c
Toilet Soap.............................................................. 25c
Cold Cream.............................................. 25c and 50c
F u h r m a n ’ s P h a rm acy
(The R; .<all Store)
Powers road Friday evening, went to
Marshfield Saturday and this morn­
ing started out to Myrtle Point again
H. N. Lorenz is in Powers on busi­ on his stage line work. He hopes to
have the line running to Powers this
ness, going up yesterday.
C. T. Skeels left this morning to week—if the good weather continues.
Mrs. G. R. Wickham and Nets Os-
attend Odd Fellows grand lodge at
mundson, who have been visiting in
Lee C. Greenup, of the U. S. Army, Southern California for several weeks
is registered at the Baxter and is are expected to return this week.
looking up possible recruits in this Mrs. Ed. Moehler, of Marshfield, has
been looking after the welfare of the
family during the absence of her
Miss Mina Magness has been re­ mother.
elected principal of the Broadbent
County Surveyor McCulloch with a
school. Miss Helen Robbins will be
crew of a dozen men is at work at
her assistant.
I resent locating the line for the Co-
L. H. Hazard left yesterday morn­ quille-Myrtle Point road improve­
ing for Eugene where he will attend ments which arc now being advertis­
the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows, re­ ed. He is also making up the neces-
turning Thursday.
seary topography maps for the use of
The repair work on the First street the road builders.
Chief Engineer Boak last week sev­
planking was begun yesterday and
will be pushed as rapidly as the ered his connection with the steamer
Dispatch and has taken the position
weather will permit.
of engineer on the eug Klihyam at
Miss Mary Levar will go to My.
Point next week to help out the En­ Bandon. The Dispatch does not loo*
terprise whose printer will attend a quite natural since the change as the
chief’s smiling face Tins seemed a part
convention for a week.
of the equipment for so many years.
No meeting o f the city council was
Get Rid of Your Hheuinatisu.
held last night owing to a lack of at­
Now is the time to get rid of your
tendance and an adjournment was
rheumatism. You will find Chamber­
taken till next Monday evening.
lain's Liniment a great help. The re
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. McKenna and lief which it affords is alone worth
Miss Edna Harlocker spent the week many times its cost.
end at the Dr. Bartle home in North
Remember the Lusitania and
Bend, returning Sunday evening.
Buy a Liberty Loan Bond.
E. P. Schow, the revenue man,
Anoti'.»r local business concern
leaves today on his return to head­
quarters at Portland after a week which made a voluntary raise in
spent loosing things over in this wages the first of May is the Oregon
Power Co. All plant employes were
The gravel went down the river this given a 15 per cent increase, which
morning for the concrete base for a is a welcome help in combating the
H. C. L.
12 by 30 foot silo which will be erect­
J. E. Norton, in addition to his
ed on the Phillips place at Beaver
many duties in connection with the
Coquiile Valley Mercantile Company,
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Hines and Ralph
tending a five-lot garden at his
L. Briggs, of Eckley, passed through
Hill home. Gene is cer­
town this morning enroute to Bandon
for a few days’ visit with relatives tainly “ doing his bit” in the H. C. L.
fight this year.
and friends.
R. W. Catton, formerly employed
J. Percy Wells, formerly principal
of the Coquille schools, was in the city at the court house, is hack in town
last week working in the interests of and will again he employed on the
the agricultural preparedness cam county force. He just finished prov­
ing up on his Catching creek home­
stead and wants a little city life to
H. W. Dunham has been quite ill
even matters up a little.
for a week but is not dead yet—in
Superintendent Baker informs us
fact is so near well that he will be
out in a day or two— whistling the that he has just received word from
State Superintendent Churchill, that
same old tune.
under a new law enacted this year,
Perry Lawrence came in from Eu­
no alien who has not been admitted
gene Saturday for a few days’ visit
to citizenship will be permitted to
with home folks. On his return he
vote at a school meeting in any dis­
says he will remain there a week or so
trict in this state.
and then go to Portland to enlist.
Use Commercial Fertilizer for your
J. C. Noel, of this city, returned
I have Nitrate of Soda,
Saturday from Gardiner where he
Superphosphate, Land Plaster and
went to bury his son, Ralph, who died
other Special Brands. See Quick.
from measles and a complication of
C. McC. Johnson was a business
diseases at the hospital in that city
to Marshfield Saturday. He
last week.
returned Sunday and immediately
Remember the Lusitania and
went to Bandon, returning yesterday,
Buy a Liberty Loan Bond. and started this morning for San
Pete Fox last week resigned as Francisco where he will make the fin­
purser on the Dispatch and has joined al arrangements for commencing
the force on the government dredge work at the Bandon Ship yard of
and snag boat. His place on the for­ which he will be manager.
mer boat will be filled in future by
Mrs. Hamilton and son Earle re­
Fred C. Stone, of this city.
turned to Coquille last week and are
'‘Cameron’s boy 3 ,” Raicey and helping the doctor get settled. Dr.
Weidner, are now in the county jail Hamilton has leased the Wetmore
awaiting the action of the grand jury house on Second street and when nec­
relative to their absconding with essary alterations are made will open
funds secured from the Agitator pop­ up a modern hospital, In the mean-
time he has opened temporary offices
ular girl contest.
Merchants bank
Several of the local boys who have in the Farmers
been out on the Coquille- Roseburg building.
road survey came in Saturday night, Your Patriotic Duty—
having quit the crew.
The balance
Buy a Liberty Loan Bond.
of the crew will work on the Pacific
Melvin Kern, at present working on
Highway out of Roseburg.
a tie contract on South plough, in a
E. E. Johnson reports ten cars of letter to his father, E. H. Kern of this
lumber shipped from the local mill city, last week stated that he was
the past week. This is the maximum mustered out of the coast artillery
shipping production of the mill at company the first of the week and
present and with no further trouble but a day or two later received notice
from lack of cars a steady run for of his appointment as second lieuten-
the summer months is assured.
I ant in the regular army. This ap-
Gardner returned from th e! pointment carries with It a salary of
1135 a month. The ban of being c
married man does nol seem to exis'.
in the regular army as it does in the
Mrs. T. H. Mehl and children left
by Thursday morning’s train for Cal­
ifornia where they will visit in Oak­
land for several weeks.
About the
first of July they expect to go noith
to join Mr. Mehl, who is in the employ
of the Dollar company near Vancouv­
er, B. C.
O. A. Mintonye received word last
week from his son, Clare, that after
his withdrawal from the Canadian
Your Patriotic Duty—
regiment in which he enlisted, he
Buy a Liberty Loan Bond.
¡ame hack into the United States to
Minot, South Dakota, and within
Chapel Car Here.
hirty minutes from arriving there he
The Catholic chapel car “ St. I’eter”
i had enlisted in the National Guard
and secured a job pending the call­ arrived here Monday from Eugene
and is parked at the depot, where it
ing out of the militia company.
Last Tuesday the Dispatch brought will he kept for a week during a spe­
up a valuable cargo from down river cial mission here. The car is in charge
i points which was transferred to the of George Hennessey and Rev. Father
S. P. here. The shipment consisted Donegan, a Paulist Father, will have
of 40 hogs, alive, which had been pur­ charge of the mission.
The “ St. Peter” was donated to the
chased by J. E. Ford, the Marshfield
church Extension Society by
j butcher. Thirteen cents a pound live
weight was the price paid for these Peter Koontz, of Dayton, Ohio. He
porkers, and J. P. Clausen, /ho de had it built to order at a cost of about
I livered 21 of the hunch, received $25,000. The car will seat about 100,
: $619.48 for them.
No reduction in and is a church in miniature. Many
visited the chapel car yesterday and
the II. C. L. in this case.
Guy R. Harper, formerly of Jack­
sonville, Oregon, where he served as
Remember the Lusitania and
deputy tax collector of Jackson coun­
Buy a Liberty Loan Bond.
ty, has just taken the position of sec­
retary of the Darifood Products com­
pany here and expects to bring his
The last meeting of the Woman’s
family here in the future. Mr. Jack
son does not, however, expect to de­ Study Club for 1916-17 was held last
mote all his time to the company here Frilay afternoon at the home of Mrs.
but will also be engaged in the stock H. O. Anderson. There were no les­
loan department and other business sons, the last meeting, according to
of the F. E. Conway Mortgage Com­ time-honored precendent, being a so­
cial one.
Except for a short preliminary talk
Last week Hugh Harlocker and
veith Leslie were made the butt of a on business, the time was devoted to
practical joke which afforded consid­ conversation and needlework. It was
erable amusement to many of their a delightful afternoon, ending fitting­
riends here.
One evening a sign ly with dainty refreshments, served
•earing the legend “ Dump Garbage by the hostess.
the club will meet next on Friday,
lere" was placed at the front of their
varden lot opposite the postoffiee and October 5, in the city library.
the next morning the entire front of
the lot was littered with old barrels,
.in cans and various other easily col­
lected junk. It cost the boys consid­
erable effort to get rid of the accumu­
lation and they immediately set to
vork to put up a fence to prevent a
recurrence of the trouble.
Guy Wardry and his partner, an
Italian named Mighetto, arrived at
.he Baxter Sunday, the latter man
laving two suit cases. Later Mighet-
o went down the river and did not re­
turn till late that evening. In the
meantime Wardry took two guns
from the suit cases belonging to
Mighetto and departed. Upon his re­
urn Mighetto missed the guns, asked
Mr. Baxter who had taken them and
upon learning, swore out a warrant
'or Wardry.
Sheriff Gage immed-
ately got on the trail and located his
nan at Eugene, where he went for
•lim yesterday morning.
Remember the Lusitania and
Buy a Liberty Loan Bond.
A1 Garten came up from Craine’s
camp yesterday afternoon with a bad­
ly lacerated hand, the result of a fall
while cutting timber. He had just
alien a large cedar and took his saw
>n his shoulder to proceed to another
rce, walking up the tree just fallen,
lis calks slipped on the hark, throw­
ing him onto the saw and severely
jashing his hand just at the base of
the right thumb.
The artery was
partially severed and he lost conaid-
• rable blood before he arrived but Dr.
Hamilton soon stopped the flow of
Mood and stiehed up the gash. A1
ays he will be back to work next
To Trade
Ten acre Base and Comice pear or­
chard in full hearing, on electric car
line, one mile from city limits of Med­
ford, Oregon. Beautiful modern bun­
Will trade for unimproved
land. Value $10,000. Address C. A.
Bird, Medford, Oregon, R 26.
Modern Woodmen Attention!
All such are hereby notified that
the meeting night of Beaver Camp,
No. 10550 M. W. A. has been changed
from the first and third Tuesday to
the first ami third Saturday night of
■uch month, change effective June, 1.
Will Pay on the Fourth.
Under the new management at the
rcamery it is announced all checks
for milk will be paid promptly on the
fourth of every month. Contrary to i
the impression that prevails in some
quarters this company is being run as
a Coquille institution and carries its
funds in a Coquille bank, so that all
checks are paid here.
Sixth Declamatory Contest.
The Sixth Annual Declamatory
Contest of the Coquille schools will
he held at the Masonic Hall next
Thursday evening, May -4, at cight-
, Thje contestants have been
well trained and the program will he
a good one. The entries are as fol­
lows: First section, Kathleen Siler,
Raymond Irvine, Clarabel Peart and
Merle Landreth;
Second section.
Beryl Woodruff, Kenneth Staninger
and Chester Howard; Third section,
Leanna Curry, Nellie Johnson, Mar­
vel Skeels, Ruby McDonald and Katie
Probably no more important ac­
tivity is carried on by the school in
the course of the year than the de­
clamatory contest.
Remember the Lusitania and
Buy a Liberty Loan Bond.
B e lta G -E M S to rJ o lti
RATES: One cent a word, each in­
sertion. No charge less than 15 cents
FOR SALE— Holstein bull Moreland,
Sir Henderveld DeKol; Dam 3 lbs.
butter, 75 lbs. milk one day. Price
$150.00. J. M. Long, Bandon, Ore.
Also 14 months old bull, Dam Ad­
vanced Record, Price $100.00.
FOR S A L E — Thoroughbred regis­
tered Jersey bull, ilnee vears old,
Inquire Herald office or
Lstn-en’ s Cedar Point. 4 24 - 4 'p
W A N T E D — Second hrnd furni­
ture. Highest prices paid. Co
quiUe Furniture Co.
SH O E R E P A IR IN G — All kinds
of shoe repairing neatly done at
reasonable prices.
Proloug the
life of your shoes. C. PROCH-
N O W , Front street.
i o - io tl
Your Patriotic Duty—
Buy a Liberty Loan Bond.
Motor-driven machines will milk, separate cream, chum, grind tools,
P^mP watf r» cut teed and ensilage, giiud and shell corn, split and saw kindling,
thresh grain and perform practically all ordinary tasks requiring steady applica­
tion of power. A G-E motor will soon pay for itself in labor and time saved.
Ask our power man to show you just where a motor will help on your farm.
Oregon Power Co.
F. E. McKenna, Local Manager
“The supreme test of the Nation has come;
We must all speak, act and serve together.”
Office over Farmers & Merchants
Residence Baxter Hotel
Improve Cur Railroad
Assistant Superintendent Wilson,
of the Portland division of the South­
ern Pacific, who has been making an
inspection of the lines down here,
;ays that traffic on the Coos Bay line
Irom Eugene to Powers has increased
50 per cent in the last sixty days.
No one who has had occasion to vis­
it the Coquille depot recently can
have failed to note that the business
at this station contributes more than
its lull proportion of this increase.
The production of our two lumber
mills is in fact a big factor and cars
are now going out from here daily to
all sections of the country. Indeed
one day lately it was Agent Sterling's
duty to find a car with an end door to
load for Montreal, Canada. The air
Let the G-E Motor take
the grind out of your chores.
New Rug Novelty
J u s t R e c e iv e d
D entist
Office ovi r First National Bank
Phone Main 4SI
324, Office
514, Res.
P h y s ic ia n
an d su rg eo n
Office over Farmers & Merchants
Graduate of the American School
of Osteopathy of KirkBville, Mo.
Office in Eldorado Block
To the Farmers & Dairymen:
Do you know what your cows earn you? What it has cost
you in labor, interest on investment and material to market your
crop. Was some part of your business conducted at a loss?
Could you have made more money by knowing readily the exact
relation of your different crops from a financial standpoint?
We conduct a Home Study Course in Kookkeeping for Farm­
ers. It is endorsed by County Agricultural Agent J. L. Smith
and by the most prominent and successful business men of Coos
It will cost you nothing to ask for particulars. Let us mail
you something that will interest you and prove valuable.
Coquille, Oregon.
Have YOU noticed those New Rugs in
our window display? They are some­
thing absolutely new—just arrived from
New York—and are just as good in qual­
ity as they are beautiful. Many patterns
to choose from now. Make your selection
before the choicest are taken. The prices
are within the reach of all.
H. O. Anderson
F u rn itu re and H ardw are
Phone 496
have your Car giv=
en a thorough over=
Our Repair Department is now thorough­
ly equipped to do first class work.
have secured the services of
A n Experienced Automobile Mechanic
Tw o Assistants
which enables us to turn out first class
work without any delay.
Batteries Repaired and Recharged
Fruii; Supply Getting Low?
Replenish It From
Our Stock
Raspberry Preserves
3 0c a Jar
Gooseberry Preserves
30c a Jar
Apricot Preserves
3 0c a Jar
Peach Preserves
3 0c a Jar
Pineapple Preserves
3 0c a Jar
Cherry Preserves
30c a Jar
Strawberry Preserves
3 0c a Jar
Orange Marmalade
30c a Jar
W e carry Ford Parts
Storage $3.00 a month, 25c a night
Yours to please
Gardner & Larsen
When you are counting over the various nec­
essities and comforts of life which have risen
in price, bear in mind that your telephone
rates are the same. This company is endeav­
oring to effect economies in operation and
plant maintenance which will offset the en­
ormous increases in the cost of all materials
used by us and preclude the necessity of a