PU B LISH ED EVERY R E C O M I* Coos County TU ESDAY The H erald ’s Special Cooa County N ews Service Entered as second-class matter May 8, 1905, at the po st office at Coquille, Oregon, under act of Congrees of March 3, 1879.1 IMPROVEMENTS I Riverton Briefs (H e ra ld ’s Special C. C. N ews Service) School closed la s t F rid a y , A p ril 27. Devoted to the material and social upbuilding of the Coquille V a lle y The day w as passed by com pleting the te s ts and m aking prom otions. particularly and of Coos County generally. Each g rade w as prom oted to th e next Subscription, $1.50 per year, in advance. Phone Main 381 h igher grade, w ith the exception of two puplis who w ere prom oted on conditions. In giving up the lease of the Herald and retiring W. W. S m ith has sold his team to from connection with the paper, the undersigned wishes Steve S tu rte v a n t, who is now the m an of our little burg. his friends to understand th at this move is caused by the dray Miss P e rn a Danielson, who has been impossibility of doing justice both to the paper and to his aw ay fo r q uite a while v isitin g re la ­ other interests. Even as small a paper as the Herald re­ tives n e a r Pow ers, is now a t hom e. M. P e terso n w as out w ith his quires the undivided attention of its editor and manager au E. to Sunday g iving his fam ily a ride. to be successful. The same applies to a picture show. W. W. S m ith will w ork a crew next And when health conditions prevent a man from working week leveling and sm oothing the roads in the vicinity of Riverton. even a full day he must adjust his affairs to existing M iss E lsie P hilpott, hav in g closed conditions. In severing relations with the subscribers h e r w ork a s p rim a ry tea ch e r in the R iverton school la s t F riday, le ft for and patrons of the paper he wishes to thank them for the her home th e m orning follow ing. kindness with which they have borne with his shortcom­ S. C. S herrill, who closed his w ork ings and idiosyncracies and for the loyal support they as principal of th e R iverton schools 27th, w ith his fam ily took his have given. After sixteen years in the newspaper and d A e pril p a rtu re T uesday for Bandon, w here printing business in Coos county, he can retire with the he will spend his vacation w ork in g in feeling that he has met with uniform consideration at the a mill. Both teach ers have been asked to ta k e th e school again. hands of the public, and th a t he has been fortunate in re­ F ish in g is now the p astim e of the taining the good will of practically every one with whom R ivertonites and the way th ey m ake he has come in contact. There is especial satisfaction in the “ sh in e rs” shine is n o t slow. Miss N orth, bookkeeper fo r the this from the fact th a t he has never made an effort to R iverton Fuel Co., has ab o u t recov­ “ cater” to any person, clique or element, but has expressed ered the use of a frac tu red a rm . She accidentally fell and caused th e fra c ­ his candid opinion on any subject whenever the spirit tu re. moved him. In this last “ editorial” he wishes to express Ne P lus U ltra. J. C. S A V A G E , Editor and Business Manager his sincerest best wishes to the old Herald, to its subscrib ers and patrons and to its owner, from all of whom he has “H ouse o f G olden W ind ow s” received the kindest treatment. The appearance of W allace Reid and To make any introduction or recommendation of J. C. Cleo Ridgely in a new Lasky fe a tu re is Savage who takes the reins, would be presumption, as he alw ays a signal for pleasant anticipa­ tion on the p a rt of the public. These has a longer record in the newspaper field here and is far two sta rs will be seen in th e ir fourth better known in the Coquille valley than the writer. It co-starring photoplay produced by the Lasky Company, entitled “ The House only remains to wish him the best of luck. of the Golden W indow s.” I t is a P a ra ­ ____________ P. C. LEVAR. m ount release. With this number of the Herald begins the service of the writer as editor and business manager. As to the general conduct of the paper no promises are made except th a t it will be handled as capably as is posible along lines tending not only to the betterment of the paper but so far as possible to the betterm ent of local conditions. The in­ terests of the Herald and of the community are along the same lines and the readers of this paper may rest assured that every thing possible will be done for the good of both. Without the help of the readers and friends of the paper as well as the individual friends of the writer no great betterment of the paper will be possible hence it is hoped that both will be forthcoming, both in a financial as well as a moral way. In return, reciprocity is promised in every particular. Improvements in the general con­ duct and appearance of the paper will be forthcoming in a direct proportion to the good will expressed by friends. A helping hand from the citizens of this city and valley will not only be received with appreciation but the re­ sults will be immediately apparent in not only the appear­ ance but in the news value of the Herald. In retiring from the editorial desk of this paper, Mr. Levar goes with the very best wishes not only of the in­ coming editor but of the many friends he has made while occupying th a t position. It is hoped th at the “ new man” a t the editorial pencil will receive the same courteous treatm ent accorded to him during his tenure. J. C. Savage. A sks Big D am ages Jacob Leskela has filed su it in the federal court a t Portland ag ain st the Sm ith-Powers company to recover $10,- 000 for a broken leg which he sustained March 7, 1010. Leskela claims he was in the employ of the company a t th a t tim e and th a t the company was respon­ sible for the accident wnich resulted in his injury. Black Cam el. was threatened, he seized the black cam el, which was the sub ject of w or­ ship and which he th o u g h t would pro­ tec t him from the u n ju st accusation, and escaped on it th ro u g h enem y country to the cam p of the w hite hunters. Now B arnes C ircus F eatu re. C aptain C allahan, seeing the value the p riest and black cam el would be to the B arnes Circus, extended shelter and protection through m any excit­ ing experiences, b rought the M oham et p riest, w ith iloly Moses, the black iam el, to A m erica and they a re now w ith the circus. A s n e ith e r the cam cl or p riest can speak very good E ng- lish, th e ir m ost in te re s tin g adven lures a re likely to rem ain undisputed. But th e sig h t of the black camel clears up a long supposed belief that the black cam el w as to ta lly extinct, though once believed to be the m other of al! cumels. Holy Moses is one of the 1000 a n i­ m al perform ers to be seen in the B arnes Circus. The only group of perform ing cam els, dancing and pos­ ing horses, lions, tig e rs, in fact, n e a r­ ly every specie of anim al known to m ankind a re seen in circus features. Holy Moses, a curious black cam el from the stra n g e, sunbaked d e se rt in th e vicinity of Mecca, is one of the s ta r a ttra c tio n s of th e Al. G. B arnes fo u r-rin g wild anim al circus, which will give tw o perform ances in M yrtle P o in t on May 7, and tw o in M arsh­ field on May 8. M ention the black cam el and the circus press a g en t goes into ecstacies, fo r about th is ra re anim al is a tru e rom ance, which connects the anim al w ith the sacred rig h ts of th e fa n atic a l M oham m edan sons of th e d esert. The c ap tu re and p resen tin g to the public of th is unusual a ttra c tio n m akes a good story. A p a rty of h u n t­ ers, who a re ever seeking new fe a ­ tu re s fo r th is m am m oth anim al c ir­ cus, including J . C. C allahan, M ajor A rchibald M ontague, form erly of the B ritish a rm y ; R obert Stanley, H ans NO TICE. Z im m erer, Adolph H ochm eyer and F ra n k W inforest, traveled p ast the P. C. L evar, having given up the city of Mecca and, while encam ped a t lease of The H erald, w ith the end of an oasis one nig h t, w ere aw akened j the m onth of April, all subscription by th e a rriv a l of an A rab p riest. The accounts a rc payable to the new m an ­ p rie st, who w as riding a black cam el, agem ent of th e paper. All accounts askel, th e h u n te rs to give him refuge. due up to th e end of A pril for a d v er­ P rie st Forced to Flee. tisin g and job w ork a re due and p a y ­ T he p riest tu rn ed out to be the Mo­ able to P. C. L ev ar only, who will se t­ h a m e t K ahn of the K bu-H anbal tle all debts incurred by the paper m osque, who told an exciting story under his m anagem ent up to th at a b o u t h aving had to flee from the tim e. A ny one h aving such an ac dw elling place of th e stra n g e religious count will confer a fav o r by p re sen t­ sect to which he belonged, they hav­ ing it a t once. in g u n ju stly accused him of breaking P. C. L evar, a te n e t of th e K oran. W hen his life J . C. Savage. T Preceding “ The House of the Golden W indows” is a list of exceptional Reid and Ridgely featu res. To the motion picture public they are known as the two “ R ’s. ” The photoplays in which they have co-starred are “ The Golden C hance,” "T he Love M ask,” and “ The Selfish W om an.” They also appeared to g eth e r in “ The Chorus L ad y .” “ The House of the Golden W indow s” contains a story quite different from w hat they have done before as th ere is a delicate touch o f fantasy intertw ined with a plot of tense human emotion, love, excitem ent and huppiness. I t is w hat has come to be known as a pic­ tu re of happiness in c o n tra st to the sordid subjects of which there have been on the screen all too m any. The photoplay also will m ark the first ap­ pearance, w ith these two sta rs, of M as­ te r Billy Jacobs who created such a favorable impression w ith M arie Doro in “ The H e a rt of N ora Flynn” and Victor Moore in “ The Clown.” E lects O fficers L ess th a n six ty of the Coquille M il­ ita ry R eserves tu rn ed out fo r drill and election la s t M onday evening. F o l­ lowing a h a lf h our drill period the com pany adjourned to th e city hall. J . E. N orton, chairm an of th e b u si­ ness org an izatio n was m ade com m an- der-in-chief and H. C. Getz w as elect­ ed captain. Mr. Getz is one of the a ssista n ts in th e county ro a d m a ste r’s office, who have been doing th e p re ­ lim inary w ork of p re p arin g p lan s and specifications fo r the road p ro g ram Coos county is to c arry out th is sum ­ m er. He is a g ra d u a te of O. A. C., and well qualified fo r th e position, having been an officer in th e m ilita ry organization of th a t school. H. A. Y oung and Wm. Brown w ere elected first and second lieu ten an ts, respectively. Best Remedy fo r W hooping Cough. “ L ast w in ter w hen m y little boy had the w hooping cough I gave him C ham berlain’s Cough Rem edy,’’w rites Mrs. J . B. R oberts, E a s t St. Louis, 111. “ It kept his cough loose and r e ­ lieved him of those dreadful cough­ ing spells. It is the only cough m ed­ icine I keep in the house because I have the m ost confidence in it.” This rem edy is also good fo r colds and croup. County R oadm aster Murdock in an interview Friday stated th a t, included among others, the following recom­ m endations would be made to the coun­ ty court a t its next m eeting: T hat the county road leading from Coquille up the Cunningham be improved by elimi­ nating the three bridges within the city lim its; th a t the long bridge beyond the W atson farm be replaced with a fill and th at the short bridge a t the W at­ son dairy barn be rebuilt. Included in the recom m endation will be the oro- vision th a t all the road from the north end of the H enry stre e t bridge to th> McCurdy farm be graveled. In detail the im provem ents to bi recom mended will mean the filling of the th ree bridges in the city limits, with proper culverts to accommodate the w inter flow of w ater, and the grad ing and graveling of the intervening roadway. A t the long W atson bridge It is sta te d th a t Mr. W atson will give to the county a rig h t of way for the fill to the riv h t of the present bridge and n earer to the hill and th a t the grade will be lowered to a considerable ex ten t, thus lessening the am ount of fill necessary and also lim iting the width of the rig h t of way. A t the short bridge the approaches will be widened out by heavier cuts at e ith e r end and the hill a t the north end of the bridge will be m aterially lower­ ed to give as good a view of the road aheau as possible. Aside from these points the road will follow the present line and grade. T hat these recom mendations will re­ ceive the supDort of the Commissioners is undoubted, for the reason th a t this road is in th e w orst condition of any of the four roads leading out of this, the county seat. W ith this im provem ent receiving the approval of the county court and the work finished there will be a first-class road from the business center o f Coquille to Fairview and on to the B rew ster country, one of the best feeders possessed by this city. Car Shortage Bad A v isit to th e low er m ill la s t week showed the boom full of fine logs and the decking loaded to capacity w ith saw n lu m b er and b u t one c a r on the I siding. A n interview w ith M anager W ernich developed the fa c t th ere ex- , sists a sh o rta g e of cars w hich m ay | compel th e m ill to close down a t a l­ m ost a n y tim e now unless relief is | fu rn ish ed by the local railroad. To accom odate th e o u tp u t of the m ill a t th e p re se n t tim e will require, so the w rite r is inform ed, a t lea st th ree c a rs a week and unless these a re forthcom ing the o u tp u t of the m ill will of necessity be cut down to the n um ber of cars available. This is an u n fo rtu n a te condition and one which it is hoped will be of sh o rt dur ation. The “ C hoir G irls,” who begin th e ir eng ag em en ts ton ig h t a t th e Bijou, a re a q u a rte tte of re a l a rtis ts . An gela M ay is a m usical comedy con­ tra lto from Broadw ay, N. Y. A dah H ow ard is a soprano of comic opera and both of these sin g e rs a re head­ line perfo rm ers on th e big circuits. C aruation Sanchez is a re a l Spanish señ o rita from M adrid, Spain, and is one of th e g re a te s t of th e youngest dance a r tis ts now a p p e a rin g in v a u ­ deville. The late st p o p u lar and nov­ elty songs and m usical num bers will he heard in th eir perform ances. The comedy sketch, “W h at th e P ap ers Say,” is a sa tire of th e p ress and is full of “songs and p a tte r.” The m an ­ ag em en t offers these a r tis ts a s an added fe a tu re w ith th e usual special photo play and comedy p ictu res— Rogue R iver Courier. P ro p er F'ood for W eak Stom achs. The pro p er food fo r one m an m ay be all w rong for another. E v ery one should a dopt a diet suited to his age and occupation. T hose who have w eak stom achs need to be especially careful and should e a t slow ly and m astic ate th eir food thoroughly. It is also im p o rtan t th a t th ey keep th e ir bowels re g u la r. W hen th e y become constipated or when th ey feel dull or stupid a f te r eating, th ey shoull tak e C ham berlain's T ablets to stre n g th e n the stom ach and move th e bowels. They a re easy to tak e and p lea sa n t in effect. P lease Note! * m We have received a number of inquiries from students of the City school and others who are interested in our stenographic course, and who have expressed themselves as having decided to take up this work at a later period. For the information of those who contemplate joining the NIGHT class we wish to ad- \ise that on account of the limited amount of time in the Night ichool that we will only be aide to have two classes of stenogra­ phers until these two classes are graduated which will require about six months. We accordingly urge those interested to join when the day school opens. This announcement, of course, has no connection with the Day- school where students may enroll at any time. ANDERSON'S’ BUSINESS COLLEGE IS HERE TO HELP YOU. Day and Night Sessions Open* May 7th. 1917. SEE Ol'R DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENT. I ------- i Mew Stock--lu st Received E ’onomy Jar Caps White Crown Ja r Caps Mason Ja r Caps Ja r Rubbers and Jelly Glasses I Econom y Jars—E. Z. S eal Glass T op Jars Mason Jars—G olden S tate Mason Jars Fresh Vegetables and Fruit d H ead L ettuce A sparagus C elery C abbage O ranges Cucum bers Rhubarb G reen O nions A pples G rape Fruit T om atoes A rtichokes R adishes Bananas Lem ons Rolled Barley per Sack__________ $2.00 Shorts per Sack_____________________ 1.80 Middlings per S a c k ___________________ 2.20 Soya Bran Meal per Sack _____________ 2.75 Bran per Sack______________________ 1.20 Could not be purchased in car lots at the mill today at these prices. Flour, Vim and Snowdrift per Bbl. $11.00 W e have the goods — We have the price A good place to trade "E L E S S E - THE COQUILLE HERALD The Busy Corner Grocery I Phone 691 and 541 Front and C Streets > C S tT rv > Coquille, Ore <____ The Busy •V JOHNSON E, Housewife .Lumber—b i1 os—Shingles can get rid of the hard­ est and most disagree­ able part of the week’s w o r k b y sending the wash to us. W H Y W A STE G R EEN F E E D A N D BUY HAY ? Satisfaction Guak ^¿leecl Wisconsin or Stave BUILD A EILO i If it can be washed we can do it. j COQUILLE LAUNDRY &1CE CO. May Day E xercises Any size from 8x20 ft., 15 tons to 16x36 ft.. 155 tons Prices on lumber and any informa­ tion on lumber and silos cheerfully jj given. i The pupils of th e fourth, fifth and six th grades have been w orking for evcral weeks on a May day pro g ram to he given on th e school grounds j a t th e m ain building th is afternoon, aftern o o n , May 1, a t tw o -th irty . A M ay queen has been elected by the pupils of the classes and she will be crowned w ith elab o rate cerem onies. T here will be d rills and songs and th ree M ay poles will be wound. The possibility of bad w eather is th e only hindering fe a tu re . However, unless it is actu ally ra in in g the pro g ram will be presented and all frien d s of the little folks a re cordially invited to be p resen t. The ord er of cerem onies will be a s follow s: O pening s o n g .“ W e welcome th e May. S ong. . “ Search fo r the May Queen ” S o n g ..........................“C row ning Song.” W inding the M ay-Poles, (th re e ). S o ld iers...........................D rill and Song. S o n g . . ............... Brow nies and F airies. ’low er Drill. Tapanese Song. Song..........................“The B u tte r-F ly .” O p e re tta ........... “ The G arden of Iris.” T he G ra m m a r clowns, lag Drill. R osebu rg-M yrtle P oint A u to S tage Line Leave M yrtle Point 7:40 a. m. R oseburg 6. a. m. jg ~ 6 hours Running Time Connecting with Coquille Auto Lines J. L. Laird M y rtle P oin t INCOME and OUTLAY One side of your P ass Book will show all the money you have received. The o ther side will show all you have paid out, and the cancelled checks are your receipts. This fine arran g em en t is yours if you will open vour check ac­ count here. Y our account will be given careful and co> siderate atten tio n . F I K S 1 NATIO* H A L K C A P IT A L a n d S U R P L U S $ 6 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 n' i DP re ?Ldent R. E. SH IN E , Vice P resident L- H HAZARD. Cashier O. C. SANFORD, Asst. C ashier Y. M. C. A. W hereas, no agency, aside from the school, has done more for the develop­ m ent of C hristian character, m anly in­ teg rity and physical well being among our boys and young men than the Young M en’s Christian Association, and W hereas, The Association in this per­ iod of w ar-tim e stre ss faces unexam - led opportunities for developm ent and patriotic service, and W hereas, It is urgently desirable th a t the work which the Young Men’s C hristian Association is doing, and can do, for our soldiers in the field, receive the fullest possible recognition and a s­ sistance, Now, therefore, I, Jam es W ithy- combe, Governor of Oregon, do herehy proclaim Sunday. May 6, 1017, as O re­ gon Y. M. C. A. day, and I ask th at the m inisters of the sta te on th a t day m ake special m ention of association work and association needs with a view to arousing widespread public in te rest and support for th e practical and praise­ w orthy operations of this splendid or­ ganization among the young men who T h e C elebi a te d I EergmannShoe Str. Elizabeth Awarded Golf1 Medal P. P. I. E. San Francisco, 1915 Th strongt st and neai j s t w ater-proof Sh es m ade for Log rers, Cruisers, Mi .ers, Sportsm en and W orkers. te n ’s C o m fo rt D ress Shoe# S tro n g S hoes fo r Boys M anufacturer by T heodore Be ‘gm ann Shoe M anufacl iring Co. 62 T h u rm an St P - t r i l a n d . O re g o n Ask for the Bergm ann W aterproof sh« - Od. R é g u lâ t hs I t l ie C l> ck San Francisco and Bandon j Fir«t-c:avf» far»* o; .{10J 0 U p f r e i g h t , p e r to n ................... 3.00 ! j E. & E. T . K ru se 2 4 C a lifo rn ia S tr e e t, b a n F r a n c is c o F o r R é s e rv a tio n » J. E. NO RTO N A g e n t, C o q u ille , O re g o n h a )e gone forth from th eir homes to of Oregon to be hereunto affixed this render service to their country. 21st day o f April, 1917. testim ony wheieof I have set my JA M ES W ITHYCOM BE, Hand and caused the Seal of the S ta te Governor.