Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, April 03, 1917, Image 3

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Feed Dr. Hess Poultry
No Eggs, Milk or Butter
Fresh milk at Lyon* & J Ots
J . A . Y na ij- of the Fishtrap
country, is spcndiug its ) weeks vis­
iting relatives here.
Mica A xel grease at A ndeisou’s.
A Tonic-Not a Stimulant
Makes Poultry Healthy.
Makes Hens Lay.
Makes Chicks Grow.
Now that mating time has arrived, it’s up to you
to see that your poultry get a tonic and internal anti­
septics to make them vigorous and free of disease.
Therefore, feed Pan-a-ce-a
In that condition your hens will lay better, you
will get more healthy, fertile eggs and the chick will
stand a better show of reaching maturity.
Therefore, feed Pan-a-ce-a
And, before the hatches come, 1 want to warn
you against gapes, leg weakness and indigestion, for
these ailments are responsible for half the baby-
chick losses.
Therefore, feed Pan-a-ce-a
—It will save you these losses.
H . W . W arner and wife return­
ed to ibeir home in M aishfitld after
spending a monib iu this city.
Cash wholesale prices on Flo u r,
Feed and Hay at Collier W are-1
Fred Hollisier, of North Bend,
was transacting business iu tk il
city yesterday
Dr V . L- Hamilton, who is now I
located at Hend, Oregon, arrived
in town last night and will be here
lor several days on business.
P yrex glass baking dishes, guar I
a 0teed not to break (rom beat, at
25 cent, 50 cent, and $1 packages
F uhrm an’ s Pharmacy
Go to the White House for the
latest novelties in silks, palm beach
cloth, elc., First Nat. Bank Bldg.
Drane’s Locals
D r. C. W. E N D IC O T T
We carry the 99 coffee that was
so favorably Demonstrated at the
Crescent booth at the Korn Karnl-
k n t ib t
Office over Firat National Hank.
Phone Main 431
324, Office
514, Res.
G. E A R L LO W . M. D.
h y s ic ia n
an d
su rg eo n
Office over Farmers & Merchants
D r. G. W. L E S L IE
Graduate o f the American School
o f Osteopathy o f Kirksville, Mo.
Office in F.ldorado Block
Str. Elizabeth
San Francisco
a n d Bandon
At the old stand vacated by the
Model Grocery.
... 3.00
A toilet preparation o f m erit.
Helps to eradicate dandruff. J
F o r R e s to r in g C o lo r a n d
P o a u t y t o G r a y o r F a d e d Hair J
50c. and 81.00 at Hrugglsts.
E . & E . T . K ru se
24 California Street, San Francisco
. U N D E R G O R N S Removes Coras, Cal­
louses, e tc., stops a ll pain, ensures eom fort t o the
feet, makes walking easy. 15c. b y m all o r a t Drug»
gists. H iscox Chemical W orks, P a tch ogu * M. T .
For Reservation»
Agent, Coquille, Oregon
KATES: One cent a word, each in­
sertion. .No charge less than 15 cents’
can get rid of the hard­
est and mout disagree­
able part of the week’s
w o r k b y sending the
wash to us.
If it can be washed we
can do it.
$5.00 Reward
from the lobby o f the Scenic theater
U je Commercial Fertilizer for
tour gardens. I have Nitrate of
Notice to Creditors
Soda, Superphosphate. Land Plas
Notice is hereby given that the tin- ter and other Special Brands
. __ 1 dersigned by order o f the County Court O uii k
Awarded Gold Medal
P. P. I. E. San Francisco, 1915
The strongest and
w; ^ ,.%)g County_ Oregon, has
■Shoes made for Logger. ,
appo ^ e d exi rutrix o f the last will and
Miners, Sportsmen and \V ork“ rs.
testament and o f the estate o f Adam
deceased; and that all per­
Men’s Comfort Dress Shoes I Pershbaker,
sons having claims against said estate
are hereby required to present the
same duly verified and with the proper
Strong Shoes for Boy*
Manufactured by
Theodore Bergmann
Shoe Manufacturing Co.
1 t
J . Hi Cecil, who moved from
lu re to California some year9 ago
and is now located at Ventura and
who still keeps in touch with af-
h" -
theHerald. send,
quille. Coos county, Oregon, within six his liest wishes to ‘ the Herald and
T a t t i T m h d V ; » 0/
old Coo.
its citizens. ”
Executrix of the lart'wiH
G e'
° [ ,h " Se 6<?Uar! a' aIO\n-
621 Thurman St
Portland. Oregon
A»k for the Bergmann Waterproof mer.t nr.,1 ' thi - state of Adarr, Persh- ,,ra Berlin kellies with insert for
shoe Oil.
I baker, deceased.
N o A lum
3 - 20 - 5 t
double boiler, $ 1 . at Andersoo’s.
N o Phosphate
pubilc, to which railroad companies
must look for tbo capital necessary to
continue development.
"W e believe that the unification o f
regulation Is essential.” said Judge
Lovett, “ und that with the rapid la-
reuse o f state commissions In recent
years congress will in time be com­
pelled to exercise its power In the
premises. To unify regulation there
should he a complete, harmonious, con­
sistent and related system. We be­
lieve the best, if not tile only practical
plan. Is the federal Incorporation o f
railroads by general law. which will
make incorporation thereunder com­
pulsory, thus Imposing on all railroad
i ompanles throughout the United
States the same corporate powers aud
restrictions with respect to their finan­
cial operations and the same duties
and obligations to the public and the
government, so that every Investor will
know precisely what every railroad
corporation may and may not lawfully
Judge Lovett contended that the so
lution of these problems nnil difficul­
ties rested with congress. He told the
ommittee that under tbe constitution
the authority of the federal govern
ment Is paramount, that congress has
j - ho power to legislate for a centralized
control of railroads under federal ehar-
: ters and that it only remains for that
body to exercise that power
Fishing tackle of all kinds; all
i new stock, at Anderson’s
J H Stadden was here on his
regular visit Saturday.
Mrs. P . J. Rooney, of Marshfield,
spent the week-end with her bro
tbers here,
L . E . Starr w h o was em ployed
in the depot here for som e time but
w h o recen lly has been w ork in g in
Marshfield, left Saturday for V an ­
couver where he is to join his com­
pany, Company C of the U S. ieg-
tllar atm y.
21 00
3 00
2 50
Safety First
A telephone is the best safeguard in an
When minutes count the
telephone brings instant aid. You can
not be alone in a house with a telephone.
Write or phone for details.
Coos and Curry Telephone Co.
Yi>u Wouldn’t
cut grain with
a sickle —
Modern harvesting ma­
chinery is now considered
indispensable on the success­
ful farm.
Despite the widespread use of machinery by
farmers, there are still many who are not getting
the full benefit of electrical labor savers.
G-E motors will do most of the hand tasks and
in a fraction of the time.
G-E motors pay for themselves many times
over in convenience and labor saved.
Let us show you how to farm the “ electric way.”
G . A . Perkins, of North Bend,!
was visiting at the county toad-!
I ™ uds’ tae l* ,rro" 1“ ? O ,“ on«f u,ld *‘le
j Issuance of securities it relieves tbe master’s office Friday.
| railroad officers of the responsibility of
- - -4D - »
providing and developing transporta-
j tion systems, except within the limits S. A. Aasen Dies
o f the revenue that can be realized from
Cash wholesale prices on Flour
S H O E R E P A I R I N G — A ll kinds
of shoe repairing neatly done at Feed and H ay at Collier Ware-
reasonable p in es
Prolong the house
life ol y nr shi es.
C- 1 ’ ROCH
Schroeder Bros are engaged this
NOW Front s:reet.
to-u , tf
Buy o f you r v ,
D i - o m UL Ask for C IU .C IIL M .TE R ’S
alternoon setting up a new Butter
D IA M O N D ItR A N D I M lX # , for S5
years known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable
Kist popcorn machine which they
h v e ju st received
It was consid­
i I will pay Five Dollars reward for erably damaged in transit and two
| information that will lead to the arrest
. , ,
T h e C e le b r a t e d
| and conviction of the party who stole of the heavy plate glass doors were
the framed portrait o f Billie llurke broken.
Bergmann Shoe [
Made from Cream o f T artar, derived from grapes,
adds none but healthful qualities to the food.
‘Unification of Regulation la Eaaontial.”
A Complete, Harmonious, Coneis-ent
and Related Syatem Needed— Federal
Incorporation of Railroads by Gener­
al Law Favored.
T R A P P E R S —If you have Furs
W A N T E D —Work; will do house­
keeping, cooking or chamber lor sale let me make you a price tie
fore you ship.
Inquire at this offiie.
Geo T Moulton.
FO R S A L E — 160 acies ol timber—
The Ladies’ Bazaar has moved
1 .000.
000 feet ot red cedar and
1100 leet of fir.
Price 9 in'o
>c the room adjoining Lyons &
per thousand; located four miles Jones grocery, and the Farm ers’
¡rom river.
Address Ben L- Union store are remodeling the
Sm alley, A rago, Ore.
2-6 iotp room vacated by them and will
FO R S A L E — Wood lor sale, call m ve into it as soon as the alteta-
3 8 1 .
1 r 2 i-if
tions have been made.
Washington, March 2(1.—Responsibil­
ity for the railway development o f the
country, for providing necessary trans­
portation facilities to care for the grow­
ing business and population of the
Y ou can buy a good sack ol flour country, now rests largely with con-
for $2 per sack at Lyons & Jones. gross and not entirely with the rail
road managers. Tills was the state­
Diamond F Brand.
ment o f Judge Robert S. Lovett, cbulr-
Dr. G Earl Low ivas brought be- mau of the executive committee o f tbe
Union Pacific system, to the Newlands
i fore Recorder Lawrence this morn­ Joint
congressional committee when
ing, charged with exceeding the thut body resumed its inquiry Into
speed limit
Upon his explanation the subject of railroud regulation this
that he was going after his grip in
In making this statement of the
what he considered an emergency changed conditions of the rullroad sit­
uation Judge Lovett undoubtedly had
ease, he was dismissed.
In mind the decision of the supreme
Lyons & Jones carry Coos Bay, court on the Adamson law, handed
Holsutn and Tip Top Bread, arrives down last week, which establishes the
right of the federal government to fix
Iresh each day.
railroad wages aud to prevent strikes,
Mrs. Frank Black and daughters
This decision Is regarded by railroad
Thelma and Lois, of Marshfield, men and lawyers as marking an epoch
are spending the Easter vacation in in the development o f transportation
in the United States.
this city with Mrs B la c k 's brother
“ We have our share of responsibil­
and sister, J . P Beyers and Mrs. ity," suid Judge Lovett, “ hut It rests
1 primarily oil congress. When the gov­
Arthur Selatider.
ernment regulates the rates and the
Rawleigh Quality Products financial administration of the rail-
SEC O N D H A N D Furniture want­
Highest cash price paid for
all kinds ol second hand goods.
We buy, sell dr trade anything,
ll you want bargains call on us
uality; Lowest in Price
Il you have anything to sell or Highest in Q
exchange go to O C. Jeu sen’ s
Ask Your Neighbor
sec nit band store on Front street.
We carry all kinds ol second
Justice J . J. Stanley Saturday per-
hand furniture, stoves, tatiges,
blankets, quilts, tools, harness, formed a weddm 4 ceremony uniting
etc. Phone 793.
3-27 41
H arry McAdams and Miss Rose
W A N T E D — Second bend furni­ Frey, both of Powers. The groom
ture. Highest piices paid. Co is a native of Coquilie and the bride
qutlle Furniture Co.
is a teacher in the Powers school.
The Busy
B o o k le t o f re c ip e s w h ic h e c o n o m iz e in e g g s a n d oth e r
e x p e n s iv e in g r e d ie n ts, m a iled free.
A d d ress R oy a l
B a k in g P o w d e r C o., 135 W i ll ia m S treet, N e w Y o i-i.
The price is less but the goods field, will be at Baxter Hotel, Co
quille, on Wednesday, A pril lit b .
j are better.
Glasses fitted.
• « •
N . N. Neirnau, local M axwell
dealer, received six new cars yes­
Don’ t be afraid to try it.
terday. Geo. L afaw , the Marsh­
field M axwell man, came over with
We also have the famous Royal the shipment, accompanied by his
Club line ol canned goods, nothing wife
Mrs. Lalaw returned to her
better, and the prices right.
home last night
| te a sp o o n n u tm eg
1 te a s p o o n cin n a m o n
sa lt
2 cu p s flou r
5 t e a s p o o n s R o y a l B a k in g P ow d a r
% te a s p o o n
D IR E C T IO N S — P ut t h e first e ig h t in g r e d ie n ts in to s a u ce p a n a n d b oil
th re e m in u te s . W h e n co o l, a d d t h e flou r a n d b a k in g p o w d e r w h ic h h a v e been
sifted t o g e t h e r ; m ix w ell. B a k e in m o d e r a te o v e n in lo a f p a n (r o u n d tin w ith
h o ls in c e n t e r is b e s t) for 35 o r 40 m in u tes . Ice w it h w h it e ic in g .
Musi Share Responsibility In
Futura Oeveìopraent.
Mrs. Geo. Pike, daughter Mary,
Also a lull line of Crescent goods.
* • *
•uid son Howard, returned last
night from Corvallis, wbete Mary
I Everything in this line guaran and Howard have been attending
, teed, and your money back il it is the Oregon Agricultural college.
not what it i« represented to be.
H. M Shaw , M. D., eye, ear,
. . .
nose and throat specialist, ol Marsh­
Regular as the Clock
First-class fare 01 ...
Up freight, per ion
We are now at home again in the
' First N at’ l Bank bldg, next to
Lyons A Jones, where we will, be
pleased to see o u r frieuds and
customers whether they wish to
buy or not. The Ladies Bazaar, it
eggless , m ilk le ss , bu tterless c a k e
1 cu p b r o w n augnr
I5i cu p s w a t e r
1 cu p seeded ralaina
2 o u n c e s c it r o n
Vi «UP s h o r te n in g
The union tevival meetings
which b.; vl been in ptogtess at the
M. E Church South lor the past |
; two weeks will continue for another
j week at least.
(The Rexall Store)
The following charges cover work en cars driven into the shop:
Overhaul motor and transmission
Overhaul motor only ............................... _
Overhaul transmission only, or repair or replace magneto.............
Rebraze crank case arms or support or repair leak in case by
taking out the motor ........... ................................
Install or refit one piston or one conneding rod............
Install or refit two or more pistons or connecting rods....
Replace transmission bands or transmission cover gasket
Change motor....... .............................. ...................
Replace cam shaft or refit bearings
....... .
Replace cam gear -large
Repair cylinder front cover or replace old style
Remove starter and put on standard equipment
Grind valves aid clean carbon ............
Remove carbon only (this operation to lie used only when custo­
mer will not permit grinding of valves).................................
Repair cylinder head bolts stripped one or two
Repair cylinder head bolts stripped under dash
Clean out oil feed pipe
Replace cylinder head gasket .............................................................
Replace radiator or one or all three hose connections
Replace crank shaft starting pin, or pulley.........................
Tighten motor to fram e..... ...........................
Clean crank case or install gasket under lower cover
Replace carburetor or manifold - or repair leak in manifold
Install new butterfly spring
Overhaul carburetor
Repair leaky carburetor
Replace commutator wire loom and brush, each or both
Replace commutator pull rod joint
Replace or rebush fan pully assembly
Adjust clutchlflngers or trans. bands
Stop oil leak in valve doors
Install spring on foot pedals, each
Replace core plug, one or more
Install new starting crank handle
The old method (fruit cake) called for 2 sees
Diamond F Flour at $2 per sack.
I.) oris A Jones.
Marshal W av, who has been con­
fined to his home for a couple of
weeks by an attack of la grippe,
was down town for ¡be first time
Gardner & Larsen
The following recipe shows how an appetizing,
wholesome cake can be made without expensive
In many other recipes the number o f eggs may
be reduced one-half or more by uging an ad­
ditional quantity o f R O Y A L Baking Powder,
about a teaspoon, in place o f each egg omitted.
such lutes anil under such restrictions.
"F or a country such as ours, for a
peoplo situated as we are, to blunder
along with a series o f unrelated, Incon­
sistent, eon flic tin 7 ‘ -.tutes enacted by
different slat s wit bout relation to
each other, Instead of providing a com
plete and carefully studied and pre­
pared system o f regulation for a busi­
ness that Is so vital to the life o f the
nution. Is worse than folly."
He summed up the preseut problems
and difficulties of the railroads as fol­
First.—The multiplicity o f regula­
tions by the several states with respect
to the issue o f securities, involving de­
lays and conflicting stute policies gen-
erully dangerous and possibly disas­
Second.—The state regulation o f
rates In such a manner as to unduly
reduce revenues, to discriminate in fa­
vor o f localities and shippers within
Its own borders us against localities
and shippers In other states ami to dis­
turb and disarrange tbe structure of
Interstate rutes.
Third.—The Inability o f the Inter­
state Commerce Commission, whoever
the commissioners may be. to perform
tbe vast duties devolving upon It un­
der existing laws, resulting In delay—
which should never occur In commer­
cial matters—ami compelling the com
mlsstoners to accept the conclusions of
their employees us final ill deciding
matters o f great importance to the
commercial uml railroad Interests of
the country.
Fourth —The practi nl legality that
has been accorded conspira- les to tie
up anil suspend the operation o f the
railroads o f the country by strikes and
violence ami (he ul-sen e of any law
to comi-el the settlement o f such dis­
putes liy arbitration or otlipr Judicial
means, as all other Issues bet ween citi­
zens in civilized slates are to he set­
F lfth .-T h e phenomenal Increase In
the taxation o f railroads In recent
Sixth.-T h e cumulative effect of
these conditions upon the Investing
A fter Short Illness
Signwald Arnold Aasen, of this city,
died at the Mercy hospital at North
Bend, after a short illness, at the age
of 34 years. Sunday the funeral was
held here under the auspices os the lo­
cal Moose lodge and interment was
made in the Masonic cemetery.
The deceased was born at Hall’s
creek, Coos county, and has spent his
entire lifetime in this section of the
county. He is survived by his father
and mother and five brothers.
11-173 =
F o r th e M o n th
M l
$5.00 Reward
I will pay Five Dollars reward for
information that will lead to the arrest
and conviction of the party who robbed
the Scenic box office of a sum of money
mostly in nickels, on the evening of I
Febrnary 21 st.
P. C. LEVAR. j
Blanche Sweet
THE SMUGGLERS........................
Donald Bryan
April 26
.. 5....
April 28
April 12
April 14
$5.00 Reward
I will pay five dollars for informa­
tion that will lead to the arrest and
conviction of anyone wilfully injuring
or molesting the posters or lobby dis­
play of the Scenic theater.
April 19
April 21
..... 8.
Reid Sc Ridgley
Mae Murray
Hazel Dawn
Marie Doro
Rita Jolivet
Mary Pickford
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given that the un­
dersigned has filed his final account in
the matter of the administration of the
estate of Darius G. Neal, deceased, and
that the County Court for Coos
County, Oregon, has set Wednesday,
the 11 th day of April 1917 as the day,
and the County Court Room in the
County Courthouse in tbe City of Co­
quille, Coos County, Oregon, as the
place for hearing objections to said final
account and the settlement of said es­
Dated this 7 th dsy of March,
a t th e
1917 .
Administrator with the will annexed
of the estate of Darius G. Neal, De­
3-13 5t
G e t th e W a n t A d H a b it